Lower Omo Trip

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Hawassa University

College of Business and Economics

School of Hotel and Tourism Management

Program of Hospitality Management

Assignment on Trip to Southern Omo Tribes

Prepared by:

Abdi Workineh…………………………………ID. GPHosMR/0001/12

Ashu Dalfe ……………………………………...ID. GPHosMR/0002/12

Submitted To: Mr. Engdu G/wold (Ass. professor)

January, 2019

Hawassa, Ethiopia
Six (6) days trip to southern parts and lower Omo valley
Tour code:

Trip start date: December 27, 2019

Trip end date: January 1, 2019

Number of pax: 2

Duration (days and nights): 6 days and 7 nights

Mode of transport: surface transport

General description about the tour

The Lower Omo Valley is a spectacularly beautiful area with diverse ecosystems
including grasslands, volcanic outcrops, and one of the few remaining ‘pristine’ riverine
forests in semi-arid Africa which supports a wide variety of wildlife. The trip will be
started from one of the cities located in southern nations, nationalities and peoples region,
Gamo Gofa zone which is formerly called Ganta Garo but now Arbaminch.

Amusing destinations have been included in this round trip. Those destinations are
Arbaminch and surrounding attractions (dorze village, nechisar national park), konso
natural and cultural landscape (New York City), Jinka and surrounding areas (Hamer,
Mursi, and Mago national park), Adjora falls of wolaita soddo and Tiya of Ghurage zone
around Butajira which is one of the coldest town. There are also activities related to each
of above destinations.

Those activities range from drinking of locally produced drinking in dorze village and
associated dance with local kids to dance of Hamers, visiting of amusing land features of
konso to bridge of God of Arbaminch, cultural features of Mursi and Hamer peoples,
archaeological site of Tiya. Quest tour Ethiopia designed this tour program to those most
incredible areas.

1. Detail travel platform

Hosting of travelers at Arbaminch

Our travelers arrives from Addis Ababa on Thursday, December 26, 2019 at 05:30am.
They will be hosted and overnight is at paradise lodge Arbaminch.

Day one (Friday, December 27, 2019)

Visiting of attraction around Arbaminch

Morning after having breakfast at paradise lodge of Arbaminch at 08:00pm to 09:00pm,

the journey starts at 09:30pm to Nechisar national park. Nechisar national park which
encompasses area of 514 sq.km includes beautiful land features like “bridge of god”, an
isthmus between Lake Abaya and Lake Chamo, wide variety of wild animals and oldest
trees, forty springs from which the city got its name. Visiting of this park takes one hour.
The next activity is Boating on chamo lake and visiting crocodiles in the lake. We selected
this activity since our travelers are couples and don’t want adventure activities like
travelling long distances on foot. This visit will be for one half hour.

Lunch at paradise lodge with in 12:30pm to 01:30pm time range and one hour rest will
be given.

Afternoon driving to Dorze village. Dorze village is collection of traditionally built

houses located about 26 km away of Arbaminch. Dorze peoples inhabited Gamo Gofa
zone. Weaving is a primary profession for a number of Dorze. Local drinking called Tej
is tasty that is prepared from honey. This journey will be started at 02:00am from
Arbaminch. It is one hour drive from Arbaminch. Then visit of Dorzes houses and the
oldest Orthodox Church takes place. The last amusing activity planned is dancing with
Dorze teenagers and drinking Tej that make the day more beautiful together with
preparation of traditional food from Enset.

Overnight is at Dorze lodge located on the top of the hill and provide advantage of good
view to surrounding area and Lake Abaya.

Day two (Saturday, December 28, 2019)

Travel from Dorze village to konso

On this day we travel 112km from Dorze village to konso. It takes 2 hours and forty
minutes by car. We start the trip at 08:00pm and get there at 10:40pm. In konso there is
one attraction called New York City named as it looks like buildings in New York City of
America. Along with cultural terracing it gives good view for everyone and show
hardworking of the local peoples around konso. It is 7km drive from the center and takes
15 minutes. Before driving to this area there is 20 minutes rest for travelers. Then the
journey starts at 11:00pm and after one hour visit of the attraction we go back to konso at

Lunch is at konso Edget hotel which is located roundabout of city center from 12:30am
to 01:30am. After thirty minute rest the journey will be started to Turmi. Turmi is located
between konso and Jinka. It is 186km from konso which is 3 hours and 10 minutes’ drive.
The unique activity of the day is visiting and dancing with Evangadis which is at night
and tied with light moon that is special for couples. Bull jumping is also another special
activity by which the male run back and jump over bulls. If he did bull jumping well
without failing on each bull then he will marry the women. As our travelers are couples
it will create special moment for them. Dinner and overnight at Turmi paradise lodge.

Day three (Sunday, December 29, 2019)

After having breakfast at 07:30pm from Turmi paradise lodge, the journey will be started
to Jinka town by 08:00pm. It is 118km long away from Turmi that take 2 hours and 15
minutes’ drive by car. Arrival at Jinka town by 10:15pm. Lunch at Jinka resort at 11:30pm.
Afternoon visit of mago and omo national park. Those parks are one of the national parks
in Ethiopia that are known by several beautiful bird species. They sound like music

instrument. Those parks consist also several wildlife species. Everyone can get refreshed
by hearing them whispering from their home. Overnight at Jinka resort.

Day four (Monday, December 30, 2019)

Drive from Jinka to Sawla.

Morning, Breakfast is at jinka resort. After that drive to sawla town from jinka town at
08:00pm. sawla town is one of the towns in Gamo Gofa zone which found between Jinka
and sodo. It is 138km away from jinka which is 2 hours and 20 minutes’ drive. The reason
of stopping there is to have lunch and lavago for travelers. The travelers will have 30
minutes rest that is from 10:20pm to 10:50pm.

Afternoon, lunch at protocol pension from 11:00pm to 12:00pm. Protocol pension is very
beautiful and have mango and papaya trees within the compound making the area cold.
The journey starts from sawla at 12:00pm to maze national park which is 41km away and
one hour and ten minutes’ drive. Maze national park is special as it consists of
endangered Swayne's hartebeest and native to Ethiopia. This visit takes 40 minutes
which is 01:10am to 02:00am. Then drive from maze national park to sodo which is 103km
away from the park and takes 2 hours and forty five minutes. Arrive at sodo after long
journey by 04:45am. Dinner and overnight at Lewi resort wolayita sodo.

Day five (Tuesday, December 31, 2019)

Travel from sodo to Tiya archeological site

Breakfast Lewi resort at 07:00pm to 07:30pm. Drive from sodo to Tiya by 08:00pm which
is 231km far away from the city and take 4 hours from the city. Stopover is at butajira
which is 182km from sodo and 3 hours and ten minutes’ drive by car through fastest route
via Alaba Kulito. Rest for 30 miutes and then lunch at Butajira Bright Hotel from 11:00pm
to 12:30pm.

Afternoon, drive from butajira to Tiya world heritage site at 01:00am. Tiya is among the
most important of the roughly 160 archaeological sites discovered so far in the Soddo

region, south of Addis Ababa. The site contains 36 monuments, including 32 carved stelae
covered with symbols, most of which are difficult to decipher. They are the remains of an
ancient Ethiopian culture whose age has not yet been precisely determined. It takes 50km
that is 55km drive by car. Rest for 30 minutes. Visiting the site takes one hour which is
between 02:30am and 03:30am.

Drive to Hossaena town which is 145km away from the site and takes 2 hours and 37
minutes. Arrive at Hossaena by 06:10am. Dinner and overnight at Lemma international

Day six (Wednesday, January 1, 2019)

Drive from Hossaena to Arbaminch

Breakfast lemma international hotel. Drive from hosaena to Areka at 08:00pm which is
70km long away and takes one hour and twenty minutes by car. There is one wonderful
attraction called Ajora falls to be visited near Areka. Ajora Falls are twin waterfalls
located some 16km (10mi) west of the main Addis-Arba Minch highway, northwest of
Sodo. The turn-off from the highway onto a dirt road leading to Ajora Falls lie about 7km
(4mi) north of the small town of Areka in Wolaita, southern Ethiopia. The two waterfalls
are formed by rivers Soke and Ajecha to the north and south, respectively. The tour takes
30 minutes and after that turn back to the main road and continue driving to sodo town.
Rest for lavajo and lunch at sodo town from 11:00pm to 01:00am. Lunch is at lewi resort
wolayita sodo.

Afternoon, travel from sodo to Arba minch which is 122km and takes two hours’ drive
by car. Arrive at Arba minch by 03:00am. After taking rest for one hour, the travelers
make city tour by themselves. At any time if there is difficulty they can call to our guides
and be assisted. There is a farewell program prepared by our organization at paradise
lodge. This program consists of dinner and feedback about the trip from travelers.
Overnight at paradise lodge Arbaminch.

The travelers depart from Arba minch to Addis Ababa by January 2, 2019 morning.

2. Justification

Attraction, accommodation, and transportation in above itinerary are used by reason. We

Selected hotels, attractions, and mode of transports that makes the program more easy
and comfortable for travelers. Let’s see them in detail;

Day one


Nechisar national park: this park is selected as it is accessible (nearest to the city and
road availability), it also includes variety of wild life, forty springs from which the city
gained its name, have good aesthetic value.

Dorze village: we selected this destination as it gives special moment for travelers by
participating in local food preparation from Enset and the destination can be best expose
the surrounding local community culture.


Paradise lodge: is selected because it enables travelers to see view of Nechisar national
park and bridge of god from the top of the hill.

Dorze lodge: is the only lodge near the village and have favourable condition for couples
to refresh. It best describes the local culture as it is designed and built from local materials.

Day two


Konso cultural landscape and terracing: is selected as it’s easily accessible, shows local
people’s hard working habit, beautiful and attractive, and finally to let travelers try new
drinking native to konso called cheka which is made up of maize and tasty.

Hamers Evangadi: this is special attraction and activity that selected as it’s tied with
couple’s life. Bull jumping and engagement of male and female there creates good sense
(as our travelers are couples).


Edget hotel: it lies on the main road. As the travel is to Turmi, it is in good position to
have a lunch there and exit with minimum time wastage. It gives also high quality food
and beverage for travelers with parking service.

Turmi paradise lodge: is located in good location with strong security. Provide high
quality of services to travelers.

Day three
Mago and omo national parks: they have various wildlife and bird species with beautiful
sound they create.


Jinka resort: suitable with relatively good view of the city. Friendly staffs and good
quality service provision.

Day four
Maze national park: it is located on the way. It can be visited without making travelers
felt tire.


Protocol pension: have shadow of fruits like mango and papaya making the compound
beautiful and wet in that very hot areas.

Lewi resort of sodo: have known brand name and it delivers quality of services.

Day five


Tiya: it is the only archaeological site of the route and makes the trip diverse. It also
enables travelers to know historical background of the area.


Butajira bright hotel: the hotel delivers tastier Kitfo than others. It is at good position

Day six

Ajora falls: it is attractive attraction not well known. Our intention is to promote the
destination. Seeing the water falling by two sides from long distance give high

3. Tour Cost

Cost Summary of Components of Package Tour

 Car Rental

Land cruiser 2 Pax $100day (contract)

Total cost of transportation is ($100*6) =$600 for all days.

 Guide Fee and entrance fee

Nechisar national park

Guide fee…………………$20

Entrance fee…………..…..$5

Dorze village

Guide fee…………………..$10 (local guides)


Guide fee………………… $20 (experienced guide with good language skill)

Mago and omo national park

Guide fee………………………………..$30 (vast territory)

Entrance fee……………………………. $5 for each

Maze national park

Guide fee………………………………$15

Entrance fee………………….…………$5


Guide fee………………………………$15

Entrance fee………………….…………$5

Ajora falls

Guide fee…………………………….…$10

Total cost of entrance and guide fee = $140

Clue: here the price we pay for tour guides varies because their experience also differs.
Some of them are professionals and deliver high standard guiding service while others
are locals and even have no awareness about professional tour guides ethics. Attractions
with no entrance fee are those who formulated policy to attract visitors to promote the
place by avoiding payment.

Hotel and accommodation

Day Items Hotel Place Price Remarks

Night one Dinner Paradise lodge Arbaminch 13

Room Paradise lodge Arbaminch 55 Breakfast


Day one Lunch Paradise lodge Arbaminch 10

dinner Dorze lodge Dorze village 8

Room Dorze lodge Dorze village 45 Breakfast

Day two Lunch Edget hotel Konso 9

dinner Turmi paradise Turmi 11


Room Turmi paradise Turmi 55 Breakfast

lodge included
Day three Lunch Jinka resort Jinka 8

Dinner Jinka resort Jinka 9

Room Jinka resort Jinka 35 Breakfast


Day four Lunch Protocol pension Sawla 7

Dinner Lewi resort Sodo 10

Room Lewi resort Sodo 48 Breakfast


Day five Lunch Bright hotel Butajira 9

Dinner Lemma Hosaena 10
international hotel

Room Lemma Hosaena 50 Breakfast

international hotel included

Day six Lunch Lewi resort Sodo 10

Dinner Paradise lodge Arbaminch 12

Room Paradise lodge Arbaminch 45 Breakfast

Total 459

Total package cost

Total package cost is sum of all included components cost. By this computation:

TC= guidance and entrance fee + transportation cost + accommodation cost

TC = $140 + $600 + $459

TC = $1199

Total package price

We add 25% mark up on the package cost. This means;

25%*TC + TC

25% * $1199 + $1199

$299.75 + $1199

Total Price of Package = $1498.75

Net profit of the organization

Net profit = total tour price -total package cost

Net profit = $1498.75 - $1199

Net profit = $299.75


John pastorelli - Enriching the experience: an interpretive approach to tour guiding,

hospitality press, Pearson education Australia, 2003.


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