1) ME - Jan 2015 - EII

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3" Batch Mechanical K L UNIVERSITY Pre—Ph.D., EXAMINATIONS ~ JANUARY 2015 PAPER -IL NANO SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 100 Answer any five of the following: 5% 20M 1, (a) What are Nano materials? Explain different types of Nano materials. (b) What are the Importance of Nano science and Technology and give some applications? 2. (a) Explain the Nano particles through homogenous nucleation. (b) Explain preparation of silver metal nano particles by using Physical Vapour Synthesis method with neat sketch. 3. (a) Explain in detail, the synthesis of Nano particles using aerosol technique. (b) How Nano materials are prepared by spontaneous growth technique? 4. (a) Explain the fundamentals of film growth. (b) Explain the Electrical measurements of Nano composite materials by using four probe methods. 5. (a) Explain the properties and preparation of CNTs - Laser by using Are method. (b) What are applications of Nano Technology in drug delivery system? 6. (a) Explain the synthesis of Nano particles using Aerosol method. (b) Give the applications of carbon Nano tubes in engineering. 7. (a) Explain the characterization of Nano materials by using XRD, DSC. (b) Explain the fabrication of Nano materials using Bottom - up approach. 8. Briefly explain the following: (a) Explain the Nano wires and Nano rods. (b) Give a note on SEM, TEM. 3” Bateh Mechanical KL UNIVERSITY Pre — Ph.D., EXAMINATIONS — JANUARY 2015 PAPER - II COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 100 Answer any five of the following: 520M 1. How the stability criteria do controls the solutions for the simple explicit scheme? Explain the salient points of stability condition. 2. Consider a steady state heat conduction in a slab of thickness “L’ in which the energy is generated at a constant rate of Q Wim’. The boundary surface at x = 0 is maintained at constant heat flux q W/m, the boundary condition at the other surface at x = L is by convection *h’ and ambient temperature is T a. Divide the slab into four divisions and formulate the finite difference equation. Solve if L = 0.01m, q = 8000 Win’. Q=7.2 * 107; K= 18 wim’ K; h = 200w /m° K; Ta = 100° C & Ty = 200°C. 3. Discuss the properties of Discretization schemes and explain upwind Discreti applied of FVM. 4. Derive momentum equation assuming the flow model of an infinitesimally small fluid element moving with the flow. 5. Explain with an example how grid transformation can be used to convert a non- uniform physical domain to uniform computational domain. Discuss the transformation process for Prandtl Meyer expansion wave flow field solution. 6. Consider steady 1-D convection diffusion equation of a property @. d/ dx (pug) = d/dx {Td @ / dx}. Using control volume approach discretize the above equation and obtain the neighboring coefficients by: (a) Central difference scheme. (b) Upwind difference scheme. 7. Obtain the 2 - D compressible continuity equation in transformed coordinates for transformation (=x .1)= In (y + 1). 8. (a) prove that vortecity vector is a curl of velocity vector. (b) Discuss k - € model of turbulence flow modeling. 3" Batch Mechanical K L UNIVERSITY Pre ~ Ph.D., EXAMINATIONS — JANUARY 2015, PAPER - III SOLID STATE IONICS ‘Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 100 Answer any five of the following: 520M 1. (a) Explain the classification of solids with examples. (b) Describe the cubic erystal structure by X - ray powder diffraction technique. 2. (a) What are the fast ion conductors? (b) Write note on Blends. 3. Deseribe the structure, mechanical and optical properties of nanomaterials. iscuss the synthesis and development of solid electrolyte membranes. ‘5S. Explain the fabrication and working principles of electrochemical cell and sensors. 6. Discuss the theory, instrumentation and structural property by scanning electron ieroscopy. 7. (a) Discuss the IR Spectroscopy for analysis of solids. (b) Describe the working principles and instrumentation of TGA. 8. Write note on any three of the following: (a) Dsc. (b) Sol - Gel method. (©) Chemical oxidative polymerization method. (4) Material processing techniques. K L UNIVERSITY Pre ~ Ph.D., EXAMINATIONS ~ JANUARY 2015 PAPER - IL COMPUTER INTEGRATED MANUFACTURING Time: 3 hours Answer any five of the following: 1. Discuss the Benefits of: (a) CAPP. (>) MRP. 2. (a) Explain the Functions of a supervisory computer. (b) Discuss JIT manufacturing. 3. (a) Discuss the advantages of rapid prototyping. (b) Explain Master production schedule. 4. (a) Write a note on Computer aided quality control (b) Explain the advantages of Computer aided testing. 5. (a) Discuss the coding systems, (b) Explain the objectives of Group Technologies. 6. Discuss briefly about the following: (a) Manual approaches. (b) Variant approaches. 7. Explain the following: (a) Shop - floor control. (b) Quality assurance. 8. (a) Explain Product cycle with a block diagram. (b) Explain the following process planning systems: DCLASS, CMP. tee 6" Batch ME Max. Marks: 100 5*20M 6" Batch Mechanical KL UNIVERSITY Pre ~ Ph.D., EXAMINATIONS ~ JANUARY 2015, PAPER - IL ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS AND THEIR SELECTION Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 100 Answer any five of the following: 520M 1. (@) Explain the applications of advanced materials. (b) List four important properties required for an exhaust value of an intemal combustion engine. Define the plot — path to be used for each property to find the satisfaction index of a material in use. 2. (a) Explain the properties and applications of Wrought Aluminum. (b) Explain the properties, selection and applications of copper alloy casting. 3. (@) Explain the properties, selection and applications of Zine and Tin. (b) Briefly discuss the Shape Memory Alloys (SMAs) Smart Materials. 4. (a) Explain the properties of plastics and polymeric materials. (b) Explain the Linear Polymers and Condensation Polymers. 5. Explain the product fabrication, applications, drawbacks, special features and processing of Metal matrix composites. 6. (a) Explain the properties and application of Iron aluminides. (b) Explain the properties and application of Beryllides and Silicides. 7. Explain the properties, selection and Engineering Application of Cobalt based Super Alloys. 8. (a) Explain the Oxide surfaces in ceramics. (b) Explain ceramic forming and metal ceramic interface. 6* Batch Mechanical KL UNIVERSITY Pre ~ Ph.D., EXAMINATIONS - JANUARY 2015 PAPER - I FINITE ELEMENT METHOD Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 100 Answer any five of the following: $*20M steel rod of diameter D = 2cm, length L = 25cm and thermal conductivity S0W mC" is exposed to ambient air at Te = 20°C with a heat - transfer coefficient B = 64 Wm C"!. Given that the left end of the rod is maintained at 2 temperature of Ty = 120° C and the other end is exposed to the ambient temperature, determine temperature distribution in the rod using a two — parameter Rayleigh - Riz approximation with polynomial approximation functions. The equation governing the problem is given by 23 c8-0 fr O

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