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Schedule Matrix Guide

This tool is intended to be used by IEP and behavioral planning teams to assist in goal development and identification of necessary supports and strategies.

Expectations & Current Level of Skills Current Supports, Potential Goals &
Student Schedule
Instructional Outcomes (Compared to Peers) Strategies & EBPs Strategies Needed

In this column, list the In this column, identify the In this column, identify the List in this column, all the In this column, based on
student’s daily schedule expectations & instructional student’s performance, supports, strategies, and/or information in the previous
including all primary outcomes during this part of compared to peers, in this supplementary aides and columns, list potential goal
activities, courses / classes the schedule. Expectations part of the schedule. services currently in place to areas (areas of need) and
and/or transitions. and instructional outcomes support the student. These additional strategies needed
include: Include the following: include but are not limited to: for the student to
independently make adequate
● Independence Skills ● Independent Skills ● Visual / Organizational progress in all areas.
● Social Interaction Skills ● Social Interaction Skills Supports / Strategies
● Communication Skills ● Communication Skills ● Peer to Peer Supports
● Behavioral Skills ● Engagement Skills ● Functional
● Academic Skills including task initiation, Communication System
including task initiation, participation, and task ● Positive Behavioral
engagement, & output completion (output) Interventions & Supports
● Challenging Behaviors ● Evidence-Based
For example, during Practices
“arrival,” the instructional Deficits in these areas will be ● Accommodations /
outcomes may include targeted for intervention and Modifications
independently taking off should be included in the last ● Behavioral Response
outerwear, getting materials column. Plan / Crisis Plan
ready, taking a seat, and ● Adult (Paraprofessional /
completing morning work. TA Support)

Include in this section any

specific IEP goals targeted
during a particular time in the

START Sept 2013

Schedule Matrix

This tool is intended to be used by IEP and behavioral planning teams to assist in goal development and identification of necessary supports and strategies.

Student Name: FaithcvcvNicholas District / Building: Hudson Lincoln Elementary Classroom: Emily Mansfield
1/29/2021 Team: Emily Mansfield, Teacher, Sally Vermilya, Speech Therapist, Katelyn cvcv
VanWyck, SE teacher, Natalie Shalda, student intern, cvcv
Susan Wilson, school social worker, Christy Walworth, parapro, Kerri Jent, principal

Expectations & Current Level of Skills Current Supports, Potential Goals &
Student Schedule
Instructional Outcomes (Compared to Peers) Strategies & EBPs Strategies Needed
● Can independently arrive
and get personal items in
her cubby, get her own
● Independence skill-
breakfast and morning
remove outer wear, place
work. She needs ● Peer to Peer
in cubby, take care of
reminders to get her ● Visual organization,
homework folder, make
7:40-8:00-Arrival and folder out and make her checklist, task strips
lunch choice, grab ● Adult Paraprofessional
breakfast lunch choice. ● Social stories
breakfast and open/eat
● She needs reminders to ● Teach how to eat
not get a second particular things
● Independently clean up
breakfast and to clean up
and take care of trash
her table spot when
finished. Ritualistic with
● Independence and
● Needs adult support to
Academic skill- grab
complete morning work.
morning work paper and
8:00-8:15- Morning Work ● Doesn’t always get to ● Adult Paraprofessional ●
initiate work, remain
morning work because
engaged and complete
she is still eating
● Needs adult support to
● Social Interaction, sit still and stay focused
Behavioral and and on task. No
● Adult Paraprofessional
Communication Skills- participation unless ● Peer to Peer
near but not within
8:15-8:30- Morning Meeting interact in daily asked a question. ● Aide to not sit on the
physical contact (not on
questions and answers, ● Sits on carpet with her carpet
share ideas, remain ● Watches other students
seated and engaged not following
8:30-9:30- Math ● Behavioral, ● Needs adult support to ● Adult Paraprofessional ●

START Sept 2013
remain engaged and to
complete tasks.
● Plays with supply box,
Independence and picks paper off crayons,
Academic Skill- plays with bracelets, if it
remained seated and gets wet or doesn’t fit
● Accommodations and
engaged, follow along she fusses with things
with math lesson and frustratedly, shakes, balls
● Visual/Organizational
initiate and engage in fists, may swear under
work to show breath (demon, etc.)
appropriate level of (remorseful)
output ● mad if pencil dulls,
needs to sharpen to
point, erases lines if not
● Academic and ● Needs adult to remain on
Behavioral Skills, Social task and complete work
● Adult Paraprofessional
Interaction, and ● Faith wanted a particular
Independence- c
student to help her rather
● Modifications/Accommo
9:30-10:50- Daily engagement in whole than adult to help her
● teacher modify work that ●
Five/Language Arts group activity, initiation
both girls could be
and output during work
successful with
time, interaction with

peers during instruction
questions and answers

● Independence skill- ● Independently completes

10:50-11:00- Wash for Lunch ● Adult Paraprofessional ●
initiate washing of hands task

● Independently completes
● Independence Skill- task
11:05-11:45- Lunch and
open milk and other ● Needs support/reminders ● None ●
items for Self care/cleaning up
after lunch
● Behavioral skill-
11:45-12:00- Read Aloud remained seated and ● ● None ●
12:00-12:25- ● Struggles to complete
● Adult Support
(Speech)Writers Workshop ● Independence skill task without adult ●
● Visual Support
Lesson support

START Sept 2013
● Independence Skill-
● Struggles to remain
12:25-1:15- Specials initiate and complete ● None ●
focus and on task
assigned work
Academic and
writing with
● Independence and
single topic
engagement skill ● Adult Paraprofessional
1:15-1:30- Writing focus, ●
● Task completion ● Visual Organization
● Challenging behaviors
writing letters
to the sounds in

1:30-2:00- Resource Room Academic Skill ● ● ●

Academic and
Independent skill- ● Engagement and
1:45-2:35- Science/Social
remain engaged in lesson independence skill ● Adult Paraprofessional ●
and independently ● Task completion
complete assigned work
Independence Skill-
clean table area and
independently pack
● Task completion
folder with papers from
● Struggles to follow the
cubby. Place folder in
necessary steps to get
2:35-2:45- Clean up and Pack backpack and make sure
herself ready to go ● Adult Paraprofessional ● Visual Organization
up/Dismissal all needed materials are
home. Can get her coat
in backpack to take
and backpack but forgets
home. Put on coat and
her folder
backpack and wait by
chair to be released for

START Sept 2013

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