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We will all _(1)_ from home by the end of the next century.
1. a) have been working c) be working
b) have worked d) be worked

I imagine I‗ll _(2)_ my first child by the time I‘m thirty.

2. a) have had c) have
b) be having d) have been having

By this time next week, I ‗ll _(3)_ five exams.

3. a) be taking c) have been taken
b) take d) have taken

Things are very busy at work at the moment, so I will probably _(4)_ to do overtime some time over the
next week or so.

4. a) be asked c) be asking
b) have asked d) have been asking

It _(5a)_ until 1500 BC that the first hollow glass container _(5b)_ by covering a sand core with a layer
of molten glass.
5. a) wasn‘t ... was made c) wouldn‘t be ... had been made
b) hadn‘t been ... made d) wasn‘t ... being made

Some magnetic fields _(6)_ by electric currents produced from the flux of the fluid center of the

6. a) originate c) originated
b) will originate d) are originated

The additives sodium nitrite and sodium nitrate are two closely related chemicals that _(7)_ for
centuries to preserve meat.
7. a) are used c) have been used
b) were being used d) had been using

Now that he _(8a)_ driving to work, he doesn‘t get as much exercise as he _(8b)_.

8. a) will start ... got used to c) has started ... used to

b) is to start ... was used to d) starts ... didn‘t use to

Many of the social changes of the 20th century _(9)_ in the changes of fashion.

9. a) reflected c) are reflected

b) have reflected d) being reflected

The building was really ugly; it _(10)_ built very cheaply.

10. a) couldn‘t have been c) wouldn‘t have been

b) had been d) would be

We had expected that they _(11)_ some warm clothes, considering the climate.
11. a) brought c) bring
b) had brought d) would bring

We _(12)_ the fabric of the jacket when the shop assistant accused us of theft.
12. a) just felt c) were just feeling
b) could just feel d) might just have felt

He _(13a)_ that the show _(13b)_ spectacular, but he was sadly disappointed.
13. a) had thought ... was c) was thinking ... had been
b) thought ... would have been d) had thought ... would be

Hardly _(14)_ my apartment when I heard the telephone ring.

14. a) had I left c) would I leave
b) was I leaving d) was I going to leave

Not until it _(15)_ too late did I remember that it was Sarah's birthday.

15. a) had been c) would have been

b) would be d) was

It is said that fashion _(16)_ itself every thirty or forty years.

16. a) is repeated c) repeats

b) repeated d) repeating

The economic well-being of many people in developing countries _(17)_ on the support and help that
charities provide.
17. a) depending c) depends
b) depend d) have depended

Now that he _(18)_ full-time, he is able to spend more time with his children.
18. a) hasn‘t worked c) didn‘t work
b) isn‘t working d) wouldn‘t work

By the time we get home, we _(19)_ most of the tourist spots in London.
19. a) will be seeing c) are going to see
b) will see d) will have seen

It has been widely recognized that stress in the workplace _(20)_ to dangerous levels.

20. a) increasing c) is increasing

b) had increased d) will have increased

To many scientists, it‘s impossible that one day we _(21)_ on other planets.
21. a) will live c) are to live
b) would live d) live

I don‘t believe that computers _(22)_ developed to be more intelligent than humans.

22. a) had never been c) won‘t ever be

b) have never been d) will ever be

In twenty years‘ time, most people will _(23)_ their TV as their computer monitor.
23. a) have been using c) be using
b) have used d) be used

The quality of life for most people in the future will _(24)_ by the quality of cities.
24. a) be determined c) be determining
b) have determined d) have been determining

Did you know that my brother got _(25)_ from his car the other day?
25. a) his radio was stolen c) to steal his radio
b) his radio stolen d) stolen his radio

When I arrived home last night, I discovered that Jane _(26)_ a beautiful candle-lit dinner.
26. a) had been prepared c) preparing
b) had prepared d) prepared

The park was built in the same year when the company _(27)_.

27. a) has started c) was started

b) had been started d) had started

Everyone in the office complains that he _(28)_ awful but nobody dares to actually mention it to him.
28. a) is smelling c) smelled
b) has always been smelling d) smells

I think it's an interesting fact that she _(29)_ from Estonia.

29. a) come c) comes
b) to come d) coming

Kaplitt, a Parkinson's researcher at the Weill Medical College of Cornell University in New York, says the
gene therapy trial will start late this year and involve patients who _(30)_ all the standard means of
30. a) exhaust c) have exhausted
b) are exhausted d) are exhausting

When Melanie came into the office yesterday, her eyes were red and watery. I think she _(31)_.

31. a) had cried c) had been crying

b) has been crying d) cried

By the time we get to Chicago this evening, we _(32)_ more than four hundred miles. We are going to be
32. a) are going to drive c) will be driving
b) will have driven d) are driving

I _(33)_ many pictures of the pyramids before I went to Egypt. Pictures of the monuments are very
misleading. The pyramids are actually quite small.
33. a) have seen c) have been seeing
b) had seen d) see

Margie just called and said she would be here at 8:00 o'clock. By the time she gets here, we _(34)_ for
her for two hours.
34. a) had been waiting c) will wait
b) will have been waiting d) are waiting

Frank just changed jobs again. If he keeps this up, he _(35)_ jobs at least four times by the end of the
35. a) will have changed c) will change
b) will have been changed d) will be changing

Frida Kahlo, Mexico‘s best-known woman painter, _(36a)_ polio at the age of six and _(36a)_ to her bed
for nine months.

36. a) got…was confined c) was getting…being confined

b) would get…confined d) got…had been confined

In October, my grandmother and grandfather _(37)_ for fifty years.

37. a) will be marrying c) are married

b) will have been married d) have been married

The president of the company will _(38)_ on Channel 5 on Friday, August 4th in order to respond to the
charges brought up against him recently.

38. a) be appearing c) have appeared

b) have been appearing d) appear to be

The police _(39)_ charges against her because they couldn't find any evidence.
39. a) had had to drop c) had been dropping
b) had to drop d) have to be dropped

The dog picked up a rabbit that _(40)_.

40. a) was being shot c) had been shot
b) is shot d) has been shot

They demanded a huge ransom for the return of the little girl whom they _(41)_.
41. a) kidnapped c) had kidnapped
b) had been kidnapped d) were kidnapped

An Austrian monk, Gregor Mendel, developed the fundamental principles that _(42)_ the modern science
of genetics.
42. a) would become c) will have become
b) had become d) was becoming

The social role of artists _(43)_ over time.

43. a) has changed c) changing

b) change d) have been changing

The key witness for the prosecution _(44)_ police protection after she received death threats.
44. a) had been offered c) offered
b) was offered d) did offer

At the trial, his teacher, who was called as a witness, said he was a quiet boy who _(45)_ in trouble

45. a) never was c) was never

b) had never been d) has never been

Is there any scientific evidence that a person's character _(46)_ in their handwriting?
46. a) is reflected c) will reflect
b) is reflecting d) reflects

"Wait until it is night before saying that it _(47)_ a fine day." - French Proverb
47. a) had been c) is
b) has been d) would be

Two arrests _(48)_, but the men were later released without charge.

48. a) are being made c) were made

b) are made d) have been made

Latin continued to influence English and other languages many years after it _(49)_ .

49. a) had no longer spoken c) was no longer spoken

b) not being spoken any longer d) no longer being spoken

I don‘t think I could produce a meal out of what _(50)_ in the fridge.

50. a) has left c) had been left

b) is left d) had left

By the 1900s, hunters _(51)_ most of Africa's vast herds of elephants.

51. a) had systematically destroyed c) were systematically destroyed
b) systematically destroyed d) have had systematically destroyed

Brinkworth _(52)_ in Saturday's match owing to a knee injury.

52. a) won‘t be playing c) hadn‘t been playing
b) won‘t have played d) wasn‘t played

We were walking along the bottom of the cliffs when we _(53)_ off by the incoming tide.
53. a) were being cut c) got cut
b) getting cut d) been cut

She was chasing after a man who _(54)_ her bag.

54. a) had snatched c) snatching

b) was snatched d) was snatching

I'd appreciate it if you could let me know in advance whether or not you _(55)_.
55. a) will or won‘t come c) going to come
b) will be coming d) will have come

Colonial settlers _(56)_ their own culture and religion on the countries that they conquered.
56. a) imposed c) imposing
b) had imposed d) impose

Astronomers _(57)_ that before galaxies, stars or planets, exotic snowflakes fluttered through the
universe in the first and extremely dark cosmic winter.
57. a) are theorized c) theorizing
b) theorize d) were theorized

Hydrogen, the simplest and most abundant element, _(58)_ at temperatures near absolute zero.
58. a) is freezing c) will be freezing
b) freezes d) is always freezing

The data was analysed according to neighbourhoods, but other key variables like credit rating, job history,
savings and marital status _(59)_ altogether.

59. a) was being ignored c) ignored

b) were ignored d) had ignored

Wheat was planted in two of the fields and the remaining land _(60a)_ over and _(60b)_ bare.

60. a) had been dug…had left c) was dug…left

b) was to be dug…leaving d) was being dug …left

The two opposing parties _(61)_ an argument for two weeks, but it's too good to last.

61. a) have been having c) haven't had

b) have had d) haven‘t been having

The expedition team would have to hunt for food soon, as most of the food supplies _(62)_ bad from the

62. a) would have gone c) have gone

b) had gone d) gone

By 1967, about 500 U.S. citizens _(63)_ heart transplants.

63. a) had received c) have received
b) received d) had been received

Timing is everything when it _(64)_ to launching a rocket or landing a plane.

64. a) is coming c) has come
b) will come d) comes

Every day as a child, she _(65)_ that old bike to school.

65. a) was pedalling c) would pedal

b) had been pedalling d) pedals

"Never trouble trouble till it _(66)_ you." - American Proverb

66. a) troubles c) will trouble
b) troubled d) would trouble

Dave‘s mother would drink most of the time because she could not deal with what she _(67)_ to her

67. a) was done c) did

b) has done d) had done

Fiona _(68)_ to leave home and live on her own only after she was 24, which is unusual in the
68. a) has been allowed c) was allowed
b) had allowed d) allowed

Abu Bakar Bashir, who had agreed to turn himself in for questioning, was instead taken to a hospital
after his lawyer said he _(69)_.
69. a) had collapsed c) did collapse
b) has collapsed d) would have collapsed

He _(70)_ really impatient if he _(71)_ too long in a queue.

70. a) gets 71. a) will wait

b) has gotten b) has to wait
c) would be getting c) is waiting
d) is getting d) would wait

He _(72)_ a good education and _(73)_ knowledgeably on a range of topics.

72. a) was going to receive 73. a) could have spoken
b) was received b) might be speaking
c) would be receiving c) could speak
d) had received d) might be able to speak

I _(74)_ the exercise on tenses by the time the bell _(75)_.

74. a) will be finishing 75. a) is ringing

b) will finish b) will ring
c) am going to finish c) rings
d) will have finished d) will have rung

In Europe it _(76)_ until November 1895 in Berlin that a public 'film' _(77)_ shown.
76. a) wasn‘t 77. a) was being
b) hadn‘t been b) had been
c) wouldn‘t be c) was
d) weren‘t d) would be

Luckily, when the accident happened, there was someone there who _(78)_ a course in first aid and
_(79)_ to the injured.
78. a) had done 79. a) had attended
b) did b) was able to attend
c) was able to do c) was attending
d) could have done d) had been able to attend

The discovery of a fossil skeleton of a 56-million-year-old tiny mammal _(80)_ that our early ancestors
_(81)_ tree-living fruit eaters.
80. a) indicating 81. a) had been
b) to indicate b) are
c) indicates c) were
d) was indicated d) would have been

It seems that people _(82)_ governments are not doing _(83)_ about global warming.
82. a) who believe 83. a) any
b) to believe b) many
c) believe c) enough
d) believing d) a lot of

Drug detection dogs such as German Shepherds are trained to find drugs that _(84)_ in very obscure
places. They are used at airports and international borders. They also _(85)_ police officers on drug
searches in homes, warehouses and other locations where hidden drugs are suspected.

84. a) hidden 85. a) accompany

b) have been hiding b) accompanied
c) were being hidden c) have accompanied
d) have been hidden d) are accompanied

A century _(86)_ Hawaiians lost their kingdom and much of their culture, a new generation _(87)_ its
roots—and some of them want their islands back.

86. a) later 87. a) is discovering

b) ago b) discovering
c) after c) which discovered
d) before d) to discover

It was not until the 1940s that information _(88)_ as a new scientific term, and this definition _(89)_
quite new, unlike any in standard dictionaries.
88. a) would be defined 89. a) was
b) had defined b) would be
c) was defined c) had been
d) defined d) has been

400 tons of food __(90)__ when a convoy of trucks __(91)__ in the famine-hit town.

90. a) would have been stolen 91. a) to hijack

b) had been stolen b) were hijacking
c) was to be stolen c) was hijacked
d) was stolen d) hijacked

Before I came to Hollywood in 1985, I __(92)__ in two plays, a television commercial and a TV drama.
However, I __(93)__ in a live TV show.
92. a) would perform 93. a) had never appeared
b) perform b) have never appeared
c) had performed c) would never have appeared
d) was performing d) would never appear

When Sarah goes on vacation next month, she __(94)__ German for over two years. She should be able
to communicate fairly well while she __(95)__ in Austria.
94. a) will have been studied 95. a) will have been
b) will have been studying b) is going to be
c) will be studying c) will be
d) will study d) is

I __(96)__ much yet; however, I __(97)__ the Grand Canyon and San Francisco by the time I leave the
United States.
96. a) don‘t travel 97. a) will visit
b) didn‘t travel b) will have been visiting
c) haven‘t travelled c) will have visited
d) hadn‘t travelled d) will have been visited

Since shoes __(98)__ to protect the feet, it‘s hard to believe that some styles __(99)__ walking nearly
impossible. In ancient China, it was the custom to bind the feet of upper-class girls so that when they
__(100)__ women they could squeeze their stunted feet into silk shoes only four inches long. The binding
process involved bending toes under the feet, which were bound with tight wrappings worn day and night
until the feet __(98)__ growing.
98. a) mean 99. a) will make
b) have meant b) had made
c) meant c) have made
d) are meant d) will have made

100. a) would become 101. a) would stop

b) became b) have stopped
c) were becoming c) stops
d) have become d) stopped

The Maya established a very advanced civilization in the jungles of the Yucatan; however, their culture
__(102)__ by the time Europeans first __(103)__ in the New World.
102. a) virtually disappeared 103. a) would arrive
b) had virtually disappeared b) arrived
c) was virtually disappearing c) had arrived
d) has virtually disappeared d) have arrived

Chinese __(104)__ one of the most remarkable pieces of art in language that humankind __(105)__.
104. a) is 105. a) has ever made
b) was b) will ever be made
c) has been c) had ever made
d) would be d) had ever been made

Did you hear that Ben was fired last month? He __(106)__ for that import company for more than ten
years and he __(107)__ in almost every department. Nobody knew the company like he did.
106. a) had been working 107. a) has worked
b) was working b) was working
c) has worked c) worked
d) worked d) had worked

Five thousand years ago, Thi Chi __(108)__ the first Chinese characters by imitating the shapes of living
things in the world. Then, after a few centuries, the Chinese __(109)__ these pictographs easier to

108. a) was created 109. a) made

b) had created b) were making
c) created c) would be making
d) had been creating d) were made

The students __(110)__ by Mrs. Monty. However, this week they __(111)__ by Mr. Tanzer.

110. a) have usually been taught 111. a) taught

b) had usually been taught b) have taught
c) are usually taught c) had been taught
d) usually taught d) are being taught

Demographers __(112)__ us that by the year 2050, one out of every three persons living in the United
States __(113)__ of Hispanic origin.
112. a) telling 113. a) have been
b) are told b) will be
c) have been told c) are
d) tell d) will have been

Some 70 years ago, Tasmania's odd marsupial wolf__(114)__ to extinction. Now, some ambitious
scientists __(115)__ a controversial plan to bring the species back to life.

114. a) drove 115. a) are being undertaken

b) was driven b) are undertaking
c) had driven c) undertaking
d) was being driven d) who undertake



This month, high school seniors around the country __(1)__ their college applications. Some will apply to
schools far away. Those in favour __(2)__ "going away" to school believe that living away from home
__(3)__ a young person's world. What would your preference be?

1. a) is submitting 2. a) for 3. a) broadens

b) will be submitting b) of b) broadened
c) will have been submitted c) with c) going to broaden
d) is going to submit d) to d) would broaden

Thomas is an author. He __(4)__ mystery novels and travel memoirs. He __(5)__ since he was twenty-
eight. Altogether, he __(6)__ seven novels, three collections of short stories and a book of poetry.
4. a) had written 5. a) was writing 6. a) wrote
b) is writing b) has been writing b) has written
c) writes c) had written c) is writing
d) has written d) wrote d) had written

Sarah __(7)__ the Matterhorn and __(8)__ around the world by the time she turned twenty-five. She
__(9)__ more by that age than most people do in their entire lives.
7. a) has climbed 8. a) sailing 9. a) has experienced
b) had been climbing b) sailed b) was experienced
c) had climbed c) has sailed c) experienced
d) climbed d) was sailing d) had experienced

By the time I got to the office, the meeting __(10)__ without me. My boss __(11)__ furious with me and
I __(12)__.
10. a) has already begun 11. a) was being 12. a) was being fired
b) already began b) has been b) was fired
c) had already begun c) had been c) had fired
d) was already beginning d) was d) fired

I __(13)__ so many beautiful places since I __(14)__ to Utah. Before moving here, I __(15)__ of Bryce
Canyon, Zion, Arches or Canyon lands.

13. a) had visited 14. a) come 15. a) have never heard

b) have visited b) have come b) had never heard
c) had been visiting c) had come c) would never have heard
d) visited d) came d) would never hear

Duck decoys __(16)__ valued for how efficiently they lured waterfowl and shorebirds into shotgun
range. Today these classic creations __(17)__ from the marsh to the museum, and they __(18)__ works
of art.
16. a) were once 17. a) have been moving 18. a) are considered
b) have already been b) have moved b) have been considered
c) are still being c) which moved c) consider to be
d ) had earlier been d) that were moved d) consider being

Space Phenomena
While writers have produced some great ideas for time machines over the years, a real-life time machine
__(19)__. Most theories of time travel don't rely on machines at all. Instead, time travel will perhaps
__(20)__ by way of natural phenomena that will transport us instantly from one point in time to another.
These space phenomena, which we are not even sure __(21)__ , include rotating black holes, wormholes
and cosmic strings.
19. a) has yet to be built 20. a) be done 21. a) exist
b) wasn‘t built b) have done b) existed
c) isn‘t built c) do c) of existing
d) hadn‘t been built d) be doing d) exists

A lawyer was just waking up from anesthesia after surgery, and his wife was sitting by his side. His eyes
fluttered open and he said, ―You're beautiful!‖ and then he fell asleep again. His wife __(22)__ him say
that so she stayed by his side. A couple of minutes later his eyes fluttered open and he said, ―You're
cute!‖ Well, the wife __(23)__ because instead of ‗beautiful‘ it was ‗cute‘. She said, ―What happened to
‗beautiful‘?‘‘ His reply was ―The drugs __(24)__ !‖

22. a) has never heard 23. a) was disappointed 24. a) are going to wear off
b) had never heard b) disappointed b) are wearing off
c) never heard c) had been disappointed c) will be wearing off
d) would never hear d) was disappointing d) wear off

The U.S. Antarctic Program has established a thorough waste-management program to ensure that its
impact on the Antarctic environment _(25)_ minimal. The program begins before anything _(26)_
shipped to Antarctica. Individual participants in the program—the scientists and all support personnel—
_(27)_ on how to minimize the amount of waste they bring in.

25. a) was 26. a) will be 27. a) instruct

b) had been b) had been b) are instructed
c) is c) was c) will instruct
d) is being d) is d) would be instructed

The term ―heir‖ is often misused. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, a person cannot be called
an heir to any property ―_(28)_, through the death of its possessor, he _(29)_ entitled _(30)_ it.‖

28. a) by the time 29. a) will become 30. a) for

b) while b) became b) of
c) until c) might become c) to
d) after d) becomes d) with

She _(31)_ a new perfume that _(32)_ too sweet and _(33)_ her.
31. a) had worn 32. a) had smelt 33. a) didn‘t really suit
b) was worn b) was smelling b) hadn‘t really suited
c) was being worn c) smelt c) wouldn‘t really suit
d) was wearing d) had been smelling d) couldn‘t really suit

Shortly after he _(34)_, the slave was sentenced to _(35)_ to the lion, which _(36)_ given any food for
several days.
34. a) had captured 35. a) be throwing 36. a) wouldn‘t be
b) could have been captured b) have been throwing b) wasn‘t
c) was captured c) be thrown c) hadn‘t been
d) could be captured d) have been thrown d) wouldn‘t have been

The wild Bactrian camel, a two-humped ancestor of domesticated camels, is now critically _(37)_ in its
native habitat in the harsh deserts of Northwest China and Mongolia. Many of those that _(38)_ a
nature reserve that _(39)_, until recently, a Chinese nuclear test site.
37. a) endangering 38. a) remain inhabit 39. a) was
b) endangered b) remaining inhabitants b) is
c) to endanger c) remain inhabited c) has been
d) to be endangered d) remained inhabited d) would be

The future looks bright for Globalcall Communications. By 2005, our company will __(40)__ more than 15
million households and businesses globally. Globalcall Communications __(41)__ a household word by then.
We look forward __(42)__ clients and __(43)__ to do everything in our power to make sure that your
communication future is unlimited and simple.
40. a) service 41. a) will have become
b) be servicing b) will become
c) have been serviced c) becomes
d) be serviced d) is becoming
42. a) to serving 43. a) are planning
b) to serve b) planned
c) by serving c) have been planned
d) to have served d) would plan

When I __(44)__ the radio on yesterday, I __(45)__ a song that was popular when I was in high school.
I __(46)__ the song in years and it __(47)__ back some great memories.

44. a) had turned 45. a) have heard

b) turned b) was hearing
c) was turning c) had heard
d) was turned d) heard

46. a) wasn‘t heard 47. a) was brought

b) didn‘t hear b) brought
c) haven‘t heard c) had brought
d) hadn‘t heard d) was bringing

When Jack __(48)__ the room, I __(49)__ him because he __(50)__ so much weight and __(51)__ a
beard. He looked totally different!
48. a) was entered 49. a) didn‘t recognize
b) had entered b) hadn‘t recognized
c) was entering c) wasn‘t recognized
d) entered d) haven‘t recognized

50. a) has lost 51. a) was grown

b) had been losing b) has grown
c) had lost c) growing
d) lost d) grown

They are among the loudest and most ubiquitous sounds of the deep, but until recently the purpose of
"songs" from fin whales __(52)__ a mystery. Now, a group of scientists working in Mexico __(53)__ that
only males sing, indicating that the low-frequency vocalizations may be mating calls to distant female fin
whales. If this is __(54)__ ,the scientists say, the increasing noise from ships, sonars and other human
sources could interfere __(55)__ the breeding, and ultimately the survival, of this endangered species.
52. a) would be 53. a) has found
b) was being b) is finding
c) was c) has been finding
d) has been d) finds

54. a) such 55. a) with

b) so b) on
c) how c) about
d) why d) between

_(56)_ a girl, my aunt _(57)_ us to Brighton every weekend. We walked up the promenade to the pier.
_(58)_ there, we ate ice-cream while she sat _(59)_ to complete strangers.

56. a) Being 57. a) were taking

b) While b) would take
c) As c) would be taking
d) When being d) was to take

58. a) After 59. a) to chat

b) During b) chatted
c) Once c) chatting
d) Meanwhile d) to be chatting

Last week, I __(60)__ into an ex-girlfriend of mine. We __(61)__ each other in years and both of us
__(62)__ a great deal. I enjoyed __(63)__ to her so much that I asked her out on a date. We __(64)__
together tonight for dinner.
60. a) was running 61. a) weren‘t seen 62. a) was changed
b) had run b) haven‘t seen b) had changed
c) ran c) didn‘t see c) had been changed
d) had been running d) hadn‘t seen d) changed

63. a) to have talked 64. a) be getting

b) having talked b) ‗d get
c) to talk c) are getting
d) talking d) going to get

To make chocolate, the cocoa beans __(65)__ for about a week, __(66)__ in the sun and then shipped to
the chocolate maker. The chocolate maker starts __(67)__ the beans to bring out the flavor. Different
beans from different places have different qualities and flavors, so they __(68)__ to produce a
distinctive mix. Next, the roasted beans are winnowed. __(69)__ removes the meat (also known as the
nib) of the cocoa bean from its shell.
65. a) are fermented 66. a) dried 67. a) to be roasted
b) which ferment b) dry b) in order to roast
c) fermenting c) will dry c) by roasting
d) have fermented d) are drying d) to roasting

68. a) blended 69. a) Winnowing
b) are blended b) To winnow
c) have been blending c) For winnowing
d) are blending d)To be winnowed

Sorry For Eating The Peanuts

A man visits his aunt in the nursing home. It turns out that she __(70)__ a nap, so he just sits down in a
chair in her room, flips through a few magazines, and munches on some peanuts __(71)__ in a bowl on the
table. Eventually, the aunt wakes up, and her nephew realizes he absentmindedly finished the __(72)__
bowl. "I'm so sorry, auntie, I __(73)__ all of your peanuts!" "That's okay, dear," the aunt replies. "After
I __(74)__ the chocolate off, I don't care for them anyway."

70. a) has taken 71. a) sitting 72. a) all

b) had been taking b) they were sitting b) entire
c) took c) whose sitting c) totally
d) is taking d) which sat d) completely

73. a) had eaten 74. a) have sucked

b) was eaten b) sucked
c) have eaten c) had sucked
d) have been eating d) sucking

Well before dawn on August 2, 1943, 26-year-old Lt. John F. Kennedy and his crew on PT 109 _(75)_ to
see a massive shape _(76)_ out of the moonless night in the Solomon Islands. Only seconds later that
form _(77)_ the speeding Japanese destroyer Amagiri, and before the Americans _(78)_ it, the ship
rammed the much smaller torpedo boat, igniting a fireball of high-octane gasoline. The impact killed two
Americans and left 11 others, including Kennedy, _(79)_ for their lives.

75. a) astonished 76. a) appear 77. a) had become

b) had astonished b) to appear b) would have become
c) were astonished c) would appear c) was becoming
d) had been astonished d) was appearing d) became

78. a) would avoid 79. a) to be swimming

b) had avoided b) to swim
c) could avoid c) swam
d) were going to avoid d) would swim

A single wolf _(80)_ the threatened Scandinavian wolf pack along the road to recovery. Less than two
decades ago, only a handful of wolves _(81)_ across southern Scandinavia. Now their numbers _(82)_ to
more than 100.
One lone wolf _(83)_ the tide for this isolated group, report Scandinavian researchers. Past studies
have suggested that dwindling populations could _(84)_ new blood, but this is the first time scientists
_(85)_ this boost in the wild.
80. a) having pushed 81. a) wandered 82. a) are soared
b) may have pushed b) had wandered b) soaring
c) likely to push c) had been wandered c) have soared
d) pushed and d) were wandered d) to soar

83. a) is turning 84. a) be revived by 85. a) have spotted
b) is turned b) have revived b) spotting
c) turned c) revive c) spot
d) was turning d) have been reviving d) spotted

Scientists _(86)_ the mating calls of Metaphrynella sundana have discovered that male frogs _(87)_
the pitch of their calls to resonate inside hollow tree cavities—their preferred mating habitat.
Researchers likened the resonant effects to _(88)_ organ pipes. _(89)_ successful, male frogs sound
closer, louder, and much more attractive to prospective female mates.
The discovery marks the first time an animal species _(90)_ its calling behavior to improve its calling
strategy. Some species of crickets and burrowing frogs _(91)_ baffles and burrows of specific
dimensions to create a resonant chamber for their mating calls. But such adaptations involve the insect
or animal _(92a)_ their physical environment, not _(92b)_ their individual calling behavior.

86. a) are studying 87. a) actively tune 88. a) the ones

b) studying b) are actively tuned b) those of
c) have studied c) actively tuning c) those were
d) having studied d) having actively tuned d) one of

89. a) Being 90. a) shown to alter 91. a) knew how to dig

b) When b) shown to be altered b) known to be digging
c) As c) has shown altered c) are known to dig
d) While d) has been shown to alter d) know that digging

92. a) change...alter
b) by altering
c) changing...altering
d) to alter

Some ants in Africa are carnivorous. Driver ants _(93)_ daily raids in swarms that resemble labyrinths
of thick black rope. As they advance across the forest floor, they _(94)_ everything in their path.
Colonies can be _(95)_ up to 22 million workers. When they capture prey, _(96)_ act together as one
―animal‖ with millions of mouths. Using the powerful bite and shearing action of their mandibles, they
_(97)_ on one of the world‘s largest serpents, the African python, when it _(98)_ powerless digesting
its food.

93. a) performing 94. a) are engulfing 95. a) consisted of

b) are performing b) have engulfed b) made
c) perform c) are engulfed by c) comprised
d) will perform d) engulf d) composed of

96. a) they know that they will 97. a) know that feasting 98. a) lay
b) they are known to be b) have known how to feast b) is laying
c) it is known that they c) are known to feast c) lies
d) they are knowingly d) know about the feasts d) lying

Australia is in the grips of one of its worst droughts __(99)__ 100 years. Fresh water levels in rivers
__(100)__ and salt water __(101)__ further inland, __(102)__ sharks further upstream. Hungry
sharks__(103)__ tens of kilometres up Australian rivers. Wingham is about 40 kms upstream on the
Manning River, but local fishermen recently __(104)__ a bull shark swimming near a small dam, a popular
swimming hole for locals. Schools have warned children __(105)__ off in the local river.

99. a) last 100. a) have fallen 101. a) is extending

b) during b) were falling b) extending
c) in c) had fallen c) were extending
d) since d) falling d) extended

102. a) forced 103. a) ventured 104. a) were spotting

b) forcing b) are ventured b) spotted
c) to force c) are venturing c) had spotted
d) they are forcing d) had ventured d) spotting

105. a) not cooling

b) don‘t cool
c) not to cool
d) mustn‘t cool



We‘re having dinner tonight at the restaurant _(1)_ in the paper last week.
1. a) that reviewed c) having been reviewed
b) reviewed d) reviewing

I wish I _(2)_. I‘d probably have answered more questions correctly.

2. a) had been concentrating c) would have concentrated

b) was being concentrated d) have concentrated

There‘s a lot in the news about GM foods because people aren‘t sure _(3)_ it‘s safe to change the
genetic makeup of produce.
3. a) whenever c) whether
b) however d) why

_(4)_ you do it, just make sure it‘s done by this time tomorrow.

4. a) Whatever c) Whichever
b) However d) Whoever

He‘s a complete failure. _(5)_ decision he makes, it‘s bound to be the wrong one.

5. a) Whatever c) However
b) Whichever d) Whenever

_(6)_ big or small, all dogs need a lot of care and attention.
6. a) If c) No matter
b) Regardless of d) However

_(7)_ many years I live there, I‘ll never get used to the noise.

7. a) How c) Although
b) Whether or not d) However

_(8)_ it takes forever, I‘m going to speak English like a native.

8. a) No matter c) Even if
b) However d) In case

_(9)_ I go to London, I take the train.

9. a) Wherever c) Sometimes
b) Every time d) At times

If only the government _(10)_ more money on local transport.

10. a) spend c) spent
b) will spend d) should spend

I‘d rather you _(11)_ in the evenings.

11. a) not have to work c) didn‘t have to work

b) not work d) are not forced to work

I wish I _(12)_ my time.

12. a) hadn‘t wasted c) shouldn‘t have wasted
b) wouldn‘t have wasted d) haven‘t wasted

I wish we _(13)_ working so hard over the next few weeks.

13. a) aren‘t going to be c) weren‘t going to be
b) wouldn‘t have been d) haven‘t been

It‘s been such a long winter. I wish the sun _(14)_ shine again.
14. a) could c) would
b) was going to d) might

If I _(15a)_ on holiday, I _(15b)_ so stressed.

15. a) had been... wasn‘t feeling c) was ... wouldn‘t feel
b) was ... wouldn‘t have felt d) would have been ... hadn‘t felt

If I _(16a)_, I _(16b)_ a lot more relaxed.

16. a) ‗m not working ... ‗m not feeling c) didn‘t work ... wasn‘t feeling
b) hadn‘t been working ... didn‘t feel d) wasn‘t working ... would be feeling

If I _(17a)_ yesterday evening, I _(17b)_ something else.

17. a) wasn‘t working ... would have been doing c) weren‘t working ... was doing
b) hadn‘t been working ... ‗d have been doing d) hadn‘t worked ... would do

_(18)_ queue you stand in, it‘s always the slowest.

18. a) Whenever c) Wherever

b) However d) Whichever

_(19)_ angry he gets, I just can‘t take him seriously.

19. a) However c) Whoever
b) Whenever d) Wherever

_(20)_ Jack says to Heather, he always upsets her.

20. a) Whichever c) Whatever
b) Whenever d) However

The dog barks like mad _(21)_ he sees the postman.

21. a) wherever c) whoever
b) whenever d) however

It was not until about three o'clock _(22a)_ her eyes and _(22b)_ a momentary glance round.
22. a) had Teresa raised...gave c) did Teresa raise...give
b) that Teresa raised...gave d) that Teresa would raise...give

The group were very quiet to start with but _(23)_ the discussion turned to politics, we got them all
23. a) hardly had c) once
b) only when d) not until

_(24a)_ that he had insulted you like that, I _(24b)_ something!

24. a) Did I know...would say c) Were I to know...would have said
b) Had I known…would have said d) Would I have known...had said

I wish I _(25)_ listening when he gave out the instructions.

25. a) were c) should have been

b) had been d) would have been

If only I _(26a)_ home so late, then I _(26b)_ the plane.

26. a) left...wouldn‘t miss c) didn‘t leave...hadn‘t missed

b) would have left...couldn‘t have missed d) hadn‘t left...wouldn‘t have missed

It‘s high time the local authorities _(27)_ something about traffic.

27. a) will do c) did

b) were doing d) would do

It‘s about time he _(28a)_ wasting time and (28b)_ down to a good job.

28. a) would stop...settle c) had stopped...settled

b) stopped...settled d) stops...settles

She wishes she _(29)_ with us on holiday but her work commitments are going to keep her at home.

29. a) would come c) had better come

b) might come d) could come

You shouldn't do a dangerous sport like rock climbing _(30)_ you have been trained by an experienced
30. a) unless c) in case
b) as if d) if

If he _(31a)_ a little more attention, he _(31b)_ into that tree.

31. a) were paying...wouldn‘t drive c) were paying...hadn‘t driven
b) had been paying...wouldn‘t have driven d) had paid...wouldn‘t have been driving

If she _(32a)_ that strong cup of coffee before going to bed, she _(32b)_ to fall asleep.

32. a) hadn‘t drunk...wouldn‘t be struggling

b) didn‘t drink... wouldn‘t have been struggling
c) didn‘t drink...wouldn‘t be struggling
d) wouldn‘t have drunk...hadn‘t been struggling

I am not going to sit here and let her insult me. I demand that she immediately __(33)__ for what she
just said.
33. a) apologize c) apologized
b) has to apologize d) will apologize

"No man knows what true happiness is __(34)__ he gets married. By then, of course, its too late." –
34. a) until c) as much as
b) as long as d) by the time

It's important that she __(35) __ to take her medicine twice a day.
35. a) remember c) will remember
b) has to remember d) remembered

When stuttering __(36a)__ as a symptom of a psychic disorder, treatment __(36b)__ on resolving the
neurotic conflict.
36. a) is viewed...focuses c) has focused
b) views...focuses d) being viewed...focused

Too Loud To Play,__(37)__ next month, is the Jackson Brothers‘ first total creation. The group
produced and arranged the entire CD and wrote all the songs as well.

37. a) to be released c) will be released

b) releasing d) being released

Corrupt officers must be severely punished, __(38) __ they will continue to harm the reputation of the
police department.
38. a) so that c) providing
b) in case d) or

I suggest that Frank __(39)__ the directions carefully before assembling the bicycle.
39. a) reads c) read
b) reading d) can read

If any of these symptoms _(40)_ while you are taking the medicine, consult your doctor immediately.
40. a) might occur c) occur
b) occurring d) occurred

Judy asked that we _(41)_ her graduation ceremony next week.

41. a) attend c) attended
b) have to attend d) will attend

The monk insisted that the tourists _(42)_ the temple until they had removed their shoes.
42. a) couldn‘t enter c) won‘t enter
b) not enter d) didn‘t enter

"If work __(43a) __ good for you, the rich __(43b) __ none for the poor." - Haitian proverb

43. a) has been…will leave c) was…will leave

b) were…would leave d) had been…would leave

It is imperative that the world __(44)__ towards a solution to global warming before the weather
patterns of the world are disrupted irreparably.
44. a) is working c) was working
b) to work d) work

It's difficult to judge yet __(45)__ the new system is really an improvement.

45. a) in case c) unless

b) whether d) providing

Mrs. Finkelstein demanded that the heater __(46)__ immediately. Her apartment was freezing.
46. a) was repaired c) repaired
b) be repaired d) will be repaired

It doesn't look as if you _(47)_ very long on your homework.

47. a) are spending c) spent

b) would have spent d) were going to spend

I don't think you appreciate _(48)_ time I spent preparing this meal for you.
48. a) this c) how much
b) what d) how long

‗No matter __(49)__, it's uphill and against the wind.‘ - First Law of Bicycling

49. a) you ride which way c) which way you ride

b) if you ride anywhere d) the way you ride

__(50)__ the meeting was coming to an end, some unexpected visitors arrived.

50. a) After c) As soon as

b) Just as d) Until

"Don't throw away the old bucket until you know _(51)_ the new one holds water." - Swedish Proverb

51. a) when c) unless

b) whether d) how

The Prime Minister __(52)__ how he could defend a policy that increased unemployment.

52. a) has been said c) told

b) said to him d) was asked

"Politics is perhaps the only profession __(53)__ no preparation is thought necessary." - Robert Louis
53. a) so that c) that
b) to what d) for which

It's a little difficult to find the restaurant. I propose that we all __(54)__ together so that nobody
gets lost along the way.
54. a) would drive c) driving
b) drive d) will drive

With its varied climate, the country could grow __(55)__ from drought-resistant cotton to tropical and
temperate fruits.

55. a) anything c) whichever

b) something d) whatever

__(56)__ now will affect our country for generations to come.

56. a) How do we do it c) Who do we do it
b) What we do d) How we do

"I don't mind what language an opera is sung in __(57)__ it is a language I don't understand." –
Sir Edward Appleton
57. a) as much as c) so that
b) in case d) as long as

It's vital that the United States __(58)__ on improving its public education system.
58. a) focused c) will focus
b) must focus d) focus

"_(59)_ the house is on fire, let us warm ourselves." - Italian Proverb

59. a) Because of c) Since

b) Even d) In spite of

__(60)__ the evidence was only secondary, he was convicted and spent ten years in prison for a crime
that he perhaps had not committed.

60. a) Since c) Despite

b) Even though d) Whereas

The cooler temperatures __(61)__ about by nuclear war might end all life on earth.
61. a) bringing c) having brought
b) brought d) to bring

"__(62)__ we cannot get what we like, let us like what we can get." - Spanish Proverb

62. a) For c) Nevertheless

b) Since d) No matter

__(63)__ a majority of caffeine drinkers think of it as a stimulant, heavy users of caffeine say the
substance relaxes them.

63. a) Even c) Despite

b) However d) Although

The volume of blood in the ventricles--small hollow spaces in the heart—rises __(64a)__ blood enters
them from the artria, and it falls __(64b)__ blood squirts out through the semi-lunar valves.
64. a) when…then c) during which…while
b) when…when d) then …after

Do not send the personnel office a resume __(65)__ someone there specifically requests it.
65. a) so that c) unless
b) in case d) providing

__(66)__ his arrogance is only a defense mechanism to cover up his insecurity, I still can't stand him.

66. a) As though c) Because

b) Even if d) In fact

If I had gone white water rafting with my friends, I __(67)__ down the Colorado River right now.
67. a) would float c) would be floating
b) would have floated d) would be floated

"It's easy to tell when a politician is lying. Watch his lips. If they __(68a)__, he __(68b)__." - Charles
68. a) are moving…is lying c) were moving…would be lying
b) moved…would lie d) had moved…would have lied

The sun is scorching today. I suggest you __(69)__ on sunblock immediately before you get a sunburn.
69. a) to put c) put
b) putting d) to be putting

"Never go to a doctor __(70)__ office plants have died." - Erma Bombeck

70. a) who c) of whom
b) that d) whose

She says that the government __(71)__ the airline industry. I don't know if that is true.
71. a) regulates c) regulating
b) to regulate d) was regulated

You __(72a)__ if you __(72b)__ anything because you will not be disappointed.

72. a) would be blessed…expected c) would have been blessed…had expected

b) will be blessed…don‘t expect d) won‘t bless…don‘t expect

The sign at the pool recommended that you __(73)__ after eating a large meal.
73. a) mustn‘t swim c) don‘t swim
b) couldn‘t swim d) not swim

"If only youth __(74)__ the knowledge and old age the strength." - French Proverb

74. a) had c) would have

b) has d) having

__(75)__ is the judgment of this court that you are guilty of murder.
75. a) It c) This
b) That d) What

John insists that Sarah __(76)__ to the wedding; otherwise he will not attend.
76. a) invited c) be invited
b) to be inviting d) should invite

Lemaitre proposed that all matter in the Universe was once concentrated into __(77)__ he termed the
primeval atom.
77. a) what c) which
b) that d) anything

The major disadvantage of sequential files __(78)__.

78. a) is that they are slow c) that are slow
b) are slow d) are that they are slow

According to a recent study, there is no scientific evidence to suggest __(79)__ underwater births are

79. a) that c) when

b) if d) how

The government insists that the borders __(80)__ the same.

80. a) has remained c) remained
b) are remaining d) remain

"If I __(81a)__ my life again, I __(81b)__ the same mistakes, only sooner." - Tallulah Bankhead,

81. a) had to live…would make c) lived…would have made

b) live…make d) can live…could make

I wish it__(82)__ on Saturday.

82. a) was raining c) rained

b) had rained d) is raining

The woman __(83)__ in is the personnel director.

83. a) whom they gave my office c) to whom they gave my office
b) whose office they are meeting d) who they will meet in the office

He is going to work for a company __(84)__ employees are very satisfied.

84. a) which c) of which
b) whose d) whom

I remember the Thanksgiving __(85)__ my Uncle Kenneth dropped the turkey on the kitchen floor.
85. a) where c) which
b) when d) that

I can't find the file __(86)__ I put the resumes.

86. a) which c) that

b) where d) whose

The company is near a park __(87)__ the kids like to play.

87. a) there c) where

b) which d) that

The office __(88a)__ they had the interview__(88b)__ on the third floor.
88. a) which…which is c) that…in
b) where…is d) at which…in

"Life is what happens __(89)__ you are making other plans." - John Lennon, singer and songwriter
89. a) however c) while
b) after d) since

The room __(90)__ has a window overlooking the park.

90. a) he will be working c) that he will be working
b) which he will be working d) where he will be working

The person __(91)__ was my niece, Robin.

91. a) to whom we gave the most attention c) that we gave the most attention
b) who we gave the most attention d) we gave the most attention

The house __(92)__ in belongs to my Uncle Kenneth.

92. a) in which we had the party c) where we had the party
b) we had the party d) which had the party

The woman to __(93) __ we talked is the personnel director.
93. a) who c) which
b) whom d) that

He is going to work for a company __ (94)__.

94. a) that my sister used to work c) for which my sister used to work
b) my sister used to work d) my sister used to work there

San Francisco, __(95)__ thousands of tourists visit every year, is the number one tourist city in the
United States.
95. a) where c) to which
b) which d) that

__(96)__ you were made redundant, what would you do?

96. a) Suppose c) Imagining

b) Providing d) Think

"If you __(97a)__ in a moment of anger, you __(97b)__ a hundred days of sorrow." - Chinese Proverb

97. a) have been patient…escape c) had been patient…escaped

b) were patient…would have escaped d) are patient…will escape



The small clots that formed throughout the circulatory system used up __(1)__ of the clotting factor
that uncontrolled bleeding from external or internal injury became a risk.

1. a) that much c) such a lot

b) as much d) so much

Most microcomputers use __(2)__ are called flexible diskettes for program and data storage.

2. a) which c) things
b) the ones d) what

The nutritionist recommended that Sally __(3)__ her daily fat intake.
3. a) reduce c) reducing
b) has to reduce d) to reduce

The form __(4)__ memory is presented to the software is sometimes called local address space.

4. a) where c) about how

b) in which d) when

In 1855, Boole married Mary Everest, a niece of Sir George Everest, after __(5)__ Mount Everest was

5. a) which c) that
b) her d) whom

"If a man __(6a)__, he __(6b)__ even in a spoonful of water." - Yiddish Proverb

6. a) is destined to drown…will drown c) destined to drown…would drown
b) was destined to drown…is going to drown d) destiny to drown…will drown

__(7)__ the wind speed is sufficient, the electrical energy will be continuously generated.

7. a) In case c) As long as
b) Unless d) Until

If an oil spill occurs away from shore, it is unlikely to affect many birds, __(8)__ they are directly in a
major migratory path at a migrating season.
8. a) unless c) in case
b) providing d) on the condition

It is the jury‘s responsibility to decide __(9)__ a person is innocent or guilty.

9. a) how c) whether
b) what d) ever

"It is after you have lost your teeth __(10)__ you can afford to buy steaks." - Pierre August Renoir
10. a) what c) which
b) that d) then

Have you considered what you'll do if you __(11)__ the job?

11. a) won‘t get c) don‘t get

b) haven‘t got d) didn‘t get

__(12)__ you consider how long he's been learning the piano, he's not very good.
12. a) Unless c) If
b) Though d) In case

If only she __(13)__ a better job, she would be happier.

13. a) had c) has had
b) was having d) has

I wish I __(14)__ harder at school when I was a teenager.

14. a) studied c) was studying
b) had studied d) would have studied

You won't be able to describe the picture __(15) __ you look at it carefully.

15. a) otherwise c) in case

b) unless d) so that

If only we __(16)__ that special offer yesterday.

16. a) would have seen c) saw

b) had been seen d) had seen

"Don't open a shop __(17)__ you know how to smile." - Jewish Proverb

17. a) prior to c) unless

b) when d) otherwise

He could play basketball if he __(18)__ taller.

18. a) will be c) were
b) would have been d) had been

She never seems to lose any weight no matter __(19)__.

19. a) she tries so hard c) how hard she tries
b) if she tries very hard d) when she tries

I __(20a)__ so much fitter if I __(20b)__ smoking.

20. a) would have been…stopped c) will be…stopped
b) would be…stop d) would be…stopped

We welcome the readers‘ comments, __(21)__ they are in favour of our newspaper or against it,
because we indeed practise a policy of total freedom of the press.

21. a) when c) unless

b) whether d) providing

Some of the oldest fossils belong to __(22)__ look like photosynthetic bacteria — bacteria that
breathe carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen.
22. a) which c) what
b) those d) that

"Never put off until tomorrow __(23)__ you can put off indefinitely." – Anonymous

23. a) that c) which

b) when d) what

_(24)_ is the last to leave has to check that the windows are locked.

24. a) Anyone c) Whoever

b) No matter if he d) Whether he

Bill Gates and General Motors

Bill Gates is hanging out with the chairman of General Motors. "If
automotive technology __(25a)__ pace with computer technology
over the past few decades," boasts Gates, "you __(25b)__ an
economy car traveling at a top speed of 10,000 miles per hour,
weighing only 30 pounds and getting a thousand miles to a gallon of
gas.― "Sure," says the GM chairman. "But would you really want to
drive a car that crashes four times a day?"

25. a) had kept…would now be driving

c) keeps…drive
b) kept…would now drive
d) had kept…would have driven

―Shenandoah,‖ an Indian word _(26)_ ―daughter of the stars,‖ _(27)_ to us through popular song and
Civil War history.

26. a) believed to mean 27. a) was coming

b) was believed to mean b) coming
c) believed that it meant c) has come
d) believed it means d) which came

A skillful climber himself, Krakauer describes in a brief essay _(28)_ it feels like to hang by the straps
of one‘s ice axes a hundred feet above the ground, his attachment to the world _(29)_ to ―a few thin
points of steel sunk half an inch into a giant Popsicle.‖

28. a) when 29. a) reduced

b) how long b) reducing
c) what c) having reduced
d) whether d) to reduce

The first binary computer _(30)_ by Konrad Zuse, a construction engineer _(31)_ for the Henschel
Aircraft company in Berlin, in 1936.
30. a) was invented 31. a) working
b) being invented b) was working
c) invented c) had been working
d) having been invented d) to work

If California _(32a)_ an independent country, its economy _(32b)_ the sixth largest in the world, due
in large part to the technology and business Silicon Valley _(33)_.
32. a) were...would have been 33. a) generated
b) had been...would have been b) is generated
c) were...would be c) generates
d) had been...would be d) was generated

Although it was a bit _(34)_ to start with, the film got better _(35)_ it went on.
34. a) disappointed 35. a) as
b) disappointment b) so
c) disappointing c) that
d) disappointedly d) yet

I‘d rather not _(36)_ to the party, but I felt I _(37)_.

36. a) have gone 37. a) should have
b) had to go b) had to
c) to go c) needed
d) going d) must have

A conscience is _(38)_ hurts _(39)_ everything else feels good. Anonymous

38. a) how it 39. a) if

b) which b) when
c) that it c) whether
d) what d) wherever

It‘s high time he _(40)_ a promotion; he _(41)_ with the company for at least five years.
40. a) got 41. a) had been
b) should get b) was
c) had gotten c) will have been
d) would rather get d) has been

She‘d rather_(42)_ the weekend in a quiet country village _(43)_ in a busy city.

42. a) spent 43. a) to

b) were spending b) not
c) spend c) instead
d) spending d) than

The senior party members recommended that the Prime Minister _(44)_ to the scene of the disaster
so that he _(45)_ sympathetic.
44. a) fly 45. a) might have appeared
b) would fly b) would be appearing
c) had better fly c) could appear
d) might fly d) was able to appear

Climbing Mount Everest is a challenge for most mountain climbers. The temperature can rise to a
sweltering 42 degrees centigrade, _(46)_ in bad weather, particularly at night, it can fall to below
minus 30. The summit is 8,850 meters high. It is impossible to survive for long periods at this height
without oxygen _(47)_ the human body starts to deteriorate at 8,000 meters.
46. a) as 47. a) as
b) when b) but
c) while c) otherwise
d) during d) yet

A coral reef is made of ―squillions‖ of coral colonies plus other limestone depositing organisms, _(48)_
on and among the skeletons of their predecessors, and the sands and silts _(49)_ from them.

48. a) and grows 49. a) are drived

b) growing b) have derived
c) while growing c) derive
d) and is growing d) derived

No matter _(50)_ our lives may seem, if they _(51a)_ only of expected events and repetition, boredom
_(251b)_ in.
50. a) far too rich 51. a) would consist...stepped
b) full of richness b) consist...steps
c) how rich c) had consisted... would have stepped
d) what richness d) had consisted... would be stepping

Hobbies benefit children in numerous ways. __(52)__ they are expressions of personal accomplishment
and __(53)__ self-discovery, hobbies help build self-esteem.

52. a) Since 53. a) by no means

b) Because of b) by all means
c) Nevertheless c) a means of
d) Although d) by means of

"I personally think we developed language __(54)__ our deep need __(55)__." - Lily Tomlin

54. a) since 55. a) complain

b) due to b) to complain
c) owing c) for complaining
d) a result of d) complaining

Was it really necessary that I __(56a)__ there and __(56b)__ you the entire time you were
rehearsing for the play? It was really boring watching you __(57)__ the scenes over and over again.
56. a) be sitting...watching 57. a) to repeat
b) had sat …watched b) to be repeating
c) sat…watched c) having repeated
d) was sitting…was watching d) repeat

The woman insisted that the lost child __(58)__ to the store's information desk so his parents
58. a) has to take 59. a) would page
b) be taken b) be paged
c) taken c) could be paged
d) was taken d) can page

It is already 9:30 pm and I __(60)__ here for over an hour. If John __(61a)__ here in the next five
minutes, I __(61b)__ .
60. a) was waiting 61. a) won‘t get…will leave
b) have been waiting b) hasn‘t got…will have left
c) waited c) doesn‘t get…am going to leave
d) wait d) isn‘t getting…will be leaving

The twice-yearly migrations of this hemisphere's shorebirds are __(62)__ nature's greatest
spectacles. However, if we __(63a)__ out how to protect the wetlands that support these long-
distance fliers, their future __(63b)__ at serious risk.
62. a) between 63. a) didn‘t figure…were
b) among b) hadn‘t figured…had been
c) in c) don‘t figure…is
d) within d) haven‘t figured…will be

It is necessary that a life guard __(64)__ the swimming pool while the children __(65)__ their
swimming lessons.
64. a) be monitored 65. a) took
b) monitors b) taking
c) monitored c) be taking
d) monitor d) are taking

The performance of the laboratories __(66)__ the testing varies, which means that the results cannot
__(67)__ on.

66. a) do 67. a) be relied

b) did b) rely
c) had done c) be relying
d) doing d) have relied

Smoking causes 87 percent of lung cancers, __(68)__ more people than breast, prostate and colon
cancers __(69)__.
68. a) that kills 69. a) combining
b) which kill b) being combined
c) while killing c) that combine
d) and kill d) combined

The environmental leader felt it was extremely important that the people of the city __(70)__ to voice
their concerns over the new hotel __(71)__ on the bay.
70. a) allowed 71. a) to be building
b) be allowed b) being built
c) allow c) building
d) to allowing d) having built

__(72)__ the discoveries made, we know that Antarctica is a vital part of the earth's ecosystem
__(73)__ both atmospheric circulation and circulation of deep ocean waters, two key elements in the
global weather system.

72. a) When 73. a) affecting

b) From b) affected
c) Owing c) affective
d) Since d) affect

Glaciologists study the behaviour of the ice sheet to understand more about how fast it grows and
moves __(74)__ they might better predict __(75)__ the ice sheet may respond to climate changes in
the future.

74. a) provided 75. a) why

b) in case b) how
c) so that c) what
d) as long as d) when

In the rare moments when she's not balancing majors in political science and history and a minor in
communications, DePaul University junior Christine Brown spends time __(76)__ underclassmen,
__(77)__ are African American students like herself.

76. a) mentoring 77. a) some

b) to mentor b) most of them
c) to mentoring c) many of whom
d) for mentoring d) the majority

The Christmas tree tradition was begun in Germany. German immigrants __(78)__ to England and the
USA brought this popular tradition with them and it __(79)__ a much loved tradition for all since then.
78. a) having moved 79. a) became
b) moving b) would become
c) they moved c) had become
d) moved d) has become

Disarming the Guard

Lem: ―I got fired from my job as a bank guard.‖
Clem: ‖That's awful. What happened? ‖
Lem: ‖Well, a thief came in to rob the bank. I drew my gun. I told him that if he __(80a)__ one more
step, I __(80b)__ him have it.‖
Clem: ‖What did thief do then? ‖
Lem: ‖He took one more step __(81)__ I let him have it. I didn't want that stupid gun anyway!‖

80. a) takes…will let 81. a) when

b) took…would let b) after
c) had taken…would have let c) for
d) had taken...would let d) so

Seeing him so worried about his low grades, Mike‘s parents just wanted him to know that __(82)__ he
did they would be proud of him __(83)__ he did his best.
82. a) whatever 83. a) as long as
b) whichever b) unless
c) however c) so that
d) whenever d) even though

You Should Learn To Be More Polite

One day, Bill and Tom went to a restaurant for dinner. __(84)__the waiter took out two steaks, Bill
quickly picked out __(85)__ steak for himself. Tom wasn't happy about that: "When are you going to
learn to be polite?"
Bill: "If you __(86a)__ the chance to pick first, which one __(86b)__?"
Tom: "The smaller piece, of course."
Bill: "What are you whining about then? The smaller piece is what you got, right?"

84. a) Whenever 85. a) much bigger 86. a) had…would you pick

b) Immediately b) bigger b) had had…would you have picked
c) The quickly c) the biggest c) have…will you pick
d) The moment d) the bigger d) have…do you pick

Scientists _(87)_ for many years that plant-eating insects can induce chemical changes in plants. When
_(88)_, some plants produce chemicals that poison the animals _(89)_ on them, or signal nearby plants
to strengthen their defense mechanisms.

87. a) had known 88. a) attacked 89. a) to feed

b) knew b) attacking b) feeding
c) have known c) they attack c) fed
d) having known d) having attacked d) being fed

Pheromones are chemicals_(90)_ animals—including humans—that _(91)_ as a form of communication

with other members of the species. Most often associated with reproduction, pheromones can also
_(92)_ to signal danger, to mark trails, or to identify food sources.

90. a) being emitted 91. a) served 92. a) be used

b) to emit b) are served b) have used it
c) emitted by c) are serving c) used
d) emitting d) serve d) being used

A vault in South Africa's Kruger National Park _(93)_ 36 tons of elephant ivory and rhino horn _(94)_
at about 3 million dollars. By international rules, South Africa cannot sell wildlife treasures. However,
that may change, as 160 countries at a CITES meeting are to decide _(95)_ to continue the ban on

93. a) is holding 94. a) are valued 95. a) if

b) has held b) valuing b) when
c) holding c) valued c) whether
d) holds d) are valuing d) how



Many scientists don‘t believe in the possibility _(1)_ on other planets.

1. a) we will reside c) of our residing
b) that our residing d) of us to reside

_(2)_ a little shy, he chose not to speak out in front of everybody.

2. a) To be c) Having been
b) By being d) Being

Not _(3)_ a lot of time, they decided to take a taxi.

3. a) having had c) to have
b) having d) to be having

_(4)_ by a noise, James phoned the police.

4. a) Woken c) Being woken
b) Having woken d) Waking

I regret not _(5)_ English when I was younger.

5. a) to have studied c) having studied

b) studied d) to have been studying

I regret _(6)_ more for the exam.

6. a) not to have revised c) not having revised

b) not being revised d) not to be revising

Have you seen that new supermarket? It just seems _(7)_ overnight.

7. a) having sprung up c) to have sprung up

b) to spring up d) to be springing up

Not _(8)_ in the topic of the talk, she decided not to go.
8. a) particularly interesting c) to have a particular interest
b) particularly interested d) to be particularly interesting

He was really pleased when he got chosen _(9)_ the captain.

9. a) to being c) to be
b) be d) to have been

I usually get my mum _(10)_ the washing for me.

10. a) doing c) to be doing
b) do d) to do

David is a keen hacker. He spends most of his spare time _(11)_ to get into banks‘ security systems.

11. a) trying c) to try

b) be trying d) to be trying

The two looked at each other for a moment, _(12)_ whether to laugh or cry.
12. a) not to know c) hadn‘t known
b) not knowing d) didn‘t know

We wish _(13)_ you that the swimming pool will be closing at 9.30 pm as of July 16th.

13 a) to inform c) informing
b) to be informing d) to have informed

Stephen Hawking is popularly _(14)_ one of the great genuises of our time.
14. a) considering being c) considered to be
b) considered as the d) considers being

_(15)_ in 1998, this is probably one of the best examples of modern architecture in the city center.

15. a) To be built c) Built

b) Having built d) To have been built

Not _(16)_ the news, she didn‘t know about the earthquake.

16. a) having seen c) seeing

b) to have seen d) to see

She got her boyfriend _(17)_ the flight for her.

17. a) to book c) book

b) booking d) to be booking

The Prime Minister _(18)_ the new hospital but he was held up in traffic.
18. a) must have opened c) is thought to have opened
b) might be opening d) was to open

It‘s a good idea _(19)_ at the car before you buy it.

19. a) for a mechanic to look c) having a mechanic to look

b) to have a mechanic look d) a mechanic having a look

The baby _(20)_ last week, so the doctors are considering a caesarean birth.
20. a) is supposed to be born c) couldn‘t have been born
b) must have been born d) was due to be born

The accused was asked _(21)_ while the judge read out the verdict.
21. a) for standing c) to have stood
b) to stand d) having stood

Not really _(22)_, I asked her to repeat the instructions.

22. a) being understood c) to be understanding

b) to have understood d) having understood

_(23)_ by the sound, he decided to go downstairs to investigate.

23. a) Having woken c) To have been woken

b) Waking d) Woken

The cat got _(24)_ over by a bus.

24. a) run c) to run
b) running d) to be run

_(25)_ of theft by the courts, he immediately got his old job back.

25. a) Clearing c) To have been cleared

b) Having been cleared d) To be cleared

Henry Ford was the first man _(26)_ the mass production of cars.

26. a) to organize c) organizing

b) to have organized d) having organized

It‘s no use _(27)_ over spilled milk. - Anonymous

27. a) to have cried c) crying

b) to be crying d) having cried

I hope I can get my brother _(28)_ me move house this weekend.

28. a) to help c) helping
b) help d) will help

I regret _(29)_ you that your application has been rejected.

29. a) inform c) to inform
b) informing d) to be informing

There is only circumstantial evidence against her, so she is unlikely __(30)__.

30. a) to be convicted c) to have been convicted
b) to convict d) to being convicted

"There is __(31)__ without wings." - French Proverb

31. a) not fly c) not flight
b) no flying d) none of the flying

I can spy on my neighbours through this window without __(32)__.

32. a) seeing c) having seen
b) being seen d) having been seen

I got my wallet _(33)_ when I was on holiday.

33. a) being stolen c) having stolen
b) stolen d) to be stolen

I finally had my leaking roof __(34)__ last week.

34. a) repairing c) repaired

b) to be repaired d) to repair

I got my neighbors _(35)_ after the dog last weekend.

35. a) looking c) looked
b) look d) to look

They must have their car's exhaust __(36)__. What a noise!

36. a) to be fixed c) to fix
b) fixed d) fixing

The new law was generally admitted __(37)__ difficult to enforce.

37. a) to be c) to having been
b) being d) to being

There's no point __(38)__ him expensive wines — he doesn't appreciate them.

38. a) in buying c) for buying

b) to buy d) to buying

I appreciate __(39)__ the effort to come.

39. a) you make c) your making

b) you to make d) making you

She's arranged for __(40)__.

40. a) her son to have swimming lessons c) swimming lessons for her son
b) having swimming lessons with her son d) her son‘s swimming lessons

Do you promise __(41)__ what I've just said?

41. a) never repeating c) you‘d never repeat
b) never to repeat d) won‘t ever repeat

Whenever an electron acquires enough energy __(42)__ its orbit, the atom is positively charged.

42. a) leave c) leaving

b) leaves d) to leave

She stared into the mirror, __(43)__ her skin rash.

43. a) being contemplated c) contemplating
b) to be contemplating d) so contemplated

After the meals we had last year; I decided __(44)__ more of the cooking myself.

44. a) to do c) I do
b) doing d) to be doing

We haven't yet arranged when __(45)__.

45. a) are we meeting c) to meet
b) being met d) we met

She had someone _(46)_ round to get an estimate for the decorating work.

46. a) coming c) came

b) to come d) come

The tourists were utterly disappointed with the service the hotel provided and wished __(47)__ a
47. a) to be made c) to make
b) being made d) making

After hours of discussion, the director agreed __(48)__ the ending of the movie.
48. a) changing c) having changed
b) he change d) to change

The journalist was given permission to write about the love triangle only after she promised __(49)__
the names of the people involved.
49. a) not publishing c) she should not publish
b) not to publish d) she not publish

If you don't mind me __(50)__ so, I don‘t think you are qualified enough to get this job.

50. a) to say c) say

b) saying d) I said

I would have liked __(51)__ French, but I was denied the opportunity at school.
51. a) learning c) to learn
b) I learned d) I learn

Do you mind __(52)__ in here, please?

52. a) to smoke c) not smoking

b) my smoking d) not to smoke

We dreaded __(53)__ the results of the blood tests.

53. a) hearing c) to be hearing

b) we hear d) we heard

Try to keep your diet simple; eating all that rich food is guaranteed __(54)__ you indigestion.
54. a) giving c) to be given
b) to give d) having given

Officials at state psychiatric hospitals in New York ordered social workers this week to stop __(55)__
discharged patients to locked units in private nursing homes.
55. a) sending c) send
b) to sending d) to send

You should try to avoid __(56)__ housework until your wrist recovers.
56. a) I do c) having done
b) doing d) to do

During the lecture, he imagined himself __(57)__ his favorite TV program on his comfortable couch at
57. a) to watch c) by watching
b) watching d) to be watching

You're expecting too much from someone if you ask them __(58)__ every weekend without pay.
58. a) whether to work or not c) to work
b) if they work d) they should work

I suggested __(59)__ the matter to the committee to hear what they've got to say.
59. a) putting c) I put
b) I had to put d) to put

She imagined __(60)__ in her favourite armchair back home.

60. a) she sat c) herself sitting

b) to sit d) to have been sitting

My father offered __(61)__ us to the airport.

61. a) us to take c) taking
b) to take d) he take

Drivers who exceed the speed limit can expect __(62)__.

62. a) they could heavily fine c) to be fined heavily
b) fining heavily d) they will heavily fine

The storm is reported __(63)__ five people.

63. a) to have killed c) killing
b) being killed d) having killed

You've got to appear__(64)__ calm in an interview even if you're terrified underneath.

64. a) being c) you are
b) to be d) like being

Joy expects __(65)__ enough money from her job as a doctor's assistant for her to become

65. a) earning c) being earned

b) to earn d) to have earned

The dentist had a difficult time __(66)__ my wisdom teeth.

66. a) to extract c) extracting

b) of extracting d) extracted

Most people exercise because they resist__(67)__ overweight or unhealthy.

67. a) being c) by being

b) to be d) to being

Some runners cannot endure __(68)__ by people who a few years earlier used to finish behind them.

68. a) outrunning c) to outrun

b) to be outrun d) being outrun

Some people cannot resist __(69)__ when they are depressed.

69. a) to be eating c) eating
b) having eaten d) to eat

"If you want __(70)__, you must respect yourself." - Spanish Proverb
70. a) to be respecting c) to respect
b) to be respected d) respecting

The newspaper has agreed __(71)__ the case out of court.

71. a) to settle c) about settling

b) settling d) to be settled

With one mile _(72)_, the runner collapsed with heat and exhaustion.

72. a) having gone c) to go

b) to have gone d) going

They tried __(73)__ me into giving them the money.

73. a) blackmail c) by blackmailing

b) of blackmailing d) to blackmail

"One of the advantages __(74)__ disorderly is that one is constantly making exciting discoveries." - A.
Milne, author
74. a) to being c) being
b) of being d) for being

"It is __(75)__ to aim; you must hit." - Italian Proverb

75. a) not enough c) no point
b) nothing d) no use

His wife took out a court order to stop him __(76)__ his children.

76. a) see c) to see

b) seeing d) to be seeing

The boss was pleased __(77)__ the employees had finished their work on time.
77. a) to seeing c) seeing
b) to see d) having seen

The police were happy __(78)__ the journalists' questions.

78. a) to answering c) answering

b) being answered d) to answer

It is often hard for shy children __(79)__ new friends in a new neighbourhood.

79. a) make c) to make

b) making d) to be making

She stopped __(80)__ two years ago. She has been feeling much livelier ever since.
80. a) for a smoke c) smoking
b) smoke d) to smoke

"Do not regret __(81)__ older. It is a privilege denied to many." – Anonymous

81. a) growing c) about growing
b) to grow d) to have grown

We had been driving for two hours when Jack stopped __(82)__ petrol.

82. a) to buy c) to be buying

b) buying d) for buying

__(83)__ responsibility for yourself is part of the process of growing up.

83. a) Taken c) To have taken

b) Having taken d) Taking

__(84)__ percentage of the population is taking holidays abroad.

84. a) A growing c) The growth of

b) A grown d) The growing of

She asked __(85)__ a report on the state of the project by the following week.

85. a) to me to produce c) me producing

b) me to produce d) to produce me

"If you see no reason __(86)__ thanks, the fault lies in yourself." - Native American Proverb
86. a) for giving c) giving
b) to give d) to be given

The school council recommended __(87)__ the syllabus so that the students‘ reading skills could be
further improved.
87. a) changing c) to change
b) they would change d) for them to change

He claimed that _(88)_ too hard was harming his health.

88. a) he worked c) to have worked
b) he was working d) working

Lavoisier used curved glass discs fastened together at their rims, with wine __(89)__ the space
between, to focus the sun's rays to attain temperatures of 3000 F.

89. a) filled c) to be filled

b) to fill d) filling

The hijack ended with the release of all the plane's passengers __(90)__.

90. a) were unharmed c) unharmed

b) had been unharmed d) had unharmed

Making such a big change in our original plan means __(91)__ a lot of money on new equipment.
91. a) to spend c) to be spending
b) spending d) to have spent

That rather cool manner of hers is just a device to avoid __(92)__

92. a) people to have a talk c) to have a talk to people
b) having to talk to people d) people having a talk

The car accident seemed __(93)__ his confidence.

93. a) to have totally destroyed c) totally destroyed
b) to be totally destroying d) totally destroying

David was brought up __(94)__ authority; that‘s why he doesn‘t have any difficulty working with a
strict boss like Mr. Graham.
94. a) with respect to c) to respect
b) to be respecting d) for respecting

"It is my ambition __(95)__ in ten sentences what others say in a whole book." - Friedrich Nietzsche,
95. a) say c) to say
b) saying d) for saying

Following his resignation, the minister said he was looking forward __(96)__ more time with his family.

96. a) he will spend c) to spend

b) for he will spend d) to spending

When camping, use insect repellent to avoid __(97)__.

97. a) getting bitten c) to get bitten

b) biting d) having bitten

I feel so guilty __(98)__ your birthday; how could I have done this?

98. a) having forgot c) to forget

b) about forgetting d) forgetting

Government policy is to refuse __(99)__ with hijackers.

99. a) to be negotiated c) negotiating
b) to negotiate d) to negotiation

While window shopping the other day, I saw a dress which I liked very much. Luckily, I happened
__(100)__ enough money with me, so I was able to buy it.
100. a) to have c) having had
b) having d) to be having

It was an innocent remark, I didn't mean __(101)__ his feelings.

101. a) to hurt c) I hurt

b) hurt d) hurting

He said he had obtained the television innocently, __(102)__ it had been stolen.
102. a) known c) didn‘t know
b) not knowing d) knew

"Do not stand in a place of danger __(103)__ in miracles." - Arab Proverb

103. a) to trust c) where trusting
b) trusting d) to have trusted

He arrived home just in time to see his brother __(104)__ away by the police.

104. a) taken c) being taken

b) was taken d) taking

Prison wardens have threatened __(105)__ on strike.

105. a) and have gone c) going

b) to be going d) to go

Civil rights groups are demanding __(106)__ of all political prisoners.

106. a) the release c) releasing

b) to be released d) to release

There are four variants of malaria, __(107)__ to humans by a particular family of mosquitoes.

107. a) are transmited c) transmitting

b) transmitted d) which transmit

Most commentators expect the basic rate of tax __(108)__ at 25%.

108. a) to remain c) to have remained
b) remaining d) remain

He doesn't want the wheels __(109) __ off while he is riding down a hill.
109. a) falling c) to be falling
b) to fall d) fall

The first high-level language __(110)__, FORTRAN, was implemented on an IBM 704 computer.
110. a) was widely accepted c) to be widely accepted
b) that widely accepted d) widely accepted

The supervisor found the program __(111)__ faulty and asked for a replacement.

111. a) being c) having been

b) to be d) was being

The company considers the new computer __(112)__ a major breakthrough.

112. a) being c) to have been

b) was d) to be

Today scientists go to Antarctica __(113)__ everything from astronomy to zoology.

113. a) to have studied c) for studying
b) to study d) to be studied

The space shuttle is thought __(114)__ a major step in space exploration.

114. a) to being c) being
b) to be d) having been

In a nuclear power plant, the probability of an accident leading to the melting of the fuel core was
estimated __(115)__ one chance in 20,000 reactor-years of operation.

115. a) to being c) being

b) to have been d) to be

Nuclear-powered artificial hearts proved __(116)__, bulky, and expensive.

116. a) to be complicated c) to being complicated
b) complicated d) complicating

We only have enough supplies __(117)__ us a week.

117. a) will last c) lasting

b) for lasting d) to last

The blood vessels leading to the device tended to bend, __(118a)__ the filling of the chambers and
__(118b)__ in inadequate output.

118. a) obstructed…resulted c) obstruct…to result

b) obstructing…resulting d) they obstructed…they result

In ancient Rome, when a dead person was believed __(119)__ a witch or black magician, or in any way
connected with magic and witchcraft, it was the custom to bury them face down or remove their head
in order that they should not rise from the grave and haunt the living.

119. a) being c) having been

b) to have been d) to being

The idea of the artificial heart arose in part from the need __(120)__ people who cannot receive a
donor heart.
120. a) treating c) of treating
b) to treat d) treated

Have you considered how your mother is going to feel about __(121)__ the country?
121. a) leaving you c) your leaving
b) you to leave d) when you left

It is considered bad manners in some cultures __(122)__ with your mouth full of food.

122. a) if spoken c) to speak

b) speak d) speaking

__(123)__ the weather, we got here quite quickly.

123. a) Having considered c) Considering
b) Being considered d) To consider

My teacher made me __(124)__ extra homework because of the trouble I caused.

124. a) doing c) do
b) to doing d) to do

She was made __(125)__ the room while the plans were discussed.
125. a) for leaving c) leave
b) leaving d) to leave

My father never allows me __(126)__ out too late.

126. a) staying c) stay

b) to staying d) to stay



Anyone caught __(1)__ an offence __(2)__ .

1. a) to commit 2. a) will be punished

b) committing b) will have been punished
c) committed c) to be punished
d) being committed d) are to be punished

She's threatening __(3)__ me to court __(4)__ not paying the bill on time.

3. a) taking 4. a) as to
b) to take b) for
c) she‘ll take c) unless
d) that she will take d) because

I‘m really bad _(5)_ names sometimes. However, I hardly ever _(6)_ a face.

5. a) for remembering 6. a) will forget

b) to remember b) forget
c) at remembering c) to forget
d) to be remembering d) have forgotten

Even the police officers, _(7)_ in crowd control, had trouble _(8)_ back the angry mob.

7. a) was being trained 8. a) holding

b) to be trained b) to hold
c) trained c) to be holding
d) having trained d) being held

The window got _(9)_ by some kids _(10)_ football.

9. a) broken 10. a) were playing
b) to be broken b) while playing
c) to have broken c) playing
d) broke d) to be playing

Though there is no money _(11)_, a lot of people like working for charities because it makes them
_(12)_ good about themselves.
11. a) involved 12. a) feeling
b) to be involved b) to feel
c) involving c) feel
d) being involved d) to be feeling

The Worldwide Fund for Nature is fighting _(13)_ the natural habitat of the giant panda from _(14)_.
13. a) to save 14. a) destroying
b) for saving b) being destroyed
c) to be saving c) destroyed
d) save d) having destroyed

He didn‘t know where _(15)_ information about learning French on the net, so he used a search engine
_(16)_ him find the home page for the French Tourist Authority.
15. a) would he find 16. a) for helping
b) to be found b) helped
c) he was able to find c) to help
d) to find d) helping

_(17)_ lost in thought, he didn‘t notice that his train _(18)_ out of his station.

17. a) Being 18. a) pull

b) Having b) pulling
c) To have c) had pulled
d) To be d) would pull

We wish to take this opportunity _(19)_ you _(20)_ your recent promotion.

19. a) to congratulate 20. a) for

b) congratulating b) with
c) to be congratulating c) on
d) congratulate d) about

I got close to _(21)_ the lottery last week. One more correct number and I _(22)_ the jackpot!

21. a) win 22. a) ‗d have hit

b) be winning b) ‗d be hitting
c) winning c) had hit
d) have won d) hit

In the end we gave up, _(23)_ everything we possibly _(24)_ to improve the situation.

23. a) trying 24. a) should

b) to try b) had to
c) to have tried c) could
d) having tried d) might

In the past, countries conducting research in Antarctica paid little attention _(25)_ Antarctica‘s pristine
environment, but over the past decade or so there _(26)_ a remarkable shift in thinking with an emphasis
on ―what goes in must come out.‖
25. a) to maintain 26. a) was
b) by maintaining b) had been
c) maintained c) would have been
d) to maintaining d) has been

It‘s better_(27)_ positive about the future rather than _(28)_ depressed.

27. a) be 28. a) get

b) being b) having got
c) to be c) to get
d) to being d) got

We _(29)_ five days visiting the sights, but I was too ill _(30)_.

29. a) were supposed to spend 30. a) for travelling

b) supposed we spent b) to have been travelling
c) supposedly spent c) that I couldn‘t travel
d) didn‘t suppose we could spend d) to travel

So far, he seems __(31)__ the job well, but it's really __(32)__ to judge.
31. a) to have handled 32. a) soon enough
b) to be handled b) very soon
c) handling c) much sooner
d) being handled d) too soon

"In the morning be first up, and in the evening last __(33)__ to bed, __(34)__ they that sleep catch
no fish." - English Proverb
33. a) for going 34. a) for
b) going b) so long as
c) to go c) thus
d) go d) but

Bad News
Doctor: I have good news and bad news.
Patient: Go with the good news first.
Doctor: You have 24 hours __(35)__ .
Patient: What!?! How about the bad news?
Doctor: Um... I forgot __(36)__ you yesterday.

35. a) for living 36. a) telling

b) of living b) to tell
c) to live c) about to tell
d) of life d) about telling

__(37)__ presenting an award at the 1993 Oscars, Susan Sarandon and long-time partner Tim Robbins,
an actor and director, spent 3 minutes of their podium time __(38)__ on behalf of Haitian refugees
with AIDS.

37. a) While 38. a) to speak

b) As b) speaking
c) During c) for speaking
d) In d) in speech

"Artificial Intelligence is the study of how __(39)__ real computers act like __(40)__ in movies." –
39. a) making 40. a) the ones
b) to make b) that
c) are made c) one
d) do we make d) these

The main issue _(41)_ was whether _(42)_ tobacco companies _(43)_ the British Powerboat Grand Prix .
41. a) having discussed 42. a) allowing 43. a) sponsoring
b) to have been discussed b) allowed b) to be sponsoring
c) being discussed c) to allow c) to sponsor
d) having been discussed d) to be allowed d) having sponsored

The simple act of _(44)_ can lift people's spirits. And when disaster_(45)_, teams of highly trained
canines are sometimes called to the scene _(46)_ survivors deal emotionally with the situation.
44. a) petting a dog 45. a) struck 46. a) to help
b) a pet dog b) is struck b) for helping
c) being a pet dog c) will strike c) helping
d) having to pet a dog d) strikes d) having helped

It is important __(47)__ that gift giving at Christmas __(48)__ popular in the last 100 years as
figures such as Santa Claus have come to be more important, and emphasis __(49)__ to giving gifts to
47. a) noting 48. a) has only become 49.a) had shifted
b) being noted b) had just become b) has been shifted
c) to note c) only became c) was shifting
d) be noted d) became just d) shifted

As graduation nears, high school students are anxious __(50)__ the career path.

50. a) for hitting

b) to hit
c) to be hit
d) hitting

C.E.O. D.U.M.B
One day a secretary is leaving on her lunch break, and she notices her boss __(51)__ in front of a
shredder with a clueless look on his face. The secretary walks up to him and asks __(52)__ he needs
help. "Yes!" he says looking and sounding __(53)__, "This is very important." Glad __(54)__, she turns
the shredder on and inserts the paper. Then her boss says, "Thanks, I only need one copy."

51. a) stands 52. a) that

b) was standing b) if
c) standing c) why
d) to stand d) does

53. a) being relieved 54. a) for help

b) relieving b) to help
c) relief c) helping
d) relieved d) be of help

Being a teenager is not easy – nor __(55)__ the parent of a teenager. A seemingly harmless comment
from you can make your adolescent __(56)__ angry, hurt, or misunderstood. If your teen makes you
__(57)__ ,try these tips that offer a commonsense approach to giving your child the space he needs to
grow while gently letting him __(58)__ that you'll still be there for him when he needs you.
55. a) it isn‘t easy to be 56. a) feeling
b) it is easy being b) to feel
c) isn‘t it easy to be c) feel
d) is it easy being d) to feeling

57. a) frustrated 58. a) know

b) frustrating b) to know
c) frustrate c) knowing
d) to frustrate d) known

New research shows _(59)_ tiny female parasitic wasps are able to change the smell of the plants they
live in _(60)_ a mate. The ability helps the gall wasp males to locate a partner, _(61)_ the fact that the
female is totally enclosed within a plant stem. The study is the first known example of an insect
actively _(62)_ a plants' chemistry _(63)_ in reproduction.
59. a) what 60. a) for the attraction 61. a) despite
b) why b) by attracting b) owing to
c) that c) to attract c) regardless
d) where d) attracting d) considering

62. a) altering 63. a) for assisting

b) altered b) to assist
c) while altering c) by assisting
d) alter d) assisted

Chemistry may help _(64)_ a relationship together, but male tree-hole frogs found in the rainforests
of Borneo attract their mates _(65)_ physics. Scientists have discovered that frogs actively tune the
pitch of their calls _(66)_ inside hollow tree cavities _(67)_ their chance _(68)_ attracting a mate.
64. a) keep 65. a) by using 66. a) to resonate
b) keeping b) to use b) for resonating
c) kept c) to be using c) while resonating
d) for keeping d) having used d) resonate

67. a) in increasing 68. a) for

b) for increasing b) in
c) are increased c) of
d) to increase d) by
Perhaps the most surprising thing about camels is that they _(69)_ in North America, not Africa.
Fossils found in North American deposits _(70)_ the first members of the Camelidae family to roughly
40 million years ago. Camels are believed _(71)_ land bridges linking North America to Siberia some
three million years ago, eventually _(72)_ south and west into Asia and North Africa. _(73)_ camels
disappeared from North America remains a mystery.
69. a) were first evolved 70. a) were dated 71. a) crossing
b) had first evolved b) date b) having been crossed
c) first evolved c) dated c) having crossed
d) were first evolving d) dating d) to have crossed

72. a) moved 73. a) That
b) having moved b) Where
c) moving c) The fact that
d) to have moved d) Why

Imagine a newly emerged volcanic island __(74)__ in the Pacific Ocean many millions of years ago, lifeless
except for a few passing seabirds. As the lava __(75)__, a few seeds and hardy animals settle down to
make a new home on this virgin speck of land. Some of the first __(76)__ hold are desert cacti, their
seeds __(77)__ by vagrant birds. As they grow and spread, the cacti eventually __(78)__ shelter for the
first resident land birds and food for a few reptiles accidentally __(79)__ ashore.

74. a) lost 75. a) cools 76. a) taking

b) having lost b) is cooling b) to have taken
c) being lost c) cooled c) taken
d) to have lost d) was cooled d) to take

77. a) delivered 78. a) provided 79. a) washing

b) having delivered b) provide b) wash
c) delivering c) provides c) washed
d) are delivered d) were provided d) were washed

The Horseshoe
An economic forecaster was known __(80)__ a horseshoe prominently __(81)__ above the doorframe
of his office. __(82)__ what it was for, he replied that it was a good luck charm that helped his
forecasts. ―But do you believe in __(83)__ superstition?‘‖ he was asked, and he said, ―Of course not!‖
―But then why do you keep it?‘‖ ―Well,‖ he said, ―it works __(84)__ you believe in it or not.‖

80. a) having 81. a) displayed 82. a) While asking

b) to have b) displaying b) Having asked
c) for having c) to display c) Been asked
d) he had d) for displaying d) Asked

83. a) which 84. a) whether

b) these b) when
c) such c) once
d) the d) because

Safety First
Four masked gunmen entered a bank in Jackson, Mississippi, __(85)__ with automatic weapons and
carried out a daring daylight robbery. The bank's armed security guard didn't intervene __(86)__ the
robbery because he was busy __(87)__ in the bank's bathroom. The guard told police that when he
__(88)__ people in the bank __(89)__, he went into the bathroom and locked the door behind him.
Jackson police declined to criticize the guard's actions, noting that he __(90)__ if the robbers had
seen him.

85. a) armed 86. a) to stop 87. a) to hide

b) having armed b) stopping b) hiding
c) to have armed c) stop c) for hiding
d) arming d) for stopping d) was hiding

88. a) heard 89. a) screaming 90. a) could have killed

b) was hearing b) screamed b) should have been killed
c) has heard c) had screamed c) must have killed
d) had been heard d) were screaming d) could have been killed


"The nice thing about standards is there are __(1)__ to choose from." - Anonymous
1. a) such a lot of c) too much
b) plenty of d) so many

I found all of the questions difficult. Did you answer __(2)__ of them correctly?
2. a) neither c) few
b) either d) any

Each of the dogs pricked up __(3)__ ears.

3. a) its c) their
b) two of d) both of

"If there is __(4)__ wind, row." - Latin Proverb

4. a) none c) at all
b) no d) without

Every writer should learn from __(5)__ own experiences.

5. a) one‘s c) his or her
b) ones d) theirs

The hut offered __(6)__ protection from the elements such as the rain and the wind.
6. a) none c) little
b) hardly d) any

She's been unemployed for two years and it's __(7)__ waste of her talents.
7. a) such a c) so much
b) a lot of d) too much

To our company, each of our customers __(8)__ important.

8. a) to be c) is
b) are d) have been

The concert was cancelled because __(9)__ tickets had been sold.
9. a) none of c) only a little
b) hardly any d) quite a few

There are several bushes in the garden, but __(10)__ of them are rhododendrons.
10. a) not each c) none
b) neither d) not even one

__(11)__ government ministers have demanded the imposition of the death penalty for the murder of
police officers.
11. a) Neither c) Either
b) Several d) All of

One of the canaries ate only half of __(12)__ food.
12. a) own c) their
b) itself d) its

"When a blind man carries a lame man, __(13)__ go forward." - Swedish Proverb

13. a) both c) either

b) all d) none

Every girl clapped __(14)__ hands.

14. a) her c) their
b) both her d) the both

With surpluses in the production of computers exploding, the president of the company had __(15)__
excuse to reject a large tax reduction.
15. a) no c) much
b) any d) hardly

I had three pencils. Have you seen __(16)__ of them?

16. a) any b) some
c) either d) neither

The plant shutdown caused the __(17)__ area to suffer from an economic crisis.

17. a) entire c) most of the

b) all d) majority of

She has painted dozens of pictures. Have you seen __(18)__ of them?
18. a) a lot c) any
b) couple d) either

The symbol that denotes a connection to the grounding conductor is three parallel horizontal lines,
__(19)__ of the lower ones being shorter than the one above it.

19. a) all c) every

b) each d) some

Two people said "Hello" to me, but I did not recognize __(20)__ of them.
20. a) each c) neither
b) none d) either

The splitting of an atom produces __(21)__ of energy.

21. a) a large number c) lot
b) a great amount d) huge quantity

Either of my daughters can lend you __(22)__ skis.

22. a) this c) her
b) that d) their

There are two umbrellas here, but __(23)__ of them is mine.
23. a) none c) both
b) neither d) either

Her figure is wonderful considering that she eats __(24)__ chocolate.

24. a) so much c) such a lot
b) much more d) lots

I have two uncles living abroad; unfortunately, __(25)__ of them writes to us very often, so we hardly
know what‘s going on in their lives.
25. a) none c) either
b) neither d) both

Some banks make you pay __(26)__ bank charges.

26. a) little c) too many

b) less d) far too much

There are two trees on the lawn. __(27)__ of them are suitable to build a tree house on.
27. a) All c) Either
b) Each d) Both

Both of the children wanted to finish __(28)__ work early and see the new film on at the cinema.
28. a) her c) his
b) their d) its

There are two public libraries in the city, but __(29)__ of them is located close to where I live.
29. a) not all c) none
b) no one d) neither

There is _(30)_ evidence as yet that there is life on Mars.

30. a) no more c) little
b) much d) hardly

_(31)_ did she adore him, that she would not give him up.
31. a) Such c) So much
b) Such few d) Such a little

_(32)_ boring was the lecture, that she left in the middle.
32. a) Such a lot c) So
b) So much d) Quite

_(33)_ was his determination to succeed that he paid _(34)_ attention to those around him.

33. a) Such 34. a) a lack of

b) So much b) little
c) Such a lot c) none of
d) So d) scarcely

Years ago, Mediterranean fishermen enjoyed big hauls near the two main mouths of the Nile. Today,
with the river delivering _(35a)_ nutrients and _(35b)_ pollution, the fish have gone farther out to sea
and so _(36)_.

35. a) so many ... so much 36. a) have the fishermen

b) so little ... such a lot of b) the fishermen have
c) such a lot of ... quite a lot of c) have the fishermen gone
d) so few ... so much d) the fishermen have gone

Riding a wave of new technology, scientists are discovering _(37)_ of the oceans' secrets, including the
integral role the seas play _(38)_ our climate.
37. a) much 38. a) for shaping
b) more b) and shape
c) those c) in shaping
d) the ones d) to shape

Fish, penguins, seals, whales, and many kinds of sea birds call Antarctica their home; __(39)__, the
freezing temperatures and months of darkness make life for its __(40)__ inhabitants an eternal battle
__(41)__ survival.

39. a) however 40. a) a few 41. a) to

b) in contrast b) few b) for
c) conversely c) fewest c) by
d) on the contrary d) fewer d) about

During the Gulf War, blood banks saw a significant increase in the number of blood __(42)__.
__(43)__, after Sept. 11, centres saw a five-fold increase. However, with today's war, blood bank
officials say that they are seeing __(44)__ public response.

42. a) donations 43. a) Also 44. a) a lot of

b) donating b) Nevertheless b) hardly any
c) donor c) Even so c) far fewer
d) donates d) Only d) quite a number of

Thirty years ago, almost __(45)__ kids in my neighborhood had some sort of hobby. Collecting and
trading baseball cards was a popular pastime, __(46)__ coin and stamp collecting. One of my friends
was into photography; still __(47)__ into building radios for himself.
45. a) all 46. a) the same 47. a) another
b) most b) such as b) the other
c) every c) so are c) others
d) whole d) as were d) the others

Since their appearance in about 3000 B.C., cities _(48)_ the natural center of everything that
mattered: the temple, the court, the market, the university. And for anyone with a particle of
ambition, there is _(49)_ choice. Shakespeare left Stratford to go to London, after all; _(50)_ the

48. a) were always 49. a) so few 50. a) and

b) would always be b) hardly b) so
c) have always been c) little c) not
d) had always been d) much d) but

_(51)_ most people at this time of year think about eating turkey, some think about seeing _(52)_ —not
the overweight, pale, domesticated bird that ends up on the Thanksgiving table, but _(53)_ its
streamlined, bronzy ancestor: the wild turkey. This ground-dwelling native of North American forests
is fairly common now, but only 30 years ago it was nonexistent across _(54)_ of its historic range, a
casualty of over-hunting and deforestation.

51. a) If 52. a) this 53. a) instead

b) Since b) one b) rather
c) In case c) it c) than
d) While d) that d) only

54. a) much
b) entire
c) many
d) whole


You don't like me, __(1)__?

1. a) don‘t you c) did you
b) didn‘t you d) do you

You've done your homework, __(2)__?

2. a) didn‘t you c) have you
b) did you d) haven‘t you

I'm not late, __(3)__ I?

3. a) am c) do
b) are d) don‘t

I'm invited to your party, __(4)__?

4. a) do I c) am I
b) aren‘t I d) don‘t I

You'll come to my party, __(5)__ you?

5. a) won‘t c) will
b) would d) wouldn‘t

You remembered to feed the cat, __(6)__ you?

6. a) didn't c) do
b) haven‘t d) have

Let's play tennis, __(7)__we?

7. a) will c) won‘t
b) shall d) don‘t

Nobody came to your party, __(8)__ they?

8. a) have c) did
b) didn‘t d) haven‘t

Don't forget, __(9)__you?

9. a) shall c) do
b) can d) will

You think you're clever, __(10)__you?

10. a) aren‘t c) do
b) don't d) are

Parking didn‘t use to be allowed here , __(11)__?

11. a) did it use c) was it
b) used it d) did it

Stop whistling, _(12)_ you?

12. a) do c) won‘t
b) don‘t d) will

He frightened us __(13)__ jumping out of the cupboard.

13. a) through c) with
b) by d) in

Irritated by people walking in and out of the room, the guest speaker wondered how many more
interruptions he was supposed to put __(14)__.
14. a) through c) in
b) out d) up with

They robbed the company __(15)__ £2 million.

15. a) of c) from
b) about d) to

A last-minute injury robbed __(16)__ place on the team.

16. a) me of my c) of my
b) me and my d) me of

A mother was charged __(17)__ murder yesterday for refusing to have a Caesarean which
doctors said would have saved one of her twins.

17. a) with c) to
b) as d) about

Because of the officer‘s testimony, both shooters were convicted __(18)__ murder and sentenced to
life in prison

18. a) about c) to
b) of d) from

Judging __(19)__ what he said, I think it's very unlikely that he'll be able to support your family
without aid from the government.
19. a) for c) at
b) on d) by

British weather is perhaps __(20)__ its most variable in the spring; it may be sunny in the morning and rainy
in the afternoon.
20. a) on c) in
b) at d) to

"A heart in love __(21)__ beauty never grows old." - Turkish Proverb
21. a) with c) for
b) about d) on

"Americans will put __(22)__ anything provided it doesn't block traffic." - Dan Rather
22. a) out c) up with
b) through d) away

"A journey of a thousand miles begins __(23)__ a single step." - Chinese Proverb

23. a) by c) on
b) with d) from

"Complain __(24)__ one who can help you." - Yugoslav Proverb

24. a) about c) for

b) to d) at

"Everyone has a right __(25)__ a university degree in America, even if it's in Hamburger Technology."
- Clive James

25. a) for c) from

b) to d) about

Television programs such as quiz shows and talent competitions have been blamed _(26)_ lowering the
standards of broadcasting.

26. a) on c) as
b) with d) for

Most heavy metal fans are __(27)__ 20 — this is at variance with the age of the bands themselves,
who are often __(28)__ the wrong side of 40.

27. a) under 28. a) about

b) beneath b) for
c) beyond c) on
d) within d) to

There are certain errors that promise _(29)_ your hard work of writing a cover letter. From
typographical mistakes _(30)_ erroneous employer information, all mistakes have a negative impact
_(31)_ the application process.

29. a) that will diminish 30. a) till 31. a) in

b) diminishing b) and b) for
c) that they diminish c) to c) on
d) to diminish d) up to d) at

Trevor Baylis is an inventor who lives _(32)_ an island _(33)_ the middle of the river Thames, near
London. He has had a number of jobs, each one very different _(34)_ the last. Although he is now well-
known _(35)_ his invention of the clockwork radio, he has been responsible _(36)_ inventing many
products that help physically handicapped people carry out day-to-day tasks such as opening bottles.
32. a) at 33. a) on 34. a) with
b) on b) in b) like
c) in c) right c) from
d) inside d) just d) as

35. a) with 36. a) for

b) of b) with
c) to c) of
d) for d) as

Four hundred thousand men went to California _(37)_ the decade after gold was found. The land route
from the East Coast was 2,000 miles, with the danger of dying _(38)_ thirst in the desert. The sea
route _(39)_ South America took six months and many died _(40)_ the way. Ships arriving _(41)_
California were often abandoned by their crews, who were desperate to get on with searching for gold.
More than 500 ships ended _(42)_ rotting in San Francisco bay, sometimes _(43)_ their cargoes still
on board.

37. a) on 38. a) out of 39. a) in

b) for b) for b) across
c) in c) in c) around
d) by d) from d) away

40. a) in 41. a) on 42. a) up

b) on b) into b) in
c) at c) in c) at
d) by d) at d) with

43. a) next to
b) by
c) near
d) with


Canada is not __(1)__ we like to think it is.

1. a) more than integrated c) nearly as integrated as
b) almost as much integrated d) all that integrated

The weapons on display are __(2)__ defensive ones, not designed for attack.
2. a) the most purely c) pure
b) the purest d) purely

After the party, it turned out that Julia‘s new boyfriend was not __(3)__ she claimed him to be.

3. a) as interesting a person as c) much more interesting person

b) an interesting person d) more interesting as a person

"Be __(4a)__ in choosing a friend, but __(4b)__ in changing him." - Scottish Proverb

4. a) slower…more slowly c) slowly…quite slowly

b) slowest…the slowest d) slow…slower

Why don‘t you ask Jenny to solve this maths problem? She is __(5)__ cleverer than me.

5. a) far c) almost
b) quite d) nearly

Steve is __(6)__ he is a photographer.

6. a) much better at teaching than c) a very good teacher also

b) better teacher than d) as good a teacher as

"Love and eggs are __(7)__ when they are fresh." - Russian Proverb

7. a) best c) well
b) as well as d) as good as

The inland waterway from Livingston to the end of Lake Izabal is __(8)__ you can hope to see in your
8. a) so beautiful that c) as beautiful a place as
b) such a beautiful place d) more beautiful places than

I find that __(9a)__ I work, __(9b)__ I seem to have. -Thomas Jefferson

9. a) the harder… the more luck c) harder…luckier
b) much harder…much more luck d) the hardest…the luckiest

"It is __(10)__ harder for the average ape to believe that he has descended from man." –
H.L. Mencken
10. a) more c) ever
b) much more d) even

‗‘The question of whether a computer can think is __(11)__ interesting than the question of whether a
submarine can swim. ‗‘ E.W. Dijkstra
11. a) hardly as c) no more
b) far d) lot more

A paperless office is __(12)__ a paperless toilet.

12. a) as worthwhile as c) not worthwhile as
b) only worthwhile as to d) hardly worthwhile as

" Better to light a candle __(13)__ to curse the darkness" - Chinese Proverb
13. a) than c) then
b) instead d) immediately

Ginny was as __(14)__ she had been a teacher: perceptive, dynamic, and always ready to help.

14. a) wonderful a fellow student as c) a wonderful fellow student

b) wonderful as a fellow student d) a fellow student as wonderful

Researchers from the University of Chicago have found that the corticosteroid nasal spray fluticasone
propionate (Flonase®) is __(15)__ at controlling seasonal allergies than a combination of two popular
anti-allergy drugs: loratidine (Claritin®) and montelukast (Singulair®).
15. a) so effective c) slightly more effective
b) as effectively d) too effective

"When one door closes, another door opens; but we so often look so long and so__ (16) __ upon the
closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us." - Alexander Graham Bell
16. a) regretful c) regretting
b) regretfully d) regretted

No species in North America has been __(17)__ deer.

17. a) the more grotesque mismanagement than c) the most grotesquely mismanaged
b) more grotesquely mismanaged than d) as grotesque in mismanagement as

The larger a bottle of whiskey you drink, __(18)__.

18. a) you will be drunker c) so drunk will you be
b) the drunker you will be d) as drunk as you will be

"In the country of the blind, __(19)__ man is king." - Michael Apostolius

19. a) the only eye c) one-eye

b) the one-eyed d) only one eye

The Minister for Trade and Industry is __(20)__ of the situation as the union leaders.
20. a) more than just a prisoner c) just as much a prisoner
b) just like a prisoner d) a prisoner just like

__(21)__ more companies are establishing variable pay programmes to reward top performers on their

21. a) Increasing c) To increase

b) Increased d) Increasingly

"Never trust a man who speaks __(22)__ of everybody." - John Churton Collin
22. a) good c) better
b) well d) the best

Unemployment rates among white-collar workers show __(23)__ regional variation than corresponding rates
among blue-collar workers.

23. a) lesser c) very little

b) hardly any d) much less

"It is __(24)__ to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation." - Herman Melville, American author
24. a) better c) well
b) the best d) best

The low cost of the new computer made competition __(25)__ difficult for some of the other

25. a) far c) much too

b) very much d) extreme

The one experiment that has been given __(26)__ attention in the debate on saccharin is the 1977
Canadian study done on rats.
26. a) very c) the most
b) much too d) far more than

According to a recent survey, readers take newspaper websites __(27)__ the newspapers themselves.

27. a) as serious as c) the most seriously

b) more seriously than d) much too serious

Until the early 1960s, desk calculators, which performed only the basic arithmetic operations, were
__(28)__ mechanical in operation.
28. a) the most essential c) essentially
b) the most essentially d) essential

"Life's tragedy is that we get old too soon and wise too __(29)__." - Benjamin Franklin

29. a) late c) lately

b) later d) latest

The debate over nuclear power has often been __(30)__.

30. a) bitter c) bitterly

b) such bitter d) much more bitterly

In 1833, Faraday's experimentation with electrolysis indicated a natural unit of electrical charge, thus
pointing to a discrete __(31)__ continuous charge.
31. a) more than c) instead
b) more like d) rather than

Because the shortage in donor hearts is __(32)__, transplant surgery is limited to people with the best
chances of surviving.

32. a) more severely c) so severe

b) such severe d) severely

"When a thing is done, advice comes __(33)__." - Romanian Proverb

33. a) later c) too late

b) late enough d) lately

When asked about his opinion on the reality shows on television, the distinguished TV critic said that
they were absolutely __(34)__.

34. a) as terrible c) too terrible

b) terribly d) terrible

A city built on an island is __(35)__ defensible.

35. a) easier c) very easy

b) easily d) the easiest

The dining room was admired by all the guests since it was _(36)_.
36. a) tastefully decorated c) tasteful to decorate
b) decorating tastefully d) to decorate tastefully

"__(37)__ absent, soon forgotten." - Romanian Proverb

37. a) The longest c) Longer

b) The longer d) Long

Don't Worry Man... I Thought Of Everything
A group of drug smugglers hatched a plan to empty the tank of a propane truck and use it to smuggle
six thousand pounds of marijuana across the border from Mexico into Texas. Though clever, the men
were not __(38)__ bright: they were caught because they __(39)__ the name of the gas company
while painting it on the side of the truck.
38. a) enough 39. a) were misspelled
b) much b) had misspelled
c) most c) were misspelling
d) really d) have misspelled

Some people __(40)__ the Sonata is __(41a)__ the Camry and in some areas __(41b)__.

40. a) are feeling 41. a) as good a car as… even better

b) are to feel b) a good car as…much better
c) have felt c) not nearly as good…worse
d) feel d) worse than…rather bad

Patrick was surprised to see his fussy Himalayan cat __(42)__ the Chicken and Rice dog food that he
had bought on sale, __(43)__ his home-cooked chicken breast.

42. a) devour 43. a) almost as eagerly as

b) to devour b) very eagerly as if
c) devoured c) slightly more eager than
d) being devoured d) so eager that

Of all the _(44)_ feats climbers attempt these days, scaling vertical ice appears to be _(45)_.
44. a) most daringly 45. a) very dangerous
b) daring b) the dangerous
c) dared c) the most dangerous
d) more daring d) more dangerous

Antarctica is the fifth __(46)__ continent in the world and covers 10% of the earth's land surface,
but it would be the smallest continent if it __(47)__ its ice cap.
46. a) larger 47. a) did not have
b) largely b) hadn‘t had
c) large c) wouldn‘t have
d) largest d) wouldn‘t have had

"__(48a) __ you study, __(48b) __ you find out you don't know, but __(49a)__ you study, __(49b) __
you come." - Cozy Cole

48. a) The most …most 49. a) the most…closest

b) More …the more b) the more…the closer
c) The more …the more c) more…closest
d) More…most d) more…the closer

Electricity manifests itself as a force of attraction, independent of short-range and __(50)__ nuclear
attraction, when two __(51)__ charged bodies are brought close to one another.
50. a) gravity 51. a) oppositely
b) gravitational b) oppose
c) gravitation c) opposite
d) gravitated d) opposed

The first artificial hearts were made of__(52)__ silicone rubber, which apparently caused __(53)__
clotting and, therefore, uncontrolled bleeding.

52. a) smoothest 53. a) excessive

b) smoothing b) excess
c) smooth c) excessively
d) smoothly d) excessiveness

There is mounting evidence __(54)__ people whose diets are rich in vitamins __(55)__ to develop some
types of cancer.

54. a) whether 55. a) aren‘t as likely as

b) that b) not as likely
c) how c) less likely
d) when d) are less likely

Laughter consists of two parts -- a set of gestures and the production of a sound. When we laugh, the
brain pressures us to conduct __(56)__ those activities __(57)__. When we laugh __(58)__, changes
occur in many parts of the body, even in the arm, leg and trunk muscles.
56. a) both 57. a) simultaneous 58. a) hearty
b) all b) simultaneously b) heartily
c) either c) simulate c) heart
d) whole of d) to simulate d) heartiest

The Consumer Product Safety Commission has recently alerted homeowners to the dangers of room
candles. Yearly room candle fire deaths have increased 750 percent __(59)__ the last two decades—
probably because room candles have become __(60)__ as a decorative element. Always extinguish
candles at bedtime and __(61)__ leaving a room.

59. a) between 60. a) such a prevalent 61. a) at

b) from b) too prevalent b) when
c) over c) almost prevalent c) prior
d) since d) so much more prevalent d) once

Antarctica, __(62)__ continent on earth, is where one will find the world's __(63)__ supply of fresh
water locked in ice extending __(64)__ the eye can see.
62. a) most remotely 63. a) the largest 64. a) so far that
b) the most remote b) too large b) further more than
c)as remote as the c) largest c) as far as
d) a remoter d) largely d) much farther

Believing that all our choices in the past were _(65)_ we could have made at the time frees us _(66)_
regret and reinforces our belief that we are _(67)_ we can be at this moment.
65. a) the best 66. a) away 67. a) so good
b) better than b) from b) best of
c) as good as c) off c) better than
d) the good ones d) with d) as good as

The more _(68a)_, the more _(68b)_ unexpected combinations of events _(69)_, giving us the chance
_(70)_ our situation.
68. a) life is varied...likely that is 69. a) will occur 70. a) in improving
b) varied is that likely b) to occur b) by improving
c) is varied life...likely is that c) occurring c) to improve
d) varied life is...likely that d) will have occurred d) so as to improve

Of the approximately 40 species of whales, half can be considered __(71)__ as opposed to endangered;
that is, individuals of such species are not very numerous. Many of the unusual beaked whales fall into
this category. Most of the commercially __(72)__ whale species, however, are indeed endangered.
These include the blue, bowhead, humpback, and right whales. If unregulated whaling continues, these
species will be wiped out entirely; the numbers of some of them are perhaps already __(73)__ that
they can never recover.

71. a) rarely 72. a) valuing 73. a) so low

b) the rarest b) value of b) very low
c) rare c) valuable c) much low
d) quite rarely d) the valued d) too low

"I don't like food that's __(74)__ arranged; it makes me __(75)__ that the chef is spending
__(76)__ time arranging and __(77)__ time cooking. If I __(78a)__ a picture I __(78b)__ a
painting." - Andy Rooney

74. a) too carefully 75. a) think 76. a) most of

b) very careful b) thinking b) too much
c) too careful c) to think c) large
d) almost carefully d) to be thinking d) many
77. a) not enough 78. a) wanted…would have bought
b) nothing b) want…will have bought
c) any c) had wanted…should have bought
d) not at all d) wanted…would buy

Feather star crinoids are _(79)_ marine animals _(80)_ the globe‘s coral reefs. _(81)_ a period of five
years, underwater photographer Fred Bavendam explored Indo-Pacific reefs, _(82)_ feather stars
that inhabit them. At one point Bavendam was _(83)_ on examining each feather star that he didn‘t
notice a curious tiger shark _(84)_ him from behind. However, coming face to face with the huge animal
did not stop him from taking pictures. _(85)_ photographs highlight the feather star crinoid‘s beauty.

79. a) colored brilliantly 80. a) ornament 81. a) Over

b) coloring brilliantly b) to ornament b) While
c) brilliantly coloring c) ornamenting c) Above
d) brilliantly colored d) having ornamented d) As

82. a) photographing 83. a) so concentrated 84. a) by approaching

b) to be photographing b) as concentrated b) to approach
c) having been photographed c) very concentrated c) approaching
d) photographed d) concentrated d) approached

85. a) To result
b) The resulting
c) As a result
d) Resulted

In October, commercial fishermen, _(86)_ from Maine and Alaska, descend on fishless Great Salt Lake
to catch the infinitesimal eggs of brine shrimp, half-inch filter feeders that are _(87)_ life-form the
salty lake can sustain. Brine shrimp eggs, or Artemia cysts, _(88)_ on the water. _(89)_, they can sit on
a shelf for years; when _(90)_, they hatch into larvae used as food for prawn farms in Asia and South
America. The highest quality aquaculture food in the world, Great Salt Lake Artemia cysts sold for
_(91)_ $35 a pound last year on a record harvest that yielded over four million dry pounds.
86. a) several 87. a) larger than 88. a) float
b) a lot b) the largest b) have been floating
c) various c) so large c) are floating
d) most d) as large as d) floated

89. a) Drying 90. a) rehydrated 91. a) more pricey than

b) To be drying b) rehydrate b) as much as
c) Dried c) rehydrating c) as expensive as
d) To dry d) to be reydrated d) more expensive than

Adopting unrelated offspring is more common in animals living in colonies such as seals and bats
__(92)__ among solitary ones. Studies of Hawaiian monk seals, for example, show that __(93)__ a
colony, the more likely a mother and pup will become __(94)__ during the chaos caused by bull seals
__(95)__ through the group. __(96)__, in turn, lead to more adoptions. In one colony of Hawaiian monk
seals, it was found that about 90 percent of mother seals took in foster pups after they became
__(97)__ and switched offspring by accident. Monk seals seem __(98)__ at recognizing their own
young than are other seal species, which use sight, smell and the unique sound of each pup's cry to tell
one __(99)__ the other.

92. a) than it is 93. a) as dense as 94. a) separated permanent

b) so is it b) the denser b) permanently separated
c) likely is it c) the densest c) separating permanently
d) since it is d) the more densely d) permanent separation

95. a) moving 96. a) The more separated 97. a) confusing
b) moved b) More separated b) confuse
c) are moving c) The most separations c) confusion
d) to move d) More separations d) confused

98. a) the least skilled 99. a) from

b) as skilled as b) about
c) less skilled c) for
d) so skilled as d) to


_(1)_ a movie make you feel so warm and so uneasy at the same time.
1. a) Hardly ever c) Rarely does
b) It rarely does d) It would hardly

Ultimately, it is the people _(2)_ to tell the politicians that change is necessary all over the world.
2. a) they need c) needing
b) that they need d) who need

Such was the response to the campaign _(3)_ to sell almost all of the goods in stock.

3. a) did we manage c) that we managed

b) had we managed d) that we had managed

_(4)_ political stability in the region so that economic development can be sustained.
4. a) That it is needed c) So much needed is
b) What is needed is d) It is so much needed that

Only after I had shut the door _(5)_ I‘d left my keys inside.

5. a) did I realize c) I realized that

b) that I realized d) I would have realized

_(6)_ do they expect us to work all hours during the week, now they want us to come in on Saturday
mornings as well!

6. a) Hardly ever c) Scarcely

b) Rarely d) Not only

_(7)_ was the popularity of the soap opera, that the streets were deserted whenever it was on.

7. a) Such c) So
b) This d) It

John continued to ride his motorcycle although he had hurt his back; eventually what happened was _(8)_
he developed chronic low back pain.
8. a) why c) how
b) that d) if

_(9)_ can you leave the room before the exam ends.
9. a) Only then c) On no account
b) No sooner d) Not until

_(10)_ three days of the holiday had passed did I begin to relax.

10. a) Scarcely c) Only

b) Hardly d) Not until

__(11)__ no circumstances can your money be refunded if you have lost your receipt.
11. a) On c) Over
b) At d) Under

It was the head of the immigration office _(12)_ Paul entry to the country.

12. a) denying c) that denies

b) to have denied d) who denied

Barely _(13a)_ the door _(13b)_ a loud noise upstairs.

13. a) I must have opened... was I able to see c) had I opened ... when I heard
b) could I open... that I had heard d) I did open ... and I could hear

We cannot rely on him to be there on time, _(14)_ on his truthfulness.

14. a) but we cannot depend c) little do we depend
b) but also we can hardly depend d) nor can we depend

At no time _(15)_ I would accept late homework.

15. a) were I to say c) I had said
b) I would say d) did I say

Little _(16)_ know what surprises we have in store for them.

16. a) they c) they do
b) do they d) they do not

_(17a)_ had I reached the door _(17b)_ I realized it was locked.

17. a) Little...that c) No sooner...than

b) Not only...but d) Hardly...that

_(18)_ the professor told the student about his term-paper made him very upset.
18. a) That c) The fact that
b) What d) Something

_(19)_ a single word did he say after he learned that his wife had escaped with his best friend.

19. a) Hardly any c) No sooner

b) Not until d) Not

_(20)_ the small town lacked was economic power.

20. a) It was c) So
b) That d) What

The race is not over yet; not until all the votes have been counted _(21)_ released .
21. a) a press report might be c) a press report could be
b) need a press report d) will a press report be

Under no circumstances _(22)_ absent from the weekly board meetings.

22. a) you are allowed to be c) might you have been

b) should you be d) you could be

Only when I learned that I had passed the exam __(23)__ to enjoy my holiday.
23. a) that I began c) did I begin
b) then I began d) had I begun

Not only __(24)__ all my clothes and jewellery, but my chequebook, passport and visa card went too.

24. a) was lost c) I lost

b) did I lose d) losing

Matthew's got chicken pox, __(25)__.

25. a) also his brother c) his brother does too
b) so has his brother d) likewise his brother

The cacao tree __ (26)__ a fruit about the size of a small pineapple. Inside the fruit __(27)__ , also
known as cocoa beans.

26. a) produces 27. a) the tree‘s seeds are

b) is producing b) are to be the tree‘s seeds
c) producing c) where the tree‘s seeds are
d) that produces d) are the tree‘s seeds

_(28)_ the film started did I realize that I _(29)_ it before.

28. a) Hardly 29. a) have seen
b) Until b) would have seen
c) Only after c) had seen
d) Not when d) saw

We set off early in the morning to get there on time, but _(30)_ that we had to stop four times because
of the boiling radiator.
30. a) what happened was c) the thing that happened
b) it happened d) then it happened

Evidently nature can no longer _(31)_ seen as matter and energy alone. _(32)_ can all her secrets be
unlocked with the keys of chemistry and physics.

31. a) have 32. a) Nor

b) be b) So
c) being c) But also
d) to be d) Not

The roof started leaking in September, but _(33)_ later that the landlord decided to do something about
33. a) so much c) it was much
b) such a lot d) that much

Scarcely _(34a)_ the major part of the fleet _(34b)_ the shelter of Corunna, in the North West of
Spain, _(35)_ a fierce gale arose in the Bay of Biscay, scattering the remaining ships.
34. a) would ... have reached 35. a) that
b) did ... reach b) such
c) had ... reached c) where
d) was ... reaching d) when

After three days without water, what the survivors of the plane crash _(36)_ rainwater to drink.

36. a) were doing to collect c) did was to collect

b) did to collect d) were going to collect

The crowd was shouting and the police cars were sounding their sirens in the distance; _(37)_ did the
two men realize _(38)_ themselves into.
37. a) never before 38. a) what they had got
b) until then b) whether they had to get
c) only then c) why they were to get
d) not only d) how they got

Not once _(39)_ him ever actually _(40)_ anyone.

39. a) I remember seeing 40. a) to help

b) do I remember to see b) helping
c) can I remember seeing c) having helped
d) I remember having seen d) to have helped

_(41)_ in this country is first of all a recognition that employment is a fundamental human right that
must be guaranteed to all.

41. a) What needs c) The thing that is needed

b) It is needed d) So much is needed

The government _(42)_ to resolve the issue with the dock workers, nor _(43)_ any plans for the
imminent strike action.
42. a) hasn‘t attempted 43. a) it has made
b) has not been attempted b) will it have made
c) doesn‘t have to attempt c) has it made
d) won‘t have to attempt d) it has to make

No sooner _(44)_ into their new cottage _(45)_ their troubles began.
44. a) had the family moved 45. a) that
b) did the family move b) than
c) the family moved c) before
d) the family had moved d) when

More time is _(46)_ we need to finish the project if the result is to be satisfactory.
46. a) that c) when
b) which d) what

Only after they had left Istanbul _(47)_ how much _(48)_ that city.

47. a) the couple realized 48. a) did they love

b) had the couple realized b) they loved
c) the couple had realized c) had they loved
d) did the couple realize d) they were in love

_(49)_ disappointed _(50)_ with his team‘s performance _(51)_ he never renewed his season ticket.

49. a) Such 50. a) was he 51. a) when

b) So much b) he was b) than
c) So c) had he c) that
d) Such a lot of d) he had d) which

_(52)_ was the cynical smile on Jerry‘s face that upset Agatha.
52. a) It c) What
b) Which d) When

Not only _(53)_ the way we record history, it _(54)_ people from all walks of life could participate
_(55)_ documents for future generations.
53. a) the camera had changed 54. a) also meant that 55. a) to create
b) having changed the camera to b) had also meant b) in creating
c) did the camera change c) would also mean to c) for creating
d) the camera did change d) also meaning d) create

_(56)_ that fascinates me.

56. a) Dana‘s cleverness c) Dana‘s cleverness is

b) It is Dana‘s cleverness d) Why Dana‘s cleverness is

On the upper floors of the building _(57)_.

57. a) did the family live c) had the family lived

b) were the family to live d) lived the family

So disgusted_(58)_ by the service, he decided to complain to the manager.

58. a) did he have to be c) was he
b) could he be d) would he be

Such _(59)_ the weather that even the most daring windsurfers stayed at home.

59. a) had been c) was

b) was going to be d) would be


I think jogging can be very boring _(1)_ I do it because it‘s a great form of exercise.
1. a) whereas c) now that
b) but d) even if

The drivers in the original World Cup rallies were professional rally drivers. For the first time,
the entrants in the new World Cup Rally, _(2)_ , will be ordinary car drivers.
2. a) whereas c) yet
b) nevertheless d) however

_(3)_ does this brand offer the best visual quality on the market, its sound is probably the best you
can get.

3. a) Neither c) Both
b) Not only d) Either

He hates the fact that he has to work on the night shift _(4)_ his wife, who has to spend
the evenings alone.

4. a) but also c) neither does

b) and so does d) nor does

Such was the confusion over the new voting system _(5)_ many people voted for the wrong

5. a) so c) that
b) and d) when

_(6a)_ was she happy to help _(6b)_ was she willing to say why.

6. a) Neither...nor c) Both...and
b) Not only...but also d) Either...or

_(7)_ most people prefer to work a 9 to 5 day, I prefer to have a more flexible timetable.

7. a) Contrary to c) Whereas
b) In contrast d) Unlike

He says he hasn't got any money _(8)_ he's got thousands of dollars in his account.

8. a) contrary to c) when in fact

b) in contrast d) actually

I don't understand how the governor can say that everything's fine _(9)_ it's so obvious that it's not.
9. a) when c) however
b) rather d) despite

During __(10)__ , American passengers were singled out and murdered.

10. a) the two airlines were hijacked c) the two hijacked airlines
b) the two airline hijackings d) hijacking the two airlines

Some people give a regular monthly donation to charity __(11)__ others vary the amount they give from
time to time.
11. a) furthermore c) so that
b) while d) nevertheless

Most troops have now been withdrawn from the region, __(12)__ a few hundred soldiers still remain.
12. a) except for c) so
b) and d) but

"The fellow that agrees with everything you say is __(13a)__ a fool __(13b)__ he is getting ready to
skin you." - Kin Hubbard

13. a) neither…nor c) both…and

b) either…or d) not only…also

"Children are natural mimics who act like their parents __(14)__ every effort to teach them good
manners." – Anonymous

14. a) despite c) although

b) in spite d) owing to

The minister asked not to be interrupted __(15)__ there was an emergency.

15. a) only if c) so that

b) unless d) providing

Millions of Okinawans live in the southern coral islands of Japan with the average life expectancy of
105 years, __(16)__ mainland Japan's average life span is only 77 years.

16. a) despite c) thus

b) while d) on the contrary

The rearrangement or division of a heavy nucleus may take place naturally __(17)__ under
bombardment with neutrons.

17. a) or c) as well
b) but also d) also

In an auxiliary relay, when the applied current or voltage exceeds a threshold value, the coil activates
the armature, which __(18)__ closes the open contacts or opens the closed contacts.
18. a) both c) neither
b) not only d) either

The Kedeco produces 1200 watts in 17 mph winds using a 16-foot rotor; __(19)__, the Dunlite produces
2000 watts in 25 mph winds.
19. a) on the other hand c) on the contrary
b) actually d) in fact

For animals and humans alike, sleep ranks right up there with food and water. __(20)__ , despite
its clear necessity and years of investigation, scientists still don‘t know precisely what sleep is for.
20. a) Besides c) Conversely
b) Yet d) Moreover

Tsho Rolpa Lake is formed by a glacial moraine that partially blocks the flow of melt water from
the glacier. __(21)__ global warming, there is more melt water these days than there __(22)__ .
21. a) Although 22. a) was used
b) Because b) used to being
c) Despite c) was used to being
d) Due to d) used to be

She wasn‘t expecting to get the job, _(23)_ was she expecting _(24)_ such a generous salary.
23. a) otherwise 24. a) to have offered
b) or b) having been offered
c) nor c) being offered
d) but also d) to be offered

On the Great Barrier Reef, depending on _(25)_ it grows, a reef can be _(26a)_ a ribbon reef
(on the continental shelf edge), a platform reef (on the shelf), _(26b)_ a fringing reef (along
the continental islands and mainland).

25. a) how 26. a) both...and

b) when b) not only...but also
c) where c) either...or
d) how long d) neither...nor

Here on Earth, most of us are able to approach _(27)_ for only fractions of a second. We notice it as
that stomach-in-the-throat feeling we _(28)_ as a roller coaster goes over the top of a rise _(29)_
when an elevator floor drops from under our feet too quickly and then, for just a moment, we _(30)_ in
free fall.

27. a) weightlessness 28. a) are getting 29. a) or 30. a) were

b) weightless b) have got b) but b) have been
c) weightlessly c) get c) so c) will be
d) weight d) would get d) nor d) are

The basenji, a compact hunter _(31)_ is depicted in Egyptian tombs 5,000 years old, is the only dog
that does not bark. It isn‘t mute, _(32)_. It often chortles or yodels, even snarls _(33)_ it has
other unusual characteristics. _(34)_ the wolf, another non-barker, the basenji can only be bred
once a year, not twice like most dogs.

31. a) the ancestry of whom 32. a) still 33. a) and 34. a) Similarly
b) that its ancestry b) yet b) because b) Like
c) whose ancestry c) at all c) so c) Likewise
d) with its ancestry d) however d) or d) In the same way

Despite rumors _(35)_, saguaro cactuses are not vanishing. There have been _(36)_ of scares: false
reports about a bacterial disease, a rumored decline in the young saguaro population, an apparent
decline in the number of pollinating bats, a mysterious condition _(37)_ ―epidermal browning‖ (_(38)_
thought _(39)_ air pollution), and tales of cactus poaching. But the saguaro cactuses aren‘t threatened
by extinction. _(40)_, the number of young saguaros _(41)_.

35. a) in contrast 36. a) many 37. a) calling

b) however b) several b) called
c) to the contrary c) various c) to call
d) unlike d) plenty d) is called

38. a) previous 39. a) to be causing 40. a) Nevertheless

b) former b) to have caused b) Moreover
c) once c) to have been caused by c) On the contrary
d) used to be d) being caused by d) In contrast

41. a) is increasing
b) are increased
c) should increase
d) must have increased



They _(1)_ have been really worried about him to have called the police.
1. a) must c) should
b) might d) could

He _(2)_ have known about the appointment; it‘s not like him to be late.

2. a) shouldn‘t c) needn‘t
b) can‘t d) wouldn‘t

I know I _(3)_ the car serviced sooner.

3. a) should have c) could have
b) must have had d) ought to have had

So surprised _(4)_ by his extreme reaction that we said nothing in reply.

4. a) had we been c) could we have been

b) might we be d) were we

I _(5)_ feel the wind in my hair as I walked along the cliff.

5. a) was able to c) managed to

b) might d) could

Even when he was really young, he __(6)__ that piano for hours every day.

6. a) could have played c) would play

b) should be playing d) might have played

He _(7)_ the money. He was the only person in the room all evening.
7. a) must have taken c) had to take
b) should have taken d) needed to take

The telephone and the Internet _(8)_ have been born in the United States, but the most wired
countries in the world are in Scandinavia.
8. a) needn‘t c) should
b) must d) may

Why is the light still on? You _(9)_ asleep by now.

9. a) should be c) should have been

b) must be d) must have been

IBM _(10a)_ the first _(10b)_ personal home-use computers.

10. a) was ... to develop c) has been ... in developing

b) had been ... to have developed d) is ... developed

When we were kids, we _(11a)_ into our neighbor‘s garden and _(11b)_ apples.

11. a) were climbing...stealing c) would climb...steal

b) had been climbing...stealing d) would be climbing...stealing

Winston __(12)__ be at the theatre watching a play; I saw him in a café ten minutes ago.

12. a) had better not c) mustn‘t

b) can‘t d) shouldn‘t

You __(13)__ to school today. Your teacher phoned me to see where you were!
13. a) couldn‘t go c) might have gone
b) can‘t have gone d) shouldn‘t have gone

She __(14)__ be a teacher. She did study education at university.

14. a) would c) would have been
b) might d) will have been

That pizzeria __(15)__ good. It's often quite busy.

15. a) must have been c) could be
b) could have been d) would be

Your wife __(16)__ us together. She didn't look happy this evening.

16. a) must be seen c) may have seen

b) might see d) must see

He __(17)__ his exams. He didn't study very much.

17. a) would have failed c) must fail

b) could have failed d) will have failed

They __(18)__ out. Look, all the lights are off!

18. a) might have been c) can‘t be
b) must be d) couldn‘t have been

She __(19)__ his marriage proposal. Look how happy he is!

19. a) could have accepted c) should have accepted
b) must have accepted d) would have accepted

You __(20)__ too much before going to bed; it might give you a nightmare.

20. a) can‘t eat c) can‘t have eaten

b) might not eat d) shouldn‘t eat

You __(21)__ come with us. You can stay at home if you want.
21. a) didn‘t need to c) don‘t need
b) needn‘t d) needn‘t have

I __(22)__ my umbrella; it will be a lovely day.

22. a) can‘t bring c) needn‘t bring

b) couldn‘t have brought d) wouldn‘t bring

I __(23)__ to school today! There is a teachers' strike!!

23. a) needn‘t have come c) can‘t have come
b) couldn‘t have come d) won‘t have come

The police car was going so fast; it __(24)__ someone.

24. a) might have chased c) could be chasing

b) had chased d) must have been chasing

Any manufacturer who does not conform to the standards __(25)__ under the Consumers Protection
Act, 1987.
25. a) must have been prosecuted c) will have been prosecuted
b) could be prosecuted d) was to be prosecuted

The book is optional. My professor said we could read it if we needed extra credit. But we __(26)__
read it if we don't want to.

26. a) cannot c) must not

b) don‘t need d) don‘t have to

Susan __(27)__ hear the speaker because the crowd was cheering so loudly.
27. a) couldn‘t c) can‘t
b) wouldn‘t d) won‘t

The television isn't working. It __(28)__ damaged during the move.

28. a) must have been c) might

b) can be d) could have

You __(29)__ be rich to be a success. Some of the most successful people I know haven't got a penny
to their name.
29. a) can‘t c) don‘t have to
b) mustn‘t d) shouldn‘t

I've redone this math problem at least twenty times, but my answer is wrong according to the answer
key. The answer in the book __(30)__ be wrong!

30. a) would c) must

b) need to d) should

You __(31)__ do the job if you didn't speak Japanese fluently.

31. a) don‘t have to c) won‘t be able to

b) couldn‘t d) can‘t

You __(32)__ worry so much. It doesn't do you any good. Either you get the job, or you don't. If you
don't, just apply for another one. Eventually, you will find work.
32. a) can‘t c) couldn‘t
b) needn‘t d) might not

I'm rather shy, although I'm not as bad as I __(33)__ .

33. a) was used to being c) am used to being

b) used to be d) didn‘t used to be

I __(34)__ to like eating salad, but I love it now.

34. a) hadn‘t got used c) didn‘t use

b) weren‘t used d) wasn‘t used

She __(35)__ to study hard and so she failed all her exams every year.

35. a) didn‘t use c) wasn‘t used

b) didn‘t get used d) hasn‘t used

I __(36)__ have a teddy bear when I was young.

36. a) used to c) got used to
b) was used to d) would

Jenny's engagement ring is enormous! It __(37)__ her fiancé a fortune.

37. a) must cost c) could cost
b) could have cost d) must have cost

__(38)__ we move into the living room? It's more comfortable in there and there's a beautiful view of
the lake.

38. a) Shall c) Will

b) Must d) Why not

Ted's flight from Amsterdam took more than 11 hours. He __(39)__ be exhausted after such a long
39. a) had better c) must
b) has to d) can

I know you're sorry now, but the fact remains that you __(40)__ your sister.

40. a) don‘t have to hit c) can‘t have hit

b) shouldn‘t have hit d) couldn‘t have hit

"You __(41)__ wake a person who is pretending to be asleep." - Navajo Proverb

41. a) don‘t need c) ought not
b) won‘t d) can‘t

"You __(42)__ to stay up nights to succeed; you ought to stay awake days." – Anonymous
42. a) needn‘t c) mustn‘t
b) don‘t have d) shouldn‘t

A 20 percent fluctuation in average global temperature __(43)__ reduce biological activity, shift
weather patterns, and ruin agriculture.
43. a) must c) has to
b) could d) ought

Happiness __(44)__ do with achieving your personal goals and being honest and productive in life.
44. a) might c) has to
b) can d) must

I __(45)__ to hospital immediately.

45. a) took c) had to be taken
b) have been taking d) had to take

The whole matter needs __(46)__ careful consideration.
46. a) to give c) being given
b) be given d) to be given

She __(47)__ something wrong, because she looks so guilty.

47. a) would do c) must have done
b) could do d) should have done

She guiltily took another biscuit from the tin, knowing that she __(48)__ in between meals.
48. a) can‘t be eaten c) couldn‘t have eaten
b) mustn‘t be eaten d) shouldn't be eating

The judge said although it would be unfortunate for a guilty party to escape justice, it was far more
important that an innocent person __(49)__.
49. a) mustn‘t wrongly punish c) shouldn‘t be wrongly punished
b) wasn‘t punished wrongly d) won‘t punish wrongly

A court of inquiry __(50)__ up to investigate what caused the explosion.

50. a) that set c) must have set
b) to be setting d) is to be set

Food must __(51)__ to a high temperature to kill harmful bacteria.

51. a) have been heated c) be heating
b) be heated d) have heated

Two other men __(52)__ trial next month for their part in the bombing.
52. a) probably stand c) are to stand
b) expected to stand d) standing



You __(1)__ leave the table once you __(2)__ finished your meal and politely excused yourself.
1. a) don‘t have to 2. a) have
b) would b) could have
c) may c) might have
d) needn‘t d) will have

Most of us think our homes are safe, but some statistics suggest that they __(3) __. Accidents, fire,
and crime put us __(4)__ risk daily.

3. a) might not be 4. a) at
b) ought not to be b) through
c) can‘t have been c) to
d) couldn‘t have been d) into

I was sure I _(5)_ smoke, but I really wasn‘t too sure where it _(6)_ from.

5. a) could have smelled 6. a) had come

b) was smelling b) came
c) could smell c) was coming
d) had been smelling d) had been coming

The original plan was that the Queen _(7)_ the hospital, but there was a nurses‘ strike so she _(8)_
her schedule.

7. a) visited 8. a) had better change

b) was visiting b) should have changed
c) was to visit c) had to change
d) had visited d) must have changed

Little _(9)_ that I _(10)_ to love his strange ways.

9. a) I did suspect 10. a) would come

b) I might have suspected b) should have come
c) did I suspect c) would be coming
d) might I have suspected d) must come

You _(11)_ have let us know you were coming to town last weekend. We _(12)_ have cancelled all our
prior engagements to be with you.

11. a) must 12. a) should

b) may not b) would
c) could c) must
d) might not d) needn‘t

They _(13)_ have stolen the money. They _(14)_ enough time.
13. a) wouldn‘t 14. a) wouldn‘t have
b) shouldn‘t b) couldn‘t have had
c) needn‘t c) didn‘t have
d) couldn‘t d) hadn‘t had

He _(15)_ about your news or he _(16)_ something at the meeting last night.

15. a) shouldn‘t know 16. a) would have said

b) can‘t know b) would say
c) shouldn‘t have known c) will be saying
d) can‘t have known d) has said

You _(17)_ have told me there was no food in the house. I _(18)_ have gone to the shops.
17. a) must 18. a) would
b) needn‘t b) couldn‘t
c) should c) must
d) can‘t d) needn‘t

The ability to interpret human gestures _(19)_ have been the critical difference between wolves that
remained wild and wolves that became dogs. Studies show that man's best friend _(20)_ about 15,000
years ago in East Asia.
19. a) should 20. a) was first domesticated
b) has to b) had first been domesticated
c) may c) first being domesticated
d) would d) first domesticated

I‘d rather you _(21)_ walk alone at night in that part of the city. It _(22)_ be dangerous.

21. a) wouldn‘t 22. a) must

b) shouldn‘t b) might
c) didn‘t c) should
d) couldn‘t d) would

I know I really _(23)_ have phoned you earlier. I hope I _(24)_ you.

23. a) should 24. a) wasn‘t disturbing

b) must b) don‘t disturb
c) needn‘t c) won‘t disturb
d) couldn‘t d) am not disturbing

Philosopher John Morreall believes that the first human laughter __(25)__ as a gesture of __(26)__
relief at __(27)__ of danger.

25. a) will have begun 26. a) being shared 27. a) the passing
b) might begin b) sharing a b) having passed
c) had to be begun c) having shared c) passing
d) may have begun d) shared d) a passing

He _(28)_ have missed the train. His wife said she took him to the station and saw him _(29)_ on it, so
there _(30)_ some other explanation.

28. a) might not 29. a) get 30. a) should have been

b) can‘t b) having got b) must be
c) needn‘t c) to get c) is supposed to be
d) shouldn‘t d) to be getting d) would have been

A volcanic island __(31)__ off the coast of Sicily for the past 170 years __(32a)__ in the coming
weeks if furious seismic activities__(32b)__. "We've seen Etna __(33)__, and recorded seismic
activity to the north and east of Sicily and gas activity around the Aeolian Islands," said Enzo Boschi,
head of Italy's Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology. "The island __(34)__ back to the surface, but
we __(35)__ wait and see. It __(36)__ a few weeks or months."

31. a) submerging 32. a) could reappear… continue

b) has submerged b) would have reappeared…had continued
c) submerged c) will reappear… continued
d) which submerged d) will have reappeared… continue

33. a) erupted 34. a) has to come 35. a) would have to

b) erupting b) could come b) needed to
c) to be erupted c) would come c) will have to
d) to erupt d) should come d) can

36. a) could be
b) is going to be
c) would be
d) will be

There may be no other concept that captures the imagination more than the idea of time travel — the
ability to travel to any point in the past or future. What __(37)__ be more interesting? You __(38)__
jump into your time machine to go back and see major events in history and talk to the people who were
there! Who __(39)__ you travel back to see? Julius Caesar? Leonardo da Vinci? Elvis? You __(40)__ go
back and meet yourself at an earlier age, or go forward and see __(41)__ you look in the future.
__(42)__ that have made time travel the subject of __(43)__ science fiction books and movies.
37. a) is to 38. a) must 39. a) should
b) shall b) could b) may
c) could c) should c) would
d) should d) will d) can

40. a) would 41. a) whatever 42. a) The possibilities

b) will b) what b) It‘s these possibilities
c) would rather c) however c) Such possibilities
d) could d) how d) That they are possibilities

43. a) such a lot

b) hundreds
c) so many
d) large numbers


The committee declared the new design __ (1) __ in energy efficiency.
1. a) breaking through c) to break through
b) a breakthrough d) break through

Saccharin is now permitted __(2)__ an additive in food.

2. a) for c) like
b) to d) as

The Okinawans discovered over 500 years ago that feeding coral sand produced from the weathering
of the reefs to the chickens and cows __(3)__ twice as many eggs and twice as much milk.
3. a) is due to c) results in
b) is the consequence of d) reason for

The __(4)__ of Troy were destroyed by later builders on the site.

4. a) remaining c) remainder
b) remains d) remainders

To measure blood pressure, a device known as a sphygmomanometer and a stethoscope __(5)__ .

5. a) is the need c) are needed

b) to be needed d) needed

Surrounding the secure landfill on all sides __(6)__.

6. a) barrier walls are impermeable c) impermeable barrier walls are

b) are impermeable barrier walls d) impermeable are barrier walls

The multifuel capacity of the Stirling engine gives __(7)__ a versatility not possible in the internal
combustion engine.

7. a) itself c) it
b) that d) one

I __(8)__ you pass your driving test!

8. a) hope c) expect
b) wish d) want

George Boole, who was a self-taught man, is famous for his pioneering efforts to express logical
concepts in __(9)__ form.
9. a) mathematical c) math
b) mathematician d) mathematics

The generation of electric energy by a nuclear power plant requires __(10)__ of heat to produce steam
or to heat gases in order to drive turbo generators.
10. a) using c) use
b) the use d) usage

Young people's reactions to world events are often at variance with __(11)__ of their parents.

11. a) ones c) that

b) those d) which

Lake Titicaca in Bolivia is the highest __(12)__ lake in the world at 12,464 feet.
12. a) navigate c) navy
b) navigable d) navigating

It wasn't very __(13)__ of you to drink all the milk when you know I need some for the baby!
13. a) considered c) considerate
b) considering d) considerable

__(14)__ international cooperation is required to reduce the risk of hijacking.

14. a) Extremely c) Much

b) Greater d) Plenty

"We tend to forget that children watch examples better than __(15)__ to being told what to do." –
Roy L. Smith
15. a) to listening c) they listen
b) listening d) to listen

In Egyptian myth, Apophis was the ancient spirit of evil and destruction, a demon __(16)__ to plunge
the world into eternal darkness.

16. a) being determined c) determined

b) was determined d) having determined

Heat exchangers may be designed __(17)__ way that chemical reactions or energy-generation
processes can be carried out in them.
17. a) in such a c) similar to the
b) in a likely d) likewise

Researchers have found propranolol to be __(18)__ in the treatment of heartbeat irregularities.

18. a) effecting c) effect
b) effective d) effected

The desk is made of an especially corrosion-__(19)__ industrial steel.

19. a) resist c) resistant

b) resisting d) resisted

__(20)__ all the time spent watching television and playing video games, many of today's children have
never experienced the rewards of a hobby.

20. a) For c) Having

b) With d) After

Antarctica is the highest continent with an average elevation of about 2,500 m. The great height of
Antarctica __(21)__ to the height of tall mountains but to the depth of ice that covers it. Beneath the
ice sheet Antarctica has mountains, lowlands, and valleys just like you would see on other continents.

21. a) is not due c) is unlikely

b) doesn‘t owe d) is not the reason

__(22)__ a big house the price is fairly cheap, but you have got to take into consideration the money
you'll spend on repairs.

22. a) This is c) As
b) It‘s d) For

The area of a rectangle is obtained by multiplying its length __(23)__ its width.

23. a) and c) by
b) to d) with

I asked her in all innocence how old she was, and she __(24)__.
24. a) was being annoyed c) got quite annoyed
b) very annoyed d) annoyed very much

Chocolate is a favorite for kids and adults __(25)__.

25. a) alike c) also

b) either d) likewise

The lack of evidence __(26)__ that the case is unlikely to go to court.

26. a) to mean c) means

b) meant d) meaning

"A man who smiles when things go wrong has thought of someone he can blame __(27)__." –
"Jones' Law"
27. a) it c) on it
b) on d) it on

"The best reason I can think of for not running for president of the United States is that you have to
shave twice __(28)__." - Adlai Stevenson
28. a) for a day c) a day
b) in day d) a daily

The handwriting expert witnessed to the __(29)__ of the letter.

29. a) authentically c) authentic

b) authenticity d) authentication

During the play, the audience is witness to intrigue, __(30)__ and murder.
30. a) betraying c) betray
b) betrayal d) betrayed

Doctors guilty of neglect are liable to __(31)__.

31. a) having been prosecuted c) prosecute

b) prosecution d) prosecuting

His death in the accident seemed __(32)__ a judgment from God on him for his cruelty.

32. a) as if c) like
b) as d) such

We ate most of the food and gave the __(33)__ to the dog.

33. a) remained c) remaining

b) remain d) remainder

"A child's life is like a piece of paper on __(34)__ every person leaves a mark." - (Chinese Proverb)
34. a) whom c) where
b) which d) that

"A closed mind is __(35)__ a closed book: just a block of wood." - Chinese Proverb

35. a) similar c) like

b) as d) same as

" Don't live in a town where __(36)__ doctors." - Jewish Proverb

36. a) it hasn‘t any c) aren‘t any

b) there are no d) without

" After three days __(37)__ reading, talk becomes flavourless." - Chinese Proverb

37. a) no c) without
b) apart from d) except for

"Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner __(38)__." - Chinese Proverb

38. a) wherever c) all places

b) whenever d) everywhere

"To know the road ahead, ask __(39)__ coming back." - Chinese Proverb

39. a) those c) who

b) ones d) them

"Teenagers are people who express a burning desire to be different __(40) __ dressing exactly
__(41)__." – Anonymous

40. a) by 41. a) similar

b) from b) alike
c) in c) same
d) for d) likewise

Electricity manifests itself as a force of attraction, independent of short-range and __(42)__ nuclear
attraction, when two __(43)__ charged bodies are brought close to one another.

42. a) gravity 43. a) oppositely

b) gravitational b) oppose
c) gravitation c) opposite
d) gravitate d) opposed

In recent years there has been a growing belief __(44)__ wrong behavior is the result of the child‘s
training __(45)__ than of innate sinfulness.
44. a) in 45. a) rather
b) that b) different
c) of c) instead
d) which d) unlike

The choice of furnace wall construction depends on how sophisticated the gas-cleaning equipment
__(46)__ and on whether a large amount of waste __(47)__.

46. a) to be used is 47. a) is recovering

b) is used to be b) is recovered
c) uses to be c) is to be recovered
d) used to be d) is being recovered

"Minds are __(48)__ parachutes  they only function __(49)__ open." – Anonymous
48. a) as if 49. a) when
b) just b) before
c) like c) since
d) similarly d) till

Swedes, Norwegians, and Danes usually do not have any difficulties in communicating with each other.
Even though Danish is slightly __(50)__ related to Swedish than Norwegian, its "hot-potato-in-the-
mouth" pronunciation is the main obstacle __(51)__ Danes and Swedes speak with each other, whereas
Norwegian in that respect is very __(52)__ to Swedish.
50. a) close 51. a) when 52. a) alike
b) closer b) if b) similar
c) closely c) whether c) similarly
d) more closely d) how d) likely

Parkinson's disease is a brain degeneration disorder that __(53)__ in thousands of patients annually. It
occurs in about 1 percent of everyone __(54)__ the age of 60, but also can strike at __(55)__ . About
25 percent of the 1.4 million patients in the United States were diagnosed before the age of 40.

53. a) diagnoses 54. a) over 55. a) a year younger

b) diagnosed b) higher b) much younger
c) is diagnosed c) in c) a younger age
d) was diagnosing d) during d) younger

Human beings love to laugh, and the average adult laughs 17 times a day. Humans love to laugh
__(56)__ there are actually industries built around laughter. Jokes, sitcoms and comedians are all
designed to make us __(57)__, because laughing feels __(58)__.

56. a) too much and 57.a) to laugh 58. a) better

b) so much that b) laugh b) the best
c) more than c) laughing c) good
d) much more than d) by laughing d) much better

There is strong evidence that laughter can __(59)__ improve health and help fight disease. Laughter is
not __(60)__ as humor. Laughter is the physiological response __(61)__ humor.

59. a) moreover 60. a) the same 61. a) for

b) actually b) similar b) to
c) as well as c) alike c) against
d) not only d) similarly d) on

Antarctica's environment is as rugged and mysterious as __(62)__ on the planet and for centuries
explorers __(63)__ to conquer this hostile landscape. In doing __(64)__, they have made significant
discoveries about the global importance of this delicate ecosystem.

62. a) any other 63. a) are tried 64. a) such

b) the other b) had tried b) so
c) that of the others c) have tried c) it
d) other d) were tried d) as such

Two wildlife collectors were caught __(65)__ a Texas border when Customs agents found snakes in
their underwear. The men __(66)__ the snakes around their legs and stuffed them into their groin
area __(67)__ them across the border from Mexico. Customs inspectors noticed that the bulges
around the men‘s legs __(68)__ and ordered the pair __(69)__ their pants. The inspectors found 14
snakes -- including a boa constrictor – __(70)__ in the men's pants, boots and pickup truck. The
inspectors say they suspected at first that the men __(71)__ narcotics... but in the words of one
investigator, "Drugs don't move around like that."

65. a) crossing 66. a) have tied 67. a) for smuggling

b) were crossing b) had been tied b) to smuggle
c) having crossed c) tied c) smuggling
d) to cross d) had tied d) smuggled
68. a) were wiggling 69. a) have to drop 70. a) hide
b) to wiggle b) to drop b) hidden
c) have been wiggling c) must c) to be hidden
d) are wiggling d) drop d) have hidden

71. a) were smuggling

b) smuggled
c) had smuggled
d) were smuggled



Vacation Checklist
Did you remember _(1)_ that patio door? And who was in charge _(2)_ the newspaper and mail delivery
_(3)_? Don't let nagging doubts about the security of your home _(4)_ your vacation.
1. a) you locking 2. a) to get 3. a) stopped
b) to lock b) for getting b) stop
c) to have locked c) of getting c) stopping
d) you locked d) to have gotten d) to stop

4. a) to ruin
b) ruined
c) ruin
d) ruining

Be Prepared For Emergencies At Home

Develop an escape plan and practice it with a family drill. Everyone _(5)_ how to get out of the house
and where to assemble _(6)_ outdoors. _(7)_ who will be responsible for small children or the elderly
or handicapped.
5. a) should know 6. a) safely 7. a) Establish
b) have to know b) safe b) Establishing
c) must have known c) safer c) To establish
d) ought to have known d) the safest d) Having established

Make Security Habits Second Nature

The world‘s _(8)_ dead-bolt lock won't protect your home if you still leave a spare key under the
doormat. _(9)_ will a sophisticated alarm system if you don't bother to arm it _(10)_ you make those
quick trips next door to have coffee with your neighbour.

8. a) the strongest 9. a) Neither 10. a) when

b) stronger b) So b) as long as
c) strongest c) Either c) since
d) strong d) Also d) unless

Make Your Home Safe For Children

_(11)_ you have children or not, if you have a swimming pool or hot tub, be sure small kids can't get to
_(12)_ on their own. Additionally, check for _(13)_ or objects that _(14)_ , and eliminate the potential
for falls.
11. a) Regardless 12. a) that 13. a) poisonous 14. a) might have ingested
b) No matter b) this b) poisons b) could be ingested
c) Not counting c) it c) poisoned c) could be ingesting
d) Whether d) there d) poisoning d) might ingest

How Safe Is Your Home?
Preparing for problems or accidents is _(15)_ writing a will—we'd rather _(16)_ about it. But it's
critical that we _(17)_ realistic when it comes to our safety. _(18)_ today could save a family member

15. a) likely 16. a) not thought 17. a) be

b) likely to be b) didn‘t think b) will be
c) like c) don‘t think c) would be
d) likewise d) not think d) were
18. a) That we do it
b) What to do
c) What we do
d) What do we do

Be Sure Your Home Is Fire-Safe

Smoke detectors are useless _(19)_ they're working. A Consumer Product Safety Commission survey
estimates that 16 million households have _(20)_ smoke detectors. Immediately test _(21)_ smoke
detector in your house _(22)_ pressing the Test button. If it _(23)_ an alert, replace the battery -

19. a) providing 20. a) non-working 21. a) all

b) unless b) none was working b) every
c) in case c) not working c) all of
d) if not d) not to be working d) each of

22. a) on 23. a) doesn‘t sound

b) by b) didn‘t sound
c) for c) shouldn‘t sound
d) to d) wouldn‘t sound



All fuel-burning appliances produce carbon monoxide (CO), which can be deadly if concentrated in the
air __(1)__. __(2)__ equipment or vents are faulty, this gas can leak into your living spaces. You can
buy carbon monoxide detectors, __(3)__ smoke detectors. However, the surest prevention is to have a
professional technician __(4)__ vents, chimneys, and fuel-burning equipment.

1. a) you breathe 2. a) Whereas 3. a) likely to 4. a) inspected

b) that breathes b) If b) as well as b) inspecting
c) where you breathe c) Although c) similar to c) to inspect
d) breathing d) As d) same as d) inspect

Before you make a decision to get a tattoo, do yourself a favor and read about possible health hazards
associated __(5)__ the practice. These include transmission of diseases like hepatitis, tuberculosis
and possibly HIV. Non-sterile tattooing practices have led to the transmission of syphilis, hepatitis B
and __(6)__ infectious organisms. __(7)__ health care workers, tattoo artists __(8)__ vaccinated for
hepatitis B.

5. a) by 6. a) such 7. a) Alike 8. a) must have

b) with b) other b) Likewise b) needs to be
c) about c) else c) Similar c) should be
d) for d) similarly d) Just like d) might be

_(9)_ attack by a bat, a praying mantis maneuvers _(10)_ a fighter pilot in aerial combat. Now
researchers are trying to figure out _(11)_ the praying mantises use built-in ultrasound detectors to
anticipate the bat's approach and calculate their escape dive.

9. a) Being avoided 10. a) as 11. a) how

b) To avoid b) like b) why
c) Having avoided c) such as c) the fact that
d) Avoiding d) similarly d) that

If only there _(12)_ so much bureaucracy _(13)_ in charity work. Then the charities _(14)_ things
_(15)_ more quickly.
12. a) hasn‘t been 13. a) involving 14. a) would be able to get 15. a) to do
b) isn‘t b) to involve b) would have gotten b) by doing
c) weren‘t c) to be involved c) were able to get c) done
d) wouldn‘t be d) involved d) will be able to get d) being done

A quarter of all bird species in the United States have declined in population _(16)_ the 1970s,
according to the National Audubon Society. In its Watchlist 2000 report, the group cites _(17)_ among
twice _(18)_ many bird species as those federally designated as endangered or threatened.

16. a) in 17. a) decline 18. a) those

b) since b) have declined b) of the
c) during c) declines c) as
d) throughout d) declining d) more

_(19)_ nearly a decade, flamingos in lakes of the East African Rift Valley have periodically perished in
large numbers, _(20)_ the shores littered with pink bird carcasses. The deaths have alarmed
conservationists and triggered investigations, but the exact cause _(21)_ unknown.

19. a) Since 20. a) having left 21. a) remained

b) During b) so as to leave b) remaining
c) At c) leaving c) remains
d) For d) to have left d) to remain

__(22)__ face to face with animals such as great white sharks— ‗Jaws‘— is really dangerous __(23)__.
Close contact with these giants, however, is necessary __(24)__ satellites and other acoustic tags to
them. These devices will help scientists document the movement of these animals, __(25)__ will
consequently help us better understand the behavior of these legendary predators.
22. a) Coming 23. a) to work 24. a) by attaching 25. a) which
b) In order to come b) working b) attaching b) it
c) By coming c) work c) attached c) this
d) Having come d) to be working d) to attach d) these

Antarctica is a place like __(26)__ . Ice and snow cover 98% of the continent __(27)__ high mountain
peaks and a few other bare rocky areas make up the only visible land. It is a region of extremes: the
coldest, windiest, driest, and highest of all the continents. Stormy waters of the Atlantic, Indian, and
Pacific oceans surround Antarctica, __(28)__ it isolated and alone __(29)__ the bottom of the world.

26. a) nothing 27. a) though 28. a) to keep 29. a) from

b) anything b) as b) keep b) in
c) no other c) while c) they keep c) under
d) any other d) when d) keeping d) at

We know __(30)__ the geologic record that the early Earth was a fireball and the atmosphere was
quite different from __(31)__ it is today; __(32)__, no oxygen was present. All oxygen was produced
biogenically by microorganisms several billion years __(33)__ the earth was formed. So for roughly
half of Earth's history, there was no oxygen in the atmosphere. When microbes began producing
oxygen __(34)__ quantities that it began to saturate the atmosphere, __(35)__ was the biggest
environmental catastrophe in Earth's history.

30. a) of 31. a) the one 32. a) on the contrary

b) by b) what b) in fact
c) from c) that c) however
d) about d) where d) nevertheless

33. a) once 34. a) in such 35. a) what

b) after b) so much b) which
c) later c) that many c) such
d) until d) large d) it
Getting a tattoo on your arm or chest is less painful than on an area like the ankle because skin right
above your bones tends __(36)__ more sensitive __(37)__ needles, __(38)__ there‘s extra body mass
in the upper arm or chest __(39)__ the bones.

36. a) being 37. a) to 38. a) while 39. a) to cushioning

b) to have been b) on b) when b) which cushion
c) to be c) about c) because c) that cushion
d) for being d) against d) as d) to cushion

Hobbies are educational tools. For example, a child who becomes __(40)__ in rocketry one of
__(41)__ hobbies learns about propulsion and aerodynamics. __(42)__ on hobbies, children learn to
set goals, make decisions, and solve all sorts of problems. __(43)__, hobbies often mature into lifelong
interests, __(44)__ careers.
40. a) interesting 41. a) most popular 42. a) By working
b) interest b) the more popular b) When you work
c) interested c) more popular c) To work
d) interestingly d) the most popular d) Being worked

43. a) Whereas 44. a) even

b) Nevertheless b) more than
c) Similarly c) almost
d) Finally d) as if

__(45)__ all the known health risks, why do new smokers pick up the habit? There's no question
__(46)__: Smoking is bad for your health. Yet every day in the U.S., nearly 5000 young people under
the age of 18 __(47)__ their first cigarette. Approximately 80% of current adult smokers __(48)__
smoking before the age of 18. Why do you think people — especially teens — start and continue to
smoke? Does smoking help teens deal __(49)__ the stress and emotional turmoil of adolescence? Do
they need more education about the negative health effects?
45. a) Against 46. a) about it 47. a) tried
b) With b) of which b) try
c) By c) to these c) trying
d) Among d) for them d) have tried

48. a) were starting 49. a) on

b) are starting b) for
c) have started c) with
d) started d) in

The Maori had a custom __(50)__ the heads of their tattooed leaders after death __(51)__ precious
family possessions. __(52)__, they began to trade some of the heads to collectors __(53)__ firearms
and iron tools. This practice, __(54)__ why there are some of these heads in European museums, was
short-lived __(55)__ the fighting and political turmoil it caused.

50. a) for the preservation 51. a) for 52. a) Over time

b) to preserve b) as b) Once upon a time
c) by preserving c) like c) Consequently
d) of preserving d) since d) Meanwhile

53. a) in return 54. a) that's 55. a) since

b) instead b) which is b) because of
c) to c) is c) as a result
d) for d) it is d) owing

By the time they turn 55, most Hollywood actresses see their careers __(56)__ to fade. Not so for
Susan Sarandon, who will help kick off the fall movie season __(57)__ three films: Igby Goes Down,
about a dysfunctional family; Moonlight Mile, the story of two parents coping __(58)__ a daughter's
murder and the fiancé she left behind; and The Banger Sisters, __(59)__ Sarandon and Goldie Hawn play
two grown women __(60)__ their younger days as rock-music groupies. __(61)__ of the movies are likely
__(62)__ blockbusters, but Sarandon chooses her roles more for the stories they tell __(63)__ for their
commercial potential. "If we __(64a)__ very lucky, these films __(64b)__ questions that people will talk
about," she says.

56. a) start 57. a) in 58. a) about

b) starts b) with b) for
c) had started c) of c) with
d) are started d) for d) on

59. a) when 60. a) revisiting 61. a) All

b) about whom b) are revisiting b) None
c) whose c) revisited c) Both
d) in which d) revisit d) Neither

62. a) to be 63. a) and 64. a) were…would raise

b) to being b) or b) will be…raise
c) being c) rather c) are…will raise
d) be d) than d) are being…will be raising

Science teachers in an interdisciplinary undergraduate program often have students who want to study
topics that _(65)_ would find non-academic and unscientific, such as astrology, Reiki and Tarot. What
can an instructor _(66)_ within the western scientific tradition do with _(67)_ requests? _(68)_
approach is to clearly explain _(69)_ the student that these topics "aren't science," and they are not
going to learn _(70)_ from researching them. Unfortunately, this gets a student _(71)_, and it is just
_(72)_ attitude that makes many afraid _(73)_ unconventional interests. Moreover, this position
reinforces the students‘ mistrust of science, professors, and academia.

65. a) none 66. a) work 67. a) likely

b) several b) to work b) such
c) all c) that work c) similarly
d) many d) working d) alike

68. a) Only one 69. a) for 70. a) not at all

b) One b) about b) many
c) Another c) towards c) anything
d) One other d) to d) nothing

71. a) anywhere 72. a) this kind of 73. a) pursue

b) nowhere b) like an b) to pursue
c) somewhere c) any kind c) pursuing
d) everywhere d) like this d) for pursuing



Shark Attacks
The summer issue of The New South Wales Sea Kayaker magazine warned of the risk of bull sharks in
Australian rivers, saying they __(1)__ in most Australian water systems. "This shark is very, very
dangerous. Some experts __(2)__ this shark to be the most dangerous in the world, even surpassing the
Great White Shark," the magazine said. The bull shark, which __(3a)__ up to 3.5 metres in length and
__(3b)__ around 230 kg, can survive in fresh or saltwater and __(4)__ almost anything. These sharks
__(5)__ for several attacks on rowers and kayakers on the upper reaches of Sydney harbour in recent
1. a) are finding 2. a) are considering 3. a) has been measured…weighed
b) had found b) are considered b) has measured…weighed
c) were found c) consider c) is measuring…weighing
d) were finding d) considered d) measures…weighs

4. a) can be eaten 5. a) blame

b) has to eat b) had blamed
c) has eaten c) have been blamed
d) will eat d) were to be blamed

The tattoo machine as we know it today __(6)__ relatively unchanged since it __(7)__ by Samuel O‘Reilly
and patented in the United States in 1891. In 1876, Thomas Edison patented a tattooing device -- the
autographic printer, which __(8)__ as an engraving device for hard surfaces. O‘Reilly __(9)__ Edison‘s
machine by changing the tube system and using the cam conversion of a rotary-driven electromagnetic
oscillating unit to enable the machine __(10)__ the needle.

6. a) remained 7. a) has been invented 8. a) was intended

b) remains b) was invented b) intended
c) had remained c) had been invented c) had intended
d) has remained d) having been invented d) intending

9. a) modifying 10. a) driving

b) modified b) drive
c) had been modifying c) to drive
d) had been modified d) for driving

Ideas of time travel have existed for centuries, but when Albert Einstein __(11)__ his theory of special
relativity, he __(12)__ the foundation for the theoretical possibility of time travel. As we all know, no
one __(13)__time travel, but no one __(14)__ able to rule it out __(15)__.

11. a) has released 12. a) laid 13.a) had successfully demonstrated

b) had released b) has laid b) has successfully demonstrated
c) was releasing c) was laying c) successfully demonstrated
d) released d) had laid d) is successfully demonstrated

14. a) was being 15. a) too

b) is being b) either
c) had been c) neither
d) has been d) also

By the 1950s, we _(16)_ the sky with optical telescopes for 350 years, but the x-ray universe _(17)_ an
enigma. Earth's atmosphere absorbs x-rays, thus no observations of the high-energy objects _(18)_
them can _(19)_ with ground-based telescopes. Young physicists _(20)_ their intellects and imaginations
to build detectors that could go beyond the obstacles and observe the elusive particles that were
theorized to zip through space and bombard the upper atmosphere. The post World War II era _(21)_
these physicists an opportunity _(22a)_ their nascent detectors on leftover sounding rockets and
_(22b)_ them a hundred miles above Earth.

16. a) were observing 17. a) was still 18. a) emitted

b) observed b) is still b) emit
c) had been observing c) would still be c) of emitting
d) would have been observing d) will still be d) that emit

19. a) have been done 20. a) stretching 21. a) gave

b) be done b) would stretch b) had given
c) have done c) stretched c) would have given
d) be doing d) would be stretching d) was given

22. a) rather than placing...launching

b) so as to place...launch
c) for placing...launching
d) to place...launch

Once Tysons _(23)_ nothing more than a general store at the junction of a couple of farm-to-market
roads. Today it is a megamall, as well as the capital of a bruised but not bowed high-tech corridor that
_(24)_ from there 14 miles (22 kilometers) west to Dulles Airport. Tysons _(25)_ its resilience in the
nineties by reinforcing its retail core with corporate offices. Soon after, big information-technology and
defense firms _(26)_ services, managerial support, and swarms of developers, financiers, and lawyers.
By the end of the decade, tech businesses _(27)_ tens of thousands of jobs. Even with recent layoffs,
Tysons _(28)_ to thrive because diversification and boom times for the defense industry _(29)_ some
of the economic shocks suffered elsewhere.

23. a) had been 24. a) is running 25. a) was increasing

b) would be b) has been running b) had incresed
c) was c) has run c) increased
d) was being d) runs d) would be increasing

26. a) had attracted 27. a) created 28. a) continuing

b) would have attracted b) were created b) will be continuing
c) were going to attract c) had created c) continues
d) attracted d) were creating d) will have continued

29. a) have absorbed

b) absorbing
c) have been absorbed
d) will be absorbed

The idea of ocean circulation, _(30)_ by the difference in temperature between the Equator and the
Poles, _(31)_ for centuries. Sir Benjamin Thompson predicted in 1797 that evaporation in the north
_(32)_ heavier, saltier water to sink and flow southward. He also theorized that a warmer northbound
current _(33)_ the southern one. In the 1920s, a German oceanographer, George Wüest, charted
currents _(34)_ on the Meteor expedition, a remarkably accurate research cruise _(35)_ the entire
North and South Atlantic. By using tracers like dissolved oxygen, as well as measuring salinity and
temperature, Wüest _(36)_ flow paths. Then Henry Stommel, the great physical oceanographer, came
along in the 1950s and showed how the circulation of the entire world ocean _(37)_ together as a single
30. a) is driven 31. a) had been known 32. a) would cause
b) driven b) was known b) causing
c) will be driven c) would have been known c) having caused
d) is being driven d) has been known d) caused by

33. a) needed balancing 34. a) meanwhile 35. a) spanning

b) would need to balance b) during b) spanned
c) needed to balance c) while c) had been spanning
d) would be needed to balance d) at the time d) had spanned

36. a) deducing 37. a) were linking

b) had deduced b) linked
c) was deducing c) had linked
d) deduced d) linking

A guy (we'll call him Aaron) was laying down carpet in a woman's home. As he was finishing, he __(38)__
a craving for a cigarette. Aaron looked around and discovered that his cigarettes __(39)__ . He did,
__(40)__, notice a bump in the carpet, and figured that he __(41)__ the carpet over the pack without
__(42)__ it there. Aaron decided __(43)__ taking up the carpet, he would get a hammer and pound it
into the ground __(44)__ no one would know. When he finished that, the owner of the house walked into
the room and commented on what a nice job he __(45)__. ''Aaron, the carpet looks wonderful!'' she
exclaimed. ''Here are your cigarettes; I found them in the kitchen. Oh yes, and by the way, __(46)__ my

38. a) was getting 39. a) had been missed 40. a) moreover

b) would be getting b) were missing b) also
c) had got c) missed c) however
d) got d) have been missing d) though

41. a) laid 42. a) notice 43. a) rather than

b) has laid b) noticing b) had better
c) was laid c) being noticed c) in spite of
d) had laid d) to notice d) might as well

44. a) for 45. a) had done 46. a) have you seen

b) which b) has done b) had you seen
c) so c) did c) could you see
d) where d) was done d) would you see

The first celestial x-ray source _(47)_ in 1962. It was an unusual bright blue star _(48)_ in the
direction of the constellation Scorpius. The observation _(49)_ only 350 seconds. Scientists
persevered, _(50)_ their instruments up on rockets and balloons whenever they _(51)_. In 1970, the
first Earth-orbiting satellite _(52)_ to x-ray astronomy _(53)_ for three years. A couple dozen
missions _(54)_ since, and right now two other orbiting x-ray observatories—NASA's Rossi X-ray
Timing Explorer and the European Space Agency's XMM-Newton Observatory— _(55)_ the discoveries
being made. X-ray astronomy _(56)_ us spectacular vision of an explosive and turbulent universe.
Ultimate recognition of the significance of revealing the x-ray sky _(57)_ in October 2002, when
Riccardo Giacconi, a stalwart x-ray astronomer, _(58)_ the Nobel Prize in physics.

47. a) was discovered 48. a) had been located 49. a) had lasted
b) had been discovered b) locating b) lasted
c) was discovering c) was located c) having lasted
d) discovered d) located d) lasting

50. a) to be sending 51. a) could 52. a) was dedicated

b) to send b) would b) dedicating
c) sending c) should c) dedicated
d) were sending d) might d) having dedicated

53. a) had launched and operated 54. a) have flown 55. a) have complemented
b) launched and operated b) had flown b) complement
c) was launched and operated c) having flown c) have been complementing
d) being launched and operated d) will have flown d) complementing

56. a) giving 57. a) had come 58. a) awarded

b) will have given b) was coming b) was awarded
c) is given c) came c) had been awarded
d) is giving d) would be coming d) being awarded

Jigokudani Wild Monkey Park _(59)_ hundreds of thousands of visitors a year _(60)_ the macaques,
especially in winter. _(61)_ keep the monkeys in the area, the park staff _(62)_ them several times a
day and _(63)_ so for 40 years. _(64)_ the feeding started, the troop numbered 23 individuals; now it
has about 200. Here and elsewhere in Japan, artificial feeding of the monkeys with "human" foods and
their increasing numbers in populated areas _(65)_ to cause problems. In ancient Japanese folktales,
monkeys often _(66)_ as tricksters, cleverly _(67)_ other animals out of their rice ball or persimmon
fruit. The macaques at Jigokudani and other spots in Japan _(68)_ up to their bad reputation, raiding
orchards and gardens, taking apples and other crops. The situation is especially bad where expanding
numbers of monkeys are moving _(69)_ to villages and growing bolder in their exploits, occasionally
_(70a)_ humans and _(70b)_ food from inside houses.

59. a) draws 60. a) to watch 61. a) Helping

b) has drawn b) watching b) By helping
c) is drawing c) watch c) To help
d) which draws d) watches d) Having helped

62. a) feeding 63. a) had done 64. a) As

b) fed b) did b) When
c) who feeds c) was doing c) By the time
d) feeds d) has done d) As soon as

65. a) have begun 66. a) appearing 67. a) fooled
b) is beginning b) to appear b) fooling
c) begins c) appear c) had fooled
d) are begun d) had appeared d) to fool

68. a) had lived 69. a) closely 70. a) attack...steal

b) having lived b) more closely b) have attacked...stolen
c) are living c) closer c) are attacking...stealing
d) living d) closest d) attacking...stealing

Why do marine mammals run aground? Biologists _(71)_, but volunteers who flock to such crises _(72)_
one thing: although many stranded animals _(73)_, some can be saved, and techniques _(74)_ better all
the time. _(75)_ 1985, a New Zealand group _(76)_ Project Jonah has employed reusable inflatable
floating platforms to successfully refloat and rescue more than 2,000 stranded victims, _(77)_ in size
from dolphins to 45-foot Bryde‘s whales. The goal: to get the animals off the beach _(78)_ they fatally
overheat. ‗‘The platforms _(79)_ us to float a huge animal in less than a foot of water,‘‘ says Project
Jonah‘s Ingrid Visser, who helped _(80)_ this pilot whale, one of 89 that _(81)_ in New Zealand in a
single year. First the whale _(82)_ so a mat can be slipped under it. As the tide _(83)_, twin platforms
attached to the mat _(84)_ so workers can ease the animal into the water. The platforms are now
_(85)_ in the U.S., Canada, and the United Kingdom.

71. a) still wonder 72. a) knew 73. a) perishing

b) will still wonder b) had known b) were perishing
c) still wondered c) know c) perish
d) still wondering d) are known d) will have perished

74. a) were getting 75. a) In 76. a) are called

b) have gotten b) Until b) called
c) will be getting c) Since c) were called
d) are getting d) From d) have called

77. a) ranging 78. a) when 79. a) allow

b) ranged b) as b) allowing
c) were ranging c) before c) are allowed
d) to range d) till d) are going to allow

80. a) assistant 81. a) are beaching 82. a) is rolling

b) assist b) were beached b) rolls
c) assisting c) had beached c) is rolled
d) assistance d) beached d) is being rolled

83. a) rose 84. a) are inflated 85. a) using

b) rises b) will be inflating b) for use as
c) was rising c) were inflated c) in use
d) is rising d) are inflating d) for using


A single wolf's genes may have triggered the recovery of the _(1)_ Scandinavian wolves. Scientists say
this is the first evidence in the wild _(2)_ a lone immigrant can check the loss of genetic diversity
_(3)_ inbreeding in isolated packs.
1. a) threatening 2. a) if 3. a) causing
b) being threatened b) when b) caused by
c) having threatened c) that c) which cause
d) threatened d) as d) causes

Oxfam is one of the 18,000 charities _(4)_ in the UK. Its aim is to work _(5)_ poverty and suffering
throughout the world, in the belief _(6)_ lasting solutions to these problems will bring dignity and
opportunity for all.
4. a) registering 5. a) overcoming 6. a) to be finding
b) have been registered b) for overcoming b) that finding
c) are registered c) by overcoming c) to find
d) registered d) to overcome d) by finding

The only recurrent theme _(7)_ from decades of studies _(8)_ into the future is that we are much
better _(9a)_ a future than _(9b)_ it.

7. a) having emerged 8. a) looked 9. a) to predict

b) that emerges b) had looked b) at creating... predicting
c) emerged c) looking c) only create...predict
d) has emerged d) were looking d) creating… predicting

At least 60 percent of the average intelligence gain _(10)_ in breast-fed infants _(11)_ from breast
milk‘s nutritional value, rather than _(12)_ from maternal bonding.
10. a) seen 11. a) coming 12. a) benefit
b) where it is seen b) to come b) to benefit
c) which has seen c) to have come c) benefits
d) having been seen d) comes d) benefiting

A woman from Dewsbury, _(13)_ with Dracula and vampires since she was a child, _(14)_ a company
_(15)_ coffins from Transylvania.
13. a) had been obsessed 14. a) setting up 15. a) by importing
b) was obsessed b) was set up b) importing
c) obsessed c) has set up c) to be importing
d) to have been obsessed d) having set up d) to be imported

The Ankh, _(16)_ Egyptian symbol of life, resembles a cross or a key, but it might also be
seen as a map _(17)_ Egypt. The uprights is the Nile, the crosspiece is the east and west –
the daily birth and death of the sun— and the loop is the delta. The loop meets the
crosspiece at Cairo, and it is here, where streets, parking lots, hotels and apartment
buildings _(18)_ hundreds of square miles of fertile land, _(19)_ you can view tons of delta
soil in its mummified form: bricks.

16. a) that is the ancient 17. a) of inhabited 18. a) have buried 19. a) which
b) the ancient b) for inhabiting b) burying b) that
c) to which the ancient c) to inhabit c) were buried c) where
d) by which the ancient d) inhabiting d) are burying d) and

It was not until the 1940s _(20)_ information was defined as a new scientific term, and this definition
was quite new, _(21)_ any in standard dictionaries. Yet, the concept of information, by _(22)_ precisely
enough to satisfy mathematicians and telecommunications engineers, became increasingly fascinating
for nonscientists. The word began to recapture some of its other meanings, which _(23)_ into disuse.

20. a) when 21. a) dissimilar 22. a) being described

b) than b) unlike b) describing
c) that c) not c) having described
d) then d) none of d) described

23. a) is to fall
b) has fallen
c) would have fallen
d) had fallen

It has been suggested _(24)_ cellular phones will be the tobacco of the 21st century. It _(25)_ that
their use is almost as addictive as cigarettes, with psychologists‘ reports _(26)_ that there is evidence
that users display withdrawal symptoms if _(27)_ of their mobiles for more than 24 hours.

24. a) whether 25. a) has appeared 26. a) claiming

b) why b) appeared b) are claiming
c) how c) appears c) to claim
d) that d) is appearing d) claim

27. a) they deprive

b) deprived
c) depriving them
d) having been deprived

The Antarctic ice cap forms the largest body of fresh water __(28)__ the world. Ninety percent of
our fresh water supply __(29)__ up in 30 million cubic kilometres of glacial ice on the southern
continent. If all of this ice __(30)__ , the height of the earth's oceans--sea level--would rise 50-60 m.
Islands and coastal cities around the world, __(31)__ Boston, would be completely submerged.
Scientists at NASA have generated a computer model depicting changes in the Antarctic ice sheet
__(32)__ the peak of the last ice age nearly 20,000 years ago.

28. a) on 29. a) has locked 30. a) were to melt

b) in b) is locking b) would melt
c) for c) is locked c) had melted
d) from d) locking d) was going to melt

31. a) include 32. a) before
b) included b) since
c) including c) about
d) inclusive d) while

_(33)_ turns out that, in some sense, we are all time travelers. As you __(34a)__ at your desk,
__(34b)__ nothing more than clicking your mouse, time __(35)__ around you. The future __(36)__
transformed into the past with the present only lasting for a fleeting moment. Everything that you are
doing right now is quickly moving into the past, __(37)__ means we continue to move through time.

33. a) What 34. a) sit…doing 35. a) has travelled

b) It b) were sitting…doing b) is travelling
c) When it c) would do c) will travel
d) That it d) have to sit…to do d) would travel

36. a) is constantly being 37. a) that

b) constantly b) it
c) has constantly been c) which
d) was constantly d) this

_(38a)_ animals, _(38b)_ space: It's not an uncommon problem in Japan. Consider the Japanese
macaque, a natural treasure and winter spectacle. These monkeys are famous _(39)_ their cultural
transmission behavior and _(40)_ farther north than any other primate _(41)_ humans. Some 110,000
live in Japan, 7,000 of them in the cold, snowy alps of Honshu, _(42)_ they have earned the nickname
"snow monkey."

38. a) Such a lot few 39. a) with 40. a) for living
b) Very much b) as b) to live
c) Too many...too little c) by c) by living
d) So many...such little d) for d) used to living

41. a) besides 42. a) meanwhile

b) as well as b) with which
c) except c) by then
d) without d) where

_(43)_ up images of impenetrable jungle, exotic wildlife, and, of course, rain, the Congo region _(44)_
at once puzzled, terrorized, and fascinated outsiders. One legend _(45)_ the spirit of the Congo is the
tale of Mokélé-mbembé. Stories say that this mysterious creature _(46)_ in the vicinity of Lac Télé.
The animal _(47)_ more than 30 feet (9 meters) long, with a long neck and tail. Sketches _(48)_ in the
dirt by locals _(49)_ a brontosaurus. Though numerous expeditions _(50)_ to find this beast, it _(51)_
as elusive as Scotland‘s famed Loch Ness Monster.

43. a) Having conjured 44. a) had been 45. a) that represents

b) Conjured b) would have b) represents
c) Conjuring c) was c) represented
d) Being conjured d) has d) which is represented

46 .a) living 47. a) has been said to be measured 48. a) were drawn
b) lives b) said that it measured b) drawn
c) lived c) is said to measure c) had been drawn
d) had lived d) is said to have measured d) being drawn

49. a) resembling 50. a) have attempted 51. a) will have proved
b) resemble b) had attempted b) proves
c) resembled c) would have attempted c) will prove
d) would resemble d) were attempting d) has proved

Some fish would either drop to the bottom of the sea or float on the top layer of water _(52)_ it
weren‘t for one specific organ _(53)_ within their body cavity. This important buoyancy organ is called
the swim bladder. Most bony fish have one. For _(54)_ that don‘t, swimming can be quite clumsy, and
maintaining the same depth is possible _(55)_ grace and poise are disregarded. _(56)_ the blenny, for
example. _(57)_ a bony fish, it lacks a swim bladder and _(58)_ has to wriggle to move forward at the
same depth. No need to feel sorry for the blenny. Although its stroke _(59)_ awkward, the absence of
this gas-filled (usually with oxygen) organ certainly doesn‘t slow it down.

52. a) if 53. a) locating 54. a) these

b) supposing b) location b) them
c) providing c) located c) those
d) as long as d) to be located d) ones

55. a) whether 56. a) Take 57. a) Despite

b) until b) Taking b) Nevertheless
c) by the time c) To take c) Although
d) only if d) Taken d) As for

58. a) then 59. a) looking

b) yet b) looks
c) nor c) that looks
d) thus d) to look

_(60)_ is it about the natural characteristics of the brine shrimp that make them so attractive to
entrepreneurs, who _(61)_ marketing them in the 1960s? Brine shrimp lay eggs that can stay dormant
for years _(62)_ conditions are right for them to hatch, _(63)_ allows them to survive in air-tight
packaging. They are filter-feeding organisms _(64)_ in an upside down position while rhythmically
_(65)_ their feather-like legs as they filter in the green algae _(66)_ them.

60. a) Which 61. a) have begun 62. a) until

b) What b) had begun b) when
c) How c) began c) since
d) Why d) were begun d) as
63. a) when 64. a) swim 65. a) beaten
b) then b) to swim b) being beaten
c) which c) that swim c) beating
d) where d) by swimming d) to be beating
66. a) that nourish
b) nourish
c) are nourishing
d) are nourished

It took River Nile millions of years _(67)_ a delta that, when healthy, served _(68)_ a shield against
shoreline erosion. Now that dams and irrigation canals _(69)_ the river‘s natural flow, saltwater
intrusion is rising, and sediment _(70)_ to form the shield is in short supply.

_(71)_ more than 10,000 miles of irrigation canals sucking at the river, only 10 percent of the sediment
_(72)_ the delta ever reaches the sea. Most of these channels _(73)_ in the past 200 years.
Seedbed of a great ancient civilization, the Nile River Valley and the delta _(74)_ their inhabitants
two critical assets: fertile land and an enviable location. _(75)_ at what seemed to be the center of
the world, the delta was the seaside center of Africa, Europe and Asia. In peacetime, Egyptians _(76)_
their neighbors in trade, swapping surplus wheat and barley from their bountiful granary for
commodities they lacked, including iron, copper, and spices. In war, they fought to defend and extend
the land and civilization they believed _(77)_ by the gods.

67. a) creating 68. a) to 69. a) disturb

b) having to create b) for b) disturbing
c) to create c) by c) are being disturbed
d) to be creating d) as d) which disturb

70. a) once accumulated 71. a) Of 72. a) are entering

b) that once accumulated b) With b) entering
c) accumulated once c) From c) to be entering
d) having accumulated once d) As d) being entered

73. a) had been dug 74. a) gave 75. a) Situating

b) have been dug b) were given b) Situated
c) have dug c) would give c) To be situated
d) had dug d) had been given d) Having situated

76. a) engaging 77. a) governed

b) who engaged b) they were governed
c) engaged c) were governed
d) engage d) which governed

You Can Now Eat Your Own Plate
Taipei, Taiwan - Diners __ (78)__ to lick a plate after a delicious meal can now go a step further and
eat the plate.

Chen Liang-erh, 50, an amateur inventor, announced last week that he __(79)__ an edible plate. This
special plate was made __(80)__ wheat grain. He said that he was planning to mass-produce it and
other edible crockery __(81)__ cups, bowls and food containers. Chen added that he had spent six
years __(82)__ the plate. He was smiling with joy when he announced that it __(83)__ on sale at about
7 cents each. Diners who do not want to eat the items — __(84)__taste like unsalted popcorn— can
boil __(85)__ for their pets if they want to. This way they will provide the animals with a __(86)__
meal. The fact that these plates can be eaten could __(87)__ reduce pollution caused by __(88)__
crockery. The only disadvantage, ‗Chen said, ‗is that my crockery __(89)__ washed and reused.‘

78. a) tempting 79. a) had perfected 80. a) by

b) were tempting b) perfected b) into
c) tempted c) would have perfected c) about
d) were tempted d) was perfected d) from
81. a) included 82. a) to develop 83. a) would be
b) it includes b) for developing b) would have been
c) include c) developing c) to be
d) including d) and develop d) will have been

84. a) whose 85. a) they 86. a) nutrition

b) which b) that b) nutrient
c) for whom it c) them c) nutritious
d) who d) it d) nutritionist

87. a) help 88. a) discarding 89. a) won‘t have to be

b) have helped b) discarded b) couldn‘t have been
c) be of help c) the way to discard c) is not able to be
d) be helped to d) means of discarding d) cannot be



A single completed manuscript and hundreds of fragments were found __(1)__ reconstruction work was
undertaken on the ancient tower of Deir al-Surian, which is probably well over a millennium old. The
library had originally been established there __(2)__ it was the most protected part of the
monastery, but the first floor collapsed around five centuries ago, and a new wooden floor was simply
inserted above. Recently, the rubble of the earlier floor was removed during __(3)__, and curator
Father Bigoul found a complete manuscript, __(4)__ in a section of a disused water pipe. (It is unclear
if it __(5)__ there __(6)__ or got there __(7)__ accident.) The parchment text has now been
identified by Professor Lucas van Rompay of Duke University __(8)__ a 9th-century Book of the Holy

1. a) where 2. a) since 3. a) renovating

b) when b) where b) renovate
c) then c) provided c) renovations
d) that d) in case d) it renovated

4. a) burying 5. a) was hidden 6. a) to keeping safely

b) buried b) was hiding b) for safekeeping
c) was buried c) had hidden c) safely kept
d) which buried d) had been hiding d) kept safely

7. a) in 8. a) as
b) by b) for
c) with c) about
d) through d) in

Peddocks Island, located in the southern part of Boston Harbor, _(9)_ as home to a thousand Italian
POWs (Prisoners of War) during World War II. Among the prisoners, around 50 lucky ones _(10)_ as
―trustees.‖ Trustee status _(11)_ those who demonstrated good behavior, kept themselves tidy, and
followed orders. _(12)_ a trustee allowed those prisoners _(13)_ places in the prison off-limits to
others—such as the recreational facility—and may have even enabled them _(14)_ in the water for a
swim. But the most desirable privilege for trustees was the Sunday ferry ride to Boston‘s North End. A
military ferry _(15)_ take them to the Italian families who sponsored them and return to Peddocks
before dark. Those trips gave the trustees an opportunity _(16a)_ a home-cooked Italian meal, and
_(16b)_ about their life back in the homeland. In the year after the war ended, some 50 marriages
took place between those POWs and the daughters or relatives of the _(17)_ families.

9. a) had served 10. a) were recognized 11. a) earned

b) had been serving b) recognized b) earned by
c) served c) had been recognized c) had earned
d) was being served d) had recognized d) was earned by

12. a) Having been 13. a) for going 14. a) jumping
b) Being b) to going b) to jump
c) By being c) go c) in jumping
d) In order to be d) to go d) jump

15. a) would 16. a) eating...talking 17. a) sponsorship

b) could b) to b) sponsored
c) had to c) for eating...talking c) sponsoring
d) might d) so as to d) being sponsored

Humming a happy tune can ease the mind and heart, and may also help the nasal passages, according to a
new report by Swedish researchers.
Researchers found that humming lets people exhale _(18)_ more air from their nasal passages than
_(19)_ less amusing exhalations. This is an advantage that could lower frequent hummers' risk of sinus
The researchers determined how _(20)_ hummers exhaled by measuring the amounts of nitric oxide
(NO) in their breath, a gas _(21)_ in the lungs and nasal passages. NO helps blood vessels to dilate,
which allows oxygen-carrying blood to flow more freely. Hummers exhale 15 times more NO than when
they silently exhale.
Humming appears _(22)_ the amount of NO funneled into the nose from the sinuses, the air-containing
cavities within the skull that connect to the nose. _(23)_, humming seems _(24)_ facilitate the
exchange of air from the sinuses to the nasal passages, which may, in turn, help _(25)_ the sinuses,
protecting them _(26)_ infections.

18. a) significant 19. a) during 20. a) much

b) signifying b) when b) often
c) significantly c) as c) many
d) significance d) from d) long

21. a) producing 22. a) to be increasing 23. a) Nevertheless

b) is produced b) to be increased b) In addition
c) produced c) to increase c) In contrast
d) being produced d) to have increased d) On the other hand

24. a) helping 25. a) ventilating 26. a) by developing

b) to be helping b) ventilate b) against the development
c) to have been helping c) to be ventilating c) from developing
d) to help d) to have ventilated d) in order to develop

Since 1996, 6 million people have had Lasik surgery _(27)_ their vision. It‘s an impressive number
_(28)_ a procedure that involves _(29)_ back a layer of the eye to allow a laser _(30)_ the surface
of the cornea. However, it‘s only a small fraction of the 80 million people _(31)_ contacts. Many
patients don‘t want elective surgery on their eyes _(32)_ can‘t afford the $1,000-plus-per-eye
procedure, _(33)_ most insurance doesn‘t cover.

27. a) repair 28. a) for 29. a) in peeling

b) repairing b) of b) to peel
c) to repair c) in c) peeling
d) by repairing d) about d) peel

30. a) reshape 31. a) to wear 32. a) or 33. a) that
b) by reshaping b) wearing b) but b) what
c) to reshape c) wear c) though c) which
d) reshaping d) are wearing d) because d) so

Nobody knows who _(34)_ the Ryoanji Temple garden in Kyoto in the late 15th century. _(35)_ more
than a thousand temple gardens in Kyoto, it is _(36)_ to be the masterpiece. It might just be the work
of a single genius, but its mathematical simplicity _(37)_ many hands refined and distilled the
arrangement over the years. The garden consists of 15 stones _(38)_ seemingly at random on a 10- by
30-meter rectangle of meticulously _(39)_ white gravel.
Esthetic theories have tended _(40)_ symbolic significance to the arrangement: it has been said
_(41)_ a tigress crossing the sea with her cubs, islands in the ocean, rocks in the rapids and strokes of
the Chinese character meaning heart or mind. But perhaps the appeal has less to do with the garden‘s
symbolism than the structure of the human mind. The brain always tries _(42)_ sense of the visual
world, and to do _(43)_, it often pieces together sparse clues _(44)_ a coherent image. What if the
Ryoanji rocks give the visual portion of the brain just enough information to suggest something

34. a) had designed 35. a) Within 36. a) being considered

b) was designing b) Besides b) considering
c) designed c) Among c) to be considered
d) was going to design d) As well as d) considered

37. a) suggests 38. a) were placed 39. a) raked

b) suggesting b) placed b) raking
c) which suggests c) being placed c) being raked
d) is suggested d) to be placed d) to have raked

40. a) the attachment of 41. a) to represent 42. a) making

b) to attach b) that they were represented b) while making
c) attaching c) about representing c) to make
d) attached d) that the representation of d) to be making

43. a) so 44. a) being formed

b) as such b) to form
c) so that c) to have formed
d) such that d) having been formed

Ancient Manuscripts Found In Egyptian Monastery

A collection of manuscripts up to 1,500 years old __(45)__ in a Coptic monastery in the Western
Desert of Egypt. The find __(46)__ at Deir al-Surian, the Monastery of the Syrians, which already
__(47)__ one of the richest ancient libraries in Christendom. __(48)__ in the desert sands and
virtually cut off from the outside world until recently, Deir al-Surian traces its roots back to the
earliest period of Christian monasticism. __(49)__ in the 6th century, it was soon occupied by monks
from Syria and Mesopotamia and __(50)__ currently home to 200 Egyptian Copts.

Deir al-Surian is __(51)__ was once called the Holy Desert of Scetis, in Wadi al-Natrun, a valley 60
miles south of Alexandria. __(52)__ across the sands, the 40-foot-high walled complex, with its
buildings and tower, appears __(53)__ a ship— and hence the tradition that its architecture is based
on the design of Noah's Ark. Inside, the monastery is centered on the Church of the Holy Virgin,
__(54)__ in the 7th century.

45. a) discovered 46. a) was made 47. a) has had

b) has been discovered b) is made b) was having
c) discovering c) is being made c) has
d) was being discovered d) had been made d) is having

48. a) Setting 49. a) While being established 50. a) is

b) To set b) Established b) was
c) Having set c) To be established c) been
d) Set d) Having established d) was being

51. a) where 52. a) When approached 53. a) as

b) in what b) Approach b) such
c) which c) To approach c) similar
d) in which d) Approaching d) like

54. a) built
b) having built
c) being built
d) to have been built

__(55)__ by the tip of a submerged volcano, the island last popped up in 1831, starting a diplomatic
fight among several nations, before it sank beneath the Mediterranean waves six months __(56)__.
The volcano's peak now sits just 26 feet under water about 19 miles south of Sicily, near Tunisia. "We
are monitoring things __(57)__," Boschi, a geologist, said. "The process __(58)__ any time. It
__(59)__ a very beautiful and fascinating event." Over the centuries, the island __(60)__ four times,
with underwater volcanic eruptions first recorded __(61)__ the first Punic War of 264-241 B.C. The
last __(62)__ on July 2, 1831, caused months of international wrangling with four nations __(63)__
territorial claims including Britain, Spain and the Bourbon court of Sicily. The rock, which __(64)__
some 213 feet above the surface and had a circumference of about 3 miles, __(65)__ for six months,
__(66)__ the British time __(67)__ it as Graham Island, while Sicily's King Ferdinand II __(68)__ it

55. a) Forming 56. a) ago 57. a) much closer

b) Formed b) later b) too closely
c) To be formed c) before c) the closest
d) To have formed d) after d) very closely

58. a) could have begun 59. a) had better be 60. a) has been emerging
b) would begin b) would have been b) has emerged
c) could begin c) would be c) had emerged
d) will begin d) must be d) emerged

61. a) while 62. a) emerging 63. a) making

b) for b) emergence b) by making
c) during c) emerge c) being made
d) at d) to emerge d) having made

64. a) rose 65. a) emerging 66. a) it gave

b) was rising b) has emerged b) to give
c) has risen c) emerged c) giving
d) had risen d) was emerging d) gave

67. a) to claim 68. a) was calling

b) for claiming b) has called
c) of claiming c) called
d) to have claimed d) had called

Medical Exam
A pretty young woman __(69)__ her new doctor for the first time found herself alone in a small
waiting room. She began __(70)__ nervously, __(71)__ herself for the upcoming examination. Just as
she draped the last of her garments over the back of a chair, a light rap sounded on the door and a
young doctor__(72)__ in. __(73)__ to an abrupt halt, the doctor looked his nude patient up and down
carefully and with __(74)__ appreciation. "Miss Smith," he said finally, "it seems quite obvious to me
that until today you __(75)__ an eye examination."

69. a) visited 70. a) to be undressed 71. a) preparing

b) was visiting b) undressing b) for preparing
c) visiting c) undress c) to be prepared
d) was visited d) and undressed d) prepared

72. a) would stride 73. a) While coming 74. a) considerable

b) was striding b) Coming b) considerably
c) strode c) Having come c) considering
d) had strode d) When he came d) considered

75. a) will never undergo

b) had better not undergo
c) never undergone
d) have never undergone



In Britain there is a lively debate about _(1)_ there should be laws regulating the press. Press freedom
_(2)_ a long tradition but some of the popular tabloid newspapers _(3)_ very intrusive stories about
famous people during the 1980s, _(4)_ some Members of Parliament to call for laws to protect privacy.
In 1991, the press _(5)_ a last chance to show it could regulate _(6)_ and the result was the Press
Complaints Commission, which administers a code of practice _(7)_ the editors themselves. The code
was made _(8)_ in 1997, when press photographers _(9)_ of contributing to the death of Princess
Diana. Press behavior _(10)_ but critics still maintain that it is _(11)_ successfully and that the
remedies are not _(12)_.

1. a) if 2. a) had 3. a) had printed

b) how b) has b) printed
c) where c) having c) were printed
d) whether d) which had d) would be printing
4. a) that led 5. a) gave 6. a) it
b) to lead b) was giving b) those
c) having led c) had given c) itself
d) leading d) was given d) them

7. a) drawing up 8. a) as strict as 9. a) were accused

b) drawn up by b) strictly b) accused
c) having drawn up by c) as strictly as c) accusing
d) drew up d) stricter d) being accused

10. a) will improve 11. a) the most difficult to complain 12. a) too severe
b) was improving b) too difficult to complain b) much severe
c) has improved c) as difficult as complaining c) severe enough
d) was going to improve d) more difficult to complain d) very severely

_(13)_ the moment the first wave of East Germans crossed into Berlin, showered _(14)_ champagne
and cheered _(15)_ a crowd of thousands, it was clear this would be one of Berlin‘s _(16)_ days. East
Berliners were overcome as they crossed the border that _(17)_ closed to them for twenty-eight
years. West Berliners began _(18)_ away at the wall that had scarred their city. There was no
interference _(19)_ the police...
13. a) At 14. a) in 15. a) with
b) In b) into b) in
c) From c) with c) by
d) Since d) of d) to
16. a) more dramatic 17. a) was 18. a) chipping
b) more dramatically b) would be b) chip
c) most dramatic c) has been c) chipped
d) the most dramatic d) had been d) to be chipping
19. a) of
b) from
c) with
d) in

Antarctica _(20)_ cold and as dry as any desert on the inland plateau, while a relatively mild and wet
climate is _(21)_ along the coasts. _(22)_ plants and animals live on the land _(23)_, but the
surrounding ocean is rich _(24)_ wildlife.
20. a) is frozen so 21. a) characteristic 22. a) Many
b) is freezing b) characteristically b) Few
c) has such freezing c) a character c) Little
d) has been frozen d) characterized d) Much

23. a) by itself 24. a) of

b) themselves b) in
c) by themselves c) on
d) itself d) for

Last night Detroit airport _(25)_ red-alert when a man _(26)_ a plane _(27)_ the pilot, _(28)_, with
the words ‗Hi, Jack‘. Air-traffic controllers, who were paying _(29)_ attention to what _(30)_, ordered
armed police _(31)_ the plane, before realizing their mistake. A spokesman said that, from now on,
officials _(32)_ air-traffic control _(33)_ there was a pilot called Jack on duty.

25. a) had put on 26. a) boarded 27. a) greeted

b) was putting on b) was boarding b) was greeting
c) had been putting on c) boarding c) had greeted
d) was put on d) had boarded d) was greeted

28. a) that he knew 29. a) too much 30. a) went on

b) he knew that b) not enough b) was going on
c) knowing that c) a lot of c) to go on
d) whom he knew d) hardly ever d) going on

31. a) to board 32. a) could have notified 33. a) whoever

b) to be boarding b) might be notified b) whenever
c) boarding c) would notify c) whomever
d) were boarding d) can be notifying d) whichever

Two university students decided to go skiing for the weekend but _(34)_ to be back on campus in time
_(35)_ for an important exam the following Monday morning. However, they were having such a good
time on the slopes _(36)_ they thought they could forget _(37)_ for the exam in order to get some
final runs in before heading back to university. They knew that they _(38)_ with a good excuse _(39)_
for the exam so they decided to tell their lecturer that they _(40)_ with plenty of time to get back
and do some studying but that they _(41)_ a flat tyre on the way back and therefore deserved _(42)_
the exam at a rescheduled time.
When he heard the story, the lecturer _(43)_ that it really was just bad luck, and suggested _(44)_ a
few days to study and do the exam at the end of the week. The students, of course, were delighted. At
the appointed time, the lecturer greeted them and placed them in two separate rooms _(45)_ the
The few questions on the first page _(46)_ a minor 10% of the overall mark, and were quite easy. Each
student grew progressively _(47)_ as they worked their way through the questions, sure that they
_(48)_ away with fooling their lecturer. However, when they turned to the second page they
discovered that really they _(49)_. The only question on the page, worth 90% of the exam, read:
‗Which tyre?‘

34. a) were planning 35. a) for revising 36. a) when
b) had planned b) to revise b) so
c) planned c) revising c) that
d) were going to plan d) being revised d) then
37. a) to study 38. a) could have come up 39. a) for not being prepared
b) studying b) might be coming up b) not to have prepared
c) about studying c) would have to come up c) not having prepared
d) having studied d) were able to come up d) of not being prepared
40. a) set off 41. a) must have got 42. a) to take
b) would set off b) got b) for taking
c) would have set off c) had got c) take
d) had set off d) would have to get d) taking
43. a) would agree 44. a) to take 45. a) while taking
b) had agreed b) them for taking b) for taking
c) agreed c) that they take c) to be taking
d) could agree d) them to take d) to take
46. a) worth 47. a) confident 48. a) could have got
b) had been worth b) confidently b) had got
c) were worth c) more confident c) should have got
d) being worth d) the most confident d) had been getting
49. a) shouldn‘t
b) mustn‘t
c) didn‘t
d) hadn‘t

Fifty-four economy class passengers, _(50)_ three hours waiting at Heathrow airport, _(51)_ informed
that their flight _(52)_ cancelled due to technical problems. On _(53)_ the news, one of the older
passengers _(54)_ up to the airline offices, demanding that they all _(55)_ put on the next possible
flight. However, _(56)_ the next flight, the airline authorities said there was very little they could do.
The passengers all crowded the airline desk, shouting and protesting. _(57)_ to do something to
appease the angry crowd, the officials finally offered all the passengers free flights to the destination
of their choice. _(58)_ this offer, the passengers took their seats and waited another three hours
_(59)_ they finally took off, more than six hours later than initially _(60)_.
50. a) spending 51. a) finally 52. a) had been
b) to have spent b) finally being b) having been
c) having spent c) were finally c) would have
d) spent d) having finally been d) to have been

53. a) having heard 54. a) marching 55. a) were

b) heard b) were marched b) had to be
c) being heard c) having marched c) be
d) hearing d) marched d) being
56. a) having overbooked 57. a) Wanted 58. a) Calming down
b) to have overbooked b) Having wanted b) Calmed down by
c) being overbooked c) Wanting c) Having calmed down
d) overbooking d) To have wanted d) To be calmed down by

59. a) while 60. a) having scheduled

b) before b) being scheduled
c) when c) scheduled
d) after d) scheduling

Although the macaque _(61)_ as a natural monument in some places around Japan, it still _(62)_ as a
nuisance animal anywhere if the local government _(63)_. Thousands of monkeys _(64)_ each year
nationwide because of the damage they _(65)_. The Agency for Cultural Affairs and the Ministry of
the Environment, together with local governments, _(66)_ a major effort to survey the status of the
monkey populations and their range of movement, to predict the problems of conflict that _(67)_, and
to address them with fencing and other solutions.
61. a) protecting 62. a) could have eliminated 63. a) had permitted
b) protected b) might be eliminating b) has permitted
c) has protected c) should have been eliminated c) permits
d) is protected d) may be eliminated d) is permitted

64. a) have either caught or killed 65. a) inflicting 66. a) is launched

b) either caught or killed b) are inflicted b) have launched
c) are either caught or killed c) inflict c) had launched
d) were either caught or killed d) have been inflicted d) would launch

67. a) have to occur

b) must occur
c) might occur
d) should have occurred

Eight years ago, conservationists feared _(68)_ for the world's wild tiger populations. Three of eight
subspecies _(69)_ extinct. Rampant poaching and habitat destruction appeared poised _(70)_ the rest.
However, now a coalition of conservation groups _(71)_ that intensive efforts to save the last wild
tigers _(72)_ off.

68. a) the worst 69. a) had gone 70. a) for consuming

b) badly b) would have gone b) consuming
c) worse c) went c) by consuming
d) bad d) have gone d) to consume

71. a) will be reporting 72. a) could have been paid

b) reporting b) should have paid
c) have reported c) must be paid
d) reports d) may be paying

Acupuncture _(73)_ on humans in China for more than 4,500 years. The first use of acupuncture on
animals _(73)_ to the western Jin dynasty period of China from 136 to 265 A.D. In this early form,
sharp stones _(75)_ specific locations on horses and other large working animals.

Most of the body's 365 main acupuncture points _(76)_ at clusters of nerves and blood vessels. _(77)_
a host of local and general physiological effects, _(78)_ the body's own healing power.

73. a) had been practiced 74. a) can be traced 75. a) used in cutting and bleeding
b) has been practiced b) traced b) were used to cut and bleed
c) was practiced c) had been traced c) used for cutting and bleeding
d) practiced d) could have traced d) used to cut and bleed

76. a) are located 77. a) Stimulating these areas triggers

b) are locating b) Stimulated, these areas triggered
c) located c) These stimulated areas which trigger
d) being located d) To stimulate these areas, triggering

78. a) to boost
b) boosting
c) boosts
d) boosted

Aristotle _(79)_ long ago about elephants crossing rivers underwater, with only the tips of their trunks
_(80)_. In fact, researchers have known for more than 300 years _(81)_ the elephant's lung structure
is unique _(82)_ mammals, but they've never been able to figure out _(83)_. A recent study suggests
it's all about evolution.

79. a) had written 80. a) exposing 81. a) if

b) was writing b) having exposed b) why
c) had been writing c) exposed c) how
d) wrote d) to expose d) that

82. a) to 83. a) when

b) with b) it
c) among c) this
d) in d) why

Broad anecdotal evidence _(84)_ acupuncture can effectively treat a host of ailments in animals.
However, _(85)_ remains unknown about how and why acupuncture works. The challenge today,
supporters say, _(86)_ the research gap to better understand the promise of this alternative therapy.

84. a) suggests 85. a) little 86. a) is to bridge

b) suggesting b) some b) how to bridge
c) is suggested c) much c) is by bridging
d) has been suggested d) none d) bridging



Today, a city _(1)_ more than ten million inhabitants is considered a megacity. In 1995, there were 14
such cities; in 2015 there will be 21, and the ranking _(2)_: Today the five largest cities are Tokyo,
Mexico City, Sao Paulo, New York City, and Mumbai (Bombay), and in 2015 they will probably be Tokyo,
Dhaka, Mumbai, Sao Paulo, and Delhi.

And _(3)_, population numbers by themselves _(4)_ a city's prospects; after all, Addis Ababa, and
Hamburg, have the same population. _(5)_ is explosive growth necessarily the determining factor. "City
problems," one authority points out, "mostly _(6)_ to do with weak, ineffective, and usually
unrepresentative city governments."

_(7)_ of this is inevitable. Lest we imagine that slums and misery are somehow the fate of the Third
World, it's worth _(8)_ the horrific lower depths of London, Paris, and New York _(9)_ the great
social movements of the 19th and 20th centuries, and the crusading zeal of novelists Charles Dickens and
Victor Hugo against the sweatshops and child labor that blighted these cities _(10)_, now among the
First World's proudest metropolises.

The stresses of slum life manifest _(11)_ in myriad ways—drugs, crime, family violence, disease, fires,
and hopelessness—_(12)_ can frustrate and even defeat grandiose municipal schemes. But in most big
cities in the world, scores of private organizations, some foreign, many homegrown, are working at
street level to provide _(13)_ the government _(14)_.

1. a) which have 2. a) will have shifted 3. a) but

b) has b) would be shifted b) however
c) with c) shifts c) yet
d) with which d) is shifted d) though

4. a) haven‘t determined 5. a) Never 6. a) are

b) aren‘t determined b) Scarcely b) used
c) haven‘t been determined c) Hardly c) have
d) don‘t determine d) Nor d) ought

7. a) Neither 8. a) to recall 9. a) inspired

b) Most b) recall b) having inspired
c) None c) for recalling c) that inspired
d) Either d) recalling d) to be inspired

10. a) at the time 11. a) themselves 12. a) this

b) for the time being b) these b) that
c) meanwhile c) itself c) it
d) in no time d) this d) they

13. a) that 14. a) isn‘t able to

b) how b) doesn‘t have to
c) which c) mustn‘t
d) what d) shouldn‘t

The concept of shopping centers _(15)_ a modern one. Ancient Greek agoras, or marketplaces, Middle
Eastern bazaars, such as the still operating and famous Grand Bazaar of Istanbul _(16)_ in the 15 th
century, and today's shopping centers have similarities: groups of stores and shops conveniently _(17)_
together, making it easier for the pedestrian shopper _(18)_ goods. _(19)_ the advent of the
automobile in the 1920s and post-World War II suburban development, shopping centers, or malls as
they are sometimes called, _(20)_ throughout North America. The largest in the world is the 480,000-
square-meters West Edmonton Mall in Canada, _(21)_ has more than 100 eating places, a miniature golf
course, an indoor water park, a hockey rink, a nightclub, movie theaters, an amusement park, a zoo, a
hotel, and, of course, more than 800 stores.

15. a) has not been 16. a) was built 17. a) clustering

b) was not b) had been built b) having clustered
c) is not c) built c) clustered
d) will not be d) being built d) being clustered

18. a) to purchase 19. a) With 20. a) were expanded

b) purchasing b) From b) expanded
c) purchase c) As of c) had expanded
d) by purchasing d) As soon as d) had been expanded

21. a) which
b) it
c) where
d) that it

During the early years of the war in the South Pacific, the Allied forces _(22)_ a coast-watching
organization based on one the Australians _(23)_ in 1919. _(24)_ with radios, the men in this
intelligence network _(25a)_ behind enemy lines and _(25b)_ lonely observation posts in remote parts
of the islands. Their duty was to obtain all possible information about the enemy, his disposition,
movements, strengths, etc.
When it came time _(26)_ a code name to this network, Lt. Comdr. Eric Feldt, who was one of the
officers in charge, _(27)_ "Ferdinand"! It _(28)_ a reminder to the coast-watching network that the
watchers were not there to fight the enemy but _(29)_ to sit at their outposts and watch the enemy,
_(30)_ information.

22. a) had established 23. a) had set up 24. a) Having equipped

b) were established b) set up b) Equipping
c) had been established c) had been set up c) To be equipped
d) established d) were set up d) Equipped

25. a) would sneak...set up 26. a) to assign 27. a) chose

b) had sneaked...set up b) for assigning b) had chosen
c) sneaking...setting up c) of assigning c) would choose
d) had been sneaking...setting up d) assign d) was choosing
28. a) would be 29. a) instead of 30. a) gather
b) would have been b) rather b) gathered
c) had been c) had better c) gathering
d) should have been d) as well d) having gathered

We all think that camels store water in their humps. In fact, the humps are large deposits of fatty
tissue _(31)_ camels draw energy when food is scarce, allowing them _(32)_ for up to a week without
eating. When a camel uses this reserve energy supply, the hump becomes flabby and shrinks, and can
_(33)_ flop from its standing position to hang down the camel's side. _(34)_ a camel is given proper
food and rest, the hump generally _(35)_ to its original size within a few days.
So where do camels store water? Mostly in their bloodstream, with some water circulating in the
stomach and saliva. Camels normally go _(36)_ drinking for about a week but some _(37)_ go more than
50 days without water, causing them _(38)_ up to a third of their body weight. But with the ability to
drink up to 40 gallons of water _(39)_, camels quickly rehydrate.
31. a) which 32. a) go 33. a) even
b) in which b) going b) only
c) that c) to go c) just
d) from which d) for going d) so
34. a) Once 35. a) is returned 36. a) for
b) Before b) has returned b) by
c) Unless c) returns c) through
d) In case d) has been returned d) without

37. a) knowing how to 38. a) to lose 39. a) one at a time

b) have been known to b) lose b) at once
c) are known as they c) losing c) at a time
d) know that they d) by losing d) at times

Kaplitt, a Parkinson's researcher at the Weill Medical College of Cornell University in New York, says
the gene therapy trial will start late this year and involve patients who __(40)__ all the standard
means of therapy.

Brain researchers said the gene transfer technique __(41)__ a promising therapy, but extensive
clinical trials __(42)__ before it proves itself ready __(43)__ treatment of Parkinson's patients in

__(44)__ use of gene therapy to treat Parkinson's disease, researchers plan to inject genes that make
a vital neurochemical into the brains of 12 patients in an attempt __(45)__ the tremors and other
movement disorders of the __(46)__ brain disorder. Dr. Matthew J. Doring and Dr. Michael G. Kaplitt
said the Food and Drug Administration has approved the experimental therapy __(47)__ a dozen
patients. The approval was based, in part, __(48)__ the results of a laboratory study __(49)__ in the
next issue of the journal Science.
40. a) exhaust 41. a) were 42. a) will need
b) have exhausted b) was b) are in need
c) are exhausted c) have been c) would be needed
d) are exhausting d) is d) have needed
43. a) for 44. a) At first 45. a) on calming
b) in b) First b) to calm
c) at c) In the first c) calming
d) on d) First of all d) calm

46. a) devastating 47.a) by 48. a) on 49.a) to publish

b) devastated b) to b) for b) to be published
c) devastation c) for c) to c) publishing
d) devastatingly d) in d) about d) will be published

__(50)__ a remarkable degree, research shows, long-time smokers can reverse the damage to the lungs
by quitting. __(51)__ 24 hours of smoking your last cigarette, you already have begun cutting your
heart attack risk. After 10 years, you have cut your lung cancer risk __(52)__ half, and after 15 years
your risk __(53)__ heart disease is the same __(54)__ you never smoked. __(55)__ smokers get
discouraged after smoking 20, 30 or 40 years. They think, ‗‘I've already done the damage, I __(56)__
keep smoking.‘‘__(57)__ could be further __(58)__ the truth. Even at 65, a female smoker can expect
__(59)__ 2.7 to 3.7 years longer by quitting, __(60)__ a male smoker could live an extra 1.4 to two
years, according to a recent Duke University and American Cancer Society study.

50. a) In 51. a) Meanwhile 52. a) at

b) For b) Within b) in
c) To c) During c) to
d) From d) While d) of

53. a) of 54. a) as 55. a) Plenty

b) to b) since b) A great deal of
c) from c) as if c) A great amount
d) for d) like d) A large number of
56. a) can also 57. a) Anything 58. a) from
b) don‘t have to b) Nothing b) to
c) may as well c) Everything c) against
d) mustn‘t d) Something d) by

59. a) living 60. a) as

b) to live b) when
c) to be living c) while
d) live d) since

Fishing for a Week

A man phones home from the office and tells his wife, "Something __(61)__ up. I have the chance
__(62)__ fishing for a week. It's the opportunity of a lifetime. We are leaving right away, so can you
pack my clothes, my fishing equipment, and especially my blue silk pajamas? I'll be home __(63)__ an
hour to pick them up." He hurries home, grabs __(64)__ and rushes off. A week later he returns. His
wife asks, "Did you have a good trip?" "Oh yes, great! But you forgot __(65)__ my blue silk pajamas."
"Oh no I __(66)__. I put them in your tackle box."

61. a) was just coming 62. a) going 63. a) for

b) is just coming b) to go b) in
c) will just come c) for going c) about
d) has just come d) and go d) until

64. a) whatever 65. a) to pack 66. a) wasn‘t

b) anything b) packing b) hadn‘t
c) something c) about packing c) haven‘t
d) everything d) to be packed d) didn‘t


A Difficult Situation
Janet was employed as a graphic designer at a very successful advertising company. She __(1)__ there
for two years when she __(2)__ a promotion to become head of the graphic solutions department. She
was obviously very happy once she __(3)__ of her promotion. However, she was also __(4)__ concerned
as she __(5)__ out that she __(6)__ pregnant.
1. a) has worked 2. a) was offered 3. a) could hear
b) was working b) had been offered b) had been heard
c) worked c) offered c) was heard
d) had worked d) has offered d) heard
4. a) too 5. a) has recently found 6. a) has been
b) terrible b) had recently found b) was
c) rather c) had recently been found c) had been
d) much d) was recently found d) was being

In the past, other women who __(7)__ children had found it difficult to continue working full time.
Later that day, Janet asked her husband what he __(8)__ she should do. He felt that she __(9)__ the
promotion and then, a few months later, __(10)__ her employers about her pregnancy. In this way, her
husband felt, she __(11)__ jeopardize her promotion. Janet wasn't __(12)__ sure this was a good
suggestion, as she felt that it __(13)__ dishonest of her not to let her employers __(14)__ about the
change in her condition. She telephoned her best friend, Cheryl, who __(15)__ the same problem
previously, and asked for her advice. Cheryl asked her if she __(16)__ that she __(17)__ able to
continue working __(18)__ after the birth of her child as she __(19)__ up to that point in time. Janet
assured her that this was the case and so her friend told her __(20)__ her husband's judgment.
7. a) had had 8. a) thinks 9. a) should first have accepted
b) have had b) was thinking b) should first accept
c) have been having c) is thinking c) must first have accepted
d) had d) thought d) has to first accept
10. a) say 11. a) wouldn‘t 12. a) rather
b) tell b) won‘t b) so
c) talk c) can‘t c) much
d) speak d) needn‘t d) enough

13. a) is to be 14. a) to know 15. a) has also had

b) might be b) know b) had also had
c) will be c) knowing c) also had
d) should be d) be known d) also has
16. a) had felt 17. a) would be 18. a) hardly
b) felt b) will be b) as hard
c) was feeling c) would have been c) harder
d) has felt d) will have been d) very hard

19. a) had been working 20. a) trusting

b) was working b) to trust
c) worked c) to be trusted
d) has worked d) trust

Janet scheduled an appointment with her boss, and presented her dilemma to him. He said that he
__(21)__ sympathy for her, but that, because of a recent increase in sales accounts, he __(22)__
about the increased workload. __(23)__, Janet went back to work and did her absolute best __(24)__
up with the work. __(25)__, the workload just continued to grow. Later that month, she received a call
from the personnel department __(26)__ to come __(27)__ to the personnel director. The personnel
director told her that, due to her inability to keep up with the demands of her job, they __(28)__ let
her __(29)__. Janet couldn't believe what she __(30)__. She asked him why, if a few months earlier
they __(31)__ her for her excellence, they __(32)__ to let her go. It seemed ridiculous. He said that
he __(33)__ truly sorry, but that they had no other choice and asked her __(34)__ her things and

21. a) has been feeling 22. a) could do nothing 23. a) Disappointing

b) has felt b) can‘t do anything b) Disappointed
c) had felt c) isn‘t able to do anything c) Having disappointed
d) felt d) couldn‘t have done anything d) To be disappointed

24. a) keeping 25. a) Luckily 26. a) and was told

b) to keep b) Eventually b) telling
c) for keeping c) Finally c) that told
d) to have kept d) Unfortunately d) which told
27. a) speaking 28. a) will have to 29. a) to go
b) for speaking b) were going to have to b) going
c) to be spoken c) have to c) go
d) to speak d) have had to d) gone

30. a) has been heard 31. a) had promoted 32. a) have now decided
b) has heard b) have promoted b) had now decided
c) had been heard c) promoted c) now decided
d) had heard d) were promoted d) are now deciding

33. a) was 34. a) to gather

b) has been b) gathering
c) had been c) gather
d) was being d) to gathering



Ancient Egypt
There are days __(1)__ the sand blows ceaselessly, __(2)__ the remains of a powerful dynasty
__(3)__ Egypt 5,000 years ago. When the wind __(4)__ down and the sands are still, a long shadow
__(5)__ a wedge of darkness across the Sahara, __(6)__ even longer as the North African sun sinks
beyond the horizon. __(7)__ is where our history of Egypt begins, in the shadow of the Great Pyramid
of Giza, __(8)__ stone meets sky as a testament to one of the greatest civilizations on earth. Here, on
the plateau of Giza, 2,300,000 blocks of stone, some weighing __(9)__ 9 tons, __(10)__ an eternal
tomb for a divine king.

1. a) when 2. a) blankets 3. a) when it ruled

b) during b) which blankets b) that ruled
c) while c) it blankets c) was ruled
d) meanwhile d) blanketing d) ruled
4. a) died 5. a) was casting 6. a) creeping
b) had died b) cast b) it creeps
c) is dying c) casting c) crept
d) dies d) casts d) was creeping

7. a) Which 8. a) when 9. a) as much as

b) So b) there b) heavier
c) What c) where c) much more
d) This d) here d) the heaviest

10. a) used to build

b) were used to build
c) were used to building
d) got used to building

Five thousand years ago, the fourth dynasty of __(11)__ Old Kingdom was a __(12)__ advanced
civilization where the kings, __(13)__ as pharaohs, __(14)__ believed to be gods. They lived amidst
palaces and temples that __(15)__ to honour them __(16)__ their deified ancestors. "Pharaoh"
originally meant "great house", but later came ___(17)__ ―king‖. __(18)__ we know of this early society
changes and is re-interpreted year by year as new archaeological __(19)__ which are discovered
beneath the desert sands revise our understanding of ancient Egypt.

11. a) Egypt 12. a) highly 13. a) who knew

b) Egyptian b) high b) known
c) Egyptians c) much higher c) that were known
d) Egypt‘s d) very high d) had known
14. a) were 15. a) had been built 16. a) and so do
b) which were b) built b) and so
c) that c) have been built c) also
d) they d) were building d) and

17. a) to mean 18. a) What 19. a) found

b) meaning b) That b) finds
c) to be meant c) Whichever c) finding
d) by meaning d) The fact that d) are found

Before __(20)__ closely at pharaonic society and the beginning of the Pyramid Age, __(21)__ first has
to step into Egypt's landscape and take a look around. Ancient Egyptians __(22)__ their land "Kemet",
__(23)__ meant "black", after the black fertile silt-layered soil that __(24)__ behind each year
__(25)__ the rainy season, __(26)__ the Nile flooded the fields. The most prevalent colour of the
desert, __(27)__, is a decidedly reddish-yellow ochre. The Egyptians called the desert "deshret",
meaning "red". And still today, this endless carpet of sand __(28)__ an estimated 95 % of Egypt,
__(29)__ only by the narrow band of green __(30)__ by the waters of the Nile. Here, the extreme
dry sands of the desert meet the __(31)__ silt-laden soils along the Nile — a river that __(32)__ a
source of life __(33)__ the entire nation and a good part __(34)__ the African continent.
20. a) we looked 21. a) either 22. a) had been called
b) we have to look b) one b) have called
c) looking c) both c) are calling
d) they were looking d) all d) called
23. a) which 24. a) was left 25. a) during
b) that b) left b) when
c) this c) leaving c) while
d) it d) was leaving d) meanwhile

26. a) then 27. a) moreover 28. a) has covered

b) when b) however b) will cover
c) after c) on the contrary c) covering
d) later d) in addition d) covers

29. a) which interrupted 30. a) carved 31. a) fertilizer

b) it interrupts b) carving b) fertilizing
c) interrupted c) to carve c) fertility
d) interrupting d) that carved d) fertile
32. a) provided 33. a) on 34. a) in
b) provides b) in b) of
c) has been provided c) with c) to
d) had provided d) for d) for

How does the pyramid fit into early Egyptian life? Pyramids today stand as a reminder of the ancient
Egyptian glorification of life after death, __(35)__ , the pyramids __(36)__ as monuments __(37)__
the tombs of the pharaohs. Death __(38)__ as merely the beginning of a journey to the other world.
In this society, __(39)__ eternal life was dependent on the continued __(40)__ of their king, a belief
that made the pharaoh's tomb __(41)__ of the entire kingdom.
35. a) otherwise 36. a) had built 37. a) to house
b) for instance b) were built b) where houses of
c) and in fact c) were being built c) were the houses of
d) however d) building d) the house of

38. a) has been seen 39. a) each individual‘s 40. a) existence

b) was seen b) the individual b) existing
c) had been seeing c) both individuals‘ c) existed
d) saw d) all individuals d) exist

41. a) be concerned
b) concerned
c) the concern
d) concerning

Pictures on the walls of tombs tell us about the lives of the Kings and their families. We know pyramids
were built __(42)__ a king's lifetime because hieroglyphs on tomb walls __(43)__ depicting the names
of the gangs __(44)__ built the pyramids for their kings. Furniture and riches __(45)__ with the king
so that he __(46)__ the familiar comforts of his lifetime __(47)__ near him. Attendants and wives
__(48)__ after the king __(49)__ close to him. These graves of relatives and courtiers __(50)__ on
the outskirts of the kings' tombs, __(51)__ beside the pyramids. The subdivisions of tombs of those in
high positions in the court of a king __(52)__ surrounding the pyramids of Giza. These are primarily
mastabas, or covered rectangular tombs that __(53)__ of a deep burial shaft, made of mud brick and
half-buried by the drifts of sand on the plateau.
42. a) at 43. a) have been found 44. a) that
b) for b) had been finding b) they
c) between c) find c) were they
d) during d) found d) when they
45. a) buried 46. a) would have 47. a) bury
b) that were buried b) would have had b) burying
c) have buried c) was having c) be buried
d) were buried d) had had d) buried

48. a) died 49. a) were also buried 50. a) must be located

b) had died b) have also buried b) are located
c) were dead c) had also buried c) used to locate
d) who died d) also buried d) located

51. a) lying 52. a) can be found 53. a) consists

b) they lie b) should find b) consisting
c) which are lying c) must be found c) consisted
d) to lie d) has to find d) consist

American baseball legend Joe DiMaggio __(54)__ to remarry his ex-wife Marilyn Monroe just before
her death and remained obsessed __(55)__ her for the rest of his life. Marilyn was the Great
DiMaggio's only love, the one who reached deep into his soul, __(56)__ he kept his emotions under
double lock. For the last 37 years of his life, he ached at the thought of __(57)__ close they had come
to remarrying, only __(58)__ by her death.

DiMaggio's 1954 marriage with Monroe fell apart after only nine months. "He wanted me to be the
beautiful ex-actress, __(59)__ he was the great former baseball player," Monroe, 12 years younger
than DiMaggio, once said. The two apparently reconciled late in her life. The date of their second
marriage was set: August 8, 1962. But the kiss __(60)__ her that day was far different from __(61)__
he had hoped for. That was the date Marilyn Monroe __(62)__. Joe leaned over her casket, sobbed
that he loved her, and kissed her cold forehead.

DiMaggio, who died in 1999 at age 84, never spoke of her __(63)__ public for the rest of his life, but
his __(64)__ words showed his __(65)__ passion. He took his last breath fully __(66)__ to meet her
in that other world, which he was certain __(67)__. 'I'll finally get to see Marilyn,' were his last

54. a) has planned 55. a) of 56. a) which

b) was planned b) for b) there
c) was being planned c) with c) where
d) had planned d) about d) that

57. a) so 58. a) to be prevented 59. a) similarly
b) very b) being prevented b) just like
c) how c) prevented c) so that
d) too d) having been prevented d) so as to
60. a) giving 61. a) now 62. a) was buried
b) that was given b) which one b) to be buried
c) he gave c) the one c) buried
d) he was given d) which d) had been buried

63. a) about 64. a) dead 65. a) enduring

b) in b) dying b) endured
c) to c) death c) enduringly
d) on d) died d) endurance

66. a) expected 67. a) existed

b) expecting b) it existed
c) expectant c) to exist
d) expectantly d) had existed

Under the more arid regions of Australia, in dens __(68)__ with plant material, kangaroo rats
__(69)__ birth, usually to two to four young. The animals you see almost always at night are likely
__(70)__ males. There are 22 species, __(71)__ threatened or endangered because __(72)__ their
habitat __(73)__ or cultivated. __(74)__ their namesakes, kangaroo rats propel themselves with well-
developed hind legs, __(75)__ with long tails. In some species the tails are longer than the bodies, and
by swinging __(76)__ the animals can change directions in midleap. __(77)__, kangaroo rats __(78)__
recover water vapour through their nasal passages, and to metabolise the water they need from seeds.
So __(79)__ that they require only a quarter of the water __(80)__ humans to excrete the same
amount of urea.
68. a) lining 69. a) give 70. a) to being
b) to lined b) gave b) being
c) having lined c) have been given c) to be
d) lined d) are given d) to have been
71. a) many of which 72. a) as much as 73. a) has been developed
b) most of whom b) so much of b) has developed
c) some of these c) such a lot of c) had been developed
d) hardly any d) that much in d) was being developed

74. a) Like 75. a) balancing 76. a) theirs

b) Similar b) they balance b) these
c) Likewise c) which balance c) their
d) The same as d) to balance d) them

77. a) To exhale 78. a) are able to 79.a) powerful are their kidneys
b) As they exhale b) succeed in b) are their kidneys powerful
c) If they exhale c) should c) powerful their kidneys are
d) In case they exhale d) can d) their kidneys are powerful

80. a) used by
b) they use
c) to use
d) to be used by

According to Einstein's theory of special relativity, time slows as an object __(81)__ the speed of
light. This leads many scientists __(82)__ that traveling faster than the speed of light __(83)__ up
the possibility of time travel to the past __(84)__ to the future. The problem is that the speed of
light __(85)__ to be the highest speed __(86)__ something can travel, so it is unlikely that we will be
able to travel into the past. As an object __(87a)__ the speed of light, its relativistic mass __(87b)__
until, at the speed of light, __(88)__ becomes infinite. Accelerating an infinite mass any faster than
__(89)__ is impossible  or at least it seems __(90)__ right now. __(91)__ , time travel in the other
direction is not as difficult, and one day, the future __(92)__ a possible destination.
81. a) will approach 82. a) believing 83. a) could have opened
b) approached b) to believe b) is able to open
c) approaches c) for believing c) could open
d) has been approaching d) believe d) would have opened
84. a) besides 85. a) is believed 86. a) at which
b) also b) believing b) in that
c) as well as c) being believed c) when
d) either d) believed d) that
87. a) neared…increased 88. a) it 89. a) that
b) nears…increases b) which b) it
c) is nearing…increasing c) this c) this one
d) was nearing…increasing d) that d) the one

90. a) so as to be 91. a) In fact 92. a) will have been

b) likely b) On the contrary b) may be
c) to do so c) Otherwise c) would have been
d) to be d) However d) going to be

_(93)_ a blast of cold air hit our ancestors tens of thousands of years ago, their body hairs stood on
end, fluffing up the hair and trapping more air between the hairs _(94)_ the body, much like a down
blanket. Today we call this reaction goosebumps, and it still occurs _(95)_ tiny muscles, located in each
hair follicle, contract and raise body hairs. _(96)_ we've become progressively less hairy over the
millennia, our bodies continue to respond to cold _(97)_.
So why do we then get goosebumps when we're scared or frightened? When you become emotional,
your nervous system automatically responds _(98)_ hormones that trigger a "fight or flight" response
that also causes your hairs _(99)_. This effect _(100)_ our ancestors ward off enemies by looking
bigger and tougher.

93. a) However 94. a) warmed 95. a) even if

b) Provided b) were warming b) when
c) When c) to warm c) therefore
d) Supposing d) to be warming d) although
96. a) Even though 97. a) as well 98. a) to send
b) Just because b) also b) by sending
c) If only c) alike c) to sending
d) Now that d) in the same way d) to be sent
99. a) rises 100. a) should have helped
b) rising b) needed to help
c) to rise c) had to help
d) to be rising d) may have helped



If you _(1a)_ it flat, it _(1b)_ an area of about 21 square feet (1.9 square meters), making it _(2)_ far
the body's largest organ. Draped in place over our bodies, skin forms the barrier _(3)_ what's inside
us and what's outside. It protects us from a multitude of external forces. It serves _(4)_ an avenue
to our _(5)_ physical and psychological selves. From these familiar characteristics of skin _(6)_ the
profound mysteries of touch, _(7)_ our most essential source of sensory stimulation. We can live
without seeing or hearing; _(8)_, without any of our other senses. But babies _(9)_ without effective
nerve connections between skin and brain can fail _(10)_ and may even die.

1. a) take off your skin and lay ... will cover 2. a) by

b) took off your skin and laid ... would have been covering b) so
c) had taken off your skin and laid ... would have covered c) very
d) took off your skin and laid ... would cover d) too
3. a) between 4. a) for 5. a) intimacy
b) both b) as b) intimately
c) across c) to c) most intimate
d) along d) as if d) more intimately

6. a) emerging 7. a) arguably 8. a) in contrast

b) to emerge b) arguing b) similarly
c) emerge c) to argue c) in fact
d) do emerge d) arguable d) however
9. a) are born 10. a) thrive
b) born b) thriving
c) having born c) to thrive
d) will be born d) from thriving

About 12,000 years ago, hunter-gatherers in _(11)_ is now Israel placed a body in a grave with its hand
cradling a pup. _(12)_ it was a dog or a wolf can‘t be known. _(13)_ way, the burial is among the earliest
fossil evidence of the dog‘s domestication. Scientists know the process was under way by about 14,000
years ago but do not agree _(14)_ why. Some argue that humans adopted wolf pups and that natural
selection favoured _(15)_ less aggressive and better at begging for food. Others say dogs
domesticated themselves _(16)_ adapting to a new niche—human refuse dumps. Scavenging dogs that
were less likely to _(17)_ from people survived in this niche, and succeeding generations became
increasingly tame.
At the molecular level, however, not _(18)_ has changed: The DNA makeup of wolves and dogs is _(19)_
11. a) where 12. a) Even if 13. a) Each
b) that b) When b) Either
c) there c) Whether c) Neither
d) what d) That d) Every

14. a) on 15. a) ones 16. a) while

b) with b) these b) by
c) in c) those c) to
d) at d) them d) for

17. a) be fleeing 18. a) many 19. a) exactly
b) flee b) quite b) almost
c) have fled c) little c) very
d) fleeing d) much d) about

The dog evolved in the company of humans and cannot exist without _(20)_. _(21)_ the vast majority
living ―wild‖ as village scavengers depend on proximity to humans. This relationship has become
_(22)_ that dogs are often viewed as creatures apart, writes biologist James Serpell. ―The
domestic dog exists precariously in the no-man‘s-land between the human and nonhuman ... _(23a)_
person _(23b)_ beast.‖
20. a) them 21. a) Most 22. a) such intimacy
b) themselves b) Almost b) so intimate
c) these c) All c) such an intimate
d) theirs d) Even d) so intimately

23. a) neither ... nor

b) both ... and
c) either... or
d) not only ... but also

_(24)_ its look during eruptions, Mount Etna is not a killer volcano. Etna keeps its explosive eruptions
rare and close to its top, and its lava moves very slowly down its flanks, giving people a chance _(25)_.
In its entire recorded history, which _(26)_ back to 1500 B.C., only 73 confirmed deaths can _(27)_ to
eruptions, according to Etna expert Boris Behncke of the University of Catania. Popular accounts
sometimes attribute _(28)_ many as 20,000 deaths to the destructive 1669 eruption. But, according to
Behncke, _(29)_ deaths are actually documented from that eruption, though property damage from
lava flows _(30)_ enormous. He believes that those staggering casualties occurred 24 years later,
_(31)_ an earthquake killed perhaps 54,000 people in eastern Sicily, including much of the population of
Catania. The two deaths that occurred during the eruption of July and August 2001 were attributed to
lightning—_(32)_ to eruptive activity. Etna, it _(33)_, stands up for its nickname of the ―friendly

24. a) Whereas 25. a) to escape 26. a) has gone

b) Although b) of escaping b) is going
c) Despite c) of escape c) had gone
d) In contrast d) for escaping d) goes

27. a) be directly attributed 28. a) so 29. a) few of

b) attribute directly b) very b) no
c) be directly attributing c) as c) none
d) have attributed directly d) too d) many
30. a) was 31. a) with 32. a) and
b) to have been b) while b) not
c) were c) when c) but
d) being d) during d) nor

33. a) seemed
b) seemingly
c) seems
d) seems to be

Child labor persists in Egypt, _(34)_ roughly 10 percent of the workforce is under 12 years of age.
Although laws protecting children are in the books, they are _(35)_, partly because many poverty-
stricken parents feel _(36)_ their children out _(37)_ the family.

34. a) of which 35. a) to be well enforced 36. a) being forced to send

b) where b) not enforcing well b) forced to send
c) whose c) well enforced c) force of sending
d) by which d) not well enforced d) forcing them to send
37. a) for helping to support
b) to help them to be supported
c) to help support
d) for helping them to support

_(38)_ their homeland in the 13th century, Mongol horsemen conquered lands from China to Hungary and
Syria, forging the largest land empire the world _(39)_. In the first of two articles about the rise and
fall of the empire, veteran photographer James L. Stanfield and assistant editor Mike Edwards _(40)_
the path of Genghis Khan, the Mongols‘ first great leader. For Stanfield, who thrives on monumental
assignments, _(41)_ ranked among _(42)_, taking him to ten countries on a tight schedule. _(43)_ was
nearly impossible to gain access to Iran and Afghanistan. Mongolia itself presented unexpected physical
and cultural obstacles: _(44)_ flooding in years, _(45)_ him from visiting two sites, and an unappetizing
diet of boiled meat _(46)_ down with fermented mare‘s milk. Stanfield _(47)_ to the punishing
nighttime habits of his Mongolian traveling companions. At about 10 p.m., _(48)_ he wanted to go to
bed, they _(49)_ merrymaking in earnest, which went on till 2 a.m. or later. An hour after that, he
_(50)_ on his feet again, preparing for another day _(51)_.

38. a) While leaving 39. a) saw 40. a) chronicling

b) By leaving b) will ever see b) who chronicle
c) Leaving c) will have seen c) were chronicling
d) To be leaving d) would ever see d) chronicle

41. a) which 42. a) the most challenging 43. a) What

b) that b) the challenging b) It
c) this c) most challenging c) That
d) what d) more challenging d) Which

44. a) the worst 45. a) to keep 46. a) washed

b) worse b) that would keep b) washing
c) a worse c) kept c) having washed
d) worst d) which kept d) being washed

47. a) had never adjusted 48. a) as soon as 49. a) would begin

b) would never have adjusted b) just when b) have begun
c) has never adjusted c) while c) were begun
d) never did adjust d) immediately after d) begin

50. a) could have been 51. a) to shoot

b) would have to be b) for shooting
c) ought to be c) of shooting
d) should have been d) to be shooting

"Suitcase bombs" and "dirty bombs" are not the same thing _(52)_ these terms are often used
interchangeably. Dirty bombs are part of a class of weapons _(53)_ as radiological dispersal devices.
They can be _(54)_ into a suitcase, _(55)_ the confusion with suitcase bombs. Suitcase bombs are true
nuclear weapons in _(56)_ they are made with plutonium or highly enriched uranium, and they are more
powerful than dirty bombs. They were made by the United States and Soviet Union during the Cold
War, and it is feared that some _(57)_ have gone missing and _(58)_ in the hands of terrorists. _(59)_
up to 60 pounds (30 kilograms), they can fit into a small suitcase or large backpack and possibly _(60)_
through an airport or, more likely, inside cargo containers aboard a ship or plane.

52. a) even though 53. a) knowing 54. a) too small to fit

b) as a result b) to be known b) small enough to fit
c) likewise c) known c) small for fitting
d) as if d) to know d) very small by fitting
55. a) therefore 56. a) that 57. a) should
b) so b) which b) may
c) hence c) how c) would
d) consequently d) whether d) must

58. a) would be 59. a) After weighing 60. a) are smuggling

b) should have been b) Weighing b) to be smuggled
c) could be c) Weighed c) be smuggled
d) must have been d) Having weighed d) to be smuggling

1997 _(61)_ the year malaria returned to the flatlands of South Africa after an absence of 50 years.
The disease came roaring back after the government stopped _(62)_ with the pesticide DDT in favor
of more environmentally friendly but less effective chemicals. By 2000, the number of malaria cases
_(63)_ to 64,000 in South Africa alone. ‗‘In 2000, we _(64)_ more than 30,000 cases,‘‘ says Hervey
Vaughan-Williams, a doctor at Mosvold Hospital. ‗‘ I _(65)_ 100 patients a day.‘‘ The situation got so
bad that in February 2000 South Africa‘s KwaZulu-Natal province switched back to DDT, _(66)_ its
detrimental effects on wildlife. _(67)_, provincial health-department spokesman Dave McGlew
explained: ‗‘ _(68)_ the deteriorating malaria situation and the growing threat to human life, we had
very little choice _(69)_ to choose the most effective way of combating the disease.‘‘
Such is the fragile standoff between humans and the malaria parasite. _(70)_ more than a century,
medical science _(71)_ looking for a way to break the cycle of infection, and it has yet _(72)_ one
that‘s workable at least in places like Africa and Latin America.
61. a) had been 62. a) to spray 63. a) had swelled
b) was to be b) while spraying b) was swelling
c) would be c) spraying c) swelled
d) was d) having sprayed d) would be swelling

64. a) were handled 65. a) am used to seeing 66. a) owing to

b) had handled b) was used for seeing b) despite
c) handled c) used to see c) as regards
d) had been handling d) was going to see d) by means of

67. a) At the time 68. a) Giving 69. a) but

b) At this time b) Given b) yet
c) For the time being c) To give c) however
d) Once upon a time d) Having given d) though

70. a) Since 71. a) has been 72. a) not found
b) During b) had been b) to find
c) Within c) is c) not having found
d) For d) will be d) hardly found

Skies over New Zealand‘s North Island were clear on June 17, 1996, when Mount Ruapehu _(73)_ to
life, just as it _(74)_ the previous September and October. _(75)_ the 9,170-foot-high volcano
erupted belching ash, a polar-orbiting weather satellite passed over in the mid-afternoon. _(76)_ a
sensor that records visible and infrared light, it provided data for this remarkable image of the north-
east drifting ash plume, _(77)_ had earlier climbed 18 miles high.
‗‘North Island is typically very cloudy,‘‘ says Steven McNeill of Landcare Research New Zealand in
Wellington, _(78)_ the data. ‗‘To find it cloud-free is like finding gold. To find an eruption at the same
time is even more unusual.
One scientist calls the 1995-96 eruptions Ruapehu‘s _(79)_ in 50 years. Though eruption virtually
ceased in August, the volcano still _(80)_.

73. a) had rumbled 74. a) could 75. a) Since

b) rumbled b) would b) Although
c) would rumble c) had c) Whereas
d) had been rumbling d) was d) As

76. a) Having used 77. a) that 78. a) being processed

b) For using b) of which b) for processing
c) While using c) which c) which processed
d) Using d) it d) by processing

79. a) the most significant 80. a) was trembling

b) most significantly b) trembled
c) the most significantly c) trembling
d) most significant d) trembles



A Child's Prayer
One night, a father passed by his son's room and heard his son __(1)__: "God bless Mommy, Daddy, and
Grandma. Ta ta, Grandpa." The father didn't quite know what this meant, but was glad his son __(2)__.
The next morning, they __(3)__ Grandpa __(4)__ on the floor of a heart attack. The father reassured
himself __(5)__ it was just a coincidence, but was still a bit frightened. The next night, his son was
praying again: "God bless Mommy and Daddy. Ta ta, Grandma." The father was worried, but decided to
wait __(6)__ morning. Sure enough, the next morning Grandma was on the floor, __(7)__ of a heart
attack. Really __(8)___ now, the father decided to wait outside his son's door the next night. And
sure enough, the boy started to pray: "God bless Mommy. Ta ta, Daddy." Now the father was __(9)__
scared he __(10)__ soiled himself. He stayed up all night, and went to the doctor's early the next day
to make sure his health __(11)__ fine. When he finally came home, his wife __(12)__ on the porch. She
said, "Thank God you're here -- we could really use your help! We found the milkman __(13)__ on our
porch this morning!"
1. a) praying 2. a) is praying 3. a) would find
b) prayed b) was praying b) had found
c) to pray c) prayed c) were finding
d) was praying d) had been praying d) found
4. a) to be dead 5. a) whether 6. a) for
b) dead b) that b) until
c) die c) why c) by
d) was dead d) how d) next

7. a) died 8. a) scared 9. a) very

b) dead b) scaring b) too
c) was dying c) scary c) so
d) had been dying d) having scared d) much too

10.a) practical 11. a) is 12. a) waited

b) in practice b) was b) had waited
c) practised c) had been c) was waiting
d) practically d) was being d) waiting
13.a) had died
b) dead
c) die
d) was dead

What You Should Know Before You Start:
A Twinkie is a "Golden Sponge Cake with Creamy Filling" created by the Hostess Company, baked
by Continental Baking Co, and marketed under the brand name "Twinkie")

Studying the Twinkies*

(*T.W.I.N.K.I.E.S. stands for Tests With Inorganic Noxious Kakes In Extreme Situations.)

In an effort to clarify questions about the durability and unusual physical characteristics of Twinkies,
we subjected the Hostess snack logs to the following experiments:

A Twinkie was left on a window ledge for 4 days, __(14)__ time an inch and a half of rain __(15)__.
Many flies were observed __(16)__ across the Twinkie's surface, but contrary to hypothesis, birds,
even pigeons, avoided this potential source of substance. __(17)__ the rain and __(18)__ exposure
__(19)__ the sun, the Twinkie retained its original color and form. __(20)__ removed, the Twinkie
was found __(21)__ substantially dehydrated. __(22)__ open, it was observed __(23)__ on the
consistency of industrial foam insulation; the filling, __(24)__, retained its advertised "creaminess."

14. a) during which 15. a) was falling 16. a) to crawling

b) at the b) fell b) being crawling
c) at the same c) has fallen c) were crawling
d) meanwhile d) had been falling d) crawling

17. a) In spite of this 18. a) prolonging 19. a) to

b) However b) prolonged b) for
c) Despite c) prolong c) in
d) Although d) more prolonged d) from
20. a) When 21. a) to be 22. a) To crack
b) Upon b) to being b) Cracked
c) While c) being c) Cracking
d) On d) having been d) Having cracked
23. a) it took 24. a) after all
b) taking b) consequently
c) being taken c) in fact
d) to have taken d) however


A Twinkie __(25)__ in a conventional microwave oven, __(26)__ was set for precisely 4 minutes  the
approximate __(27)__ time of bacon. After 20 seconds, the oven began to emit the Twinkie's rich,
characteristic aroma of artificial butter. After one minute, this aroma began to resemble the acrid
smell of burning rubber. The experiment __(28)__ after 2 minutes 10 seconds, __(29)__ thick, foul
smoke began billowing from the top of the oven. A second Twinkie __(30)__ to the same experiment;
this Twinkie leaked molten white filling. __(31)__ cooled, this now glue-like filling bonded the Twinkie
to its plate, __(32)__ gravity: it was removed only upon application of a butter knife!
25. a) was placed 26. a) that 27. a) cook
b) had been placed b) which b) cookery
c) placed c) where c) cooker
d) being placed d) when d) cooking

28. a) having stopped 29. a) when 30. a) subjected

b) was stopped b) during b) while subjected
c) being stopped c) although c) which was subject
d) stopping d) then d) was subjected
31. a) While 32. a) defied
b) When b) to defy
c) To have c) which defy
d) Being d) defying

Extreme Force

A Twinkie was dropped from a __(33)__ window, a fall of approximately 120 feet. It landed right
side up, __(34)__ bounced onto its back. The __(35)__ "splatter" effect was not observed. __(36)__,
the only discernible damage to the Twinkie was a narrow fissure on its underside; __(37)__, the
Twinkie remained structurally intact.

33. a) nine floors of 34. a) after 35. a) expecting

b) ninth b) next b) expected
c) nine-floor c) then c) expectant
d) ninth-floor d) eventual d) expect
36. a) Therefore 37. a) otherwise
b) Likewise b) except for
c) Moreover c) after all
d) Indeed d) besides

Extreme Cold

A Twinkie was placed in a conventional freezer for 24 hours. __(38)__, the Twinkie was not found
__(39)__ solid, but its physical properties had noticeably "slowed". The filling was observed
__(40)__ the approximate consistency of acrylic paint, __(41)__ exhibiting the mercury-like property
__(42)__ not adhering to practically any surface. It was noticed the Twinkie __(43)__ the freezer
38. a) Upon removal 39. a) freezing 40. a) to being
b) Removing b) to freeze b) being
c) Having removed c) being frozen c) to be
d) To have been removed d) to be frozen d) having been

41. a) while 42. a) to 43. a) had generously absorbed
b) then b) of b) was generously absorbed
c) whereas c) from c) has generously absorbed
d) when d) on d) is generously absorbed


When a Twinkie was dropped into a large bucket filled with water, it first floated momentarily,
__(44)__ began to list and sink. Viscous yellow tendrils ran off its lower half, possibly __(45)__ of a
water-soluble artificial coloring. After 2 hours, the Twinkie bloated substantially. Its coloring was now
a very pale tan - __(46)__ to the yellow, urine-like water that surrounded it. The Twinkie bobbed
__(47)__ touched, and had a gelatinous texture. After 72 hours, the Twinkie had increased roughly
200 percent of its original size. The water had turned opaque, and a small, fan-shaped spray of filling
had leaked from one of the "cream holes". Unfortunately, efforts __(48)__ the Twinkie for further
analysis were abandoned __(49)__, under light pressure, the Twinkie disintegrated __(50)__ an
amorphous cloud of debris. A distinctly sour odor __(51)__ .
44. a) then 45. a) consist 46. a) unlike
b) afterwards b) consisted b) in contrast
c) at that time c) consisting c) opposite
d) in that case d) to consist d) different
47. a) after 48. a) to remove 49. a) while
b) while b) removed b) if
c) then c) for removing c) as if
d) when d) removing d) when
50. a) for 51. a) had been noted
b) on b) had been noting
c) by c) was noted
d) into d) noted

Summary of Results

The Twinkie's survival of a 120-foot drop, __(52)__ some of the unusual phenomena associated with
the "creamy filling" and artificial coloring, should give pause to those observers who would
unequivocally categorize the Twinkie __(53)__ "food". Further clinical inquiry __(54)__ before any
definite conclusions can be drawn.
52. a) along with 53. a) like 54. a) is required
b) as well b) as if b) requires
c) in addition c) as c) to be required
d) next to d) similar d) will have been required




REVIEW 1 (pp. 1-10)

1. c 26. b 51. a 76. a 101. d

2. a 27. c 52. a 77. c 102. b
3. d 28. d 53. c 78. a 103. b
4. a 29. c 54. a 79. b 104. a
5. a 30. c 55. b 80. c 105. a
6. d 31. c 56. a 81. c 106. a
7. c 32. b 57. b 82. c 107. d
8. c 33. b 58. b 83. c 108. c
9. c 34. b 59. b 84. d 109. a
10. b 35. a 60. c 85. a 110. c
11. d 36. a 61. c 86. c 111. d
12. c 37. b 62. b 87. a 112. d
13. d 38. a 63. a 88. c 113. b
14. a 39. b 64. d 89. a 114. b
15. d 40. c 65. c 90. d 115. b
16. c 41. c 66. a 91. c
17. c 42. a 67. d 92. c
18. b 43. a 68. c 93. a
19. d 44. b 69. a 94. b
20. c 45. b 70. a 95. d
21. a 46. a 71. b 96. c
22. d 47. b 72. d 97. c
23. c 48. c 73. c 98. d
24. a 49. c 74. d 99. c
25. b 50. b 75. c 100. b


1. b 16. a 31. d 46. d 61. d 76. a 91. c

2. b 17. b 32. c 47. b 62. b 77. d 92. c
3. a 18. a 33. a 48. d 63. d 78. c 93. c
4. c 19. a 34. c 49. a 64. c 79. b 94. d
5. b 20. a 35. c 50. c 65. a 80. b 95. d
6. b 21. a 36. c 51. d 66. a 81. a 96. c
7. c 22. b 37. b 52. c 67. c 82. c 97. c
8. b 23. a 38. a 53. a 68. b 83. c 98. c
9. d 24. b 39. a 54. b 69. a 84. a 99. c
10. c 25. c 40. b 55. a 70. d 85. a 100. a
11. d 26. d 41. a 56. c 71. a 86. b 101. a
12. b 27. b 42. a 57. b 72. b 87. a 102. b
13. b 28. c 43. a 58. c 73. c 88. b 103. c
14. d 29. d 44. b 59. c 74. a 89. b 104. b
15. b 30. c 45. d 60. c 75. c 90. d 105. c

REVIEW 1 (pp. 18-27)

1. b 26. d 51. b 76. c

2. a 27. c 52. d 77. a
3. c 28. b 53. d 78. a
4. b 29. d 54. b 79. a
5. a 30. a 55. a 80. d
6. d 31. b 56. b 81. a
7. d 32. a 57. d 82. b
8. c 33. a 58. d 83. b
9. b 34. a 59. c 84. b
10. c 35. a 60. b 85. b
11. c 36. a 61. b 86. b
12. a 37. a 62. b 87. c
13. c 38. d 63. d 88. b
14. c 39. c 64. b 89. c
15. c 40. c 65. c 90. d
16. d 41. a 66. b 91. a
17. b 42. b 67. c 92. b
18. d 43. b 68. a 93. b
19. a 44. d 69. c 94. c
20. c 45. b 70. d 95. b
21. b 46. b 71. a 96. a
22. b 47. c 72. b 97. d
23. c 48. c 73. d
24. b 49. c 74. a
25. b 50. b 75. a


(pp. 28-35)

1. d 26. a 51. b 76. a

2. d 27. c 52. a 77. c
3. a 28. c 53. c 78. b
4. b 29. a 54. b 79. d
5. d 30. a 55. b 80. b
6. a 31. a 56. a 81. d
7. c 32. c 57. d 82. a
8. a 33. c 58. b 83. a
9. c 34. c 59. c 84. d
10. b 35. a 60. b 85. d
11. c 36. a 61. c 86. b
12. c 37. b 62. b 87. c
13. a 38. d 63. c 88. a
14. b 39. b 64. d 89. b
15. b 40. a 65. d 90. c
16. d 41. d 66. d 91. d
17. c 42. c 67. a 92. a
18. c 43. d 68. b 93. d
19. c 44. a 69. d 94. c
20. d 45. c 70. b 95. c
21. b 46. c 71. b
22. c 47. a 72. b
23. d 48. b 73. a
24. c 49. d 74. c
25. a 50. c 75. b

REVIEW 1 (pp. 36-47)

1. c 21. b 41. b 61. b 81. a 101. a 121. c

2. d 22. d 42. d 62. c 82. a 102. b 122. c
3. b 23. d 43. c 63. a 83. d 103. b 123. c
4. a 24. a 44. a 64. b 84. a 104. c 124. c
5. c 25. b 45. c 65. b 85. b 105. d 125. d
6. c 26. a 46. d 66. c 86. a 106. a 126. d
7. c 27. c 47. c 67. a 87. a 107. b
8. b 28. a 48. d 68. d 88. d 108. a
9. c 29. c 49. b 69. c 89. d 109. b
10. d 30. a 50. b 70. b 90. c 110. c
11. a 31. b 51. c 71. a 91. b 111. b
12. b 32. b 52. c 72. c 92. b 112. d
13. a 33. b 53. a 73. d 93. a 113. b
14. c 34. c 54. b 74. b 94. c 114. b
15. c 35. d 55. a 75. a 95. c 115. d
16. a 36. b 56. b 76. b 96. d 116. a
17. a 37. a 57. b 77. b 97. a 117. d
18. d 38. a 58. c 78. d 98. b 118. b
19. b 39. c 59. a 79. c 99. b 119. b
20. d 40. a 60. c 80. c 100. a 120. b


1. b 16. c 31. a 46. a 61. a 76. d

2. a 17. a 32. d 47. c 62. a 77. a
3. b 18. c 33. c 48. a 63. b 78. b
4. b 19. a 34. a 49. b 64. a 79. c
5. c 20. c 35. c 50. b 65. a 80. b
6. b 21. c 36. b 51. c 66. a 81. a
7. c 22. a 37. a 52. b 67. d 82. d
8. a 23. d 38. b 53. d 68. c 83. c
9. a 24. c 39. b 54. b 69. c 84. a
10. c 25. d 40. a 55. d 70. b 85. a
11. a 26. d 41. c 56. c 71. d 86. a
12. c 27. c 42. c 57. a 72. c 87. b
13. a 28. a 43. c 58. a 73. d 88. a
14. b 29. a 44. a 59. c 74. a 89. a
15. d 30. d 45. d 60. c 75. a 90. d

PART 4 (INC. NUMBER & QUANTITY) (pp. 55-59)
1. d 16. a 31. c 46. d
2. d 17. a 32. c 47. a
3. a 18. c 33. a 48. c
4. b 19. b 34. b 49. c
5. c 20. d 35. d 50. c
6. c 21. b 36. a 51. d
7. a 22. c 37. b 52. b
8. c 23. b 38. c 53. b
9. b 24. a 39. a 54. a
10. c 25. b 40. b
11. b 26. c 41. b
12. d 27. d 42. a
13. a 28. b 43. a
14. a 29. d 44. b
15. a 30. c 45. a


1. d 16. a 31. c
2. d 17. a 32. b
3. a 18. b 33. b
4. b 19. d 34. c
5. a 20. b 35. d
6. a 21. a 36. a
7. b 22. c 37. c
8. c 23. b 38. d
9. d 24. b 39. c
10. b 25. b 40. b
11. d 26. d 41. c
12. d 27. a 42. a
13. b 28. c 43. d
14. d 29. d
15. a 30. c


1. c 11. c 21. d 31. d 41. a 51. a 61. b 71. c 81. a 91. b

2. d 12. a 22. b 32. c 42. a 52. c 62. b 72. c 82. a 92. a

3. a 13. a 23. d 33. c 43. a 53. a 63. c 73. a 83. a 93. b

4. d 14. a 24. a 34. d 44. b 54. b 64. c 74. a 84. c 94. b

5. a 15. c 25. c 35. b 45. c 55. d 65. a 75. a 85. b 95. a

6. d 16. b 26. c 36. a 46. d 56. a 66. b 76. b 86. d 96. d

7. a 17. b 27. b 37. d 47. a 57. b 67. d 77. a 87. b 97. d

8. c 18. b 28. c 38. d 48. c 58. b 68. d 78. d 88. a 98. c

9. a 19. b 29. a 39. b 49. b 59. c 69. a 79. d 89. c 99. a

10. d 20. c 30. a 40. d 50. b 60. b 70. c 80. c 90. a


1. c 21. d 41. c
2. d 22. b 42. a
3. c 23. c 43. c
4. b 24. b 44. a
5. a 25. b 45. b
6. d 26. a 46. d
7. a 27. d 47. d
8. b 28. c 48. b
9. c 29. c 49. c
10. d 30. a 50. a
11. d 31. b 51. c
12. d 32. a 52. a
13. c 33. c 53. c
14. d 34. c 54. a
15. d 35. d 55. b
16. b 36. c 56. b
17. c 37. c 57. d
18. b 38. a 58. c
19. d 39. c 59. c
20. d 40. b

PART 8 (INC. CONNECTORS) (pp. 78-81)

1. b 11. b 21. d 31. c

2. d 12. d 22. d 32. d
3. b 13. b 23. c 33. a
4. b 14. a 24. d 34. b
5. c 15. b 25. c 35. c
6. a 16. b 26. c 36. d
7. c 17. a 27. a 37. b
8. c 18. d 28. c 38. c
9. a 19. a 29. a 39. c
10. b 20. b 30. d 40. c
41. a


PART 9 / REVIEW 1 (pp.82-86)

1. a 15. c 29. c 43. b

2. b 16. c 30. c 44. c
3. d 17. b 31. b 45. c
4. d 18. b 32. b 46. d
5. d 19. b 33. b 47. c
6. c 20. d 34. c 48. d
7. a 21. b 35. a 49. c
8. d 22. c 36. a 50. d
9. c 23. a 37. d 51. b
10. a 24. d 38. a 52. c
11. c 25. b 39. c
12. b 26. d 40. b
13. b 27. a 41. d
14. b 28. a 42. b

PART 9 / REVIEW 2 (pp. 87-89)

1. c 12. b 23. a 34. b

2. a 13. d 24. d 35. c
3. a 14. c 25. d 36. a
4. a 15. d 26. d 37. c
5. c 16. a 27. a 38. b
6. c 17. c 28. b 39. c
7. c 18. a 29. a 40. d
8. c 19. c 30. b 41. d
9. c 20. a 31. c 42. b
10. a 21. c 32. a 43. c
11. c 22. b 33. b

PART 10 / REVIEW 1 (pp. 90-96)

1. b 16. c 31. b 46. a 61. b

2. d 17. a 32. c 47. c 62. a
3. c 18. b 33. d 48. c 63. c
4. b 19. c 34. b 49. a 64. b
5. c 20. b 35. c 50. d 65. a
6. b 21. a 36. b 51. a 66. d
7. c 22. d 37. c 52. b 67. b
8. a 23. c 38. d 53. c 68. a
9. a 24. c 39. a 54. a 69. b
10. b 25. a 40. a 55. c 70. b
11. b 26. c 41. b 56. b 71. a
12. b 27. d 42. b 57. b
13. c 28. c 43. a 58. c
14. b 29. b 44. b 59. b
15. c 30. b 45. a 60. a

PART 10 / REVIEW 2 (pp. 97-98)

1. b 6. a 11. d 16. d 21. b
2. c 7. a 12. c 17. a 22. b
3. a 8. c 13. b 18. c 23. a
4. c 9. a 14. b 19. b
5. a 10. a 15. c 20. a

PART 10 (MISCELLANEOUS) / REVIEW 3 (pp. 99-102)

1. a 11. a 21. c 31. b 41. d 51. b 61. b 71. b

2. b 12. c 22. a 32. b 42. a 52. a 62. a 72. a
3. c 13. d 23. c 33. b 43. d 53. d 63. d 73. b
4. d 14. a 24. d 34. a 44. a 54. b 64. c 74. d
5. b 15. c 25. a 35. d 45. b 55. b 65. d
6. b 16. b 26. c 36. c 46. a 56. a 66. d
7. d 17. c 27. c 37. a 47. b 57. b 67. b
8. c 18. c 28. d 38. a 48. d 58. c 68. b
9. b 19. d 29. d 39. d 49. c 59. d 69. d
10. b 20. c 30. c 40. c 50. d 60. a 70. c

PART 10 (MISCELLANEOUS) / REVIEW 4 (pp. 103-108)

1. c 23. c 45. a 67. b

2. c 24. d 46. a 68. c
3. d 25. c 47. a 69. c
4. d 26. d 48. d 70. d
5. c 27. c 49. b 71. a
6. d 28. c 50. c 72. c
7. b 29. a 51. a 73. c
8. a 30. b 52. c 74. d
9. b 31. d 53. c 75. c
10. c 32. a 54. a 76. b
11. d 33. d 55. b 77. a
12. a 34. c 56. d 78. c
13. b 35. a 57. c 79. a
14. d 36. d 58. b 80. b
15. b 37. b 59. a 81. d
16. c 38. d 60. a 82. c
17. a 39. b 61. c 83. b
18. d 40. c 62. d 84. a
19. b 41. d 63. d 85. c
20. c 42. b 64. b
21. a 43. a 65. a
22. d 44. c 66. c

PART 10 (MISCELLANEOUS) / REVIEW 5 (pp. 109-114)

1. d 24. d 47. c 70. b

2. c 25. c 48. b 71. b
3. b 26. a 49. b 72. b
4. d 27. b 50. a 73. b
5. d 28. b 51. d 74. a
6. b 29. c 52. a 75. b
7. b 30. a 53. c 76. c
8. c 31. c 54. c 77. c
9. b 32. b 55. d 78. c
10. a 33. b 56. a 79. a
11. d 34. a 57. c 80. d
12. c 35. b 58. d 81. d
13. c 36. a 59. b 82. c
14. c 37. c 60. b 83. a
15. b 38. c 61. c 84. b
16. b 39. d 62. a 85. c
17. a 40. a 63. c 86. c
18. a 41. c 64. c 87. a
19. b 42. d 65. c 88. b
20. c 43. c 66. a 89. d
21. b 44. d 67. c
22. a 45. a 68. d
23. d 46. b 69. a

PART 10 (MISCELLANEOUS) / REVIEW 6 (pp. 115-119)

1. b 16. b 31. b 46. a 61. c

2. a 17. c 32. a 47. c 62. b
3. c 18. c 33. c 48. d 63. a
4. b 19. a 34. c 49. b 64. a
5. a 20. a 35. c 50. a 65. c
6. b 21. c 36. d 51. b 66. c
7. b 22. c 37. a 52. a 67. a
8. a 23. b 38. b 53. d 68. c
9. c 24. d 39. a 54. a 69. c
10. a 25. b 40. b 55. b 70. b
11. d 26. c 41. a 56. b 71. a
12. b 27. c 42. c 57. d 72. c
13. d 28. a 43. a 58. c 73. b
14. b 29. c 44. b 59. c 74. a
15. a 30. c 45. b 60. b 75. d

PART 10 (MISCELLANEOUS) / REVIEW 7 (pp. 120-124)

1. d 21. a 41. c 61. d 81. d

2. b 22. b 42. a 62. d 82. c
3. b 23. d 43. c 63. c 83. d
4. d 24. b 44. c 64. c 84. a
5. d 25. d 45. d 65. c 85. c
6. c 26. c 46. c 66. b 86. a
7. b 27. a 47. c 67. c
8. d 28. d 48. b 68. a
9. a 29. a 49. d 69. a
10. c 30. b 50. c 70. d
11. b 31. a 51. c 71. d
12. c 32. c 52. a 72. d
13. c 33. b 53. d 73. b
14. c 34. c 54. d 74. a
15. c 35. b 55. c 75. b
16. c 36. c 56. a 76. a
17. d 37. c 57. c 77. a
18. a 38. c 58. b 78. b
19. b 39. a 59. b 79. d
20. b 40. d 60. c 80. c

PART 10 (MISCELLANEOUS) / REVIEW 8 (pp. 125-128)

1. c 11. a 21. a 31. d 41. b 51. b 61. d

2. a 12. b 22. d 32. c 42. c 52. c 62. b
3. c 13. d 23. a 33. a 43. a 53. a 63. b
4. d 14. a 24. d 34. a 44. c 54. c 64. d
5. d 15. c 25. a 35. c 45. b 55. d 65. a
6. c 16. c 26. a 36. d 46. a 56. c 66. d
7. c 17. c 27. a 37. b 47. c 57. b
8. d 18. a 28. a 38. a 48. a 58. a
9. c 19. a 29. b 39. c 49. b 59. b
10. a 20. b 30. c 40. b 50. c 60. c

PART 10 (MISCELLANEOUS) / REVIEW 9 (pp. 129-130)

1. d 6. b 11. a 16. b 21. d 26. a 31. a

2. a 7. a 12. b 17. a 22. a 27. d 32. b
3. d 8. d 13. b 18. b 23. b 28. b 33. a
4. c 9. b 14. b 19. a 24. b 29. c 34. a
5. b 10. b 15. b 20. b 25. d 30. d

PART 10 (MISCELLANEOUS) / REVIEW 10 (pp. 131-135)

1. a 21. b 41. c 61. c 81. c

2. d 22. d 42. d 62. a 82. b
3. b 23. a 43. a 63. b 83. c
4. d 24. a 44. a 64. b 84. c
5. d 25. a 45. d 65. a 85. a
6. a 26. b 46. a 66. b 86. a
7. d 27. b 47. d 67. a 87. b
8. c 28. d 48. d 68. d 88. a
9. a 29. c 49. a 69. a 89. a
10. b 30. a 50. b 70. c 90. d
11. d 31. d 51. a 71. a 91. d
12. a 32. b 52. a 72. b 92. b
13. b 33. d 53. d 73. a 93. c
14. a 34. b 54. d 74. a 94. c
15. a 35. c 55. c 75. a 95. b
16. d 36. b 56. c 76. d 96. a
17. a 37. a 57. c 77. b 97. d
18. a 38. b 58. a 78. a 98. b
19. b 39. a 59. b 79. a 99. c
20. c 40. a 60. c 80. a 100. d

PART 10 (MISCELLANEOUS) / REVIEW 11 (pp. 136-140)

1. d 11. d 21. d 31. c 41. c 51. c 61. d 71. a

2. a 12. c 22. b 32. b 42. a 52. a 62. c 72. b
3. a 13. b 23. a 33. c 43. b 53. c 63. a 73. b
4. b 14. a 24. c 34. b 44. a 54. b 64. c 74. c
5. c 15. c 25. a 35. d 45. d 55. c 65. c 75. d
6. c 16. b 26. d 36. b 46. a 56. a 66. b 76. d
7. a 17. b 27. a 37. c 47. d 57. b 67. a 77. c
8. c 18. d 28. c 38. c 48. b 58. c 68. b 78. c
9. b 19. b 29. b 39. d 49. a 59. b 69. a 79. d
10. c 20. a 30. a 40. d 50. b 60. c 70. d 80. d

PART 10 (MISCELLANEOUS) / REVIEW 12 (pp. 141-144)

1. a 11. b 21. a 31. b 41. a 51. c

2. b 12. c 22. b 32. d 42. b 52. a
3. d 13. b 23. d 33. d 43. a 53. c
4. b 14. a 24. d 34. c 44. a 54. a
5. b 15. b 25. a 35. b 45. c
6. b 16. d 26. b 36. d 46. b
7. b 17. c 27. d 37. a 47. d
8. a 18. b 28. b 38. a 48. a
9. c 19. a 29. a 39. d 49. d
10. d 20. a 30. d 40. c 50. d


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