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In accordance with EN1992-1-1:2004 incorporating Corrigenda January 2008 and the UK national annex
Tedds calculation version 1.0.03

Corbel geometry
Width of the corbel a = 750 mm Breadth of the corbel; b = 600 mm
Depth at front face of column hc = 750 mm; Depth at front face of corbel; hcorbel = 750 mm
Load plate geometry (Bearing)
Width of the bearing; abearing = 250 mm; Breadth of the bearing; bbearing = 350
Height of the bearing; hbearing = 10 mm

Concrete details (Table 3.1)

Char. comp. cylin. strength; fck = 25 N/mm2; Safety factor for concrete; c = 1.5
Des compr strength; fcd = 14.17 N/mm2; Reduction factor - cl.6.5.2(2) ' = 0.90

Reinforcement details
Char. yield strength of reinf. fyk = 500 N/mm2; Safety factor for steel; s = 1.15
Design yield strength of reinf; fyd =435 N/mm2
Vertical force applied; FEd = 656.0 kN ; Horizontal force applied; HEd = 136.8 kN
Distance to FEd; ac = 385 mm
No. of bars for main tension; N = 5; Diameter; Dmain = 25 mm
Area of main tension provd.; As,main = 2454 mm2; Nom. cover; cnom = 35 mm
Depth of reinf; d = 703 mm; Distance to reinf; _d1 = 48 mm
Node N-1
Nodes in comp cl.6.5.4.(4)a) 1Rd = 12.75 N/mm2
Vertical strut width X1 = 85.8 mm; Distance Y1; Y1 = 55.9 mm
Angle of inclination
 = 57.6 
NOTE-The angle of inclination  is within the limits 1<=tan()<=2.5

Lever arm
Lever arm; z = 675 mm
Bearing stress check at node N-2
Safe bear. stress–cl.6.5.4(4)b); 2Rd = 10.84 N/mm2; Actual bearing stress; Ed = 7.50
PASS- Design force at bearing is less than the maximum design bearing resistance
Compression strut stress check at node N-2
Horz conc comp force at N-1; Fc = 427.8 kN; Strut force; Fstr = 783.1 kN
Minimum allowable dist.; distallowable = 142.5 mm; Actual distance; distact = 240.0
PASS- Distance from edge of the bearing to front face of the corbel is greater than required (Fig. 6.27)
Concrete strut stress; str = 4.98 N/mm2; Safe strut stress; 2Rd = 10.84
PASS- Stress in the concrete strut is less than the maximum stress resistance
Compression strut crushing check
Compression chord coef cw = 1.000; Stregth factor; 1 = 0.540
Height at the location of FEd ha = 750.0 mm; Effective detph at EEd; da = 703mm
Conc comp stress due to axial loading cp = -0.30 N/mm2;
Max des shear resistance); VRd,max = 1400.5 kN
PASS- Design force in the compression strut is less than the maximum allowable
Shear resist. coef–cl.6.2.2(1) CRd,c = 0.18 / c = 0.120 Size factor; k = 1.53
Area of the tensile reinf Asl = 2454 mm2
Des. shear factor –cl.6.2.2(1) 1 = 0.00582 Des. shear factor –cl.6.2.2(1); k1 = 0.15
Des. shear factor vmin = 0.33 N/mm2
Min des shear rest – cl.6.2.2(1) VRd,cmin = 120.9 kN Des shear rest without reinf VRd,c = 170.2 kN
NOTE - ac >= 0.5  hc and FEd >VRd,c, therefore closed vertical links should be provided

Tie force
Resolving horizontally; Ft = 564.6 kN
Main tension steel check
Min area of tension reinf; As, main_min = 1299 mm2
Area provided; As,main = 2454 mm2
PASS-Area of main tension reinforcement provided is greater than area of reinforcement required ;
Vertical links check
Min. area of total vertical links – P.D.-6687 As,link,vert_t,min = As,main= 2454 mm2
No of vert links; NLink,vert = 4; Diam. for vert links; DLink,vert = 12 mm
No of legs per link; NLegs,vert = 5; Total area of vert links prov As,link,vert_t = 2262
FAIL- Total area of vertical link reinforcement provided is less than the minimum area required Design
factor – P.D.-6687; kj2 = 0.50
Min. area for one vert link; As,link,vert_min = 754 mm2; Provided area; As,link,vert = 565
FAIL- Provided area of one vertical link bar is less than the minimum area required

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