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A1 LEVEL (Beginner) – Textbook: Edito A1

LEVEL Learning goals Vocabulary Main Grammar topics

A1.1 • Get familiar with the French basics • Numbers and letters (spelling) • Auxiliary verbs (to be/to have) and at
• Greetings • Days of the week and months present tense
• Introduce yourself (give your age, your job, • Countries and nationalities • Definite and indefinite articles
Units 0, 1, 2 talk about your family, say where you are • Leisure • The negation
from, where you live, say the languages you • Professions • -er verbs
speak) and ask for someone to introduce • Cities and transports
himself. • Special verbs: être, avoir, aller, prendre,
• Ask and give contact descendre
• Ask for and give directions
• Understand an itinerary
• Move with buses or subways

A1.2 • Understand / give the opening time • Shops and food • Indefinite quantities (articles and
• Do shopping • Restaurant and café pronouns)
• Order at the restaurant or café • Clothes and accessorises • Adjectives positions
Units 3, 4
• Express your likes and dislikes • Weather • Close future and recent past
• Locate a time in the year • Technological and daily objects • demonstrative adjectives
• Give an appreciation about clothes
• Talk about the weather • Special verbs: payer, faire, venir
• Ask and tell a size (clothes and shoes)
• Describe an object and tell what it is for
• Ask and tell a price

LEVEL Learning goals Vocabulary Main Grammar topics

A1.3 • Talk about your daily activities • Daily activities and night life • Reflexive verbs
• Ask and give time • Time • Frequencies
Units 5, 6 • Offer a hangout and organise an • Family and events • Imperative
appointment • Physical description • Possessive adjectives
• Accept or decline an appointment • Personalities • Past (le passé composé)
• Make a reservation over the phone • Time indicators (past and future)
• Understand a family tree
• Introduce your family • Special verbs: pouvoir, vouloir
• Congratulate
• Describe the physic and the personality of

A1.4 • Get information about an accommodation • Accommodations and furniture • COD / COI Pronouns
• Understand the internal rules of a building • Reparations and services • Obligation and prohibitions
Units 7, 8 • Set rules for living together • Travels • Comparison
• Apologise in a message • Feelings and emotion • -ir verbs
• Describe a domestic problem • Body parts • Describe a past context with imparfait
• Understand a booking website
• Express preferences • Special verbs: devoir, falloir
• Hesitate
• Write a formal email
• Write a postcard
• Express a feelings, emotions and surprise

A2 LEVEL (Intermediate) - Textbook: Edito A2 / Texto A2
Level Learning goals Vocabulary Grammar topics

A2.1 • Understand celebrities’ profile • Personal and professional life • Le passé composé (recap)
• Talk about your origins • Activities and leisure • Negative sentences (nothing, never, nobody…)
Edito A2 • talk about your likes and dislikes • Memories • Time indicators
• Offer a hangout • Landscapes and weather • L’imparfait
Units 1, 2 • Accept/refuse and fix an appointment • Pronouns y and en
• Understand an itinerary • Adjectives position
• Describe a picture
• Talk about a memory
• Understand a travel guide (extracts)
• Write a postcard or a comment
A2.2 • Understand a newspaper article about • Housing • Relative pronouns
housing • Living conditions • Comparison
• Understand classified ads • Sciences and technologies • Possessive pronouns
Edito A2
• Locate an accommodation • Telecommunications • Le futur simple
• Ask and take the floor • Condition
Units 3, 4 • Express happiness • The pronoun on (one)
• Describe a place
• Understand a newspaper article about jobs
and future
• Talk about the future
• Describe the utility of something
• Express your intentions
• Remind something to someone

LEVEL Learning goals Vocabulary Main Grammar topics
A2.3 • Give advices • Body and health • Subjonctif Présent (necessity)
• Talk about health problems • Medicine • Obligation and prohibition
Edito A2 • Understand Medical instructions • Food • En pronoms
• Express you point of view • restaurant • Ne… que
• Agree and give your approval • Superlatives
Units 5, 6 • Get information on a menu • -ment adverbes
• Express dissatisfaction
A2.4 • Describe someone (physic and personality) • Physical features and • Interrogative pronouns (lequel, lesquels…)
• Talk about your emotions personalities • Indefinite adjectives (chaque, tout, toute…)
• Organise your speech • Medias and information • Subjonctif Présent (feelings)
Edito A2
• Reproach something • Cause and consequence
Units 7, 8 • Give a positive or negative feedback • COD and COI pronouns
• Pronouns with imperative

A2.5 • Describe a place • Housing and furnishing • Y pronoun

• Talk about citizenship • House decoration • Où Relative pronoun
Texto A2 • Organise a speech • Urbanism • Indefinite adjectives
• Ask questions about an object • The good life (tout/toute/chaque/quelques)
Dossiers 6, • Describe material • Children • Opposition/Concession
7 (leçon • Kitchen accessories • Interrogative pronoun « lequel »
25) • Demonstrative pronouns (celui-ci/celui-là…)

A2.6 • Understand a written/oral advertisement • Objects description • Gerundive form

• Give your opinion (2) • Multimedia and advertising • En pronoun
Texto A2 • Understand a leaflet • Art and appreciation • Indicative/Subjonctive
• Make a demand • Casual words • Negation
Dossiers 7 • Work and revendications • Prepositions of localisation
(26/27), 8 • Tourism

B1 LEVEL (Threshold) - Textbook: Edito B1

Level Learning goals Vocabulary Grammar topics

B1.1a • Express your interest • Food • Subjonctive

• Express an obligation/permission • Housing and firendliness • Negation
Unité 1 • Give an advice • Family • Past tenses : Passé
• Describe an accommodation Composé / Imparfait
Unité 2 up • Write a project
to page 33 • Congratulate
• Speak about your family

B1.1b • Speak about relationships • Relationship • Time markers (1)

• Describe past events, situations, habits, • Working world • Reflexive verbs at past
a memory tense
Unité 2
from page • Talk about an anecdote • Relative pronouns
36 • Talk about a work (qui/que/dont/où)
• Express your opinion/your motivation • Express a purpose
Unité 3

Level Learning goals Vocabulary Grammar topics

B1.2a • Express certitude • Fashion and consumer • Indicative/Subjonctive

• Talk about consumption society • Comparative/Superlative
• Describe a place • New ways of consumation • Place of adjectives
Unité 4
• Talk about the French language • Intercultural relationship Plus-que-parfait (past tense)
Unité 5 up
to page 79

B1.2b • Talk about cultural diversity • Diversity • Y and En pronouns

• Talk about living abroad • Media and press • Time markers (2)
Unité 5 • Encourage someone • The passive form
from page • Talk about two different events in the Adverbs
80 past
• Express difficulties
Unité 6 • Talk about the news
• Write an article
• Debate

Level Learning goals Vocabulary Grammar topics

B1.3a • Talk about travels • Travelling • Future tenses

• Organise a trip • Recycling • Present and Past
Unité 7 • Make hypothesis Conditional
• Express a regret • Prepositions after a verb or
Unité 8 up • Imagine a different past an adjective
to page 127 • Make an interview
• Talk about recycling

B1.3b • Talk about the planet and the • Ecology and solutions for • Gerundive
environment nature • Words to organise a speech
• Organise your speech • City life • Reported speech at present
Unité 8
from page • Report a speech and past tense
128 • Make propositions to improve a city • Formal questions
• Talk about art in the city • Indefinite
Unité 9 • Make a complaint adjectives/pronouns
• Talk about quantity (aucun/chaque/tout…)

Level Learning goals Vocabulary Grammar topics

B1.4a • Talk about studies • Studies and knowledge • Cause/Consequence

• Express wishes/intentions • Free time • Present participle
Unité 10 • Talk about causes and consequences • Compound relative
Talk about your hobbies pronouns (auquel/lequel…)
Unité 11 up Double pronouns
to page 175
B1.4b • Talk about new technologies in health • Sports and health • Futur antérieur (Future in
• Talk about future • Littérature and creation the past tense)
• Talk about sports and wellbeing • Arts • La mise en relief (ce
Unité 11
from page • Talk about reading qui…c’est)
176 • Express your taste in art • Opposition/Concession
• Describe a piece of art • Time markers (3)
Unité 12 • Write a biography • Introduction to Passé

B2 LEVEL (Advanced) - Textbook: Edito B2

Level Learning goals Grammar topics

B2.1 • Understand a radio debate • How to give your opinion

• Talk about France and the French • The difference between indicative and
Unités 1, 2 • Give your opinion subjonctive
• Debate • Declarative words
• Understand a biography • Reported speech in the past
• Understand a television news report
• Talk about learning a foreign language
• Talk about anglicisms
• Understand a satirical drawing

B2.2 • Understand a radio interview • Cause and Consequence

• Understand newspapers headlines • The passive form
Unités 3, 4 • Talk about the media/press
• Come to an agreement
• Write a short article
• Understand a poem
• Talk about living abroad
• Talk about travels
• Comment numerical data

Level Learning goals Grammar topics

B2.3 • Understand a movie trailer • The past tenses (Passé

• Talk about immigration Composé/Imparfait/Plus-que-parfait)
• Present historical French figures • Time markers
Unités 5, 6
• React to an article • The past participle
• Understand a play • The gerundive
• Relate an anecdote • Verbal adjectives
• Talk about health • Past participle and Passé Composé

B2.4 • Talk about the environment/GMOs/global warming • Personal pronouns

• Understand a TV report • Relative pronouns
Unités 7, 8 • Talk about art • Talk about quantity
• Talk about cooking
• Describe food habits
• Write a recipe

Level Learning goals Grammar topics

B2.5 • Understand a TV show • Condition and hypothesis

• Talk about your impressions of France • Comparison
Unités 9, 10 • Use proverbs
• Understand an article
• Understand an extract from a novel
• Write a complaint letter
• Tell a love story
• Talk about love and friendship
• Talk about the work place
• Describe a work experience
• Compare your country to France

B2.6 • Understand a song • Concession and opposition

• Talk about social networks • Indicative, subjunctive or infinitive
Unités 11, 12 • Talk about technology • The future tense
• Talk about video games • Express a purpose
• Give your opinion
• Talk about fashion
• Talk about architecture
• Present a book
• Talk about your dreams
• Write a letter

C1 LEVEL (Proficient) Textbook: Edito C1

Niveau Objectifs communicatifs et savoir-faire

C1.1 • Identifier des profils type

• Apprécier une critique de série
Thèmes 1, 2, 3 • Saisir l’enjeu de l’éducation aux médias
• Diagnostiquer la diffusion des fausses informations
• Relever un paradoxe dans un texte littéraire
• Dialoguer sur l’abattage du bétail

C1.2 • Approfondir ses connaissances scientifiques sur la mémoire

• Décrire des techniques de mémorisation
Thèmes 4, 5, 6 • Interpréter un texte littéraire
• Repérer l’implicite dans le discours
• S’informer sur la réforme sociétale de la famille
• Débattre de l’évolution de la famille

C1.3 • Définir l’engagement d’un artiste

• Défendre la place de l’art dans la société
Thèmes 7, 8, 9 • Relever les pouvoirs du roman
• Lier un récit autobiographique à son auteur
• Appréhender l’intelligence artificielle et l’avenir de l’homme
• Confronter transhumanisme et éthique

Niveau Objectifs communicatifs et savoir-faire

C1.4 • Décortiquer une forme poétique

• S’imprégner du monde des sens
Thèmes 10, 11, 12 • Déceler les caractéristiques de la guerre moderne
• Mesurer les enjeux de cyberattaques
• Percevoir l’impact de la mode sur la société
• Débattre de la liberté de s’habiller

C1.5 • Discerner le lien entre la consommation et le bonheur

• Dénoncer les stratégies consommatoires
Thèmes 13, 14, 15, 16 • Problématiser le traitement de la folie
• Considérer les solutions pour accompagner les personnes en marge de la
• Etudier un manifeste
• Interpréter ses rêves
• Envisager le revenu universel
• Prendre conscience de l’uberisation du monde du travail

C1.6 • Penser l’espace public

• Evaluer les représentations du genre
Thèmes 17, 18, 19, 20 • Appréhender la médicalisation de la naissance et de la mort
• Considérer la place des émotions dans nos sociétés
• Développer son rapport aux émotions
• Combattre la gentrification


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