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Resilience to Climate Change along

the Nile in Egypt


This case study comes as part of the Social, Ecological & Agricultural Resilience in the face
of Climate Change (SEARCH) Egypt.

Egypt Team: Dr Amr Abdel Mageed, Galal Marzouk and Bassem al Sayed

SEARCH is a three year (2011 - 2013) regional project led by the International Union for the
Conservation of Nature – Regional Office for West Asia and implemented in partnership
with ten organizations (CEDARE, PHG, AWO, CEOSS,UAWC, BDRC, SPNL, MADA
Association, Abdelmalik Essadi University, IUCN MED and ATED) from the five countries
mentioned above and is supported by the IUCN Global Water Program in Switzerland and
the Centre for Development and Innovation (CDI) - Wageningen in the Netherlands.
The objective of the project is to increase social and ecological resilience in watershed
ecosystems of the Mediterranean Region in the face of climate and other drivers of change.
Among the results that the project aims to accomplish is joint development and application
of practical tools and guidelines (i.e. the toolkit) with policy makers to contribute to regional,
(sub-)national and sector strategies and plans for climate change adaptation, water
resources management, poverty reduction and economic development.

This case was produced with the support and commitment of the SEARCH partners and
team. They are:

• Coptic Evangelic Organization for Social Services in Egypt

• Centre for Environment and Development for the Arab Region and Europe in Egypt

“This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of
this publication are the sole responsibility IUCN ROWA and can in no way be taken to reflect the
views of the European Union.”


The Arab Republic of Egypt

Egypt is transcontinental country

located in the northeastern
corner of Africa and
southwestern corner of Asia,
bordered by Gaza Strip, Israel
and the Red Sea to the east,
Sudan to the south and Libya to
the west. It has a total land area
of 1.002.000 km2and a
population of 87 million.

The general climate of Egypt is

dry and hot, with mild winter
season and rain over the coastal
areas. Data collected by the Figure 1: Map of Egypt
Egyptian Meteorological
(Egypt Second National farm irrigation systems which is
Authority and local universities
Communication under the attributed low local community
for the period 1961-2000
United Nations Framework awareness about on farm
indicate that there is a general
Convention on Climate Change, irrigation practices.
trend towards warming of the air
temperature, with increases in 2010). Climate Change Impacts in
the number of hazy days, misty Egypt
days, turbidity of the The total fresh water budget in
atmosphere, frequency of sand Egypt is estimated at about 58 The vulnerability of Egypt’s
storms and hot days. About billion m3 per year, with a total water resources to climate
97% of Egypt’s population lives annual consumption of 78 billion change is relevant to factors
on the Nile Valley and the Delta, m3. The annual per capita share affecting Nile flows
an area representing about 4% of fresh water is less than 700m3 (hypersensitivity to Ethiopian
of Egypt’s total area. This yields per year. Considering the rain, sensitivity to temperature
an average population density of expected population growth, increase in equatorial lakes and
1,435 persons per km2. In this this value is estimated to Bahr El-Ghazal and uncertainty
respect, a plan to found several become 350m3 in 2040. due to significant differences in
new cities in desert areas by Projected future temperature the Global Circulation Models
2017 aims at increasing the rises are likely to increase crops’ output of water flow into the
populated area in Egypt to water requirements thereby Nile), rainfall (the possibility of a
about 25%.The construction in decreasing water use efficiency 50% reduction of rainfall on
these cities is expected to follow and increasing the agriculture Egypt’s Mediterranean coast)
the green building code and this sector’s irrigation demands. and groundwater (increased
can therefore be considered as Although the overall efficiency of levels and salinity due to sea
part of the adaptation activities the irrigation system in Egypt is level rise and consequent sea
to climate change, high due to the reuse of water, water intrusion). Different ideas
there is high vulnerability of on-
are being considered for inundation of 12% to 15% of the Figure 2: Ehnasia District (in pale blue)
within BeniSuef Governorate
adaptation to the reduction of most fertile arable land in the
water resources or the increase Nile Delta as a result of sea level
of Nile flows. These primarily rise and salty water intrusion.
include: keeping the water level Projected future temperature
in Lake Nasser low, increasing rises are likely to increase crop
water storage capacity, water requirements thereby
improving irrigation and draining directly decreasing crop water
systems, changing cropping use efficiency and increase
patterns and farm irrigation irrigation demands of the
systems, reducing surface water agriculture sector. Crop-water
evaporation by a redesign of requirements of the important
canal cross section and strategic crops in Egypt are
developing new water resources expected to increase by a range
through Upper Nile projects, rain of 6-16% by 2100.
harvesting, desalination,
wastewater recycling and For livestock production,
increased use of deep temperature increases induce
groundwater reservoirs. Another harmful stress impacts on
Ehnasia District in Beni Suef
idea wasusing a number of soft animals’ productivity. New
Governorate , a total area of
interventions such as increasing animal diseases emerged in
1007.55km2 and is inhabited by
public awareness about the Egypt and have negative
About 336,000 of whom 80%
need for rational use of water, impacts on livestock
work in agriculture. Cotton,
enhancing precipitation production. These include the
wheat, onion and tomato are the
measurement networks in blue tongue disease and rift
most significant crops in this
upstream countries of the Nile valley fever. Both are attributed
district. It depends mainly on
Basin, encouraging data to some observed changes in
two water sources: the Youssef
exchange between Nile Basin climate. The availability of
and Ibrahimia sub canals. The
countries, and developing fodder is decreasing due to
biggest sub canal is El Sultani
Circulation Models for the climate change impacts on
canal. The total area of the
prediction of the impact of crops productivity and higher
cultivated land is about 44.8
climate change on the local and competition for land and water
thousand feddan in addition to
regional water resources. resources between fodder and
the reclaimed area. These areas
cereal crops.
are irrigated by canals
For the agriculture sector, Beni Suef and Minia originating directly from Youssef
climate change studies predict a Governorates and Ibrahimia canals using the
reduction in the productivity of triple shifts system. Reuse of
two major crops in Egypt; wheat Beni Suef and Minia drainage water is practiced to
and maize, by 15% and 19% Governorates are located in supplement irrigation water in
respectively by 2050. Losses in Middle/Upper Egypt, and lands at the tail ends of the
crop productivity are mainly populated (1\1\2013) by 2,687 canals.
attributed to the projected million and 4,864 million
temperature increase, crop- respectively. Ehnasia District faces significant
water stress, pests and challenges in terms of irrigation
diseases, as well as the needs including limited water
resources, increasing water RESILIENCE TO CLIMATE CHANGE  adaptation strategy for the
demand that exceeds the water sector addressing the barriers to
supply in summer, rapidly There are positive efforts for implementing adaptation
growing population and negative scientific research, however measures. These barriers
practices of some upstream efforts have been made on include lack of information
farmers that reduce the water climate change mitigation and sheering, poor adaptive
availability at the tail ends. adaptation in the agriculture capacity, gap between research
sector in Egypt but never and implementation, lack of
enough. Changing sowing implementation policies and lack
dates and management of financial support.
practices are among the
important adaptation measures Being highly dependent on
oriented to mitigate the impacts agricultural production, some
of climate change. Changing areas in both Minia and Beni
crops to those tolerant to heat, Suef governorates are currently
salinity and pests and changing combating agricultural
crop patterns are the most production losses from climatic
promising adaptation measures changes and seasonal change.
at the national level. Moreover, With a high population growth
using different combinations of rate and increases in
different levels of improved temperature, popular crops are
surface irrigation system no longer capable of coping
efficiencies and applying deficit with climatic changes and other
irrigation are considered as drivers of change.

Figure 2: Samallout District means of increasing the

Other impacts that include the
capacity of surface irrigation
emergence of some livestock
system in old land in order to
diseases have put burdens on
Samallout District in Minia overcome the negative impacts
livestock owners and therefore
Governorate, which is populated of climate change.
significantly impacted livestock
by About 460,000 persons, is
However, further studies on the productivity.
characterized by its first class
agricultural nature and is famous impacts, vulnerability and
for the cultivation of the adaptation to climate change Figure 2: Changes to annual mean
traditional crops of grain, grapes are still needed in the agriculture temperature in Egypt (Source: Egyptian
and cotton. Samallout's farmers sector in order to develop an Meteorological Authority)

are highly qualified due to their

accumulated experience.
Although Samallout has many
grapes farms, the farmers are
facing problems in marketing it,
being a local production. Several
development organizations have
targeted this district and its
people more than other districts
in Minia.
important role in selecting, the issues of climate change in a
For these reasons, SEARCH screening, testing and transparent manner. Replication
(Social, Ecological &Agricultural contextualizing feasible tools for of the methodology in other
Resilience in the face of Climate climate change and vulnerability regions was also considered
Change) project has been as well as other relevant significant. In aspects related to
implemented in Minia and Beni planning tools (decision support policy, they emphasized the
Suef governorates especially tools, participatory planning need for introducing policies
that both are considered as the cycles, water audits, etc.). The coherence in relation to water,
poorest areas in Egypt and fall team made important inputs in agriculture and climate change
under the lowest development the joint planning processes and as well as an improved
levels as per the UN Human the technical support to pilot governance structure and
Development Report. The actions. The team also led activating the role of the joint
Centre for Environment and community mobilization, ministerial committees. National
Development for the Arab technical knowledge, facilitating stakeholders acknowledged that
Region and Europe (CEDARE) communication between the national strategies and plans
and the Coptic Evangelical relevant stakeholders and the were designed, so attention
Organization for Social Services involvement of the local should currently be directed to
(CEOSS) have partnered to community in the project. In lower levels (of governorates,
implement the SEARCH project addition, the team contributed districts and villages) and
in Egypt. to empowering and raising the establishing linkages horizontally
Awareness of the locals on and vertically.
Three communities of climate change impacts and
Masharka, Mayana and adaptation procedures. At the Local Level, participating
Bahsmon in Ehnasia District stakeholders in Masharqa village
(Beni Suef)were chosen for the Stakeholders Dialogue and (as an example) agreed on:
project implementation based Concerted Action This approach
had a central position in 1. Improving water
on diversity in the type of soil management at the farm
and communities’ having active activities taking place on the
different levels in the project level and mesqa.
leaders with an ability for 2. Maximizing the use of the
dialogue and understanding of area.
irrigation improvement
the nature of the problems and At the National Level, project in the village.
openness to new ideas. Based policymakers and high-level 3. Enhancing farmers’
on the same criteria another representatives of relevant awareness of the
three communities in Samallout stakeholders were brought importance of maintaining
District (Minia) were selected: together to discuss necessary the irrigation and drainage
Shusha, El-Tybee and Koum El actions. They agreed on the canals.
Raheb. importance of community 4. Reducing the rising
participation and capacity subsurface water.
building to meet challenges 5. Providing irrigation water as
imposed by climate change. needed.
Participatory Approaches They also agreed on the 6. Enhancing agricultural
necessity to make data and extension.
The SEARCH team led the joint information available for all 7. Improving tomato
participatory action planning concerned stakeholders, civil marketing.
processes and played an society and those interested in
8. Establishing a training especially while blossoming as it drainage water , introducing
center in the village to causes the fall of flowers. In new varieties of crops tolerant to
support women farmers, as addition to negative effects on severe climate events such as
many ladies work in human health, wind has been heat, frost and wind and
agriculture. undermining the productivity of diversification of income sources
9. Developing farming animals and poultry. Increased through adopting more than one
methods that are adaptive temperature has a multifaceted economic activity by the locals
to climate change. negative impact in Ehnasia like agriculture, poultry and
10. Increasing awareness on leading to vulnerability and livestock production. Diversity
climate change impacts requiring resilience actions. In strategy also included activities
and resilience to these addition to the manifestations like promoting integrated farms
impacts. related to water and agriculture, in the reclamation areas (fish
11. Promoting agricultural the heat effects extend to animal breeding in ponds after having
automation in the village. productivity (in mating and used the water rich in bio
grazing). Seeking to mitigate the substance in cultivating alfalfa
At the District Level, a vision effects of heat, owners are and raising livestock feeding on
was developed based on forced to increase their alfalfa).
problem analysis and expenditure on energy which in
stakeholders' analysis: “Seeking turn reduces profitability. Self-Organization and
a clean environment and an Governance: This was based on
increased agricultural Resilience Strategizing building capacity at the
productivity in order to improve governorate, district and village
the livelihoods of farmers in A resilience assessment showed levels, empowering CSOs and
Ehnasia”. With the participation ‘increased temperature’ and water users associations to
of district-level stakeholders, the ‘drought’ as the most climatic assume more responsibility in
different factors of vulnerability stress factors. Meetings at environmental issues and
were assessed. Drought was different levels were held in promoting coordination between
identified to cause low order to develop resilience stakeholders and the
agricultural productivity, strategies in the two areas of the communities and between the
increase in costs of production project. The strategies different sectors to achieve
elements and higher rates of soil developed revolved around four policies coherence.
salinity in some area due to components:
irrigation from agricultural Sustainable Infrastructure and
Learning: Focusing on the Technology: Emphasis here is
drainages. Frost, on the other media, building capacities,
hand, caused damages to crops on low cost technological
raising awareness and Facilitate applications for water saving,
in cultivated lands located in access to climate change
desert areas and led to the extra renewable energy, sustainable
information. Also highlighted agriculture and food security.
costs for protecting from frost. It was promoting and enhancing
also affected animal productivity There is a particular need for
research in climate change and technological solutions for soil
causing high rates of poultry dissemination of best adaptation
mortality. Wind blowing from improvement and protection
practices. against desertification,
the desert during spring time,
carrying dust and sand and Diversity: This included maintaining the irrigation and
characterized by high diversification of resources drainage network and water
temperature, affects some crops through -for example- reusing pollution abatement. In addition,
the government needs to be
encouraged to include green locals (males and females) in References
infrastructure in its plans while each village have received a
the private sector should be climate resilience education. Egyptian Environmental Affairs
urged to invest more in Agency, Egypt (May 2010).
sustainable infrastructure and Optimizing Water Usage Egypt Second National
technology. Communication under the
Stakeholders of SEARCH United Nations Framework
project acknowledged that a Convention on Climate Change.
significant component of Cairo, Egypt.
resilience efforts in Ehnasia was
Two pilot projects were reducing water consumption Cover Photo:
implemented as part of through adoption of flexible
practices. Upon that, a pilot © IUCN ROWA
advocating in collaboration with
agricultural extension in Director project sought to promote the Document Figures (as they
of Agriculture in Beni Suef, the cultivation of moringa tree which appear in order):
institutionalization and is considered useful in mitigating
dissemination of SEARCH’s climate change impacts due to © CEDARE
approach to building resilience its limited need for irrigation.
Moringa canbe cultivated on the © CEDARE
to climate change.
sides of water canals, gardens, © CEDARE
Establishing Farmer Field houses and roads. All parts of
Schools the moringa can be useful © CEDARE
including seed, green leaves,
It was a pilot project designed
dry leaves, roots, seed oils and
for Masharka and Mayana
oil wastes. The pilot project
villages in order to raise
bought 500 moringa seedlings
awareness about adaptation to
and one kilo seeds. Some were
climate change with respect to
planted; others were sold to
agricultural production (irrigation,
farmers at a low price to have
plants, animal production,
them planted in their lands.
combating diseases, recycling
of wastes and rural women). In general, throughout the
Specialists from the Agricultural project cycle there was special
Extension in Directorate of emphasis on documentation of
Agriculture in Beni Suef helped methodologies and learning
in establishing linkage between processes, as well as, exchange
the recommendations of field of valuable information and
specialists and farmers’ lessons learnt at all levels.
concerns with regard to Capacity building and
maximizing agricultural introducing coherence to
production, plants and animals policies related to water,
productivity, in order to agriculture and climate change
overcome the expected were also recommended as
shortages due to climate means to sustain, upscale and
change. Over a period of four institutionalize the outputs of
months, a total number of 160 SEARCH.

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