Characteristics of Creative People

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1. Restless.

Highly creative achievers are naturally restless. They tend to be easily bored and
may even be accused of being hyper. This restlessness comes from being
extremely open and also from their intense interest in having new experiences.

2.  Bold risk takers.

Highly creative achievers are bold risk takers. They are brave and willing to risk it
all just to see what happens. They are full of curiosity and show an interest in the
trial and error process of learning. They embrace mistakes and use their wisdom
and bravery to effectively execute their more innovative ideas.

3. Out-of-the box thinkers.

Creative achievers are creators not observers. They do not enjoy living off of other
peoples lives, ideas, reputations or successes. These are not your basic sideline
achievers. Highly creative achievers will create until they are done, rarely taking
any time off.

4. Lead with their heart.

Highly creative achievers are often considered non-starters because they will not
go by a rule, as they prefer to lead from their heart and not their head.

5. Curious.

Creative achievers are compelled to act on what they are curious about. They
prefer to seek out and learn new things, and they enjoy the thrill of processing the
emotions of anxiety, fear and excitement with great regularity.

 6. Disregard rules.

Creative achievers live with the belief that if they follow the crowd they will get
lost in it. Their actions will be criticized and more people will try to bring them
down then build them up, but they will continue to be fearless in their pursuits.

7. Work independently.
Creative achievers are deeply connected with their authentic nature and ambitions,
which inevitably leads to their independence, growth, happiness and wholeness.
Creative achievers work independently and quietly, allowing their success to do
the talking. In the pursuit of their personal freedom, these people independently
discover their destiny.

8. Dreamers.

Daydreaming allows highly creative achievers to escape what is current and allows
them to imagine what is future-forward. The imagination center in the brain allows
them to imagine their future self, but it also allows them to imagine what someone
else is thinking or needing. This allows highly creative achievers to see their
visions impacting and supporting the thoughts and needs of others.

9. Energetic

Creative people have a certain energy surrounding them. They tend to radiate a
great deal of energy and put their whole heart into what they expend their energy
on. This type of energy is different than hyper-ness, in that it drives the creator into
a positive direction and isn’t aimlessly expended.

10. Intelligent

Being intelligent is another characteristic of being creative. There is an array of

wisdom within the mind of a creative person, much like a gift that is hard to find.
Creative people are smart and know how to utilize it in all the right areas. They are
quick to come with ideas, and resourceful with their surroundings.

11. Sensitive 

While being intelligent is a dominant characteristic, creative people also have a

submissive side to them. They are sensitive to many things, because their hearts are
constantly open to the world. Being emotional comes easy to them and many
things make them cry.

12. Ambitious

Creative people are highly ambitious in their pursuits. They are always looking for
the next project and have an eager hand. Almost nothing discourages their
preference to try something new. Constant creating causes creative people to look
for more, and ambition gives them more.

13. Rebellious

Creatives are alot more rebellious than one may think. They take lots of risks and
often. They aren’t afraid to mess up because they tend to see the good in it if they
do. They may have lots of bruises and scars to prove their mistakes, but their
rebellion keeps their heart alive with fire.

14. Extroverted and Introverted

Can one person be both extroverted and introverted? Creatives sure can! Creative
people have two sides to them, the private side and the public side. They can be
social and personal, talkative and silent, shy and confident, all in the same body.

15. Playful

Being playful is what creatives are all about. They play with ideas until they get
the result desired. They play with paints to achieve the right color, play with lens to
capture the perfect photo, play with metal to build the right model, and you know
quite well creatives ‘play with fire’.

16. Open minded

Being open minded allows creatives to climb mountains and venture into secret
lands. It allows people to see through another lens without captivating themselves
into a box of boundaries or restrictions.

17. Imaginative play

Observing children in imaginative play reveals a wellspring of natural-born
creativity. When engaged in pretend play, children take on multiple perspectives
and playfully manipulate emotions and ideas.As adults, cultivating a childlike
sense of play can revolutionize the way we work.

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