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Animal Farm is a short film about farm animals owned by men and their

Key learning from the film are as follow:

 Past is frequently updated or expressed in various forms for selfish enrichment:

o As we have already noticed that initially the law was “All animals are equal”.
Later It was updated as “All animals are equal but some animals are more equal
than others”. Animals started believing that it's all right that other species get
more rights. People starts thinking they are weaker than other that is why others
are enjoying the extra privileges.
 Corruption:
the story reflects how people with influence may misuse their position for self gain.
Power full people with authority try to control others without realizing that they are
indirectly destroying others life.
o Napoleon being corrupt leader was constantly destroying life of other animals
(except pigs) specially Boxer, an incredibly strong horse.

 Mentally deficient dedication as well as the unquestioning mindset of individuals

will contribute to catastrophe.
o Animals in the film were blindly following the Napoleon without questioning.
Boxer who was most valuable asset for animal farm was working continuously
day and night to construct wind mill and the result of his blind devotion was that
he was sent to a knacker (a glue-boiler).

 One can adapt the personality in future which they hated in past:
o Originally all the pigs were in opposition of the farmer
(Manor) and humans. They found out all the negative stuff
that farmers and humans are doing.
o The balance of force changed and the tables kept spinning
as the pigs continued to influence things.
o They started enjoying their authoritative power and
o They started seeing other animals as inferior.
o Actually they were following the steps of farmers.

 Nothing can last forever:

o Exploitation by farmer comes to end after the rebellion against the jones(farmer).
Similarly, Napoleon was overthrown.

 Absence of good leader ship:

o A good leader is one which manages present as well as have plan for future.
o In story Snowball has vision for animal farm but he was not aware what is
happening in present as Napoleon was making strategies against the Snowball.


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