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WRITING Informal email: making suggestions ‘1 Work in pairs, Discuss the questions. @ what concerns do teenagers have about their bodies? Why? © What makes you feel good or bad about your body? Why? 2. Read the exam task and the email written by Krist6fas an answer, Discuss the questions (1-2). 1. What style are Laura’ and Kristof’s emails written in? 2 Has Krist6fiincluded all the necessary information in 4 Id particularly recommend do/doing things his email? Match the paragraphs (1~4) in his email you enjoy. with the three points in the exam task instructions. 5 How about buy/buying some clothes that you feel 900d in? 3 EEENTEZIS® You have received an email from 5 EEEMIEZED You have received this email from your English friend, Laura. Write a reply email to your English friend, Tom. her in which you: > say how you feel about her problem, —- Dd > suggest ways she can deal with it, " > describe your own experience of the problem and how you dealt with it. eee Hi How are you? | hope your presentation last week went really welll | have to give a presentation next week and i'm really worried about it. 'm nervous about standing up in front of everyone because I feel awful about my body. | would really like to feel more positive about it. Do you have any advice for me? | know you have had a problem with tis, too. How did you deal with i? Thanks, Hi Laura, | (1) fm sorry that you're feeling awful about your body. | felt the same a year ago and | got very down, (2) My first suggestion is that you appreciate your body ‘and look after it by eating well and getting enough sleep and exercise, | 3) Id also recommend not comparing your body with other | People’s. This can make you very miserable! And try thinking of your body as just one part of yourself. You aren't just your body! | 4) When | did all these things, and focused on helping | others, | felt lot happier. {really hope this helps. Bye for now, | Kristof 6 ‘Thanks for your email. twas really nice to hear from you! ''m busy with schoolwork and rehearsals with the orchestra ‘and I'm feeling very unfit. just don't get enough regular exercise | know that you're busy, too, but you've been swimming and ‘unning a lot this past year. How do you find the time? Did you change your routine? Did you get up earlier or did you | stop doing other things? And how do you make yourself do them? Do you go with a friend at the same time each week? ‘And do you enjoy them? Tell me haw you do it! | Thanks, | tom Complete the suggestions (1-5) with the correct, words. 1 Try write/writing a list of all the things you like about yourself You should learn/learning to be less critical of yourself. | suggest that you spend/spending time with people who accept you. 2 Write an email to Tom (80-100 words) in which you: > say how you feel about the problem he describes, > describe how you find the time to exercise and suggest ways he could do so, describe how you make yourself go swimming and, running, Begin your email like this: HiTom, Check your work. D Have you used the appropriate style for your email? i Have you used the correct language to make suggestions or ge ade? CO Have you answered all the necessary points as in the exam rstutinst CO Have you written between 80 and 100 words? CEE <7 ff Task 2/4 You have received the following email from your Swedish friend, Bjorn: I'm really worried about my little sister, Signe. She’s only 14 but I suspect she is on a crazy di she never eats breakfast at home (she's always ‘in a rush’) and she also skips family meals in the evening, saying that she has already had a snack or something with other girls in town. Mom is too tired to argue or even notice; she just pops something into the microwave after work as late as 7 p.m., and accepts the same excuse day after day. When we visit Dad at the weekend, he usually takes us to a fancy restaurant (Signe’s favourites, not mine}, where now she pretends to be sick ~ either with a headache or an upset stomach so she can get away with no solid food, Just several glasses of water. I don’t know much about diets girls tend to do but apparently she has cut out ALL sorts of food, not only bread and sweets but also meat, milk and vegetables. It hasn't always been like that! Even a year ago she was the one who didn’t feel safe without three tubs of ice-cream in the freezer, and made sure they got emptied in no time at all. Recently I've noticed that she has lost - a lot ‘of - weight, she’s getting pale and fragile, although not long ago she used to look absolutely normal and never used to have a weight problem. As nobody seems to be worried about her, I feel I have to do something, but what? Pis help! Write an email of 100-120 words to Bjorn in which you tell hi + what you suspect the problem with Signe is, * what you think of young girls’ dieting, + whether Bjorn should talk to his sister, ‘* whether Bjorn should ask someone for help. Begin your email like this: Hi Bjorn,

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