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VI-Licensing 20.

© 2020 VI-grade GmbH

VI-Licensing 20.0

Copyright Information

VI-grade GmbH

VI-Aircraft, VI-Animator, VI-Automotive, VI-BikeRealTime, VI-CarRealTime, VI-Driver,

VI-DriveSim, VI-EventBuilder, VI-GraphSim, VI-MotionCueing, VI-Motorcycle, VI-Rail,
VI-Road, VI-SuspensionGen, VI-Tire, VI-TireLimits

Copyright 2006-2020, VI-grade GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany.

This software contains confidential and proprietary information of VI-grade GmbH.

All rights reserved. This code may not be copied or reproduced in any form,
in part or in whole, without the explicit, prior written permission of the copyright owner.
Third-party software is copyrighted and licensed from VI-grade GmbH suppliers.

This software may include libraries licensed under LGPL terms.


VI-Aircraft, VI-Animator, VI-Automotive, VI-BikeRealTime, VI-CarRealTime, VI-Driver,

VI-DriveSim, VI-EventBuilder, VI-GraphSim, VI-MotionCueing, VI-Motorcycle, VI-Rail,
VI-Road, VI-SuspensionGen, VI-Tire, VI-TireLimits are trademarks of
VI-grade GmbH or of one of its subsidiaries.

Python is a registered trademark of the Python Software Foundation

All other trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective holders.

Printed: July 2020

© 2020 VI-grade GmbH

VI-Licensing 20.0 3

Table of Contents

Part 1 VI-Licensing 20.0 4

1 License Types ................................................................................................................................... 4
2 Obtaining a License File ................................................................................................................................... 5
3 Platform Support ................................................................................................................................... 5
4 How to install VI-Licensing ................................................................................................................................... 6
Install on Windows .......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Install on Linux/Unix .......................................................................................................................................................... 9
5 Update Licenses ................................................................................................................................... 10
6 HAL Licenses ................................................................................................................................... 11
7 License Toolkit Options ................................................................................................................................... 11
8 License Borrowing ................................................................................................................................... 13
................................................................................................................................... 14
9 How to uninstall VI-Licensing
Uninstall on Windows .......................................................................................................................................................... 14
Uninstall on Linux/Unix .......................................................................................................................................................... 14
10 Known Issues ................................................................................................................................... 14

© 2020 VI-grade GmbH

4 VI-Licensing 20.0
VI-Licensing 20.0

1 VI-Licensing 20.0

VI-grade utilizes the LM-X licensing system from X-Formation (

It supports node-locked and network floating configurations and thru an easy configuration process, it is possible
for the administrator to assign certain product licenses to specific groups of client machines or users without
setting up extra servers.

Please send your comments or support requests to

1.1 License Types

For our users we offer the following different types of licenses:

· Node locked
The application is limited to run on one particular client machine. The server for this license may be a different
machine in the network. A preset number of instances of the application can run in parallel.

· Netw ork floating

A preset number of multiple users can use the application at once, using a license server on the network.

· Named User/Client
This license is a special type of network floating license that allows you to better control the usage of the
software. The license can be limited to specific users or client machines on the network.

Additional license types:

· License Borrowing
Allow mobile users, such as those using notebook computers, to "borrow" licenses from the license
server, so that they can continue to use the licensed application while they're out of the office.

· High Availability License (HAL)

The license is managed by a combination of three different servers in order to reduce the risk of
service interruption.

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VI-Licensing 20.0

1.2 Obtaining a License File

The installation of the VI-grade license server requires a valid license file that you can obtain providing your
machine identification data to VI-grade license administration (

The process to obtain machine identification data ( commonly called host id ) depends on:
· the operative system on which the license server should run;
· the version of the VI-grade software you need to enable.

starting from version 16 the host id required is the network card MAC address for both Linux and Windows OS.
You can obtain the full set of MAC address of your machine issuing one of the following command into a terminal:

· Window s:
ipconfig /all > lmxhostid.txt

· Linux :
/sbin/ifconfig > lmxhostid.txt

Once you obtained the txt file including the machine identification data, please send it to license_admin@vi- and you will receive back the required license file.

1.3 Platform Support

VI-Licensing 20.0 is available for the following platforms:

Platform Installer Name

windows VI_Licensing_20_0_x64_Setup.exe
linux x64 VI_Licensing_20_0_Linux_x64_Setup.tar.gz

This windows installer is compatible with:

· windows 10 x64

This linux installer is compatible with:

· Red Hat Enterprise 7 x64
· Ubuntu 16,04 LTS x64

© 2020 VI-grade GmbH

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VI-Licensing 20.0

1.4 How to install VI-Licensing

Please make sure to have received a license file from VI-grade before starting the server installation.

When running a node-locked license you have to install the server on your local machine.
When running a netw ork license you have to install VI-Licensing server on the server machine and set the
environment variable on the client machines. You don't need to install VI-Licensing on the client machine, unless
you need to use the borrow ing option: in this case install the license client on the client machine.

Installing on:

· Windows

· Linux and Unix

For more information on how to setup the server please refer to the LM-X End User Guide called enduser.pdf.

1.4.1 Install on Windows

Download the utility program: VI_Licensing_Setup.exe .
It will install the license server (or client), configuration file as well the documentation on your system from the VI-
grade website support area.

Installing the:

· license server

· license client

Installing the server

Place a copy of the program on the server machine and run it from a command shell or from a file browser
with a double click.

License Agreement

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VI-Licensing 20.0

Read the license agreement carefully. The check box will enable the “I Agree” button required to proceed
with the application setup.

Accept the default components selection. You may already have the correct Visual Studio Runtime
version available on the computer, but it is strongly suggested to keep it checked, to make sure that the
software works properly. Make Sure License Server checkbox is selected (default).

Enter the port number and select the license file that has been provided to you by VI-grade or one of its
resellers. Make sure that the selected port is not already in use by another application or service. The
installer performs a runtime check to verify if the port is available, but this check works only if the port is
in use during installation. The VI-grade licensing system will be installed and a copy of the license file
called license.lic will be placed in the appropriate location of the installation directory.

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VI-Licensing 20.0

After the selection of the license file and relative installation procedures, the following window will appear
reporting the status of each procedure.

If you experience problems setting up the server automatically during the installation process you may
use the LMX Setup/Configuration Tool that you can access thru the VI-Licensing menu.

Installing the client

Please execute the VI_Licensing_Setup.ex e on the client machine. During the installation process
make sure to un-check the component "License Server" and proceed with the installation of "Client Tools"
and "Visual Studio runtime".
Note: The installation of VI-Licensing on the client machine facilitates the access to some useful tools,
like diagnostic tools and license borrowing.

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VI-Licensing 20.0

After the VI-Licensing client installation, from Start --> Programs --> VI-Grade the following panel will be

Select LMX Config Tool to set the license server host.

Selecting Command Prompt a command shell will open, starting from the VI-Licensing installation

In case of server setup, a couple of dedicated shortcuts are available in the start menu to force start/stop
of the VI-grade-LMX service.

Further reading: License Borrowing, License Toolkit Options.

1.4.2 Install on Linux/Unix

Download the archive VI_Licensing_20_0_Linux_x64_Setup.tar.gz from the VI-grade website Software Download
area area to your server machine,
Extract the archive into an empty folder (it is recommended to choose the folder /vigrade/license).

The folder will contain the following files:

· the license server: lmx-serv
· the license server start/stop script: vigrade_lmx
· the vendor library:
· the end user utility: lmxendutil
· the configuration file: lmx-serv.cfg
· the documentation: enduser.html

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VI-Licensing 20.0

NOTE. the default values and the commands provided below are related to an installation performed on a
Concurrent machine, running RedHat 7, from the root user. If the software is installed on a different OS, please
refer to its own documentation.

Copy the vigrade_lmx file in the /etc/init.d/ folder and then run the following command to set general priviliges
to the script:

chmod +x /etc/init.d/vigrade_lmx

Now this script should be run at every startup of the machine. To do so, run these commands on the terminal:

chkconfig --add vigrade_lmx

chkconfig --level 345 vigrade_lmx on

Now the script vigrade_lmx should already work if a default installation is perfromerd. However, please check the
following variables and fill them with the correct values, depending on your installation. In particular:

· Path of the lmx-serv installation, default is /vigrade/license/:


· Path of the configuration file, default is /vigrade/license/:


· Path of the log file, default is /vigrade/license/:


· Username of the machine, default is root:


Finally, in the lmx-serv.cfg file, the license file must be set. To do so, open it with a txt editor and set the correct
path of the license file:

LICENSE_FILE = /vigrade/license/license.lic

1.5 Update Licenses

The license server finds the license file based on the information in the lmx-serv.cfg file that is located in the VI-
Licensing installation directory. When updating the license because it has expired or you have purchased
additional features you have two options.

1. Replace the existing license file in the same location with the same name. On windows the name would
typically be license.lic for example.
2. Modify the configuration file ( lmx-serv.cfg ) to point to the new license file that you received from VI-grade or one
of their resellers.

The minimal cfg file contains the following information:

LICENSE_FILE = C:\Program Files (x86)\VI-grade\VI-Licensing\license.lic
LOG_FILE = C:\Program Files (x86)\VI-grade\VI-Licensing\lmx-serv.log

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In case you got a new license file with additional licenses you may just add a new line pointing to the new file:

LICENSE_FILE = C:\Program Files (x86)\VI-grade\VI-Licensing\my_license.lic
LICENSE_FILE = C:\Program Files (x86)\VI-grade\VI-
LOG_FILE = C:\Program Files (x86)\VI-grade\VI-Licensing\lmx-serv.log

Please note that files including expired licenses should be removed in order to get the new ones becoming
A server restart is required on each modification to the cfg file.

1.6 HAL Licenses

In case access to VI-grade license is a critical service for your company, you may consider to configure the VI-
grade license server according to the High Availability License concept in which three different servers are running
in parallel to manage the same license pool.
For more information about requirements and advantages of HAL setup, please refer to x-formation website.

The configuration file (lmx-serv.cfg) for the HAL setup should contain the following 3 lines:

HAL_SERVER1 = [port]@hostname
HAL_SERVER2 = [port]@hostname
HAL_SERVER3 = [port]@hostname

defining the set of machines acting as license servers. The role of each server is the following:

· HAL_SERVER1 is your master server, which allows both CHECKOUT and BORROW.
· HAL_SERVER2 is your first slave server,# which allows CHECKOUT but denies BORROW in the event that
your master server goes down.
· HAL_SERVER3 is part of your configuration to ensure that everything works as expected, and does not allow
any CHECKOUT or BORROW requests.

· When HAL licenses are used, please make sure that nor VIGRADE_LICENSE_PATH nor
LMX_LICENSE_PATH variables are defined on the three server machines.

1.7 License Toolkit Options

The License Toolkit is a command line utility designed to provide diagnostic tools and license borrowing
functionalities. This utility is installed when VI-Licensing is installed including the client mode. License borrowing
doesn't require a local LM-X server installation while a working connection to a network server is needed.

Available command options:

-check feature_name
check for a specific feature availability.

-expiration feature_name
check for remaining time before the selected feature expires.
Note: if the time left is less than 1 hour, it will answer that the feature is already expired, but the user will
be able to use that feature for all the minutes left.

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VI-Licensing 20.0

-borrow feature_name time

borrow a specific feature for the selected time (time in hours). The license is now deployed on the local
machine for the given amount of time (and removed from the server for the same amount of time).
The license is returned automatically to the server after the borrow ing time (while the local machine
loose the license).
Note: if trying to borrow a feature already borrowed, you'll get an error about an invalid input parameter.
Note: If your allowed borrowing time (see licensing specs) is less than required (eg. 10h max instead of
24) or you have not the borrowing enabled the answer will be:

>>VI-grade licensing ERROR: feature borrowing failed

>>ERROR = The specified borrow period is too long
>>VI_Bike_Core license borrowing failed

-return feature_name
to return a specific feature previously borrowed, before the borrowing expiration time.

-borrowproduct productname time

borrow the set of features required by product prodname for the selected time (time in hours). The license
is now deployed on the local machine for the given amount of time (and removed from the server for the
same amount of time).
If the borrowing request has succeeded, the features borrowed will be listed as successful.
The license is returned automatically to the server after the borrow ing time (while the local machine
loose the license).
Note: If the product name provided is wrong, a list of all available product names will be shown.
Note: if trying to borrow a product already borrowed, you'll get an error about an invalid input parameter.
Note: If your allowed borrowing time (see licensing specs) is less than required (eg. 10h max instead of
24) or you have not the borrowing enabled the answer will be:

>>VI-grade licensing ERROR: feature borrowing failed

>>ERROR = The specified borrow period is too long
>>VI_Bike_Core license borrowing failed

-returnproduct productname
return the set of features related to product name, before the borrowing expiration time.
Note: If the product name provided is wrong, a list of all available product names will be shown.

-featuresfile file_name
definition file listing features for each product.

Note: the application is case sensitive, so be sure to type correctly the product or the feature name.

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1.8 License Borrowing

To use the extra option "borrowing license", you need the VI-Licensing client installed, see license client
installation (you don't need the LM-X server installed on your local machine).
Verify everything is working fine through network licensing, and that the license installed allows the borrowing.

To borrow the license from the license server (you need to be connected to the server)
· use the following command, from the command prompt available in the Start -> All Programs -> VI-
Grade -> VI-Licensing -> Command Prompt menu
license_toolkit -borrow product license_key_name borrow _time
e.g.: license_toolkit -borrowproduct VI_SportsCar 24

To return the license to the server before the ex piration time (you need to be connected to the server)
· use the following command, from the command prompt available in the Start -> All Programs -> VI-
Grade -> VI-Licensing -> Command Prompt menu
license_toolkit -returnproduct license_key_name
e.g.: license_toolkit -returnproduct VI_SportsCar

The license is returned automatically to the server after the ex piry of the borrow ing time (while the client
machine loses the license).

When an unsupported product name is specified, the borrow process will fail and a list of supported product
names will be shown.

See License Toolkit Options for further info on the previous commands and for all available options.

license_toolkit is an LMX protected application so in order to properly allow borrow operation, a proper
connection to an active VI-grade license server is required.

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1.9 How to uninstall VI-Licensing

How to uninstall on:
· Windows
· Linux and Unix

1.9.1 Uninstall on Windows

· Select the Uninstall option from the VI-Licensing menu under the Start menu


· Open the Control Panel and select Add/Remove Programs. Select VI-Licensing Setup and click on

1.9.2 Uninstall on Linux/Unix

Remove the directory after you have shut down the server with the command:

./lmxendutil -shutdownserver

1.10 Known Issues

· If during the server installation the selected port is already in use, the installer should detect the conflict and ask
for a different port. If the service/application working on the selected port is not running at installation time, it
may happen that the server is configured properly, but it is not able to serve the license. In case this happens
the server must be reinstalled selecting a different port.

© 2020 VI-grade GmbH

© 2020 VI-grade GmbH

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