Lesson 5A: Vocabulary/grammar-Lessons/making-Plans-First-Conditional

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Lesson 5A


1. Do you find it easy to make plans for the weekend?

What do your plans depend on? In this lesson, Anne talks
about her plans for the weekend.

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2. Go to Moodle and complete the two tasks presented after watching this

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C. READING – Strange Holiday Resorts
3. Match the given images with the corresponding descriptions below


6 1

1) Panda lovers of the world now have another place to call home (for
a few nights, at least). In 2013, the Panda Inn, a panda-themed hotel
in China's Sichuan province, opened its doors to guests. The 32-
room hotel is decorated with panda art, panda furniture and
panda-shaped stuffed animals. Even staff members dress in panda
suits. [Panda Inn, Sichuan, China]
2) Welcome to Ittoqqortoormiit, Greenland. Here you can live with
the Inuit and incredible wildlife that surrounds Igloo Village. Dog
sledding, traveling to frozen fjords, visiting deserted villages, and
sleeping in an icy cave are just a few of the things you can do at this
cold weather destination. Hopefully the local bears won’t realize
you’re a tourist and eat you out of spite. [Igloo Village]
3) Some people are skipping their cruise to the Caribbean and opting
to sail to a Texas-sized patch of floating trash in the Pacific Ocean
instead. For about $10,000 per person, you can head to the Great
Pacific Garbage Patch — famous for its high concentrations of
plastic waste, chemical sludge, and debris trapped by the currents
of the North Pacific Gyre (a swirling pattern of oceanic currents).
Vacationers help operate a trawl that collects microscopic plastic
particles that threaten local wildlife and haul bigger heaps of junk
offshore. [Great Pacific Garbage Patch]
4) Rio Tinto, or Red River as it translates, is a river in Andalucía famed
for its colored water. The unusual river is one of the places on
Earth that most closely resembles the surface of Mars. The site
along the river is full of copper, silver, gold, iron and has been
heavily mined since ancient times. The river's water is dense due
to the metals it carries and it has low oxygen content. [Rio Tinto,
5) Alnwick is home to about 100 killer plants like Atropa belladonna
(deadly nightshade), Strychnos nux-vomica (strychnine), and
Conium maculatum (hemlock). The garden has a license to grow
things like cannabis, which is kept behind bars in a giant cage.
Another attraction Alnwick is popular for is the castle on the same
grounds that was a stand-in for Hogwarts in several of the Harry
Potter films. [Alnwick Poison Garden]
6) The world’s only indoor beach was located in Miyazaki, Japan. It
shut down in 2007, but during its 14-year run the Ocean Dome saw
up to 1.25 million visitors per year. The Dome featured a fake
volcano, fake sand, fake fish and fauna, a steady 86 degrees
Fahrenheit, and water park rides. The vast man-made beach
measured around 984 feet long and had a retractable roof that
sported a permanent blue sky. [Seagaia Ocean Dome]

4. Complete the sentences with the correct verb forms.

1) If you hurry (hurry), you catch _ (catch) the bus.

2) I will make (make) dinner if you _ be _ (be) tired.
3) If my girlfriend come _ (come) late, I will wait (wait) for her.
4) If she _keep (keep) driving like that, I’m sure she will have (have) an accident.
5) Next time, If tell (tell) him to pay the invoice as soon as it will come (come)
6) Jack will succeed (succeed) in the class if he study _ (study) harder.
7) If you visit (visit) Panda Inn in China, you appreciate (appreciate) its
particular decoration.
8) My daughter will buy (buy) a dress for the party if her father get(get) some money.
9) You will sleep (sleep) on an icy cave if you gone (go) to Igloo Village.
10) If people take (take care) of nature, they will have (have) a save planet to live.

5. Use the words given and the verbs in brackets to write sentences in the
fist conditional.
1.- you/ like) Italian painting (you/love) the exhibition.
if it you like Italian painting it will you love the exhibition.

2.- (you/want) to meet Michael (you/ have to) come back tomorrow.
if you want to meet Michael you will have to) come back tomorrow

3.- (he/hope) to pass the exam (he/need to) study much harder.
if he hope to pass the exam he will need to study much harder

4.- (they/ work) this hard (they/ finish) the job very quickly.
if they work this hard they will finish the job very quickly

5.- (she/ drive) fast (she/have) and accident.

if she drive fast she will have and accident.

6.- (we/use) computer (we/finish) earlier.

if we use computer we will finish earlier.
Complete these sentences, creating your own ideas. Remember to use First
As soon as I get home today, if it As soon as I will get home today
Before I go to bed tonight, if it Before I will go to bed tonight
If I am bored this week, _ If it I am bored this week, _ _
I’ll be at the next class, if I'll be at the next class
After I finish this course, I if it After I will finish this course,
I want to study English until, if I want to study English until,
I’m going to if I’m going to this weekend unless if this weekend unless
When I retire, I think I _ I’ll be very
happy if I’ll be very happy if
6. Match the beginnings and endings of the sentences.

1. If we go to London, a) you will feel sick.

2. You will win b) if the weather is nice.
3. If we miss the bus, c) I’ll get a souvenir T-
shirt for you.
4. No one will come to the party d) if you tell them the

b) if the weather is nice same day.

5. If I play really well tomorrow, e) if I study tonight.
6. I will do well in the test f) if you play as well as
you can.
7. If you eat a lot just before sleeping, g) we’ll get a taxi.
8. We will go out tomorrow h) I think I’ll win the

04 /02/2021

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