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Nama : Dita Oktaviana Hapsari

Kelas : XII IPA 3

Absen : 08

Experience Study Tour In Yogyakarta

On December 2016 . My friends including me and also teacher of Senior High School 1
Cluring study tour to Yogyakarta . We go to Yogyakarta by bus.

After arriving in Yogyakarta we went straight to the restaurant “Orang Utan” for
breakfast and clean body.

After breakfast, we proceed to the military academy. There we are explained about the
life of the cadets, and also shows military weapons

After from military academy, we went to Borobudur Temple. There are we take pictures
with tourists. There are many historic items.

After that, we went to Sartika Hotel to take rest. My room mate Devy, Dhayu, and Nadine. That
night, me ang my friends went to Malioboro. Where many of the kinds souvenirs of Yogyakarta.
I bought a key chain. After from malioboro, we return to the hotel

The next day, we takes a bath and breakfast. After that, we go out of the hotel and headed
to the Keraton of Yogyakarta.

After from the Keraton of Yogyakarta. We went to Gadjah Mada University.

After that, we go to the Presidential Palace and the Vredeburg Museum

Tired after visiting all places. We all went back to Banyuwangi. Amid the trip back to
Banyuwangi , we stopped at a hawker center to buy snacks typical of Yogyakarta. . Then we
continue on to Banyuwangi

Many frriends and teachers who like to study tour this time. That my experience in

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