Riphean Rifting and Major Palaeoproterozoic Crustal Boundaries in The Basement of The East European Craton: Geology and Geophysics

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ELSEVIER Tectonophysics 268 (1996) 1-21

Riphean rifting and major Palaeoproterozoic crustal boundaries in the

basement of the East European Craton: geology and geophysics
a •
S.V. B o g d a n o v a ' , I.K. P a s h k e v i c h b, R. G o r b a t s c h e v a, M.I. O r l y u k b
a Institute of Geology, Lund University, SOlvegatan 13, S-223 62 Lurid, Sweden
b Institute of Geophysics, National Academy of Sciences of the Ukraine, Palladin Ave. 32, 252 680, Kiev, Ukraine
Received 20 December 1995; accepted 31 May 1996


The East European Craton, which occupies the northeastern half of the European continent, is characterized by the
presence of giant, even transcratonic systems of Riphean (Meso- to Neoproterozoic) rifts (aulacogens).
The largest of these Riphean rift systems tend to follow the course of Palaeoproterozoic sutures and junction zones
that subdivide the craton into three crustal segments with autonomous development histories. These segments, named
Fennoscandia, Volgo-Uralia and Sarmatia, are marked by distinct T-MAGSAT anomalies.
Genetically, the intersegment junction zones represent different types of collisional and accretional interaction between
the component crustal segments of the craton.
In accordance with this, the Riphean rift systems vary in width, the presence or absence of Moho uplifts, and other
properties like, for instance, heat flow values. However, all of them follow belts of weakly magnetized crust studded
with local magnetic maxima due to the presence of mafic rocks associated with the rifting. The rift system-intersegment
junction zone relationships, in consequence, similarly represent a range of variation and cannot be referred to one single

Keywords: rifts; sutures; Palaeoproterozoic; Riphean; crust; East European Craton

1. Introduction and aulacogens. The most extensive are the Volhyn-

Orsha-Central Russian, the Pachelma, and the Peri-
Drillings into the crystalline basement and geo- Uralian systems. In each of these, the earliest struc-
physical surveys have demonstrated the presence tures are faults that delimit grabens, but from the
of numerous Meso- to Neoproterozoic ('Riphean') Neoproterozoic III (the 'Vendian', cf. Chumakov
grabens and troughs beneath the sedimentary cover and Semikhatov, 1981; Plumb, 1991) onwards, the
of the East European Craton (e.g., Shatsky, 1955, original rifts became the loci of more widespread
1964; Khain, 1977; Valeev, 1978; Peive et al., 1981; subsidence. As a result, large intracratonic basins
Milanovsky, 1983). Many of these structures be- were formed.
long to large, even transcratonic systems of rifts Many authors have assumed tentatively that the
Riphean rift systems are related somehow to the
* Corresponding author. Fax: -t-46.46.121-477. crustal structure of the East European Craton (EEC),

0040-1951/96/$15.00 Copyright © 1996 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Pll S 0 0 4 0 - 1 9 5 1 ( 9 6 ) 0 0 2 3 2 - 6
2 S.V. Bogdanova et al./Tectonophysics 268 (1996) 1-21

possibly outlining ancient tectonic boundaries or 2. The three-segment structure of the East
zones of weakness (e.g., Gafarov, 1976; Valeev, European craton
1978; Kratz, 1979; Milanovsky, 1983). A factual
basis for such correlation, however, was missing un- The recently proposed three-segment model for
til very recently, when studies of the EEC suggested the East European Craton, already referred to in the
that the craton is made up of three different crustal introduction, was developed during the work on the
segments and that the Riphean transcratonic rift sys- third edition of the 'International Tectonic Map of
tems, with the exception of the Peri-Uralian one, Europe and Adjacent Areas' (Khain and Leonov, in
extend along the junctions between these segments press). Its basis is a compilation of all then available
(Bogdanova, 1993a,b; Gorbatschev and Bogdanova, lithological and geochronological data obtained from
1993; Khain and Leonov, in press). This model has drill-core samples and the juxtaposition of these data
replaced previous concepts that envisaged a more with the results of geophysical studies. Geodynamic
uniform crustal structure where the craton was de- contexts suggested by the exposed crystalline crust in
scribed as a mosaic of Archean massifs and blocks the Baltic and Ukrainian Shields, and the Voronezh
scattered in a 'matrix' of Proterozoic folded belts Massif, were also taken into account. The synthesis
(Khain, 1977; Peive et al., 1981; Rundquist and of this information indicated significant differences
Mitrofanov, 1993; cf. the review by Goodwin, 1991). of regional crustal structure and development histo-
The principal purpose of the present study is to in- ries of the Precambrian crust in various parts of the
tegrate the existing and some unpublished geological EEC (Bogdanova, 1993a,b). As a result, three differ-
and geophysical information in order to characterize ent, once autonomous crustal segments were identi-
the interrelationships of the older junction zones be- fied which were named Fennoscandia (that segment
tween the different crustal segments and the Riphean also includes the Baltic Shield), Volgo-Uralia and
rift systems, and to investigate regional variation of Sarmatia, the latter comprising the Ukrainian Shield
these relationships. and the Voronezh Massif with adjacent unexposed
In general, the Riphean rift systems together with areas (Fig. 1, inset and Fig. 3).
the Palaeoproterozoic junction zones between the The three crustal segments differ in their tectonic
crustal segments are marked by wide belts of dis- patterns, the ages of the crust-forming processes in
continuous, linear magnetic and gravity anomalies, the Archean and the Proterozoic, and particularly in
commonly associated with Moho uplifts (e.g., Ga- their Palaeoproterozoie crustal dynamics.
farov, 1976; Kozlova and Patrusheva, 1976; Valeev, Eastern Fennoscandia and Volgo-Uralia are both
1978). They also appear to coincide with zones of characterized by predominant Meso- to Neoarchean,
transition between crustal units of different magneti- 3.0-2.6-Ga-old crust (e.g., Bogdanova, 1986; Ga~il
zation which have been recognized by the combined and Gorbatschev, 1987; Gorbatschev and Bogda-
interpretation of near-surface and T-MAGSAT mag- nova, 1993; Bibikova et al., 1994), but the patterns of
netic fields (Pashkevich et al., 1990, 1993). structure and the directions of structural trends dif-
Another apparent regularity requiring study and fer drastically as do the respective Palaeoproterozoic
genetic interpretation, but not considered at length in histories (cf. Figs. 1 and 2 in Bogdanova, 1993b;
the present context, is the observation that virtually Gorbatschev and Bogdanova, 1993; Fig. 2). In the
all large provinces of high magnetization of the crust Palaeoproterozoic and the earliest Mesoproterozoic,
that complicate the T-MAGSAT field are situated in after ca. 2.1-2.0 Ga, Fennoscandia grew by gradual
the periphery of the craton. This may indicate mafic accretion of new crust in the west. This was preceded
igneous activity along the margins of the craton by rifting of the Archean craton and even its disper-
during the development of the adjacent Phanerozoic sal during the earliest Palaeoproterozoic (ca 2.5-2.1
orogenic belts. Related or unrelated to such orogenic Ga ago). The rifted Archean domains were partly
processes may be local, intense reorganization of reassembled during the collisional orogeny that af-
the Precambrian magnetic field of the EEC due to fected northeastern Fennoscandia between 1.9 and
intraplate Palaeozoic tectonics along, for instance, 1.8 Ga.
the Devonian Pripyat'-Dniepr-Donets Aulacogen. Volgo-Uralia, in contrast, underwent a thorough
S. V. Bogdanova et al. / Tectonophysics 268 (1996) 1-21 3

, I

t\ ) "x •

500 km
I ",, "------."-1
Isolines, nT: Intensity of mean magneti-
~'~ positive zation of the crust, A/m: I I virtually non-magnetic
zero ~ 2.5 and higher ~ Bordersof the East
European Craton
negative ~ 2.0 - 2.5

about 0.5
Fig. 1. T-MAGSAT anomalies (after Coles et al., 1982) and magnetic crustal provinces of the East European Craton. The inset shows the
three-segment model for the craton according to S.V. Bogdanova (1993b) with some additional modifications. Its dashed line along the
axis of the Pachelma Aulacogen marks the trace of the gently NE-dipping boundary between Volgo-Uralia and Sarmatia at depths of ca.
30 km.

reorganization of its Archean crust into a system of At least, they are not seen in the Volgo-Uralian mag-
giant Palaeoproterozoic dome-like structures (Bog- netic anomaly patterns. Subsequently, crustal growth
danova, 1986). The Palaeoproterozoic rifts and colli- in southwestern Fennoscandia lasted until ca. 1.55
sion sutures prominent in northeastern Fennoscandia Ga and there was substantial structural and meta-
do not appear to continue into Volgo-Uralia across morphic reworking of the crust during the Sveconor-
the junction zone between the two crustal segments. wegian/Grenvillian orogeny between 1.1 and 0.9 Ga
S. V. Bogdanova et al. / Tectonophysics 268 (1996) 1-21


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eq ~ . -

S. V. Bogdanova et al. / Tectonophysics 268 (1996) 1-21 5

ago (e.g., Larson et al., 1986; Ga~il and Gorbatschev, The other Riphean rifts, in contrast, are not im-
1987; t~da~illet al., 1995). mediately related to Palaeoproterozoic intersegment
Sarmatia is the most specific amongst the three boundaries. Some follow the Urals or associate with
crustal segments. It differs from the others both in the Timan region, while others complicate the interi-
regard to its Archean and Proterozoic chronology of ors of the three crustal segments. The latter outline
crust formation, and by the extensive presence of major within-segment zones of weakness (cf. Fig. 3)
Meso- and even some Palaeoarchean crust of 3.65 but do not separate crustal domains of independent
to 3.0 Ga age (Shcherbak et al., 1984; Bibikova and crustal histories in the Palaeoproterozoic.
Williams, 1990; Samsonov et al., 1996). Sarmatia
consists of four or five different Archean terranes 3. Principal magnetic characteristics of the EEC
which appear to have been welded together into a lithosphere
coherent unit in the latest Archean and the earliest
Palaeoproterozoic. This process ended between 2.3 3.1. General
and 2.1 Ga ago (cf. Shchipansky and Bogdanova,
1996). Later, Sarmatia was bounded by marginal Three types of magnetic anomalies character-
folded belts. The ca. 2.1-Ga Lipetsk-Losev Volcanic ize the lithosphere of the East European Craton.
Belt and the East Voronezh Province in the east mark These are: (1) short-wavelength anomalies caused by
the boundary between Sarmatia and Volgo-Uralia, sources within the uppermost crust down to 18-20
while the ca. 2.0-Ga Osnitsk-Mikashevichi belt in km depth, and partly even within the sedimentary
the northwest outlines the position of the Sarmatia- cover atop the crystalline basement; (2) long-wave-
Fennoscandia junction. length anomalies produced by sources within the
Autonomous histories of Fennoscandia, Sarma- lower crust down to the Moho discontinuity and/or
tia and Volgo-Uralia in the Palaeoproterozoic are the Curie isotherm; and (3) T-MAGSAT anomalies
indicated by lithological and age differences, and nearly 1000 km in diameter (Coles et al., 1982;
still more by differently trending Palaeoproterozoic Haines, 1985; Nolte and Hahn, 1992) which arise
structural grain and rock unit boundaries in the three from the total effect of crustal and probably also
crustal segments (Fig. 2). The three-segment model upper mantle sources (Bulina, 1976; Krutikhovskaya
for the EEC agrees well with changes of the rel- et al., 1982; Pashkevich et al., 1990, 1994; Nolte and
ative positions of Sarmatia and Fennoscandia sug- Hahn, 1992).
gested by palaeomagnetic data from the Baltic and The main sources of all these magnetic anoma-
Ukrainian Shields and from the Voronezh Massif lies are mafic igneous rocks, some of these related
(Elming et al., 1993; Iosifidi et al., 1995), but the to orogenic, others to anorogenic lithospheric pro-
precise chronologies of particular plate movements cesses (Krutikhovskaya et al., 1982; Pashkevich et
still remain to be elaborated. al., 1994). Banded iron formations like those of the
As far as the patterns of the Palaeoproterozoic in- Kursk, Oskol and Krivoy Rog iron belts in Sarmatia
tersegment sutures and Riphean rifts are concerned, are exceptional sources contributing locally impor-
the Central Russian rift system continues toward the tant but altogether only subordinate components of
southwest, passing into the Volhyn-Orsha depres- the overall magnetization of the crust.
sion. It marks the boundary separating Fennoscandia In broad outline, the pattern of T-MAGSAT
from the other two crustal segments all the way anomalies in the EEC corresponds closely to the
from the Tornquist-Teisseyre-Zone trans-European subdivision of the craton into three crustal segments
crustal boundary to the Timan Province in the north- as described in the previous text section. Two large
east (Fig. 1, inset). positive T-MAGSAT anomalies in the southeastern
The Pachelma (also known as the Moscow- half of the EEC, with more than 14 nT and 6 nT, re-
Ryazan-Saratov) rift system is close to the junc- spectively, coincide with Sarmatia and Volgo-Uralia
tion between Volgo-Uralia and Sarmatia. It extends (Fig. 1). In contrast, Fennoscandia, which comprises
from the Peri-Caspian depression to the vicinity of crustal provinces of widely different ages and char-
Moscow. acters, features more magnetic inhomogeneity. A
6 S.V. Bogdanova et al./Tectonophysics 268 (1996) 1-21

+ + + + + +

Baltic Shield ~ N

I- + + + +
+ + + +
• + + <~"~, p,.


j /-" +

. . . . • • • /. , • ... • •

~ ' i"/~eri-Caspian
" :

x, VM

UkrainianShield ~ , ~ ~ Caspi~
~ Riphean rift system i~ ~ +~ f ~ ' ~ Sea
~ Geophysicallyinferred Riphean
magmatic intrusionsand volcanicfields
~ East Voronezh marginal belt (EVS)
Black Sea
I~-~l Osnitsk-MikashevichiIgneous Belt (O-M) I 250 km I

Fig. 3. Riphean rift systems in the East European Craton and their relationships with Palaeoproterozoic intersegment junction zones
and boundaries. Letter symbols are for Riphean troughs: B = Bothnian, K = Kandalaksha, Kr = Krestzy (also Molokovo), L =
Leshukonskoye, La = Ladoga-Pasha, V = Valday, V-O = Volhyn-Orsha; for Palaeoproterozoic belts: EVB = East Voronezh Marginal
Belt, including the Lipetsk-Losev Volcanic Belt and the East Voronezh Schist Province, and O-M = Osnitsk-Mikashevichi Igneous
Belt; Kt = the Kotlas intrusion of presumably Riphean age. Double lines mark the boundaries and transition zones between crustal
segments. The Voronezh Massif (VM) is the part of Sarmatia, north of the Dniepr-Donetz Aulacogen.

large part of its territory even coincides with a nega- craton. In northern Fennoscandia, such anomalies
tive anomaly. Magnetization of the crust ranges from continue outside the boundaries of the craton into the
almost nil to more than 2.5 A/m (Fig. 1). The crust of Barents Sea shelf region.
Volgo-Uralia and Sarmatia has more homogeneous The short-wavelength, near-surface magnetic
magnetization with mean intensities of ca. 2.0-2.5 anomalies closely reflect the structural patterns of
A/m and 2.5-3.5 A/m, respectively. High-gradient the crust and have been employed extensively in the
zones in the T-MAGSAT anomaly pattern are situ- geological mapping of the crystalline basement be-
ated very close to the junction zones between the neath the platformal sediments (e.g., Gafarov, 1976;
three crustal segments. Figs. 1 and 2 also show that Kratz, 1979; Puura, 1980; Peive et al., 1981; Kubicki
intense, positive, long-wavelength and T-MAGSAT and Ryka, 1982; Bogdanova, 1986; Aksamentova
anomalies are located close to the margins of the and Naydenkov, 1990; Khain and Leonov, in press).
S. V. Bogdanova et al. / Tectonophysic s 268 (1996) 1-21 7

Similar to the T-MAGSAT patterns, marked gra- steps (Pashkevich et al., 1990). A probable cause of
dients of the near-surface magnetic anomalies and such relationships could be mafic igneous underplat-
changes of these magnetic field patterns are closely ing similar to that described by Korja et al. (1993)
connected with the major Proterozoic crustal discon- from Finland.
tinuities (Fig. 2). Calculations by Pashkevich et al. (1993) have
shown that the Sarmatian T-MAGSAT anomaly can-
3.2. Fennoscandia not be induced solely by upper and middle crustal
magnetic sources such as the Palaeoproterozoic
This segment features a very variable crust, rang- Kursk, Oskol and Krivoy Rog banded iron forma-
ing in thickness between 30 and 60 km (Blundell tions. Highly magnetized sources in the lower crust
et al., 1992; Belousov and Pavlenkova, 1993; Ko- and upper mantle must also be involved. This agrees
rja et al., 1993; Petrov and Suprunenko, 1994). The with a Curie isotherm that is mostly below the Moho.
outer, marginal parts of Fennoscandia are variably According to Orlyuk and Pashkevich (1994),
magnetized with intensities from 0.5 to 2.2 A/m, magnetic inhomogeneities present at different lev-
while some interior parts are virtually non-magnetic els in the crust and upper mantle of Sarmatia
(Fig. 2). The highly negative T-MAGSAT anomaly could be due to strong disturbance, and structural
occupying the southern half of Fennoscandia (Fig. 1) and compositional reorganization of the lithosphere
has been explained partly by a thermal high in the during the development of the Palaeozoic Dniepr-
vicinity of St. Petersburg that minimizes total crustal Donets Aulacogen and the associated voluminous
magnetization and the thickness of the magnetoac- input of mafic magmas. The lower-crustal mag-
tive 'layer' (Hahn and Wonik, 1990; Pashkevich et netic sources associated with the Devonian Dniepr-
al., 1993). However, the low (1.0-1.5 A/m) crustal Donets Aulacogen are ca. 60 x 200 km in size and
magnetization in this part of Fennoscandia is also a ca. 2 A/m in magnetization. Unlike the magnetic
consequence of the apparent scarcity of highly mag- sources related to the Riphean rift systems, the for-
netic rocks in the crust. Most of the magnetic sources mer occupy large areas and can continue through the
in the upper crust occur in southwestern and north- whole crust into the upper mantle. Thus, the intense
ern Fennoscandia where large, deep-seated magnetic Palaeozoic deep-seated mafic magmatism within the
sources exist in rifting and collisional environments. DDA contributes to the effect of the Precambrian
high-magnetic rocks to bring the total magnetization
3.3. Sarmatia of the lithosphere in Sarmatia up to the values of
the highly positive T-MAGSAT anomaly (Pashke-
Sarmatia is characterized by an average crustal vich et al., 1990). Also, along the margins of the East
thickness of ca. 48 km and a highly magnetized European Craton in Sarmatia as well as in southwest-
lithosphere (Pashkevich et al., 1994). The mean ern and northern Fennoscandia, magnetization of the
magnetization of the crystalline crust is about 2.5 crust is highest where there appear to exist large
A/m to which adds another 0.2 A/m to account for deep-seated magnetic sources. Areas of Vendian and
the contribution from magnetic igneous rocks in the Palaeozoic magmatism in the East European Craton
platform cover. The magnetization of the upper ca. (e.g., Moskaleva et al., 1993; Grachev et al., 1994)
10 km of crust varies strongly, ranging from 0.5 coincide reasonably well with highly magnetic parts
to 5.0 A/m. The most magnetized rocks are the of the crust.
banded iron formations of the Kursk-Oskol type (cf.
Shchipansky and Bogdanova, 1996) which have val- 3.4. Volgo-Uralia
ues of ca. 10 A/m. Deep-seated sources in the lower
crust of Sarmatia have magnetizations up to 4 A/m With an average thickness of ca. 40 km, the crust
and are thus somewhat more magnetic than compa- of this segment is thinner than that of the other
rable sources in the lower crusts of Fennoscandia crustal segments and has a mean magnetization of
and Volgo-Uralia. Some of these sources associate less than 2.2 A/m. The location of magnetic sources
with Moho lows down to 60 km, others with Moho and their nature are similar to those in the Sarma-
8 S.V. Bogdanova et al./Tectonophysics 268 (1996) 1-21

tian segment, but there appears to exist no important ular (e.g., Moskaleva et al., 1993; Grachev et al.,
contribution from banded iron formations. A specific 1994).
feature of the near-surface magnetic field in Volgo- Magmatic activity in the different rifts became
Uralia is its large-scale 'mosaic' pattern dominated more intense with time, in the Volhyn'-Orsha de-
by oval and rounded, concentric anomalies 300 km pression, for instance, culminating only towards the
and more in diameter (Fig. 2, cf. also Bogdanova, end of the Riphean (e.g., Nagomy, 1990).
1986). These reflect the Paleproterozoic tectonic The stratigraphies and ages of the rift fills have
pattern of this crustal segment. Towards the Peri- been studied both by correlation with the Riphean
Caspian part of Volgo-Uralia, clearly discemible stratotypes of the Urals and by employing palaeon-
magnetic anomalies tend to disappear because of tological dating of the sediments and isotopic dating
the screening effect of a sedimentary platform cover of the igneous rocks (e.g., Postnikova, 1977; Valeev,
of ca.15-20 km thickness. 1978; Chumakov and Semikhatov, 1981; Nagorny,
1990). The ages obtained show that rifting and sed-
4. The Riphean rift systems and the iment accumulation began in the easternmost EEC,
Palaeoproterozoic intersegment junction zones around 1.65 Ga ago. This applies both to the Peri-
Uralian troughs and the Pachelma rift system. The
4.1. General Volhyn-Orsha -Central Russian rift system and the
interior rifts of Fennoscandia (e.g., the Ladoga and
The two major Meso- to Neoproterozoic (Riph- Bothnian rifts) began to develop later, at ca. 1.4-1.3
ean) graben and trough systems in the basement of Ga (e.g., Nagorny, 1990; Moskaleva et al., 1993;
the EEC trend transversely, roughly perpendicularly Grachev et al., 1994; Vidal and Moczydlowska,
to the boundaries of the craton (Fig. 3). Smaller 1995). Tectonic activity and sedimentation in vir-
Riphean rifts are branches of the major systems and tually all the rifts lasted into the Vendian, i.e. close
continue into the interior parts of the crustal seg- to ca. 700 Ma ago. By this time, the rift systems had
ments following distinct zones of weakness in the evolved into wide, platformal basins (e.g., Khain,
Archean and Proterozoic crust. 1977; Milanovsky, 1983; Grachev et al., 1994; Garet-
The southwestem part of the transcratonic sky, 1995).
Volhyn-Orsha-Central Russian rift system outlines The Central Russian and Pachelma rift systems
the boundary between Fennoscandia and Sarma- comprise series of echeloned, narrow, individual
tia, while its northeastern part follows the bound- troughs which define an anastomosing, transten-
ary between Fennoscandia and Volgo-Uralia. The sional pattern of strike-slip movements and exten-
Pachelma system extends along the boundary be- sion. The troughs are flanked by normal steep faults,
tween Sarmatia and Volgo-Uralia but is situated but some portions of the rift bottoms have been
somewhat inside the Volgo-Uralian crustal segment. uplifted into horsts by high-angle reverse faulting
Close to the Pericaspian depression, it splits up into that has been suggested to have taken place in the
several arms (Fig. 3). Vendian or even the Palaeozoic (e.g., Valeev, 1978).
In both these rift systems, mostly red, continen- Transverse strike-slip faults are also very character-
tal clastic deposits altemating with marine siltstones istic.
and shales form the sedimentary fills of the grabens Structurally, the Volhyn'-Orsha depression is an
and troughs. They are accompanied by volcanoclas- exception. It continues the Central Russian rift struc-
tic rocks, basaltic lavas, mafic sills and layered intru- tures toward the southwest and is morphologically
sions, and dykes of dolerite. The thickness of the sed- different from the other aulacogens. It is a large,
imentary piles varies in the different structures, but rather shallow, late Riphean basin which over-
drilling and geophysical data suggest that it usually lies several separate older grabens (Valeev, 1978;
does not exceed 5 km. The igneous rocks are domi- Nagorny, 1990).
nantly sub-alkalic, subordinately alkali-basaltic. The In the wide zones of junction between the three
distribution of the rocks of different composition in Archean to Palaeoproterozoic crustal segments, the
the various Riphean rifts appears to be rather irreg- Riphean transcratonic rift systems are only one of
$. V Bogdanova et al. / Tectonophysics 268 (1996) 1-21 9

the characterising structural components. Other ma- Moscow in the part of the junction zone adjacent
jor features are the presence of Palaeoproterozoic to Volgo-Uralia (Fig. 4). These fragments are com-
marginal belts along the edges of Sarmatia and the monly marked by local gravity highs and sometimes
juxtaposition of disconnected slivers of older crust also by magnetic lows which appear to be due to
derived from both the neighbouring crustal segments the weak magnetization of metapelitic granulites and
(Fig. 3). The latter is particularly characteristic of the anatectites.
junction between Fennoscandia and Volgo-Uralia. In the vicinity of the junction zone, the ma-
The differing relationships between Riphean rift- jor intra-segment, interprovincial boundaries in
ing and the Palaeoproterozoic intersegment sutures Fennoscandia appear curved and displaced (Figs. 2
are recorded well by differences of the gravity- and and 4; cf. fig. I in Bogdanova, 1993b). This is seen
magnetic-potential field characteristics, and by vari- particularly well in the case of the high-grade Belo-
ations of crustal thicknesses. morian Belt which is easily identified geophysically
due to the contrasting petrophysical signatures of its
4.2. The Central Russian rift system and the junction rock components (cf. Gafarov, 1976; Peive et al.,
zone between Fennoscandia and Volgo-Uralia 1981). A shift from regional NW-SE to more N-S
strikes occurs already some distance to the north of
This junction zone is a 250-300-km-wide belt the junction zone between Fennoscandia and Volgo-
where blocks and slivers of crust derived from the Uralia. At the northern edge of the junction zone the
adjoining Fennoscandian and Volgo-Uralian crustal change of strikes is abrupt. Here, a large, elongated
segments appear to be juxtaposed with each other. fragment of Belomorian crust within the junction
Riphean rifting that created the Central Russian rift zone has a northeasterly trend, concordant with the
system occurred in the axial part of this junction strike of that zone but almost at right angles to the
zone; its more peripheral parts are characterized by a regional trends in the main part of the Belomorian
rhomboidal pattern of faults and grabens. Belt.
Close to the southwestern part of the junction Geophysically, the junction between Fennoscan-
zone, southeast of the axis of rifting (Fig. 4), there dia and Volgo-Uralia including the Central Russian
is a sizable unit of Archean crust known as the Neli- rift system is of variable character (Fig. 3, cf. also
dov (also the Rzhev) Block which is geophysically Kostiuchenko et al., 1995). Magnetically, the junc-
similar to the Karelian granite-greenstone province. tion zone is a transition between highly magnetized
This similarity is also confirmed by deep drillings Volgo-Uralia and weakly magnetized Fennoscandia
(cf. Chekulaev and Berkovsky, 1988; Bogdanova, (Fig. 1). Close to the northwestern edge of the zone
1993b). Lithologically and geophysically it appears there are 7.5-9-km-thick upper crustal units that have
most reasonable to conclude that the Nelidov Block densities between 2.8 and 2.9 kg/m 3 (Kozlova and
is a disconnected fragment of the Archean province Patrusheva, 1976). These bodies associate with cir-
in Karelia. If so, the relative displacement of the cular positive magnetic anomalies ca. 100 km in di-
Nelidov Block and the Archean Domain in Kare- ameter and have been suggested to represent Riphean
lia appears to be 250-300 km and thus suggests intrusions or volcanoes. This has actually been con-
very substantial dextral strike-slip along the junction firmed by drilling into one of the anomalies (Valeev,
zone (Fig. 4). The presence of the Nelidov Block in 1978). A dense rock body (2.75-2.80 kg/m 3) of 8 to
the junction zone, in turn, has much influenced the 10 km thickness also occurs in the upper crust of the
location and lithologies of the adjacent minor Riph- southeastern part of the junction zone. However, this
ean grabens and troughs (Erinchek and Mil'shtein, body is accompanied by an intense negative rather
1993). than a positive linear magnetic anomaly. The anomaly
There are also other disconnected slivers of area coincides with drilling-core evidence of slivers of
Fennoscandian and Volgo-Uralian crust in the junc- the Volgo-Uralian metapelitic granulites mentioned
tion zone. Fragments of granulitic crust, like that above (Fig. 4). Narrow, almost linear, NNE magnetic
in Volgo-Uralia, have thus been found by drillholes anomalies oblique to the delimitation of the junction
into the basement in the Lubim area and close to zone create a specific, rhomboidal anomaly pattern
10 S. V. Bogdanova et al. / Tectonophysics 268 (1996) 1-21

Boundary between Fennoscandia and

Volgo Uralia
Boundaries of the Fennoscandian-Volgo-
Uralian junction zone
Boundaries of the Central-Russian rift system

Positive magnetic anomalies

High-density rocks of the upper crust

Axis of zone of the thinned crystalline crust

Position of the A-B line cross-section

Cross-sections of the crust alonq A=B line:

Crustal discontinuities

Moho discontinuity

Sources of positive magnetic anomalies

Mean magnetization of the crust (A/m)

Curve of the T -anomaly field

Longwavelength component of the
. T-anomaly field

A junct,on- l F'°°
, /i IX /I
T M o

"" ~.0-
0 250 km


Fig. 4. Geological-geophysical pattern of the Central Russian rift system and the Fennoscandia-Volgo-Uralia junction zone. High-density
rocks in the upper crust are shown according to Kozlova and Patrusheva (1976). Letter symbols are: BLB = a high-density block in
the upper crust, geophysically comparable to the Belomorian Belt of the Baltic Shield; Lb = the Lubim occurrence of metapelitic
granulites; KA = the Karelian granite-greenstone terrain; Kt = the Kotlas intrusion, N = the Nelidov Block comparable to the Karelian
granite-greenstone terrain, SFD = the Palaeoproterozoic Svecofennian Domain. M indicates the site of Moscow.

in its interior which coincides with the morpholo- The Central Russian rifts coincide with a narrow
gies and sites of echeloned Riphean grabens. These belt where the crustal thickness is only ca. 34 km
are located in the central part of the Fennoscandia- (Petrov and Suprunenko, 1994), which is much less
Volgo-Uralia junction zone and are characterized by than the 44-46 km of the crust in the adjacent parts
series of NE-striking, flanking parallel faults. Ar- of both Fennoscandia and Volgo-Uralia (Fig. 4). Su-
eas marked by structural signatures such as sidesteps perimposed on this general pattern, however, each
to adjacent parallel faults and autonomous develop- of the individual Riphean grabens is characterized
ments of distinct grabens may represent pull-apart by a negative linear gravity anomaly which is re-
basins (Figs. 3 and 4). lated to local basement subsidence and the atten-
S. V. Bogdanova et al. / Tectonophysics 268 (1996) 1-21 11

dant presence of thicker rift-fill sediments. These concluded that the intersegment collision occurred
local negative anomalies are flanked by steep gravity between Archean Volgo-Uralia and the Palaeopro-
and magnetic gradients related to normal faults, and terozoic margin of Sarmatia.
probably due to the association of these faults with A minimum age of the collisional juxtaposition is
mafic intrusions (cf. Kostiuchenko et al., 1995). indicated by a chain of ca. 1.95-Ga-old, anorogenic
The heterogeneous structure and composition of ultramafic, mafic and dioritic intrusions, that mark
the crust in the junction zone between Fennoscandia the suture (Krestin, 1980; Bocharov and Chernyshov,
and Volgo-Uralia has been confirmed further by 1985; Kolosovskaya, 1992).
quantitative studies of the magnetic anomalies across The Riphean Pachelma rifts are not situated along
that zone (Fig. 4, inset). The low-magnetized crust the surface trace of the intersegment suture but rather
of 0.5 A/m in the northwestern part of the junction within the Volgo-l_lralian crustal segment, at dis-
zone is a direct continuation of the Fennoscandian tances of between ca. 100 and 200 km to the north-
low-magnetic province. The southeastern border of west of that suture, striking sub-parallel to its course
the junction zone, in contrast, is marked by steep (Figs. 3 and 5). Geophysical modelling (Fig. 5, inset)
magnetic gradients and an abrupt increase of the indicates that the gently to moderately NE-dipping
magnetization up to 1.0 A/m, to resemble the highly intersegment boundary meets or passes into a seis-
magnetic Volgo-Uralian province (Fig. 1). mic subhorizontal refractor at depths of 30-33 km
A series of magmatic bodies causing local mag- (Yurov, 1977). This refractor appears to mark a
netic anomalies can be traced down to depths of ca. lower crustal detachment zone. The inflexion point
35 km. They outline a complex set of normal and re- is almost exactly beneath the central axis of the
verse faults which dip steeply, predominantly towards Pachelma rift system. However, the rift faults mostly
the southeast along the Fennoscandian edge of the do not dip vertically but rather moderately toward
junction zone and northwest in its Volgo-Uralian part the southwest.
(Fig. 4, inset). The boundary between the two crustal Within Volgo-Uralia, the Pachelma rift system
segments appears to have a steep northwesterly dip. appears to follow a pre-existing Palaeoproterozoic
zone of weakness. That zone separates the Archean
4.3. The Pachelma rift system and the junction zone high-grade interior of the Volgo-Uralian crustal seg-
between Sarmatia and Volgo-Uralia ment in the northeast from a southwestern marginal
part where the granulites are buried beneath Palaeo-
This junction zone represents the most com- proterozoic metasediments and strongly retrograded
plicated relationships between Riphean tiffing and (Fig. 5; cf. e.g., Bogdanova and Gafarov, 1978).
Palaeoproterozoic crustal structure in the East Euro- The entire length of the junction zone between Sar-
pean Craton. Along the junction zone, the Archean matia and Volgo-Uralia coincides with a MAGSAT
crust of Volgo-Uralia and the Archean core of Sar- low that separates the Sarmatian and Volgo-Uralian
matia are separated from each other by the Palaeo- regions of high magnetization (Fig. 1). Similarly,
proterozoic, ca. 2.1-Ga-old, mostly andesitic, calc- modelling by Orlyuk (1993) indicates that the crust
alkaline igneous rocks of the Lipetsk-Losev Vol- of the intersegment junction zone is little magne-
canic belt and the similarly 2.1-Ga-old accretionary- tized. Available data on its deep structure indicate
prism metasedimentary rocks of the East Voronezh that the Moho boundary is at depths between 44 and
Province of Sarmatia (cf. Shchipansky and Bog- 47 km (Yurov, 1977), somewhat deeper beneath the
danova, 1996). This indicates that the junction zone adjoining parts of Volgo-Uralia than beneath those
between Sarmatia and Volgo-Uralia was formed by of Sarmatia (Fig. 5, inset). Along a new DSS pro-
Palaeoproterozoic collision. From the marked discor- file (Kostiuchenko, 1995) there is evidence of a 2-
dancy between the generally NW-trending bound- 4 km subsidence of the Moho beneath the Pachelma
ary between Volgo-Uralia and Sarmatia and the Aulacogen in relation to the adjacent regions.
NS tectonic grain of the Lipetsk-Losev Volcanic The Pachelma rift system features an en-echelon
Belt and the East Voronezh Province (Fig. 3; cf. chain of distinct NW-striking grabens which appears
also Shchipansky and Bogdanova, 1996) it can be to correspond to a sinistral relative displacement of
12 S. V. Bogdanova et al. / Tectonophysics 268 (1996) 1-21

.~- R
Z) .= ~ ~ - -


~ .~ o~> ~ o

,., "7 ~ = : ~ =° 'B ~--

o o = ~ ~
~ ~ ~ - po

~. ~.~ ,.,"~

-~ -~.-
= ~ ~
.~, ~ c-




4~ '~.N
o ~ ~

t ° < ~'~
e~ e~

• !
/ J~

oo o oo ~; e~
s. v. Bogdanova et al. / Tectonophysics 268 (1996) 1-21 13

the adjoining crustal blocks (Figs. 3 and 5). Geo- mentioned above, and the associated volcanics are
physically, the system is characterized by a domi- marked by strong magnetic highs. The distribution
nantly NW-trending set of elongated positive mag- of these rocks is clearly controlled by regional faults
netic anomalies which coincide with zones of high (Krestin, 1980; Bocharov and Chernyshov, 1985;
density in the upper crust (Kozlova and Patrusheva, Kolosovskaya, 1992).
1976, also Fig. 5). The gravity modelling of these
zones shows that the upper limits of the high-density 4.4. The Volhyn-Orsha rift system and the junction
sources extend above the surface of the crystalline between Fennoscandia and Sarmatia
basement, i.e. they form elevations at the base of
the Riphean(?)-Palaeozoic sedimentary cover. These The intersegment boundary between Fennoscan-
dense and highly magnetic bodies may thus be mafic dia and Sarmatia separates two very different types
volcanics related to the Riphean rifting. The most of crust. The Fennoscandian crustal segment in this
intense magnetic anomalies reach 2000 nT and have part of the craton is dominantly juvenile Palaeopro-
sources which can be traced down to 40 km depth terozoic. Isotopic datings suggest a range of ages
(Bulina, 1976). These anomalies are not located generally compatible with a pattern of younging to-
beneath the axis of the Pachelma rift system but ward the west (Bogdanova et al., 1994; Bibikova
rather beneath and outside its southwestern shoulder et al., 1995b). Most conspicuous is multiple alter-
(Fig. 5). Here the anomalies outline rift-associated nation of major, beltiform, N-S-trending terrains of
faults dipping SW. Similar relationships also charac- granulites and rocks of the amphibolite facies (e.g.,
terize most individual rift-arms of the system where Kubicki and Ryka, 1982; Aksamentova and Nay-
local, positive linear anomalies are commonly asym- denkov, 1990; Koistinen, 1994).
metric in relationship to the troughs, being displaced Along the junction of Fennoscandia and Sarmatia,
towards the southwest. Southwestern dips of faults this pattern of alternating granulite- and amphibolite-
belonging to the rift system have been established by facies belts is markedly discordant in relationship to
quantitative interpretation of the magnetic anomalies the Fennoscandia-Sarmatia boundary (cf. Aksamen-
(Fig. 5, inset). Similar trends have also been traced tova and Naydenkov, 1990; Bogdanova, 1993b; Bog-
using refractors in the crust (Yurov, 1977). All these danova et al., 1994) and also in relationship to a belt
observations suggest that the Pachelma rift system is of ca. 2.0-Ga-old, mostly igneous rocks that outlines
controlled by a zone of oblique faults that dips, in the northwestern margin of Sarmatia (Fig. 3). This
general, towards the southwest, whereas the bound- belt is known as the Osnitsk-Mikashevichi Igneous
ary between the Volgo-Uralian and Sarmatian crustal Belt (e.g., Aksamentova and Naydenkov, 1991; Gor-
segments dips in the opposite direction. batschev and Bogdanova, 1993), but is in the Ukraine
NE- to E-trending dips also characterize the sometimes referred to as the Volhyn-Polessie Belt
boundaries of the ca. 2.1-Ga Lipetsk-Losev Vol- (e.g., Kolosovskaya, 1992). In the adjoining, more
canic Belt and the East Voronezh Province. Each interior parts of Sarmatia, Archean and Proterozoic
of these units has its own geological and geophys- high-grade rocks coexist.
ical patterns. The magnetic field of the Lipetsk- The Osnitsk-Mikashevichi Igneous Belt is 200
Losev Volcanic Belt is very diverse. This appears to 250 km wide and is made up of volcanic, dyke
to relate to the variable composition of the vol- and plutonic rocks. The volcanic and hypabyssal
canic piles. In the north, differently magnetized rocks are metabasalts, dolerites, meta-andesites, and
andesites, dacites and co-magmatic granitoid plu- metakeratophyres, all metamorphosed in various
tonics prevail, while the southern part appears to be ranges of the amphibolite facies. The plutonic rocks
more mafic and is consequently more magnetized dominate quantitatively. They represent a wide com-
(Chekunov, 1992). The East Voronezh Province is positional range where granodiorites and granites
mainly composed of almost non-magnetic metased- are most conspicuous (e.g., Aksamentova and Nay-
iments pierced by numerous bodies of anatectic denkov, 1991), but large batholithic plutons with
granites. However, the chains of the ca. 1.95 Ga substantial amounts of gabbro and diorite are also
anorogenic ultramafic, mafic and dioritic intrusions a prominent feature. The plutonic rocks are only
14 S. V. Bogdanova et aL /Tectonophysics 268 (1996) 1-21

weakly deformed and metamorphosed. The metavol- crust to the northwest of the Fennoscandia-Sarmatia
canics and some interbedded metasediments either suture differ drastically from those in the Osnitsk-
occupy minor areas within the plutons or form septa Mikashevichi Belt of Sarmatia. These patterns are
between them. consistent with the structural pattern in that part
Together, all the igneous rocks define a differen- of Fennoscandia with its large Palaeoproterozoic
tiated, co-magmatic, calc-alkaline suite (e.g., Svesh- belts of different lithologies, ages and metamor-
nikov et al., 1992). Recent Sm-Nd studies demon- phic grades, including large granulite belts trend-
strate ~Nd values between +1.5 and +2.4, and thus ing NNE-SSW. The magnetization of this crust is
suggest a dominant juvenile Proterozoic component variable, ranging from moderate to virtually non-
(Bibikova et al., 1995a). U-Pb zircon age determina- magnetic (Figs. 1 and 6). NNE-SSW-trending lin-
tions on granitoids from the Osnitsk-Mikashevichi ear magnetic anomalies prevail in accordance with
Belt have yielded 1970 -4- 20 Ma ages both in Belarus the beltiform structure of the crust. The thickness
and in the Ukraine (Shcherbak et al., 1990), while a of the crust is generally less than in the Osnitsk-
suite of metavolcanic rocks from the Ukrainian part Mikashevichi Belt. It averages ca. 45 km but is
of the belt gave ages between 2020 and 1970 Ma complicated by Moho steps and by a Moho eleva-
(e.g., Shcherbak, 1991). tion up to 40 km beneath the Volhyn-Orsha rifts
Atop of the Osnitsk-Mikashevichi Belt there (Fig. 6, inset) where the lower crust (P-waves >6.8
are later, weakly metamorphosed, sedimentary rocks km/s) makes up more than a half of the total crustal
with interbedded volcanics related to the Ukrainian thickness (Sollogub, 1986).
rapakivi-type granitoids of ca.1.8-1.75 Ga age (U- Combined quantitative interpretation of the seis-
Pb zircon ages by Shcherbak et al., 1990). mic and magnetic data (Fig. 6, inset) suggests that all
A recent palaeomagnetic study (Iosifidi et al., the major crustal discontinuities in the Fennoscan-
1995) gives good evidence that ca. 2.0 Ga ago the dian crust are related to the boundaries of different
Osnitsk-Mikashevich Belt together with the rest of lithological belts. These plunge beneath Sarmatia,
Sarmatia had a geographical position that was dif- similar to the inferred dip of the Fennoscandia-
ferent from the present one in relationship to the Sarmatia suture. The crustal zone of anomalous seis-
Baltic Shield and the Fennoscandian crustal segment mic properties, already shortly mentioned in the
in general. That study also suggests that the two context of the Osnitsk-Mikashevichi Belt, similarly
crustal segments began to be welded together into dips gently southeast following the Fennoscandia-
a single craton ca. 1.83 Ga ago, when the earli- Sarmatia boundary. It can be traced down to depths
est Palaeoproterozoic belts of Fennoscandia collided of ca. 100 km (Sollogub, 1986; Chekunov et al.,
with Sarmatia (cf. also Bibikova et al., 1995a). In a 1991), where magneto-telluric sounding registered
different investigation, Elming et al. (1993) indicated the top of the asthenosphere (Fig. 6, inset). However,
much later (ca. 1.3 Ga) relative shifts of crustal-seg- this signature may have been created by Palaeozoic
ment positions. magmatism in the Pripyat-Dniepr-Donets Aulaco-
The lithotectonic pattern of the Osnitsk - Mika- gen rather than by Precambrian plate-tectonics.
shevichi Belt is clearly imaged by magnetic and The Riphean Volhyn-Orsha rift system occurs
gravity data showing large, intense, mosaic-type pos- in the central part of the larger Volhyn-Orsha de-
itive anomalies (Fig. 2). Except for areas where dis- pression which covers the Fennoscandia-Sarmatia
turbance by Palaeozoic rifting occurred (e.g., the suture nearly symmetrically (Fig. 3). Its axis almost
Pripyat Trough, cf. Juhlin et al., 1996), the belt is coincides with the northwestern boundary of the
characterized by a crust that is up to 56 km thick, Osnitsk-Mikashevichi Igneous Belt. This depression
the lower crust having a thickness up to 35 km is a wide, shallow extensional basin where precursor
(Chekunov, 1992). This crust is dense and has mag- rifting began along several minor zones of fault-
netizations up to 3.0 A/m. It is anomalous in regard ing which may define the stepwise shape of the
to seismic wave properties along the northwestern Moho boundary (cf. above and Fig. 6, inset). The
margin of the belt (Fig. 6, inset). individual Volhyn-Orsha rifts are relatively shal-
The geophysical signatures of the Fennoscandian low, wide troughs and grabens filled by late Riph-
S. V. Bogdanova et al. / Tectonophysics 268 (1996) 1-21 15

Boundary between Fennoscandia, Sarmatia

and Volgo-Uralia
Boundary of magnetic provinces of the crust
Boundary of the Volhyn-Orsha depression
Osmtsk-Mikashevichi igneous Belt
Granuhte belts and domains
Positive magnetic anomalies
Position of the A-B line cross-section

Cross-sections of the crusl; along A-I~ line:

Crustal discontinuities
Curie isotherm of magnetite
Isolines of Vp (km/s)
Moho discontinuity
Reflectors in the upper mantle
Boundary of the astenosphere boundary by
magneto-telluric sounding
Boundary of the anomalous seismic zone
Curve of the T-anomaly field
Longwavelength component of the T-anomaly field



.: , 7... ; ~ . > : : : i

50 • *,.

I00- ~ "~ "~'~'~ -

r ~
0 2 3 3.5A/m

Fig. 6. Geological-geophysical pattern of the Volhyn-Orsha rift system and the Fennoscandia-Sarmatia suture. Mi indicates the site of
Minsk. The seismic structure of the crust and upper mantle in the inset are according to an interpretation by Sollogub et al. (1988). Letter
symbols for some Palaeoproterozoic granulite belts and domains in Fennoscandia are: BBGB = Belarus-Baltic Granulite Belt; VG =
Vitebsk Granulite Domain. DDA indicates a continuation of the Dniepr-Donets Aulacogen.

ean (Mesoproterozoic) marine sediments (Nagomy, 5. Synopsis and discussion

1990). They are overlain by latest Riphean to Ven-
dian (Neoproterozoic) marine sediments intercalated As described in the preceding text, the East Eu-
with volcanics. ropean Craton is subdivided into three crustal seg-
16 S. V. Bogdanova et al. / Tectonophysics 268 (1996) 1-21

ments, each having its own specific geological and Belt and the differently trending Palaeoproterozoic,
geophysical signatures. This subdivision is reflected, alternatingly granulite- and amphibolite-facies rock
among other things, by the T-MAGSAT and the belts of Fennoscandia. At depth, a continuation of
near-surface magnetic patterns where the interseg- this suture zone can be seen as a zone of anoma-
ment junction zones appear as wide belts marked by lous properties of the seismic waves in the crust
virtually non-magnetic crust. They are studded with and the upper mantle (e.g., Sollogub et al., 1988;
local linear and elongated positive magnetic anoma- Chekunov et al., 1991; cf. Fig. 6, inset). That zone
lies associated with mafic rocks, and delimited by dips southeastwards beneath Sarmatia and may sug-
zones of high gradient in the T-MAGSAT field. gest the one-time presence of a zone of southeast-
The Pachelma, Central Russian and Volhyn- ward Palaeoproterozoic subduction.
Orsha transcratonic systems of Meso- to Neoprotero- In contrast to the border zones of Sarmatia, the
zoic, Riphean rifts (aulacogens) and basins all follow junction between Fennoscandia and Volgo-Uralia ap-
these belts of weakly magnetized crust and associate pears to lack extensive Palaeoproterozoic rock for-
with the intersegment junctions. However, the struc- mations characteristic of volcanic belts or continen-
tural patterns, the dynamic roles of the junctions and tal margins. The difference between Volgo-Uralia
their relationships with the rifting vary substantially. and the Archean part of Fennoscandia, and the defi-
Thus there is no single structural or genetic model nition of their junction are therefore mainly a matter
that can be applied either to describe the geodynamic of different tectonic grain, prevalence of extensive
significance and modes of formation of the junctions granulite terrains in Volgo-Uralia, and differences of
or the nature of junction-rift relationships. crustal thicknesses and magnetization. Neither can
The Pachelma and Volhyn-Orsha rift-aulacogen the geophysical patterns of the collisional Palaeo-
systems, which both outline the intracratonic bound- proterozoic orogens and the Archean Belomorian
aries of Sarmatia, associate with the junctions that Belt of Fennoscandia be traced across the Central
feature prominent belts of calc-alkaline igneous Russian junction zone into Volgo-Uralia. To a large
rocks and/or continental margin metasediments sug- extent, the present intersegment differences between
gesting Palaeoproterozoic active, convergent mar- Fennoscandia and Volgo-Uralia depend on differ-
gins. Along the Pachelma rift system in the northeast, ences of the Palaeoproterozoic crustal histories. In
such belts are the ca. 2.1 Ga Lipetsk-Losev Volcanic the Archean, the crusts of the two segments need not
Belt and the similarly 2.1 Ga East Voronezh Schist have been very different. The distance between the
Province of Sarmatia, and the Palaeoproterozoic segments may have been relatively short.
rocks covering the southwestern margin of Volgo- The hallmark of the junction zone between
Uralia. In the northwest, an analogous role is played Fennoscandia and Volgo-Uralia is the apparently
by the ca. 2.0 Ga Osnitsk-Mikashevichi Igneous tectonic juxtaposition of geophysically different, dis-
Belt. connected large crustal blocks and slivers derived
However, while the Pachelma rift system runs par- from both these adjoining crustal segments. From
allel to a mobile-zone junction between two Archean the distribution of these blocks, substantial dextral
cratonic nuclei, where Archean Volgo-Uralia has strike-slip displacement can be inferred. However,
been thrust atop Archean-earliest Palaeoproterozoic it is not clear to what extent this dextral strike-slip
Sarmatia, there exists no Archean Fennoscandian occurred during the formation of the collisional junc-
counterpart of Sarmatia on the opposite side of tion or during faulting associated with the formation
the Osnitsk-Mikashevichi Belt and the Volhyn- of the Riphean rift systems. Because of the absence
Orsha Aulacogen. Instead, the junction zone between of distinct lithological or other time markers, the
Fennoscandia and Archean Sarmatia is a belt of difference between these two stages of crustal de-
accretion of Palaeoproterozoic Fennoscandian crust velopment is much less clear in the Central Russian
onto the northwestern margin of Sarmatia. junction zone than along the other two intersegment
At the Earth's surface, a suture zone can be in- junctions considered. However, the Nelidov Block of
ferred from the angular discordance between the displaced Archean Fennoscandian crust appears to
structures and course of the Osnitsk-Mikashevichi control the distribution of minor rifts in the Central
S. V. Bogdanova et aL / Tectonophysics 268 (1996) 1-21 17

Russian rift system. This suggests a distinct time

difference between the collision and the rifting. c2
As to the principal characteristics of the three
rift systems, the Central Russian and the Pachelma
systems feature well-defined rifts and positive lin-
ear magnetic anomalies, distinct delineations of the
rift-system boundaries, and elevated heat flow. In
contrast, the rifts and grabens are less distinctly
developed in the Volhyn-Orsha Aulacogen, which
also has less sharply defined external boundaries and
relatively low heat flow (Garetsky, 1995). The Cen-
tral Russian and the Volhyn-Orsha rift systems both
associate with prominent extensional and transten-
sional thinning of the underlying continental crust,
a feature which appears to be absent in the crust
around the Pachelma Aulacogen. The latter rift- Fig. 7. Sketch map of the East European Craton showing hypo-
junction zone still appears to retain a thickening thetical kinematics of one-time interaction between Fennoscan-
dia, Volgo-Uralia and Sarmatia during Riphean rifting between
of the crust presumably caused by the overthrust-
1.4 and 1.1 Ga.
ing of Volgo-Uralia onto Sarmatia. If anything, the
Pachelma Aulacogen appears as a depression of the
immediately underlying segment of the Moho by
between 2 and 4 km (Kostiuchenko, 1995). Another hypothetical explanation can be based on
In regard to the relationships between Riphean indications of a dextral sense of strike-slip move-
rifting and the Palaeoproterozoic intersegment junc- ment along the Central Russian rift system and the
tions there is substantial variation: associated junction zone between Fennoscandia and
(1) Where the junction zones are reasonably steep, Volgo-Uralia, but a sinistral strike-slip movement in
the axes of the Riphean rift-aulacogen systems ap- the Pachelma Aulacogen can be deduced from the
pear to coincide closely with the intersegment su- en-echelon arrangement of its individual rift grabens.
tures. Such is the case in the Central Russian rift If so, Volgo-Uralia could have acted as a wedge be-
system where the axis of rifting is situated in the tween Fennoscandia and Sarmatia that moved toward
central part of the junction zone, and in the Volhyn- the present west. This can have caused a successive
Orsha Aulacogen where the aulacogen axis coincides extensional widening of the Volhyn-Orsha Aulaco-
with the intersegment suture along the northern edge gen (Fig. 7, cf. also Bogdanova, 1995).
of the Osnitsk-Mikashevichi Belt. Yet another explanation of the difference between
(2) However, while the Central Russian rift sys- the Volhyn-Orsha Aulacogen and the Central Rus-
tem is a well defined belt, the Volhyn-Orsha system sian rift system could be that this whole system
is much wider and more diffusely delimited. Sev- of faulting and basin formation represents Neopro-
eral hypothetical explanations can be suggested to terozoic failed-arm rifting emanating from a triple
account for this difference. point at the edge of the East European Craton, some-
(3) One could be that the Central Russian junction where in the vicinity of the present Tornquist-Line
zone is a boundary between two stable segments of Trans-European lithospheric boundary.
Archean crust, whereas the junction between Sar- (4) Finally, in the Pachelma case, the junction
matia and Fennoscandia is a zone where Palaeopro- zone between Sarmatia and Volgo-Uralia is a gently
terozoic crust accreted to an Archean nucleus. The dipping thrust system. Here, the Pachelma aulaco-
accretion appears to have occurred in several stages, gen is situated asymmetrically in relationship to
and several roughly parallel crustal discontinuities the Earth's surface trace of the intersegment suture,
could have been developed between the various belts some distance inside Volgo-Uralia, i.e. within the
of accreted Palaeoproterozoic crust. upper, overthrusted one of the two crustal segments.
18 S. V Bogdanova et al. / Tectonophysics 268 (1996) 1-21

6. Conclusions the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (KVA) and

the INTAS Association funded substantial parts of
From the present study the following conclusions the present work and the workshop activity, and are
can be drawn.: gratefully acknowledged. Prof. D.G. Gee, Dr. R.A.
(1) In the East European Craton, the three Riph- Stephenson and Prof. E Ziegler much encouraged
can transcratonic rift-aulacogen systems tend to fol- the authors to write this paper. Britt Nyberg drew
low Palaeoproterozoic junction zones between three perfectly most of the figures.
large, once autonomous segments of continental
crust. References
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