American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists (ASIH), Allen Press Copeia

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Predation on Bufo terrestris Tadpoles: Effects of Cover and Predator Identity

Author(s): Kimberly J. Babbitt and Frank Jordan

Source: Copeia, Vol. 1996, No. 2 (May 16, 1996), pp. 485-488
Published by: American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists (ASIH)
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Accessed: 13-06-2016 11:39 UTC

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reef edge, with minimal water movement at all E.Joubert. Assistance at Farasan Island was pro-
stages of the tide. vided by G. M. Ali, M. Al-Sanei, and R. Al-
The fishers relied on a specific and unique Khuzaiym.
signal each year which indicated the aggrega-
tions were imminent-the smell of the annual LITERATURE CITED
coral spawn, which the fishers believed was the
"smell of the harid" They knew that the long- GLADSTONE, W. 1994. Lek-like spawning, parental
nose parrotfish would begin aggregating the care and mating periodicity of the triggerfish Pseu-
morning after they first smelled them around dobalistesflavimarginatus (Balistidae). Env. Biol. Fish.
sunset. Many fishers gathered for the schooling
in March 1994, near the time of the full moon, JOHANNES, R. E. 1978. Reproductive strategies of
coastal marine fishes in the tropics. Ibid. 3:65-84.
when there was a strong fishlike smell over the
- . 1981. Words of the lagoon. Univ. of Cali-
whole island. On this occasion, however, the
fornia Press, Berkeley.
fish came in the following month. I investigated PHILLIPS DALES, R. 1976. Annelids. 2d ed. Hutch-
the smell and found that it originated from fresh inson Univ. Library, London.
slicks of coral spawn. The corals appeared to RANDALL, J. E. 1986. Red Sea reef fishes. Immel
have spawned on the first evening after the full Publishing, London.
moon. Interestingly, fishers in Samoa and Fiji ROBERTSON, D. R., AND R. R WARNER. 1978. Sexual
rely on the smell of coral spawn to indicate that patterns in the labroid fishes of the western Carib-
the palolo worms will rise within three days; bean, II: the parrotfishes (Scaridae). Smithson.
Contr. Zool. 255:1-26.
they believe the smell originates from the worms
THRESHER, R. E. 1984. Reproduction in reef fishes.
(L. Zann, pers. comm.), and Johannes (1981) TFH Publications, Neptune City, NJ.
reported that Palauan fishers were sometimes
one month early in predicting the time of
spawning of some reef fishes. National Commission for Wildlife Conservation and
Development, PO Box 61681, Riyadh 11575,
Harvesting.-The aggregating parrotfish were Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Present address: Great
easily harvested. People watched for the schools Barrier ReefMarine Park Authority, PO Box 1379,
from the tops of the coral cliffs from before Townsville, Queensland 4810, Australia. Sub-
sunrise, beginning a few days before the full mitted: 13 April 1995. Accepted: 21 July
moon. On each morning, there were from 300- 1995. Section editor: R. Winterbottom.
500 men and boys waiting on the cliffs; how-
ever, not all participated in the harvesting. As @ 1996 by the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists
each school came over the reef crest and into
shallow water, up to 20 men, carrying mono-
filament gill nets, ran over the shallow reef flat
toward the school. Most schools were easily ap-
proached and did not appear to be disturbed
by the approaching people nor by the nets which Copeia, 1996(2), pp. 485-488

enclosed them. This apparent ease with which

the longnose parrotfish were approached and Predation on Bufo terrestris Tadpoles:
captured is often observed among schools of Effects of Cover and Predator Identity
food fishes that are preparing to spawn (Jo-
hannes, 1981). At least one school on each day KIMBERLY J. BABBITT AND FRANK JORDAN
escaped and was not harvested. I have no in-
formation on what happened to those schools Predation is a major source of mortality in
that escaped on the day of harvesting because anuran tadpoles (Calef, 1973; Heyer et al., 1975;
the fishers were reluctant to allow me to enter Smith, 1983) and can have a significant effect
the water. When I dived in the same area one on assemblage structure through differential
week later, however, there were still consider- predation on competitively dominant species
able numbers of H. harid feeding on the reef (Morin, 1981, 1983; Wilbur, 1980). Several
crest and reef slope, just as there were before mechanisms can function to reduce predation
the aggregations and harvesting. pressure on tadpoles, including crypsis (Cald-
well, 1982), unpalatability (Formanowicz and
Acknowledgments.-Thanks to D. Bellwood, R. Brodie, 1982), and several behavioral responses
E. Johannes and E. Joubert for helpful com- involving alteration of the timing, amount, or
ments on earlier versions of this manuscript. location of activity (Semlitsch, 1987; Stangel and
This project was supported at the NCWCD in Semlitsch, 1987; Lawler, 1989). Finally, be-
Riyadh by A. H. Abuzinada, M. Sulayem, and cause many predators of tadpoles are gape-lim-

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486 COPEIA, 1996, NO. 2

ited, individuals reaching a sufficiently large size ratory shelves. During the experiment, water
are able to escape predation (Crump, 1984; temperatures were 21-23 C, and photoperiod
Travis et al., 1985; Richards and Bull, 1990; was maintained at 10L:14D.
but see Crump and Vaira, 1991). We collected prey and predators from a single
Development in structurally complex habi- pond located at the Southeastern Biological Re-
tats provides another mechanism through which search Center. We collected three egg masses
predatory effects may be mediated. Increased of the southern toad (Bufo terrestris) and main-
habitat complexity (i.e., cover, density, hetero- tained them together in well water in the lab-
geneity) can reduce encounter rates with pred- oratory until they reached developmental stage
ators by providing cover or refuge areas for 25 (Gosner, 1960). Average snout-vent length
prey (Stein and Magnuson, 1976). Predators may of tadpoles at this time was 4.07 ? 0.08 mm (n
have decreased foraging success in complex = 30). We then haphazardly assigned 25 tad-
habitats due to difficulties in maneuvering poles to each experimental container. We al-
through dense vegetation or to decreased visual lowed tadpoles to acclimate to experimental
range (Crowder and Cooper, 1982; Savino and conditions for 2 h prior to introducing preda-
Stein, 1982; Werner et al., 1983). tors.

Most studies examining the role of habitat We used naiads of the common green darner
complexity on predator-prey interactions in (Anax junius) or adult giant water bugs (Belos-
aquatic systems have focused on fishes. Consid- tomafluminea) as predators because both species
ering the important role of predation on tad- are common predators in the vegetated ponds
pole survival and assemblage structure (re- and marshes of the area. The average length
viewed in Wilbur, 1980), surprisingly little re- (? 1 SD) of darner naiads was 44.6 ? 4.6 mm
search has focused on the role of cover in me- (n = 15; average wet weight = 1.36 ? 0.22 g),
diating tadpole-predator interactions. Evidence whereas the average length of giant water bugs
that habitat structure is important comes indi- was 20.3 ? 1.1 mm (n = 15; average wet weight
rectly from studies of amphibian assemblages = 0.27 ? 0.04 g). Predators were held individ-
where researchers observed tadpoles surviving ually without food for 48 h to standardize hun-
in the face of predation through the use of ben- ger levels within each species. The experiment
thic refuge areas (e.g., Morin, 1983, 1986). began at 0600 on 27 April 1991 when we added
However, in one of the only direct tests using predators individually to containers. We ter-
amphibian prey, Figiel and Semlitsch (1991) minated the experiment after 36 h and deter-
found that increased habitat complexity did not mined survival. In addition to predator treat-
enhance survival of gray treefrog (Hyla chrysos- ments, we ran controls without predators to as-
celis) tadpoles exposed to crayfish (Procambarus sess whether plant treatment alone affected sur-
acutus) predators. In this study, we examine how vival. Controls were replicated five times per
varying levels of habitat complexity affect sur- plant density.
vival of Bufo terrestris tadpoles exposed to odo- Two species of predator (Anax, Belostoma) were
nate naiads (Anaxjunius) and to aquatic hemip- crossed with five levels of plant density (none,
terans (Belostoma fluminea). low, medium, high, very high) in this 2 x 5
randomized factorial design. Treatments were
Materials and methods.-Experiments were car- replicated unevenly, but at least 10 replicates
ried out at the National Biological Service's were used for each treatment combination.
Southeastern Biological Research Center in Fixed effect analysis of variance (ANOVA) was
Gainesville, Florida. In the laboratory, we filled used to test whether predator type, plant den-
180 polyethylene containers (34 x 39 x 14 cm) sity, or their interaction affected the survival of
with seven liters of well water. Plant stems (Lud- Bufo tadpoles. Visual inspection of residuals and
wigia repens) were added at one of five treatment F-max tests indicated that data transformations
levels: none, low (10 g), medium (30 g), high were unnecessary (i.e., ANOVA assumptions
(60 g), and very high density (90 g). The me- were validated). The Bonferonni-Dunn post hoc
dium plant density treatment approximated the method (Day and Quinn, 1989) was used to test
plant complexity observed (qualitatively) in the for differences in tadpole survival among the
pond from which we collected both predators five plant density treatments. Controls were not
and prey. The two higher plant density treat- included in the above analyses because there
ments are within the range of plant densities was 100% survival across all plant density treat-
we have observed at other sites where we have ments.

collected both Bufo terrestris tadpoles and pred-

ators. Plant treatments were randomly assigned Results.-All tadpoles in the no-predator con-
to containers, and containers were then ran- trol containers survived. In experimental con-
domly assigned to different positions on labo- tainers, both predator type (F1,,118 = 23.36, P =

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0.001) and plant density (F4,,,, = 2.96, P = 0.023) O Anax
affected tadpole survival. Overall, Belostoma 1 Belostoma

predators consumed about 54% of the tadpoles,

whereas about 30% were consumed by Anax. 20-

Belostoma predators ate more tadpoles than did

Anax at all plant densities (Fig. 1). Tadpole sur-
vival generally increased with increasing plant 00. 15_
density (Fig. 1); however, only the low and very
high levels differed significantly (P = 0.0044;
Bonferonni-Dunn test). The interaction be-
tween predator type and plant density was not
significant (F,,,,8 = 0.50, P = 0.737), indicating -o

that predator foraging success was affected sim-

ilarly across plant densities.

Discussion.--Both factors examined in this study, 0

None Low Medium High Very high

habitat complexity (i.e., plant density) and pred-
ator species, had significant effects on survival Plant density

of Bufo terrestris tadpoles. Similar to results from Fig. 1. Number of Bufo terrestris tadpoles that sur-
studies of fish predators (e.g., Crowder and vived predation under different cover levels. Bars are
Cooper, 1982; Savino and Stein, 1982; Rozas means ? 1 SE.
and Odum, 1988), high cover levels in this study
resulted in increased prey survival. Reduction
in foraging success for odonates probably re-
sulted from interference in stalking behavior The results of this study contrast with those
and decreased visual range. Visual detection and, of Figiel and Semlitsch (1991), who did not find
to a lesser extent, tactile stimulation are im- differences in tadpole survival with increasing
portant for prey capture by odonate naiads habitat complexity. These investigators used ar-
(Pritchard, 1965), and high cover levels can in- tificial cover (window screen) which probably
terfere with such foraging tactics (Folsom and provided low cover at all treatment levels com-
Collins, 1984). Belostoma are also visually ori- pared to our high cover treatment. Alterna-
ented foragers and were probably affected sim- tively, the contrasting results of these two ex-
ilarly; however, they preyed on more tadpoles periments may be related to species-specific for-
at every cover level. Because all cover levels aging tactics of crayfish as compared to insect
resulted in similar interspecific differences in predators.
predation levels, it is likely that interspecific dif- The relationship between habitat complexity
ferences between Anax and Belostoma are related and predation may be influenced by several fac-
more to physiological differences in food intake tors such as microhabitat use and foraging ac-
requirements or absolute differences in forag- tivities of both prey and predators, leading to
ing ability rather than to any mechanism related complex results (Stredl and Collins, 1992). In-
specifically to habitat complexity. For example, teractions among habitat complexity, predator
in experiments where cover levels were fixed, density, and prey density can lead to complex,
Gascon (1992) found that aeshnid naiads con- nonlinear relationships that can have an im-
sumed more tadpoles than libellulid naiads. portant influence on species interactions, even
In addition to morphological, developmental, when habitat complexity does not have a large
or behavioral mechanisms possessed by tadpoles infuence on tadpole survival (Stredl and Collins,
of different species, increased habitat complex- 1992). More research is needed to elucidate the
ity may provide a potentially important mech- relationships between tadpoles, predators, and
anism for decreasing predation rates on tad- habitat structural complexity.
poles. For predators that detect prey through
movement, low activity of tadpoles coupled with
complex habitat structure may further decrease Acknowledgments.-We appreciate the support
capture rates. High cover provided increased of the staff of the Southeastern Biological Re-
protection to Bufo terrestris tadpoles, which are search Center, Gainesville, Florida. We thank
active foragers (pers. obs.), and we would pre- W. M. Kitchens and G. W. Tanner for their
dict that high cover levels would provide com- continuing support. M. L. Crump provided
paratively greater protection for less active spe- valuable comments on the manuscript. This pa-
cies. per is Contribution No. R-04842 of the Journal

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488 COPEIA, 1996, NO. 2

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