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One or Two State?

North and South Korea

• Former colony of Japan
• After WWII the USSR and US divided Korea into two occupation
zones according to the 38° north latitude
• North invaded south in 1950 which touched off a 3yr. war which
ended with are-established cease fire line
• 1992 both admitted into the Un as separate countries
• both state they are committed to re-unification however
negotiations were halted after North Korea’s nuclear development
China and Taiwan

• most consider
them separate
sovereign sates
• China considers
Taiwan part of
• Conflict arose after
the late 1940’s
civil arose between
the Nationalists
and Communists
• Nationalists fled to
• 1999 Taiwan’s
gov’t self proclaimed independence
• 1971 UN seat transferred from Nationalists to Communists
• most populous state not in the UN
Western Sahara and Sahrawi Republic
• Most Africans countries recognize it as a sovereign
• Morocco claims the territory and has built a 2,700
kilometer or 1677 mile wall around it
• Spain was involved until 1976
• The Polisario Front declared independence and was
recognized by most African countries
• Morocco and Mauritania claimed and annexed the
north and south respectively when Mauritania pulled
out Morocco took the rest
• Morocco controlled the most populated areas
• Polisario controls the desert
• The UN has failed to negotiate a resolution

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