Ls 2

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A. Dengarkan dan isilah huruf-huruf yg hilang.












A. Jodohkanlah
1. Picture kursi
2. Window kapur
3. Table bendera
4. Book buku
5. Blackboard kipas angin
6. Lamp lampu
7. Fan lukisan
8. Chair meja
9. Flag bola dunia
10. Chalk papan tulis
11. Globe jendela
12. Sharpener peta
13. Eraser tempat pensil
14. Map sapu
15. Broom serutan
16. Pencil case penghapus
17. Compass vas
18. Vase kalender
19. Calendar tas
20. Bag jangka

B. Choose the correct answer

1. This is a _________. It is made of wood.

2. It is a _________. The colour is red and white.

3. It is a piece of ___________. It is white.

4. Look! That is a _________. It is hanging on the wall.

5. That is a ____________. I keep it in my bag.

6. This is a __________. It is brown.

7. A: what is a chair for?

B: it is for sitting.
Sitting reading
8. A: What is a pen for?
B: it is for _______.
Reading writing
9. A: what is a sharpener for?
B: it is for _______ the pencils.
Sharpening taking
10. A: what is a pencil case for?
B: it is for _______ the pencils.
Sitting keeping
11. A: what is an eraser for?
B: it is for _______ the blackboard.
Cleaning knowing
12. A: what is a cupboard for?
B: it is for _______ the clothes.
Borrowing keeping
13. A: what is a broom for?
B: it is for _______.
Sweeping writing
A. Bacalah

Good afternoon, friends! I am John Smith.

Selamat sore, teman-teman! Saya John Smith.
Look! This is my bedroom.
Lihat! Ini kamar tidurku.
It is big and clean.
Kamar ku besar dan bersih.
Its wall is blue.
Dindingnya berwarna biru.
There are many things in it.
Ada banyak barang di kamar ku.
A calendar is hanging on the wall.
Sebuah kalender menggantung di dinding.
The desk is beside my bed.
Meja itu disebelah tempat tidurku.
Some pictures are on the wall.
Beberapa gambar ada di dinding.
The chair is in front of the desk.
Kursi itu di depan meja.
A dictionary is on the table.
Sebuah kamus ada di atas meja.

B. Nyatakan benar/true (T) atau salah/false (F) berdasarkan bacaan di atas

1. John’s bedroom is big and clean.
2. The wall of the bedroom is yellow.
3. The calendar is hanging on the wall.
4. Some pictures are on the desk.
5. The chair is in front of the desk.
C. Lengkapi bacaan berikut dengan kata-kata di dalam kotak.

This is a _____________(1). It is made of _____________(2). Its colour is ___________(3). I put my __________ in

it. There are twenty chairs in my ________________(5).

bag c. blue e. wood

classroom d. chair

D. Jodohkanlah

Pencil case

E. Amati gambar-gambar berikut dan pelajari contoh-contohnya

Chair / plastic Pencil / writing

It is a chair. It is a pencil.

It is made of plastic. It is for writing.

Table / wood

Sharpener / sharpening the pencils

Ruler / bag

Vase / ceramic

Calendar / paper

F. Terjemahkan kalimat-kalimat berikut ke dalam bahasa Indonesia

1. This is a blackboard.
2. That is a flag.
3. Calendar is for knowing the date.
4. The chair is made of wood.
5. Duster is for cleaning the dust.
6. The vase is made of ceramic.
7. This is dictionary.
8. That is a map.
9. The pen is for writing.
10. The sharpener is for sharpening the pencils.
G. Pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan menyilang a, b, atau c

Hello friends!

My name is Susan. I will tell you about my living room. It is big and clean. There is a clock
hanging on the wall. It is for knowing the time. There is also a duster. It is for cleaning dust.

1. Susan’s living room is big and ________.

a. dirty
b. small
c. clean
2. The _____ is hanging on the wall.
a. clock
b. window
c. chair
3. The _____ is for cleaning the dust.
a. duster
b. globe
c. tablecloth (taplak meja)
4. A : what is that?
B : that is a _______.
a. table
b. lamp
c. window
5. A : is this a ____?
B : yes, it is.
a. compass
b. basket (keranjang)
c. ruler
6. A piece of ______is for writing on the blackboard.
a. broom
b. chalk
c. duster
7. A : is that a ______?
B : yes, it is.
a. window
b. table
c. chair
8. This is a __________.
a. basket
b. table
c. chair
9. It is for sweeping the floor. It is a ______
a. duster b. basket c. broom
10. The teacher is in the ________.
a. garden
b. park
c. classroom
11. That is a _______.
a. vase
b. blackboard
c. flag
12. It is for knowing the date (tanggal). It is a _______.
a. bag
b. calendar
c. flag

H. Susunlah menjadi kalimat-kalimat yang benar

1. Globe – on – the – desk – is – the.
2. A – it – chair – is.
3. Is – that- basket – a.
4. Blackboard – the – black – is.
5. For – is – writing – pen.
6. Book – is – a – this.
7. Small – my – is – bedroom.
8. Door – is – that- a.
9. This – a – is – duster.
10. Sharpener – red – is – the.
I. Namai gambar-gambar berikut.

Eraser fan broom

Clock globe map

Shoes dictionary

Pencil case duster

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