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PAGL Newsletter
NEWSLETTER Winter 2012
FALL 2011

Heavenly Hounds
Reflections on Dr. Hora’s “On Meeting a
Zen Master Socially”
Bruce Kerievsky
Who Designs
Understanding Begins
With a Question
Our Problems?
The format for the annual PAGL
The following is one observer’s Carolregarding
Giulianoa paper read at the May 1, 2011 conference heldBy May
Dr. Hora
1, 2011 in New
“It PAGL Associates meeting that
Is a well known and so, becausewas written in 1961 by Dr. Hora and appeared
I loved and hadin rescued
the York City offered
THe followinG exCerpTparticipants a new
journal Psychologia, which is published by the University of Kyoto way to deepen our understanding
widely observed fact that animals greyhounds previously, I called the transcribed from the surviving,
of the concepts of Metapsychiatry.
react to the quality of consciousness
Summary Greyhound
showing any society andretaining
interest in offeredthe
to “viewable”
We video asof one
stayed together Dr. group
in people.”
The encounter* consists of a visit take any one that needed special
photo. the day, led by Ruth Robins, using a
some sayWesterners
that people and an tendelderly but
to look care.did,
He they sent Macho
however, to me.
notice that he the
was conference
booklet in 1986.
assembled by her in the“Who
titled: 417
spry and alert Japanese Zen
like their pets. It is evidenced not Master and similarities
being were
observed in uncanny.
a “clinical” manner Am I? and What Is The Purpose Of-
his retinue, which includes a translator. by one of the party, and his glare at My Life?“ as a springboard to our-
only on the outside but on the inside Heindividual’s
came with aarrogance
history quite com- dialogue. The booklet contains the main
He is characterized as appearing to this produced
like attracts like! looking,
without parable to mine. Macho was
the latter’s embarrassed withdrawal. an ath- healing concepts of Metapsychiatry
…this understand
is a tale ofeverything
two rescuedwithout grey- lete whose life consisted
At the end of the day, when leaving, of running organized in a sequence that assists
knowing the language,
hounds, a human, how their lives [being]… in competition
he from thebefore
bowed respectfully day he each
was understanding. Comments received-
cheerful, connected,
became smiling, fulland of appreciation
the results born. Running
member of the group. was his passion. I, from attendees after the conference
of the smallest courtesies. He moves too,a dinner
was anparty athlete, marathon run- appreciated the full day dialogue with-
of those relationships.
and rests surrounded by an aura of
At for the group a week other interested students and the step--
ning the
later included,
interpreterbefore becoming
was present. The
silent joy.”came to me at a very low by-step structure for considering issues
injured by
master bowedthe numerous
prayerfully mishaps
before from a Metapsychiatric perspective
time in
On a trip my to life.a after
rural having gone
environment, eating,
that went andalong
was joined
with Iallalso
in had
this dr. Hora: It’sbooklet.
a legitimate ques-
and withouttwo traumatic divorces, the
the accompaniment of provided by the
“nonverbal grace.” He
gone from home to home as Macho ate in silence tion.
the translator
death of bothwho parentshas fallen
and a ill,majorthe and sparingly, “asretired
if playing
master is completely at easeI felt and did after he was fromwith the
racing. over 35 individuals
now, were engaged
if we accept and
the biblical
downswing in my lifestyle, food.”
expresses wonder and joy at the Macho had a broken leg and a bro- harmonious all day. The questions
implications that God is the de-
disconnected and very much alone. Afterward,
beautiful things he is shown. “He is ken heart he fromwasnotquestioned
like the
meaning of a Zen scroll. He explained the individual struggles to apply the
Inside This Issue
completely unimpeded by doubts,
self-contradictory impulses or double
it contained
discs, a
a koan,
I had three
be explained or understood in words,
are really in trouble. we know that
motivations. Evidently he is free there are
issues. certain
At the religions
same time, that be-
the responses
Heavenly Hounds ................. 1 and aonly
but broken
throughheart Zentoo. meditation.
we could lieve that God would actually take
Who Designs Our Problems? . 1 both notolonger
Pushed expound run.further,
we bothhelimped
began the troubleobviously
Everyone to do this.enjoyed being
inhibitions of western man, or even
Hello speaking at length with
but were on the road to recovery.the translator,
his ownFellow
JapanesePAGL Seekers .... 2
country-men….He there as there was much laughter and
we were both tiringfeeling
and all losing
alonethe in lightness throughout the day.
in harmonytowith life.”............. 3
Healing interest of the questioners. “The moral- mind; but certainly God is not in-
Identity-What is identity inthat
companions mentioned the he of that evening was that language and Some of the papers written in response
was ing abandoned. this manifested it- to this year’s conference are included
spiritual context? ..................if4he
90 years old. When asked erudition are of little help when it comes designs for them special kinds of
was married, he indicated that he was self
to immediately.
meaningful communications.” in this Newsletter.
PAGL attoWork
married the .......................
heavy stick that 4he
The farewell meeting was a luncheon Now it is your turn!
carried. from Above
In response to these ........... 5
surprising OnesoofI the
think this ofis understanding
pillars a misunder-
the nextthe
alone, day. All were
entire friendly,
apartment and
revelations, he began playfully
Q & A .................................. 6 and used in Metapsychiatry is passages.
standing of the biblical dialogue:
continually surprised by
like a hurricane had hit it! Cur-the originality
affectionately to beat a woman and
Non-Dimensional and
tainsunpredictability of the master. He and participation
joint it is very well in thepossible
search that
several volunteeringReality men .......
on 7the were shredded, rugs chewed
truth. The always
PAGL beenNewsletter is a
appeared to greatly enjoy and value his this has misunder-
CD Summaries
shoulder with the on thea traditional
stick, and wood chips were strewn all way
Website ...............................
Zen practice to awaken students8to
small quantity of food, remarking that stoodforin students all over the world
the religions.
he wished he were a cow so that he to engage in dialogue by sharing the
their sense of being
PAGL Community News burdened. door where he had tried food
to gettwice.
out! now,inspirations,
poems, as you know, stories, we keep
could enjoy the delicious
When someone
Listings took his picture with
................................ 9 He could
After not stand
tasting some asharproom mustard,
without claiming that Metapsychiatry is
an instant camera and showed him windows;
his eyes beganneither couldHeI. observed
tearing. Closed not a religion, and certainly in this
Poetry corner ..................... 10
the result, he laughed heartily without particular instance we have a bet-
Continued on page 7 Continued on page 2
Continued on page 2 Continued on page 3
PAGL Newsletter Winter 2012

just like for me. I always had to have I had been planning to go back needed a “stable” person in his life!
more than one way out of anything to Connecticut in March but in de- amazing!
or anywhere. cember the apartment I had been on so, leo came to me. the won-
a waiting list for became available. I derful thing was he had absolutely
Years later, when he was older and
would lose it if I did not take it then. no issues or hang-ups! that was a
sick with arthritis (as I was) and did

longer, he began to mellow. I, too, in a car with over 180,000 miles on be left alone anywhere without so
was mellowing and accepting my it, I asked God to “drive me up.” He much as a whimper and is calm and
situation in life. Interesting that itsure did! It was just me and God. as laid back as can be. so am I now!
was occurring at the same time for Fear was completely out of the ques- leo has been a blessing and inspi-
both of us. tion. I now believe that with God as ration, as Macho was, but in a differ-
my “co-pilot,” I can do anything and ent time of my life. Because of him
about a year ago, I started to read face any challenge.
I believe that God knows what we
Beyond the dream and immediately
two months later, out of the blue, need and places people and pets in
knew my life was going to change
leo came into my life. I was not our lives at different times in order
for the better. a sense of peace and looking to adopt another dog yet but
to accomplish certain things in His
trust in God to do what I could not someone who heard about Macho’s plan for us. animals are as valuable
- death approached me with leo. He to God as humans. He sends us pets
fest itself. In a nutshell, I surren- was the same color and size as Ma- to be our companions and represent-
cho but his personality was much atives of His unending and uncondi-
stepped out of the driver’s seat. different. tional love and faithfulness.
one month later, Macho died in I had no money to pay the $350 If we just take the time to look at
my arms of his illness and old age - -
and although I was devastated, uring it might not be the time. then, rors of ourselves. Yes, they some-
knew I was not alone. this time, surprise! the Greyhound associa- times even look like us! But, more
I had God at my side and knew He tion reduced the fee to $100. leo importantly, their demeanor is a
would never leave me. had been through many homes and good indication of what is going on

Hello Fellow PAGL section of the newsletter for hard to come by. we have done
Seekers additional details on how to insure our best to identify you and to
as we advised you in the last that you will continue to receive insure that you continue to receive
PaGl news, we are, with this the next issues of the PaGl news. the PaGl news, as well.
issue, implementing a new process while we have endeavored to
Finally, to the much appreciated
for subscriptions, one that looks price the newsletter at a level easily
regular supporters of the PaGl
to insure 1) that the PaGl news supported by most readers, we
recognize that there may be some Foundation. those of you who
interested in receiving it and 2) individuals that do not have the contributed more than $20 in 2011,
that it is distributed, as much as resources to support even a small will continue to receive the PaGl
possible, only to actively interested contribution at this time. If this is news, in the form you have been
individuals. the case for you, simply send us the receiving it, through the spring
with these objectives in mind, included envelope indicating that issue of 2013, without taking any
we are suggesting that individuals you wish to continue to receive additional action.
interested in receiving the printed a form of the PaGl news, with
we hope you enjoy this issue of
edition send in $20 per calendar a note indicating that you cannot
year and those who are interested support its production at this time. the PaGl news.
in the e-edition send in $10 per there are also a few individuals, as always, PaGl be with you.
calendar year, either by mail or by in residence at institutions where
Robert wieser
donating on the website. Please communication is more restricted
see the CoMMUnItY news and compensated employment is President, the PaGl Foundation.

PAGL Newsletter Winter 2012

inside of us. consciousness. we both know that

I must be very happy because leo “everything, everywhere is already Obstacles
runs around wagging his tail all day alright!” ***
and is as healthy as can be! “God to Healing
helps those who let Him!” **
* Beyond The Dream, Thomas
our quality of consciousness is tHIs Is tHe FIRst PaRt oF
198 an article that will have two
our lives, especially in the demeanor - additional parts in subsequent
of our pets. with Macho, fear and issues
worry were constant companions. *** Beyond The Dream, Thomas the principal reason that healing
with leo, PaGl is the state of our 132 appears and is experienced as

are unaware of the source of our

Who Designs Our Problems? maladies and the values that must
be learned and embraced for us to

need to gain an understanding of

ter answer. that is applicable to this, a Meta-
- psychiatric koan that says: and of the alternative truth we
telligence, couldn’t possibly be the the ocean is not in the pollu- need to know to be healed.
designer of our problems. tion, and the pollution is not in the towards those ends, the
so your question is very well ocean. therapeutic teaching known as
taken. Metapsychiatry has illuminated
there would be no hope. who can the meaning (i.e. the mental
equivalent) of various disturbed
states of consciousness, the words
so, Metapsychiatry is really a typically used to describe them, as
great blessing that makes it possi- well as educating us about those
Ignorance is the designer of our ble for us to transcend and be liber- spiritual values that constitute
problems and every individual ated from this universal experience harmonious living, which can
has a choice of being ignorant in of mankind, where all forms of af- relieve and redeem us. In other
his own particular way. there is a words, the problematic states of
great freedom in choosing our af- But, we have a right to be healed. consciousness described below can
If God had been the source of be overcome when we understand
and once we understand this all the leprosy and paralysis and how they arise and are willing to
there isn’t the hopelessness of the blindness and the various suffer- confront them.
theology of suffering. ings, which Jesus was healing,
Metapsychiatry doesn’t sub- then Jesus would have been in Anger
scribe to the theology of suffering. competition with God. God would
this is the most commonly
we maintain a theology of joy say: “this man should drop dead, .
and of liberation, redemption from .” But Jesus came and healed them, consequence of our frustration at
in the name of God.
not getting something we want.
which is ignorance, which is con- so Metapsychiatry comes and It is also referred to as “should
stantly throwing forth various thinking.” Both “want” and
forms of ignorance and we suffer understanding of reality and of “should” indicate that we perceive
from them; but, God knows noth- your self-identity so that you can our lives as imperfect, as lacking
ing about this. become immune to these universal some essential feature that we
now we have lately found a koan tendencies toward suffering. require for happiness. Very often

PAGL Newsletter Winter 2012

we want things from others that eliminate suffering from this all- use to distinguish ourselves from
they are unwilling to provide. In too-human tendency. other persons just as we use our
addition to its being emotionally uniqueness to determine with
distressing, anger often leads to which groups of persons we
physical pain in the body, like identify ourselves. For example,
headaches, or it can result in Identity-What I am a student of Metapsychiatry;
accidents or physical injuries. I am interested in spiritual study;
is identity in My friends think I am nuts. so I can
anger derives from wanting is that the spiritual easily identify with other students
of Metapsychiatry, persons who
we can relinquish it. as anyone
with any unhealthy habit knows, context? have similar characteristics and
it is nearly impossible to give
In tHe woRld, tHe qUestIon the same characteristics/qualities,
up something to which we are
attached. But, if we have suffered as I do.
enough from what we want, we
can replace it with another, more frequently and is answered fairly
wholesome value. the healing easily. I am John smith. I am a answer to the question is that “I
remedy for anger is gratitude for male, 48 years old, 5’ 11” tall, am an image and likeness of God,
the good in our lives. at the same with brown hair and brown eyes a manifestation of divine love
time we can consciously allow and I live at 47 Commonwealth Intelligence.” so, our identity
others the freedom to be that we avenue, la Canada, Ca. at least, is divine and we receive our
cherish for ourselves, and thereby this is what it says on my driver’s identity from God. what is God’s
bless them. Being able to remind license. oh, and I work in a bank,
ourselves when anger arises that it so I am a Banker, and my interests for His name, God responded,
indicates that we want something, are.... all of these answers direct “I am that I am.” (exodus 3:14).
that we need not continue to hold working on the premise that this
on to that desire, and that choosing that is focused on “having unique means that God is the only “I am”
to appreciate our lives, health, and identifying characteristics held in Reality, God is the only identity
consciousness will liberate us by no other person or thing” and, if we are real, we must be part
from the pain of angry thoughts, (Collins world dictionary). our of that singular identity. there is
is a most helpful lesson that can identity is what we, and others, nothing else. this said, each of us

PAGL at Work listed about 6-8 questions when
our newest Board member asked
great discussion and changed

By pat webb “wouldn’t PaGl be a good idea things that have PaGl. I felt we
Recently, the four Board members were in the midst of an “inspired
our conversation turned deeper idea!”
silence Foundation, gathered for
immediately. all four of us when we left the meeting, there
a meeting to launch a month-
had attended nancy Rosanoff’s was a sense of peace, assurance,
long period of “discernment.”
our organization works to bring Metapsychiatry workshop here in gratitude, and love that will help
meditation and mindfulness november. My Board president us in the month ahead. as the
programs to organizations and immediately responded: “Gosh, foundation’s director, I felt such
schools where we often work I want to relook at the questions support and inner calm. no
with at-risk kids. we wanted I offered. I think most of them matter what we decide, I think
to reconsider our mission and are strategic in nature.” as we our process has already been
some challenges. our plan was re-looked at our list of questions blessed, and this is the kind of
to generate questions to guide we remembered the teaching on attitude that matches our mission
our discernment time. we’d intelligent questions. we had a perfectly.

PAGL Newsletter Winter 2012

does express God uniquely and so

may be differentiated from another Thoughts from either understood or not, but not
believed in.
individual upon comparison. But
this uniqueness is different from
the identity described in the world education process wherein the 6
as establishing our separateness soMetIMes InsPIRed Ideas futile questions become the
from other people. In Reality, we come to us while our attention basis for inquiry. Inevitably, as our
have no identity separable from seems to be on something simple, human life progresses, problems
our source and since we all have enjoyable, and/or productive... and suffering occur and we go
the same, essential, fundamental weeding the garden, shaving, back to those same questions for
source, there is no way to showering, driving, looking the answers. they do not
differentiate ourselves from other out the window of an airplane, work or answer anything, and lead
exercising, participating in yoga, to nowhere. this mis-education is
it may be to “see” this in our daily even sleeping. they are God’s revealed, and then the truth can be
lives. ideas that enter our consciousness uncovered.
the “leaves on a tree” analogy when we are not consumed by our
is helpful in exploring this idea of own thoughts of how “our” world misunderstanding of the word
identity. as leaves on a tree, we should or should not be. they can “God” has been at the center
are all the same, we all support the be received “in the space between of much suffering in the world.
tree in its purpose, just as the tree our thoughts.” wars and crusades, terrorism,
supports us in our purpose. we I consider them to be angels, as well as religious division
receive our identity from the tree thoughts that bless me, that raise and personal problems, have
that we are part of. looking more my eye towards the truth and are manifested throughout the ages
closely, each leaf is unique and at worthy of contemplation and from this ignorance. what if we
any given moment may function in a further understanding. Here are a all agreed that the word “God”
different capacity, but our substance few that I recall: is really a typo and we
and purpose is the same and from could replace it with “Good” in
the tree’s perspective we are a leaf, only things that we do not yet
with no leaf being more special than understand. the world would then be left
any other and each being important with debating about what Good is,
to the tree’s mission. the apparent
exists and is just waiting to be it seems like it would raise the
uniqueness of each leaf has no level of dialogue and get us closer
discovered (uncovered).
special meaning, except to express
to being of one Mind.
take the leaf off the tree it is dead, same as understanding, and they
because it is no longer connected protect themselves by rejecting ideas. they are supportive,
to its life-giving source, and its the value of asking existential
identity and its purpose is lost. questions. the truth seems to be loving.
the waves in the ocean provide and become motionless water, dead our fellows, no real separation is
a similar analogy, in that waves are now that they are separate from their possible, since there is only one
individual expressions of the ocean. source. identity in existence and each of us
they obtain their existence from
the ocean and though each wave is the identity of leaves comes from is sourced from this same identity.
unique and at any moment in time the trees to which they belong and so, what is identity in a spiritual
may serve a different function, from the identity of waves comes from
the ocean’s perspective there is no the bodies of water on which they with the only identity in existence,
distinction. all waves are part of are borne. our identity comes from God.
the greater body of water. when God and we share this identity with
we separate waves from the ocean, our fellow humans. though we
they lose their identity as waves may perceive separateness from

PAGL Newsletter Winter 2012

on the “other side” of physical life, following:

Q&A and if so, how do we communicate

Metapsychiatry doesn’t
1) study the Four w’s (see pp.
60 and 198 in Beyond the dream
take and p. 129 in one Mind). this, dr.
positions, but rather teaches us to ask Hora said, “establishes us in the
Question: awareness of the right context.”
It is recommended to meditate on
the Four ws every day until these
what are often referred to as souls truths become clearly established in
or spirits on the “other side” of universal questions, Metapsychiatry consciousness. It is also helpful to
offers spiritual responses that, when contrast the spiritual responses with
contemplated, can expand our
our normal human answers.
understanding, heal our confusion,
and lift consciousness to a state of 2) Read the chapter “the living
dear anonymous, PaGl (Peace, assurance, Gratitude, soul” in Beyond the dream; it offers
the issue you seem to be asking love). some ideas that shed light on further insight into our true identity
about is what happens to us when we as spiritual beings.
die. do we become souls or spirits the answers you are seeking are the 3) Consider the following: “we are

Understanding begins with a Question, Part II
2012 PAGL Associates Meeting ~
Sunday, April 29th
House of the Redeemer 7 E. 95th Street New York City
This year we will focus our attention on understanding Metapsychiatry’s unique and
powerful method of healing, consisting of the “Two Intelligent Questions” and “3 Rs”,
Recognition, Regret, and Reorientation. Bring your Workbook from last year if you have
it. There will be extras available.
In preparation for the meeting, please consider writing 1-2 pages demonstrating how
this method healed a problem, small or large, in your life. In telling our stories we learn
from each other the range of possibilities to which this method can be applied. Kindly
send your paper to Ruth Robins at before April 10th, 2012.
We look forward to another meaningful and interesting meeting and hope that you, too,
can be present to enjoy the love, laughter and learning on that day!
To register, please make check payable to the PAGL Foundation and mail by April 15th
to: Bruce Kerievsky, 7 Arrandale Avenue, Great Neck, NY 11024.
Cost: $100 (includes lunch); $120
at the door. A limited number of attendee scholarships are also available.

Name ..............................................................................................................
Address ...........................................................................................................
Telephone ........................................................................................................
Email ...............................................................................................................

PAGL Newsletter Winter 2012

all aspects of divine Consciousness, “should” be, what our parents hoped Dr. Hora: Fear, hate, the emotions,
made of love-Intelligence, and that or feared our lives “would” be, etc. are actually dimensional because
is the only truth about us” (see p. 273 our task, now, is to come to know they are epiphenomena of organismic
in one Mind). non-dimensional reality through re- processes. they take form in
4) study the seven levels of seeing education and healing physiological changes. when one is
in the Forgiven ess booklet to learn Student: How does one recognize afraid, then this has the dimension
about our spiritual faculties of of trembling, or paleness, or a rise
perception. Dr. Hora: Consciousness can be in blood pressure, etc. emotions
Metapsychiatry teaches that “birth trained towards this recognition. appear to be non-dimensional but
is the appearance of an appearance, we recognize it in contradistinction this is counterfeit, and in fact, they
and death is the disappearance of an to everything that has dimensions. are only formlessness. they take on
appearance”; that life is spiritual; that the famous taoist sages taught dimensionality as phenomena; they
we are spiritual; and that we live in their students to recognize non- are not the same as spiritual values.
a spiritual universe, not a material dimensional reality by pointing out For instance, love-Intelligence of
world. there is only one reality-not to them that the space in a cup is whatPaGl (Peace, assurance, Gratitude,
two-and it is omnipresent. the only love) will not express itself in
makes the cup possible. without the
thing that needs to change is our disturbances of the organism.
space in the cup there could be no
perception. as we learn to see life cup. the space within a cup, or dish, Student: thoughts, then, are
from a spiritual perspective and come or vase, makes it what it is. thus, we
to know who we are and what life is, have to train ourselves to understand Dr. Hora: thoughts come to us from
we will know how to communicate. that that which has no dimensions is two sources. the thoughts which
“If you know what, you know how” fundamental reality. does that help reach our awareness from the “sea
(Principle #6 of Metapsychiatry). of mental garbage” are dimensional
thank you for asking the question. Student: Yes. Yet fear seems to thoughts. only inspired wisdom and
I hope this is helpful. have no dimension either. when we inspired ideas coming form divine
if you have a question for are fearful, or angry, or think of any Consciousness are non-dimensional.
of the invalid thoughts, these also Student: then a thought could be seem dimensionless.
Dr. Hora: Valid thoughts are non- Dr. Hora: that’s right, depending
dimensional. non-dimensionality on its source and depending on its
From the Archives
is our Metapsychiatric term validity.
Non- for spirit. Real substance, non- Student: thank you, dr. Hora.
dimensional reality is neither form Dr. Hora: You’re welcome.
Dimensional nor formlessness. we are learning
to see the unseen. “we look not at Student: You say that fear has
Reality the things which are seen, but at the dimension since it has effect to make
things which are not seen: for the us tremble. Yet, if peace comes into
things which are seen are temporal; consciousness, it also has an effect-
but the things which are not seen that of healing. this seems to be
In ReCent leCtURes, dR. are eternal” (II Corinthians 4:18). a phenomenon also. what is the
Hora has described spiritual reality now we have a biblical koan. How
as non-dimensional. For us to can we look upon the things which Dr. Hora: that is not a
contemplate divine Reality as phenomenon. that is a noumenon-
non-dimensional, in contrast to the the unseen in contradistinction to God manifesting his presence in us.
dimensional appearance world, is the dimensional. this is important Phenomena are garbage thoughts
somewhat mind-boggling we seem because we are learning to see God. appearing as form and formlessness.
to be living in a world of measurable God is non-dimensional reality, all noumena are divine ideas appearing
things, time-space experiences, and pervasive, omnipresent, omniactive, in consciousness as blessings.
yet our human existence is made love-Intelligence. Student: so a blessing is non-
up mostly of fantasies, images, Student:
and thoughts about what our lives Dr. Hora: of course. Healing, too

PAGL Newsletter Winter 2012

the unenlightened way of thinking, reality, we begin to see that right latter has poor sound quality) offer
seems to be a change taking place where certain problems seem to be, insights into compulsive thoughts
in the dimensional sphere of there is just perfection. It gives us that stand in our way.
experience. For instance, if someone the impression that a healing has
has a stomach ulcer, the X-ray may taken place. But nothing needs to
show the ulcer, but when it is healed, be healed except our ability to see, Cd # 84 - Forgiveness.
the X-ray shows no ulcer. what which is an unfolding process in
happened there is that something consciousness, like removing a veil Carrying a grudge-How to give
that seemed to be there now isn’t. in order to see better; we see an up blaming-Hurting ourselves
aspect of perfect creation. with blaming-Jesus’ instruction
doesn’t change anything. It just Student: so the unfoldment is on forgiving-the sincere desire to
reveals the underlying perfection going on in us, in our consciousness. forgive-Remembering repressed
which was always there. thank you! hurts-Compulsions as repressed
Student: Yes, what is being healed, Dr. Hora: You’re welcome. thoughts-Undesired memories-
then, is the perception which Student: I have a question about embarrassment or the fear of
obscures the non-dimensional. the your reference to the space and the being overwhelmed by repressed
non-dimensional is not measurable; cup. are we the cup or are we the thoughts-the fruits of forgiving/
it is the discernment of who we are, not forgiving- transmutation of
what our life is really. this is what Dr. Hora: we are the “space.” thought energy into behavior,
a healing is. Student: Could you clarify this a experience, illness-the Buddha-
Dr. Hora: Yes, that’s right. this is Inviting and immunity to abuse-
very important because if you have Dr. Hora: the parable of “the tares and
a physical problem, for instance, man a physical organism, or is he a the wheat”-Requirements for
and this physical problem is an
appearance of an inharmonious Student: Consciousness. ”Pray for your enemies”-the
dimensionality, something seems Dr. Hora: we are individual Prayer of Beholding-when we
deformed. a form has taken on an consciousnesses, but we think we notice a compulsive desire-the 3
are the cup! (laughter) Rs-Remembering past hurts-the
mesmerized and we are constantly need for God in the forgiving-
Student: and the consciousness
thinking that this form should take Forgiveness as a holy process-
on the right kind of form. and the dropping interaction thinking.
more we are involved in correcting Dr. Hora: It looks like it, but
the undesirable form into a desirable actually it isn’t so. the cup is in Cd # 71 - Prayer & Meditation.
form, the less possibility there is of a consciousness! [very poor sound quality]
healing. Healing is not a change in Repressing and suppressing
dimension; healing reveals the pre- thoughts vs. transcending thoughts-
existence of perfection. nothing CD Summaries Helping vs. being helpful-
really needs to be changed except on the Website Unsolicited solicitude-spiritual
our ability to see the perfection of ambition-liberation from human
divine Creation. “Be ye therefore foibles-Forgiveness-Visualizing/
perfect, even as your Father which at the beginning of a new calendar imagining/self-hypnotism/self-
is in heaven is perfect” (Matthew year there is often a desire to deception/wishful thinking vs.
5:48). begin anew with resolutions realization/awareness/”sunyata”-
Student: we speak of divine to overcome old habits. as we letting go of the past-[unclear
Reality having an unfoldment; this learn in Metapsychiatry, it is not about a doctor in texas]-desire
seems to be dimensional. behavior that needs correction, to avoid people-[unclear question
Dr. Hora: God has created a it is the thoughts that propel the & answer]-eating too much vs.
perfect universe and everything actions. what is standing in the
in it is very good. when a healing way of being interested in the God wants-[unclear question about
takes place, or when we grow in our
ability to discern non-dimensional #84 and Cd #71 (although the [unclear ending].

PAGL Newsletter Winter 2012

PAGL Community News Listings

Monthly PAGL Teleconference Phone: 860-405-4044 or visit www. in all 3 yearly newsletters. submit
on the third Wednesday of every a longtime your listing to: nancy@rosanoff.
month student of dr. Hora, susan teaches com and send payment to: PaGl
9:30 PM eastern time for 55 and offers spiritual guidance in Foundation, c/o Bruce kerievsky,
minutes. each month prior to the Metapsychiatry in person or by treasurer, 7 arrandale avenue,
meeting participants are invited phone. Great neck, nY 11024
to contemplate a suggested topic **** ****
as a springboard for dialogue.
the meeting is led by Heather Metapsychiatry on TV ~ In Receive the PAGL News and
Brodhead, a spiritual guide in the the listening Place’s nine part Support the PAGL Foundation
practice of Metapsychiatry. For television series, “Who am I?
more information, contact Heather What is the Purpose of My Life?”,
nancy Rosanoff interviews Ruth deductible donation to
at: or call: 805-
Robins about the core ideas of the PaGl Foundation to support
Metapsychiatry. If you would like its efforts to make Metapsychiatry
**** to watch a free clip from the show, available to interested individuals.
Monday, 5:30PM Eastern, in read the text of some interviews separately, the subscriptions are
person, PaGl Group in Greenwich, or purchase the dVd series, visit: suggested amounts. any amount
Ct. with Ruth Robins. Call: 860- will bring a subscription to an
434-2999 or email: robinsPaGl@ **** interested individual.
SAVE THE DATE and be at: ...........$20 (suggested amount)for
**** the east Coast PaGl associates “paper”, calendar-year subscription
Wednesdays, 8AM Eastern, Meeting in new York City, sunday, to PaGl news
TeleConference PaGl Group with april 29, 2012. see the ad in this ...........$10 (suggested amount)
nancy Rosanoff. For info: 914-930- newsletter for more details. for “electronic”, calendar-year,
7095 or **** subscription to PaGl news e-mail
**** address..............................................
the manager of the PaGl Bookstore
Monthly PAGL TeleConference in australia is silvia Viaggio. You ..........................................................
Group on the 1st wednesday of each may contact her regarding PaGl Contributions made in order to receive
month at 8 PM eastern, with Bruce publications via: metasilvia@ the PaGl news are tax deductible
& diana kerievsky. For info: 516- and may be made via credit card on
829-5027 or bruce@industriallogic. **** the PaGl Foundation’s website:
com or by check sent
PaGl associates newsletters are to the PaGl Foundation c/o Bruce
**** translated into dutch by Jenny kerievsky: 7 arrandale ave, Great
Two companion books to Rutten in Belgium and available at neck, nY 11024
Metapsychiatry: Meta Meanings PaGlBelGIe.
explains Metapsychiatry’s core we recognize that some interested
**** individuals may not have the means
ideas and juxtapositional method
with examples; Meta Prayers and Guidelines for listing in PAGL to make payment for the PaGl news.
Principles is a collection of these Community News: all listings If this is the case for you, we ask
guidelines to spiritual living with need to be about Metapsychiatry and only that you send us a statement of
elucidations. $25 for the set Us, relevant to the PaGl Community your continued interest in receiving
$30 abroad (s&H incl.) or $10 each regarding its shared interest in the newsletter in december of each
(s&H $3 Usa, $5 abroad). Check Metapsychiatry. any listing that calendar year. this notice may be
or m.o. to: susan von Reichenbach involves the selling of a product or sent to PaGlFoundation@gmail.
PoB 1024, old lyme, Ct 06371. service costs $20 annually for listing com.

PAGL Newsletter Winter 2012

Compassion for
Oneself From the Archives
Dr. Thomas Hora, Compassion
Poetry corner
PAGL Newsletter - October 1993 PAGL Newsletter - October 1993
There is a difference between Student: Dr. Hora, is it possible not Student: Dr. Hora, how does one
repressingAm I?and suppressing
a thought
a thought. When we are trying of
layer upon layer
to hide
to think? You’d Better But alas we think
know if one is suffering from vanity?
tasteless frills. ours are better.
It’s hard tofrom
a thought tell ourselves,
someone it is called Dr. Hora: It is possible
I shudder at the picture!
to listen. Out! Dr. Hora: Vanity doesn’t want you to
who When we are trying to hide Student: It is possible to listen and know that.too
you are; Thisbad we can’t
is really see We
a koan.
it from others, it is like that’s not the real me! who started this
called suppression. not have thoughts going through your are suffering
notion thatandwe we owndon’t
It always sounds want to
If we seek to transcend it, we the
forgive real me needs no that God is know the meaning of our suffering.
Inane chatter, mind? It’s all our stupid choices!
ourselves for it. We have compassion attire, Vengeful SometimesHis it rules
on usand on--we
Full of just “stuff “ we do
for ourselves and we say, “Well,It’s I may Dr. Hora: If there are thoughts, you
stripped of decoration. have a certain symptom which does
have what wefeelings
these have learned
and I may have are not listening; you are involved not yield, How much He loves us
the real me and we try this and we try
thoughts, but I don’t have to be with yourself.
Makes no sense; that until Because love enough
we are desperate always
My withnever
answers themfail Is simply
because there is Student: I am unable to reach that
His rules to say, God, wants
how long will I have to
to make me higher
lookand likebetter forameBeamto of light,
point where there areareno thoughts.
pay attention to.” This is forgiveness. happy-life; endure this? toWhen
see a we reach a point of
some comic in a tragedy, Dr. Hora: Have you ever been to a
We could call it compassion towards
oneself. to of the concert
killis important, because
This one dazzling
at Carnegie Hall? Did you the thought: Maybe I am just vain;
In a grotesque costume,
unless we have compassion towards light! hear the music, or did you just think my resistance to knowing the full
ourselves, how will we ever have about it? meaning is a sign of vanity. I am too
compassion for others? P Student: I heard music. embarrassed to face up to something.
Dr. Hora: Then you know how to There is a secret warfare between
the self and the ego. After awhile the
Sarita VanVleck

listen. You can learn to listen.

whole thing crumbles and you can see
-- it is a great relief. P

The PAGL Foundation

7 Arrandale Avenue
Great Neck, NY 11024

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