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PAGL NewsLetter

PAGL Newsletter FALL 2011

Autumn 2014

How does Beholding Heal?
Reflections on Dr. Hora’s “On Meeting a
Zen Master Socially”
Understanding Begins
With a Question
Excerpt from a small group Bruce meeting
Kerievsky with Dr. Hora that will be available as an
The format foraudio download
the annual PAGL
The following is one observer’s remarks regarding aatpaper read at the May soon. 1, 2011 conference held May 1, 2011 in New
PAGL Associates meeting that was written in 1961 by Dr. Hora and appeared in the York City offered participants a new
Question: journal
The Psychologia,
highest form which isof interactional
published intervention.
by the University of Kyoto What change
way to anything?
deepen our Which is not an
prayer is the prayer of beholding. is it? Ordinarily people think of intervention?
of the concepts of Metapsychiatry.
What does beholding mean as it prayer showingasany interest in
petitioning Godretaining
so thatthe
he We stayedThere
Student: together as one harmony.
is already group for
applies to the following
The encounter consists ofissue?
a visit photo.
A intervenes in human affairs. This the day, led by Ruth Robins, using a
friend his cameand toancall
on butmy is Hea did, however,
situation notice that
of potential he was
danger to Dr. Hora:
booklet Aren’tbyyou
assembled herjust
spry and
son. Healert
cameJapanese Zen Master
in a car, with andhis abeing
loved observed
one; a inteenage
a “clinical”
boy manner
who is yourself? Mother sees
Am I? and What Is The Purpose the danger Of
his retinue,
eyes which includes
blood-shot, and on a translator.
the car in by danger
one of thewithparty, and his glare
a blood-shot eyedat intoLife?“
My whichasher son is entering
a springboard to our–
He is characterized as appearing to this individual’s
seat was a 6 pack of beer. I don’t driver and a 6 pack of beer. Now arrogance produced her thoughts
dialogue. The bookletnaturally
contains thefocused
“see everything without looking, the latter’s embarrassed withdrawal. healing
on whatconcepts
he should of Metapsychiatry
do or should
want Mark to drink or to go with what is a mother to do? There is organized
… understand everything without At the end of the day, when leaving,
such a boy,thebutlanguage,
to want and not to nothing she can do; there is no way not do – inwhat a sequence
should that happenassists
knowing [being]… understanding. Comments
what shouldn’t happen – usually received
want is the same and has the same ahemother bowedcan respectfully
reason with before each
a teenage from attendees
cheerful, smiling, full of appreciation
effect. How can I see theHe Good member of the group.
of boy and protect him in any way a mother will after
get theveryconference
of the smallest courtesies. moves appreciated the full day dialogue with
At a dinner party for the group a week She is actually in a state of
and rests surrounded by an aura of through human means. And yet a
God? other interested students and the step-
later the would
likewas to present.
protect The intimidation.
structure forThe blood-shot
silent Hora:
Dr. joy.” Sometimes we can mother master bowed prayerfully before
her by-step
eyes and the 6
pack of
beer elicit
On a tripit tofor a rural child. So we say, you
environment, eating, and was joined by all in thiscan pray the from a Metapsychiatric perspective
behold a split-second; maximum
and withoutwe thehave
accompaniment prayer of beholding, provided you provided by intimidation
the booklet. on the part
sometimes to work on of it “nonverbal grace.” He ate in silence of thereflection,
mother. it was amazing that
for a long time. We are not trying do
the translator who has fallen ill, the andnot want to“as
sparingly, doifanything. Thatthe
playing with is Upon
master is completely at ease and very food.” frustrating. Isn’t it? How can over
If the individuals
35 mother iswere engaged and
to influence anybody, or to change harmonious all day. The questions
expresses wonder and joy at the we understand the effectiveness
the 6 pack of beer Afterward, he was questioned about the
beautiful things he is to Coca-Cola.
shown. “He is of a prayer that is not designed to and concerns that Continued on page 7
arose reflected
The Prayer of
completely not an meaning of a Zen scroll. He explained
beholdingbyis doubts,
unimpeded the individual struggles to apply the
that it contained a koan, which cannot healing concepts to their specific

self-contradictory impulses or double
be explained or understood in words, issues. At the same time, the responses
Inside Evidently
motivations. This Issue he is free
of the usual conflicts, strivings and
but only through Zen meditation. and clarifications were helpful to all.
Pushed to expound further, he began Everyone obviously enjoyed being
How doesofBeholding
western man, Heal?.or....1
speaking at lengthbywith
Edited the Kerievsky
Bruce translator, from
therea as
theregroup seminar.
was much laughter and
his own Japanese country-men….He
Depression...........................1 eventually tiring and losing the lightness throughout the day.
is in harmony with life.”
Where Is It?..........................3 interest
Question: of the How
do “The
you moraltreat depression?” What it looks and
His companions mentioned that he of that evening
depression? was that language and Some
of the papers written in response
like or what its cause is are not
was 90 years old. When asked if
The Fog of Self-Confirmation. . 3he to
erudition are of little help when it comes helpful.this year’s conference are included
was married, he indicated that he was Hora: This
Dr.meaningful question indicates an in this Newsletter. We tend to ask the 6 dumb
It’s dark because you to communications.” questions: What’s wrong? How do
married to the heavy stick that he operational approach. Operational-
are trying too hard................4 The farewell meeting was a luncheon Now you it is your
feel? Why turn!
is this happening?
carried. In response to these surprising ism makes us presumptuous,
the next day. All were friendly, and One of the pillars
Who is to blame? What of understanding
should I
Submissions to PAGLplayfully
he began News and where we surprised
imply that
continually by thewe already used
originality do? in
How Metapsychiatry
should I do it?is dialogue:
affectionately to beat a woman and know what depression is. We
Between fig and tree.............5 and unpredictability of the master. He joint participation in the search for
several volunteering men on the seem to know what depression Even though
is, truth. The PAGL we see people being
Newsletter is a
appeared to greatly enjoy and value his
shoulder with
PAGL Community the stick, a traditional
small quantity of food, remarking that way for students all over thejoyless,
because we know what it looks sad, often angry and world
Zen practice to awaken students to
News Listings........................6 like.
he Actually,
wished he werefew people
a cow so thatknow
he to slowed
engage in down,
dialoguewithby sharingphysicalthe
their sense of being burdened.
what depression
could is.
enjoy the delicious food twice. poems,
symptoms inspirations, stories, cartoons,
of constipation, loss of
When Corner..took
someone ......................7
his picture with After tasting some sharp mustard, reflections and journeys that reveal the
instant camera and showed him
student has a mission..8
The correct question to ask appetite, sleeplessness, etc., for
his eyes began tearing. He observed infinite ways Truth is bringing healing
the result, he laughed heartily without is “What is the meaning of a Continued on page 2
Continued on page 7 Continued on page 2
Newsletter of the PAGL Foundation • Fall 2011 • Copyright © 2011. All rights are reserved. 1
PAGL Newsletter Autumn 2014

How does Suppose the mother is a student

of Metapsychiatry, and instead
Intelligence is the harmonizing
principle of the universe. So there
Beholding Heal? of interacting she turns to God is a marvelous solution to the
Continued from page 1 and says: “O God, show me that situation by simply turning to God.
everything, everywhere is already
and hides it, the intimidation all right.” Question: One alternative would
is successful and the danger is have been for mother to say: “to
magnified – the devil succeeds! We have a break down in interactive heck with it; do what you want.”
communication – that, in itself, is
If the mother, instead of becoming a tremendous blessing. Dr. Hora: That would be an
intimidated is provoked, and starts aggravation of the communication
It is a strange way of looking at
yelling and screaming and makes process. The intimidation and
it. Nothing can be more beneficial
a scene, the devil will succeed provocation have turned into
than a breakdown of pathogenic
even more. If the mother pleads, hostility – and the hostility
communication. The moment the
interaction will go on between the provokes counter-hostility.
mother turns to God and starts
red-eyed driver and the son and the communicating with God, there Pathogenic communication
6 pack of beer! is a breakdown in the pathogenic therefore has not been severed. The
In such circumstances there is an communication – and what we have only way a beneficial breakdown
interactive type of communication is: instead of interaction, there is in communication can take place
going on. omniaction, and omniactive Love- is by turning to God. n

Depression Being attached to something means

being vitally interested in it and
recurrence avoided.
1: discernment of the underlying
Continued from page 1 that gives zest to life. It can even attachment that the depression
each individual depression, there be something quite foolish, like reveals and of its existential
is a specific meaning. This is true skateboarding or stamp collecting. invalidity
even though the general meaning Yet it gives us the illusion that our
life is meaningful. 2. appreciation of and attachment
of depression is that someone has to something existentially valid
lost something of vital importance So depression is not the problem,
to him or her, like a loved one, but the tremendous self-pity The loss of a loved one, even for
money, jewelry, self-esteem or connected with having lost an enlightened individual, can
friendship. something is the real issue that result in experiential grief, which
must be discerned in therapy. is existentially invalid, but it is
Severe depression can arise from not pathological grief, since it is
severe loss or trivial loss. How An example is a woman feeling temporal and not disorganizing.
come? It depends on the degree helpless (i.e. powerless), illustrating
of attachment, of which there are attachment to the idea of personal Excitement is the other side of
three forms: what we cherish, power. She could not act in a depression. Gratified power-
what we hate, and what we fear. competent and powerful way in madness, like bullying somebody
Attachments can be persons, a certain situation. She had the or making them obey, can lead to
places, things, and ideas that we realization of not being able to excitement, a counterfeit form of
value and that we overestimate, control the family. She had a secret happiness.
either negatively or positively. We yearning for power-madness. To In Metapsychiatry, we help
then become hung up on it. And lose this illusion is not a tragedy, but patients not only to be healed
when we lose the object of our a liberation from a form of insanity. from depression, but also from
hang-up, we get depressed, because This depression was an opportunity the tendency to have invalid
we have the illusion that something for her to be healed of power- attachments. We help them to
vital has gone, leaving us empty. madness. Hence, this problem was become meaningfully connected
A void appears, making life seem designed for her edification. with the existential truth of valid
meaningless. One of the symptoms Two things are needed for a attachment that “I and my father
is apathy or passionlessness. depression to be healed and are one.” When we know this, our
joy is not precarious. n

2 Newsletter of the PAGL Foundation • • Autumn 2014 • Copyright 2014 • All rights are reserved.
PAGL Newsletter Autumn 2014

Where The Fog of Self-

Is It? Confirmation
The PAGL Foundation By Heather Brodhead
is in the process of re- One morning, while sitting on a is no self or other—no interaction
editing the works of Dr. bluff above the ocean, I gazed in anywhere, no separate personal
Hora and publishing them the distance, noticing a fog over minds—only One Mind, and we
through Amazon print- the water. The sky was blue, the are each places where it manifests.
waves lapped gently below. I was At some point the writing stops,
on-demand and Kindle, as
there to contemplate the Truth of and PAGL abides.
well as having the books
Being, and expose prevailing self- While immersed in a similar
and audio classes available confirmatory thoughts. A helpful
for reading, listening and exercise that morning, the distant
method for me is writing down fog had rolled in and surrounded
researching through the any mental preoccupations and me! I looked up to discover
website: As worries of the moment lest they that I could see only me, and
of right now this is where slip away in denial and distraction a small radius around me. No
you can f ind the various —any “me” thoughts. There sky. No ocean—just me. Yet
works of Dr. Hora: they are on the paper, all laid light and clarity had flooded
out. It’s an individual spiritual thought. I noticed that in the fog
Books and Booklets: guidance session with Omniactive only my body and its immediate & Love-Intelligence, you might say. surroundings were apparent, Whatever the preoccupation, as we and how self-confirmation is
learn in Metapsychiatry, there is a like living in a dense fog. It is
Audio Recordings: meaning, and that meaning has a nearsighted and disorienting. In
Listen and download mp3s at specific counterfact in the Truth. order to see the Infinite we see not for purchase These are written down as well, with our eyes but with spiritual
contact Ruth Robins: to help establish the ideas. For discernment. We don’t need to example: Preoccupation: So-and- rearrange the fog of material
so annoys me with her constant life, as Dr. Hora has pointed out,
Video Documentary know-it-all-ness. Meaning: Only rather we “Look not at the things
“The Blessings of my own sense of a personal self which are seen, but at the things
Metapsychiatry” view at with a personal mind, that is also which are not seen; for the things for purchase interested in knowing it all (ouch!), which are seen are temporal, and
contact Nancy Rosanoff: is annoyed. The Truth: Neither the things which are not seen are one of these “selves” exists. There eternal.” (2 Cor. 4:18) n

is the newsletter published by the PAGL Foundation and supported by its readers. It’s purpose is to publish
articles by students, teachers and counselors of Metapsychiatry, inspired excerpts from Dr. Hora’s books and
tapes and information about opportunities and events for the further study of the teaching.
Robert Wieser, President:
Bruce Kerievsky, Treasurer:
Ruth Robins, Bookstore: 860-434-1512
Nancy Rosanoff, Newsletter Coordinator:
Newsletter Committee: Nancy Rosanoff, Heather Brodhead and Bruce Kerievsky

3 Newsletter of the PAGL Foundation • • Autumn 2014 • Copyright 2014 • All rights are reserved.
PAGL Newsletter Autumn 2014

It’s dark because you

are trying too hard by Michael Leach

“My yoke is easy and my burden will be also” (Matthew 6:21). of being to lover and beloved.
light” (Matthew 11:30) Mary treasured peace and love
We don’t have to experience a
above all else. We can help
Dr. Thomas Hora taught me, life-changing event to lose our
others without effort only if we
“Don’t take anything seriously.” interest in solemnity and start
are interested f irst in authentic
I took him seriously and tried living in the buoyancy of genuine
love, which is neither physical
not to take anything seriously. love. Martha’s spirits sank from
nor emotional but spiritual.
Things got harder. Good thing taking her responsibilities
“Spiritual love,” Hora taught,
is, life wore me down until seriously and planning them and
“is the love of being loving, with
the wisdom of his counsel was wanting other people to perceive
no strings attached, just for the
as clear as a window that has her as good. Mary’s joy came
sake of being what God wants us
no glass, darkly or otherwise. from gratitude for the good of
to be.”
Nothing is worth being taken God who was right in front of
seriously, not even expert advice. I’ve been caretaker to my wife, her. I’ve been Martha for much
Vickie, who has what doctors call
To take something seriously is of my life, but the older I get, I
Alzheimer’s, for more than 10
to clench our mind on it like would rather be Mary or Basho.
years. I have been learning day
a fist. It squeezes out joy and
by day that not taking it seriously Aldous Huxley writes about
brings headaches. The antidote
and wanting what Love wants taking things seriously in his book
is to understand what Zen master
me to be moment by moment Island: “It’s dark because you are
Matsuo Basho knew: “Sitting
is the only thing that saves me trying too hard. Lightly child,
quietly, doing nothing, spring
from dwelling for the next 10 lightly. Learn to do everything
comes, and the grass grows by
years on what our life will be lightly. Yes, feel lightly even
itself.” We don’t need to think
like next year. I am discovering, though you’re feeling deeply.
or act, just see and be a light in
despite my worst efforts, that Just lightly let things happen
the world. Jesus put it like this:
spiritual love converts to humor, and lightly cope with them ...
“Behold the lilies of the field
not anger, when Vickie puts my on tiptoes and without luggage,
and see how they grow! They
keys in a sudsy pot. It becomes completely unencumbered.”
toil not, they spin not -- and yet
kind eyes when she looks at me Our luggage, what weighs us
I say unto you that Solomon in with confused eyes, a light heart
all his glory was not arrayed when she has an embarrassing down, is rumination over what
like one of these” (Luke 12:27). accident, and caressing f ingers life should be and how we can
The opposite of seriousness is when she is afraid. control it. Loving as God does
delight. -- spontaneously and without
I am hardly that way all the restraint -- sets us free.
Seriousness swells the sense of time. Learning not to take things
self. Delight extinguishes it. seriously helps me get closer. Jesus asks us to delight in the
The Bible tells us that Martha Moment by moment, I discover birds of the air and to love being
of Bethany was serious about that the love of being loving loving with all our heart and
serving others and it was makes the hardest yoke easy soul and mind, and our neighbor
burdensome. Her sister Mary and the heaviest burden light. as our self (Matthew 22:37-38).
sat lightly at Jesus’ feet. Martha It is just meeting needs as they The magnif icent thing -- the
was busy doing things. Mary come to us on the spot where thing we haven’t gotten yet -- is
just was. Jesus had said, “Where we’re standing. Spiritual love is that he doesn’t ask us to take his
your treasure is, there your heart nonreflective. It brings lightness request seriously. n

4 Newsletter of the PAGL Foundation • • Autumn 2014 • Copyright 2014 • All rights are reserved.
PAGL Newsletter Autumn 2014

Receive the PAGL News and Support

the PAGL Foundation Submissions
Tax Deductible donations to the PAGL Foundation
support its efforts to make Metapsychiatry available to PAGL
to interested individuals.
Subscriptions to PAGL News are suggested amounts.

Any amount will bring a subscription to an interested
_____ $20 (suggested amount)for “paper”, calendar- All submissions need to be relevant to
year subscription to PAGL News Metapsychiatry in accordance with the
_____$10 (suggested amount)for “electronic”, Newsletter’s mission to make available the
calendar-year, subscription to PAGL News E-mail teachings of Metapsychiatry and share the work
address__________________ of students. Suggested length is 300-500 words.
Contributions made in order to receive the PAGL Metapsychiatry values dialogue as a means to seek
News are tax deductible and may be made via credit understanding of the Truth. We see the Newsletter
card on the PAGL Foundation’s website: www.PAGL. as a means of inviting dialogue within the PAGL
org. or by check sent to the PAGL Foundation c/o Bruce community. If something you read here sparks
Kerievsky: 49 Timber Hill Drive, Monroe, NJ 08831. a desire to respond, you are invited to share your
******* thoughts.
We recognize that some interested individuals may not PAGL News is published 3 times a year in February,
have the means to make payment for the PAGL News. June and October. Submissions are due by the 10th
If this is the case for you, we ask only that you send of the previous month. Newsletter committee:
us a statement of your continued interest in receiving Nancy Rosanoff, Newsletter Co-ordinator, Bruce
the newsletter in December of each calendar year. This Kerievsky and Heather Brodhead. Please send
notice may be sent to your submissions to: n

5 Newsletter of the PAGL Foundation • • Autumn 2014 • Copyright 2014 • All rights are reserved.
PAGL Newsletter Autumn 2014

PAGL Community News Listings

PAGL Group Meetings ******* $5 all inclusive. Check or m.o.
Monthly PAGL Teleconference on Monthly PAGL Group on the 1st to: Susan von Reichenbach, PO
the third Wednesday of every month Wednesday of each month at 8 Box 1024, Old Lyme, CT 06371.
at 6:30 PM Pacific time, 9:30 PM PM Eastern, with Bruce & Diana Phone: 860-405-4044 or visit www.
Eastern Time for 55 minutes. The Kerievsky. For info: 609-662-4911
meeting is led by Heather Brodhead, or
a spiritual guide in the practice *******
Diana is also available for private
of Metapsychiatry, who is also Metapsychiatry on TV
consultations by phone and by
available for private consultation. ~ In The Listening Place’s nine
For more information, contact part television series, “Who am I?
Heather at: or *******
What is the Purpose of My Life?”,
call (California): 805-898-9931. THREE META BOOKS: A
Nancy Rosanoff interviews Ruth
******* set of two companion books to
Robins about the core ideas of
Metapsychiatry: “Meta Meanings,”
Weekly PAGL groups with Ruth Metapsychiatry. If you would like
which defines Metapsychiatry’s core
Robins: to watch a free clip from the show,
ideas/vocabulary and juxtapositional
Mondays, 5:30-6:30 PM, method with examples; and “Meta read the text of some interviews
Greenwich, CT., in person Prayers and Principles,” which is or purchase the DVD series, visit:
Thursdays, 9:30-10:30 AM, Old a collection of Metapsychiatry’s
Lyme, CT., in person “guidelines to spiritual living” *******
with elucidations. $25 for the set
Ruth is also available for private PAGL Associates Newsletters are
US, $30 abroad (S&H incl.) or
consultations in person, by phone, translated into Dutch by Jenny
separately $10 each (S&H $3 USA,
or by Skype. Call 860.434.2999 Rutten. To find out more please
$5 abroad); and “Metatations,” a
(EST) or email Robinspagl@aol.
collection of wisdom from Dr. Hora contact Jenny: jennylaponrutten@
com for information about classes
on diverse topics for contemplation. n
or consultations.
******* Dear friends,
META Classes in Metapsychiatry I thought that you would like to know about the
are led by Susan von Reichenbach progress of my website, which is based on the
in Old Lyme, CT. on the second teachings of Metapsychiatry and similar spiritual
Saturday morning of every month teachings. In the past year, it has attracted almost
from 10:00-12. For inquiries, please 40,000 followers from around the world. To my
email or surprise, many of these interested people come from
Muslim and Hindu countries such as Egypt, Iraq,
tel. 860.405.4044. Susan also offers Afghanistan, Indonesia, India, and Pakistan. There
spiritual guidance in Metapsychiatry is a particularly strong interest from countries which
in person, by telephone or Skype. are unfortunately suffering. I know that you join with me in praying for all people and that you, likewise,
******* extend the hand of friendship and spiritual respect to
a world where we choose to look towards that which
PAGL Groups with Nancy heals and joins. To view website and either of my
Rosanoff.. For info: 914-930-7095 or books, “The Love of Being Loving” and “The Love of Nancy is also Devotion” go to
available for private consultations in
person and by telephone.

6 Newsletter of the PAGL Foundation • • Autumn 2014 • Copyright 2014 • All rights are reserved.
PAGL Newsletter Autumn 2014

Poetry Corner of my relationship

to a shaft of starlight
pulls me through
The Journey Pizza before then the illusion
I am beginning to see To all my friends in the sky into universal union,
What this journey To every star and sliver of moon not universe perception.
Is all about: that brightens the lonely night. Moon winks
Continually healing of the self; Every curtain has a hole slicing a smile
It affects everything. where the light spills out.
And my salvation into the midriff of midnight.
The same hole where Perhaps it is amused
Depends on it. my humanity peeks in
Always more revelation with my luminous fantasy.
About ignorance. Beyond the perception After all, the body is dense
of little mind and blotchy and weary.
I hope I can remember and orbs in the sky
That confirmation of self Or possibly I am right,
Beyond the canvas and in a moment
And interaction
Are inextricably linked draped over the world. the universe will disappear.
Like the sea and its wave; Through that portal, In phosphorescent glory,
Neither exists without the other. a field without borders my body will fade away
And confronting one or the other where concepts melt. like a sun drop once seen
Could begin the healing. Horizons are untied, then transformed as sheen
But when in the fray like soft golden bows. on shimmering ocean
So hard to remember! It is not a place A part of me hopes
Alas! Habits are so ingrained! apart from darkness I get a pizza before then
I need to see, but a Being with. . . why not?
That being embarassed on the other side, gobs of extra cheese.
Over ignorance One who is Light
Might be uncomfortable And the miracle -marybeth scalice
But is really a gift:
For it alerts me
That all is not well.
Perhaps I need to be grateful
For discomforts—
And other healthy things I hate.
The Grin
As I go about my day,
I am aware of a smile in my head.
It reminds me of the cat
In “Alice in Wonderland”—
“Only the grin remains”—
Now, no matter what appears before
In my head is that smile,
Because I have been assured
That all is well with the world.
How’s that for bouncing out the day?
-Elvira Sisca

7 Newsletter of the PAGL Foundation • • Autumn 2014 • Copyright 2014 • All rights are reserved.
PAGL Newsletter Autumn 2014

Every Student Has A Mission

By Dr. Hora
Every student of Metapsychiatry effect without even being able to
itself -- we can still seek to attain
has a mission in the world -- to PAGL for ourselves, then we have perceive it or know it. It is not
spiritualize the mental climate in succeeded in “overcoming the necessary to be fully enlightened
the world, to heal the world of its world.” Every time we succeed to be a beneficial presence; one
ignorance. in realizing PAGL in individual only needs to know how to pray.
consciousness, it is Whatever blesses one individual
When we watch TV or listen
throwing a pebble in a big body blesses the whole world, is,
to the evil reports on the news, actually, a blessing to the rest
or see pictures of evil, disease, of water in which the waves keep
of the world. And there is no
radiating further and further out,
contagion, disaster, if we can other way that one can conceive
transcend the picture and destroy so that what blesses one blesses
the whole world. And the more of, eventually, realizing a world
it in our consciousness, refusing which will be peaceful and
to be hypnotized by the picture, such individuals there will be in
harmonious, until “the earth will
and, instead, become aware the world the better the world
be filled with the knowledge of
of the truth of God’s perfect, will be because the dreams will
the glory of God, as the waters
harmonious universe, to the not be permitted to spread and to
cover the sea” (Hab.2:14). So,
point that in spite of what we see create a contagion. not only are we saving ourselves
and hear -- political propaganda, So, a beneficial presence in the from evil influences, but we are
rumors of wars, and even war world has a very far-reaching also benefiting mankind. n

Metapsychiatry is a gift of God to

our time.
We have built a new road,
Which is neither religious,
Nor materially scientific,
Nor political.
We have come to understand it
As an epistemological method of
truth realization.
-Dr. Hora

8 Newsletter of the PAGL Foundation • • Autumn 2014 • Copyright 2014 • All rights are reserved.

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