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Five Community Health Problems:

 Waste Disposal

o Health Deficit – Poor Environmental Sanitation due to Improper garbage disposal

o Inability to provide a home environment conducive to health maintenance and

personal development due to inadequate knowledge of importance of hygiene and


 Unhealthy Personal Habits

o Health Deficit – Unhealthy Lifestyle and Personal Practices due to Alcohol

Drinking and Cigarette Smoking

o Inability to make decisions with respect to taking appropriate health action due to

failure to comprehend the nature of the problem

 Lack of Physical Activity

o Health Deficit – Unhealthy Lifestyle and Personal Practices due lack of exercise

o Inability to recognize the presence of the condition or problem due to attitude,

which hinders recognition of the problem

 Unemployment

o Presence of Foreseeable Crisis Situations specifically the Lack of Job


o Inability to make decisions with respect to taking appropriate health action due to

inaccessibility of appropriate resources of care, specifically physical


 Self-Medication
o Health Deficit – Unhealthy Lifestyle and Personal Practices due to Self-


o Inability to make decisions with respect to taking appropriate health action due to

low salience of the problem

1. Why do you consider them as health problems? Cite reasons.

I considered the Five as health problems because they are relevant in the present
day. Since we are in the middle of a pandemic, the chances of these problems to
occur is high. Whether in a urban or rural setting, these problems to arise like they
are a part of our daily lives. Also, given the prescribed actions to these problems,
the people still disregard them to follow their own beliefs, attitudes and such.
These problems are rooted to the ways their ancestors has performed.

2. In your own community, do you see these "identified problems" as prevailing

problems also in your own community?
Yes, the “identified problems” that enumerated were also present in my
community though some do follow the protocols in addressing these problems,
some still disregard these and suffer the consequences.

3. Playing the "Game of Why" (questions like "Bakit kaya nagkaganito?), can you also
cite factors in the causation of these "identified problems"?
As for waste disposal, the fact that burning garbage and improper disposal of
garbage in rural and highly urbanized areas became a habit for its inhabitants.
This is due to the reason that their desired place of disposal became the site of
dumping trash.
Unhealthy Lifestyle Practices such as Drinking, Smoking, and Lack of Exercise, it
has become the habit of us Filipinos to distress and channel our frustrations out.
With these practices we might feel we are at ease but in reality we are just making
it worse. The fact that we are lazy to move around and do physical activities just
adds to it. So, always take it in moderation.

Unemployment has always been a problem in the country. This is due to

unfinished undergraduate studies, absence of job, or no opportunities.

Lastly, Self-Medication. We are deeply tied to our traditions to the fact that
innovations do exists. Most specially in the provinces or areas that is not reached
by healthcare, they rely on past traditions such as halamang gamut, though proven
effective it may online effect in a short span of time not fully treating the illness.

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