Alberta Women in Public Safety (Awips) Awards

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VISION: Advancing women leaders in Alberta’s public safety community

MISSION: AWIPS supports, connects, and mentors women across agencies and advocates for women in
Alberta’s public safety community

The AWIPS awards are intended to recognize individuals or groups that have worked to advance women
in public safety in Alberta. The awards categories have been created to highlight the areas AWIPS
deems critical to advancing its mission and vision.

The following are AWIPS awards criteria and submission process.


 Nominations must be submitted to AWIPS by June 30, 2021

 Download, complete and submit the Nomination Form from the AWIPS website
 Electronic submissions are encouraged.
 Support material such as videos, CDs and promotional material will also be considered. Please
make reference to them in the nomination form and arrangements will be made for submission


 AWIPS Board will submit the nominations received to the Selection Committee
 The Selection Committee consists of members of AWIPS
 Once a winning submission is chosen by the Selection Committee, the winning nominee(s)’ chief
of police or senior executive-in-charge will be contacted, and an invitation will be sent to the
winning nominee(s) with details about the award ceremony.


 June 30, 2021: Deadline to submit nominations

 September 1, 2021: Deadline for the Selection Committee to choose a winning submission
 September 1, 2021: The winning nominee(s) is/are notified
 October 2021: The award will be announced/presented at AWIPS Annual General Meeting


Nominations will be scored on the rubric and a score out of a total of 20 marks will be given based upon
5 criteria.


The AWIPS Board will appoint an AWIPS Annual Awards Program Committee to assist with the selection
process. The committee will consist of five (5) members, recognizing that an uneven number of
participants is recommended to ensure a majority decision. Membership on the committee should be
representative of AWIPS member agencies. The following are AWIP Award procedures:

1. The Chair of the AWIPS Awards Program Committee has no vote unless it is to break a tie vote
of the committee
2. The Chair of the Committee shall publish the following on the AWIPS website related to the
a. The instructions for submitting Award nominations
b. The deadline for submissions
c. A description of the Award criteria
3. Candidates shall be entered for only one Award per year
4. Evidence used to support the award shall be recent, in the past three years unless a situation
exists where an exception should be made. That exception should obtain the approval by the
Committee prior to Award submission
5. There will only be one winner per award, unless more than one person was involved in a specific
6. Winners of the Awards shall be published on the AWIPS website, unless the recipients offer an
7. The Chair of the committee shall notify all unsuccessful entrants by mail
8. AWIPS Annual Awards will be presented at AWIPS annual general meeting.

Deb Jolly Woman in Leadership Award

Superintendent Deb Jolly was a longtime member of AWIPS, joining the group
shortly after its inception. Superintendent Jolly was a 30-year member of the
Edmonton Police Service and was a woman of great accomplishment. Despite
those numerous accomplishments, her great humility led her to always insist that
any communication not include reference to her title, position, or
accomplishments. “Deb” as her friends called her, was particularly passionate
about her work with United Nations peacekeeping missions, and her work with
the team in the Sexual Assault Section to reduce stereotypes that disadvantage
sexual assault victims. Superintendent Jolly passed away on Friday, May 15, 2020
after a short battle with cancer.

This award is intended to highlight the excellence in leadership that Superintendent Jolly exemplified
and that exists among the women in public safety in Alberta. It will be awarded to any woman (or
someone identifying as a woman) in public safety (sworn or civilian) in Alberta who has distinguished
themselves by demonstrating ongoing excellence in leadership in public safety. The recipient will not
only have demonstrated leadership in public safety, but will have contributed significantly to the
advancement of women in the field. The award recipient should demonstrate the following award

 Mentoring:
o Is widely recognized for their expertise and actively works to empower others
o Leads by example and motivates members of their team, organization, or industry
o Acts as a mentor, advisor, and teacher, to make a positive impact on members of their
organization or the profession

 Integrity:
o Has high integrity and sets high professional standards for ethics and quality of work

 Courage and Resiliency:

o Demonstrates courage and resilience, overcoming obstacles, in pursuit of better

 Community:
o Has demonstrated significant investment and engagement with community leaders to
improve relationships
o Uses community involvement to advance public safety as a career option, with a goal of
increasing diversity in public safety in Alberta

 Advocacy for women:

o Actively contributes to the advancement and development of women either inside or
outside their own organization
o Publicly celebrates the work and accomplishments of noted and distinguished female

o Leads by example; promoting and broadcasting the need to continuously support and
advocate for female leadership
o Actively uses their own position of influence to encourage the promotion, hiring, and
development of strong female talent
o Actively encourages debate about the importance of gender diversity in the boardroom
and at the executive level
o Is a strong role model for female empowerment and takes every opportunity to
challenge the status quo as it relates to gender equity

 Sworn or civilian member of a public safety agency in Alberta that identifies as female
 Nomination must be endorsed by a Senior Officer of the nominating agency


 Describe the extent to which the candidate’s activities have contributed to the mentoring of
women in public safety in Alberta, and the impact of that mentoring
 Provide examples of candidate’s high integrity and professional standards and how they have
demonstrated a strong commitment to ethics and integrity
 Describe how the candidate has overcome obstacles and demonstrated courage and resilience
in the pursuit of advancing public safety in Alberta
 Describe how the candidate has demonstrated significant investment and engagement in the
community to improve relationships between policing and the community, and to improving
diversity in public safety in Alberta
 Provide examples of how the candidate has worked to actively contribute to the advancement
and development of women either inside or outside their own organization
 How has the candidate’s work impacted women in public safety in Alberta? How have they
actively encouraged debate about the importance of gender diversity and equity in the
boardroom and at the executive level and actively used her position to encourage the hiring,
development and hiring of strong female talent?

(each category to be scored out of a total of 4 points. Half points can be awarded. A maximum of 20 points
may be awarded)
AWIP Deb Jolly No Limited Provides a Provides a Provides a TOTAL
Woman in Leadership demonstration demonstration of description of the description of the description of Max 4
Award of criteria criteria nominee(s)’ work nominee(s)’ work the nominee(s)’ points
& achievements & achievements, work & per
Initiative/Activity however, including a achievements criteria
is replicated from submission lacks specific example with a specific
an existing details regarding that contains example that
program or body aspects of the some aspects of fully
of work criteria. the criteria. demonstrates all
aspects of the
Initiative/Activity Initiative/Activity criteria.
is replicated from is innovative and
existing program unique Initiative/Activity
or body of work is innovative and
unique and
reference to
assurance and
Service Delivery –
Nominee(s) demonstrate work
that goes above and beyond the
scope of their job in order to
deliver exceptional service both
internally to other members of
the department and externally to 0 1 2 3 4
members of the public and other
EDI Awareness & Education –
The extent to which the
nominee(s)’ activities have
contributed to raising awareness
and consciousness about equity, 0 1 2 3 4
diversity and inclusion (internally
and externally).
Impact on Work Environment -
The level in which the
promotes a work environment
that is welcoming, supportive and 0 1 2 3 4
nurturing of cultural, ethnic,
racial, class, gender, sexual
orientation, language and other
human differences.
Courage and Resilience –
The degree to which the
nominee(s) demonstrate
courage/resiliency in advancing
0 1 2 3 4
policing in Alberta
Community Impact –
The level in which the
enhances community trust and
0 1 2 3 4
positive relationships.


Ally Award

This award is to highlight an individual in public safety in Alberta who has demonstrated significant
support for AWIPS and for advancing Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in public safety. They are someone
who has demonstrated a willingness to step outside their own comfort zone and support diversity and
the inclusion of groups and organizations to which they are not obvious members or beneficiaries. They
support diversity efforts that benefit all members of public safety and the communities they serve, and
actively work to advance the issues of diverse groups. Award criteria includes:

 Leadership in Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI):

o Acts as a role model in championing issues related to equity
o Creates an inclusive culture by challenging inequalities, barriers, and bias in the
application of human resource management policies and practices such as
recruitment, talent management, performance management, professional
development, and promotion
o Takes steps to create an environment free of incidents of bullying, harassment or
discrimination against employees

 Mentoring:
o Is widely recognized for their expertise and/or commitment to EDI
o Actively works to help others develop skills in understanding and addressing
inequalities, barriers, and biases in their workplace and communities
o Leads by example and motivates members of their team, organization, or industry
to seek a greater understanding of EDI principles and issues
o Acts as a mentor to others to help them understand the impacts of inequalities,
barriers and biases on their workplace and on employees

 Commitment to EDI:
o Demonstrates a long-time and ongoing commitment to advancing the issues of
diverse employees in their workplace
o Has actively taken steps to address the issues facing diverse employees and been an
advocate for those groups most impacted by EDI issues


 Sworn or civilian member of a public safety agency in Alberta

 Nomination must be endorsed by a Senior Officer of the nominating agency


 Describe ways in which the candidate acts as a role model in championing issues related to
equity, diversity, and inclusion
 Provide examples of how the candidate creates an inclusive culture by challenging inequalities,
barriers, and bias in the application of human resource management policies and practices
 Describe how the candidate has worked to create an environment free of bullying, harassment,
and discrimination
 Describe how the candidate mentors others, passing on their expertise and commitment to
equity, diversity, and inclusion
 Describe how the candidate actively works to help others develop skills in understanding and
addressing inequalities, barriers, and biases in their workplace and communities
 Describe how the candidate demonstrates a long-time and ongoing commitment to advancing
the issues of diverse employees in their workplace and how they have taken steps to address
those issues
 Describe how the candidate has advocated for those most impacted by equity, diversity, and
inclusion issues

(each category to be scored out of a total of 4 points. Half points can be awarded. A maximum of 20 points
may be awarded)
ALLY Award No Limited Provides a Provides a Provides a TOTAL
demonstration demonstration of description of the description of the description of Max 4
of criteria criteria nominee(s)’ work nominee(s)’ work the nominee(s)’ points
& achievements & achievements, work & per
Initiative/Activity however, including a achievements criteria
is replicated from submission lacks specific example with a specific
an existing details regarding that contains example that
program or body aspects of the some aspects of fully
of work criteria. the criteria. demonstrates all
aspects of the
Initiative/Activity Initiative/Activity criteria.
is replicated from is innovative and
existing program unique Initiative/Activity
or body of work is innovative and
unique and
reference to
assurance and
Service Delivery –
Nominee(s) actively work to help
others develop skills in
understanding and addressing
inequalities, barriers, and biases
in their workplace and
communities 0 1 2 3 4
EDI Awareness & Education –
The extent to which the
nominee(s)’ activities have
contributed to raising awareness
and consciousness about equity, 0 1 2 3 4
diversity and inclusion (internally
and externally).
Impact on Work Environment -
The level in which the
promotes a work environment
that is welcoming, supportive and 0 1 2 3 4
nurturing of cultural, ethnic,
racial, class, gender, sexual
orientation, language, and other
human differences.
Evidence that the nominee(s)
advocate for those most
impacted by equity, diversity, and
0 1 2 3 4
inclusion issues

Community Impact –
The level in which the
enhances community trust and
0 1 2 3 4
positive relationships.


Officer of the Year Award

This award is to be awarded to any officer in public safety in Alberta that identifies as female, who
distinguishes herself by exemplary conduct and achievements in more than one area of policing and
over a sustained period that has a significant impact on their agency and /or area of responsibility.
Award criteria could include any of the following:

 Specific Event:
o Direct involvement in a lifesaving event
 Involvement in a significant project
o Involvement in a project that has had a lasting impact on their
agency/community/area of responsibility
 Sustained contribution
o Sustained contribution to the overall betterment of their
agency/community/area of responsibility
o Work that goes above and beyond the scope of regular duties to enhance
their agency/community/ area of responsibility
 Commitment to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
o Demonstrated commitment and contribution to advancing equity, diversity,
and inclusion efforts in her own agency/community/area of responsibility
o Demonstrated commitment to advancing her own understanding and
fluency in issues related to diversity, and inclusion


 Sworn member of a public safety agency in Alberta that identifies as female

 Nomination must be endorsed by a Senior Officer of the nominating agency


 Describe in detail the nominee(s)’ involvement in the lifesaving event, paying particular
attention to the specific role of the nominee and how her involvement impacted the outcome of
the event
 Describe the project the nominee was involved in, the scope of the nominee’s participation, and
the impact the project has had on their agency/community/area of responsibility
 Describe the nominee’s sustained contribution to the betterment of their
agency/community/area of responsibility and how it has impacted those areas
 Provide details of how the nominee(s) have demonstrated an ongoing commitment to
advancing equity, diversity, and inclusion and how that commitment has led to the betterment
of their agency/community/area of responsibility

 Describe how the nominee(s) has demonstrated a commitment to advancing their own
understanding and fluency in issues related to equity, diversity, and inclusion


(each category to be scored out of a total of 4 points. Half points can be awarded. A maximum of 20 points
may be awarded)
Officer of the Year No Limited Provides a Provides a Provides a TOTAL
Award demonstration demonstration description of the description of description of Max 4
of criteria of criteria nominee(s)’ work & the nominee(s)’ the nominee(s)’ points
achievements work & work & per
Initiative/Activity however, submission achievements, achievements criteria
is replicated lacks details including a with a specific
from an existing regarding aspects of specific example example that
program or body the criteria. that contains fully
of work some aspects of demonstrates all
Initiative/Activity is the criteria. aspects of the
Nominee’s role replicated from criteria.
was minimal existing program or Initiative/Activity
body of work is innovative and Initiative/Activity
unique and had is innovative and
Nominee’s role in impact unique or had
event/project/activity significant
exists but is not well Nominee’s role is impact
described evident
Service Delivery –
The degree to which the
nominee(s)’ involvement in the
lifesaving event/project
impacted the outcome of the
event and the risk involved
0 1 2 3 4
EDI Awareness & Education –
The extent to which the
nominee(s)’ activities have
contributed to raising awareness
and consciousness about equity, 0 1 2 3 4
diversity and inclusion (internally
and externally).
Impact of Project -
The level in which the
promotes a healthy environment
that is welcoming, supportive 0 1 2 3 4
and nurturing of cultural, ethnic,
racial, class, gender, sexual
orientation, language and other
human differences
Evidence that the nominee(s)
has demonstrated an ongoing
commitment to enhancing her
0 1 2 3 4
learning in Equity, Diversity, and
Community Impact –
The level in which the
enhances community trust and
0 1 2 3 4
positive relationships.


Civilian of the Year Award

This award is in recognition of the contribution civilians make to the success of any public safety. It is to
be awarded to any civilian in a public safety agency in Alberta who identifies as female and has
distinguished themselves by their exemplary conduct and achievements in more than one area of public
safety and over a sustained period that has a significant impact on their agency and/or area of
responsibility. Award criteria includes:

 Involvement in a significant project that has had lasting impact on their

agency/community/area of responsibility.
 Sustained contribution to the overall betterment of their agency/community/area of
 Demonstrated commitment and contribution to advancing equity, diversity, and
inclusion efforts in their own agency/community/area of responsibility


 Civilian member of a public safety agency in Alberta that identifies as female

 Nomination must be endorsed by a Senior Officer of the nominating agency


 Describe the project the nominee was involved in, the scope of their participation, and the
impact the project has had on their agency/community/area of responsibility
 Describe the nominee’s sustained contribution to the betterment of their
agency/community/area of responsibility and how it has impacted those areas
 Provide details of how the nominee(s) have demonstrated an ongoing commitment to
advancing equity, diversity, and inclusion and how that commitment has led to the betterment
of their agency/community/area of responsibility
 Describe how the nominee(s) has demonstrated a commitment to advancing their own
understanding and fluency in issues related to equity, diversity, and inclusion

(each category to be scored out of a total of 4 points. Half points can be awarded. A maximum of 20 points
may be awarded)
Civilian of the Year No Limited Provides a Provides a Provides a TOTAL
Award demonstration demonstration description of the description of description of Max 4
of criteria of criteria nominee(s)’ work & the nominee(s)’ the nominee(s)’ points
achievements work & work & per
Initiative/Activity however, submission achievements, achievements criteria
is replicated lacks details including a with a specific
from an existing regarding aspects of specific example example that
program or body the criteria. that contains fully
of work some aspects of demonstrates all
Initiative/Activity is the criteria. aspects of the
Nominee’s role replicated from criteria.
was minimal existing program or Initiative/Activity
body of work is innovative and Initiative/Activity
unique and had is innovative and
Nominee’s role in impact unique or had
event/project/activity significant
exists but is not well Nominee’s role is impact
described evident
Service Delivery –
The degree to which the
nominee(s)’ involvement in the
lifesaving event impacted the
outcome of the event and the
risk involved
0 1 2 3 4
EDI Awareness & Education –
The extent to which the
nominee(s)’ activities have
contributed to raising awareness
and consciousness about equity, 0 1 2 3 4
diversity and inclusion (internally
and externally).
Impact of Project -
The level in which the
promotes a healthy environment
that is welcoming, supportive 0 1 2 3 4
and nurturing of cultural, ethnic,
racial, class, gender, sexual
orientation, language and other
human differences
Evidence that the nominee(s)
has demonstrated an ongoing
commitment to enhancing her
0 1 2 3 4
learning in Equity, Diversity, and
Community Impact –
The level in which the
enhances community trust and
0 1 2 3 4

positive relationships.



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