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Kwashiorkor is a form of severe protein Vitamin D deficiency can lead to bone

malnutrition characterized by edema and density, which can contribute to osteoporosis

enlarged liver with fatty infiltrates. and fractures. In children it can cause
rickets. Rickets is a rare disease that causes
the bones to become soft and bend.

Marasmus is a form of malnutrition. It

happens when the intake of nutrients and Vitamin E deficiency can cause nerve and
energy is too low for a person’s needs. It muscle damage that results in loss of feeling
leads to wasting or loss of body fat and the arms and legs, loss of body movement
muscle. control, muscle weakness and vision
problems. It also weakened the immune

Vitamin A deficiency is the leading cause of Scurvy is the name for a Vitamin C
preventable blindness in children and deficiency. It can lead to anemia, debality
increases the risk of disease and death from exhaustion, spontaneous bleeding, pain in
severe infection such as diarrheal disease the limbs and especially the legs, swelling in
and measles. some parts of the body and sometimes
ulceration of the gums and loss of teeth.

Vitamin B12 deficiency means lack of Vitamin

B12. Not having enough Vitamin B12 can lead Folic acid defieciency anemia is caused by
to Anemia, which means your body does not having too little folate or Vitamin B9 in the
have enough red blood cells to do the job. blood.
This can make you feel weak and tired.
Vitamin B5 deficiency is rare but many
include symptoms such as fatigue, insomia,
Hypocalcaemia, also known as calcium depression, irritability, vomiting, stomach
deficiency disease, occurs when the blood pains, burning feet and upper respiratory
has low level of calcium. A long-term calcium infections.
deficiency can lead to dental changes,
cataracts, alterations in the brain and
osteoporosis. Vitamin B6 deficiency causes peripheral
neuropathyand pellagra-like syndrome, with
Iodine deficiency is a lack of the trace seborrheic dermatitis, glossitis and cheilosis.
element iodine, an essential nutrient in the In adults, it can cause depression, confusion,
diet. It may result in metabolic problems electroencephalogram abnormalities and
such as goiter, sometimes as endemic goiter seizures.
as well as cretinism due to untreated
hypothyroidism, which results in
developmental delays and other health
The coomon symptoms of lack of Vitamin B3
(Niacin) invloves the skin, digestive system,
and nervous system.

The symptoms of Vitamin B2 defiency

(Riboflavin) include the sore throat, redness
and swelling of the lining of the mouth and
throat, cracks or sores on the outside of the
lips and at the corners of the mouth,
inflammation and redness of tongue and
moist, scaly skin inflammation.

A deficiency of Vitamin B1 commonly lead to

beriberi, a condition that features problems
with the peripheral nerves and wasting.
Weight loss and anorexia can develop. There
may be mental problems including confusion
and short-term memory loss.

Potassium deficiency is low and high of

potassium in the body. The common
symptoms include weakness and fatigue,
muscle cramps, muscle aches and stiffness, y
tingles and numbness, heart palpitations,
breathing difficulties, digestive symptoms
and mood changes.

Lack Vitamin B7 is also called Biotin

deficiency. Signs of overt biotin deficiency
include hair loss and a characteristic scaly
red rash in the face (around the eyes, nose
and mouth), and in the genital area.
Neurologic symptoms in adults have included
depression, lethargy, hallucination,
numbness and tingling of the extremities and

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