Biblical Exegesis Test

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Ella Gover (Student ID: 1040172)

Biblical Exegesis: Test on Part I

First Quarter

Revised February 2021

1. Holy Scripture is all of the books written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and

acknowledged by the Church.

2. The word Bible comes from the Greek word biblia.

3. The Bible is divided into two parts, the Old and New Testament. The Old Testament was

written before the coming of Christ and the New Testament was written during Christ’s


4. The word Testament means a covenant.

5. Saying God inspired the writers of Scripture means that they were written under the

inspiration of God.

6. We know the Bible is inspired because the Holy Spirit’s influence on the human writers

is mentioned multiple times in the Bible.

7. The Cannon of Scriptures is the collection of all the books that the Church identifies as


8. The 3 classes of books contained in the Bible are historical, doctrinal, and prophetic

books. Historical books talk about facts and events from the time they were written.

Doctrinal books teach the doctrine of the church. Prophetic books are the work of the


9. Martin Luther rejected some books of the Bible because they were contradictions of his


10. Martin Luther rejected Hebrews, James and, Jude.

11. The Catholic and Protestant Bibles contain the same books.

12. The Bible was originally written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek.

13. Jesus spoke Aramaic.

14. The Septuagint is a Greek translation of the Old Testament made for the Jewish people

before Christ.
15. The Vulgate is a Latin translation of the Bible and is the only Latin translation used in the

Western Church.

16. The Douay Version of the Bible is the English translation of the Bible we most

commonly use.

17. The King James Version is the English translation of the Protestant Bible.

18. A manuscript is a handwritten version of something.

19. The Bible needs and Interpreter to help the reader understand some of the content of the


20. The Holy Spirit gave the Catholic Church the responsibility to explain the Scriptures with

infallible certainty.

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