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1. Things that give out light is called…. b. electricity c. light source
2. Light travel in …… lines
a. Wavy b. straight c.reflected
3. Light is able to pass through…… material
a. Transparent b. opaque c. shiny
4. Wood is the example of ………material
a. Opaque b, translucent c. transparent
5. The things below are the natural light source…
a. Lamp b. sun c. candle
6. When an object is placed ……….. the l ight sourche , the shadow formed on the screen is ….. the
a. Closer of , smaller than
b. Closer of, bigger than
c. Far from, bigger than
7. The …………material will cast light shadow
a. Transparent b. opaque c.translucent
8. Shadow were formed when the light is ….. by an object
a. Divided b. blocked c. fromed
9. We are able to see object because they………….light into our eyes
a. Reflect b. diffuse c. shine

10. t bill wears brightly coloured jacke t when he go to the beach at night . it is
a. bright colour reflect more light than dark colur
b. dark colour reflect light but not bright colur
c. bright colur absorb light but not dark colur

11. the boy stand in the front of mirror . he can see his reflection on the mirror. He is
able to do this because the mirror..
a. Can pass through the light
b. Light can be reflected by the mirror
c. Light cant be reflected by the mirror
12. When as object do not allow light to pass through it. It will…
a. Cast no shadow b. cast dark shadow c. cast light shadow

13. An electrical appliance have .............and isolator

a.conductor b. isolation c. heat
14. The ................produces light when an electric current flows through it
a.circuit b.bulb c.switch
15. Material that do not allow an electrical current to flow through them is called...
a.isolator b.conductor c. circuits

16. the suitable material for the handle of electrical iron is….
a. plastic b, iron c. metal
17. Flammable materials are material that catch ............easily
a.wind b. heat c. fire
18. Below are flammable materials, except ...
a.wood b.kerosene c. water
19. The increase size of solid material due to heat gain is called ....
a.contraction b, expansion c.extraction
20. Below are the conductor of heat, except ...
a.plactic b. iron c. copper
21. A...............switch controls when an electric current can flow in an electric circuit
a.battery b.bulb c. switch

look at the picture

22. The part A is called ... case b. metal filament c. metal casing and tip
23. The parts that connect the bulb to an electrical circuit is shown in alphabet
a.A b.B c.C
24. A fire blanket is kept in the .... b.bathroom c. bedroom
25. The metal filament of bulb is covered by... case b.metal casing c. tip

fill in the blank

1. We are able to see objects around us because they........................light into our light
2. An animal that can give out their own light is .....

3. More light can be reflected in the same direction from a........... surface,
which make it appear shinier
4. a...............surface reflect light in different direction

5. heat flow to the basin to the ..........

6. The example of poor conductor of heat is ...

7. Electricity flows along the circuit and the bulb lights up. This flow of electricity is
called ....
8. 2 terminals in battery are ..............and .............

9. the picture beside is prove that light can be .................from a mirror

10. .................under the sea use periscopes to see objects above the sea
11. An object can cast shadows of different ..................and .................... depending on the position of
the object and the position of the light source
12. What is electrical appliances?...................................
13. The object that allow light travel into it is called .........materials
14. The function of periscope is ....
15. A bulb process
16. What is the meaning of transparent object?........

Answer the question

1. What is shadow ?

2. 3 examples of good conductor of heat ?

3. 3 examples of insulators of heat ?

4. A torch is made up of 4 elements what are they ?

5. 3 translucent object around us ?

6. 3 transparent object around us ?

7. Mention 3 ways of put fire !

8. Draw a flammable sign!

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