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Data-driven Cultural Transformation

Digital transformation is an urgent problem

Hotels, Revenue ($B)

CEOs believe digital disruption

of their business is imminent1

Cars / Transportation, Market Capitalization ($B)

2025 estimated global

economic impact from digital2

1 Harvard Business Review, Competing in 2020: Winners and Losers in the Digital Economy
2 World Economic Forum, $100 Trillion by 2025: the Digital Dividend for Society and Business
But culture is getting in the way

What is the single biggest challenge your organization

faces with regards to Digital Transformation?

70% of transformation
Operating Model failures are due to culture-
related issues.
Systems and Technology
Carolyn Dewar, McKinsey Consulting
Talent Culture: 4 keys to why it matters


0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%

World Economic Forum survey of 51 global transformation executives

Culture: 4 keys to why it matters, Carolyn Dewar, McKinsey, March 2018

The good news: focusing on culture drives results

“Companies that focused on culture

were 5x more likely to achieve
breakthrough performance than
companies that neglected culture”
Boston Consulting Group
Study of 40 digital transformations1

1. BCG, How to Drive a Digital Transformation

Culture, and especially knowledge work, is hard to address

knowl·edge work
an occupation characterized
by non-routine cognitive work
With behavioral data, we can shift culture from soft to science
through data-driven cultural transformation
MyAnalytics Workplace Analytics

Personal, private productivity insights Aggregate insights on how your company works
Focus, find balance, and strengthen relationships Show how collaboration impacts business outcomes
Work smarter with intelligent nudges in Office 365 Drive culture change with data and flexible analysis
How does it work?

Office 365 data -> Organizational
context + Meaningful
outcomes = Actionable
Start with aggregated Map behavioral data to Bring in other data Use powerful insights to
behavioral data from organizational sources to connect make better business
everyday work in attributes to reveal collaboration patterns decisions and transform
collaboration tools collaboration patterns to business outcomes your organization

Workplace Analytics provides flexible privacy controls for data access and usage and compliance to help you protect your data.
Skip-level interaction by performance
Avg level email time
Avg level external network size
Focus hours by performance
Avg level network size
Cost to serve
Insularity by level
Pre opportunity collaboration Avg level internal network size
Customer network breadth Avg level focus time
After-hours time by performance
Avg level external meeting duration
Internal network growth Avg email time w/ level
Top performer internal network size
Internal network size Avg geo internal meeting duration
Opportunity sponsor collaboration
After-hours internal email hours Skip-level exposure
Customer network depth Avg level meeting time
Avg internal meeting count
Manager 1:1 time by performance Avg geo external meeting duration
External collab time
Top performer external network size Avg dept focus time
External meeting hours
Meeting hours Avg geo internal network size
Collaboration time by performance After-hours external email hours Avg email time w/ dept
Deal stage collaboration time Email hours
After-hours external meeting hours Avg geo external network size
Meeting frequency
Account prioritization External network growth Avg dept meeting time
Opportunity sponsor collaboration Meetings Email frequency
External email hours Avg meeting time w/ dept
Percent of opportunities won & emails Focus time
Internal meeting hours Avg geo after-hours time
Avg meeting size Avg dept after-hours time
Interdepartmental collaboration time by performance External network size
Multitasking hours Avg meeting time w/ geo
Interdepartmental collaboration time by engagement level After-hours internal meeting hours
Avg dept internal meeting duration
After-hours email Avg external meeting count
Manager 1:1 time by engagement level Avg geo focus time
Avg meeting length Internal collab time
Highly engaged internal network size Departmental insularity
Fragmentation Avg external meeting size Avg geo meeting time
Intradepartmental collaboration time by performance
Collaboration time Avg internal meeting size Avg dept network size
Intradepartmental collaboration time by engagement level
After-hours meetings Internal email hours Avg email time w/ geo
Focus hours by engagement level
Avg dept email time
Skip-level interaction by engagement level
Avg geo email time
Collaboration time by engagement level Avg dept external network size
After-hours by engagement level Geographic insularity
Highly engaged external network size Avg dept internal network size
Avg geo network size
Internal role diversity
Avg dept external meeting duration

Workplace Analytics
This is what data-driven transformation looks like

Change behavior with targeted goals

and programs
Discover opportunities and validate

Measure the impact and optimize

Your business is secure

Trusted Office 365 You control Deidentified

ecosystem your data data
Microsoft is a leader in You determine population Insight generated from
compliance, security, and scope for analysis metadata only
privacy safeguards
Easily apply exclusions Calculations based on
Our solution is part of an and exceptions aggregate dataset
ecosystem you know and trust
Granular user access De-Identified datasets with
permission controls minimum population size
Real-world research fuels product development

To Retain New Hires, How People Analytics Can If You Multitask During Email & Calendar Data Employee Burnout Is a Being Engaged at Work Is Why the French Email Law
Make Sure You Meet with Help You Change Process, Meetings, Your Team Will, Are Helping Firms Problem with the Not the Same as Being Won’t Restore Work-Life
Them in Their First Week Culture, and Strategy Too Understand How Company, Not the Person Productive Balance
Employees Work

What Great Managers Do Measuring Your How Microsoft Used an The Paradox of Workplace What Work Email Can What Makes Great
Daily Employees' Invisible Office Move to Boost Productivity Reveal About Salespeople
Forms of Influence Collaboration Performance and

It’s 10 AM. Do You Know How to Finally Kill the A Primer on Measuring 3 Behaviors That Drive Quantify How Much Time Collect Your Employees' Your Scarcest Resource
What Your Sales Reps Are Useless, Recurring Employee Engagement Successful Salespeople Your Company Wastes Data Without Invading
Doing? Meeting Their Privacy

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