Executive Order No. 786, S. 1982

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Executive Order No. 786, s.

“Creating the Natural Resources Development Corporation, defining its functions,
powers and responsibilities and for other purposes.”
Year of March 19, 1982
enactment and
Purpose Creating the Natural Resources Development Corporation,
defining its functions, powers and responsibilities and for other
Control Area Nationwide
Overview  The urgent need to accelerate the country’s development
is the need to conserve the natural resources and the
environment to attain a better quality of life for the people
 There are new technologies which complement the
utilization of a resource with the conservation of another
and result to greater net benefit to the people and the
environment, such as the charcoal pig iron making;
 More productive utilization of resources can be attained
by the use of new or better systems or technologies, such
as the stumpage valuation system
 With the present slump in the economy, it is imperative
that the government actively support the development
and implementation of such technologies and systems
Features/ Summary
1. Section 1 provides for the creation of the Natural Resources Development
Corporation under the Ministry of Natural Resources. It shall have corporate
term of fifty (50) years which shall be deemed renewed for an equal period
unless earlier dissolved by law. The principal office shall be in Metro Manila but
the Board may hereafter establish branches/offices elsewhere in the
Philippines as it shall deem necessary.

2. Section 2 provides for the policy/purposes, which is to sector hasten

development by promoting and/or undertaking the development and/or use of
technologies/systems that complement the utilization of natural resources with
its conservation and/or optimize its utilization; The NRDC shall undertake all
manner of activity, business or development projects that shall achieve the
purpose to include but not limited to the enumerations as provided in Section 3.

3. The NRDC shall have the general powers provided in the Corporation Law,
insofar as they are not inconsistent with this Order, and such other powers
necessary to enable it to attain its objectives. Section 4 expressly provides for
the powers that the NRDC shall exercise, without in any manner restricting the
purpose of the Section.

4. Section 5 states that the NRDC shall be governed by a Board of Directors

composed of a Chairman, the Minister of Natural Resources, and members,
namely: Minister of Trade and Industry, Chairman of Development Bank of the
Philippines, Minister of Transportation and Communications, Minister of
Economic Planning, Minister of Finance, and President of the NRDC.

5. Section 6 enumerates the Powers/Functions of the Board, while Section 7

states that the NRDC shall be headed by the President who shall be appointed
by the Board of Directors. The Board shall also create positions as it shall
deem fit, as well as determining the powers, duties, term, and compensation of
the officers. Section 8 the President’s powers and duties.

6. Capitalization is discussed in Section 9. The Section states that the NRDC

shall have an authorized capital stock of FIVE HUNDRED MILLION PESOS
(P500,000,000.00) divided into five (5) Million Shares having a par value of one
hundred (P100.00) pesos each. The entire amount shall be subscribed by the
National Government and to be paid up in accordance with the project funding
requirements to be approved by the Minister of the Budget, provided, however,
that the Minister of the Budget shall immediately release the amount of One
Million Pesos (P1,000,000.00) to the NRDC to start its operations.

7. To enable it to effectively carry out its purposes and objectives, the NRDC is
exempt from all Taxes, Duties, Fees, Imposts and Other Charges by
Government and Government Instrumentalities for a period of ten (10) years
from the effectivity of this Order. Section 10 lays down the enumeration
encompassed by the exemption.

8. Section 11 states that the NRDC shall be audited by the corporate auditor,
whose appointment by the Commission on Audit is subject to the approval of
the Board. The subsidiary corporation/s of the NRDC formed and registered
with the Securities and Exchange Commission shall be audited by the
independent Certified Public Accountants selected by the Board.

Prohibited None
References: Gov.ph. 2020. Official Gazette of the Republic of the
Philippines [online] Available at:



“Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes Control Act of 1990.”
Year of enactment and implementation October 26, 1990
Control Area
Nationwide; Focuses on the importation, manufacture, processing, handling, storage,
transportation, sale, distribution, use and disposal of all unregulated chemical
substances and mixtures in the Philippines, including the entry, even in transit, as well
as the keeping or storage and disposal of hazardous and nuclear wastes into the
country for whatever purpose.
 It is the policy of the State to regulate, restrict or prohibit the importation,
manufacture, processing, sale, distribution, use and disposal of chemical
substances and mixtures that present unreasonable risk and/or injury to health
or the environment; to prohibit the entry, even in transit, of hazardous and
nuclear wastes and their disposal into the Philippine territorial limits for
whatever purpose; and to provide advancement and facilitate research and
studies on toxic chemicals. (Sec. 2)
 This Act shall cover the importation, manufacture, processing, handling,
storage, transportation, sale, distribution, use and disposal of all unregulated
chemical substances and mixtures in the Philippines, including the entry, even
in transit, as well as the keeping or storage and disposal of hazardous and
nuclear wastes into the country for whatever purpose. (Sec. 3)
Prohibited Acts/Criminal Offenses and Penalties
Section 13:
a) Knowingly use a chemical substance or mixture which is imported,
manufactured, processed or distributed in violation of this Act or implementing
rules and regulations or orders;
b) Failure or refusal to submit reports, notices or other information, access to
records as required by this Act, or permit inspection of establishment where
chemicals are manufactured, processed, stored or otherwise held;
c) Failure or refusal to comply with the pre-manufacture and pre-importation
requirements; and
d)  Cause, aid or facilitate, directly or indirectly, in the storage, importation, or
bringing into Philippine territory, including its maritime economic zones, even in
transit, either by means of land, air or sea transportation or otherwise keeping
in storage any amount of hazardous and nuclear wastes in any part of the
a) (i) The penalty of imprisonment of six (6) months and one (1) day to six (6)
years and one (1) day and a fine ranging from Six hundred pesos (P600.00) to
Four thousand pesos (P4,000.00) shall be imposed upon any person who shall
violate Section 13(a) to (c) of this Act and shall not be covered by the
Probation Law. If the offender is a foreigner, he or she shall be deported and
barred from any subsequent entry into the Philippines after serving his or her
ii) In case any violation of this Act is committed by a partnership, corporation,
association or any juridical person, the partner, president, director or manager
who shall consent to or shall knowingly tolerate such violation shall be directly
liable and responsible for the act of the employees and shall be criminally
liable as a co-principal;
(iii)   In case the offender is a government official or employee, he or she shall,
in addition to the above penalties, be deemed automatically dismissed from
office and permanently disqualified from holding any elective or appointive
b) (i) The penalty of imprisonment of twelve (12) years and one (1) day to
twenty (20) years, shall be imposed upon any person who shall violate Section
13(d) of this Act. If the offender is a foreigner, he or she shall be deported and
barred from any subsequent entry into the Philippines after serving his or her
(ii)  In the case of corporations or other associations, the above penalty shall
be imposed upon the managing partner, president or chief executive in
addition to an exemplary damage of at least Five hundred thousand pesos
(P500,000.00). If it is a foreign firm, the director and all the officers of such
foreign firm shall be barred from entry into the Philippines, in addition to the
cancellation of its license to do business in the Philippines;
(iii) In case the offender is a government official or employee, he or she shall in
addition to the above penalties be deemed automatically dismissed from office
and permanently disqualified from holding any elective or appointive position.
c) Every penalty imposed for the unlawful importation, entry, transport,
manufacture, processing, sale or distribution of chemical substances or
mixtures into or within the Philippines shall carry with it the confiscation and
forfeiture in favor of the Government of the proceeds of the unlawful act and
instruments, tools or other improvements including vehicles, sea vessels, and
aircrafts used in or with which the offense was committed. Chemical
substances so confiscated and forfeited by the Government at its option shall
be turned over to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources for
safekeeping and proper disposal.
d) The person or firm responsible or connected with the bringing or importation
into the country of hazardous or nuclear wastes shall be under obligation to
transport or send back said prohibited wastes;
Any and all means of transportation, including all facilities and appurtenances
that may have been used in transporting to or in the storage in the Philippines
of any significant amount of hazardous or nuclear wastes shall at the option of
the government be forfeited in its favor.

3. REPUBLIC ACT NO. 10068 “Organic Agriculture Act of 2010”.

Year of April 6, 2010
enactment and
Control Area Nationwide
Overview It is hereby declared the policy of the State to promote, propagate,
develop further and implement the practice of organic agriculture in
the Philippines that will cumulatively condition and enrich the fertility
of the soil, increase farm productivity, reduce pollution and
destruction of the environment, prevent the depletion of natural
resources, further protect the health of farmers, consumers and the
general public, and save on imported farm inputs. Towards this end,
a comprehensive program for the promotion of community-based
organic agriculture systems which include, among others, farmer-
produced purely organic fertilizers such as compost, pesticides and
other farm inputs, together with a nationwide educational and
promotional campaign for their use and processing, as well as the
adoption of organic agricultural system as a viable alternative shall
be undertaken.

The State recognizes and supports the central role of the farmers,
indigenous people and other stakeholders at the grassroots in this
program. (Sec. 2)

Features/ Summary

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