Activity 4

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Activity 4- Present perfect vs Continuous

1. Fill in the blanks with for or since:

Hello Henry!
How are you? Have you finished classes yet? Well, I haven´t Classes will be over in a
month so I’ve been working on my final projects for the last few days! I´m exhausted! I
wanted to use the weekend to watch that show you told me about but I´ve been so busy
that I haven´t watched anything on TV since the last time we met, and that was like three
weeks ago! L I can´t blame my teachers, though. They told me about two projects since
the beginning of the month, but well, you know me. I´ve been leaving things for the last
minute since we were in high school. I hope I learn to organize myself better next term.

Well, I guess I´ll go and continue working. I´ve been procrastinating for the last 2 hours,
and if I continue like this, I won´t finish.

Hope to see you soon!


2. Read the email again and categorize the verb in bold as Action or Non-Action verbs.
 Have you finished-----------Action
 I’ve been working-----------Action
 I haven´t watched-----------Action
 I´ve been-----------------------Action
 I´ve been leaving things----Action
 I´ve been procrastinating--Action

3. Complete the following sentences with the present perfect or present perfect continuous
form of the verbs in parentheses and with for or since.
 I have been (be) on vacations since Monday.
 I have played (play)soccer and watched (watch)movies all day.
 I have been working (work) at the cinema for 10 days, and I love it!
 I have already seen (see) the new superheroes movie three times since I started
working here.
 Have you seen Mark? I haven´t talked (not/talk)to him in a while.

4. Answer the email of exercise 1. Include sentences in present perfect and present perfect
continuous as well as for since and it has to be 100-300 words long. You can include
sentences in other tenses too.
Hello Anne!
I'm very good thank you! My classes have not finished yet, they will finish in two months, I
have been working on my homework and final works for two weeks, the truth is I am
totally exhausted.
When you finish your work you should watch the program, so focus on your projects and
forget about the tv, you are right three weeks ago that we saw each other and it seems
that it was a long time ago that I miss you, you are right the teachers are not to blame We
must start our jobs from the moment they are commissioned, but calmly, you will finish
There are many tips to organize ourselves better, you should investigate.
I hope you finish your projects soon and meet again.
I hope to see you soon!.

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