Pioneer SA-9500 Service Manual

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STEREO AMPLIFIER SA-9500 KCU, D, GN SA-9500 CONTENTS 1, SPECIFICATIONS .. 2 2. FRONT PANEL FACILITIES ......... bee ee eens seen eee tee 3 3. CONNECTION DIAGRAM .... o oo 5 4, . BLOCK DIAGRAM..............0.005 eee eee eee eee rere rrery 7 5. CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION ....... . Pees . . 9 6. LEVEL DIAGRAM .. 13 7. DISASSEMBLY .... a 4 8 PARTS LOCATIONS ........ 20 9. ADJUSTING PROCEDURES .. 26 10. EXPLODED VIEW .. a esaatatse tas 28 11. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS, P.C. BOARD PATTERNS AND PARTS LIST 11.1. Schematic Diagrams and Miscellaneous Parts . 44 11.2 Volume Assembly (AWX-073) . . . 53 11.3 Input Circuit Assembly (AWK-039) . 54 11.4 Switch Circuit Assenibly (AWS-082) . . . 58 11.5 Control Amplifier Assembly (AWG-032) ........6se0see0eee Bios 62) 11.6 Fuse Assembly (AWX-088) , (AWX-085) or (AWX-086) 67 11.7 Power Amplifier Assembly (AWH-041) deen eeeenee . 68 11.8 Protection Circuit Assembly (AWM-074) .......-...00+ . 73 11.9 Power Supply Circuit Assembly-2 (AWR-075) or (AWR-090) . ae 11.10 Power Supply Circuit Assembly-1 (AWR-074) or (AWR-089). ase 12. PACKING wee eee . 80 13, PARTS LIST OF EXPLODED VIEW... 81 NOTE: THE MODEL SA-9500 COMES IN THREE VERSIONS DISTINGUISHED AS FOLLOWS: ee Voltage Type KCU 120V only OSA (Canada) approved. D Pe aeeN en 24 OV | General export model BEMKO (Denman, D jenmark), GN 220V only NEMKO (Norway) and |___ EI (Finland) approved. 1. SPECIFICATIONS Semiconductors FET(s} z 2 Transistors : sa Diodes 26 Power Amplifier Section 1st stage differential amplifiers. Parallel push-pull, direct coupled OCL. Continuous Power Outbut from 20Hertz 10 20,000 Hertz (Both channels driven) Circuitry = 80 watts per channel (8 ohms) £100 watts per channel (4 ohms) at 1,000 Hertz (Both channels driven) . . .. - 85 watts per channel (8 ohms) £110 watts per channel (4 oftms) Total Harmonic Distortion at 20 Hertz to 20,000 Hertz (Continuous Rated Power Output} No more than 0.1% (40 wats per channel Power Output, Bohms) No more than 0.05% (1 watt per channel Power Output, Bohms) Nomore than 0.05% Intermodulation Distortion at 20 Hertz to 20,000 Hertz (Continuous Rated Power Output} [No more than 0.1% (40 watts per channel Power Output, Bohms) No more than 0.05% (1 watt per channel Power Output, Bohms) No more than 0.05% Frequency Response 10 Hertz to 80,000 Hertz #7 48 Input: Sensitiwity/Impedance (POWER AMP IN) 1V/50 k ohms Output: Speaker A,B, ASB, Headphone 5 Low Impedance Damping Factor (20 Herte to 20,000 Hertz, Bohs)... .- 30 Hum & Noise (IHF, Short-circuited, A Network) 10048 Preamplifier Section Circuitry Equalizer amplifier . . stage divectcoupled elass-A SEPP type with Tst stage differential amplifies. «= 2stage direct-coupled with one FET, NFB type. Control amplifier Input: Sensitivity/Impedance PHONO 1 2.5mV50 k ohms PHONO 2 2.5mV to 10mV/35 k ohms, 50 k ohms, 70 k ohm, 100 k ohms Mic mv to 24mV/85 k ohms TUNER 150mV/S0 k ohms AUR .seeeet 5 + 1S0mY/50 k ohms AUX 2 150mV/50 k ohms TAPE PBT 1s0m¥/50 k ohms TAPE PB 2 150mV/50 k ohms PHONO Overload Level (T.H.D. 0.01%) PHONO 1 ‘ 250mV (1,000 Hertz) PHONO 2 250mY to 500m (1,000 Hertz) Output: LeveifImpedance TAPE REC 1 1somv. TAPE REC 2 150mV PRE OUT 2v/1 k ohms ‘Total Harmonic Distortion at 20 Hertz to 20,000 Hertz ‘No more than 0.05% Frequency Response PHONO (RIAA equalization). .20 Merte to 15,000 Hertz «0.248, TUNER, AUX, TAPE PB 7 Herts 10 40,000 Hertz #438, Tone Control (248 step} BASS +1048 (25 Hertz/50 Hertz/100 Herz) (Turnover Frequency} 100 Hertz/200 Hertz/400 Hertz TREBLE... *10d8 (8,000 Hertz/16,000 Her%z/32,000 Herz) (Turnover Frequency) 2,000 Hertz/4,000 Hertz/8,000 Hertz Fitter LOW sis she 15 Hertz, 30 Herts (124Bjoct.) HIGH. = 8,000 Hertz, 12,000 Hertz (124Bjoct.) Hum & Noise (IHF, Short circuited, A Network) PHONO 1 & 2 ces More than 70d8 mic More than 6548, TUNER, AUX 1 & 2, TAPE PB 1&2 More than 9048, Attenuator. i © 0, 1548, ~3038, Miscellaneous Power Requirements. . . AC 120V 6OHerty or 220V 50/60 Hertz ‘0r 120, 220 and 240V (Switchable) 50/60 Hertz Power Consumption = 370W(120V model only) or 310W [AC Outlets 2 (Switched), 1 (Unswitched) 420 (W) x 165 (H) x 403 (D) mm 6-1/2 x 6-1/2 x 15-7/8 in, 17.2kg (37161302) Dimensions ‘Weight: Without Package With Package 20k (4b) Fumished Parts Hex. Wrench (sed for fasting VOLUME knob) 1 Jack covers (input, output) 2 AC outlet covers (tne voltage medel only) 3 Fuse 68 1 Faieaa, 2 (ine voltage model ony) Connection Cord with Pin Plugs. . 1 Factory Tested Data Bi ie 1 (Operating Instructions HES? ote NO’ Specifications and the design subject to possible modifica tion without notice due to improvements 2. FRONT PANEL RESPONSE GRAPH SPEAKERS SWITCH OFF Cuts off speaker sound (when using head phones only), A Sound obtained from speakers connected 10 A speaker terminals, 8 Sound obtained from spéakers connected to B speaker terminals. A+B: Sound obtained from speakers connected to both A and B speaker terminals, POWER SWITCH. Depress to turn on AC power. After the POWER switch is set toON,a few seconds wil FACILITIES BASS TURN OVER SWITCH ‘As shown in the response graph, this switch selects the frequency at which the BASS control takes effect. Set the switch to 100Hz, 200Hz, or 400Hz according 10 listening room and speaker charcateristics, or personal preference. rBASS CONTROL Control for adjusting low frequency sound. When turned clockwise from center, frequencies below the value se: lected by the BASS TURN OVER switch are enhanced, while counterclockwise rotation attenuates these fre: quencies. The control functions in 2dB steps, [TREBLE CONTROL Control for adjusting high frequency sound, When turned clockwise from center, frequencies above the value se- lected by the TREBLE TURN OVER switch are enhance while counter-clockwise rotation attenuates these fre: quencies. The control functions in 2dB steps. TREBLE TURN OVER SWITCH ‘As shown in the response graph, this switch selects the frequency at which the TREBLE control takes effect. Set the switch to 2kHz, 4kHz, or 8kHz according to listening room and speaker characteristics, or personal preference, SA-3500 -—VOLUME CONTROL Adjusts output level to speakers and headphones. Scale is graduated in dB with OdB at maximum level. When employed in combination with the ATTENUATOR, switch, finer and wider range attenuation can be perform- ed. PILOT LAMP Lights when AC power is turned on. eH DP 10 [FUNCTION SWITCH PHONO 1 For playing records on a turntable con- nected to the PHONO 1 jacks. Same as above, for PHONO 2 jacks, or for reproduction through a microphone con- nected to the MIC jack on the front MIC/PHONO 2: panel. Note, when the microphone is connected to the jack, the turntable connected to the PHONO 2 jacks cannot be used, For listening to broadcasts through the tuner, For playing signals fed to the AUX 1 jacks. Same as above, for AUX 2 jacks. TUNER: AUX 1 AUX 2. MIC JACK Accepts the plug of the microphone. elapse before sound is obtained. This is due to the built-in muting circuit and does not signify difficulty PHONES JACK Output jack for stereo headphones, TONE SWITCH When set to OFF, the TONE control circuit is disengaged and frequency response becomes flat. The BASS and TREBLE twin controls do not function at this time Convenient for checking phono cartridge and speaker tone, tone control effectiveness, and listening room acoustics. LOW FILTER swiTtcH —4 Attenuates low frequency noise I5Hz: Provides 12dB/octave attenuation for fre- quencies below 1SHz. OFF Set to this position when not employing filter. 30Hz: Provides 12dB/octave attenuation for fre: quencies below 30Hz. HIGH FILTER SWITCH Attenuates high frequency noise, such as sicratches and, tape hiss. 12kHz: Provides 12dB/octave attenuation for fre ‘quencies above 12kHz. OFF Set to this position when not employing filter. BkHz: Provides 12dB/octave attenuatiion for fre quencies above SkH2. ATTENUATOR SWITCH Attenuates the output level as follows: od: No attenuation -15dB: Attenuates by 15dB -30dB: Attenuates by 30dB MODE SWITCH REV Reverses left and right channel stereo signals STEREO: Normal stereo reproduction, LR: Mixes left and right channel signals for mono reproduction. L Mono reproduction of left channel signal through both speakers, R: Mono reproduction of right channel signal through both speakers, TAPE MONITOR SWITCH 1 Playback or monitoring of tape deck connect ed to the TAPE 1 (REC & PB) jacks. Set to this position at times other than tape playback. Playback or monitoring of tape deck connect ed to the TAPE 2 (REC & PB) jacks. ‘—TAPE DUPLICATE SWITCH Set to ON when employing 2 tape decks to duplicate or edit tapes. Be sure to set to OFF (upper position) at other times. BALANCE CONTROL Adjusts left and right volume balance of speakers and headphones. Turn clockwise from center to increase right channel (R) volume, and counterclockwise from center to increase left channel (L.) volume. 3. CONNECTION DIAGRAM _,,. Line voltage selector is not equipped in 120V model, 220V mod 3 Line Voltage model tions When Connecting PHONO 2 PHONO zinc IMPEDANCE Switch LEVEL Contrat Left channel wes Lf om ‘Tape deck (Gper:reel or cassette) Tape deck. (Open-reel or cassetel Get connecting cords through lead wire guide. 18» sure t0 allow for ‘adequate ventilation when installing, Lead wire guide 4. BLOCK DIAGRAM SA-3500 LEFT CHANNEL, RIGHT CHANNEL va PowER Power Amplifier Circuit BALANCE les SWITCHES 3) TION 1 PHOND 22 PHONG 1 TUNER 4AUXT BAUD $+ PHONO. IMPEDANCE Laskin 2 SOKHe LR Sg: ATTENUATOR Soe LOW FILTOR i 1SHe 2, 0FF 3, 30K2 Sn HIGH FILTOR WiekHe 2 OF 3. Bite Sa: PRE/ POWER AMP L_NORMAL 2, SEPARATED 5. CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION ‘The SA-9500 is a 2-channel integrated stereo amplifier. ‘The descriptions given here refer mainly to the left channel. Please refer to the block diagram on pages 7 to 8. EQUALIZER AMPLIFIER CIRCUIT (Q1— 5) ‘This is a three stage, direct-coupled NFB (negative feedback) type consisting of five transistors; employing a differential amplifier in the first stage and a SEPP (single ended push-pull) in the final stage. By using the differential amplifier in the first stage, the DC feedback becomes 100% thus considerably improving the stability of the direct current. This produces very low noise and very small distortion so that there can be a large AC feedback—regardless of the high-gain circuit. In addition, the SEPP circuit at the final stage can effectively utilize the voltage of the power source, and produce a high output of small distortion, while at the same time the overload level and the dynamic margin are both increased. ‘The equalizer amplifier circuit is shown in Fig. 1. Signals, from the PHONO input terminal, are fed to the differential amplifiers Q1, @2, through R1. RI is the resistance which determines the input impedance of the PHONO terminal. With- out R1 the input impedance of the circuit, is designed to be 125k9. By selecting R1 as 48.6k2, 131k, 291k2 or 791k2, the input impedance of this circuit can be set to 35k, 50k2, 70k2 or 100k2 respectively. Signals amplified by QI are further amplified by the class-A SEPP circuit, consisting of Q4 and Q5. 48.6k2 131.92. [201k 791k. RI] 82k2 Due to the bootstrap circuits of R9, R10 and C7, inserted in the load to Q3, the AC load impedance and the voltage gain are both enlarged. ‘The NFB is applied from the output to the base of Q2, The entire DC feedback is applied through R13, and the level of the NFB of AC is determined by C12, R16, C11, R15, C10 and VR1a. The NFB element of this AC provides the frequency selectivity and the RIAA regenerative compensation characteristic. Stable RIAA equali- zation is achieved by metal film resistors R13, R14 and R16, having an error of no more than 1%, combined with high accuracy polystyrene film capacitors C11 and C12 with a tolerance of 2%, which provide high reliability and fidelity, and are not affected by temperature variations or ageing. When the function switch is turned to PHONO 2, the gain of the equalizer amplifier can be adjusted. ‘The variable range is 0 — -12aB. 6dB out of this Tange results from changing the level of AC NFB. by means of VR1a, which is inserted in the NFB. element in series with R14. The remaining 6dB’s are controlled by VR1b in the output circuit. ‘The adjustment of gain by changing the level of, the NFB is an effective method for raising the overload level. Moreover, the adjustment of gain in the output, cireuit is an effective method of increasing the SN ratio. By combining their methods, a low distortion factor is also obtained with a cartridge having a high output voltage. Circuit Diagram of Equalizer Amplifier Fig. 1 CONTROL AMPLIFIER CIRCUIT (Q7 — Q9) The control amplifier circuit of the SA-9500 is the NFB type, using a FET (field effect transistor) in the first stage. The FET amplifier being a controlable voltage type, which holds the input impedance constant, even if the level of the NFB changes, and has additional advantage as a coupled circuit, as the input impedance can be raised, as shown in Fig. 2. 1. Low Frequency Control to TONE Switch ‘The low frequency control circuit is shown in Circuit Diagram of Control Amplifier Fig. 2 Fig. 3-a, and the equivalent circuit, when boosting low frequency, is shown in Fig. 3-b. As the parallel impedance of VR1 and C11, in Fig. 3-b, is high at low frequency, the volume of, the NFB decreases and the gain in the low frequency range increases. ‘The equivalent cireuit, when cutting out low frequencies, is shown in Fig. 3-c. In this case, the input signal is applied to Q9, through the parallel impedance of VR1 and C10,which is high in the low frequency range and suppresses the lower frequency signals. 2. High Frequency Control 4 ‘The high frequency control circuit is shown in Ut) cour Fig. 4-a, and the equivalent circuit, when boosting wey fl ge high frequencies, is shown in Fig. 4-b. In this circuit, the input signal is applied to Q9 through the parallel impedance circuit. This impedance is small in the high frequency range and produces a signal with an enhanced high range. Fig. 4-c shows the equivalent circuit when cutting out high frequencies. As the impedance of R13, R15 and C12 of the circuit becomes small, the level of the NFB increases and the gain of the circuit decreases. 3. Adjustment of Turnover Frequency ‘Turnover frequency is adjusted by selecting CLO and C11 as shown in Fig. 3-a, using the TURN- OVER switch. By changing the values of C10 and C11, the time constants of the input circuit, and the NFB are altered and the upper and lower limits of the low frequency curves are adjusted. In the case of the high frequency, by changing C12, as shown in Fig. 4-a, the upper and lower limits of the high frequency are also controlled. Fig. 4 10 FILTER CIRCUIT (Q10, 011) The circuit shown in Fig. 5 has a steep charac- teristic of 12dB/oct, and is effective in removing noise. The low cutout filter can be switched to the three positions of 15Hz, OFF and 30Hz. Change-over of this cut-off frequency is achieved by changing over Cl and C2. The high cutout, filter can be switched to the three positions of 12kHz, OFF and 8kHz, and this is achieved by the change-over of C3 and C4. POWER AMPLIFIER (012 — 021) The power amplifier of the SA- 9500, is a direct-coupled, pure com- plementary parallel push pull cir- cuit, which uses a differential amplifier stage and a constant current circuit, consisting of 10 transistors. ‘The power amplifier circuit is shown in Fig. 6. Q12 and Q13, in the first stage, form a differential amplifier to stabilize the output mid-point po- tential and amplify the input signal. ‘As the potential on the base of Q12 becomes the standard potential, the bias stabilization circuit is provided by D1, R5, R6, R7 and VR1, to be used in the base circuit of Q12. D1 is used to compensate for temperature, while VR1 is used to adjust the output junction point poten- tial. The signal amplified by the differential amplifier is fed to Q14. The load of Q14 becomes a constant current circuit by QL5. By using the constant current circuit for the load of Q14, the collector current of Q14 can be designed to be small to improve noise character- istics. Moreover, the AC load becomes extremely large. Accordingly, a large gain is obtainable. The output of Q14 drives the output cireuit after Q16 and Q17. The NFB is applied to the base of Q13 by R11, R12, R13 and C4. The entire DC is also applied to the base of Q13 through R11, R12 and R13. Thus, stabilization of the output potential is secured. The AC NFB is determined by the split circuit of R12 and R11 to improve the character- istics. PROTECTION CIRCUIT (22 — 027) This protection circuit functions to protect the speakers from damage due to short-circuit of the load, etc, and performs a muting operation to cut noise and distortion which occur when switching the power on and off. The circuit is SA-93500 Circuit Diagram of Filter Amplifier Fig. Fig. 6 Relay driving circuit Over-current and DC voltage detection circuit Circuit Diagram of Protection Circuit, Fig.7 shown in Fig. 7, and consists of a bridge type over-current and overload detector, a differential amplifier DC voltage detector, and a power switch ON/OFF detector section. "4 1. Relay Driving Circuit Q26 — Q28, inFig. 7, comprise the relay driving circuit. In the normal condition reverse bias is applied to the base of Q26,and Q26 isin acutout condition. When one of the above mentioned detection circuits goes on, current flows through R18, the base potential falls and Q26 is turned on. Con- sequently Q27 comes on and Q28goes off. When, Q28g0es off, the current of the relay circuit is cut, to release the switch of the output circuit. When the power switch is turned on, a delay operation occurs in this circuit, R25, R26 and C6, in the base circuit of Q28,are the time con- stant elements which determine the delay time. When the power switch is switched on, C6 charges to a potential of +35 volts through R25 and R26, and Q28is kept in the OFF condition during this time. When the power source is switched off the muting operation of Q27 prevents shock noise. In the normal condition, the potentials of +35 volts and ~5.1 volts are applied to Q27 through R21 and R22. The resultant potential at the base of Q27is -1 volt in the cutout condition. When the power supply is turned off, the potential of =5.1 volts disappears immediately, due to the small time constant of the power circuit. Thus @ positive base potential remains, switching Q27 ‘on, which in turn switches off Q28 and hence the relay. 2. Over-current and Overload Detection ‘The equivalent circuit of this detector section is, shown in Fig. 8-a, and Fig. 8-b shows the equiva- lent circuit at the time of a positive half cycle. When this equivalent circuit is overloaded, the balance of the bridge, formed by RE1, RI, R5 and RL, is disturbed, and a potential is produced between b and ain such a direction that Q22 is turned on. When Q22is turned on, the collector current increases, the relay driving circuit func- tions and the relay switch of the output circuit, is tumed off. After the cause of the overload is removed, the bias of Q22is reduced and the relay switch turns on to automatically restore normal operation, Fig. 8c shows the equivalent circuit at the time of a negative half cycle. In this circuit a potential is produced between b and e as above,and Q22 is turned on. 3. Detection of DC Voltage ‘This is a differential amplifier consisting of Q24 and Q25, as shown in Fig. 9. The bases of Q24 and Q25 are connected to the junction-points of 12 Power! ey amplifier Relay ral if circuit Fig. 9 the right and the left power amplifiers. When the DC balance of the power stage is lost for some reason, a potential difference is produced in the input signal to the differential amplifier, and the collector currents of Q24 and Q25 are put out of balance. Thus, the relay driving circuit functions, and the relay switch is turned off. POWER SUPPLY CIRCUIT (028 — 034) ‘The SA-9500 uses a balanced power supply with a built-in constant potential circuit. Apart from, the stage of the pre-driver, all other parts are in, constant potential condition. Therefore, not only is operating stability superior, but it is useful in reducing the remaining noise. ‘The power source, after the pre-driver stage of the amplifier circuit, is provided by the bridge rectifier circuit and the 18,0004F capacitor. SA-3500 6. LEVEL DIAGRAM Power Filter Control Buffer Amplifier Equalizer Amplifier ‘Function (1334mV) Power Amplifier L ¥ ‘Amplifier Control 22.548 Ampli 35.508 PHONO (2.5mV) a ea oS ‘AQP NI3AR7 2 1 20) ~— FREQUENCY AT kHz 13 7. DISASSEMBLY Disassembly Cautions (1) Great care should be taken in handling the SA-9500 since it is very heavy and the front panel and heat sink fins are exposed. (2), When replacing components, be sure to dis- assemble them in the correct order and to identify the disassembly positions. (3) Most of the.printed circuit boards cannot he checked tless they are removed from the chassis. When removing them, great care should be taken not to touch them against any other components nor to short any circuit. (4) Do not exert excessive force on the side panel stays as they may be bent. (5) ‘There are many screws of different types, It is recommended therefore that you make a note of the positions from which they are removed. Removing the Top Cover Unscrew the six screws (A) on the top cover. Lift up the top cover. Removing the Front Shield Cover After removing the top cover, unscrew the two, serews (B) on the front shield cover. Lift up the front shield cover. Removing the Front Panel Remove all front panel knobs (C) except the POWER switch knob. For the VOLUME control knob, loosen the set screws with a hexagonal wrench before removing it. Remove the BASS TURNOVER, SPEAKERS, and FUNCTION switch shaft nuts and washers. ‘The front panel is ready for removal. Removing the Bottom Plate Stand the main body with the heat sink down. Unscrew the ten (10) screws (D). Remove the bottom plate, Removing the Side Panel (R) (input terminal side) After removing the top cover and front shield cover, pull out the PHONO 2/MIC LEVEL and IMPEDANCE control knobs. Unscrew the sixteen screws (E). Remove the side panel (R). 14 Removing the Side Panel (L) {output terminal side) ‘After removing the top cover and front shield cover, unscrew the seven screws (F). Remove the side panel (L). SA-8500 Removing the Protection Circuit Assembly (Fig. 10) qa) (2) 16 Remove the top cover, front shield cover, bottom plate, and left side panel. Unserew the two screws (A) mounting the printed circuit board fixing brackets on the chassis. This permits the printed circuit board to be inclined to an angle depending on the length of the lead wires. _ Protection circuit - / assembly Shiold plate Removing the Power Amplifier Assembly (Fig. 11) (1) After the top cover and bottom plate have been removed, the power amplifier can be adjusted. (2) The power transistors can be replaced by pulling the transistor covers out of the heat sink guides and unscrewing their two screws (B). (3) Unserew the varistor fixing screw at the upper part of the center of the heat sink. Remove the varistor. (4) Stand the main body on the bottom plate so it is not touching the bench. Unscrew the eight screws (C) at both sides of the heat sink. This allows the power amplifier printed circuit board to be turned forward. (5) Unscrew the four printed circuit board fixing screws (D) and screws (A)and(B). This allows the printed circuit board to be removed from the heat sink. After this has been done am- plifier can be checked. Removing the Power Supply Circuit Assembly-1 (Fig. 12) (1) Remove the top cover, front shield cover, and bottom plate. This allows the 1A protec- tion fuse (FU,) in the pilot lamp system to bbe replaced. (2) Unserew the two screws (B) which mount, the printed circuit board on the chassis. This allows the printed cireuit board to be moved, though the distance is limited by the length of its lead wire. Power supply circuit assembly-2 Boss: Power supply assembly-1 SA-93500 Removing the Power Supply Circuit Assembly-2 (Fig. 12) (1) Remove the top cover, front shield cover, and right side panel. (2) Unscrew the four serews (F) which mount the shield case on the chassis. (3) Be careful not to touch the volume assembly against any other part. (4) Pull up the power supply circuit assembly-2 from the bosses. Volume assembly Fig, 12 17 Removing the Control Amplifier Assembly, ‘Switch Circuit Assembly (Fig. 13) (1) Remove the top cover, front shield cover, front panel, and left side panel. (2) Unscrew the three screws (G) which mount the control amplifier assembly shield plate on the chassis. Pull up the shield plate. (3) Unscrew the heat sink top screws (H) and two panel stay screws (I). Remove the left side stay. (4) (5) Unscrew the five screws (J) of the panel stay. Remove the control amplifier assembly by moving it forward Unscrew the twenty-seven screws of the panel stay and PHONES jack, SPEAKERS selector switch shaft and VOLUME control shaft nuts and washers. Remove the switch circuit assembly by inclining the panel stay. Left side stay Shield plate Control amplifier assembly Panel stay 18 ‘Switch cireuit Fig. 13 Removing the Input Circuit Assembly (Fig. 14) The PHONO jacks, TAPE MONITOR and DUPLICATE lever switches, and FUNCTION rotary switch are installed on the input circuit assembly printed circuit board. (1) Remove the top cover, front shield cover, front panel, bottom plate, and right side panel. (2) Remove the shield case and power supply cireuit assembly-2. (3) Unscrew the twenty-seven screws of the panel stay and PHONES jack and SPEAKERS selector switch shaft and VOLUME control shaft nuts and washers. Incline the panel stay. (4) Pull out the input circuit assembly from the bosses. assembly Input circuit assembly Fig 14 Volume circuit SA-98500 Removing the Fuse Assembly (Fig. 15) (1) Remove the bottom plate. (2) Pull out the Fuse assembly from the bosses. Fuse AC outlet socket transformer Fig. 15 19 8. PARTS LOCATIONS FRONT PANEL VIEW Knob (TREBLE) — ‘AAB-086-0 Knob (BASS) ps AAB-086-0 Knob. = (BASS TURN OVER) AAB-086-0 Knob | (SPEAKERS) | | AAB-086-0 Knob (TREBLE TURN OVER) AAB-086-0 — Knob (VOLUME) ‘AAB.089-A, Knob (TAPE MONITOR) ‘AAD-040-B) Knob (FUNCTION) AAB-084-0 Front panel assembly ‘ANB:327-0 Knob (POWER) ‘AAD-086-0 Knob (TONE) AAD-040-B Knob (LOW FILTER) AAD-040:8 Knob (HIGH FILTER) — e AAD-040-B 20 Knob (TAPE DUPLICATE) AAD-0408 knob (BALANCE) ‘AAB-086-0 knob (ATTENUATOR) AAD-040-8 Knob (MODE) AAB-086-0 FRONT VIEW WITH PANEL REMOVED. Rotary switch (TREBLE TURN OVER) ASD.035-A Rotary switch (TREBLE) ASD.034.A Rotary switch (BASS) ASD-033-A, Rotary switch (BASS TURN OVER) ASD.032-A, Rotary switch (SPEAKERS) ASB.047-0 Push switch (POWER) ASG-043-8 (KCU) ASG-085-0 (D, GN) Lever switch (TONE) ASK.092.0 Lover switch (LOW FILTER) ASK.085-0 Phone jack (PHONES) K72.026-0 Lever switch (HIGH FILTER) ASK-085-0 Rotary switch (MODE) ‘ASD-020-A SA-9500 Variable resistor (VOLUME) ACV-144-4, Lamp with wire 8V 50mA AEL-051-0 Rotary switch (FUNCTION) ASD-021-A, Phone jack (MIC) 72.0200 Lever switch (TAPE MONITOR) ASK.086-8. Lever switch (TAPE DUPLICATE) ASK-084-0 Variable resistor 250k02-HB. (BALANCE) ACV-148-0 Lever switch (ATTENUATOR) ASK-087-A 21 Top VIEW For “KCU, D” Types (120V model and 3-line voltage model) Power supply circuit assernbly-2 Power supply circuit assembly-1 AWR-O75-A, AWR.074-4 Volume assembly Control amplifier assembly AWK.073-4 AWG-032.0 Binding post Phono jack (4P) (for ground) AKB.023-0 AKE012-A, Speaker output Phono jack (4P) terminal AKB-023-0 AKEO25-A Phono jack (6P) AC outlet socket AKB-024-0 AKP.005.0 Phono jack (4P)) Protection circuit AKB-023-0 assembly AWM-074-0 Binding post (for ground) Relay AKEO12-A, ASR-007-0 Electrolytic capacitor Power transformer 18,000uF, 63V ATT-238-A (KCU) ACH-047-0 ATT-236-A (D) 22 For “GN” Type (220V model) Power supply circuit, assembly-2 AWR-090-0 Volume assembly AWX.073.A Binding post (for ground) AKE-OIZ-A Phono jack (4P) AKB-023-0 Phono jack (6P) AKB.024-0 Phono jack (4P) AKB-023-0 Binding post (for ground) AKEO12-A Electrolytic capacitor 18,000uF, 63V ‘ACH.047-0 SA-9500 Power supply circuit assembly-1 AWR-089:0 Control amplifier assembly AWG-032-0 Phono jack (4P) AKB.023-0 ‘Speaker output ‘terminal AKEO25-A AC inlet socket ‘AKP.008-0 Protection circuit assembly AWM-074.0 Relay ASR-007-0 Power transformer ATT-237.8 23 BOTTOM VIEW For “KCU, D” Type (120V model and 3-line voltage model) Snitch rouitastenbly pat ee AWK-039-C Push witch (POWER) aie jack sc.0#8-0 (Kou) ‘86-0880 (0) ker20060 Hu ee Wee I AI es Fare sembly AWX-086-0 (KCU type) AWX-088-0 (D type) Line voltage selector socket AKP.010-0 (D model only} a id Power amplifier assembly ‘AWH-041-0 SA-9500 For “GN” Type (220V model) Switch circuit assembly ‘AWS-082-0 Push switeh (POWER) Input circuit assembly ASG-085-0 AWK-039-C Fuse Phone jack assembly (nic) AWX.085-0 72-0260 Power amplifier assembly AWH-041-0 es 9. ADJUSTING PROCEDURES Set-up Adjusting procedures (a) Remove the top cover and bottom plate, and (1) Set the PRE/POWER AMP switch to the stand the main body with the heat sinks SEPARATED (lower) position. down. (2) Fit 5.1k9 resistors to the POWER IN ter- (b) Before turning on the POWER switch, tum minals as shown in Fig, 16. VR3 and VR4 all the way to the left (coun- (3) Connect 82 dummy loads between the terclockwise). SPEAKER A terminals as shown in Fig. 16. (c) For adjustment, wait 10 minutes after the (4) Set the SPEAKERS switch to position A. POWER switch is tumed on. Turn on the POWER switch. (5) Connect a DC voltmeter (100mV/full scale) between pins 10 and 9. Adjust VR1 until the voltmeter indicates OV. (6) Connect the DC voltmeter between pins 25, and 24, Adjust VR2 until the voltmeter indicates OV. PRE/POWER AMP switch re Seana DEO be) (set to SEPARATED) a ee altor (5.1K) DC voltmeter fi \ ) POWER IN ) terminals Dummy load (8) SPEAKER A. terminals 26 Power amplifier assembly Fig. 16 (7) Connect the DC voltmeter between pins 12 (8) ) and 13. Adjust VR3 until the voltmeter indicates 20mV. Connect the DC voltmeter between pins 27 and 28. Adjust VR4 until the voltmeter indicates 20mV. OO 000 O SA-S500 PRE/POWER AMP switch (set to SEPARATED) Resistor (5.1k2)— Be POWER IN terminal ‘Dummy toad / (82) f |o \ ~ SPEAKER A ian Power amplifier assembly Fig. 17 27 10. EXPLODED VIEW NOMENCLATURE OF SCREWS, WASHERS AND NUTS ‘The following symbols stand for screws, washers and nuts as shown in exploded view. ‘Symbot Deeription shove | [Symbet Deeription [__ she | Brazier head tapping serew =p ew | E type washer e-| ot | pbb woping row j=D Fw | Flt water © | BT Binding head tapping screw Io SW | Spring tock washer Crt ot | camenncheasaoineseew | YD w | me © tT | tumtee are (= wo | Wer td mt © 4 ocr | Ovetcounenunk heed tpping | py iw | trowel seohedteckomnee | Gf PM | Pan head machine screw Co Corw | Outernat toothed lock washer | SOR j can | Sairtrmnk heed neti i se | storedsetsrew (cores) | @ ED (vl countersunk heod om | Sateeca to se | shoimdsetsren (Fines =| @ TM | Truss head machine serew ea Fn ee ia eae ge eo am | sindng heed machines =| (9 cow | Setcoutenincte wos |) ame Pan head screw with spring | vom | Pen tnd (ko cw | coun ad wood rom | [Janet Pan heed screw with spring tour wood screw: [aaa Se ee PSF Pan head screw with flat washer | io) EXAMPLE PM 3x8, a | ——tength in mm (1) mind TL thickness in mm (2) aft 1 — diameter in mm (d) ~ Symbol FW: 96x. AH — diameter in mm (d) Symbol oF 62 oe EXPLODED VIEW NOTE: Parts indicated in green type cannot be suppli Front shield cover ANH-231-A, Screw (tapping) M4x8 ABA.079-0 ‘Screw (tapping) M4x12 ABA-083-A, ‘Screw (tapping) M4x8 ABA-079-0 Top cover ANE-O72-A, Transistor cover ANE-073-8 Knob (SPEAKERS) (Bass) (TREBLE) \ (TREBLE TURN oven) (move) (BALANCE) fie ‘AAB.086.0 Internal toothed wa ‘ABE-001-0 ase 7 Front panel assembly Cee ‘ANB-327-0 » "ART 1 ce pages 31, 32 PART 2 See pages 33,34 {KCU type) See pages 35, 36 (D type) See pages 37, 38 (GN type) PART? See pages 39, 40. Internal toothed washer ABE-O0T-0 Knob (FUNCTION) Knob (POWER) Knob AAB-084.0 ADOBE oy ; Knob (VOLUME) AAB-089-A, Knob (TONE) (LOW FILTER) (HIGH FILTER) (ATTENUATOR) AAD-040-8 (TAPE DUPLICATE) (TAPE MONITOR) ~ AAD-040B Screw (tapping) M4x12 ABA.083-A Screw (tapping) M4x8 ABA.012-0 Screw (tapping) M4x8 ABA012.0 Foot assembly AEC-178-4, Foot assembly AEC-178-A RT-4x8 RT-ax8 oos6-vs Control amplifier assembly Switch circuit assembly Screw (tapping) M3x8 Serew (tapping) M3x8 Push switch (POWER) ASG-043-8 (KCU) ‘ASG-085-0(D, GN) ze ‘See pages 33, 34 (KCU type). See pages 35, 36 (D type), ‘See pages 37, 38 (GN typed. Phone jack (PHONES) 72.0280 Variable resistor (VOLUME) ACV-144-8 Phone jack (mic) 72.020-0 Insulated spacer £32-045-A ee PART 2 For “KCU” Type (120V model) NOTE Parts i licated in green type cannot be supplied. Power transformer ATT-238-4 BT-3x8 RT-3x8 BT 3x8 amp See page 41. RT-3x8 é é Slide switch (PRE/POWER AMP) RT-4x8 ASH-012.0 Screw (tapping) M3x8 a ll ‘ABA-002:0 lectrolytic capacitor 18,000uF, 63V Protection circuit assembly ACH.047.0 ‘AWM-074-0 RT-ax8 ‘See page 73. RTS Screw (tapping) M3x8 @ ABa.002-0 AC outlet socket, ‘AKP-005-0 ‘ADG-011. ° Power supply circuit Ges assembly-1 ‘ASR-007.0 AWR-O74-A See page 79. Power supply circuit aseembly:2 ; ‘AWR-075-8 Phono jack cover AEC-1820 See ore Phono jack (4P) AKB-023.0 BT 38 Speaker output terminal AKE-025-A, Knob (MIC/PHONO 2 LEVEL) ‘AC power cord stopper (IMPEDANCE) AEC079-0 AAB-046-A, Volume assembly ‘Screw (tapping) M3x8 AWX.073-A, ‘ABA-002-0 See page 43. oos6-vs se se For “D” Type (3:line voltage model) NOTE: Parts indicated in green type cannot be supplied. ‘AC outlet socket AKP.005-0 AC outlet cover, AEC-209-0 Protection circuit assembly AWM-074.0 ‘See page 73. Power transformer” Slide switch ATT-236-8 (PRE/POWER AMP) ASH-012.0 Srew (tapping) M3x8 ABA-002:0 AC power cord a ag Phono jack (4P) AKB.023-0 . ‘AC power cord stopper Phono jack cover ‘AEC-079-0 EG Ne 0: Line voltacs selector plug AKM-016-0 ‘Speaker output, terminal aeons Line voltage selector socket AKP.010-0 RT-3x8 Power amplifier See page 41. RT-3x8, eo a Electrolytic capacitor 18,000uF, 63V ‘ACH-047-0 Power supply circuit assembly-1 AWR-074-A, See page 79, Power supply circuit assembly-2 AWR-075-8, See page 76. Volume assembly AWX.073-4, See page 43, BT-3x8, Knob (MIC/PHONO 2 LEVEL) {IMPEDANCE} AAB046-A\ ‘Screw (tapping) M3x8) ABA-002.0 Ze ee For “GN” Type (220V model) NOTE: Parts indicated in green type cannot be supplied. Power transformer ATT-237-8 Protection circuit assembly ‘AWM.074-A See page 73. Slide switeh (PRE/POWER AMP) ASH.0120 Brae 4 Power amplifier / See page 41 RT-3x8 Screw (tapping) M3x8 ABA-002.0 RT-3x8 BT-3x8 Electrolytic capacitor 18,000uF, 63V ACH-047.0 Screw (tapping) M3x8 ABA.002.0 v Ac inlet socket AKP-008-0 RT-3x8 | Fuse 1A e RT-3x8 Relay ASR-007-0 Power supply circuit assembly-2 Phono jack cover AWR-090-0 ‘AEC-182-0 See page 76. Phono jack (4°) AKB.023-0 Speaker output terminal AKE-025-A See pages 39, 40, BT: 3x8 Knob (MIC/PHONO 2 LEVEL) Volume assembly (IMPEDANCE) AWX-073-A ‘AAB-O46-A “ower supply circuit 5e 43. ue oe ee ‘Screw (tapping) M3x8, AWR-089-0 ‘ABA-002.0 See page 79. oos6-vs 8 PART3 NOTE: Parts indicated in green type cannot be supplied. Binding post, (for ground) AKE-OIZ-A, Internal toothed washer ‘ABE-006-0 Nut 76 871-0100 Internal toothed washer ABE-006.0 Nut 79 871.010.0 Jas | | e7¢ b wes ¥ ¥ oe q X = Fuse ossembly ‘AWX-086-0 (KCU) ‘AWX-088-0 (D) ‘AWX-0B5-0 (GN) a Input circuit assembly AWK.039-C See page 42. SA-9500 POWER AMPLIFIER NOTE: Parts indicated in green type cannot be supplied. Transistor Transistor 2sBs41P 280388P or 2885308 or 2SD370S ees ae saan Transistor socket AKH-001-0 RT-3x8, Insulating wafer AEC-076.0 Power amplifier assembly ‘AWH-041.0 See page 68. RT-3x8 Transistor socket AKH-001-0 P.C. Board clamp ANF-291-4 a1 INPUT CIRCUIT ASSEMBLY (AWK-039-C} NOTE: < Q Parts indicated in green type cannot be supplied. jotary swite eer omnes (FUNCTION) Lever switch ASD-021-A, Phono jack (4P) (TAPE MONITOR) ‘AKB.023-0 faeon Phono jack (6P) ‘ono jac (fare DuPLicaTe) /AKB-028-0 ASK-084-0 Phono jack (4P) AKB.023.0 ‘Screw (tapping M3x8 ABA0020 GE Coe? Boss & ABN-009-0 Internal toothed washer 99 x 0.5t ‘ABE-001-0 CONTROL AMPLIFIER ASSEMBLY (AWG-032-0) NOTE: Parts indicated in green type cannot be supplied. Rotary switch (BASS TURN OVER) ASD-032-A, Rotary switch (BASS) ASD 033-4 Rotary switch (TREBLE) ASD.034.A Rotary switch (TREBLE TURN OVER) ASD-035-A Internal toothed washer 99 x 0.5t ABE-001-0 Boss ABN-009.0 «2 SA-9500 SWITCH CIRCUIT ASSEMBLY (AWS-082-0) NOTE: Parts indicated in green type cannot be supplied. Lever switch (HIGH FILTER) Lever switch ee sais Rotary switch =... (MODE) Lever switch Lever witch (Low FILTER) (ATTENUATOR) ASK-087-A, Variable resistor (BALANCE) 250k9-HB ACV-148-0 ‘Screw (tapping) M3x8 ‘ABA002.0, Screw (tapping) M3x8 GG ‘ABA-002.0 °° Nut 99 & B71-004-0 Ry Internal toothed washer 99 x 0.5t & ‘ABE-001-0 Nut 99 871-004.0 Screw (tapping) M3x8 ‘ABA.002-0 VOLUME ASSEMBLY (AWX-073-A) NOTE: Parts indicated in green type cannot be supplied. Variable resistor 2k9-HB, 10k2-HB (PHONO 2/MIC LEVEL) 4 ACV-146-4 ( Impedance selection 233k8 (PHONO 2 IMPEDANCE) ACT-304-0 Internal toothed washer 79 x 0.5t ABE-006-0 N76 871-0100 43, 11. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS, P.C. BOARD PATTERNS AND PARTS LIST 11.1 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS AND MISCELLANEOUS PARTS. Miscellaneous Parts ores: in © Capacitors: nul? unless otherwise noted pipP For: KGU Type (120V momel) © Resistors: in 2, KW unless otherwise noted k:kQ, M:MQ CAPAaciTORS SWITCHES Symbol Dessrinton No. Symbol Deseription ar No. cr Electrolytic 18,000 63V | ACH-047-0 u| su Slide switch (PRE/POWER) ASH-012.0 c2 | elective 18,000 Gav | ACH.OA70 S15 Romrvswitch (SPEAKERS) ASB.047-0 | Ceramic 001 250V | ACG.001-0 516 | Reley ‘aRS.007-0 ca | Ceramic = 001 tov | ACG.003.0 S17_|_Pusrewitch (POWER) | As6.049-8 cs | tw 7009 Sov | COMA 472K 50 co | Mylar 27000 _sov | cama 27250 | FUSES AND LAMP. Symbol Part Wo. RESISTORS AND POTENTIOMETER alee AER Symbol Description PartNo. Fu2 | Fum 1A AEK-106-0, oe FUI | Fuse 1A ‘AEK 1060 Rt | Mol oxio 47k aw | RSP 4725 Fut | Fuse tA AEK 105-0 2 | Metaloxide 47k 2W | RSQ 4725 | Fa | Carbontiim 39k ROKPS 3993 PLI_| Lamp withwire —8V, _SomA} _AEL.O51.0 ra | Carboni 82k ROKPS 8205 vvr2_| Variable resistor (VOLUME) ___ACV-144-A TRANSFORMER ‘Symbot | Description wrt No. ‘SEMICONDUCTORS T1__| Power transformer ATT-236-4 Symbal Description PartNo. 13. | Transistor 250388PS rR | (2809705, 0 or Y) (2501403A-R, 0 or Y) 014 Tronsisior 250388P-5 oF R (2809705-R, 0 or ¥} (28C1403A-R, 0 oF Y) Q15 | Tronsistor 250388R-S or R (2803705, 0 oF ¥} (25C1402-R, 0 oF ¥) Q16 | Transistor 2503885 or R (28D3708-R, 0 or ¥) (2SC14034.R, 0 oF Y) 217 | Transistor 2585415 or R (2885305-R, 0 or ¥) (28A745A.R, 0 oF YI 18 Transistor 2585415 or R (2885305-R, 0 or Y) (28A745A.R, 0 oF Y} Q19 | Transistor 258541P'S of R (2886208.R, 0 or Y) (25A745AR,, 0 oF Y} 020 | Transistor 258541P-S or (2885305, 0 or Y) (2SA745AR, 0 oF Y) 44 For “D” Type (3- line voltage model) SA-9500 capacitor switeHes ‘Symbo! Description art No. ‘Symbol | Description Part No. cr | Electrolytic 18,000 av | achoa70 314 ide switch (PRE/POWER} ASH.0120 2 | Eberemic 18000 ev | actoero S18 | Rotmyawitch(SPEAKERS) | Aseo470 cs | cenme oor asov | accanta S16 | ey Asm-0070 c | cmc 001 zaov | aceanta 817_|_rumewoh Power) sG-0880 ce) kyr ‘009 0" | COMA 472K 60 ce | tr 7700 sav | cama 272K 60 | FUSE AND LAMP Symibot Destin Pore We RESISTORS AND POTENTIOMETER ~ Fut | Faw 3a reer) Syma Dwcition Tecapeete: ru2 | Faw 1A et 1069 oe eee el eee act toe9 i | Mota oxide 42k aw | ReaPa724 rus | fom ta et io69 m2 | Nl ontto Ak Bara R3| Carbon fim 39k ROWS 2935 Lt | Lamp with wir BV, 0mm AEL-051-0 na | Conentim — s2x ROMS 625) vaa_|_veritiereitor vouumer | acviaea | TRANSFORMER Symbor Desription PartNo SEMICONDUCTORS: 1 Power transformer ATT-236-8 Symbol Description 213 | Transistor 25038865 or R (2803705-R. 0 or ¥) (2801403A-R, 0 oF Y) 14 | Transistor 250388P-S oF (2803705-R, 0 or ¥) (28014034-R, 0 or ¥) 015 | Transistor 250988"-S or R (28D3705-, 0 or ¥} (28C1405A-R, 0 oF Y) 216 | Transistor 250388°-5 oF R 128D3705-R, 0 or ¥} (28C14084.A, 0 or ¥) 017 Transistor 258541P-S of R (25B5305-R, 0 or Y) {2SA745A-R, 0 oF ¥} or 258541P-$ or R (25B5305-R, 0 or Y) ] (25A7454.R, 0 or Y} ara Trans G19. Transistor 258541P-S or (2585205-R, 0 or ¥) (28A7454.R, 0 or Y} 020 Transistor 258541P-S oF R (2585305-R, 0 or Y) (28A7454.R, 0 or ¥) 45 For “GN” Type (220V model) capacitons surroues na es ert) [ova pees 3 & | tiie” arco cov | cia sk os | mmr am cov | comazraceo | FUSES AND LAMP & | cm cn Sv | Stosceneen| (| pana kat RESISTORS AND POTENTIOMETER 2 Fata aeesoz Sma peeee wane] | Fe | rad Arties at] teatonee am aw | maram | [ris | tent wv.sonn | atvosto | Socnm Sa forest Ra Carbon film 82k ROMS 623) TRANSFORMER VR2_| Vrisbleresistor (VOLUME) | _ACV-144.A son esi rete Ti [iene artaita semiconoucToRs sm acter mane ae See, a |e comers a towuenoor ore | teewmer morse earned eomnoey on | Trener aegis 8 coer egercees, 18 | Transistor 286415 oF Gaon ber col een Seo tanean oor avo | tanivargaunies an (2385305-R, O or Y) (23A745A-R, O.0r Y) 46 SA-9500 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS For “KCU" Type (120V model) ‘ST GINGHT Ay AwSO8 5 as 47 For “D" Type (3- line voltage model) as SA-9500 For “GN” Type (220V model) 52 1 11.2. VOLUME ASSEMBLY (AWX-073-A) a Input circuit assembly-No. 22 Input circuit assembly-No. 27, Input circuit assembly-No, 26 <———— [eee ee ——>input circuit assembly-No. 21 Input circuit assembly-No. 25, —rInput circuit assembly-No. 24 = — Input circuit assembly-No. 23 Input circuit assembly-No. 19 < Input circuit assembly-No. 20 | Input circuit assembly-No. 18 {Input circuit assembly-No. 17 Parts List of Volume Assembly (AWX-073-A) RESISTORS ‘Symbol Desc Part No, 1 | Carbontiim 11k AOuPS 113) R2 | Carbon film 11k ROMPS 113) R3 | Carbon film 13k DUPS 133) Ra | Carbon film 13k ROWPS 133) VR1 | Variable resistor 4gang ACV-146-8, VR2_| Variable resistor (impedance) | _ACT-204.0 53 INPUT CIRCUIT ASSEMBLY (AWK.039-C) 13 2 oepuuvse fe'6 sa SA-3500 Foil Side 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 Volume assembly-No. 3 + Volume assombly:No. 7 28A774 28C1313 —+ Volume assembly.No, 6 Es 2SA726 c > Volume assembly-No. 11 Volume assembly-No. 1 [Volume assembly No. 2 l _ y = Switch circuit exsembly-No, 18<———— Switch circuit assembly-No. 16 | | © TAPE! 9 © TAPE 2 2 a 8 | 2 8 028 | © f a © | ° a 2 ° |_o29 | <4 we 5 thy th! 22/50 a do, is 5 eS als al ee 8 she], 8: a 8. 5: ei} Vid Oldie eedlly § os aur 52 tse wong if 2%) see (= 200 19 arama cue ST/ST ET. ose gang bcs i 4, D> ee ier a | in? Gig 220 021 ‘/. “a6 0 “i age Bare gaa et Dt hea co 323 023) wet se ein nc 873 + Be fas 15 23 25.0 028 “ke ai 27°0 (0.26 s b, 6 iz yer) Tal)s are e " 28 {eis 2 Sac lye a fp isk ——_ ors AT, 2 race 1B Os 2 | 2 Volume assembly No.8} Volume assembly-No.9<—! t+ F>Volume assembly-No. 4 |_________s Power supply circuit assembly-2-No. 17 }> Volume assembly-No. 5 ——> Power supply circuit assembly.2-No. 12 56 Parts List of Input Circuit Assembly (AWK-039-C) CAPACITORS Symbol Deseripton Par Na ci | cwamic 0047 a6v | cKDAC A732 25 G2 | Evevolyic 22° Sov | GEANL 2n2¥ 60 ca | Eevolvie 22 Sov _| CEANL 2726 60 co | Geum” Gp Sov | ecost oaox so cs | ceramic, 68> SOV. | CoDSL 680K 60 cs | come a7 sov | cost 470K so & | came 47 Sov | ecDst 470K 50 ca | Ewcvalic 47 ev. | CER a70P 25 © | Ebewowie 47 © Gv | CEA 4700 25 Clo | Ehewowic 33 25v | CEA aRGP 0 C11 | Electrolytic §— 3.3 25v CEA 3R3P 50 €12 | Eecveinie 470 Gv | CEAATIPG 13 | Eecwomie 47 © Gv | CenariPG cia | sya aor Sov | Casa 1026 50 ers | sive 2001 sov | casa 1026 50 cis | sy aoe sov | casa 2026 50 a7 | sre ooze Sov | casa 2026 50 C18 | Comic 3p SOV_| CCDSL 020C 50 cio | cewmc 3 Sov | ecDSL o20¢ 50 20 | wi 02 sov | COMA 279K 50 ca | wer a2? sov | cama 270K 50 622 | Caamc 220K SOV_|CDSL 221K 50 2a | Cemie 220k 5OV|CCDSL 221K 50 cas | wir aoa? Sov | Gama a72x 80 cas | ter ao? Sov | aMa 472K 80 cas | ewewoiwic 10 av | CEANL 100025 car | Elewoiyie 10 25V_|_CEANL 100° 25 RESISTORS: Semba Desepion Par Na Ri | Garon firm ak ROMPS 673) 2 | carbonfiim ae ROuPS 8733 ma | Gabontim 720k ROMPS 754) ra | carbon fim 750% ROMPS Teas Rs | carbon film 22K Rous 2225, 6 | carvonsim 2.2% ones 2225 fr | Garten fim — 180% ours 1943 ra | Garten im —180e ROMS 154s fo | caroon fim 330% ROMPS 3305 io | carton tim 230K ours 334s it | caten tim 390k ours a045 R12 | Carbon tim 230k Rous 224s 1a | Carvon fim 1.5% Ours 1525 Ria | Carbentim 18k Ours 182) is | carbon tim — 68k ROWS 6833 ie | carbon fim 68k ours 620s wi7_| carbontim 33k ROMPS 993) 57 ‘Symbol Description Part No. RIB | Carbontim 33k RDMPS 3335 RI) Meta film” 1.05 NYS 1054F R20 | Metal fim 105M NYS 1054F Rat | Motif 1.74k ANMSR 17416 R22 | Mowitiim 1.74% NMSA 1741F R20 | Matalfim 625k RNYSR 8252F R24 | Metal film 825k RNHSR 8252F R25 | Carbon ilm 1.5K ROKPS 1825 26 | carbontim 1.5% ROWPS 1521 R27 | Carbontilm 68k RDMPS 6825 28 | Carbon ilm 6.8 ROUPS 682) R29 | Carbontiim 18k ROMPS 1805 30 | Carbontiim 18k ROMPS 183) 31 | carbontim 220 ROMP 221 R92 | Carbontim 220 ROuPS 2210 33 | Carbontiim 220 ROKPS 221 94 | Carbontiim 220 ROMPS 221P 35 | Carbon iim 56 ROYPS 560) R96 | Carbontim 56 ROMPS 5601 37 | Carbontiim 330% ROMPS 3345 38 | Carbontilm 330% ROMPS 934) R39 | Carbon ilm 2.2% ROMPS 2221 R40 | Carbontim — 22% ROUPS 2221 Rai | Carbontiim 2.2% ROMPS 2221 42 | Carbontilm 22k RDMPS 2225 SEMICONDUCTORS Symbot Deseription PartNo. 01 | Transistor 25a776:7 02 | Transistor 254774-7 a3 | Transistor 258776-7 a4 | Transistor 25774-7 05 | Transistor 2801313-6 08 | Transistor 25013136 a7 | Transistor 25013136 a8 | Transistor 25013196 a9 | Transistor 2587266 aio _| Transitor 2587266 SWITCHES ‘Symbi Description Part No. Si Roteryawiteh (FUNCTION) | ASDO2I-A 52 Lever switeh(TAPE DUPLICATE) ASK-0840 S3__Lever switen(TAPE MONITOR) | ASK.0868 OTHERS Symbol Description PartNo. Phono eck 4B | aKe023.0 Phono jack 6 | aKe-o2eo 11.4 SWITCH CIRCUIT ASSEMBLY (AWS-082-0) ea | nb ot eee woe 4 po-------------3---: Wee See 5B SA-3500 POWER IN terminal (R ch) Power amplifier assembly-No, 18 orf. ST#B” > Control amplifier assembly-No. 6 POWER IN terminal (L chi Power amplifier assembly-No. 3<— —o fp Sta” Input circuit assembly No. 92 Input circuit assembly No. 7 PRE OUT terminal (L ch) emp d [ita Foil Sid Power supply circuit - ede, swembly2 No.6 = — Power supply circuit, 26 25 24 (23 [22 |ar \20 1817 |G) YNSeta| 13 1 i assembly-2-No, 9 016 © lo lolo to 9 010) |lo ao Control amplifier _ assembly-No. 1 > Control amplifier assombly-No. 15 Ras 1K Be > Control amplifier i 3] . assembly-No, 14 204817 co we Control amplifier sssembly‘No, 2 fae 60K fae 160K Reo ik i 6 00 29 28/27 Parts List of Switch Circuit Assembly (AWS-082-0) CAPACITORS 2SC1451P a Symbol Description Pert No Symbot Deneintion |___Fan. c 2 Electrolytic 2.2 SOV | CEANL 2R2P 50 or Electrolytic 2.2 SOV CEANL 2R2P 50 ca | ceramic 100 sov | const ioixso| | C8 | Eletolyie 22 SOV | CEANL 2RZP 50 ca | ceramic 100 Sov | consi io1K50] | C9 | Ceramic 100 «SOV. CCDSL 101K 60 co | slectoyic 47” a6v_ | ceantan7eas] | C10 | Ceramic 100 Sav _| _ccDsL 101K 50, Symbol Description cit | Electrolytic 4.7 c12 | Electrolytic 4.7 C13 | Electrolytic 0.22 c14 | Electrolytic 0.22 C15 | Electrolytic 0.22 c16 | electrolytic 0.22 c17 | Electroytic 0.1 c18 | Electrovtic, 0.1 C19 | Electrolytic 0.1 620 | Electrolytic 0.1 cat | Myler 27009 22 | Mytor 27000 23 | Mylar 4700p 24 | Mylar 4700p 628 | Mylar 56009 26 | Myler 6009 27 | Myler 8200p c28 | Mylar 82009 29 | Electrolytic 2.2 630 | Electroivtie 2.2 31 | corsmie 1009 22 | Ceramic 1009 633 | Electrolytic 4.7 634 | Electrolytic 4.7 635 Electrolyte 10 636 Electrolytic 10 38 a5v a8 as 35V sv av asv sv 358 sov s0v 50v 50v s0v sov ov sov Sov sov sov sov 35V a8v 25v 25v CEANL 4R7P 35 (CEANL 4f7P 25 (eSZA R22M 35, SZA R22 35, SZA R22M 35, esza R22M 35 CSZA ORIM 25, (CSZA OR IM 35, SZA ORIM 35, CSZA ORIM 35 ‘cama 2724 50 ‘COMA 2721 60 ‘COMA 472) 50 COMA 4725 50 ‘COMA 562) 50 coma 5625 50 coma 8225 50 COMA 8225 50 CEANL 2A2? 50 CEANL 2h2P 50 ecnst. 101K 50 CCDSL 101K 50 CEANL 4R7P 35, CEANL 487? 35, CEANL 100P 25 CEANL 100° 25 RESISTORS AND POTENTIOMETER Symbol R10 Rn RI2 Ria Ria RIS Re | RI7 RIB. rig R20 Deseription Carbon film 2.2% Carbon film — 2.2k Carbon film 120k Carbon film 120k Carbon film 470 Carborrfiim 470 Carbon film 180k Carbon film 180 Carbon'fiim 180K Carbon film 180k carbon film 20k 20k. 22k 22k Carbon film 5.1K Carbon film 5.1K Carbon film 750 Carbon 750 Carbon fim 1k Carbon tk Part No. ROuPS 2225 ROKPS 2225 ROMPS 1245 OPS 1245 ROMPS 4719 RDMPS 4714 RDXPS 184) RDXPS 184 ROMPS 1845 RDXPS 164) RDXPS 203 RDXPS 2033 RDXPS 2235 ROXPS 2233 RDXPS 612 ROXPS 612 RDXPS 7513 RDKPS 751 RDXPS 102 RDKPS 102 SI Symbol Description Part No. R21 | Carbon tim 180k ROKPS 184) 22 | Carbontfilm 180k RDMPS 124) 23 | Carbon film 180k ROWPS 184) R24 | Carbon film 180k DHS 184 R25 | Carbonfilm 18k RDUPS 153) R26 | Carbon film 15k ROKPS 153) R27 | Carbon film 220 ROKPS 224) 2B | Carbon film 220k ROMPS 2245 29 | Carbontfilm 33k ROKPS 3325 R30 | Carbon film 33k ROKPS 3325 31 | Carbon film 47 DKS 473) R32 | Carbon film 47K ROUPS 473) R33 | Carbonfilm — 3.3k ROMPS 332 34 | Carbontfilm 3.3K ROMPS 332 35 | Carbontfilm 430k ROKPS 434) R96 | Carbon flim 430k ROKPS 434) R37| Carbon film 470, RO}PS 4715 3B | Carbon film 470 ROMPS 471 R39 | Carbon film 220k RDUPS 224 40 | Carbon film — 220k DPS 224) ar | Carbon fim 220k ROXPS 224) a2 | Carbon flim 220k ROKPS 224) a3 | Carbon fim 10k = WW | RDYPS 103) aa | Carbon film 10k = ¥W_|-RDMPS 103), a5 | Carbon tim 470k ROWPS 4745 46 | Carbon film 470k RoxeS 474) 47 | Carbon film 1k ROKPS 1025 R43 | Carbon fim 1k ROKPS 102 R49 | Carbon film — 8.2K ROMS 822 FSO | Carbon film — 82K ROuPS 8225 v1 | Variable resistor 50k-HB ACV-148.0 (BALANCE) ‘SEMICONDUCTORS Symbol Deseription Part No. a1 | Transistor 29C1451P-V or S a2 | Tronsistor 28¢1451P-V or S 03 | Transistor 28¢1451P-V or S 04 | Transistor 25C1451P-V or S 5 | Transistor 25¢1451P-V or S 26 | _ Transistor 25¢1451P-V or 5 SWITCHES Symbol Deseription PartNo. st | Rotary switch (MODE) | Aso.020-4\ 82 | Leverswitch (ATTENUATOR) | ASK-087-A 3 | Leverswiteh (LOW FILTER) | ASK-086-0 84 | Lever switch (HIGH FILTER) | ASK-085-0 85__| Lever switch (TONE) ASK-092.0 11.5 CONTROL AMPLIFIER ASSEMBLY (AWG-032-0) == ey sevmot 3 o aoe ovgpi% a wee 001s oar oy ra ya rl Ns wor agg SA-3500 Switch circuit assembly-No, 16 ————_— = + Switch circuit assembly.No, 13, VOLUME /OLUME VR2-b Raa Powersupply duit asambly-2-No, 6 ; po Powersupply cit sembly 2-No, 18 Power supply circuit assembly-2-No. 18 ie rr" + Power supply circuit assembly-2-No. 18 a7 J Switch circuit assembly.No, 7. — 13 14 90 10d ne 1200 Ke: a »Switch circuit assembly-No. 1 ‘Switch circuit assembly-No, 9 ++ Switch circuit assembly-No.3 Foil Side EE: at 8 st. 8 if 232 T 3 75d PeGeees ogi ive 2SA725 (28¢1344) 8 2Sk30AW o (28a763F) yar (2sk34) D @ CE, G 2801312 Ces CEs s E Cs 63 64 Parts List of Control Amplifier Assembly (AWG-032-0) Rea R12 | Carbontilm 16k ROMPS 1635 CAPACITORS R14 | Cartonfilm 16K ROMPS 1035 ‘Symbol Deseription Tart No. RIB | Cerbonfilm 39k ROMPS 3025 ct | Ewctroiytic 1 25v | CSSA o10M 25 niet cutennedsoe sss) c2 | eectroiyic 1 2sv | CSSA 010M 25 Be econ ao ROMPS 1033 ca | ceramic 6p S0V_|CCDSL 560K 50 ioe coin bes Roane ca | ceramic —86p.-—«50V_| CCDSL 560K 50 Een csc nie cl Roce Rows tou 5 | Ceramic tp. SV | ccueL BeoK #0 R20. Carbon film 100k ROMS 104 6 | ceramic S8p Sov | CCDSL 560K 50 R21 | Cartonfilm 13% ROMPS 1335 c7 | Electoivtic 33, © «10V_ | CEA 330P 10 et |Leston mera ROKPS 123 8 3310 | CEA 3307 10 R23 | Carbon iim 43k ROMPS 4335 9 38 SOV | CCDSL 390K 50 R26 | Carbon film 43k ROMS 4334 c10 39p Sov | CCDSL 390K 60 25 | Carbon film 1M ROMPS 1064 crt | emcvoivtic 100 tov | CEA 101P 10 eh | aston tae pokPs: 108! C12 | Electrolytic 100 © 10V._——«GEA 101 10 ed iM ROMPS 1064 13 | Electrolytic © 4.7 «= «25V_CEANL 4R7P 25| nee iM ROKPS 1064 cra | Elecvolytic 4.7 -25V.|CEANL 4R7P 25 ies i ADMPS 106! C15 | Elecvolytic 3.3 © 25V_ | CEANL SR3P 25| an 1M RDMPS 1084 cite | Elecvolytic 33 © -25v_| CEANL aRgP 25 nat M ROMPS 1051 C17 Elecuolytic © 4.7 «= 25V_ | GEANL ARP 25) R32 im ROMS 108) C18 Elecwolytic, © 4.7-«— 25. | CEANL aR7P 25 ase 13k 1301 C19 Electrolytic © «47a | CEANL ARP 25 HS ite ADies 133 20 Electrolytic © 4.7 «=—«25V_ | CEANL 4R7P 25 nse ae ROKPS 433 | | 21 | Electrolytic © 4.7 ~—-25V_ | CEANL 4R7P 25 rae | carbon itm 43k ROMPS 4335 22 | Elecvolytic 47 © 25V_| GEANLAR7P 25) far | Getontiim 100 ADYPS 1015 23 | Electrolytic 100 © 10V | CEA 101P 10, 38 | carbentilm 100 ROMPS 1015 c24 | Electrolytic 100 © 10V| CEA 101P 10 aso | Gatosfilm 10k ADMPS 103) 25 | Electrolytic 100 35V_ CEA 101° 35 ane [Scouse | ok RDYPS 103) c2e | electrolytic 100 -35V. | CEA 101935, Bait cre nee re abuedneet c27 | Electrolytic 100 © 35V_| CEA 101° 35, Ragelioeker ain 36k okra 752) G28) | Becwobtia ©) (100, «(Sever es Cem IDI 86, R43 | Carbon film 11k ROMS 1131 29 | Ceramic 10p SOV | ccDsL 100F 60 Raa | Carbon film 11k ROMPS 119) 30 | ceramic Op) 160Vj4l) Gooal toon 60 R45 Catbon iim 15k ROMS 183) <1 | Corame tte | SOR aor 80 R46 Carbon film 15k ROMPS 159) £32_| _ Coremic ee REIvEa| Paccoel 1008 ED: R47 Carbon film 20k 2035 R48 Carbon film 20k ROMPS 2034 R49 Carbon film 24K RDMPS 243) RESISTORS: R50 Carbon iim 24K ROMPS 2434 Symbol Description Part No. eo - R51 Carbon film 24K ROMPS 2434 Ri | Carbon film 820k ROMPS 8241 R52 Carbon film 24K ROMPS 2434 2 | Carbon film 820K ROMPS 824) R53 Carbonfilm 20k ROWPS 203) ra | Carbon tim 22k RDKPS 2225 R54 Carbon flim 20x RONPS 2034 Ra | Carbon film — 22k ROMPS 2225 R55 Carbon film 15k ROWPS 1534 5 | Carbon fim 130k ROMS 134) R56 Carbon film 15k ROMS 1835 6 | Carbon iim 130k ROMPS 134) R57 Garbonfilm 11k RDMPS 1133 7 | Carbon film 22 ROMPS 2234 R52 | Cartonfilm 11K ROMPS 1133 ra | Cartontilm 22k ROKPS 223) R59 Carbonfilm 7.5K ROMPS 7525 R9 | Carbonfilm —1.2k ROWS 122) R60 | Carbontilm 7.8K ROMPS 7525 R10 | Carbonfiim 12k ROUPS 1221 | R61 Carbontiim 11k ROMPS 1135 B11 | Corton film 75k | rows 753 R62 | Carbonfilm 11k RDMPS 1135 R12 | Carbon iim 75k | Rows 753 R63 | Carbon iim 13k ROMPS 1334 ‘Symbol Description 06 | Transistor 2501312-Hor G (esctsaee,F) ‘SWITCHES. ‘Symbot | Deseription Part No. S1 | Rotaryswitch BASS TURNOVER) ASD-032.A 82 | Rotaryswitch Bass) ‘ASD-033-8 83 | Rotaryswitch TREBLE) ASD-034-A 84 | Rotaryswitch TREBLE TURNOVER) _ASO-035-A Symbol Description Port No. R64 | Carbon fim 13k ROMPS 1934 65 | Carbon film 16k ROWS 163) ROG | Carbon film 16k ROMPS 163) R67 | carbon film 22K ROMPS 2234) 68 | Carbon fim 22k ROWS 223) R59 Carbon film 24K ROMPS 2434 70 | Carbon tim 24% ROWS 243) rr | carbontim — 24x ROMPS 2434 R72 | Carbon fim — 24K RDMPS 243) R73 | carbonfim — 22k ROMPS 223) R74 | Carbon tim — 22k ROMPS 223) R75 | carbonfim 16k AOXPS 1634 R76 | Carbon film 16k ROMPS 163 R77 | Carbon film 13k RDMPS 133) 78 | carbon fim 13k ROMS 133) R70 | carbon fim 11k ROMPS 119) a0 | Carbon fim 11k ROWS 113) 81 | Corbon film 180k ROMPS 184JNL 52 | Corton film 180k ROMPS 184NNL Raa | Carbon film 100K RDMPS 104) Rea | Carbon film 100k ROXPS 104) a5 | Carbon film 10k ROMS 103) 6 | Corbon film 10k ROXPS 109) 87 | Carbon fim 100 ROMPS 1015 a8 | Carbon fim 100 | owes 101 a9 | Carbon fm — 3.3K | Rows 332) R90 | Carbon film — 3.3K ROMPS 332) 01 | carbon fim 100 RDMPS 1045 92 | Carbon film 100% ROMPS 104) R93 | Carbon fim tk ROXPS 102) 04 | carbon fim 1k ROS 102) 95 | Corbon film 1k RDMPS 102) 96 | Corben tim 1k ROMS 102) R97 | Carbon film 4.7 ROMPS 475 R98 | carbon film 47M ROMS 475) R99 | Carbon film 47M ROMPS 475) R100 | Carbon film 47M ROMPS 475) SEMICONDUCTORS Symbol scription PartNo. a1 | Transistor 2SK30AW.Y (asks4-c) 02 | Transistor 2SK30AW-Y (askaa.c) 03 | Transistor 258726-G or F (250763 5,6) 04 | Tromsistor 28A725-6 or F (2SA763F-5,6) 05 | Transistor 2sc13124H or (2scia4ae, F) 11.6 FUSE ASSEMBLY (AWX-088-0), (AWX-085-0) or SA-3500 r (AWX-086-0) ral t NOTE. 5 C1 is not eqquipped in AWX-086. ee, Ry 150(SW) 1 > Phone jack (L ch} a 1505) oa cae 9 of | —> SPEAKER switch-No. 2 B __ Phone jack (R ch) Z | secaKen switche. 5 Rx 150 (5W) sae oa >| Power switen si7) 8 FUSE 6 fe ees o- —>AC power sees | H ’ in (Primary) < iz * 1001 oth Parts List of Fuse Assembly (AWX-088-0) or (AWX-085-0) Parts List of Fuse Assembly (AWX-086-0) CAPACITOR RESISTORS Symbol Description | PartNo, ‘Symbol Deseription | PartNo. cr | ceamie 0.01 250v | _ACG-001-0 [ai | Wirewound 180 SW | ATSB 151K R2__| Wire wound 150 SW___—ATSB 151K RESISTORS Symbol Doser Part No. RI | Wiewound 150 SW | ATSB 151K R2__| Wicowourd 150 SW__|_ATSB 151K e POWER AMPLIFIER ASSEMBLY (AWH-041-0) Wd es Parts List of Power Amplifier Assembly (AWH-041-0) CAPACITORS Symbol Description art No. ‘symbot | Deserintion Part No. ct | Evewoivie 22 26v | cssaznam25 | | nz | coontiim 1k ROWS 1023 c2 | Eewoivie 22 — 25V | cssA2RaM 25 | | 27 | Corbontiim 27% ROHS 272) 3 Electrolytic 1 (25V CSSA 010M 25 R28 Carbon film = 27k RDMPS 273) Ca | Eleroivie 1 © 25v | cssaci0m25 | | 20 | Garnontim 22k ROKPS 223) cs | Elewolyie 93 © t6v | CEA 320 16 30 | Coreontim 22% ROKPS 223) cs | elcwoiyic 99 tev | cEAazeP 16 pat | Gronnun agk ROKPS 9025 c7 Coremie 100k = SOV CCDSL 101K 50 R32 Carbon film — 3.9k RDMPS 392J ce Ceramic: 100k = 50V CODEL 101K 60 R33 Carbon film = 91k RDXPS 913) co (Coramic ‘ser ‘Sov CCDSL 560K 50 R34 Carbon film = 91k RDMPS 913) C10 Ceramic ‘56P SOV CCDSL 560K 50 RSS Carbon film 91k RDMPS 2715 ct | ehcwaiytc 320 tov | cea ast 10 cae || ceediie 270 eoxrs 7 C12 Electrolytic 330 1OV | CEA 331P 10 R37 | Carbon film 150 “Ww RDAPS 1515 cra | ceramic te soov | const 180K 738 | Carvonfim 150 Yaw | ROMPS 1813 ca Ceramic 15P S00V | CCDSL 150K R39 Carbon film 160 “Ww ROMPS 1515 15 | Ceramic 220 so0v | const 221K R40 | Carvonfiim 160 Yaw | ROMPS 1513 cre | ceramic -z20nsoov | const. 221k Paria spon ting)" aek ROKPS 662 es Som) Stes |e ies | oe cre za0p soov | const 221k Ras | Mout 47 aw. | NTH aR7K ows 0.056 sov | comaseam so || aq | Metaifim 47 tw | NIH an7K co 0.056 _sov | camascim so} | Ras | Mowifim 47 IW | ANIM aR7K Ras | Mowitim 47 ow | ANNH an7K. RESISTORS: ‘Ra7 Metal film 47 Ww RNIH 4R7K erase om PN: RéB | Mealfim 47 aw | RNTH AR? E 4 || Rao | Merttim 47 aw. | RNTH an7K Rt | Carbonfiim 180% ROMPS 184d RO | Meni fim 47 iW. | RNTH an7K R2 | Carboni 180k ROMPS 184) | F|Carbonfiim 390% ROWPS 9944 R51 | Wirewound 0 SW |_—ATSB ORSK RA | Carbon fim 390k ROKPS 994i 752 | Wirewound 05 SW TBE ORSK RS Carbon im — 1k ROMPS 102i R53 | Wirewound 05 SW | RTSE ORSK R54 | Wiewound 05 SW | TBE ORGK RE | Carbon im — 1k ROKPS 1025 R55 | Wrewound 05 | SN | ATBB ORSK R7— Carbontim 68k ROWPS 6825 R@ —Carbonfim 68k ROMPS 652i 856 | Wirewound 05 SW | TSE ORSK RS Carbon fim 62k ROMS 6234 857 | Wiewound 05 SW | RTBB ORSK R10 Carbon fim 62k ROUPS 673) R58 | Wiewond 05 SW | ATSB ORGK R59 Carbon iim 100 ROKPS 101) RIL | Carbontiim 9k ROMS O12) R60 | Carbon film 100 ROKPS 101) R12 | Garbontim 9.1K ROMS 9124 | RI3_| Carbon fim 100k ROKPS 104s R61 | Carbon iim 100 OMFS 1019 R14 | Carbon film 100k | RDXPS 104) 62 | Carbon film 100 ROMPS 101 RIS | Carbon fim 2.2 | ROKPS 2221 FE3 | Metsloxide 10 aw _RSZP 1000 | G4 | Metaloxice 10 © 2W | -RSZP 1004 R16 | Carbon fim 2:24 ours 2225 Res | Carton tim 100 ROKPS 101 RI7 | Carbon fim 82k ROUPS 73) RIB | Carbon fim 82k ROWS 873) 66 | carbon im 100 owes 1015 R19 | Carbon fim 100% AOUPS 1044 67 | Caron fim 100 ROWPS 101) R20 | Carbon fim 100K ROWPS 1044 63 | Carbon im 100 ROHS 101) R60 | Metal oxide 10 © sw. | TP 1009 Rai | Carbon fim — 3k ROXPS 9025 870 | Mets oxie 10 = W.|_RSYP 1005 R22 | Carbon im 3k | ROKPS 3021 R23 | Garbonfiim 82% | ROKPS a2) a7 | Carton fim 4 ROKPS O10) R24 | Caron fim 82k OWS 8735 a72 1 ROKPS 010) 26_| Carbon iim 1k ROUPS 1024 nm Qe BeseIP ay 85K Qu Bea 250088" SA-9500 ay see ay st fo mr tar 2) Foil Side 5 Je 60 ( (chee Sty 8 3 34 as) 3 Se Se fo Gr fe at {3 a as te ar ae. ao 30 ot be as be Bs myer 6 are mage 32 is, Aono ae en L A ae et Ee a eS 3 aA mena (fp por abe ode 3 mate | oh PE Be. whe tC rey | ed, ee 1 arty ; =| Talis at ot} basag el: yJIWS | “6 at arte =a) ‘Ss “TENG pe Oy) NIG Deftadar Sty) (— a Ll ans | Gols Fos fra) alee ee aL al 43 # Ne BD (9.07 (ele tls ate sl] «aged BLE 2) “lie J GA eg Ef tape: a a8 2? eats i

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