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Individual Research Papers:

By: Arjun Vijayakumar (BLBU.P2MBA19016)

1) Strategic Alliances & Customer Impact: A Case Study of Community Hospitals

A strategic alliance (SA) is a mutually beneficial long-term formal relationship formed between two
or more parties to pursue a set of agreed upon goals or to meet a critical business need while
remaining independent organizations. It is applied to cases of community hospital networks and
alliances in the healthcare industry. The issues that were found when considering in the strategic
alliance is the customer relationship have not been researched or analysed sufficiently, nor have
examples of this construct been applied to particular industries. It can be related to the alliance
management and the approaches related to alliance management.

2) Alliance Management Capability: An Investigation of the Construct and Its Measurement:

Strategic alliances have evolved as an important strategic tool, as evidenced by their frequent use in
many industries. It conceptualizes and measure the concept of alliance management capability as
reflected by a set of key alliance management routines. Recent work on dynamic capabilities
suggests that alliance management can be regarded as a distinct dynamic capability. It contributes to
the strategy literature by providing empirical evidence that can be understood as a set of
management routines. It can be linked with the alliance management where it talks about
approaches and capability. It also links with the governance theory about social network theory.

3) Leadership behaviours as ongoing negotiations and their effects on knowledge and

innovation capabilities in alliances

This paper talks about ongoing negotiations in alliances through the lens of leadership behaviours.
Leadership in alliances represents the ongoing negotiations that occur following the initial
conception of the alliance. Although research on alliances has increased, specifically in explaining
effects on alliance performance, no comprehensive theoretical model that explains leadership
effects on the development of dynamic and operational capabilities has yet been developed. The
focus of this research therefore is to better understand these effects of leadership behaviour on
alliance capabilities. It can be linked with governance models and alliance partner selection, where
they gain knowledge and seek new opportunities.

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