SAAD - Tutorial - Systems Analysis

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Week 8: Systems Analysis

Tutorial - Get into groups of 3 to answer the questions below:

1. You and your team have been asked by the town council to develop a system to
regulate traffic in a local car park. Design a simple questionnaire that will help the
team find out how the car park is used at present and how people feel that it should be
I. Are you happy with the current parking situation?
a. Yes
b. No
II. Do you regularly find it difficult to find a space to park?
a. Yes
b. No
III. How long does it find a parking?
a. 1-5min
b. 6-10min
c. 11min above
IV. What time do you think it is difficult to find a parking space?
a. Morning
b. Afternoon
c. Evening
d. Night
V. How many times a week are you required to park?
a. 1 day a week
b. 2 day a week
c. 3 day a week
d. More than 4 day a week

VI. How much is a reasonable price for a whole days parking?

a. RM3.00
b. RM4.00
c. RM5.00
d. RM6.00

VII. What kind of recommend about payment method?

a. Cash
b. Touch ’N Go
c. WeChat Pay
d. Visa/Master Card
VIII. In your opinion do you think need to add more parking spaces?
a. Yes
b. No
IX. Do you think it is necessary to separated female-only parking spaces and electric
car parking spaces?
a. Yes
b. No
X. If the price of the season pass is 80% of usual, do you think it is reasonable and
will you buy it?
a. Yes
b. No
2. A large chain of newsagent shops has decided to look at the possibility of buying a
new computer system to improve the running of its business. The manager has
employed an IT consultant to carry out a feasibility study. Part of the feasibility study
would involve the IT consultant using interviews, questionnaires and observation to
collect information about the existing system.
a. List the advantages of using interviews rather than questionnaires to collect
information from the employees.
Interviewer can see interviewee whether nervous or confidentially when reply
specific questions.
Questions may be clarified if interviewee are misunderstood.
There is a higher response and retention rate.
An-depth data may be obtained on any subject and are not dependent on
predetermined questions.
b. List the disadvantages of using the questionnaires rather than interviews to
collect information from the employees.
Differences in understanding and interpretation
Some questions are difficult to analyze
Respondents may have a hidden agenda
Lack of personalization
Unconscientious responses
c. List the advantages of using observation in this scenario.
Advantages of using observation in this scenario have the data collected is
very accurate in nature and very reliable. Second using observation can
improves precision of the research results. Third, it can decrease the problem
of depending on respondents. Lastly, by observation, one can identify a
problem by making an in depth analysis of the problems.

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