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Drizzt Do'Urden

Drizzt Drizzt Do'Urden

Do'Urden (/ Forgotten Realms character
ˈdrɪtst doʊ
ˈɜːrdɪn/)[1] is a
appearing in
the Forgotten
setting for the
Dungeons &
fantasy role-
playing game.
Drizzt was
First appearance The Crystal Shard
created by
author R. A. Created by R. A. Salvatore

Salvatore as a In-universe information

supporting Race Drow
character in the Class Fighter/Ranger
Icewind Dale
Alignment Chaotic good
Salvatore Home Menzoberranzan
created him on a whim when his publisher needed him to
replace one of the characters in an early version of the first
book, The Crystal Shard. Drizzt has since become a popular
heroic character of the Forgotten Realms setting, and has
been featured as the main character of a long series of
books, starting chronologically with The Dark Elf Trilogy. As
an atypical drow (dark elf), Drizzt has forsaken both the evil
ways of his people and their home in the Underdark, in the
drow city of Menzoberranzan.

Drizzt's story is told in Salvatore's fantasy novels in The

Icewind Dale Trilogy, The Dark Elf Trilogy, the Legacy of the
Drow series, the Paths of Darkness series, The Hunter's
Blades Trilogy, the Transitions series, and the Neverwinter
Saga, as well as in the short stories "The Dowry", "Dark
Mirror", and "Comrades at Odds". All of the novels featuring
Drizzt have made the New York Times Best Seller list. A
number of the novels have been adapted into graphic novels
by Devil's Due Publishing. Drizzt has also been featured in
D&D-based role-playing video games, including the Baldur's
Gate Series and Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone.

1 Concept and creation
2 Publication history
3 Reception and legacy
4 Other media
5 References
6 External links

Concept and creation

Drizzt Do'Urden's stories are set in the Forgotten Realms
campaign setting for Dungeons & Dragons.[2] The character
has been a mainstay for author R. A. Salvatore, appearing in
his novels for over 30 years. Drizzt is a drow who acts
against the drow stereotype, favoring friendship and peace
over hatred and violence. His unusual personality creates the
conflict that allows Salvatore to create so many novels with
stories about courage and friendship.[3] Drizzt therefore
fights the dark traits that are inherent in the drow.[4]

Salvatore uses Drizzt to represent issues of racial prejudice,

particularly in The Dark Elf Trilogy. For instance, Drizzt is
concerned that if he and his love Cattie-Brie (a human) have
children, their offspring will face hostility from both races.[5]
Drizzt is also troubled by the lifespan discrepancy between
himself and Cattie-Brie.[6]

Drizzt was created by happenstance. In 1987 R.A. Salvatore

sent Mary Kirchoff, then managing editor of TSR's book
department, a manuscript for what would become his 1990
novel Echoes of the Fourth Magic. She liked it, but asked if
he could rewrite it to take place in the Forgotten Realms. She
sent him Darkwalker on Moonshae by Douglas Niles, the only
novel at the time set in the Forgotten Realms. Salvatore sent
her a proposal for a sequel to Darkwalker, but Kirchoff sent
back a large map of the Forgotten Realms and told him she
wanted a new story set in a different part of the Realms.
After two weeks of phone calls, Salvatore found a spot on
the map that was not already designated for another project,
and he located Icewind Dale there.[1] According to Salvatore,
the book was "set on the Moonshae Isles, because at the
time I thought that was the Realms. When I found out how
big the Realms were, I moved the story a thousand miles to
the north."[7]

Salvatore created Drizzt on the spur of the moment.[7] He

was under pressure to create a sidekick for Wulfgar in the
Icewind Dale series.[1] Salvatore had sent an early version of
The Crystal Shard (what would become his first published
novel) to TSR, and one day Kirchoff called him. She was on
her way to a marketing meeting concerning the book, and
informed him that they could not use one of the characters.
He asked for time to think, but she was already late for the
meeting. Off the top of his head, Salvatore said he had a
Dark Elf. Kirchoff was skeptical, but Salvatore convinced her
it would be fine because he was just a sidekick. She asked
his name, and he replied Drizzt Do'Urden. She asked if he
could spell it, and he said "not a chance".[1][8] Recalling
Drizzt's creation in an interview, Salvatore said, "I don't know
where it came from. I guess that Gary Gygax just did such an
amazing job in creating the drow elves that something about
them got stuck in the back of my head. Thank God!"[9]
Although many readers have assumed that Drizzt is based
on one of the many Dungeons & Dragons role-playing
campaigns that the author has played, this is not the case.
Salvatore's main influences were classical literature and
works of J. R. R. Tolkien. "I like to think of Drizzt as a cross
between Daryth from Darkwalker on Moonshae and Aragorn
from The Lord of the Rings."[1] Salvatore calls Drizzt "the
classic romantic hero—misunderstood, holding to a code of
ideals even when the going gets tough, and getting no
appreciation for it most of the time."[7]

Publication history
Further information: The Legend
of Drizzt

Drizzt's story begins in the novel

Homeland, the start of The Dark
Elf Trilogy and published in 1990
as a prequel to The Icewind Dale
Trilogy, which was published
between 1988 and 1990. In the
book, Drizzt is born in
Menzoberranzan as the third son
R.A. Salvatore to Matron Malice, the leader of
House Do'Urden (a type of family
akin to a Scottish clan). His father is Zaknafein, a weapons
master who secretly hates drow society and teaches Drizzt
his martial skills as he reinforces Drizzt's innate moral code.
The 1996 short story "The Fires of Narbondel", in the Realms
of the Underdark anthology, describes unrelated events
involving Zaknafein as the main character, and a young
Drizzt plays a supporting role.

During a raid against a group of surface elves, Drizzt finds

himself unable to participate in the slaughter with his fellow
drow. He pretends to kill an elf child, but actually helps her to
escape. When the deception is discovered, Zaknafein is
sacrificed in Drizzt's stead to appease Lolth, the drow's
goddess. Following a war against another House, Drizzt
curses his family and the evil drow ways and escapes
Menzoberranzan into the Underdark. At this time he also
acquires the statuette that allows him to summon the
magical panther Guenhwyvar. Guenhwyvar travels by
Drizzt's side as he makes his way across the Realms.

Drizzt fights off the resurrected spirit-wraith of his father in

Exile, the second book in the Dark Elf Trilogy and also
published in 1990. Sojourn[10] picks up the story when Drizzt
leaves the Underdark for the surface, where he meets a blind
human ranger named Montolio Debrouchee. When Montolio
begins teaching him the ways of the ranger, Drizzt realizes
that, unknowingly, he had been following those very
principles his entire life. From then on Drizzt's patron
goddess is Mielikki, the Faerûnian goddess of the forest and
of rangers. Montolio eventually dies, and Drizzt travels the
Realms in search of a new home. He eventually finds himself
in Icewind Dale where he meets dwarven king Bruenor
Battlehammer, and Bruenor's adopted human daughter,

The fourth book chronologically in the series, although the

first published, is The Crystal Shard (1988), the first in The
Icewind Dale Trilogy. It describes Drizzt's meeting with the
barbarian Wulfgar and the halfling Regis, and their
adventures as they stop Akar Kessel, a mage possessed by
the sentient artifact Crenshinibon (the book's eponymous
Crystal Shard), from gaining control of the region. Streams of
Silver (1989), tells the story of the group as they journey to
Mithral Hall, Bruenor's boyhood home. Artemis Entreri, a
recurring character in the series, also makes his first
appearance. In later books, Artemis is Drizzt's equal in
combat, and they clash often due to their conflicting views
and goals. In the 1990 book The Halfling's Gem,[11] Artemis
kidnaps Regis while in the employ of a powerful crime lord.
Drizzt and Wulfgar chase the assassin by sea, with the help
of Captain Deudermont, to recover Regis. Drizzt ends up in
combat with Artemis Entreri, who leaves the battle wounded.
At the end of the book the group finds Regis, and
Guenhwyvar kills Artemis's employer.
Legacy of the Drow is a tetralogy, unlike the previous two
trilogies. The 1993 short story, Dark Mirror, in the Realms of
Valor anthology, describes events just prior to the series.
The first three books, The Legacy,[12] Starless Night,[13] and
Siege of Darkness,[14] describe a drow attack on Mithril Hall.
Wulfgar is seemingly slain by a yochlol, and Drizzt returns to
Menzoberranzan to prevent his friends from being further
attacked by dark elves. The drow launch a second attack
against Mithril Hall during the Time of Troubles. It is
eventually repelled and Drizzt returns to his friends.

Passage to Dawn,[15] the final book in the Legacy of the

Drow series and published two years after Siege of
Darkness, picks up the story six years after the drow attack.
Drizzt and Catti-Brie work with Captain Deudermont on his
pirate-hunting ship, with the Companions of the Hall
ultimately fighting the powerful demon Errtu who is aided by
the Crystal Shard, which had previously been buried under a
mountain of snow . Wulfgar, never truly dead, returns to life
from the Abyss as the demon who had held his soul was

Drizzt is the main character in only two books of the Paths of

Darkness series. The Silent Blade (1998) describes the
group's journey to permanently destroy the Crystal Shard.
Sea of Swords (2001)[16] continues Drizzt's story after the
events of The Spine of the World (1999), which focuses on
Wulfgar, and Servant of the Shard (2000), which has Artemis
Entreri and Jarlaxle as the main characters. Sea of Swords
covers the companions' search for Wulfgar's lost magical
warhammer, Aegis-fang, and the reunion of the group after
an extended separation.

Drizzt returns as the main character throughout The

Hunter's Blades Trilogy. In The Thousand Orcs (2002),[17]
Drizzt and his friends encounter the powerful orc Obould
Many-Arrows, who has employed frost giants to aid him in
gaining control of the region. After a battle at the town of
Shallows, Drizzt believes the other Companions of the Hall to
have fallen in battle, and he sets off into the wilderness to
fight all orcs in vengeance. The Lone Drow (2003)[18]
continues this storyline as the still-living Companions
protect Mithril Hall from orc attacks without the aid of Drizzt.
He is reunited with his friends in The Two Swords (2003).[19]

R.A. Salvatore's next series of Forgotten Realms books, The

Sellswords Trilogy, focus on the further adventures of
Artemis Entreri and Jarlaxle, with Drizzt only being
mentioned in them. However, Drizzt is once again the main
character in the Transitions trilogy, consisting of The Orc
King,[20] The Pirate King,[21] and The Ghost King.[22] Drizzt is
the main character, along with Bruenor, in R.A. Salvatore's
next series in the Forgotten Realms, Neverwinter Saga; the
first book in this series, Gauntlgrym, was released October 5,
2010.[23] The second book in the series Neverwinter, was
released October 4, 2011,[24] with the third installment
entitled Charon's Claw released August 7, 2012.[25] The
fourth book in the series "The Last Threshold", was released
March 5, 2013.[26]

Reception and legacy

According to PopMatters'Salvatore mixes neatly choreographed
Andrew Welsh, Drizzt is battles with philosophical musings from self-
styled "renegade soul" Drizzt, lending a little
Salvatore's attempt to depth to an otherwise straightforward hack-
create a multifaceted and-slash adventure.

character who faces Publishers Weekly review of The Orc King[27]

internal struggles, in
hopes of standing out from the drow, and fantasy fiction in
general. Welsh feels that Salvatore fails in this regard, saying
"any blood Drizzt finds on his hands is quickly justified and
most 'internal' conflict is superficial at best."[3] A review for
Pyramid refers to Drizzt as the "most famous denizen" of
Menzoberranzan, identifying him and the city as "some of
the most famous pieces of the Realms".[28] Rob Bricken of
Kotaku called Drizzt "one of the Mary Sue-iest characters in
all of fiction".[29]

The Drizzt Do'Urden books are popular with fantasy fans,[30]

and the Drizzt character is author R.A. Salvatore's best
known creation. All 34 novels featuring Drizzt by Salvatore
have made the New York Times Best Seller list, starting with
The Crystal Shard.[21][31] The Orc King, which marked the
20th anniversary of the character, made it to #7 on the list,
as well as #9 on the Wall Street Journal list, #6 on the
Publishers Weekly bestseller list, and #36 on the USA Today
list of top sellers.

The Two Swords peaked at #4 on the New York Times Best

Seller list in 2004.[31] It reached the top of the Wall Street
Journal's hardcover bestseller list after only two weeks, a
record for its publisher Wizards of the Coast. It also debuted
at #4 on The New York Times's bestseller list and #2 on
Publisher's Weekly bestseller list.

The Lone Drow debuted at #7 on the New York Times Best

Seller list in October 2003.[2] Publishers Weekly felt that The
Lone Drow was clichéd, but that some of the characters did
achieve "some complexity". They singled out two characters
for praise: Innovindel, an elf who talks "pensively" of her long
life in contrast to the short lived humans, and Obould the orc

A special Icewind Dale adventure was featured as the

centerpiece at the November 3, 2007, Worldwide Dungeons
and Dragons Game Day event, in honor of the 20th
anniversary of the creation of Drizzt.[32]

Drizzt Do'Urden was #3 on Game Rant's 2020 "10 Must-

Have NPCs In Dungeons & Dragons Lore To Make Your
Campaigns Awesome" list — the article states that "A skilled
ranger in his own right, Drizzt remains equally-adept in
conversation. He's always wary of danger, strives for
perfection, and held himself to the highest standard.
Meeting one of the most iconic figures in D&D could help
make players feel important in their campaign."[33]

In the Io9 series revisiting older Dungeons & Dragons novels,

Rob Bricken referred to Drizzt as "arguably the most famous
and beloved D&D character of all time" and noted that
Wizards of the Coast had finally begun combatting the
stereotype of the drow as a "super-evil, subterranean race",
which Drizzt forsakes "to become a noble Ranger on the
surface world". Bricken noted that "Drizzt ends up
overshadowing almost everyone and everything" but
comments that "Drizzt and Wulfgar are so preternaturally
badass they beat 25 giants by themselves (well, with help
from Drizzt’s magic panther Guenhwyvar, because of course
he has a magic panther pal)".[34]

Other media
Drizzt Do'Urden has been featured in several accessories
and one book for the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons
fantasy role-playing game. The Hall of Heroes accessory for
the second edition of Advanced Dungeons & Dragons,
published in 1989, features a four-page description and
game statistics for Drizzt and Guenhwyvar, written by R. A.
Salvatore.[35] The Heroes' Lorebook accessory, published in
1996 and written by Dale Donovan and Paul Culotta, features
an update and revision of Drizzt's information from Hall of
Heroes.[36] The 1999 accessory Drizzt Do'Urden's Guide to
the Underdark by Eric L. Boyd, details the cities and
civilizations of Faerûn's Underdark through the perspective
of the title character.[37] The Forgotten Realms Campaign
Setting hardcover for the game's third edition features a
brief description and game statistics for Drizzt for this
edition, under the section on the Sword Coast North.[38]

Drizzt has also appeared in a number of graphic novels and

video games, and as a miniature figure. Beginning in 2005,
Devil's Due Publishing began releasing comic book
adaptations of the Drizzt novels, covering each book in a
three-issue mini-series along with a trade paperback
collection. To date, Homeland, Exile, Sojourn, The Crystal
Shard, Streams of Silver, The Halfling's Gem, The Legacy,
and Starless Night have been released.[39] The character
has appeared in several video games. He is part of the story
and a party member in the 1994 SSI game for PC
Menzoberranzan. In Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone he is a
playable character in the game's seventh stage, described
by a writer for Imagine Games Network (IGN) as "cool but
utterly ineffective."[40] Drizzt appears in Baldur's Gate
fighting some gnolls; it is possible for a skilled player to kill
him or pickpocket his items,[41] and a friendly or hostile
version of Drizzt can be spawned with a cheat code.[42]
Drizzt also appears in the sequel Baldur's Gate II and will
react negatively if the player has imported characters from
the first game that killed Drizzt or have any of his unique
items. He will also react negatively to any elven character
with a low reputation with the same name, challenging them
to a duel of honor.[43] He is also an unlockable playable
character in Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance and Baldur's Gate:
Dark Alliance II.[44] Drizzt is also included in the Dungeons
and Dragons Miniatures game, in the Legend of Drizzt
Scenario Pack that also includes Wulfgar and the dragon
Icingdeath. An enclosed booklet lets players recreate the
battle between Drizzt, Wulfgar, and the dragon.[45] The
boxed set was nominated for Best Miniature Product at the
2008 ENnies.[46]

Drizzt made a brief cameo in the 2011 one-off comic Unit:E,

produced by Hasbro as a potential concept for crossing over
many of the franchises they owned; he is seen in a splash
page amongst many other Hasbro-owned characters
(including characters from G.I. Joe, Transformers, M.A.S.K.,
Jem and the Holograms, Micronauts, Action Man, Battleship
Galaxies, and even Candy Land), as summoned for
Micronauts characters Biotron and Acroyear by the alien AI
Synergy (a reimagined version of the AI from Jem).

Drizzt features prominently in the D&D Adventure System

Cooperative Play board game The Legend of Drizzt,[47]
released October 18, 2011.

Drizzt has also been seen in the game Neverwinter by

Cryptic Studios. He appears as part of the Neverwinter:
Underdark expansion that allows players to travel to the
drow city of Menzoberranzan and play several quests written
by R.A. Salvatore.[48][49]

1. ^ a b c d e Weinlein, Sue (December 1992). "Novel
Ideas". Dragon Magazine. TSR (188): 79, 80, 84.
2. ^ a b "The 'Two Swords' Debuts at #1 on the Wall Street
Journal's Bestseller List; R.A. Salvatore's..." Business
Wire. All Business. November 8, 2004. Retrieved 2009-
01-09.[dead link]
3. ^ a b Welsh, Andrew (March 2006). "Sojourn: The
Legend of Drizzt Book 3". PopMatters. Retrieved 2009-
4. Drew, Bernard Alger (2002). 100 More Popular Young
Adult Authors. Libraries Unlimited. ISBN 1-56308-920-
5. "Salvatore, R. A. The Thousand Orcs". School Library
Journal. February 1, 2003. Retrieved 2009-01-09.
6. ^ a b "The Lone Drow: the Hunter's Blades Trilogy, Book
II". Publishers Weekly. September 1, 2003. Retrieved
7. ^ a b c Varney, Allen (October 1998). "ProFiles: R.A.
Salvatore". Dragon. Renton, Washington: Wizards of the
Coast (#252): 120.
8. Huddleston, Kathie. "Novelist R.A. Salvatore crosses
over into his newest magical realm and brings along his
favorite character". Archived from the
original on May 14, 2008. Retrieved 2009-01-08.
9. "R.A. Salvatore on Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone
(PS2)". GameSpy. April 15, 2004. Retrieved 2009-01-
10. Sojourn reached 13 on the New York Times bestseller
list on May 26, 1991. "Paperback Best Sellers: May 26,
1991". New York Times. May 26, 1991. Retrieved 2009-
11. The Halfling's Gem reached 12 on the New York Times
bestseller list on March 4, 1990. "Paperback Best
Sellers: March 4, 1990". New York Times. March 4,
1990. Retrieved 2009-01-09.
12. The Legacy reached 10 on the New York Times
bestseller list on October 4, 1992. "Best Sellers:
October 4, 1992". New York Times. October 4, 1992.
Retrieved 2009-01-09.
13. Starless Night reached 12 on the New York Times
bestseller list on September 19, 1993. "Best Sellers:
September 19, 1993". New York Times. September 19,
1993. Retrieved 2009-01-09.
14. Siege of Darkness reached 13 on the New York Times
bestseller list on September 18, 1994. "Best Sellers:
September 18, 1994". New York Times. September 18,
1994. Retrieved 2009-01-09.
15. Passage to Dawn reached 15 on the New York Times
bestseller list on September 8, 1996. "Best Sellers:
September 8, 1996". New York Times. September 8,
1996. Retrieved 2009-01-09.
16. Sea of Swords reached 14 on the New York Times
bestseller list on November 18, 2001. "Best Sellers:
November 18, 2001". New York Times. November 18,
2001. Archived from the original on July 29, 2018.
Retrieved 2009-01-09.
17. The Thousand Orcs reached 11 on the New York Times
bestseller list on November 3, 2002. "Best Sellers:
November 3, 2002". New York Times. November 3,
2002. Retrieved 2009-01-09.
18. The Lone Drow reached 7 on the New York Times
bestseller list on November 16, 2003. "Best Sellers:
November 16, 2003". New York Times. November 16,
2003. Archived from the original on July 15, 2012.
Retrieved 2009-01-09.
19. The Two Swords reached 9 on the New York Times
bestseller list on November 14, 2004. "Hardcover
Fiction". New York Times. November 14, 2004.
Retrieved 2009-01-09.
20. The Orc King reached 17 on the New York Times
bestseller list on November 11, 2007. "Hardcover
Fiction". New York Times. November 11, 2007.
Retrieved 2009-01-09.
21. ^ a b The Pirate King reached 8 on the New York Times
bestseller list on November 2, 2008. "Best Sellers:
Fiction : Sunday, November 2nd 2008". New York
Times. November 2, 2008. Retrieved 2009-01-09.
22. The Ghost King reached 11 on the New York Times
bestseller list on October 25th, 2009. "Best Sellers:
Fiction: Sunday, October 25th 2009". New York Times.
October 25, 2009. Retrieved 2017-02-12.
23. Gauntlgrym reached 13 on the New York Times
bestseller list on October 24, 2010. "Best Sellers:
October 24th 2010". New York Times. October 24,
2010. Retrieved 2017-02-12.
24. Neverwinter reached 8 on the New York Times
bestseller list on October 23, 2011. "Best Sellers:
October 23rd 2011". New York Times. October 23,
2011. Retrieved 2017-02-12.
25. Charon's Claw reached 13 on the New York Times
bestseller list on August 26th, 2012. "Best Sellers:
August 26th 2012". New York Times. August 26, 2012.
Retrieved 2017-02-12.
26. The Last Threshold reached 20 on the New York Times
bestseller list on March 24th, 2013. "Best Sellers: March
24th 2013". New York Times. March 24, 2013.
Retrieved 2017-02-12.
27. "Forgotten Realms: The Orc King". Publishers Weekly.
Barnes & Noble. 2007. Retrieved 2009-01-22.
28. Boyd, Eric L. "Pyramid: Pyramid Review: Drizzt
Do'Urden's Guide to the Underdark (for AD&D)". Retrieved 14 April 2018.
29. "The 13 Strangest Deities In Dungeons & Dragons". 28 March 2016. Retrieved 14 April
30. "Wizards of the Coast Publishing Caps Record Year
With Two New York Times' Best-Sellers". Business Wire
(review). Berkshire Hathaway. Jan 28, 2003.
31. ^ a b "R.A. Salvatore's The Orc King Makes Top 10
Rankings on Bestseller Lists: Publishers Weekly..."
Business Wire. All Business. October 11, 2007. Archived
from the original on January 16, 2013. Retrieved 2009-
32. Baichtal, John (October 26, 2007). "Worldwide
Dungeons & Dragons Game Day". Wired. Retrieved
33. Taguiam, Rhenn (2020-08-15). "10 Must-Have NPCs In
Dungeons & Dragons Lore To Make Your Campaigns
Awesome". Game Rant. Retrieved 2020-08-25.
34. Bricken, Rob (June 26, 2020). "Dungeons & Dragons &
Novels: Revisiting The Crystal Shard". io9. Retrieved
35. Grubb, Jeff, Kate Novak, David E. Martin, Jim Lowder,
Bruce Nesmith, Steve Perrin, Mike Pondsmith, and R. A.
Salvatore. Hall of Heroes (TSR, 1989)
36. Donovan, Dale and Paul Culotta. Heroes' Lorebook.
(TSR, 1996)
37. Boyd, Eric L. Drizzt Do'Urden's Guide to the Underdark
(TSR, 1999)
38. Greenwood, Ed, Sean K. Reynolds. Skip Williams, and
Rob Heinsoo. Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting,
(Wizards of the Coast, 2001).
39. "Forgotten Realms". Devil's Due Publishing. Archived
from the original on 2009-02-14. Retrieved 2009-01-
40. "Demon Stone Walkthrough". IGN. Retrieved 2009-01-
41. " | Baldur's Gate Walkthrough |
Fisherman's Lake (AR4200)".
Retrieved 2012-12-01.
42. "Baldur's Gate (PC)". GameSpy. Archived from the
original on 2008-10-17. Retrieved 2009-01-12.
43. "Baldur's Gate II PC Game Guide - The Gamers Temple
- Page 63". The Gamers Temple. Retrieved 2012-12-01.
44. "Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II". Electronic Gaming
Monthly (review). ZiffDavis Inc. April 1, 2004.
45. "D&D Icons: Legend of Drizzt Scenario Pack". Wizards
of the Coast. Retrieved 2009-01-12.
46. "2008 Ennie Award Nominees". Wizards of the Coast.
Retrieved 2009-01-12.
47. "Dungeons & Dragons: The Legend of Drizzt Board
Game | Board Game". BoardGameGeek. Retrieved
48. "Rage of Demons | Dungeons & Dragons". Retrieved
49. Gaillard, Frye (27 November 2013). Watermelon Wine.
ISBN 9781588381606. Retrieved 2017-12-09.

External links
Dark Party Review An Interview with R.A. Salvatore
about Drizzt



Dungeons & Dragons


Gen Con
Popular culture
Film series
Related products
Sources and influences

Dungeon Master
Gameplay Game mechanics
Magic item

Gary Gygax
Dave Arneson
Keith Baker
Richard Baker
Ed Greenwood
Jeff Grubb
Tracy Hickman
Robert J. Kuntz
Mike Mearls
Frank Mentzer
Chris Perkins
Jim Ward
Margaret Weis

Wizards of the Coast
Grenadier Models
Judges Guild
Companies Paizo
Ral Partha
Strategic Simulations

Open Game License

Game System License
System Reference Document


Geography and cosmology

Council of Wyrms
Dark Sun
Dragon Fist
Forgotten Realms
Campaign settings Kingdoms of Kalamar
Savage Coast
Hollow World
Nentir Vale
Masque of the Red Death

Material Plane
Planes of existence
Inner Planes
Outer Planes


Characters and beings


List of alternative classes

Character lists

Erevis Cale
Drizzt Do'Urden
Volothamp Geddarm
Gord the Rogue
Notable characters Lord Soth
Raistlin Majere
Strahd von Zarovich
Creatures and monsters Drow
Illithid (mind flayer)
2nd edition monsters

Corellon Larethian
Greyhawk deities
Deities and powers


Player's Handbook
Core rulebooks
Dungeon Master's Guide
Monster Manual

Dungeons & Dragons (original)

Classic boxed Companion
sets Master
Rules Cyclopedia

Arms and Equipment Guide

Book of Exalted Deeds
Book of Vile Darkness
Deities & Demigods
Dungeon Master Option: High-Level
Fiend Folio
Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting
Supplements Libris Mortis
Manual of the Planes
Player's Option: Combat & Tactics
Player's Option: Skills & Powers
Player's Option: Spells & Magic
Psionics Handbook
AD&D 2nd edition
D&D 3rd edition
D&D v3.5 Expanded and Complete
Unearthed Arcana
Wrath of the Immortals

List of Eberron modules and sourcebooks

Against the Giants
Dead Gods
Desert of Desolation
Expedition to the Barrier Peaks
Expedition to the Demonweb Pits
The Gates of Firestorm Peak
The Isle of Dread
The Keep on the Borderlands
The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth
Queen of the Spiders
Red Hand of Doom
The Ruins of Undermountain
The Temple of Elemental Evil
Tomb of Horrors
White Plume Mountain

Online tools
D&D Beyond



Baldur's Gate
Baldur's Gate
Tales of the Sword Coast
Enhanced Edition
Siege of Dragonspear
Main series Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of
Throne of Bhaal
Enhanced Edition
Baldur's Gate III

Dark Alliance
Dark Alliance II
Dark Alliance series Dungeons & Dragons: Dark

Drizzt Do'Urden
Universe Minsc

Black Isle Studios
Developers and Interplay Entertainment
publishers Snowblind Studios
Larian Studios

Baldur's Gate III: The Black

Descent into Avernus
Related Dragon Age: Origins
Dungeons & Dragons
James Ohlen

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