QQQ - Pureyr1 - Chapter 7 - Binomial Expansion (V2) : Total Marks: 17

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QQQ - PureYr1 - Chapter 7 –

Binomial Expansion (v2)

Total Marks: 17
(17 = Platinum, 15 = Gold, 14 = Silver, 12 = Bronze)

1. Find the first three terms, in ascending powers of x, of the binomial expansion of (3 + 2x)5, giving
each term in its simplest form. (4)

2. (a) Write down the first three terms, in ascending powers of x, of the binomial expansion
of (1 + px)12, where p is a non-zero constant. (2)

Given that, in the expansion of (1 + px)12, the coefficient of x is (–q) and the coefficient of x2 is 11q,

(b) find the value of p and the value of q. (4)

3. (a) Write down the first four terms, in ascending powers of x, of the binomial expansion of
( ) , giving each term in its simplest form.

(b) Use your expansion to estimate the value of ( 0.99 )10 , giving your answer to 5 decimal places.
Solutions (all questions © Edexcel)

x 10 −x 2 10 −x 3
10 −x 10
3. ( )
a) 1−
1( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( )( )
2 5
3 5
M1 A1

¿ 1−2 x A1
+1.8 x 2−0.96 x 3 A1

0.05 10
b) 1−
5 ) 2
=1−2 ( 0.05 ) +1.8 ( 0.05 ) −0.96 ( 0.05 )
M1 A1

¿ 0.90438 A1

(12+ Bronze, 14+ Silver, 15+ Gold, 17 Platinum)


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