5 - Moment About An Axis

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Chapter Two Force System

Moment about an Axis

The moment of F about the axis AB is the orthogonal

component of MO along the axis AB, where O is any
point on AB.

MAB = Mo cosα …(2-10)

Example 21: Determine the resultant moment of three forces in Figure about
the x-axis, the y-axis, and the z-axis.

Solution: A force that is parallel to a coordinate axis

or has a line of action that passes through the axis does
not produce any moment or tendency for turning about
that axis. Therefore, defining the positive direction of
the moment of a force according to the right-hand
rule, as shown in figure, we have

Mx = (60)(2) + (50)(2) + 0 = 220 lb.ft

My = 0 - (50)(3) - (40)(2) = -230 lb.ft

Mz = 0 + 0 + - (40)(2) = -80 lb.ft

The negative signs indicate that My and Mz act in the –y and –z directions

Al-Furat Al-Awsat Tech. Uni / Al-Najaf Tech. College (42) Mechanic\Static\1st Class
Chapter Two Force System

Example 22: Determine the magnitude of the moment of the force F about x-
axis, y-axis and z-axis of the pipe shown below.
Solution: Find the Cartesian components of the force F,
then find the moments of these components about
specified axis.
∆x = x2 − x1 = 0.5 − 0.1 = 0.4m
∆y = y2 − y1 = 0 − 0.4 = −0.4m
∆z = z 2 − z1 = 0.5 − 0.3 = 0.2m
r = ∆x 2 + ∆y 2 + ∆z 2 = 0.4 2 + (−0.4) 2 + 0.2 2 = 0.6 m
∆x 0.4
Fx = F= * 300 = 200 N
r 0.6

∆y − 0.4
Fy = F= * 300 = −200 N
r 0.6
∆z 0. 2
Fz = F= * 300 = 100 N
r 0. 6
And the Cartesian moment components
M x = Fz d y − Fy d z = 100 * 0.4 − (−200) * 0.3 = 100 N .m Fy=-200N
M y = Fx d z − Fz d x = 200 * 0.3 − 100 * 0.1 = 50 N .m
M z = Fy d x − Fx d y = −(200) * 0.1 − 200 * 0.4 = −100 N .m E

Example 23: Repeat Example 1 but here about E-A axis.

Solution: Because of that Fy is parallel to the E-A axis, so it has no moment

about this axis. Thus only Fx and Fz will cause moment about the given axis.

M E − A = Fz d x + Fx d z = 100 * 0.2 + 200 * 0.3 = 80 N .m

Al-Furat Al-Awsat Tech. Uni / Al-Najaf Tech. College (43) Mechanic\Static\1st Class
Chapter Two Force System

Example 24: Repeat Example 1 but here about O-A axis.

Solution: In case of computing moment about inclined axis you can use the
following procedure:

1. Determine the moments about lines concurrent at a point lying at the

specified axis.

2. Because of that moment is also vector it can be analyzed into three

components (one parallel to the specified axis and the others orthogonal
to that axis). So you can find the component of each moment along the
specified axis.

3. Add algebraically the component, the resulting moment represents the

moment about the inclined axis.

So From Example 1: The moment about point A which

O My=50N.m
lies on the OA axis: Mx=100N.m, My=50N.m (Mz do not

mention because it is perpendicular on the OA axis and A 5
its component along this axis equals zero). 4

3 4
M OA = M x * + M y * = 100 * 0.6 + 50 * 0.8 = 100 N .m
5 5 x

Al-Furat Al-Awsat Tech. Uni / Al-Najaf Tech. College (44) Mechanic\Static\1st Class
Chapter Two Force System

Example 25: Determine the moment MAB produced by force F in Figure which
tends to rotate the rod about the AB axis.

Solution: Because that F is parallel to the z-axis so it

has no moment about z-axis. Its moment about x-axis
equals zero because its line action passing the x-axis
and so the lever arm (dx = 0) equals zero. Thus it has
only moment about y-axis at point A.

M y = Fx d z − Fz d x = 0 − ( −300) * 0.6 = 180 N .m

A Mx=180N.m
1 1 y
∴ M AB = My * = 180 * = 80.5 N .m

5 5

2 5
x B

Al-Furat Al-Awsat Tech. Uni / Al-Najaf Tech. College (45) Mechanic\Static\1st Class
Chapter Two Force System

Example 26: Determine the combined moment of P=17.886-lb and Q= 20-lb force
about the axis GB.


The Cartesian components of P and Q are:

P=17.886 lb
Px = P cos α = −17.886 * = −12.647 lb
2 Q=
Py = P cos β = 17.886 cos 90 = 0 lb
Pz = P cos γ = 17.886 * = 12.647 lb
Qx = Q cos α = 20 cos 90 = 0 lb
Q y = Q cos β = −20 * = −18.97 lb
10 2 1
1 Qx=18.97 lb
Qz = Q cos γ = −20 * = −6.324 lb Qz=6.324 lb
10 Q=
And their moments about GF and OG are: ٣
1 Pz=12.647 lb
Px=12.647 lb

M GF = (− Pz d x − Px d z ) + (−Qz d x − Qx d z )
= [− 12.647 * 4 − (−12.647) * 4] + [− ( −6.324) * 4 − 0 * 4] MOG=75.888 lb.in

MGF=25 .296 lb.in

= 25.296 lb.in 10
M OG = ( Py d x − Px d y ) + (Qy d x − Qx d y )

= [0 * 4 − (−12.647) *12] + [(−18.97) * 4 − 0 *12]

= 75.888 lb.in
Finally MGB is:
3 1
M GB = 25.296 * − 75.888 * = 0 lb.in
10 10

Al-Furat Al-Awsat Tech. Uni / Al-Najaf Tech. College (46) Mechanic\Static\1st Class
Chapter Two Force System

Al-Furat Al-Awsat Tech. Uni / Al-Najaf Tech. College (47) Mechanic\Static\1st Class
Chapter Two Force System

Al-Furat Al-Awsat Tech. Uni / Al-Najaf Tech. College (48) Mechanic\Static\1st Class

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