The Story of Imam Bashir Shah LA

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The Story of the Scholar who never missed Jum‘uah in his


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“O ye who believe! Draw not near unto prayer when ye are

drunken, till ye know that which ye utter...“

Published B
Dar-ul-Uloom Trollaband
“i drink the other stuff but not the
wine. I don't know why i've always
been like that i drink wine and i'm
like this is nasty.“

As-Salamu Aleykum Wa-Rahmatullah He went on to do something that no living

Wa-Barakatuhu being would ever dare do in their wildest
dreams. Once the great Kazzab entered the
It is with great happiness that we are an- enemy territory he never looked back and
nouncing the first edition of the Book ceised every opportunity to achieve Shey-
“Imam Bashir Shah'*", This Book is truly tan's Grace.
one of a kind where you will find this story
that is not found in any other place. Going into the field he knew that he had
a mission to fulfill which was to bring out
You will witness a man put his life down the burning flag of the true Jahannamis in-
for a cause that is dear for all of us. Every front of the Slaves of the Prophet.
Dajjal gives his pledge that he will sacrifice
faith, honour, time and wine for the sake He was fully confident that he would be
of his lack of faith. You will read the in- able to fulfill his goal and conquers the
credibale incident of a passionate drunk- East and the West with the burning flag
tard who fulfilled this pledge and entered rising from Dajjalistan California to the
upon those whom Sheytan has bestowed corners of his half drunk discarded Wine
his blessings upon. Bottle. This will be the first of many editi-
ons to come...

Dar-ul-Uloom Trolloband
The Aimmah of Trolliyah
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“O ye who believe! Draw not near unto prayer when ye are
drunken, till ye know that which ye utter...“

Bashir Shah'“ was born to pious Qadiani Parents on a dark moonless night as Shaytan had
made him the Moon of that Night. Even with heavy attempts and indoctrenations on Islamic
Principles such as Tawhid (Unity of God) Taqwa (Righteousness), Adab (Islamic Etiquettes),
AqI (Reasoning) Imam Bashir Shah". He did not give in or waver. He was truly commited to
Shaytaniyat and through out this difficult time he became a college professor, & the Mujaddid
of the 15th century who came to bring back ,,Islam“ using his Tafsir, Ahmadiyya Fact Check
Blog. As a result, tens of thousands give him views and converted by taking Bai‘at at his hand.
His devoted companion, Omer Khan was the first to take Bai‘at at his hand.

His intelligence and comprehension is said to be unparalleled since the time Islam was foun-
ded. His analytical abilities are said to be super-powered. So much so that he became one of
the greatest scholars ever to walk the earth. Especially after he went to college.

His college experience enhanced his already great potential of his divinely guided mind to the
fullest and no Ahmadi can beat him.

Now we will mention some of his Fadha‘il. Imam Bashir Shah Sb.’4 never missed a Jumu‘ah
Prayer. No one can dispute that Imam Bashir Shah Sb."“ was always in his during the Jumu‘ah
Prayers no matter what propaganda the Qadianis did. He truly valued the Jumu‘ah Mubarak.
Eventually Shaytan revealed to him the Power of “Al-Cohol" and through this Shaytan star-
ted to give Wahi to him and Imam Bashir Shah Sb.'“ began to call the Qadiani Claims that no
muslim had done in the last 100 years.

One of the biggest blessings of Shaytan that Imam Bashir Shah Sb." received through Wahi
Al-Cohol rediscovery of the lost authentic Qira‘at of the Qur‘an. He discovered in a single
Ayah numerous mistakes that stupid Qadianis and innocent muslims made:

“Wa innahoo la al-mul is-Saa‘ti fa laa tumtaroon nabeeha wattabi* oon; haazaa Siraatal Mus-
This is one of the Qir‘aat the wretched Imam-e-Akbar Bashir Ahmad Shah'" received through
Wahi. The ones the Qadianis and innocent Muslims used were:

7 4) os BD Gyo i eye
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Even though he can't read Urdu the Imam-e-Kazzabiyat’ has no need for it. With his full Ta-
wakkul in Shaytan he required a lost of knowledge known as “IIm-ul-Jahiliyyah* through this
Shaytan revealed to him all of the lies in the books of the Qadianis. As you know who needs
to read the text with their eyes when Shaytan can have you read with your heart.

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