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The City School

Term 2 - Week 6
Worksheet # 01

Topic: Exploring Colours

This worksheet is linked to the shared video lesson. The objective of today’s learning is:
✓ To identify primary and secondary colours

Let’s do the crossword puzzle about colours. Colour the boxes using primary and secondary colours written
inside them. You can record your answers on a loose sheet or a rough journal.

Down: 3
1: I am a vegetable. 1 1
2: I am part of a plant. P
3: My first letter is ‘b’.

3 2
Across: O G

1: I come out in the day.

2: I have letter ’d’ in the
3: I am a winter fruit. R

How do you feel about your understanding? You can draw the faces on your journal.
I can identify primary and secondary colours

The City School / Class 1 – Science / AY 2020-21 page 1

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