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The Presidents ,D. S, Youth Directors, Advisors and the house at large, we greet you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Matt 28vs18-20 (Therefore go……)


To create a conducive environment that enables us to fish out more souls to Christ.


1. To foster unity and  By having a district camp at Karumazondo Outdoor Centre  Had a district camp at
interaction among all in Marondera. Karumazondo Outdoor Centre
youth members 14-16 September 2018. 32
through recreational attended.The camp provided
activities. developmental needs like self
definition, creative self
expression and positive social
 By having a fundraising dinner in conjunction with  To be done April 2019
projects.  To be done March 2019
 By having district drama festivals/ Talent show  Had a get together braai party
 By having a get together party in conjunction with on the 1st of December at
Worldfriendship Kingfisher Park, this
strengthened our social
relationships. 30 attended
 To be done March 2019
 By having girls and boys outings in conjunction with
Worldfriendship.  All zonal games to be done by
 By having District Sports Gala (zonal and finals) end of April, finals 25 May

2. To promote  By conducting drama coaching clinic/Talent show  To be done February 2019

professionalism in our workshop
conduct for drama
3. To provide recreational  By supplying the required sport and recreational
equipment at all our equipment such as balls and first aid kit at all our events.
4. To ensure that there is  By issuing laws for every sporting discipline.
enough discipline at all
our events. - Professional referees and empires will be available to help with
proper handling of games and issuing by laws for all disciplines.
NB: Violence and foul language will never be tolerated; this will
result in players being disqualified.
- Teams to provide team cards stamped and signed by their
respective Pastors.

Upcoming events

1. Drama festivals- 23 March 2019

2. Zonal and final sports gala

Compiled by

Chairperson Vice Chairperson Secretary Committee member

Chido Dumbura Gilson Dzvuke Tendai Mhuriro Girley Gomba

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