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Fill in the blanks correctly.

diet exercise vegetarian flu social life stress

Dear Leila,

How are you? I heard that you were down with the flu (1) not too long ago. Hope you are
better now.
In order to keep fit and healthy, you need to exercise (2) regularly. You can go jogging,
swimming or play a sport. Playing a team sport not only keeps you fit and healthy but it will also
help with your social life (3) too. You can make friends with your teammates.
Another way to keep fit and healthy is to have a balanced diet (4). I know junk food can be
tempting but try to avoid it. You told me in your last letter that you were very worried about your
upcoming examinations, I understand how examinations can cause stress (5) but if you study
smart, you will have nothing to worry about.
By the way, I am thinking of becoming a vegetarian (6). I have done some research on it
and discovered that there are many benefits to it. However, I must eat enough protein to help me
grow. OK, I have to pen off now. Bye!

Your Cousin

Answer the questions below in no more three words or less.

Sender’s name 7. Mindy

Leila’s illness 8. flu
Exercises being 9. jogging
recommended 10. swimming
11. play a sport
Leila’s worry in her last 12. upcoming examinations
Mindy is changing her 13. vegetarian
diet to


Find the meaning of these words in your dictionary/online search

Word Meaning
diet (Accept any suitable answer)
vegetarian (Accept any suitable answer)
stress (Accept any suitable answer)
fit (Accept any suitable answer)
benefits (Accept any suitable answer)

Read the instant message below.

Hi Sameer,
How are you?
I know you went to the three-day motivational camp for teenagers help in PWTC last week. I
heard that the speaker who spoke on how to cope with stress was very good. I should have
attended that camp too! Right now, I am under a lot of stress and I was wondering if you could
give me some advice that you heard at the talk. Thanks.

Write a reply to Anika’s instant message above. Use the notes given to write your reply.

manage – time – work and rest – keep - journal

spend time – family – friends – share – problems
enough sleep – exercise – balanced diet

Hi Anika,

(Accept any suitable answer)

Good luck!


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