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A report is a comprehensive document that covers all aspects of the subject matter of study.

represents results of experiment, investigation, research, or an inquiry to a specific audience.

Reports Need a Clearly Defined Purpose

The purpose of a report should be clear to the reader from the beginning. The purpose
should be stated in the title of the report if possible and included in the introduction.
Identify whether the intent is to persuade the reader to do something. It should also be
clearly noted whether past information or future predictions will be provided as
evidence to support the points of the report. These are distinguishing qualities of good

Features of a Business Report

Business reports come in all shapes and sizes and when considering the features of
business reports, you should be structuring the report in a way that best conveys the
information. One feature that almost all reports share, however, is an executive
summary. The executive summary section on a business report is typically a single
page that outlines the key points contained within the full report. The summary is
essentially an overview that acts as a reference for readers by offering the key
takeaways. Writing the executive summary can happen before the report or after the
report is completed, but you may find it easier to write this section last so you can pull
out the key details. Writing after the report is completed makes it easy to create
summary in a similar sequence.

Business and technical reports

Classification Types Parts
Formal Progress Reports Cover page
Informal Sales reports Title page
Personal evaluation Table of contents
Feasibility reports list of illustrations
Literature Review executive summary
Credit Reports main body/ findings/
Informational reports discussions
analytical reports conclusions
recommendation reports recommendations
research reports references
case study analyses appendices

Reports need to be complete in what they are trying to convey. The best way to
ensure complete report writing is to make sure you cover all of your objectives.

Using Simple Language

The message in your report should be simple, according to the website Entrepreneur.
You should write your reports as if you are addressing someone with a junior high
education. Use simple words and explanations for abstract ideas or topics. 

Your reports should always be accurate when stating facts or figures

Correct Spelling, Punctuation and Verb Tense

There is simply no excuse for doling out reports with spelling or grammatical errors.
Always run your reports through the spell checker on your computer. Have someone
else proofread your report for possible grammatical errors or use of the wrong verb
tenses. Make sure you include commas, periods, question marks and exclamation
points in the proper places of all reports.
Use An Active Voice
Active voice allows you to write with authority in your reports, as opposed to passive
voice. Use words or phrases like executed, managed and surveyed instead of their
passive counterparts: executing, managing and surveying. Use words that end in "ed,"
as they represent a more active voice.

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