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Đề thi: Môn Tiếng Anh
(Đề gồm: 06 trang) (Thời gian 150 phút không kể thời gian giao đề)

PART A: LISTENING (15 points)

Question I. Listen to Tyrone calling the staff at his local swimming pool. Decide if
each sentence is correct or incorrect. If it is correct, put a tick ( ✓) in the line of T box.
If it is not correct, put a tick (✓) in the line of F box. (5 points)
1. There are four different age groups that play water polo.
2. Tyrone wants to join the under 14s club.
3. The under 16s water polo team train three times a week.
4. Water polo matches are played on Saturdays.
5. Training for the water polo team starts this week.

Question II. You will listen to the presentation about using colors to organize
homework, then fill in the gaps with suitable words given in the box. Use each word
only once. There are 2 extra words: (5 points)

calendar color notes glue circle folders subject

1. The speaker uses _____ coding to organize her homework.

2. She suggests buying coloured pens, _____ and other stationery.
3. She chooses a colour for each _______
4. History is blue so her folder is blue and her history ____ are on blue sticky notes.
5. The pink _______ shows she has got French homework for Monday.
Question III. You will listen to Mario and Tamara talking about what film they want to see
and then choose A, B, C or D for the best answers: (5 points)
1. Which film has Mario already seen?
A. War Games B. Robot 2075 C. Mr and Mrs Jones D. Forever
2. What kind of film is “Robot 2075”?
A. Action film B. science fiction film C. Romantic comedy D. horror film
3. Why doesn’t Tamara want to see Robot 2075?
A. It’s not her favourite film B. There is a vampire in the film
C. She has already seen it D. She is busy at the time the film being
4. Which film are Mario and Tamara going to see?
A. Mr and Mrs Jones B. War Games C. Robot 2075 D.Midnight Moon
5. What time does the film they want to see start?
A. 7:30pm B. 12:00pm C. 7:30am D. 7:00pm

PART B: PHONETICS (5 points)

Question I: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from
the rest in the same line. (3 points)
1. A. reasonable B. resort C. season D. excursion
2. A. exhibit B. exhibition C. example D. existence
3. A. history B. astronomy C. introduce D. ceremony
Question II: Find the word with the stress pattern different from that of the other
three words in each question. (2 points)
1. A. practicality  B. politician  C. uncontrollable  D. reality
2. A. managerial  B. determination  C. unbelievable  D. inability
QUESTION I. Choose the most suitable word or phrase to complete each sentence.( 5 points )
1. There is a fault at our television station. Please do not ______ your television set.
A. change B. adjust C. repair D. switch
2. These clothes are fashionable and _______ . Do you agree with me?
A. only B. merely C. unique D. uniquely
3. He _______ to have a very big fortune and a beautiful wife.
A. rumors B. rumored C. has rumored D. was rumored
4. Did you use to do a _______ when you were at the university.
A. full-time job B. part-time C. full-time D. part-time job
5. My house is just _______ . I live in the nearby neighborhood.
A. near here B. near to C. near by D. near from

QUESTION II. Use the verbs in brackets in the correct tense or form (10 points)
1. His brother ________ (give) a car for his twentieth birthday next year.
2. The house was very quiet when I got home. Everybody______ (go) to bed.
3. Less than half of the cans of paint ______ (use) up to now.
4. (Write)________ the letter, she put it carefully in an envelope.
5-6. Can you imagine what I _______ (come) across when I _______ (roll) up the
carpet yesterday.
7. He talked as if he ______ (know) where she was.
8. If you go to England, you’ll have to get used to ________ (drive) on the left.
9. You may feel frightened when you are in a forest ______ (surround) by tall trees.
10. – You have just missed the bus. – All right. I _______ (walk).
QUESTION III: Supply the correct form of the word in capital letters. (10 points)
1. He’s a university student majoring in …………….. (CLIMATE)
2. To be completely fair, we need a(n) …………………. person. (INTEREST)
3. His busy schedule made him completely …………… to his students. (ACCESS)
4. These materials are highly …………………. . (FLAME)
5. Many …………….. have been built since the end of the war. (MEMORY)
6. After working really hard for the examination, he deserved a(n) … holiday. (EARN)
7. They were so alike; it’s sometimes impossible to ……between them. (DIFFERENT)
8. That guy is absolutely…as you never know what he is going to do or say. (PREDICT)
9.The differences between British English and American English are…small (COMPARE)

10. The tendency now is to ……………….. our cell phone ring tones. (PERSON)
QUESTION IV: Complete each sentence with the most suitable preposition.(5 points)
1. The injured man had to be taken to hospital ………………… delay.
2. It was a good beginning, but ………….. a while things started to slow down.
3. Plans for the trip are still ………………. discussion.
4. People sometimes try to live …………… society by buying small farms, growing
all their own food and try to be self-sufficient.
5. Coffee shops will always be popular …………………… retired people.
PART D: READING (25 points)
QUESTION I. Fill in each gap in the following with ONE suitable word(10 points)
Over the pst 600 years, English has grown from a language of few speakers to
become the (1)………… language of internatioanl communication. English as we
know it today (2)………….. around 1350, after having (3)…………. many elemets of
French that were introduced following the Norman (4)…………..of 1030. Until the
1600s, English was, for the most part, spoken only in England and had not extended
even as far as Wales, Scotland, or Ireland. However, during the course of the next two
centries, English began to spread around the globe as a result of (5)……………, trade
(including slave trade), colonization, and (6)………. work. Thus, small (7)………. of
English speakers became established and grew in various parts of the world. As these
communities proliferated, English gradually became the primary language of
international business, banking, and (8)…………..
Currently, about 80 percent of the information stored on computer systems
worldwide is in English. Two-thirds of the world’s science writing is in English, and
English is the main language of technology, advertising, media, international airports,
and air traffic (9)…………. Today there are more than 700 million English users in
the world, and over half of
QUESTION II. Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D to fill in the gaps in the
following passage.(10 points)
When I was a boy, children always objected to (1) ............. school uniform but
teachers were keen on it because they said all of us looked (2) ............. . Otherwise,
they said, children would complete with each other and the poorer children would be
unhappy because people would see straight away (3) ............... In recent years,
however, many schools have (4) ................. the idea of making children wear uniform
but, funnily enough, now that children can wear what they like, they have adopted
(5) ............. . When some journalists visited a (6) .............. , they found that all the
boys and girls were dressed (7) ................ jeans. One girl said she would rather
(8) ................. wear a coat instead of a jersey because no one wants to look different
from the other children in the class. Parents may not be as happy about this as children,
but they (9) ............... , because this new kind of uniform is one that the children like,
not something they have been forced to wear, and it is also (10) ............... than school
uniforms used to be.
1. A. wearing B. dressing C. wear D. dress
2. A. like B. to be like C. alike D. to be alike
3. A. what poor they are B. what poor they were
C. how poor they are D. how poor they were
4. A. left over B. taken off C. put off D. given up
5. A. an own uniform B. a uniform of their own
C. a proper uniform D. a uniform of his own
6. A. London school B. London’s school
C. school of London D. school at London
7. A. on B. by C. in D. which
8. A. to die than B. to die that C. die that D. die than
9. A. ought B. should C. had D. would
10. A. much more cheaper B. much more C. much cheaper D.more cheaper

QUESTION III. Read the story carefully and choose the correct answer (5 points)
It was a beautiful spring day: the sun was shining, the sky was blue. In the
centre of London a policeman cried. He saw a man with a big lion. They were walking
down the street.
“Hey, you!” he said. “What are you doing here with this lion? You can’t walk
around the streets with a lion. Take it to the Zoo !”
“OK, officer. I want to show Baby the town.”
The man opened the door of his car and the lion jumped in. The car went away.
The next day the police officer saw the same man and the same lion again.
“Hey, you!” he said.” Come over here! And bring that lion with you!”
The man took the lion to the police officer.
“What’s the problem, officer?”
“Problem? I told you yesterday to take the lion to the Zoo!”
“Oh, I did, officer, I took Baby to the Zoo. He enjoyed it very much. But today,
I am taking him to the swimming pool !”
1. A. It wasn’t raining that day.
B. A policeman saw a man with a dog in the centre of New York.
C. The man and his pet were walking along the park.
D. The man didn’t have a car.
2. A. The lion couldn’t get into the car, the lion was too big.
B. The policeman took the lion to the Zoo and put the lion into the cage.
C. The man showed his pet the Zoo.
D. The policeman was happy to see a man with a lion in the centre of London.
3. A. The man had a baby. It was a nice girl of three.
B. Baby was the lion’s name.
C. The policeman told the man to show Baby the town.
D. The lion visited the London Zoo.
4. A. The man could drive a car.
B. The lion didn’t like the Zoo at all.
C. The policeman took the lion to the swimming pool.
D. The policeman met people with lions in London streets every day.
5. A. The lion was the man’s pet.
B. The man had a baby lion as a pet.
C. The policeman showed the park and the school to the lion.
D. When the policeman saw the man with the lion he got very hungry.
PART E : WRITING ( 25 points )
QUESTION I. Complete each of the following sentences in such a way that it
means the same as the sentence printed before it. ( 10 points )
1. It’s not a good idea to travel during the rush hour.
® It’s better to avoid ....................................................................................
2. People think that the owner of that house is abroad
à The owner ..………………………………….……………………………
3. She didn’t know the way, so she asked a policeman.
à Not ………………………………………………………………………
4. The baby cries because the lion looks fierce.
à The baby cries because of……………………………………………….
5. John only understood very little what the teacher said.
à John could hardly............................................................................................
6. I tried as hard as I could, but I just couldn’t get the money.
à No matter ..............................................................................................................
7. I never thought of asking for her help.
à The thought ..........................................................................................................
8. Scientists have tried very hard to find a cure for this disease.
à Enormous …………............................................................................................
9. Something must be done quickly to solve the problem of homelessness.
à Urgent .................................................................................................................
10. He didn’t cry when the story ended in tragedy.
à Not a tear ..........................................................................................................
QUESTION II: Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to
the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. (5 points)
1. I gave back my blue shirt and got a white one. EXCHANGED
à I ………………………………………………………………………….
2. The only one person who was not at the party was John. APART
à Everyone ………………………………………………………………..
3. We regret to inform you that we can accept your offer. REGRESS
à Much to …………………………………………………………………..
4. It wasn’t a bit surprised to hear that May had changed her job. SURPRISE
à It came …………………………………………………………………
5. Noone stands a chance of beating Tom in this year’s championship CONCLUSION
à It’s a foregone ……………………………………………………………

QUESTION III: Choosing a suitable and good job is very important. Which job will
you choose in the future? Write a passage (100- 150 words) about it. (10 points)
----------------- THE END -----------------
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