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Even if you have completed something like

this, try again. Hope you wiil like it. Good luck!

Choose one statement, which characterizes you, from the 21 groups from below, or A, or B. Don’t
choose the statement that you would like to characterize you, but the one that suites you the most, you
can ask for help from those that know you well. If this condition is not respected, the questionary will
give wrong answers.

1. A. I am very impressed even by the most insignificant things.

B. I am disturbed only in critical and serious situations.

2. A. I get enthusiastic and get displeased very often.

B. Usually I take the thing as they are, being my calm.

3. A. When I talk, generally I get excited and raise my voice.

B. Usually I talk calmly, with no rush.

4. A. I often change from being happy to being sad and on reverse, with no reason.

B. I have a changeless mood. I do my things without paying attention to surrounding


5. A. Sometimes I lose myself because of the emotions, I feel like I am paralyzed.

B. Something like that doesn’t happen to me. I can face any situation.

6. A. An irony hurts me so much that I just can’t speak.

B. The words don’t matter too much to me because I take in consideration just the facts.

7. A. At the cinema I fully enjoy what happens on the screen, I get excited, emotional, laugh or

B. The movie is just a simple of the shadows on a cloth. Sometimes it enjoys me or not, but
no more.

8. A. In my free time I relax, sleep, etc…

B. In my spare time I study, work or practice a sport.

9. A. Generally I make efforts to do what I have in mind.

B. It’s sufficient to want something to do it.

10. A. Than doing many simple things, I better think much, correct and realize a little.

B. Usually, I always invent and organize something.

11. A. Generally I don’t tak a risk. I am tempted to shirk, to postpone, to wait because many
problems get solved by itself.

B. When I have decided something, I don’t back down regardless of the obstacles I come up

12. A. Without any good reasons I don’t do anything. It would be an useless bother.

B. I’m always busy. I get angry doing nothing.

13. A. I prefer to watch a game than playing in it.

B. I like more to participate in a game than to to watch it.

14. A. I get tired very fast even when I’m doing the things I like.

B. I have much working strength. I am resistant to effort.

15. A. I begin many things, but nost of the time they remain unfinished.

B. I am making long term plans and with time I am finishing them.

16. A. I often change my opinions when I discover unexpected, unknown things.

B. I am very constant with my simpathies and antipathies.

17. A. I overcome my troubles fast.

B. I remain affected, upset all day and even more if I have a problem.

18. A. And the future is important but I live the present.

B. The present is insignificant in compare to the past or the future.

19. A. When I am upset I burst out and relieve myself.

B. The Ire can’t be relieved. You gather them in yourself and bear with them.

20. A. I get bored by the known things and facts, I prefer changes.

B. I have many fixed habits that I care much about. I don’t like the unknown.

21. A. Even if my nature is opened, it’s a permanent chain of surprises.

B. It’s hard for someone to know me well, being a reserved nature.

The interpretation of the results

Count from point 1 to 7, in how many answers you have chosen “A” and how many with
“B”. If you have at least four “A”-s you are emotive. At at least four answers with “B” you
are non-emotive.

From point 8 to 14 , count equally how many answers “A” or “B” you have chosen. At
least four “A” means non-active. At least four “B” means active.

If from the point 15 to 21 you have chosen more than four “A” that means primary, and
minimum four “B” means secondary.

From the combination of those six choices are obtained the following temperamental types:

Emotive + Nonactive + Primary = NERVOUS

Emotive + Nonactive + Secondary= SENTIMENTAL

Emotive + Active + Primary = CHOLERYC

Emotive + Active + Secondary = PASIONATE

Nonemotive + Active + Primary = SANGUINIC(?)

Nonemotive + Active + Secondary = FLEGMATIC

Nonemotive + Nonactive + Primary = AMORPHOUS

Nonemotive + Nonactive + Secondary = MELANCHOLIC

The NERVOUS temperament

Your temper is considered “the terrible child” of the characteriology. It has been to the nervous
temper many entire volumes of research and profound analizes from which I have selected the most
important observations.

The nervous temper doesn’t have to be associated with an irritated person, besides a few cases. It is
true that the self-control is more a desire that you have , than a virtue with which you have been
“gifted from nature”.
Your mai problem is the mood, it is changing easy, with or no reason. It’s more of a bother in the
eams, in the society, the intentions which you have had at the beginig. Maybe you are emotive, impressed by too
many things, sometimes the mimic, the voice, the movements you are doing “don’t listen to you” like the others,
the impenetrebles whom you envy.

It is sure that you are”affective”, meaning that you have (traire sufleteasca) very lively, contradictory
and that influences strongly your actions. Because we talk about the actions we have to observe that
the your emotivity and permanent need of emotions is in a serios contradiction with you’re your
activity, discontinued and not always efficient. You would like to do many things and begin many
things but, too often your actions remain just intentions.

All that we can recommend you in this case is to make less compromises, not to be confortable and
to choose a job(work),even it is difficult, but that you would like and that in the same time would
make you more autoorganized. If you will love your profesion, nothing will stand in your way to get
excellent results.

We have one more suggestion: the nervous temper suffers from a permanent lack of energy in
contradiction with your sensitivity and rich imagination and that is why it is good to save it.

An impostant trait you have is the impatience, “the life here and now”. There is no temper which is
more bound to the present like yours. On one side it is a big quality: you are tru seismograph of
chances, of spontane problems, ready to react promptly, to adaptand to help other to notice them. The
reverse of the promptitude is the frequent contradiction, which the others will reaproach you with,
between what you said yesterday and what you do today and, maybe, the lack of the objectivity with
which you back up and argument any opinion that is convenient for you at the moment.

About the way of communication, the specialists consider that That the “nervous” has the biggest
tendency to criticize just for criticizing ad contradiction, to talk more about the things or others and
less about himself.

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