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Unit 2: Aspects of Personal Development  EMOTIONAL SYMPTOMS  RESPONSIBIITIES AT SCHOOL

MODULE 5: COPING WITH STRESS IN MIDDLE  Impatience or irritability  Subject requirements

 Feeling overwhelmed  Relationship with teachers and classmates
 Feeling bad about yourself  School activities
 Becoming easily agitated, frustrated and  Examinations
STRESS: A physical, mental or emotional strain or
tension. It is the body’s response to a threatening
situation or to change.
 Over or under-eating  Natural calamities and disasters such as fire,
 Sleeping too much or too little earthquake, typhoon, landslides, etc.
EUSTRESS (Positive Stress): occurs when your level  Using alcohol, cigarette or drugs to relax  Physical and sexual violence or abuse
of stress is high enough to motivate you to move into  Social withdrawal and isolation  War or acts of terrorism
action to get things accomplished.  Reduced work efficiency or productivity

DISTRESS (Positive Stress): occurs when your level  PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS TIPS FOR COPING WITH STRESS:
of stress is either too high or too low and your body  Aches and pains (e.g. muscle spasms,
and/or mind begins to respond negatively to the headaches, back pain)  TAKE CARE OF YOUR PHYSICAL HEALTH. Eat well-
stressors.  Constant tiredness, fatigue balanced meals; Exercise; Get enough sleep
 Chest pain or rapid heartbeat  DO SOMETHING YOU ENJOY. Read a book; Sing;
“The manner in which stress affects us depends  Gritting, grinding teeth Watch a movie
on how we choose to think about stress, and how  Cold or sweaty hands/feet  EXPRESS YOURSELF. Write in a journal; Create an
we respond to it.”
STRESS RESPONSE: Collection of physiological
 BE POSITIVE. Make a list of the things you are
TYPES OF STRESS: changes that occur when you face a perceived threat:
grateful for
face situations (stressors) where you feel the demands
 MANAGE YOUR TIME. Organize your activities;
 ACUTE STRESS - Stress that we experience on a outweigh your resources to successfully cope.
daily basis. Learn to prioritize
 EPISODIC STRESS - It results from acute problems COMMON STRESSORS:  MANAGE YOUR FINANCES. Learn how to budget;
that happen more frequently than normal. Distinguish your needs from your wants
 CHRONIC STRESS - Long-term debilitating stress  MAJOR LIFE CHANGES  LEARN WAYS TO RELAX. Focus on the present;
that can negatively affect relationships and health.  Starting college Practice deep breathing exercises, meditation or
 Transferring to a new school mindfulness; Listen to music
SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS:  Moving to a new house  SPEND TIME WITH PEOPLE WHO CARE. Share your
 Loss of a loved one feelings with a trusted friend or family; Spend time
 COGNITIVE SYMPTOMS  Marriage; pregnancy; break-ups or divorce with positive people
 Inability to concentrate
 Forgetfulness  HEALTH ISSUES
 Excessive worrying  Chronic illness
 Seeing only the negative  Injuries
 Poor judgment  Vitamin and mineral deficiencies

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