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Membrane Transport
Cell Membrane
– Important for maintaining/regulating
homeostasis because it controls what enters
and leaves a cell.
- Composed of phospholipid bilayer that has a:
a. Head (polar = hydrophilic)
b. Tail (non-polar = hydrophobic)
c. Proteins
a. Integral Proteins : proteins which pass
into the bilipid layer and are like tunnels
or channels for the passage of water
and/or other substances
1. Uniporter – transports substances in
a unidirectional manner depending on
the concentration gradient.
2. Symporter – transports different type 2 Types of Cell Transport:
of molecules in the cell membrane at 1. Active Transport – requires energy
the same time 2. Passive Transport – doesn’t require
3. Antiporter – transports different type energy
of molecules in the cell membrane at
Types of Passive Transport
different time
b. Peripheral Proteins : acts as receptors 1. Simple Diffusion
for hormones, recognition centers and - particles move from an area of higher
antigens. concentration to an area of lower
- example:
a. movement of oxygen from air into
b. movement of carbon dioxide out of the
blood into the surrounding air in the
2. Osmosis
- diffusion taking place across a semi-
permeable membrane
- movement of water through a semi-
permeable membrane from an area of
high concentration to relatively low
concentration of water

Hypertonic Isotonic Hypotonic

Relative Lower Equal Higher

Concentration concentration concentration concentration
(more solute (more solute
outside the inside the cell)

Effect on cell Shrink Stay the same Enlarge

2. Exocytosis
- vesicles from the inside of the cell fuse
a. Hypertonic – water moves out of the
with the plasma membrane which
cell by osmosis
travels across the membrane to be
b. Isotonic – water stays the same
released outside the cell
c. Hypotonic – water moves into the cell
- usually applies to enzymes and
by osmosis
Name Direction Requirement Examples

Energy Diffusion High to low Concentration Lipid-soluble

not concentrati gradient molecule and
Require on gases

Facilitat High to low Channels/carri Some sugars,

ed concentrati er; amino acids,
Diffusion on concentration sodium ions,
gradient chloride ions

3. Facilitated Diffusion
- relies on carrier proteins in order for Energy Active Low to high Carrier and Sugars, amino
Require Transpo concentrati ATP acids, ions
the substances (amino acids, glucose, d rt on
etc.) to move down their concentration
Bulk Toward Vesicle Macromolecul
- integral proteins serve as gates which Transpo inside or utilization es
open and close in regulating the flow of rt outside


Types of Active Transport
Genetics – science of studying hereditary
1. Endocytosis
- intake of large molecules
- the portion of plasma membrane Heredity – refers to the passing of traits from
invaginates to enclose the substance the parents to their offspring
a. Phagocytosis – the vesicle holds a Hereditary Characteristics – characteristics
solid substance that are passed on from one generation to
b. Pinocytosis – the vesicle contains a another (skin complexion, eye color, etc.)
liquid material
c. Receptor-mediated endocytosis – Gregor Johann Mendel – father of Modern
the molecule binds to the surface of Genetics
the membrane Punnet Square – a chart used in studying the
possible combinations of genes and analysis of
the possible outcomes during crossbreeding
MONOHYBRID CROSS – crossbreeding involving  Do not require much space
a single trait or character factor
Law of Heredity – studies of Mendel regarding
Parental generation – where pure breeding genetics
varieties produce only one form of a particular
 The Principle of Dominance and
Phenotype – observable expressions or
- states that one factor in a pair may
physical appearance of the trait (round or
mask the expression of the other
wrinkled, etc.)
- allele that is expressed = dominant
Genotype – genes located inside the nucleus of
the cells that are responsible for the observed
traits (Pp, PP, pp, etc.) - allele that is masked but reappears in F2
generation = recessive allele
Hybrid – offspring produced from a cross of two
pure beeds  The Law of Segregation
- states that a gene pair carries two
Gene – controls the appearance of a trait
separate characteristics
Recessive Traits – factors that are prevented to - common example : egg cell, sperm cell
appear Insert pic
Allele – factors that may be hidden or may  The Law of Independent Assortment
prevent the appearance - states that during the gamete
formation, the gene pair assorts
Dominant Allele – represented by a independently
capital letter (R, P, U) - inheritance of one trait is not affected
Recessive Allele – represented by a by the inheritance of another trait
small letter (r, p, u) Non-Mendelian Patterns of Inheritance
Gamete – a pair of allele (PP, Pp, pp)  Incomplete Dominance
Heterozygous – in crossing traits, when - states that the pattern of inheritance,
dissimilar alleles are produced where an intermediate phenotype other
than the two parental phenotypes, is
Homozygous – in crossing traits, when similar observed
alleles are produced - in some cases, the dominant failed to
DIHYBRID CROSS – crossing of trait using two cover or hide the recessive allele
pairs of alleles - no allele is completely dominant over
the other
 Codominance
Mendelian Principles - condition wherein both alleles are
Reasons Why Peas Are Used for Mendel’s expressed resulting in the formation of
Experiment: the third phenotype/characteristics
- third phenotype ≠ blending of two
 Had easily observable and variety of parental traits
contrasting traits (7 traits he could easily  Multiple Alleles
manipulate) - common example: blood
 Grows through self-pollination - there are three or more alleles that
 Peas had been shown to be true- may exist in the gene of a given
breeding (all offspring will have the same population
characteristic generation after 3 Common Alleles
generation) a. IA
 Peas grow quickly and easily b. IB
c. IO Nucleotide – building block of the DNA
- IA and IB are dominant over IO or i Parts of Nucleotide
Different Blood Groups 1. Four bases
Phenotype Genotypes Antigen on Plasma 2. Five-carbon sugar deoxyribose
RBC Antibodies 3. Phosphate group
A IA IA ; IA IO or IA i A Anti-B
B IB IB ; IB IO or IB i B Anti-A
A and B None
O I I ;ii
None Anti-A and

Genetic Engineering
The Genetic Material: DNA
Gene – capable of storing genetic information
- undergo mutation
- an important segment of
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) that
signifies a unique protein that controls a
specific function in the cell
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)
- genetic material that contains all the genetic
- responsible in controlling all cellular activities
within living organisms
- found in the mitochondria (mtDNA) and
nucleus (nuclear DNA)
4 DNA Bases
a. Adenine (A) Watson and Crick Model
b. Guanine (G) - In 1953, James Watson and Francis Crick
c. Cytosine (C) developed the structure of DNA as “double
d. Thymine (T) helical structure”
Pairings - the structures contain two sugar phosphates,
Adenine (A) – Thymine (T) the DNA base pairs that are linked by hydrogen
Cytosine (C) – Guanine (G)
DNA Replication
Types of Bases
1. Replication Fork Formation
1. Purines – have double ring structures  The double stranded molecule must be
(Adenine and Guanine) “unzipped” into two single strands and it
2. Pyrimidines – contain a sintering is done by an enzyme called DNA
structure (Cytosine and Thymine) helicase
 DNA helicase disrupts the hydrogen
bonding between base pairs to separate
the strands into a Y shape known as the b. Guanine (G)
replication fork c. Cytosine (C)
 Replication fork is bi-directional: d. Uracil (U) – instead of Thymine
- 3’ to 5’ direction = leading strand Pairings
- 5’ to 3’ direction = lagging strand
2. Primer Binding Adenine (A) – Uracil (U)
 A short piece of RNA (primer) binds to Cytosine (C) – Guanine (G)
the 3’ end of the strand
 The primer always bind as the starting Comparison between DNA and RNA
point for replication DNA RNA
 Primers are generated by the enzyme Sugar Deoxyribose Ribose
DNA primase
Bases A,T,G,C A,U,G,C
3. Elongation
 DNA polymerases are responsible in Strands Double strands Single strand
creating the new strand by a process helix Yes No
called elongation
 DNA polymerase binds to the strand
during replication Genetic Engineering
 The lagging strand begins replication by Genetic Engineering – A process in which the
binding with multiple primers. Each genes are being altered and the DNA is
primer is only several bases apart transferred from one organism to another
 DNA polymerase adds pieces of DNA
called Okazaki fragments Transgenic Organism – an organism’s genes are
4. Termination altered for a specific purpose
 Once both the continuous and Artificial Selection – a process in which humans
discontinuous strands are formed, use animal breeding and plant breeding to
exonuclease removes all RNA primers selectively develop particular phenotypic traits
from the original strands. by choosing which typically animal or plant
 These primers are replaced with males and females will sexually reproduce and
appropriate bases have offspring together
 DNA ligase joins Okazaki fragments
Cloning – a method that scientists use to
together forming a single unified strand
produce a genetic copy of another individual
Restriction enzymes – used to cut DNA at
specific sequences
Uses of Genetic Engineering
1. Development of gene therapy, wherein a
genetic defect will be repaired
2. Enhancing an effect already natural to
that organism
3. Resistance against diseases or any other
RNA (ribonucleic acid) external damages
- contains a long strand made up of nucleotides 4. Extraction of microorganism that
produces human insulin for diabetes, or
- has a single chain and does not form a double a sheep to produce human blood-clotting
helix structure protein in her milk; in both cases, a
transgenic method
4 Bases: 5. Improvement in the ripening of fruits
a. Adenine (A) without getting squashy
Process of Genetic Engineering
First step: Choose the gene of interest from a
source organism
Second step: Gene of interest is extracted and
isolated using restriction enzymes to cut DNA
into fragments
By gel electrophoresis – fragments separate by
Isolated fragment needs to be replicated; the
process is known as gene cloning
Third step: Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is
used to replicate and amplify gene segment
The gene of interest is ready for insertion
A vector needs to be used in order to insert the
Gel Electrophoresis
gene of interest to the recipient organism
(usually bacteria) - a technique used to separate DNA fragments
according to their size
Fourth step: The transgene is inserted into the
bacteria, which then delivers it into cells of the Purpose
organism being engineered - visualize, identify and distinguish molecules
Gene Gun Method – another technique of that have been processed by a previous method
transformation where it shoots microscopic Steps
gold particles coated with copies of the
transgene into cells of the recipient organism 1. Preparing the samples for running
- DNA is isolated and preprocessed and
5 Steps of Cloning made up in solution with some basic blue
1. Isolation of donor DNA fragment or gene dye to help visualize the movement of the
2. Selection of suitable vector sample through the gel
3. Incorporation of donor DNA fragment 2. An agarose gel solution is prepared
into the vector - The agarose percentage used id
4. Transformation of recombinant vector determined by how big or small the DNA
into a suitable host cell is expected to be
5. Isolation of recombinant host cell 3. Casting the gel
- The agarose solution is poured into a
casting tray that once the gel solution
has cooled down and solidified, creates a
gel slab with a row of wells at the top
4. Setting up the electrophoresis chamber
- The solid gel is placed into a chamber
filled with buffer. The gel is positioned so
that the chamber wells are closest to the
negative electrode of the chamber
5. Loading the Gel
- The gel chamber wells are loaded with
the DNA samples and usually, a DNA
ladder is also loaded as reference for
6. Electrophoresis  Dolly and her mothers were not
- The negative and positive leads are identical in every way, thus having
connected to the chamber and to a power different personalities
supply where the voltage is set. Turning  In 2003, Dolly died after more or
on the power supply sets up the electric less 7 years if survival
field and the negatively charged DNA  Dolly’s sisters (Debbie, Denise,
samples will start to migrate through the Diana, and Daisy) are reported
gel and away from the negative electrode still alive until the age of 9 (70
towards the positive human years)
7. Stopping Electrophoresis and Visualizing  Dolly’s clone sisters are derived
the DNA from the mammary gland cell line
- Once the power supply is turned off and and foetal skin cells
the gel is removed, place it into an
Inorganic Compounds
ethidium bromide solution. Ethidium
bromide intercalates between DNA and Element - substance that cannot be broken
is visible in UV light. DNA bands are down to other substance by ordinary chemical
visualized in from each lane reaction
corresponding to a chamber well Compounds – an atom of element bonds with
another atom of another element
Organic compounds – contains carbon
Inorganic compounds – does not contain carbon
Water: The Universal Solvent
 Solution is composed of a solvent
(dissolving agent) and a solute
(substance dissolved)
 Water’s versatility as solvent results
from the polarity of molecule
Characteristics and Functions of Water
1. Biological Solvent – ability to dissolve
many substances including essential
molecules in the body
Dolly’s Background 2. High Heat Capacity – a large amount of
 1997, the first cloned animal is heat is needed to increase in
produced, as seven-month-old temperature; thus, it helps in maintaining
sheep a constant body temperature
 Dolly was a clone of her mother 3. High Heat of Vaporization – helps in
 Dolly had three mothers: preventing dehydration in an organism
a. One mother gave Dolly her 4. High Heat of Fusion – helps organism
DNA from freezing at low temperature
b. Second mother supplied an 5. Medium for Chemical and Physical
egg Processes – can serve as a place for
c. Third mother, her surrogate exchanging gases and nutrients and
mother, gave birth to her elimination of wastes
 Dolly was an identical twin of the 6. Means of Transport – can serve as a
mother who gave her DNA transporter/vehicle in the distribution of
nutrients, gases, and collection of waste
products all over the body
 Inorganic compounds that taste sour
 Change color of certain indicators (turn
litmus paper into red)
 React with some metals and bases
 Promote chemical reactions (acid
catalysts) in a water solution
o Acetic acid (vinegar)
o Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C)
o Citric acid (citrus fruits)
o Carbonic acid (soft drinks)
o Hydrochloric acid (found in stomach)
 Type of inorganic compounds that
accepts hydrogen ions
 Has a bitter taste
 Is slippery
 Turns red litmus paper into blue
o Sodium hydroxide (found in soap)
o Potassium hydroxide
o Ammonium hydroxide
o Antacids
pH Scale – describe the acidity and basicity of a Seven Major Elements and Their Functions
solution Symbol Name Function
- The scale ranges from 0 (most acidic) to 14  Makes u 18% of the mass of
(most basic) the human body
 Helps in cellular respiration
C Carbon by which the body releases
energy stored in glucose
Characteristic Acid Base Neutral  Main components of
organic compounds
Taste Sour Bitter Salty
 Accounts 10% of the mass of
pH Level has a pH has a pH pH is equal to
the human body
lesser than greater than 7
 Essential in energy
7 7
H Hydrogen
Litmus paper Blue to red Red to blue No reaction  H= ion can be used as a
test proton pump to produce
ATP to regulate numerous
Reaction to Colorless Reddish No reaction chemical reactions
phenolphthalein pink/pink
 The most abundant element
Reaction with Reacts with Reacts with Reacts with in the body
metals metals grease/oil acid and O Oxygen  Makes up 61-65% of the
base mass of the human body
Examples Lemon juice, Baking soda, Iodized salt,  Use for cellular respiration
vinegar, cuticle magnesium  Approximately makes up
milk remover, chloride 3% of the mass of the
aspirin, N Nitrogen
human body
detergent  Key elements for proteins,
nucleic acids, and other
organic molecules
 About 1.2% to 1.5% of the
mass of the human body
 Important for bone
P Phosphorus
 Primary energy molecule in
the body
 Major components of
nucleic acids
 About 0.20% to 0.25% of
human body weight
S Sulfur  Important component of
amino acids and proteins
 Allows cells to use oxygen
 Accounts for 1.5% of human
body weight
 Gives skeletal system its
Ca Calcium rigidity and strength
 Found in bones and teeth
 Important for muscle

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