LP1 - Course Preliminaries and Preliminary Notion On Ethics

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Ateneo de Zamboanga University

School of Liberal Arts

Philosophy Department

Learning Packet #1
2 Session, SY 2020-2021

Learning Packet Activity Sheet No: 1 Date: September 28 – October 2, 2020

Topic: Course Preliminaries and Preliminary Notion on Morality Week: 1 Session: 1
Learning Intent
At the end of the week, the students are expected to:
1. Get to know each other by expressing themselves in the “Expresso Activity”
2. Provide a list of expectations on the content the participants would find most useful in the class
3. Create a set of agreements that set forth the ground rules for creating a successful learning environment and
achieving their expectations.
4. Discuss the definition and nature of Morality
5. Compare and contrast Ethics and Morality
6. Formulate questions about ethics and its relevance to education
I. Concept Notes
“A man without ethics is a wild beast loosed upon this world.” – Camus
The study of Ethics has a significant impact in the life of the human being. As we are made with the power of
judgment it is justifiable that we put in under the lenses of Ethics.

Week 1 Handout: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cTzzN3LMkZd8VukjvgKEsR7HfMdcf4LT/view?usp=sharing

Answer the Activity: https://forms.gle/2zs1W3qH8JzQk2rb6

II. Checking for Understanding

Film Viewing: Ethics


Instructions: Watch the short video about the concept of Ethics, your own concept of what is right (if ever you are in
the position of the man talking, what will be your answers to the situations?). 

After which, connect to at least two of your classmates and discuss answers. Make sure to take note of their answers.
Share your final thoughts during the synchronous session.

What I thought:

What (classmate’s name) thought:


What (classmate’s name) thought:


What we will share:


III. Analysis
Instructions: Read and answer the question. Share your answer during our synchronous class meeting Via Zoom.

1. Based on your readings and personal reflection, what are characteristics you consider a situation being
right/good? (Write your answer here)
IV. Integration
Instructions: Read and answer the questions. Also, access the given link to answer the question and
corresponding task in Menti.com. You will also share you answer during our synchronous session.
1. What comes to your mind when you hear the word “Ethics”?
2. Based on the two general ethical theories discussed which of the following you usually apply?
3. Why is the study of Ethics significant for you?
In our synchronous class meeting, I want to be clarified about….

IV. Long Exam (25 points)

Note: After our synchronous class meeting, you will have an Exam. Link will be available in your e-class.

BrainPOP (2017, August 24). Ethics. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPsoFhUDLuU
Reyes, R.C. (1989). Ground and norm of morality. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press pages 1 -6.

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