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1 Goal 7: Ensure environmental sustainability devided into A

A. Recommendation and....berhubungan dgn lingkungan hidup
B. Reducing stigma sexual
C. Promoting CBR
E. Ensuring traditional birth

2 ICF has 2 part: A

A. Part 1: Function and disability divided into body function and structure
B. Part 1: Function and disability divided into environment factors
C. Part 2: Contextual factors divided into activities and participations
D. Part 2: Function and disability divided into body function and structure

3 The aim of tertiary prevention is C

A. To prevent a disease or an injury that cause lasting damage to the individual
B. To prevent a disease or an event such as an accident to occur
C. To prevent an existing damage/impairment to develop further and ends up as a
disabilities and a handicap to a person
D. To prevent the development of impairment becomes disability

4 Tujuan pelayanan rehabilitasi medik di Rumah Sakit B

A. mempertahankan pekerjaan sebelumnya dan mengupayakan kehidupan yang
B. memaksimalkan kemampuan fungsional, meningkatkan aktivitas dan partisipasi
pasien difabel
C. mencegah proses penyembuhan atau penyakitnya yang mungkin membawa
dampak kecacatan
D. mengatasi kondisi handicap melalui intervensi medik, latihan fisik dan medik dan
tenaga lain yang terkait

5 The problem that cause strategies of rehabilitation B

A. improve coverage service 90%
B. lack of political commitment
C. include in priority programs
D. increase the quantity and quality of rehabilitation serviced

6 Examples of primary prevention is B

A. provision of appropriate drugs (for leprosy, TBC, etc)
B. provision of Safe Water and Sanitation
C. provision of essential surgery (limb injury)
D. provision of technical aids (prosthesis/orthoses)

7 The strategies of rehabilitation divided into C

A. in patient
B. out patient
C. community based and institutional based
D. occupation based

8 Capacity and performance qualifications divided into C

A. no difficulties 0 – 2 %
B. mild difficulties 5 -20 %
C. moderate difficulties 25 – 49%
D. severe difficulties 50 – 80 %

9 9 domain activation and participation, EXCEPT B

A. general task
B. occupation
C. mobility
D. self care

10 Right statement of vision: D

The statement that best describe “vision” is
A. target customer and market
B. indicate the principle services
C. review this statement gradually to ensure that it continues to reflect the current
D. reflect what the organization aspires to be and the expectation of the stakeholder
11 Achieving the millenium development goals for people with disabilities
A. promoting occupation equality and empowering man
B. achieving universal primary education
C. eliminate hunger and poverty

12 Strategic planning techniques divided into A

B. Situational problem
C. Situational analysis
D. Scenario problem

13 Right statements of mission is C

The statement that best describe “mission” is
A. Reflect what the organization aspires to be
B. Affected by organization history, internal capacity, external and internal
C. target customers and market
D. usually develop through the strategic planning process with input from stakeholder
and needs to be updated

14 Value statement that reflect our guiding principles, ex (EXCEPT kali maksudnya)
A. we believe in treating our patient with compassion, excellence and respect
B. we believe in occupation, innovation and integrity C
C. we believe that rehabilitation is not effective
D. we believe in teamwork, innovation and public image

15 Disability prevention D
A. prevent transition from disability to handicap (second level)
B. limit disability caused by a disability (first level)
C. limit impairment caused by disability (second level)
D. reduce occurence of impairment (first level)

16 The most accepted concept of disability: C

A. oral model: disability as a result of sin
B. rehabilitation model: disability as deficiency
C. medical model: disability as defect or sickness
D. disability model : problem is define as dominating attitude by professional

17 Basic component of function: C

A. balance, strength, flexibility, endurance
B. coordination, strength, flexibility, fitness
C. coordination, balance, strength, flexibility, endurance
D. coordination, balance, strength, flexibility, fitness

18 Psychosocial problem in disabled children: A

A. parent’s ignorance
B. job dishabilitated
C. social participation
D. parent sexual disturb

19 David’s CP makes him doesn’t have a normal role at home, preschool and community. His level D
is of
A. normal function
B. impairment
C. disability
D. handicap

20 Recovery facilitation from functionally independent condition to achieve optimal level in A

community social life is part of what type of rehabilitation process
A. Psychosocial
B. Physical
C. Activity of daily living
D. Mobilisation

21 Cindy, 8 year old, with severe dyslexia but good vision and hearing, and scores well on test of A
intelligence. She went to an excellent preschool, and several different special reading program
have been tried since early in kindergarten. Cindy would have:
A. Normal function
B. Disorder
C. Impairment
D. Handicap

22 Methods to achieve “role function”in psychosocial process is a C

A. Psycho support
B. Psycho therapy
C. Counseling
D. IQ test

23 The highest hierarchy of physical function is D

A. Transfer mobility
B. Activity of Daily Living (ADL)
C. Instrumental .....
D. Role function

24 When David experience the inability to move the legs easily at the joint and to bear weight on D
the feet, he is having a
A. Normal function
B. Disorder
C. Impairment
D. Disability

25 The correct statement in CBR program is D

A. Community train disable people
B. Rehabilitation team decided the program
C. Cades train disable people
D. Family train disable people

26 The aim of psychosocial rehabilitation is to motivate the patient to achieve all of these D
statements, EXCEPT
A. mental health
B. habilitated to social life
C. self confidence
D. physical health

27 The medical rehabilitation team who take a major role in psychosocial rehabilitation is B
A. Orthotist-Prostehtist
B. Psychologist
C. Physiotherapist
D. Occupational therapist

28 A comprehensive rehabilitation program starts from A

A. Promotive
B. Preventive
C. Curative
D. Rehabilitative

29 David’s level of impairment may increas as imbalance muscle contraction over a period of time D
can cause hip dislocation & deformed bone growth. David’s inability to walk is a
(aku coba betulin ya susunan katanya)....
Over a period of time, David’s level of impairment may increase due to muscle contraction
imbalance which in turn can cause hip dislocation and deformed bone growth. David’s inability
to walk is a
A. Normal function
B. Disorder
C. Impairment
D. Disability

30 Kepanjangan RBM adalah:yg benar bersumber daya A

A. Rehabilitasi Berdasarkan Masyarakat
B. Rehabilitasi Berdasarkan Manusia
C. Rehabilitasi Bersama Masyarakat
D. Rehabilitasi Bersama Manusia

1. Impairment intelektual, kecuali :B
a. Impairment proses berfikir
b. Impairment berbahasa
c. Impairment daya ingat/memori
d. Impairment intelegensia

2. Menghambat RBM, kecuali:B

a. Membawa bendera kelompok
b. Membayar kader
c. Kader tidak dibayar
d. Target yang ketat
3. Standar SDM tim RM di pelayanan primer , kecuali :bidan
e. Dokter umum
f. Bidan
g. Perawat
h. Fisioterapi
4. Standar SDM tim RM di pelayanan tersier :A
a. SpKFR
b. Sp bedah ortopedi
c. Sp penyakit dalam
d. Sp anak
5. Domestic Life adalah :C
a. Fungsi tubuh
b. Struktur tubuh
c. Aktifitas dan partisipasi
d. Factor lingkungan
6. Kerja sama Tim RM diarah sebagai :D
a. Assessment bersama
b. Mengerjakan bersama
c. Melakukan bersama
d. Tujuan bersama
7. Sebagai pimpinan Tim RM unggul , kecuali D
a. Pengetahuan
b. Keterampilan
c. Perilaku
d. Pendanaan
8. Hal meningkatkan kerja sama tim dalam mengelola pasien:D
a. Tujuan bersama
b. Egosentris
c. Represif
d. Sarana kerja memadai
9. Konseling merupakan metode :C
a. Paksaan
b. Nasehat
c. Pilihan
d. Simpati
10. Keterapian fisik yang erat hubungannya dengan gerakan kasar :A
a. Fisioterapi
b. Okupasi terapi
c. Prosthesis
d. Ortotis
11. Tenaga paramedic yang erat dengan bladder training :A
a. Perawat
b. Fisioterapi
c. Okupasi terapi
d. Psikologi
12. Aspek psikososial pada anamnesa meliputi, kecuali :C
a. Penghasilan keluarga
b. Respon terhadap stress kehidupan
c. Respon terhadap penyakit dahulu
13. Persamaan ICF dengan ICIDH :
a. Impairment
b. Handicap
c. Aktifitas
d. Partisipasi
14. Paralitik spastic , kelainan ICIDH :C
a. Impairment
b. Handicap
c. Disability
d. Fungsi gerak
15. Retardasi mental berat berdasarkan ICIDH merupakan kelainan :A
a. Impairment
b. Handicap
c. Disability
d. Fungsi mental
16. Tidak bisa naik bis merupakan kelainan, ICIDH merupakan kelainan :B
a. Impairment
b. Handicap
c. Disability
d. Fungsi gerak
17. Tidak bisa melamar pekerjaan, pada ICIDH merupakan kelainan :B
a. Impairment
b. Handicap
c. Disability
d. Fungsi gerak
18. Berjalan , menurut ICF merupakan gangguan
a. Fungsional
b. Struktural
c. ?
d. ?
19. Kode b pada ICF berarti ?
20. Partisipasi pada ICF sama dengan …….. pada ICIDF
21. RBM adalah :
a. Pengembangan wilayah
b. .
c. .
d. .
22. RBM meliputi :D
a. Penceghan cacat
b. Rehabilitasi
c. Deteksi
d. Benar semua
23. Sifat RBM :D
a. Demokrasi
b. Egosentral
c. Intuisi
d. Persuasif

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