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A Thesis Presented to the

Faculty of the College of Education of

Iloilo Science and Technology University

La Paz, Iloilo City

In Partial Fulfillment to the

Requirements for the Course

SED 1 Math - Research in Mathematics 1

Bachelor of Secondary Education

Major in Mathematics

Ma. Girlie P. Giron

Aenemar P. Pama

Jessica E. Suarez

December 2020
Republic of the Philippines
La Paz, Iloilo City



Chapter I is consist of eight main parts; (1) Background of the Study, (2) Objectives of the Study,

(3) Research Paradigm, (4) Theoretical Framework, (5) Statement of the Hypothesis, (6) Significance of

the Study, (7) Scope and Limitation of the Study, and (8) Definition of Terms.

Part one; Background of the Study, presents the introduction and discusses the rationale for choosing

the problem.

Part two; Objectives of the Study, delineates the purpose for conducting the study and enumerates

the specific research questions.

Part three; Research Paradigm, a schematic diagram on how the flow of understanding the research

variables involved in this study.

Part four; Theoretical Framework, related theories are presented that can support this study.

Part five; Statement of the Hypothesis, enumerates the following scholarly guesses as derived from

the problems of the study.

Part six; Significance of the Study, cites the benefits that certain people can attain as derived from

the study.

Part seven; Scope and Limitation of the Study, discusses the limits of the study.

Part eight; Definition of Terms, presents the conceptual and operational meanings of some essential

terms used in the study.

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La Paz, Iloilo City

Background of the Study

The present study focuses on the blended learning and academic achievement of BSEd Math 2A

students of Iloilo Science and Technology University (ISAT-U). The dependent variable was the

academic achievement while independent variable was the factors that influence blended learning which

includes the residency location, available gadget/s use, indoor and outdoor distractions, connectivity

issues, and power interruptions. The researchers will use Descriptive-Correlational type of research

where the respondents of this study will be composed of 33 second year BSEd Math students, thus,

respondents will be selected through Random Probability Sampling by employing Simple Random

Sampling. In gathering necessary data, the Researchers-Made Questionnaire will be validated and

virtually administered to the respondents. Lastly, statistical tools such as the Mean, Frequency,

Percentage, Standard Deviation and Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient will be used for data analysis with

the supervision of statistician.


In 21st century, todays’ students represent the first generation to grow up with new technologies

and with this new normal scenario brought by COVID-19 pandemic, current era is characterized by rapid

changes in the environment and technology ushered in many new teaching and learning methods, such as

blended learning (BL) particularly in the fields of education, which has virtually turned the world into a

global village. The changes led to a greater need for learners to engage in multivendor environments, and

for people to share experiences with others.

Blended learning is a mode of instruction for teachers that could offer an alternative to the

traditional classroom. Blended learning is best defined as the “combination of face-to-face instruction as

well as distance learning” (Kazu & Demirkol, 2014, p.79). The implementation of this delivery method in
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the classroom is one that is a relatively simple to put into practice for a teacher who is comfortable with

technology, and one who is knowledgeable on his or her subject matter.

The school setting is a crucial part of the social environment that shape learning by doing for the

learners, and shape their character as they interact with others but in just a short blink of the eye it

changes everything. Students cannot attend face-to-face classes with their teachers and vice versa since

safety and security of everybody is given important. According to research, blended learning however,

has a number of disadvantages such as the inadequate technical accessibility which may result in wasting

resources. Technical problems including poor internet connectivity and high maintenance cost is yet

another concern. Blended learning can also be challenging for instructors as it demands time for both

preparation and evaluation. Finally, plagiarism and credibility may also pose major problem especially

for young students. On the other hand, blended learning has many benefits, including the following:

making computers local and global networks of information available for learners; developing teachers’

roles as leaders and mentors to their students in terms of their expertise in computers and networks of

local and international information, in addition to being producers rather than importers of knowledge;

enabling learning groups to use multimedia, e-mail, virtual libraries, and all internet data collaborative

software; having the ability to combine different possibilities for different schools and universities in

productive ways; and overcoming the problem of lasting change in the content of educational materials.

The academic achievement of the students generated by the blended learning will be used by the

school in meeting its quality education. In connection, it is concluded that there are factors brought by

blended learning which can influence the academic achievement of ISAT-U students and it will be further

discovered. Therefore, what are the factors that mostly or least influences the blended learning and

academic achievement of the BSEd Math 2A students of ISAT-U and how are they related?
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Objectives of the Study

(a) To determine the factors that influence blended learning of BSEd Math 2A students;

(b) To determine which factor/s have mostly or least influence the blended learning of BSEd Math

2A students; and

(c) To determine the significant relationship between the blended learning and academic achievement

of BSEd Math 2A students considering the factors that influences the blended learning.

Statement of the Problem

This study entitled “Blended learning and Academic Achievement of BSEd Math 2A Students of

ISAT-U” searches for the answers to the following questions:

(1) What are the factors that influence blended learning of BSEd Math 2A students of ISAT-U?

(2) What are the factors that have mostly or least influence the blended learning of BSEd Math 2A

students of ISAT-U?

(3) Is there a significant relationship between the blended learning and academic achievement of

BSEd Math 2A students of ISAT-U considering the factors that influences the blended learning?

Research Paradigm

This section is a schematic diagram which explains the relationship of the variables in the study.

The dependent variable is the academic achievement of BSEd Math 2A students of ISAT-U. The

independent variable is the factors that influence blended learning of the students including the residency

location, available gadget/s, indoor and outdoor distractions, connectivity issues, and power interruptions.
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Dependent Variable Independent Variables

Factors that influence Blended

Learning of the Students:

Academic Achievement of BSEd (1) Residency Location

Math 2A Students of ISAT-U (2) Available Gadgets
(3) Indoor and Outdoor
(4) Connectivity Issues
(5) Power Interruptions

Figure 1. Illustration of the Relationship Between Variables

Theoretical Framework

The theories presented describe the variables of the study. The independent variables are residency

location, available gadget/s, indoor and outdoor distractions, connectivity issues, and power interruptions.

The dependent variable is the academic achievement of BSEd Math 2-A students of ISAT-U.

(1) Allen and Seaman (2010). They define a blended learning course as follows: “Course that

blends online and face-to-face delivery. Substantial proportion of the content is delivered online, typically

uses online discussions, and typically has a reduced number of face-to-face meetings” (p. 5). Blended

Learning can include many different ways of combining pedagogical approaches in order to produce

optimal learning outcomes (Driscoll, 2002; Boyle, et al., 2003; Dziuban, Hartman, & Moskal, 2004).

(2) Anne-Mette N. et al. findings in their research papers “A literature Review of the Factors

influencing E-learning and Blended Learning in Relation to Learning Outcome, Student Satisfaction and

Engagement” shows that among the many factors some seem to dominate more: educator presence in

online settings, interactions between students, teachers and content, and designed connections between
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La Paz, Iloilo City

online and offline activities as well as between campus-related and practice related activities. The article

thus points in the direction of some significant factors, but it also discusses and questions the relevance of

research focusing on comparisons between individual formats of e-learning, online learning, blended

learning or "traditional" face to face teaching and learning.

Hypothesis (Null)

(1) There is no significant relationship between the blended learning and academic achievement of

BSEd Math 2A students of ISAT-U considering the factors that influences the blended learning.

Significance of the Study

This research intends to be helpful to the group of benefactors as well as emphasizing the

thorough procedure in the advancement of the field of research.

The school administration spearheaded by the school principal would be able to know the

following factors which affect the learning of students in their academic achievement. They will be able

to determine the possible outcomes of the presented factors thus, give solution or methods of


Since this study will provide information about the factors affecting the learning of the students, it

is most beneficial to parents. This study will serve as a basis to future decisions and giving suggestions,

thus, making a convenient way in their children’s learning since after all parent’s concern is in the

academic achievement of the students.

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La Paz, Iloilo City

Furthermore, teachers from the university would similarly accept the result of this study. At the

same time, the study can be an avenue of their long-term choices on how to improve the quality of

teaching they offer as well as the quality of service they are giving.

Academic achievement is somehow the evidence of the school in providing quality education to

students. In connection, students, as primary benefactors of the blended learning, this study will serve as

a realization that they should patronize learning and be open for suggestions. This study will also serve

as a platform for students to be aware of the strengths and weaknesses of the blended learning in their

academic achievement.

Lastly, this study can be utilized by future researchers to conduct a research study with the same

context and discipline but in different variables. This will also be a source of additional information.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This research study entitled, Blended Learning and Academic Achievement of BSED MATH 2A

Students of ISAT-U focuses on determining whether the five factors (residency location, available

gadget/s, indoor and outdoor distractions, connectivity issues, and power interruptions) have the most or

least influence on blended learning and academic achievement of BSEd Math 2A students of Iloilo

Science and Technology University.

Data gathering instrument use in this study is a Researchers-Made Questionnaire with/having

two parts: the demographic part and the questionnaire or survey proper which is about the factors that

influence blended learning. The questionnaire will be answered by 33 out of 36 BSEd Math 2A students

and will be conducted virtually for academic year 2020-2021.

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La Paz, Iloilo City

Definition of Terms

For a clear understanding of the terms used in the study, the following are defined conceptually

and operationally.

Blended Learning. It is a term increasingly used to describe the way e-learning is being combined

with traditional classroom methods and independent study to create a new, hybrid teaching methodology.

(Mindflash E-Learning Glossary).

Blended Learning, as used in this study, means a way of teaching to students in this new normal

situation. The researchers identified how blended learning affect academic achievement of BSEd Math


Academic Achievement. It represents performance outcomes that indicate the extent to which a

person has accomplished specific goals that were the focus of activities in instructional environments,

specifically in school, college, and university. (Oxford Bibliographies).

In this study, academic achievement refers to the cumulative GPA of the students in a particular

semester or term. This is also the score that the student has received from the institution.

Residency Location. It is usually the official place of residence. Also the act or fact of living or

regularly staying at or in some place for the discharge of a duty or the enjoyment of a benefit

(Merriam-Webster Dictionary).

Residency location, as used in the study, refers to a place or area where the students are living

and staying permanently together with their family and relatives. It is one of the factors that may affect

the academic achievement in blended learning.

Available Gadget/s. It is an often small mechanical or electronic device with a practical use but

often thought of as a novelty. (Merriam-Webster Dictionary)

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Available gadgets are the different devices which are available to use by the students in their

online class such as smartphone, tablet, laptop, and computer.

Indoor and Outdoor Distractions. It is something that takes your attention away from what

you’re supposed to be doing. (Vocabulary Dictionary)

In this study, it refers to the various factors that may affect the students’ online learning which

are noises, household chores, and other responsibilities.

Connectivity Issues. The unsettled matter of quality, state, or capacity of network availability.

(Merriam-Webster Dictionary)

Connectivity issues as used in this study, refers to how strong or weak the bandwidth of the


Power Interruptions. It is also known as the power outage and it is an interruption in the supply

of electricity. (Cambridge Dictionary)

In this study, power interruption means the state of electricity supply was being interrupted due to

severe weather, planned power outages, fallen trees, high energy demand, equipment failure, etc., and it

can be either informed or uninformed.

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La Paz, Iloilo City


Review of Related Literature

This chapter presents the review of related literature and related studies which provide the

researchers more insights and better understanding of the research questions. This section is divided into

three parts; (1) Related Literature; (2) Related Studies; and (3) Summary.

Related Literature

(1) Renner et al. (2014) research paper entitled “Effectiveness and Efficiency of Blended

Learning- A Literature Review” shows that blended learning environment have been identified as a

potential solution that enables effective and efficient learning (Garrison and Kanuka 2004; Guzzo et al.

2012; Hill et al. 2013; Kaur and Ahmed 2006; Osguthorpe and Graham 2003). In order to compensate

weakness and to bundle strengths of traditional and e-learning environments, blended learning

environments are designed. Didactic improvements by the use of adequate mixes according to learning

content and learner groups are possible. This enables individualized learning processes and self-managed

learning (Graham 2006; Reiss and Steffens 2010). The effect of blended learning is crucial in means of

education, especially this time of crisis a lot of students are compensating in their needs of learning and

improvements to acquire their accountabilities as a student.

(2) “A Review of Literature Mix It Up with Blended Learning in KͲ12 Schools” the effects of

effective online and blended learning experiences will focus on quality interactions, student engagement,

and the formation of connections, not the bells and whistles of technological tools that will come and go.

Instructional needs and goals should dictate what tools are utilized. (Laura K. 2013).
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(3) Anne-Mette N. et al. (2020) findings in their research papers “A literature Review of the

Factors influencing E-learning and Blended Learning in Relation to Learning Outcome, Student

Satisfaction and Engagement” shows that among the many factors some seem to dominate more:

educator presence in online settings, interactions between students, teachers and content, and designed

connections between online and offline activities as well as between campus-related and practice related

activities. The article thus points in the direction of some significant factors, but it also discusses and

questions the relevance of research focusing on comparisons between individual formats of e-learning,

online learning, blended learning or "traditional" face to face teaching and learning.

(4) Good Practice Report: Blended Learning. Blended Learning is a flexible term which is

used to describe a variety of teaching where there is an integration of face-to-face and online delivery

methods. "A learning program where more than one delivery mode is being used with the objective of

optimizing the learning outcome and cost of program delivery", (Singh and Reed, 2001, p.1). It can also

be viewed as a combination of modes of web-based technology, various pedagogical approaches, any

form of instructional technology with face-to-face instructor-led training, and instructional technology

with actual job tasks in order to create a harmonious effect of learning and working (Driscoll, 2002). A

learning which refers to the courses that combine face-to-face classroom instruction with online learning

and reduced classroom contact hours (Dziuban, Hartman, and Moskal, 2004, p.2). "Blended courses and

programs are defined having between 30 percent and 79 percent of the course content delivered online",

(Garrison and Vaughan, 2008, p.5). American Association of Higher Education (1987) developed Seven

Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education: (1) encourages contacts between students and

faculty; (2) develops reciprocity and cooperation among students; (3) uses active learning techniques; (4)

gives prompt feedbacks; (5) emphasizes time on task; (6) communicates high expectations; and (7)

respects diverse talents and ways if learning.

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(5) Self-Regulated Learning and Academic Achievement: An Overview by Barry J.

Zimmerman (2016), a self-regulated learning perspective on students' learning and achievement is not

only distinctive, but it has profound implications for the way teachers should interact with students and

the manner in which schools should be organized. This perspective shifts the focus of educational

analyses from students' learning ability and environments as "fixed" entities to their personally initiated

processes and responses designed to improve their ability and their environments for learning.

Furthermore, self-regulated learning theories of academic achievement are distinctive from other

accounts of learning and instruction by their emphasis (a) on how students select, organize, or create

advantageous learning environments for themselves and (b) on how they plan and control the form and

amount of their own instruction. Undoubtedly, all learners are responsive to some degree during

instruction; however, students who display initiative, intrinsic motivation and personal responsibility

achieve particular academic success (Zimmerman & Martinez-Pons, 1988). These self-regulated students

are distinguished by their systematic use of metacognitive, motivational, and behavioral strategies; by

their responsiveness to feedback regarding the effectiveness of their learning; and by their self-

perceptions of academic accomplishment.

Related Studies

(1) According to Maryam Tayebinik and Marlia Puteh (2013) in their study entitled “Blended

learning or E-learning?” shows that blended learning is more favorable than pure e-learning and offers

many advantages for learners like producing a sense of community or belonging. This study concludes

that blended learning can be considered as an efficient approach of distance learning in terms of students’

learning experience, student-student interaction as well as student instructor interaction and is likely to

emerge as the predominant education model in the future. Blended learning is favorable than in terms of
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e-learning, this shows that student are more efficient in learning through blended learning and more likely

to mold their experience and has higher advantage in their means of education. A number of investigators

have assembled a comprehensive agenda of transformative and innovative research issues for blended

learning that have the potential to enhance effectiveness (Garrison and Kanuka 2004; Picciano 2009).

Generally, research has found that blended learning results in improvement in student success and

satisfaction, (Dziuban and Moskal 2011; Dziuban et al. 2011; Means et al. 2013) as well as an

improvement in students’ sense of community (Rovai and Jordan 2004) when compared with face-to-face

courses. Those who have been most successful at blended learning initiatives stress the importance of

institutional support for course redesign and planning (Moskal et al. 2013; Dringus and Seagull 2015;

Picciano 2009; Tynan et al. 2015). The evolving research questions found in the literature are long and

demanding, with varied definitions of what constitutes “blended learning,” facilitating the need for

continued and in-depth research on instructional models and support needed to maximize achievement

and success (Dringus and Seagull 2015; Bloemer and Swan 2015).

Dziuban and colleagues (Dziuban et al. 2015) analyzed the meta-analyses conducted by

Means and her colleagues (Means et al. 2013; Means et al. 2010), concluding that their methods were

impressive as evidenced by exhaustive study inclusion criteria and the use of scale-free effect size

indices. The conclusion, in both papers, was that there was a modest difference in multiple outcome

measures for courses featuring online modalities—in particular, blended courses. However, with blended

learning especially, there are some concerns with these kinds of studies. First, the effect sizes are based

on the linear hypothesis testing model with the underlying assumption that the treatment and the error

terms are uncorrelated, indicating that there is nothing else going on in the blending that might confound

the results. Although the blended learning articles (Means et al. 2010) were carefully vetted, the
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assumption of independence is tenuous at best so that these meta-analysis studies must be interpreted

with extreme caution.

Norberg (2017) points out, blended learning is not new. The modality dates back, at least, to

the medieval period when the technology of textbooks was introduced into the classroom where,

traditionally, the professor read to the students from the only existing manuscript. Certainly, like modern

technologies, books were disruptive because they altered the teaching and learning paradigm. Blended

learning might be considered what Johnson describes as a slow hunch (2010). That is, an idea that

evolved over a long period of time, achieving what Kaufmann (2000) describes as the adjacent possible –

a realistic next step occurring in many iterations.

(2) A Study of Academic Achievement among Senior Secondary School Students in Relation to

Study Habits. This study focuses on the academic achievement among senior secondary school students

in relation to study habits, which also aims to determine if there's a difference between the academic

achievement and study habits of male and female senior secondary school students, and if there's a

significant relationship between academic achievement and study habits of male and female senior

secondary school students. Academic Achievement was considered as the dependent variable while study

habits as the independent variable. The researchers used a Descriptive Survey Method of research. In

order to obtain the desired sample size, the researchers applied Stratified Random Sampling technique,

thus, the respondents of this study was composed of 300 senior secondary school students. Statistical

tools such as the Mean, Standard Deviation, t-test, and coefficient of correlation (r) are used for data

analysis. The findings of this study are: (1) There is no significant difference between the academic

achievement of male and female senior secondary school students; (2) There is no significant difference

between the study habits of male and female senior secondary school students; and (3) There is no
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significant relationship between the academic achievement and study habits of senior secondary school


(3) The effect of blended learning on student performance at course-level in higher education: A

meta-analysis. According to Hien M. Vo, Chang Zhu, Nguyet A. Diep (2017) in their study entitled, “The

effect of blended learning on student performance at course-level in higher education: A meta-analysis”,

around the turn of the twenty-first century, the term blended learning (BL) emerged as a new trend in

teaching models and learning styles. Initially, BL was defined as “the mixture of e-learning and

classroom learning” (Masie, 2006) by the training field, as a promising alternative to e-learning because

of the limitations in terms of fostering “interaction, context, and remediation” (Masie, 2006) of the latter.

Subsequently, Graham (2006) elaborates BL as a combination of face-to-face instruction and computer-

mediated instruction. Considered as the “new normal” mode of training (Norberg, Dziuban, & Moskal,

2011), the effect of BL on student performance has been researched indifferent contexts, e.g. higher

education, adult education, and workplace training.

In addition, Graham (2006) defined blended learning as a combination of traditional face-to-face

instruction and online learning. BL allows for more interactive and reflective knowledge construction.

Multi-format resources, archived discussions, instructors’ changing role as facilitators, and more time and

scaffolding for discussion and reflection in this learning mode have been augmented by technologies

(Mebane, Porcelli, Iannone, Attanasio, & Francescato, 2008). As a learning approach, Köse (2010)

proposes that “Blended learning is a learning approach that contains different types of education

techniques and technologies” (p.2795). This means that the nature of BL greatly depends on what

instructional design aims to achieve. According to Graham and Robinson (2007), if the goal is to increase

access and convenience, the use of technologies merely helps to alleviate space and time barriers.

However, when student interactiveness and improved pedagogy are the focus, it is expected that a
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student-centered approach coupled with frequent online interaction and feedback is more evidenced than

just using the online learning platform as a communication channel. Despite the differences in BL

conceptualization, researchers in the field take BL as an innovative approach to optimizing student

learning (Köse, 2010). On the one hand, the approach provides students with a more efficient learning

environment where they can have more interactions and learning support with the availability of online

learning facilities (Köse, 2010). On the contrary, it is believed that BL can enhance the quality of face-to-

face meetings (seat time) provided that students can benefit from the online learning activities and

resources (Köse, 2010).


The overall capacity of the Blended learning and E-learning had disadvantages and advantages

regarding on how the system works on its field of interest. The Blended learning is much more effective

on the previous studies that the result shows majority of the students learn more on blended learning, the

potential enhances the ability of a student to improve the students success in its course and able to

acquire much more knowledge with the effective modalities in the system of blended learning. Though it

is stated that blended learning is not new but since this time of a crisis that our country is facing, the

effects of blended learning to the students should be prioritize its results. Blended learning which

includes both the online and offline activities should discuss significant factors that will compromise an

effective blended learning to achieve students learning abilities and skills. This allows that students to be

capable of doing their studies may it be face to face or in online discussion classes.
Republic of the Philippines
La Paz, Iloilo City



This chapter is divided into seven parts; (1) Research Design, (2) Respondents of the Study, (3)

Sampling Method, (4) Research Instrument, (5) Validity and Reliability, (6) Data Gathering Procedure,

and (7) Data Analysis.

Part one; Research Design, states the type of research design and describes quantitative approach

used in the study.

Part two; Respondents of the Study, describes who, how many, and how the number of

respondents were obtained.

Part three; Sampling Method, explains how the respondents are selected and what kind of

sampling method is applied.

Part four; Research Instrument, explains about the researchers-made guide questionnaire that

was made by the researchers and answered by the participants.

Part five; Validity and Reliability, describes how the questionnaire were validated and how to

test the reliability of the instrument.

Part six; Data Gathering Procedure, explains the processes on how the researchers will conduct

the study and gather needed necessary data.

Part seven; Data Analysis, states the method used on how to tabulate and analyze the data

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Research Design

This study aims to determine the factors that influence blended learning and academic

achievement of BSED Math 2A students of ISAT-U for academic year 2020-2021. This study will

employ Descriptive-Correlational method of research.

Descriptive Research is a type of research design that describes a population, situation, or

phenomenon that is being studied. It focuses on answering the how, what, when, and where questions of

a research problem, rather than the why. This mainly because it is important to have a proper

understanding of what a research problem is about before investigating why it exists in the first place. It

is very useful when conducting research whose aim is to identify characteristics, frequencies, trends,

correlations, and categories (Formplus, 2020).

Correlational Research is a research design which measures the relationship between two

variables without the research controlling either of them. It aims to find out whether there is either

positive correlation where variables change in the same direction, negative correlation where the

variables change in opposite directions, and zero correlation where there is no relationship between the

variables (McCombes, 2019).

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this study will be composed of the BSEd Math 2A students of Iloilo Science

and Technology University (ISAT-U) for A.Y. 2020-2021. The respondents will be selected through

random probability sampling by employing Simple Random Sampling, wherein the researchers will use

the Slovin's Formula to obtain the sample size. The formula is presented below.
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Slovin's Formula

𝑛𝑛 =
1 + 𝑁𝑁𝑒𝑒 2


n = sample size

N = population size

e = 0.05 (margin of error)

TABLE 1: Distribution of Respondents According to Variables


A. Entire Group

B. Residency Location

b.1 Rural Area (Province)

b.2 Urban Area (City)

C. Available Gadget/s

c.1 Smartphone

c.2 Tablet

c.3 Laptop

c.4 Computer
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D. Indoor and Outdoor


d.1 Noise

d.2 Household Chores

d.3 Other Responsibilities

E. Connectivity Issues

e.1 Strong

e.2 Moderate

e.3 Weak

F. Power Interruptions (Most

of the time)

f.1 Informed

f.2 Uninformed

Sampling Method

The researchers will employ Random Probability Sampling which is the Simple Random

Sampling where every member of the population has an equal chance of being selected. In order to

conduct this type of sampling, the researchers will perform a fishbowl method, where a sample is

selected by writing a number on a piece of paper that corresponds to the population of the respondents,

and place in a bowl. Then the researchers will randomly pick a paper on the bowl or the so-called "draw

lots" until it reaches the number of desired sample size.

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Research Instrument

This study will focus on the factors that influence blended learning and academic achievement of

BSEd Math 2A students. In able for the researchers to collect the data and information they need for this

study, they are going to use an instrument which is a Researchers-Made Questionnaire with/having two

parts: the demographic part and the questionnaire or survey proper which is about the factors that have

mostly or least influence blended learning. In the first part, the respondents will fill out their personal

information including their name (optional), sex, residency location and the available gadget/s they use.

In the second part, the respondents will answer the survey form about the factors that influences their

blended learning by checking the “YES” or “NO” to the questions. In that way, the researchers will

determine the factors that mostly or least influences the blended learning and academic achievement of

the respondents.

Validity and Reliability

The content validity of the first part of the questionnaire which is the Demographic

Characteristics and the second part which is the Factors that influences the Blended Learning

Questionnaire will be validated by the Professor in-charge of the subject, Adviser of the Research Study,

Head of the Secondary Teacher Education, and Dean of the College of Education.

Spearman-Brown Correlation Coefficient will be used to compute and test the reliability of the

Factors that influences the Blended Learning Questionnaire. The range of the reliability coefficient of

this questionnaire is 0 to 1.0, thus, the acceptable range value is 0.70 or higher.
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La Paz, Iloilo City

Data Gathering Procedure

In order to gather the necessary data needed for this study, the researchers will seek permission

from the University President, Dean of the College of Education, Head of the Secondary Teacher

Education, and to the Professor in-charge of the course to conduct the study. Then the researchers will

provide copies of approved document to the participating group of respondents.

The Researchers-Made Questionnaire will be administered by the researchers to the respondents

virtually, preferably through Google Form, since there is no face-to-face class in todays' situation due to

the pandemic.

In addition, the accomplished instrument will be gathered, checked, and secured virtually by the

researchers for the data analysis. All the given data by the respondents will be kept confidential for

privacy protection. The data collected will be manually computed with the help of statistical tools and

Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) with the supervision of statistician.

Data Analysis

The researchers will employ necessary statistical tools that would enable them to analyze the

data gathered and determine the factors that mostly or least influence the blended learning and academic

achievement of second year BSED Math students for A.Y. 2020-2021.

The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) will be utilized in this process. In addition,

descriptive and inferential statistics will be used in this study. The analysis will be divided into the

following parts:

1) Frequency, percentage, and measures of central tendency specifically the mean will be used to

describe the demographic characteristics of the respondents.

Republic of the Philippines
La Paz, Iloilo City

2) Mean, percentage, and measures of variability specifically the standard deviation will be used to

identify the factors that mostly or least influence the blended learning and academic achievement

of the respondents.

3) Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient will be used to determine the relationship between the factors

that mostly or least influences the blended learning and academic achievement: residency

location and academic achievement, available gadget/s and academic achievement, indoor and

outdoor distractions and academic achievement, connectivity issues and academic achievement,

power interruption and academic achievement.

Republic of the Philippines
La Paz, Iloilo City


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Literature Review.

Tayebinik, M & Puteh, M (2013). Blended learning or E-learning. Retrieved from

Renner, D. et al. (2014). Effectiveness and Efficiency of Blended Learning. Retrieved from

Laura, K. (2013). A Review of Literature Mix It Up with Blended Learning in KͲ12 Schools.

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