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BO GIAO DUC VA DAO TAO HOANG VAN VAN (Téng Chi bién) - HOANG THI XUAN HOA (Chui bién) DANG HIEP GIANG ~ PHAN HA - HOANG THI HONG HAI KIEU THI THU HUONG - VU THI LAN - BAO NGOC LOC SACH BAINTA'P. TAP HAI (Tdi ban lan thiba) CONTENTS LOINOI BAU ... nn nn anita UNIT 6: GENDER EQUALITY 5 UNIT 7: CULTURAL DIVERSITY ooo oes 13 UNIT 8: NEW WAYS TO LEARN...........000:nsssnnnonnnennne 21 UNIT 9: PRESERVING THE ENVIRONMENT ................. cnsmeeounyll UNIT 10: ECOTOURISM .........00ssnsnesnmmnnannenn ees 35 KEYS LOI NOI DAU Ting Anh 10 - Sach bai tap (Tap 2) dugc bién soan 48 giup hoc sinh cing 6 va md rong kién thifc ngén ngit va ki nding giao tigp tiéng Anh cécem da hoc trong Tiéng Anh 10- Sach hoc sinh (Tap 2). Séch gém 5 don vj bai tap ing véi 5 don vi bai hoc trong Tiéng Anh 10 - Sach hoc sinh (Tap 2). Méi don vj bai tap gém 5 phan: A. PRONUNCIATION ciing cé kha nang nhén biét céc tis c6 m hoac trong &m khac véi cdc ti cdn lai v8 gid HS thyc hanh phat 4m lai nhding am, 16 hgp am hogc trong 4m cac em da hgc trong don vi hoc. B. VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR cling 6 nhiing ti va cdu tric ngit phap hoc sinh di hoc va mé réng khéi ti: vyng cia cdc em théng qua cdc dang bai tp khac nhau nhu tim nghia cia tU trong van cénh, tim tw phu hp. 8 dién vao ché tréng dé hoan thanh cau, gidi 6 chit (crossword puzzle), dign khdp (matching), tim Idi va sta Idi céu, wv. C.READING cling c6 va phat trién ki ning dgc hiéu cua hge sinh thong qua céchinh thtic doc va chon dap an duing, doc va tim tu ding aé dién vao chd trdng, doc va xéc dinh duing (True) hay sai (False), doc va tra lai cu héi, D. SPEAKING cing cd kha nang néi hgc sinh da hgc théng qua cc hinh thie nhin nhu doc, dign théng tin va thyc hanh néi vé héi thoal hay doan van; lam viéc theo c§p, sit dung théng tin d& dung h@i thoai va thyc hanh néi theo doan hi thoai dé, vv. E. WRITING cling co céc em da hoc véi nhiing ggiy cho sin. nang ét doan van cia hoc sinh vé nhting chi dé Cac bai tap trong Tigng Anh 10 -Sach bai tap (Tap 2) da dang, phong phi, bam sit ng phap, tu vung va chu dé trong Tiéng Anh 10 - Sach hoc sinh (Tap 2). Sach duge bién soan theo hinh thifc tuong tac dé hé trg hoc sinh lién hé nhiing gi minh dang thyc hanh véi ngén cdnh va tinh huéng trong khi lam bai tap va thuc hanh giao tigp. Tap thé téc gia hi vong Tiéng Anh 10 - Sach bai tap (Tap 2) sé la mét phuong ti€n hd tra t6t cho hoc sinh Ip 10 hc tiéng Anh. Chiic cdc em hoc tiéng Anh thanh cong! Cac te gid 11 Find the word with a stress pattern that is different from the others. 1 | Ainspire 8. person major D. female 2 | 8. window C pursue D.employ 3 | Aparty 8, workforce C.accept D. student 4 | A freedom 8. fighter image D.admire 5 | A problem C.comrect D.follow 6 | A police 8. famous C.courage 2 Read the following sentences aloud. Underline the two-syllable words and put a mark (') before the stressed syllable, Working mothers can inspire their kids with their hard work and devotion. Now | wish | could pursue a medical career to become a doctor. ‘Two thirds of the workforce in this textile factory is female. All of the students have admired his excellent teaching. Educated women are becoming more independent and they may not wait for their husbands’ decisions. ay awn This female firefighter is famous for her courage and strong will. Se ee 1 Complete the following sentences, using the phrases given in the box in the correct form. Make changes to the word forms when necessary. eed: join the army Promote gender equality become a childcare worker havea preference Un 6 GenderEqualty 5 because he loves young children. 2. The government has done a lot to in education, employment and healthcare. 3. The old man during the war and left one arm on the battlefield. 4, Inthe past, some parents for boys over girls. 5. Women’s salaries are to their household income. 6. Working mothers help their husbands 2 Choose the correct passive modals a ~ f in the boxes to complete sentences 1-6. a. might be presented 1. Sunrise in the early morning b. should not be given hours. 2. | think everybody with equal access to health services. c_canbe observed 3. Milk in the fridge or it will go sour. 4. Important work first. 4d. should be provided o 5. A child everything he or she ‘wants. 6. He with an award for his hard ©. must be kept work on gender equality. f. will be done 3 Complete the incomplete sentence so that it means the same as the one above it. Use the passive voice. 1. They might give her an opportunity to go abroad to study. She might be given an opportunity to go abroad to study, 2. We must eliminate gender discrimination. Gender discrimination byus. 3. They will sue the company for wage discrimination. The company for wage discrimination. 6 Unk Gender quay 4, Governments should offer poor women more help. Poor women more help by governments. 5. We can encourage martied women to pursue a career of their preference. Married women to pursue a career of their preference, 6. They mustnot allow any kind of violence at school. Any kind of violence at school. 4 Choose the correct endings for the sentences. a | because they have sold out. 1. The textbooks can't be bought today b | because they are on sale now. when governments and people will 2. Domestic violence against women and girls co-operate. will be eliminated b | when governments and people co-operate. a | youwill be given some days off 3. You look so tired. Go to the doctor's and b | you ought to work harder. 2 | canbe caused by overweight people? 4, Do you think that overeating b | can cause people to be overweight? a should not be sold in schools. 5.1 think fast food b | must not to be sold in schools. a fit wants to be in good condition. 6. Your car must be serviced regularly b | ifyou want tt to be in good condition. Unf Gender Equality 7 5 Some of the verbs in the following sentences are incorrect. Underline the verbs and correct them if necessary. 1 | The students must give enough time to finish their tests. 2 | Illbe pay at the end of the month. 3. | This wine can be serve with seafood. 4 | Youwill be told the story later. 5 | The work should do by one of the students. «| Music with strong rhythm and harmony could heard on his debut album. Read the text about Amelia Mary Earhart. Choose the best title for it. a. Amelia Earhart’s Disappearance 6. A Courageous Flying Woman “The woman who can create her own job is the woman who will win fame and fortune’. - Amelia Earhart ‘Amelia Mary Earhart was born in 1897 in Kansas, a state located in the Midwestern United States. She showed an early aptitude for science and sports at school. After finishing school, she worked as a nurse for the Red Cross where she got to know many of the wounded pilots and came to admire aviation. Earhart enrolled in medical studies at Columbia University, but quit after one year and soon started taking flying | lessons. In 1928 she became 7 the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean and the first person to fly over both the Atlantic and Pacific. She set_many other records and wrote best-selling books about her flying experiences. She also contributed to the formation of The Ninety-Nines, an organisation for female pilots, gave advice to women on careers and helped inspite others. In 1937, she mysteriously disappeared during a flight. Even today, her life and career remain fascinating to many people. 8 Unk6 Gender Equality Decide if the following statements are true (1), false (F) or not given (NG). Tick the correct boxes. T| FING 1. Kansasisa state located in the Western United States. 2. Amelia Mary Earhart was interested in Literature. 3. She worked as pilot right after finishing school. 4, Earhart enrolled in medical studies, but quit after one year and soon started taking fiying lessons. 5. She also contributed to the formation of The Ninety-Nines, an organisation for pilots. 6. Her life and career are still fascinating to many people. ¢. Read the text again. Answer the questions. 1. Where and when was she born? 2. What did she show at school? 3. How did she come to admire aviation? 4, What happened in 1928? 5. What else did she do? 6. What happened in 1937? 2 a. Read the text about Education and Gender Equality. Fill each blank with an appropriate word from the box. a. equality b. well-paid c knowledge d. decisions e.women Education helps (1) win equality. First, education gives women knowledge necessary for their lives. It is impossible for a woman to be a doctor, a teacher or alawyer without adequate (2) - Education realises women's dreams of having jobs with the same pay as men. Second, education shapes women's character. It teaches them about life and develops their abilities to think, analyse and judge. Women with strong characters often make (3) about their own lives without being dependent on their husbands. Finally, education improves women’s position both at home and in society. Educated women are more likely to get (4) jobs, earn more money and become more important at home. They can join political activities and gain important positions as leaders, policy makers or politicians. So we can clearly see, education enables women to achieve (5) a Uni G GenderEqualty — 9 Look for the words from the text which mea 1. aperson whose job is to give legal advice and assistance 2. form an opinion about somebody / something after careful consideration 3. needing somebody / something for aid, support, life, etc. 4, the way in which somebody is placed; status; rank 5. a person who is actively involved in politics Read the text again. Answer the following questions. 1. What does education give women? 2. What does education realise? 3. How does education shape women's character? 4, What do women with strong character often do? 5. What are educated women likely to do? 6. What can educated women do outside their home? Gr=D 1 Work in pairs. Ask questions to fill the gaps with the missing information about Alice Stebbin Wells - the first US-born policewoman. Student A, look at th formation below. Student B, look at the information on page 11. Example: Student A: When was Alice Stebbin Wells born? Student B: Student A writes 1873’ in the gap. Student she was born in 1873. Alice Stebbin Wells was born in Kansas (1) (when?).When she was young, she saw (2) (what?) involving teenagers and women. She decided to become a (3) (who?) because she believed that she could help more. Things weren't easy for her. (4) (who?) welcomed her. She kept asking and persuading the city and the police authorities, and finally she was successful. (5) (who?) was accepted to the police force in Los Angeles in (6) (when?) and became the first US-born female police officer. Her story interested (7) (who?). The film The Policewoman was about her and it was made in (8) (when?).. During her service, she actively worked to protect teenagers and femalesand to prevent crimes. (9) (who?) became the first president of the Women's Peace Officers Association of California, She passed away in (10) (when?). | 10 Uk Gender Equality Student B: Alice Stebbin Wells was born in (1) (where?) in 1873. When she was young, she saw crimes involving Q (who?), She decided to become a policewoman because she believed that she could @) (what?). Things weren't easy for her. Nobody welcomed her. She kept asking and persuading the city and the ) (who?), and finally she was successful. Alice Wells was accepted to the police force in 6) (where?) in 1910 and became the first US-born female (6) (what2). Her story interested people. The film (7) (which?) was about her and it was made in 1914. During her service, she actively (8) (what?) to protect teenagers and females and to prevent crimes. Alice Wells became the first president of the Women's Peace Officers Association of California in(9) (when?). She passed away in 1957. sain —————— Work with a partner. Ask questions to get information about Margaret Thatcher, the first British female Prime ister, using the cues given below. Student A: when, where, what, who Student B: ‘* Margaret Thatcher lived (1925 ~ 2013) * Student of Chemistry, Oxford University (1943 ~ 1947) Member of Parliament (1959 - 1970) * Leader of the Conservative Party (1975 ~ 1979) First British female Prime Minister (1979 - 1990) Gx» Write full sentences about Margaret Thatcher's life, using the following words and phrases. - Margaret Thatcher / be born / Grantham, Lincolnshire / 13" October, 1925 / Thatcher / good student / so / be accepted / Oxford University, where / become interested / politics /. She/ be elected / Member of Parliament / 1959 / actively work / party leadership / . ‘Thatcher / win / party leadership election / 1975 / become / leader / Conservative Party /. Unt Gender Cquahty 11 5. When / party / win / election / 1979 / become Prime Minister / UK /hold / position / 11 years /. 6. She/ die /London /8" April, 2013 / the age of 87 /. 2. Write about Margaret Thatcher's achievements, using the information given below. 1. Margaret Thatcher / be / first woman to lead / major political party / UK/ United Kingdom /. 2. She/be/ first / British / female / Prime Minister / and / be / longest serving PM / over 150 years /. 3. Her first term / office / not easy, but / government / successfully / reduce / unemployment rate /improve / economy /. 4, Her reputation / gradually / be built up, which /lead / re-election / 1983 / third term / office / 1987 /. 5. Thatcher / work very hard / be / good wife / mother / as well as / one / most famous / British politicians / whose nickname/ be / ‘the Iron Lady’ / 6. Allher life, she / tirelessly fight / her beliefs. Not everyone / agree / her methods /. 12 Unt 6 Gender Equaty I Look at the stress patterns of the sets of words below and practise saying them correctly. in\crease (v) “increase (7) de‘crease (y) “decrease (n) perfect (y) ‘perfect (2c) pre'sent (v) ‘present (adj-n) re'bel (v) “rebel (n) con'trast (v) ‘contrast (0) re'cord (v) ‘record (n) 2 Read the sentences and decide what stress pattern the words in bold have. 1 veer There is an inerease in the number of Vietnamese women taking the roles of leaders in their organisations. You need to perfect yourself in order to look fora perfect life partner. For some teenagers, when they rebel against their parents, they act as rebels. Ifyou volunteer to present about that cultural aspect, you will get a present from the teacher. If yourreally want to get to know about their culture, you need to go there to record their daily activities as well as festivals. TUE ee TY ‘1 Find 12 words or phrases related to weddings in the word square. Example: wedding Sha ee oe ee co rw ie Me car we CagoonmoOoor P| | SOooe Becca Aa | —— ASG: 7 —_——. Ge ad al a f nc Boa SoOBogG AMO OO a OE M|G vlels Unt 1 CulturalDwersity 13 2 Complete the questions about weddings in your culture with the correct form of the words in 1. Then answer these questions or ask another student. 1. Whereis the usually held: at home or in church? 2, Is there usually a after the ceremony? 3. Does the groom have a at the ceremony? 4, Does the bride have any with her? 5. How many are usually invited? 6. Dothe couples traditionally go on their after the wedding? 3 Study the table about three countries on another planet. Write three sentences with the comparative and three sentences with the superlative forms of the adjectives given. big high low long small short Sentences with comparative forms: 1. Sentences with superlative forms: 1. 4 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the superlative form of the adjectives given. Example: No mountain in North America is higher than Mount McKinley. Mount McKinley is the highest mountain in North America. 14 Unit 1 Cultural Bwersity the world. (high) Mount Everest is higher than every moun 2. No ocean in the world is deeper than the Pacific. (deep) 3. Many people believe that no sea in the world is warmer than the Red Sea. (warm) 4, The Nile is longer than any other river in the world. (long) 5. Russia is bigger than any other country in the world. (big) 5 Underline the mistakes with articles in the following sentences about superstitions around the world. Write the correct one (a/an, the, or @) in the space provided. 1. In Thailand, if woman sings in a kitchen, she will marry a very old man. 2. Inthe Brazil if you eat lentils on 1* January, you will make a lot of money during the year. 3. In Korea, if a man smiles a lot during his wedding, his first child won't be the boy, it will be the girl. 4, In United Kingdom, ifa cat washes behind its ears, it will rain. 5. InTurkey, if you see a spider in your house, you will have the visitors. 6. InVenezuela, ifyou give someone ahandkerchief as a gi person. you won't have the good relationship with that 6 Complete the sentences with a, an or the, or tick (v’) them if they are correct without an article. 1 People from England who went to live in North America nearly 400 years ago were called Pilgrims. 2. These people wanted to start__newlifein__ new country, but they faced alot of difficulties because they didn’t know anything about the new land. 3. The Pilgrims didn’t know how to grow__food or build _ homes, so a lot of them became very il 4, On one spring day, __ Pilgrims met two Native Americans, Squanto and Samoset, who could speak English. 5. Squanto and Samoset became ____ friends with the Pilgrims and gave them a lot of ___ advice about how to grow food and build homes to make their lives easier. 6, Thatyear, things were going a lot better for the Pilgrims, thanks to__help of Squanto and Samoset. 7. They had___food and __warm homes for the winter, so they wanted to say thank you to their native American friends. 8, They invited these friends and their families to __special meal. it was _first Thanksgiving dinner with turkey, fish, green beans, and soup. Unit 1 Cultural Dwersity == 15 Grrr 1 Read a text about common wedding rituals in the USA and answer the questions that follow. ‘Common Wedding Rituals in the USA B= a country of different cultural races, there is a great variety of wedding styles in the United States. However, the majority of weddings nowadays still follow a number of traditions. One of the traditions dating back to the nineteenth century is about what a bride should wear on her wedding day. It is commonly believed that on her wedding day, the bride should carry with her ‘something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue’. This is because each of these things has a special meaning for the bride on this big day. When a bride wears “something old’, it reminds her of her family and the past. Thus, some brides may wear their mother’s wedding dress or a piece of her jewellery. “Something new’ thatthe bride wears means good luckand hope fora happy future with her husband. This new item is usually a pair of new shoes, orit can be the wedding dress or something else. When the bride wears ‘something borrowed’, it symbolizes the help and support she gets fromherfriendsandher family whenever sheneedsit. Anexample of ‘something borrowed’ can be a married friend's bridal veil or a friend's handkerchief. “Something blue’ means trust and faith between the bride and the groom. Nowadays, some brides are creative with this item. For example, they may have their fingernails painted blue. Nevertheless, the most popular blue item is the garter that the bride wears on her leg. Things are changing fast these days; however, the rituals about what the bride should wear on her wedding day remain kept strictly by a lot of women in the USA. 1. When did the tradition about what the bride should wear on her wedding day start? A. From the &® century 8. From the 9 century From the 18” century D. From the 19" century 2. What might the bride wear to remind her of her family and the past? A. Her mother’s wedding dress B. Apair of new shoes C. Afriend’s handkerchief D. Ablue garter 16 lint 1 CulturalDwersity 3. Which item symbolizes good luck and hope for a happy future? A, Something old B. Something new ©. Something borrowed D. Something blue 4, When the bride wears something borrowed, what does it symbolize? A. Her past memories 8. Her wish fora better future C. Support from her family and friends D. The trust and faith between the bride and the groom 5. Why do some brides have their fingernails painted blue? A, To show the importance of something blue they wear B. Because so many brides paint their fingemails a blue colour C. To show how creative some brides are D. To explain why some brides don't wear blue garters 2 Read a text about Chinese zodiac signs and answer the questions that follow. Chinese zodiac signs are different animal signs for each year. Many people believe itis possible to tell a person's personality based on his or her zodiac signs. For example: Ratsare people bornin 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008....They are believed to be generous, charming, and creative, The suitable jobs for them are writers and critics, re) ~ xen or Bulls are people bor in 1973, 1985, / ax \ 1997, 2009 .... These people are mentally alert, { strong leaders, and good with their hands. Among the professions, they make good surgeons and hairdressers. Monkeys are people born in 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004... These people are clever, skillful, and flexible. As for professions, they make good scientists and bankers, Roosters are people born in 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005... 2 Roosters are described as deep thinkers, independent, and adventurous. They can make good restaurant ‘owners and actors. DRAGON SNAKE HORSE The Chinese zodiac is used in countries that historically have had alot of cultural exchange with China, such as Viet Nam, Japan, and Korea. Most Wester cultures use the Greek Zodiac, not the \ Chinese Zodiac. Nevertheless, the Chinese zodiac and the Greek zodiac have a lot of similar points. L For example, they both use animals as symbols. a ROOSTER PIG Unt 1 CulturalDwersity 17 1, What are Rats like? 2. What jobs are suitable for Oxen or Bulls? 3. What are Monkeys like? 4. How are Roosters described? 5. Whatis an example of similarities between the Greek zodiac and the Chinese zodiac? Goz=D 1 Work in groups / pairs. Discuss the ques' 1. Ahoroscope isa prediction of a person's future based on the position of the stars and planets. Do you read your horoscope? Why /Why not? 2. Why do you think some people are interested in their horoscope? 2. Finding your star sign Look at the star signs below. Which one is yours? Find other students in your class who were born under the same star sign as you. Do you have anything in common? 220 June —22"July Cancer 23" August — 22" September 23" September — 23" October 24" October - 21" November Virgo Libra Scorpio 2 Noverber—21* December 22°December—19*January 20'Janwary—18° February 19 February 20" March Sagittarius Capricorn ‘Aquarius Pisces 3 Read about your star sign personality. What do you think about the description? Work with the students born under the same star and compare yourself with others. Share with the whole class. Examples: We're all Capricom people. We al find ourselves ambitious, logical and intelligent. But Nam seems to be more ambitious than Vinh, And Yen is more open to the ideas of others than anyone in our group. 1. Aries people (born from 21* March to 19" April) have a lot of energy, enthusiasm, and strong will. They like challenges and always pursue their plans with determination, They are creative and ambitious. 2. Taurus people (born from 20 April to 20 May) are quiet, patient and relaxed. They are gentle and. charming, have a good sense of humour, and enjoy simple and healthy lifestyle, 3. Gemini people (born from 21* May to 21* June) are clever and adapt easily. They learn quickly and ‘communicate well with people, However, they tend to be rebellious, 18 Unt 1CulturalDversity 4, Cancer people (born from 22% June to 22" July) are sensitive and gentle, and like to dream. They have a great imagination and a very good memory. They are also good at saving and looking after their money. 5. Leo people (born from 23 July to 22" August) are very ambitious, organised and controlling. Leos often need to be admired as they aim for the top. They have a strong body, and love entertainment, sports and other activities. 6. Virgo people (born from 23" August to 22" September) like order, organisation, and perfection. They are always willing to help and are not afraid of hard work. They are modest and shy, and don't like to be the centre of everybody's attention. 7. Libra people (born from 23” September to 23" October) love justice, balance and harmony. However, they can be too easygoing and sometimes do not take work too seriously. 8. Scorpio people (born from 24” October to 21* November) have a lot of passion, strong feelings and will power. They are idealistic, but sometimes difficult to control. They are also good at keeping secrets. 9. Sagittarius people (born from 22" November to 21* December) are independent, optimistic and outgoing. They love to travel, explore foreign places and discover. Freedom is very important for them. 10. Capricorn people (born from 22™ December to 19" January) are ambitious, logical, and intelligent. They have a strong will power and patience to reach their goals and succeed. Sometimes, they seem distant, insensitive and closed to the ideas of others. 11, Aquarius people (born from 20" January to 18" February) are creative and independent, and prefer the freedom to do their own thing, instead of organized or planned work. They are friendly and make a lot of friends, and are always ready to help someone in need. 12. Pisces people (born from 19% February to 20" March) are very emotional, sensitive, and caring for people in pain. They can be idealistic and unable to tell the difference between reality and imagination. Gx 1 Use the prompts given to write questions about marriage customs in Viet Nam. Then write your answers in the space provided. 1, How old / people usually / when / get married /? 2, there / engagement period? / How long /it/? 3. Where / wedding ceremony / usually held /? Unt ClturalDmersty 19 4, What/ happen / during / ceremony /? 5. What /bride/ groom / usually wear /? 6. there / reception / after / ceremony /? 7. What type / food / served / at / reception /? 8 What kinds / gifts / people / usually give /? 9. Where / couples /like / go / their honeymoon /? 10. How long / honeymoon /? 2 Write a paragraph (of approximately 150 - 180 words) about marriage customs in Viet Nam, using your answers to the questions in 1. You may write about: 1. what happens before the wedding 2, what happens during the wedding ceremony 3. what happens after the wedding 20 Unit 1 Cultural Diversity LE | 1 Find the word with a stress pattern that is different from the others. 1. A.delicious B. encourage excited D. motivate 2. A. physical B. official C. successful D. surprising 3.A different B.understand | C.relative D. following 4. A. continue B. amazing C.annoying D. meaningful 5.A.disappoint | B. defining Cedistracting | . specific 6. A. remember B. embarrass introduce D. defining 2. Read the following sentences aloud. Underline the three-syllable adjectives and verbs. Put a mark (’) before the stressed syllable. 1. The Internet will motivate students to study more effectively. 2. Our students are very excited when they have opportunities to do physical exercise, 3. Many teachers have now understood the benefits that mobile devices can bring, 4, The ringing sound from mobile phones is disruptive and annoying in the classroom. 5. In the grammar part of this unit we study relative clauses. 6. Some of my classmates think that itis not easy to know which clause is defining and which is non-defining, Me er 1 Look for five more words related to learning and write them down in the spaces. Sage a|-[o BBS oT Be oe U : J 4 B i : : Se a SoesSooeoesouwe es Fs nit 8 Newllaystolearn §— 29 2 Complete the sentences with the words found in the word-search in 1. Make changes to the word forms when necessary. 1. I'mlooking for some new to put on my smartphone to improve my English pronunciation. 2. Please don't ask him questions about his family. He hates answering questions. 3. That laptop, which has the latest ,isvery expensive, 4, The phrase’ natives’ refers to people who are familiar with computers and the Internet from an early age. 5. People are now familiar with the term m-leaming or personal electronic devices. learning, which focuses on the use of 6. Myson, who is a promising pianist, is now interested in composing music. 3 Circle the correct option. | to take part in class activities without physically being there. 1 | Mobile devices allow students b | towork with books and blackboards When my classmates upload 2 _| send their assignments to the teachers, using the Internet. 2 their assignments they b | get their assignments from the teachers, using the Internet. Intheage of technology, a _| electronics. 3 | students can easily communicate with each other © | electronically. With smartphones, students | putit onto a laptop or desktop for later use. can download information and) | put it onto a laptop or desktop for texting. When Iturn offthe voice and _2_| changes its colour. 5 | texting applications in my smartphone, It b | becomes a mobile computer. Teachers from different a | share lesson plans. 6 | countries can use smartphones to b | share grades. @ Match 1-6 with a-f to make meaningful sentences. 1. My classmate, a. that have unhappy endings. 2, Small children b. who invented the telephone, was born in Scotland. 3.1 don't like stories or films c. whose injury is serious has been taken to hospital. 4, The men work fora company —_| d. who have special needs can take advantage of this new application. 5. The girl ©. who didn’t use a dictionary, translated this story. 6. Alexander Graham Bell, £ that makes good laptops and tablets. 22 Unk 8 RewlaystoLearn 5 Finish the incomplete sentences, using which, that, who or whose. 1. Quang answered the phone. He told me you were out. Quang 2. Acomputer technician served us. He was very nice. A computer technician 3. The article is about smartphones. They have become excellent study tools. The article is 4, This tabletis mine. Its screen has been scratched. This tablet 5. Doyou know the name of the man? His laptop was broken. Doyou 6. An e-bookis an electronic book. It can be read on a mobile device. ‘An e-book is 6 Underline the jake in each sentence and correct it. 1 Do you remember the name of the hotel what is at the end of this street? 2 Theman he came to fix the Internet access for me was skillful. 3. The girl whose he fell in love with left him after two months. John, who have used his smartphone to take pictures of the trip, will upload them on the 4 Internet. 5 What is the name of the boy his father is the president of the School Parents Association? «The teachers whom think that mobile devices are distracting ban them in their classrooms. GacIr= 'I Choose the best title for the text. a. Advantages of Mobile Learning b. 21* Century Mobile Devices ¢. Mobile Learning Flexibility Wit 8 New Ways to Learn Mobile technology can help students open the door to new horizons, making their learning flexible, motivating and speedy. Itis not difficult to understand why more and more schools are encouraging mobile learning in the classroom. Smartphones, tablet (1) , e-readers, netbooks and laptops, etc, are gradually becoming great learning tools for students. Mobile devices make learning flexible, School computer labs with desktops are wonderful but they are not handy. Students cannot use them in the school yard during the break time or in the school canteen while they wait for lunch, Mobile learning (2) are different. They are light, portable and convenient. Students can carry these devices with them wherever they want and whenever they like. Mobile learning is motivating. Students are more excited and inspired to study when they work with different types of apps. These (3) not only help them understand the materials better but also motivate them to study harder both in and out of the classroom. Motiv and inspiration can lead to good results, and good results can lead to more motivation and inspiration. Mobile learning makes education speedy. Without having to leave the school building, students can instantly get information or materials necessary for their study. This can be done easily thanks to mobile devices with Wii. The (4) brings the whole world into the classroom and it takes students just a few seconds to access this wonderful world of knoviledge and information. Mobile technologyis already here. itis up to each school to choose the time when they allow the use of mobile devices and the extent to which their (5) can take full advantage of these devices. Hopefully, they can make the right decision quickly to help broaden students’ learning opportunities both inside and outside of class. 2. Read the text again and fill each gap with a word or phrase from the box. Inter Tey eres cd devices 3 Look for the words from the reading which mean become wider or bigger; exten range or area working very fast; quick the intersection of the earth and sky; the new aspect or area of a person's knowledge able to change to suit new conditions; adaptable yop wn to take action towards a desired goal; a strong desire to do something 24 Unk 8 lew Waysto Learn 4 Based on the information given in the text, decide whether the following statements are true (T), false (F) or not given (NG). Tick the boxes. [TF ne 1, Mobile technology can help workers open the door to new horizons, making their learning flexible, motivating and speedy. | 2, Students cannot use school computer labs in the school yard during the break time or in the school canteen while they wait for lunch. 3. Students are less excited and inspired to study when they work with different types of apps. | a 4, Students can play games much faster, using the new types of mobile devices with WiFi 5. Mobile technology is already here. It is up to each school to choose the times when they allow the use of mobile devices. | SEE" 5 Choose the best answer among the four choices for each question. A. Smartphones, tablets, e-readers, netbooks and laptops. 1 Whatarelistedasmobile ® Smartphones and laptops. devices in the text? C Smartphones, tablets, e-readers and laptops. D_ Smartphones, e-books and laptops. A. They are light and convenient, How easy to carry B_ They are light, portable and convenient. 2. around are mobile evices? They are portable and convenient D_ They are light and portable, A. They help students understand the materials better. 4 Whateffectsdoapps © They motivate students to stucy harder. have on students? Both ‘A’ and’B’, D_ They disappoint students. A. Ittakes students a few minutes to access knowledge and information. 4 Howspeedyismobile 8 Students spend hours surfing the Internet learning? C Students can get rid of heavy backpacks. D_ Ittakes students a few seconds to access knowledge and information. A. Their decision will help broaden students' learning opportunities. What will happen if 5 sthoolssoon decide to Students will have more fee time, use mobile technology students will play more games. in learning? D_ Their decision will eliminate students’ learning opportunities. Unt NewUaystolearn 25 QED 1 Complete the following interview with answers for the given que: 1. A. Have you got any personal electronic devices? B 2. A. What do you use your smartphone for? B. 3. A. How do you practise listening with your smartphone? B. 4, A. What do you use your laptop for? B. 5. A, Doyou use your laptop to study English? B. 6. A. Doyou use your electronic devices to study other subjects? 2. Use the information below to make a conversation between two students about how to ‘Use Smartphones to Be Smarter’. Work with a partner, Begin the conversation as shown. Student A Do you think we can use smartphones to be smarter? ETC asks B ifhe / she agrees that they can use smartphones to be smarter agrees; wonders if B ever uses his / her smartphone asa camera or video recorder asks how B uses smartphones to learn English StudentB Yes, of course ou) agrees: they use them as mobile computers: download assignments and do and submit electronically agrees: uses it to take photos of the board with a Jong maths problem, including all steps to solve it Uses apps with pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and an electronic dictionary agrees; wonders if B relaxes with his smartphone agrees: playsgamesand listens to music; smartphones make them smarter in study and relaxation 3 Use the questions in 1 to interview two classmates to find out how they use their smartphones or othe tronic devices as learning tools. 26 Unit ew LlaystoLearn Qa I Rearrange the following sentences into a paragraph about a girl who learnt how to make chilli sauce, using the Internet. Write the correct order in the box. 2. Although | was in pain, I felt happy because my father liked the chili sauce very much. b, Twohourslater when the sauce was ready, was in terible pain because my hands got severely burtby the cil, . Right after clicking on the search engine button, | saw tens of pages giving recipes for making chilli sauce on the screen of my laptop. d. Ihad to spend several hours of that evening surfing the Internet again to find cures for chilli burns. twas my father's birthday and | decided to use the Internet to make him a unique present ~ chili sauce. {Then Iread through the recipes, chose the one! liked best and carefully followed all the instructions. 1 2 | 3 4 5 6 | | | 2 Write a paragraph about a boy who learnt how to make delicious cakes and bread from the Internet, using the cues below. 11. My classmate Hiep / special boy / can make / nice-looking / delicious cakes / bread / 2. He /tell /us /his interest / bakery / begin /he /be/ only 10/old/. 3. One day /he / see / beautiful images /cakes / bread / Internet / become curious /. 4, This curiosity / motivate / look for / online recipes / make / cakes / bread /. 5. Hiep / download / recipes / follow / instructions /carefully / several months later / become / well-known / at school /as / good baker /. 6. Last summer / he / work / café / bake / cakes / give / lessons / bakery / girls /. Uni 8 New Waystolearn 27 2 Read the following sentences aloud. Underline the three-syllable nouns. 1. Environmental pollution is one of the impacts of human activities on the Earth. 2. The editor asked Nam to write some practical advice on the preservation of the environment. 3. We should protect our Earth from many threats such as deforestation, pollution and fossil fuel depletion. 4. Soil pollution is the result of dumping waste plastic or other inorganic waste in the ground and the overuse of chemical fertilizers in agriculture. 5. Water pollutants are things such as detergents, pesticides, oil and other chemicals and rubbish blockages in rivers that make the water unclean or contaminated. ee ee ‘1 Complete the following crossword puzzle. 28 Uni Preservmm the €nwronment Across 1. the natural world in which people, animals and plants live 2. vegetable organism 3. contamination or uncleanliness 4. protection from harm or injury Down 5. human beings 6. creatures — living organism with independent movement 7. negative effect or influence 8. reduction 2 Use the words from the crossword puzzle to complete the sentences. 1. The ofthe ozone layer is not a good thing for the Earth 2, We need to protect the for the next generation, . Deforestation will lead to the extinction of rare due to the loss of their habitats, and extreme floods and land erosion. 4, Worldwide rainforest has been the aim of many environmentalists. 5. should make efforts to preserve the environment for the sake of themselves and their children, 6. Environmental is one of the greatest and most urgent problems in modern times. 7. Many countries have signed up to international agreements which aim to reduce the negative of climate change, 8, Any amateur gardener knows need two things to survive: sunlight and water. Make nouns from the verbs by adding the correct suffix -tion, -sion, or -ation. Make changes in the word form, if necessary. - erode consume . deplete 4, destroy 5. contaminate 6. protect 7. deforest . 8. pollute Use the nouns in 3 to complete the sentences. Each noun is used once. 1. The of fossil fuels has gradually increased in many countries which is concer for many environmentalists. 2. The increase in cases of skin cancer has been recorded in parallel with ozone layer 3. Intensive pesticide and fertilizer sprays used in agriculture have resulted in the serious of water, soil and air. 4, The of this river has been proved by scientists to be caused by the dumping of untreated sewage. 5. Scientists are able to explain the consequences of habitat, now. 6. Every year about 15,000 acres of fertile topsoil are washed away in Haiti, which has resulted in massive soil 7. The of the environment from threats such as deforestation, the extinction of rare species, pollution and natural resource depletion is one of the WWF's missions. 8. The caused during the 20" century made the vegetation in this region, which was originally a vast forest refuge for innumerable species, disappear. Uhnt9Preserwngthe Enwranment 29 5 Read and underline the incorrect words in the following sentences. Correct them. 1. Scientists have tried to assess the impact of human activities on the environmental. 2. We should have deforestation plans to replace the trees cut down for farmland use in the region, 3. Oceanic oil spills become a major environment problem, chiefly a result of intensified petroleum exploitation. 4, The thine habitat has been perfectly preservation in the region. 5. The students are somewhat confusion by the usage of the words "preservation" and “conservation”. 6. Many climatologists believe that the decline in mountain glaciers is one of the first observable signs of globe warming. 7. Rising sea levels can add to the erode of our coastlines. 6 Change the following sentences in direct speech to reported speech. During a group discussion on environmental threats, ... 1, Nam said (that), "The environment is severely affected by pollution.” Mai said (that), "The burning of fossil fuels leads to air pollution.” Peter said (that), "Intensive insecticide and pesticide sprays in agriculture make the soil contaminated.” sewn Tony said (that), "The disposal of untreated sewage in rivers and oceans leads to water pollution.” 5. Mary said (that), “Loud and annoying sounds from innumerable vehicles in the highway nearby cause noise pollution’ 6. Mai said (that), "The rising sea level is a product of global warming, a natural phenomenon. The only unnatural thing about global warming is the accelerated rate at which it is happening” 7. Linda said (that), "Environmental pollution is an impact of human activities on the environment” 7 Put the following text into conversational form using direct speech. The editor: Pet Mai: Peter: 30 tnt9 Preserving theEnwronment Gaur 11 Read the text about Rainforests. Match paragraphs (1 - 3) with the missing first sentences (a -d). There is one extra sentence that you don’t need to use. a. Despite their value, worldwide rainforests have been gradually destroyed, a b, According to the environmentalists, one and a half acres of rainforests are cleared every second. Bs Everyone can help Be reduce deforestation and save rainforests, or ona broader scale, the ecosystems around the world. dd. Rainforests are valuable habitats for species of wild animals and vegetation. 1 They are also important because the huge number of plants and trees there provide oxygen (0,) through a process called photosynthesis,and help to regulate the world's climate and atmosphere. This is why the rainforests are often referred to asthe ‘lungs’ of the Earth, 11 Thisis called deforestation. Trees are cut down for materials such as wood and paper, and the use of farming land and ‘crops such as soya and palm oil. Soya is used as human food and animal feed. Palm oil is used to process food, and as a bio-fuel alternative to petrol and diesel. 1 The following steps can be abbreviated as TREES: + Teach others about the importance of the environment and how they can help to save rainforests, + Restore damaged ecosystems by planting trees on land where forests have been cut down. + Encourage people to live in a way that doesn't hurt the environment. + Establish parks to protect rainforests and wildlife, + Support companies that operate in ways that minimize damage to the environment. 2 Read the questions and find the answers in the text. 1. Why are rainforests important? 2. What are rainforests compared with? 3. What are trees cut down for? 4, Whyare soya and palm oil grown? 5. What does TREES mean? Unt Preserung the Cruronment 31 3 Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Change the word form if necessary. worldwide restore photosynthesis alternative encourage establish clear 1. You can take the bus as a(n) to driving a car. 2. Global warming has accelerated and had a negative effect 3. Consumers have been to use environmentally friendly products. 4 isa process by which green plants and other organisms turn carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates and oxygen, using light energy. 5. To ‘means to set up or initiate. 6. The trees in this area were off for crops and the construction of public fa 7. This historic building was in the 1990s and opened to the public. QED ‘1 Work in pairs. Describe the types of pollution you see in the photos. What is the source of pollution? Where does it happen? What are the negative effects of this type of pollution? a. depletion of fossil fuels b. airpollution extinction of rare species d. health problems 32 Uni Preserving the Eniromment. 2 The following is an interview about air pollution. Read and match (a ~ d) with (1 ~ 4). Practise the conversation with a partner. Because | live out of the city. Going by bustscheaperand Interviewer Well, itis 7:00 a.m, the rush hour in this city. safer. lam also a member of The trafficis heavy. Many people are wearing the anti-pollution programme masks because of the exhaust smoke from in my school. Can you see the all types of transportation... | am going exhaust smoke from all those to ask a student what he thinks about the kes? : cars and motorbikes? pollution here. ... Hello, excuse me. Can | ask you a couple of questions about the environment? b. Well, many people are wearing masks because ho) a the air pollution can cause Interviewer Doyou often walk to school? irritation of their eyes, nose and throat, and other vane Q) problems such as headaches 2 a ae Interviewer _Oh,| see. Why do you go to school by bus? also adds to the greenhouse Nam @) effect and climate change. Ray TEER Interviewer Yes, of course. I can also see many people see how polluted itis. wearing masks. What's your opinion of wearing masks and what do you think of the environment in this city? Gian? Nam (6) Interviewer Oh, it seems you know a lot about air . Oh,no.1 go by bus. Can you pollution. Thanks a lot, and havea good day! see the bus stop over there? QE 11 Write complete sentences about air pollution, using the words and phrases below. You may have to add linking words and make changes in the word form, if necessary. . One /biggest environmental impacts of human activities / air pollution 2. Smoke / aircrafts / factory chimneys / bonfires / different kinds of vehicles / streets / many / other factors / damage / clean air / every day 3. Industrial factories / throw / air / huge amounts / pollutant gases 4, The air / many areas / so unclean that / people / have to / masks / going / streets 5. Air pollution /lead / greenhouse effect / make / temperature / Earth’s surface / higher 6. Global warming / lead / polar ice caps melting / rise of worldwide sea levels / climate changes / other natural disasters. 7. Everyone / live / earth / should have / responsibility / reduce / air pollution / protect clean air / our survival 8. Worldwide governments should have / control measures /reduce air pollution / and / protect /natural environment / future generation (int PreserungtheEnuronment 33 2. Write a paragraph of 150 words about air pollution, using the ideas in 1 and the suggested writing frame below. te = aa 34 2 ai a a 4 5: ind the word with a stress pattern that is different from the others. 1 | A.preservation B.environment economic D.entertainment 2 | Aecology B. scuba-diving C sustainable D. phenomenon 3. | A.development B. destination C.understanding D. degradation 4 | Aactivity B. enjoyable C.economy D. difficulty 5 | Aecotourist 8. contribution conservation 6 | A.economical B. ecological environmental D. unavoidable Put a mark (') before the stressed syllables of the under ed words and read aloud. Ecotourists should preserve the ecological balance of the local area. Sustainable tourism attempts to reduce the negative impact on the environment and local culture. Their national economy is largely dependent on tourism. Scuba-diving is the main tourism activity of this island. We should encourage consumers to buy eco-friendly products. VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR 2 &: 4. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. destination eco-friendly sustainable ecotour environmental Itis important to develop more practices in order to protect the environment. Cutting down trees causes a lot of damage. Ecotourism might involve travel to a natural such as a national park or safari park to learn about the natural environment. ‘More and more tourists now want to take part in an tourism seeks to provide tourists with an exciting and educational holiday that also benefits people of the host country. Unit 0 Ecotourism 2 a. Complete these sentences, Write one word in each gap. Down Different species of plants and endangered animals can live and develop in that biosphere. 2. We need to reduce the impact of tourism. 3. Located in Ninh Binh Province, Cuc Phuong is Viet Nam's first park, Across 4, New plans have been made to encourage the economic ofthe country. 5. Lam feeling stressed, so | want to go on a tour that is both and educational. 6. Ifl had enough money, Id choose to go on an African to enjoy the wildlife there. bb. Do the following crossword puzzle, using the words in ci. 1 3 Join the beginnings and the ends to make complete sentences. 36 Unit 0 Ecotourism 4 Write conditional sentences Type 1 to tell a story about what will happen to Peter if he drinks too much beer. Use the cues provided as the consequences. IfPeter drinks too much beer, ... 1. (eget drunk) 2. (—® havea headache) 3. (® not go to work) - 4, (-& make his boss angry) 5. (lose his job) 6. (have no money) 7. (—® have no beer to drink) 5 Whatwould youdoif these things happened to you? Complete the sentences, using conditional sentences Type 2. 1, Ifllived to be a hundred and twenty, /d have a big birthday party. 2. If] forgot to do my homework, 3. Ifl wona lot of money, 4, If sawa wallet full of money in the street, 5. If wentto London, 6. Iflwerea doctor, 7. Iflhad a three-month holiday, 8. Ifl were 20 years old, QacrIrce 11 Read the text and choose suitable words from the boxes below to fill the gaps. The concept of ecotourism has become popular over the past few years. The basic a of ecotourism is to (2) the places you visit. Ecotourism companies offer a wide range of tours. Some support taking tourists to ruralareaswhere they stayin the simple houses ofthelocal people (3) luxurious hotels. There they can learn about the local traditions or learn how to make (4) handicrafts. On some other trips, tourists learn about the local plants and animals without doing (5) tothem. 1 ‘A. foundation Brule C principle D.value 2 | A.observe B. notice maintain D.respect 3 | A.instead of Band Cor D. except for 4 | A.expensive 8. traditional Cvaluable D. artificial 5 A. destruction B. worry. Charm D. concern Unit Ecotourism 37 2 Read the second part of the text about ecotourism and answer the questions. As for transportation, ecotourists might prefer a biking or walking tour to a bus tour which may contribute to air pollution. They often avoid travelling on a cruise ship, as a cruise ship is a great source of air and water pollution, with harmful emissions sent into the air and passengers’ waste dumped into the sea. A cruise ship mightalso cause damage to coral reefs and the ecosystem that it travels near. What about accommodation? Ecotourists choose hotels and tourism companies that hire mainly local staff, as a way to contribute to the local economy. They can also directly benefit the local people by staying in their homes and studying local traditions. What else makes tourists become ecotourists? Ecotourists take part in activities or projects to protect the local environment, such as recycling used products or cleaning up the beach. In general, if they make their trip environmentally and socially responsible, they are ecotourists, 38° Untll/ Ceatounsm | 1. Why do ecotourists prefer a biking or walking tour toa bus tour? | 2. Inwhat way can a cruise ship become a source of air and water pollution? .cotourists benefit the local economy and local people? ivities or projects can ecotourists take part in to protect the local environment? 3 Look for the words from the two sections of the reading text 1 and 2 which mean 1. containing rich and expensive things 2. objects made by skilled hands 3. somewhere to live or stay 4, gas sent out into the air 5. released in large quantities without care GzE=IID 1 Peter is talking about next weekend. Use the information in the travel brochure to complete the conversation. Then practise it with a partner, ET eld Fh caren Walk through pine forests - Visit Silver Waterfall -Visithe Bear Rescue Centre -Swimin the poo! ~Vilkthrough pine forests “VisitLove Valleytolearn mereabout the | Travel information _iaue ecosstemf te national pak | Leaves Ha Nolat6 am. by bus Leaves Tam Dao NP at 5 p.m. same day Perret ‘Adults: VND 350,000 Children: VND 175,000 Hike and cross Bamboo Forests Enjoy picniclunch ist Thien Vie Truc Lam Tay Thien, centre cof Venamese Buddhism Travel information Leaves Ha Noi bus Leaves Tam Dao NPat 6 pim.the next day ‘Aduits VND 620,000 Children: VND 300,000 Unt 0 Ecotoursm = 39. Peter You know, Nam, 'm thinking about going on an eco tour to a national park next weekend. Nam Really? Which park? Peter (1) Ihave a travel brochure about it here. Nam Well... so how long does the tour last? Peter Q If have enough time and money, Ill choose the 2-day trip. Nam What can you do and see there in two days? Peter 3) Nam Wonderful. If! were you, Id take that tour. How much does it cost? Peter (4) for adults. It's worth the money, isn't it? 2 Workin pairs. Use the information below to make a similar conversation. 120 km south-west of Ha Noi, Cuc Phuong is Viet Nam’ first national park and the country’s largest nature reserve. The park is one of, the most important sites for biodiversity in Viet Nam. Day 1: VisitTam Coc;take 9 boat through the caves: cycle to the ancient capital of Hoa Lu Day2: Take a bus to Cuc Phuong National Park visit the Cave of Prehistoric Man; visit the Primate Rescue Cente Travel information Leaves Ha Noi at am. Leaves CucPhuong NP at 5 pan.on the next day ‘Adults: VND 650,000 Children: VO 350,000 Day 1:VisiTam Cor: take aboat through the caves cyclet the ancient capital of Hoa Lr enjoy the friendly atmosphere of rural Viet Nom Day 2:Takea bicycle ride to Xenh Ga Village; explore the undiscovered area by boat take abus te Cue Phuong National Park i Day 3:Visit the Cave of Prehistoric Man; wak trough the park vist the Primate Rescue Cente Travel information Leaves Ha Noiat 6am. Leaves Cuc Phuong NP ats pm.on the titdeay ‘Adults: VND 900,000 Children: ND 450,000 Garr ‘Use the information in the travel brochure for Tam Dao National Park on page 39 to complete the following article about the tour, Tam Dao National Park is about of Ha Noi. Itis a promising centre for The one-day tour does not cost too much: only foran adult. During this one-day trip, you can visit the and . Ifyou choose this tour, you'll leave Ha Noi at and leave the park at The two-day tour costs__ for an adult. During this two-day trip, you can and ‘on the first day. On the second day, you can Ifyou choose this tour, you'll leave Ha Noi at and leave the park at on the next day. You should book now to get a discount and enjoy your trip! 2 Write an article to introduce a tour to Ninh Binh - Cuc Phuong National Park. Follow this plan: = Introduction to the place ~The price for a 2-day tour, tourists'activities and travel time ~The price for a 3-day tour, tourists'activities and travel time ~ Booking Unit O Ecotoursm = 41 UNIT QxIIxxx 11a 2.8 ac 4D 5.C 6A 2 1. ‘working, ‘mothers, in'spire 2. pursue, calreer, be'come, ‘doctor . ‘workforce, ‘textile, factory, female . ‘students, ad'mired, ‘teaching . 'women, husbands’ . female, famous, ‘courage B VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR 1 1. becoming a childcare worker 2. promote gender equality 3. joined the army 4, hada preference 5. getting more important 6. satisfy their children’s needs Zc 2d Be af 5.b 6a 3-1. might be given 2, must be eliminated 3. will be sued 4. should be offered 5. can be encouraged 6. must not be allowed 4ia 2b 3a 4b 5a 6b az HES. The students must give enough time to finish their tests. be given Hilbe pay at the end of the month. paid This wine can be serve with seafood. served You will be told the story later. Correct The work should do by one of the students. be done i ri eae rhythm and harmony could heard on his be heard Gx ._ Title b (A Courageous Flying Woman) Fo 2NG 9 3.F 4T 5.F 6.T 1. She was born in Kansas, the USA, in 1897. 2, She showed an early aptitude for science and sports. 3, She worked as a nurse for the Red Cross and got to know many of the wounded pilots. 4, She became the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean and the first person to fly over both the Atlantic and Pacific. 5, She set many other records, wrote best-selling books, contributed to The Ninety-Nines, gave advice to women on careers and helped inspire others. 6. She mysteriously disappeared in a flight. Le 2¢ 3.d 4.b 5.a 1. lawyer 2.judge 3. dependent 4. position _5. politician 1. It gives them knowledge necessary for their lives. 2, Itrealises women’s dreams of having jobs with the same pay as men. 3, It teaches them about life and develops their abilities to think, analyse and judge. 4, They often make decisions about their own lives without being dependent on their husbands. 5, Educated women are likely to get well-paid jobs, earn more money and become more important at home. 6. They can join political activities and gain important positions as leaders, policy makers or politicians. HES 43 [D SPEAKING ) 1 Student A’s questions & answers 44 1 | When was Alice Stebbin Wells born? 1873 2. | What did she see when she was young? Crimes 3. | What did she decide to become? Apolice officer 4 | Who welcomed her? Nobody 5 | Who was accepted to the police force? Alice Wells 6 | When was she accepted (to the police force)? 1910 7 | Who did her story interest? People 8 | When was the film made? 1914 | Who became the first president of the Women's Peace Officers AT Association of California? 10 | When did she pass away? 1957 ‘Student B’s questions & answers 1 Where was Alice Stebbin Wells born? Kansas 2 | Who did crimes involve? Teenagers and women 3. | What could she do?/ What did she believe that she could do? Help more 4 | Who did she keep asking and persuading? Police authorities 5 | Where was she accepted to the police force? Los Angeles 6 | What did she become? A police officer 7 | Which film was about her? The Policewoman 8 | What did she actively do? Worked 1. | When did she become the first president of the Women's Peace a Officers Association of California? Aes QELS» . Margaret Thatcher was born in Grantham, Lincolnshire, on 13" of October, 1925. / Margaret Thatcher was born in Grantham, Lincolnshire, on October 13” 1925. Thatcher was a good student, so she was accepted into Oxford University, where she became interested in politics. She was elected a Member of Parliament in 1959 and actively worked for the party leadership. Thatcher won the party leadership election in 1975 and became the leader of the Conservative Party. When her party won the election in 1979, Thatcher became Prime Minister of the UK and held this position for 11 years. She died in London on 8" of April, 2013, at the age of 87. / She died in London on April 8" 2013, at the age of 87. . Margaret Thatcher was the first woman to lead a major political party in the UK / United Kingdom. She was the first British female Prime Minister and was the longest serving PM for over 150 years, . Her first term in office was not easy, but her government successfully reduced the unemployment rate and improved the economy. Her reputation was gradually built up, which led to her re-election in 1983 and a third term in office in 1987. Thatcher worked very hard to be a good wife and mother as well as one of the most famous. British politicians, whose nickname was ‘the Iron Lady’. All her life, she tirelessly fought for her beliefs. Not everyone agreed with her methods. ‘itys 45

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