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Sailors’ Pride Lesson Plan

Week 4

Date: Monday 5th -Friday 9th February, 2021. Subject: Biology

Topic: CLASSIFICATION OF LIVING THINGS (The Plant Kingdom) Class: Grade 7
Class Size: 1 Context: Mixed abilities
Teacher: Mrs. Akinwande Period: 3 periods

Biblical View: The students will see that, God has from the beginning grouped all things
according to their kind by creating them in twos.
(Genesis 1:21) 
God created the great sea monsters and every living creature that moves, with which the waters swarmed
after their kind, and every winged bird after its kind; and God saw that it was good.

World View: The students will learn that in science, the practice of classifying organisms is
called taxonomy (Taxis means arrangement and nomos mean method). The modern taxonomic system
was developed by the Swedish botanist Carolus Linnaeus (1707-1778). He used simple physical
characteristics of organisms to identify and differentiate between different species and is based on
AIM: The students will learn about the different groups of the plant kingdom, their characteristics and
examples of each group
Key Active Learning Strategies Used: Flipped Teaching

Talk-less Teaching

Project-Based Learning

WALT: (We Are Learning To:)
 Name the groups that makes up the plantt kingdom
 Give characteristics of each group with examples

WILF: (What I am Looking For:)
 Ability to name the groups that makes up the plantt kingdom
 Ability to give characteristics of each group with examples


Tracheophyta/schizophyta (bacteria)
Thallophyta(algae and fungi)
Bryophyta(liverworts and mosses)

SPS Spring Term

Sailors’ Pride Lesson Plan
Week 4
 Visual Learners’ Activities: pictures, videos, flash cards.
 Auditory Learners’ Activities: videos, music/ sound, oral presentations, study groups, etc.
 Kinesthetic Learners: roleplay during experiments, exploring activities with their hands,
manipulative materials, models, and other hands-on and physical activities.

Resources: pictures showing different examples of ferns, bryophytes, flowering plant


Duratio Activity
n Assessment

Working mode

5mins Starter:

The students will study and observe some plants provided by the Whole class
teacher and give some description of each of the plants

5mins Connect: Whole class

 The teacher ask the students to mention some groups of animals

they can recall from the previous topic- classification of the animal

15mins Activate: Whole class

 The teacher reads out the topic and ask the students to read the
 The teacher introduces the topic and lay emphasis on the fact that,
all living things have the group they belong to. For instance, man
belong to a sub-kingdom called vertebrates and a group called
 She explains to the students that plants also have special groups into
which they are classified since there are a variety of plants around
us. The teacher then displays a chart showing pictures of the groups
of the plant kingdom, examples and their characteristics.

15mins Demonstrate: Group/

 Draw lines to match these pictures to the name of the

SPS Spring Term
Sailors’ Pride Lesson Plan
Week 4
Red group they belong Individual
 Name one example each of any two groups of the plant
 Cut and paste pictures of the examples of seed bearing
Pink plants, ferns, fungi and place them in the appropriate

 Suggest why plants need to be classified

Amber  Write down all the groups of the plant kingdom
 Give one example each of any of the two groups
mentioned above

 How would you differentiate between the thallophytes

Green and the pteridophytes?
 Mention other groups of the plant kingdom with one
example each.

5 mins Consolidate: Teacher goes over concept Whole class

 State the relevance of classifying things

SPS Spring Term

Sailors’ Pride Lesson Plan
Week 4

SPS Spring Term

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