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‘Setting the Course’

Report n° 108 - 2010

Dredging and port construction

around coral reefs
The World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure
PIANC ‘Setting the course’






PIANC Report 108

PIANC has Technical Commissions concerned with inland waterways and ports (InCom),
coastal and ocean waterways (including ports and harbours) (MarCom), environmental
aspects (EnviCom) and sport and pleasure navigation (RecCom).

This report has been produced by an international Working Group convened by the
Environmental Commission (EnviCom). Members of the Working Group represent
several countries and are acknowledged experts in their profession.

The objective of this report is to provide information and recommendations on good

practice. Conformity is not obligatory and engineering judgement should be used in its
application, especially in special circumstances. This report should be seen as an expert
guidance and state of the art on this particular subject. PIANC disclaims all responsibility
in case this report should be presented as an official standard.

PIANC Secrétariat Général

Boulevard du Roi Albert II 20, B 3
B-1000 Bruxelles

VAT BE 408-287-945

ISBN 978-2-87223-177-5

EAN 9782872231775

© All rights reserved

PIANC Report 108

TABLE OF CONTENTS 7.3 Establishing Threshold Levels.................... 42
7.4 Impact Assessment Criteria........................ 42
PREFACE . ............................................... III 7.5 Permitting/Approvals................................... 44
TERMS OF REFERENCE.......................................... III 7.6 Preparation of Terms of Reference for
MEMBERS OF WORKING GROUP 15...................... III Construction . .............................................. 44
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS........................................... III
GLOSSARY . ...............................................IV 8 MITIGATION AND COMPENSATION
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY............................................IX MEASURES . .............................................. 45
8.1 Overview of Prevention, Mitigation and
1. INTRODUCTION.................................................. 1 Compensation............................................. 45
1.1 Why Dredging and Port Construction 8.2 Best Practice Examples of Technical
near Coral Reefs?.................................. 1 Mitigation Measures.................................... 46
1.2 Consequences of Dredging and Port 8.2.1 Choice of Equipment....................... 46
Construction near Coral Reefs............... 1 8.2.2 Prevention of Leakage from
1.3 Recommended Reading........................ 2 Equipment....................................... 46
8.2.3 Dredging Accuracies and
2. CORALS AND CORAL REEFS............................ 3 Measuring Accuracies..................... 46
2.1 What is a Coral Reef?................................... 3 8.2.4 Minimisation and Control of
2.1.1 Where are Corals Found?................ 3 Sediment Spill................................. 46
2.1.2 The Biology of Corals....................... 3 8.2.5 Minimisation of Propeller Wash....... 47
2.1.3 Structural Components of a 8.2.6 Under-keel Overflowing and the
Coral Reef........................................ 5 Use of the ‘Environmental Valve’..... 47
2.1.4 Growth Forms of Corals................... 6 8.2.7 Temporarily Relocating the Dredger...47
2.1.5 Other Coral Reef Organisms............ 6 8.2.8 Silt Curtains..................................... 47
2.2 Importance of Coral Reefs............................ 9 8.2.9 Environmental Windows.................. 48
8.2.10 Restricted Overflow......................... 48
3. DREDGING AND PORT CONSTRUCTION 8.2.11 Controlling Discharge of Excess
TECHNIQUES . .............................................. 12 Water from the Reclamation Area.... 48
3.1 Geotechnical Characteristics of Coral 8.2.12 Profiling Channel Slopes................. 49
Reefs . .............................................. 12 8.3 Best Practice Examples of Compensation
3.2 Classification of Equipment......................... 13 Measures . .............................................. 49
3.2.1 Cutter Suction Dredgers................. 14 8.3.1 Larval Production and Release....... 49
3.2.2 Trailing Suction Hopper Dredgers.. 15 8.3.2 Transplantation................................ 49
3.2.3 Mechanical Dredgers..................... 16 8.3.3 Installation of Stable Substrate....... 50
3.3 Reclamation/Placement Techniques........... 16 8.3.4 Use of Textured Surfaces................ 51
3.3.1 Direct Placement............................ 16 8.3.5 Allowing Space between
3.3.2 Rainbowing.................................... 17 Breakwater Caissons...................... 52
3.3.3 Pumping Ashore............................. 17
9 MONITORING AND MANAGEMENT................. 52
4 TYPES OF IMPACTS......................................... 18 9.1 Establishing the Environmental
4.1 Project Impacts........................................... 19 Management Plan Baseline........................ 53
4.1.1 Construction Phase Impacts.......... 19 9.1.1 Indicators......................................... 53
4.1.2 Post-Construction Phase............... 19 9.1.2 Common Baseline Survey
4.1.3 Operation Phase............................ 20 Components with respect to Corals... 53
4.2 Process Impacts.......................................... 20 9.1.3 Layout of Monitoring Stations.......... 58
4.2.1 Construction Phase........................ 20 9.2 Adaptive Management Strategies............... 61
9.3 Tiered Response......................................... 62
5 RESPONSE OF CORALS TO IMPACTS........... 22 9.4 Components of Feedback Monitoring and
5.1 Responses to Project Impacts.................... 25 Management Plan....................................... 62
5.1.1 Construction Phase Response....... 25 9.4.1 Control Monitoring........................... 63
5.1.2 Post-Construction Phase Project 9.4.2 Habitat Monitoring and the
Responses..................................... 25 Feedback Loop............................... 63
5.1.3 Operational Phase Responses...... 25 9.4.3 Spill Budget..................................... 64
5.2 Responses to Process Impacts................... 26 9.4.4 Spill Hindcast Modelling.................. 65
5.2.1 Turbidity......................................... 28 9.4.5 Compliance Monitoring and Reporting. 65
5.2.2 Sedimentation................................ 29 9.5 Post-Project Monitoring............................... 66
5.2.3 Water Quality Impacts.................... 30 9.6 Management Responsibilities..................... 66
5.3 Potential for Recovery................................. 31 9.7 Data, Information and Publication............... 66

6 IMPACT MINIMISATION THROUGH PLANNING.. 32 10 KEY REFERENCES........................................... 68

6.1 Introduction . .............................................. 32
6.2 Key Activities............................................... 32 APPENDIX A Summary Of Collaboration,
Consultation & Review
7 IMPACT ASSESSMENT..................................... 36 Process
7.1 Baseline Data.............................................. 37
7.2 Predictive Modelling.................................... 40

3 PIANC Report 108

PREFACE with respect to their practicality and effectiveness.
Emphasis is given to describe the entire develop-
PIANC Working Group 108 has developed the fol- ment process from identification of project concept,
lowing guidelines jointly with the United Nations over feasibility and assessment of possible environ-
Environment Program (UNEP) for the implementa- mental impacts, through the inclusion of environ-
tion of best practice methodology in environmental mental mitigation measures in the specifications for
assessment and environmental management for construction, to the environmental monitoring and
dredging and port construction activities around management plan implementation during and after
coral reefs and their associated communities with construction.
an emphasis on shallow warm water ecosystems.
It is recognised that knowledge gaps still exist and MEMBERS OF PIANC
the methods for monitoring and mitigating unwant- WORKING GROUP 108
ed impacts on corals and associated organisms and
ecosystems still need improvement. However, ex- Mr. Tom Foster (CEDA) (Chair)
perience shows that by adopting sound planning, DHI Water & Environment
impact assessment, monitoring and management
practices, large benefits can be achieved in terms of Ms. Emily Corcoran (UNEP) (Vice-Chair)
avoiding or minimising adverse effects on the coral UNEP/GRID-Arendal (formerly UNEP-WCMC)
reef environment from dredging and port construc-
tion. Dr. Paul Erftemeijer (PIANC NL)
Dr. Caroline Fletcher (CEDA)
The document will discuss coral reefs, the possible HR Wallingford
impacts on these ecosystems from port construction
and dredging operations, mitigation options and how Mr. Kobbe Peirs (PIANC BE)
environmental monitoring and management during Jan de Nul
construction can aid in the avoidance or minimisa-
tion of any unwanted, detrimental effects to corals Mr. Constantijn Dolmans (PIANC ENVICOM)
and associated organisms. The approach is to col- International Association of Dredging Companies
lect available scientific and grey literature including (IADC)
case studies on dredging and port construction ac-
tivities around coral reefs and their associated com- Dr. Adam Smith (PIANC AU)
munities with an emphasis on shallow warm water Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
coral reef ecosystems, and subsequently analyse
the information, in order to determine the range of Dr. Hidekazu Yamamoto (PIANC JAP)
effects of dredging and port construction activities Environmental Consultants for Ocean and Human
on coral reefs. (ECOH)

Knowledge gaps are identified in the process and Mr. Matthew Jury
the environmental issues and practical constraints DHI Water & Environment
associated with implementation of dredging and
port construction activities around coral reefs are ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
The Working Group members are grateful for Envi-
Further, state-of-the-art methodologies for assess- Com providing an opportunity to prepare this guide.
ment of impacts of dredging and port construction We are especially grateful for the support and guid-
activities on coral reefs are described along with ance rendered by D. Bob Engler, PIANC Ex- Envi-
their practical application. Finally, the techniques Com Chair, and Mrs. Anna Csiti CEDA, as well as
used to prevent, minimise, mitigate and/or com- input provided during workshops by Dr. Rick Morton
pensate impacts, associated with dredging and port (Port of Brisbane, Australia), Mr. James Monkivitch
construction activities, on corals reefs are assessed

PIANC Report 108 III

(Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Austra- Bio-accumulation The gradual build-up of a chemi-
lia) and Mr. Andrew Costen (formerly Department of cal in a living organism overtime
Environment and Conservation, Western Australia). Biodiversity (Contraction of biological diver-
sity) The variability among liv-
The Working Group elected at an early stage to open ing organisms from all sources,
the draft document to external reviewers spanning including terrestrial, marine,
the entire range of stakeholders from government and other aquatic ecosystems
authorities to IGOs, NGOs and contractors (see and the ecological complexes of
Appendix A). We greatly appreciate the inputs pro- which they are part. Biodiversity
vided by these reviewers, which have helped with includes diversity within species,
the focus and balance of the document. between species and between
GLOSSARY Bio-eroders Living organisms which erode
hard ocean substrates through
Acronym Meaning the following mechanisms such
ABS Acoustic backscatter as boring, drilling, rasping and
CSD Cutter suction dredger scraping.
dB Decibel Bund An earth, rock or concrete wall or
EIA Environmental impact assess- mound constructed to affect wa-
ment ter flow.
EMC Environmental management Caissons Large prefabricated concrete ele-
committee ments with vertical faces, towed
EMP Environmental management plan or lifted into place for breakwater
EQO Environmental Quality Objective or quay wall construction.
FTU Formazin turbidity units Ciliary activity The rhythmic beating of short,
MA Millennium ecosystem hair-like structures used in move-
assessment ment such as pushing food par-
MPA Marine protected area ticles and other functions.
NGO Nongovernmental organisation Clay Fine-grained minerals (2-5 µm)
NTU Nephelometric turbidity units with smaller particle sizes than silt.
OBS Optical backscatter Coelobites Organisms that live in pores and
ROV Remotely operated vehicle/ves- spaces within a reef.
sel Colloidal Substance consisting of ultra fine
LIT Line intercept transect behaviour particles typically 1 nanometre
PIT Point intercept transect to 10 micrometres often with im-
Acronym Meaning peded settling and variable re-
ppm Parts per million suspension behaviour depending
SI Surface irradiance on the prevailing environmental
SS, TSS Suspended solids, total suspend- conditions.
ed solids Copepod A group of small-sized (maximum
TSHD Trailing suction hopper dredger size = 3 mm) crustaceans found
in marine and freshwater habitats.
Coral Marine animals belonging to the
Word Meaning
class Anthozoa. These animals
Algal symbionts Refer to ‘zooxanthellae’.
are characterised by polyps, are
Atolls Coral reefs that develop as a
predominantly colonial, and se-
rings around a central lagoon.
crete a calcium carbonate skel-
Bathymetric Changes in seabed profile (depth),
changes in this context particularly related
Coral reef A bank of calcareous rock, se-
to dredging (to increase depth)
creted by coral organisms, that
and/or reclamation/port construc-
rises to or near the surface of a
tion (to decrease depth)
body of water

IV PIANC Report 108

Coralline algae Marine algae, or seaweeds, that dredging area, reducing the spa-
deposit calcium carbonate and tial extent of the suspended sedi-
can therefore contribute to coral ment plume.
reef formation. Eutrophication An increase in concentration of
Cyanobacterial A group of photosynthetic bacte- chemicals, mainly nitrogen and
ria, also known as blue-green al- phosphorus, in ecosystems, lead-
gae or blue-green bacteria. ing to an increased primary pro-
Demersal Dwelling at or near the bottom of ductivity of the ecosystem, such
a body of water. as excess algal growth.
Digitate Finger-like projections branching Exogenous Currents produced by factors
from the main stem/stalk. current originating outside of the organ-
Direct placement The controlled placement of ism.
dredged materials, either for use Fecundity Number of eggs produced per
as reclamation material or on- coral polyp per year. It is used as
shore or offshore disposal. a measure of coral health, with
Diversity The variety and relative abun- decreased fecundity indicating
dance of different entities (in an reduced health
ecosystem or a sample) Fines Sediment with a grain size of <
Foraminifers Single-celled animals with a shell 0.063 mm (Corse silt; Wentworth
made of calcium carbonate and Scale) or < 0.075 mm (silt or clay
an outer layer of projections used as classified by the American As-
for movement, feeding, waste ex- sociation of State Highway and
pulsion and gas exchange. Transportation Officials (AASH-
Ectoparasites Parasites which live on the sur- TO) Standards).
face, outside of the host body. Fine silts Refer to ‘fines’
Endemism Where species are native and Flocculation A process where colloids come
confined to a certain geographic out of suspension in the form of
region floc or flakes
Environmental (in the present context): A com- Foliose Describes the growth-form of cor-
receptor munity (of corals) or specimen (of als as broad, flattened and plate-
coral) exposed to a pollutant like
Word Meaning Geotechnical Related to the physical properties
Environmental A butterfly valve in the TSHD (and consequent engineering be-
valve overflow system which reduces haviour) of soil/seabed material
the formation of air bubbles in- Gastropods Snails and other molluscs typical-
side the overflow mixture leaving ly characterised by a coiled shell
the hopper. Air bubbles contain on the back and a creeping foot in
a thin layer of fine solids, which front.
when leaving the hopper through Gonad Sexual reproductive organs (tes-
the overflow, result in a foam-like tes for males, ovaries for females)
layer on the water surface and that produce gametes (eggs or
keep sediments discharged via sperm)
the overflow suspended for an Heterotrophy Obtaining energy from consum-
extended period of time. When ing animals or plants
an environmental valve is used, Hindcast Use of predictive models to look
the density of the overflow is in- back in time at specific temporal
creased and the suspended sedi- and spatial variations of environ-
ments settle towards the seabed mental parameters using known
immediately, staying closer to the input data.

PIANC Report 108 VI

Hydrodynamic Refers to the study of fluids in mo- anemones, and corals), such as a
tion. In this context, it refers to the hydra or coral, having a cylindrical
movements of the ocean, which body and an oral opening usually
are driven by tides, currents and surrounded by tentacles.
waves Prediction The result of an attempt to pro-
Kelp Brown algae characterised by (or forecast) duce a most likely description or
their large size and complexity. estimate of the actual evolution of
Keystone Species whose effects on its com- a variable or system in the future.
species munity are proportionately much Pulse amplitude A method used to compare the
greater than its abundance. modulation photosynthetic rates of various
Lethal stress Damage of such a great extent as fluorometry organisms such as corals, sea-
to cause death of an organism or grass, algae, based on fluores-
cells of an organism. cence parameters with those de-
Littoral drift The transport of non-cohesive termined by oxygen evolution and
sediments i.e. mainly sand, along radiocarbon fixation measure-
the foreshore and the shoreface ments.
due to the action of the breaking Rainbow A technique for spraying of
waves and the longshore current. discharge dredged material from the vessel
Mangrove Shrubs and trees that live along to a receiving site by pumping it
the seashore in tropical and sub- with high speed through a nozzle
tropical regions and tolerate flood- on the bow of the dredger, the ma-
ing by seawater. terial forms an arc that resembles
Mitigation An anthropogenic (man-made) the shape of a rainbow.
intervention to reduce negative Reef A chain or range of rock, sand or
or unsustainable uses of ecosys- coral that rises to or near the sur-
tems or to enhance sustainable face of a body of water
practices. Reef-builders Organisms which contribute to
Morphological Differences in the outward and in- the growth and framework of
variability ternal form, structure and configu- reefs such as corals and coralline
ration of an organism. algae
Muscle atrophy Decrease in muscle mass, lead- Resilience The ability to recover (e.g. from
ing to muscle weakness. a temporary environmental pres-
Pathogens Infectious organisms including sure)
bacteria, viruses and fungi. Rock filigree Fine, fragile lace-like structure
Photo-physiology The way plants and animals re- Salt wedge Refers to the tidally driven incur-
spond to light sion of seawater into a body of
Phylum A group of organisms that share a freshwater, usually at an estuary
common ancestry and represent or river mouth. Because seawa-
a main division of a kingdom ter is denser than freshwater, the
Placement Refer to direct placement saltwater layer is typically moving
in along the seabed and forms
Planktonic Small organisms that drift in the
a wedge shape, thinnest at the
organisms water
leading margin, and progressively
Planulae Functional term covering all free- thicker closer to the ocean.
living life stages of coral larvae, Seagrass Grass-like flowering plants that
up to final settlement and attach- are adapted to live in the sea
ment. Sedimentation Net movement of sediment from a
Polyp A sedentary (stationary) coelen- state of suspension in water to ac-
terate (category of aquatic inver- cumulate on a particular surface
tebrate that includes jellyfish, sea over time (e.g. on coral reefs)

VII PIANC Report 108

Sedimentation Used to manage the ‘dewatering’ ed and some dissolved substanc-
cell of reclaimed material in a con- es, which causes incident light
trolled way and generally used to to be scattered, reflected and at-
reduce the sediment concentra- tenuated rather than transmitted.
tion in the supernatant returning Common measures for turbidity
to the sea. include: NTU, FTU, Secchi disk
Shellfish Saltwater and freshwater animals readings (cm) and attenuation co-
with an external skeleton and efficient (kd). Conversion factors
without a backbone, i.e. crabs, between these different measures
oysters, shrimps. are site-specific (i.e. depend-
Spatial Variable structure and pattern of ing on grain size composition,
heterogeneity a habitat, the higher the variabil- mineralogical composition, con-
ity, the richer the species compo- tribution of phytoplankton, etc.).
sition. Under-keel A short cut system deployed by
Spill All material dredged but not bypass most TSHD. When dredging starts,
transported to the receiving site, the density of the dredged mate-
both the materials going into sus- rial is normally very low, as most
pension and those settling on the of it is only (sea)water. To prevent
seabed inside and outside the the low density material from en-
dredging area(s) and placement tering and filling the hopper, the
area(s) bypass system is used to quickly
Stilling basin A bunded area in a channel or discard surplus low density mate-
reservoir that is large enough to rial through a separate discharge
reduce the velocity of the flow and channel, instead of through the
thus to allow suspended fines to overflow system. Once dredg-
settle in the basin. ing starts, the concentration of
Stomatopod Animals belonging to the order the mixture is measured inside
crustaceans Stromatopoda, and have strong, the pressure pipeline, after it has
clasping claws on the second pair passed the pump. If the concen-
of legs and gills on the abdominal tration is lower than the pre-de-
projections. fined threshold limit, the mixture
Sub-lethal stress Insufficient damage to cause is discarded overboard, directly
death of an organism or its cells, through the under-keel bypass.
removal of the cause of stimulat- Under-keel The minimum clearance available
ing damage result in recovery. clearance between the deepest point on the
Supernatant High concentration mixture of vessel and the seabed in still water.
sediment and water. Under-keel Overflowing is a part of the dredg-
Surface The electromagnetic radiation overflow ing process of a TSHD. An over-
irradiance (light) incident on the surface. flow system ensures that excess
Units are Watts per square metre water entering the hopper during
(W.m2) dredging is being discarded, with-
Symbiotic Close and often long-term inter- out discarding the dredged materi-
actions between different biologi- al. TSHD have telescopic overflow
cal species. systems constructed vertically
Terrigenous Sand, mud or silt carried into the inside the hopper itself, discharg-
sediments ocean from land, mostly via rivers ing the overflow mixture through
Turbid plumes Clouds of suspended sediments the under keel of the vessel.
formed in the water column, usu- Zooxanthellae General descriptive term for the
ally as a result of human activities, symbiotic algae that live in corals
but also due to river discharges or (and some sea anemones, mol-
strong current/wave conditions luscs and other species), provid-
Turbidity Decrease in water transparency ing nutrition to their hosts through
due to the presence of suspend- photosynthesis

PIANC Report 108 VIII

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY of storms, climatic change, sea level change and
predators. However, the living elements that build
these structures are just a very thin veneer of deli-
This guide, developed jointly with the United Na-
cate living tissue, highly sensitive to its surrounding
tions Environment Program (UNEP), describes
dredging and port construction around coral reefs
and how unwanted environmental impacts on coral
Corals are animals, though many species have sym-
reefs from the project itself, the dredging and con-
biotic relationships with algae, which make them
struction works and the operation of the port can
dependent on sunlight, as well as on filter feeding
best be prevented, controlled or mitigated. It is
to meet their energy requirements. Depending on
not intended to be exhaustive and should be read
the species and the environmental conditions, cor-
in conjunction with relevant international literature
als develop a variety of distinct growth forms includ-
and other PIANC Guidelines (e.g. EnviCom Work-
ing branching to digitate (finger-like), foliose (plate-
ing Group 13 ‘Dredging Management Practices for
like), encrusting, massive (boulder-shaped), and
the Environment – A Structured Selection Approach’
mushroom shapes. The different forms have differ-
and PIANC’s ‘Working with Nature’ Position Paper).
ent characteristics and affect where the corals are
The Glossary at the front of this document provides
found, how they react to different stresses, and how
definitions of technical terms.
fast they grow. See Section 2.1 for more details
on coral reefs.
One third of the world’s population lives in coastal
areas and rapid development of these areas has
Importance of Coral Reefs
It has been demonstrated that a healthy coral reef
meant increased construction of coastal infrastruc-
provides a rich array of services to human commu-
ture (e.g. ports, navigation channels, coastal de-
nities, including providing food (especially protein),
fence) and related activities (e.g. land reclamation,
protecting shorelines, supporting the livelihoods of
beach nourishment), which has inevitably led to
marginalised communities, supporting huge tour-
conflicting priorities between coral reef conservation
ism industries and sustaining cultural traditions. In
and economic growth. The key impacts of these ac-
contrast, unhealthy or degraded coral reef systems
tivities, if not managed, include:
can be linked to human diseases, decline in natural
resources upon which local people are dependent,
• Direct loss of coral reef caused by the removal
increased vulnerability of the coastal area and loss
or burial of reefs
of cultural traditions.
• Lethal or sub-lethal stress to corals caused by
elevated turbidity and sedimentation rates
One estimate puts the economic value of the world’s
coral reefs at $ 345 billion per year. In contrast, the
Dredging and port construction activities potentially
cost of damages and for restoration of coral reefs
affect not only the site itself, but also surrounding ar-
has been estimated to be in the order of $ 1,000
eas, through a large number of impact vectors (e.g.
per m2. See Section 2.2 for more details on the
turbid plumes, sedimentation, release of contami-
importance of coral reefs.
nants, bathymetric changes). Effects may be imme-
diate or develop over a longer timeframe and may
be temporary or permanent in nature, depending on Geotechnical Characteristics
a large number of factors. of Coral Reef Areas
Coral reef structures are highly porous, brittle and
What is a Coral Reef? easily broken when in the fresh state, with a sur-
Coral reefs are marine ridges or mounds, formed face composed of an infinite number of cells, pores,
from the deposition of calcium carbonate by living sharp edges and rock filigree. Over time, they be-
organisms, predominantly corals, but also by other come cemented, consolidating into limestone de-
organisms, such as coralline algae and shellfish. posits. There are many forms and combinations of
On one scale, they are large, robust, long-lived coral rock, and adequate soil and rock mechanics
geological structures that have withstood the forces tests are essential prerequisites to construction

IX PIANC Report 108

activities in these areas. In general, the softer forms intake bypass and from material placement.
are found on the lagoon sides of reefs, while the Under-keel bypass should be enforced in coral
hardest coral rocks, comparable to soft limestone, areas and requirement for under-keel overflow
occur on the windward or ocean side of a reef and (via an ‘environmental valve’) should be consid-
are more difficult to remove. ered on a case-by-case basis. Pipelines used
for pumping dredged materials should be free of
Due to their geotechnical nature, limestone and leaks and hopper seals should be watertight.
coral materials tend to break when dredged and/or • Mechanical Dredgers (Grab Dredge, Back-
transported hydraulically. From the freshly broken hoe Dredge): used for small scale or targeted
surface, colloidal material will be released into the dredging of sand, silts and soft clays. Causes
water, creating milky white ‘clouds’. These sediment minimal disturbance and dilution of clays com-
clouds are difficult to control, as they can stay in pared to hydraulic methods used by CSD and
suspension for prolonged periods and thus spread TSHD dredgers, but may cause short-term
over large areas under the action of currents, wind pulses of high turbidity as the grab or bucket is
and waves. It is therefore imperative to minimise hauled through the water. Normally discharge
the need for dredging coralline material and to ex- happens into a hopper barge, so there is a need
ercise great care to execute the dredging works to ensure that all barges are absolutely water-
with extreme accuracy, which requires detailed ba- tight and kept in good condition throughout the
thymetric and geotechnical survey data at an early project. See Section 3.2 for more details on
stage of the project. Ultimately, gaps in bathymetry the types of dredging equipment commonly
and geotechnical data may cause significant cost used near coral reefs.
implications and/or delays to the whole project. See
Section 3.1 for more details on the geotechnical Types of Impacts
characteristics of coral reefs. For emphasis, the types of impact have been divid-
ed into two impact categories, based on the primary
Dredging and Port Construction responsibility for mitigation:
Techniques for Coral Reef Areas
The following are the main types of dredging equip- • Project impacts: associated with the develop-
ment appropriate for use, sometimes with limita- er’s decision on location and layout (e.g. direct
tions, in coral reef areas: loss of coral habitat in project footprint). The
mitigation of project impacts is firmly rooted in
• Cutter Suction Dredger (CSD): used for dredg- Planning and Environmental Impact Assess-
ing harder materials and/or for transport of the ment (EIA)
materials over a limited distance. Main concern • Process impacts: associated with the physi-
is sediment plumes generated at the cutter head cal construction of the port, including dredg-
and sediment plumes generated at the site of ing, breakwater construction and land reclama-
discharge, particularly for fine silts and clays, tion (e.g. turbidity and sedimentation impacts,
which should not be pumped into un-bunded Figure 1). The mitigation of process impacts is
areas on land or on the seafloor. Pipelines used associated with effective management of the
for pumping dredged materials should be free construction process (e.g. choice of equipment,
of leaks and accurate and calibrated position- operating policies)
ing systems should be used to prevent any un-
necessary dredging outside the design profile. The project developer has influence on both proj-
• Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger (TSHD): ect impacts (e.g. though decisions on location and
used for dredging of sand, silts and soft clays. functionality requirements) and process impacts
These dredgers have a cargo hold (the hopper), (e.g. through the specifications for construction),
which allows transport of the dredged materials whilst the contractor only has influence on process
over longer distances. Main concern is creation impacts (e.g. through choice of equipment and op-
of turbid plumes from the overflow, from tur- erating method). See Table 1 and Section 4 for
bulence caused by the ship’s propellers, from more details on the types of impacts.

PIANC Report 108 X

earlier stressors or longer-term regional or global

The risk and severity of impacts from dredging and

port construction-related activities on corals are di-
rectly related to both the intensity and duration of im-
pacts causing stress. Frequent short-term exposure
or chronic long-term exposure results in mortality for
many coral species. If moderate levels of impacts
on a reef persist for particularly long periods of time,
the coral reef may undergo changes in diversity,
with the most sensitive coral species gradually be-
ing replaced by more tolerant ones.

Overall, there are large differences in coral spe-

cies’ response to impacts, possibly due to different
growth forms and colony orientations. For example,
branching corals tend to be more sensitive to tur-
bidity but are quite tolerant to sedimentation, while
plating and tabular corals are generally tolerant to
turbid conditions but sensitive to high sedimenta-
tion rates. However, some coral species (including
some plating and tabular corals) can actively reject
sediments, making them more tolerant to short-term

Figure 1: Turbidity (top) and sedimentation Physical factors are also important, including tur-
(bottom) from dredging bulence and exposure to wave action, morphologi-
cal variability and adaptation within species, depth
Response of Corals to Impacts distribution, and the cumulative effects of extreme
The response of corals to the impacts arising from temperatures and salinities. Actual thresholds,
dredging and port construction activities and the therefore, vary by location based on typical ambient
ability of affected reefs to recover depends on a conditions and the sensitivity of the coral species
range of factors, including: that are present. See Table 1 and Section 5 for
more details on the responses of corals to im-
• Ecological Condition (degraded or pristine; dom- pacts, including recovery potential.
inated by algae, bio-eroders or reef-builders; de-
gree of eutrophication; (over)fishing; history of Impact Minimisation
previous stress events) through Planning
• Resilience (depends on species diversity; pres- A high level of strategic planning should be encour-
ence of keystone species; spatial heterogene- aged for all marine and coastal projects to achieve
ity; presence of refugia; connections with nearby an optimal location of facilities, while ensuring that
unaffected reefs) key ecosystem processes are protected. This is par-
• Ambient Conditions: determine tolerance and ticularly so for dredging and port construction proj-
degree of adaptation ects in tropical areas due to, amongst other issues,
the sensitivity of coral reefs to indirect impacts from
It is, therefore, important for project developers to construction works and the large time scales in-
have these issues clearly documented and segre- volved in any eventual recovery of the ecosystem.
gated to prevent being held liable for reef degrada-
tion that is in fact due to pre-existing conditions from

XI PIANC Report 108

Table 1: Summary of the types of impact from dredging and port construction on coral reefs

Screening Assessment Assessment of Alternative Locations

An initial risk assessment based on available sec- Assessment of alternative locations and layouts
ondary data, initial field surveys, preliminary nu- that minimise the direct impact of a project’s foot-
merical modelling and an understanding of local print on coral reefs is a key issue at the planning
and regional coastal processes should be under- phase, but consideration of the potential for a wide
taken in conjunction with coral reef and impact as- range of indirect impacts, which may result from
sessment specialists, preferably with stakeholder unplanned changes to regional coastal processes
participation, in order to determine the level of im- (e.g. current patterns, wave conditions, sediment
pact assessment that will be required and identify transport, shoreline stability, which can be very dif-
potential impacts for early mitigation during the de- ficult to mitigate) is also critical.
sign phase.

PIANC Report 108 XII

Working with Nature ter quality). Field experiments to test the response
The risk assessment should balance the direct and of local corals to light reduction and increased sedi-
indirect impacts in order to determine the most en- mentation should also be considered. The frequen-
vironmentally effective solution, following the prin- cy of baseline surveys will depend on pre-existing
ciples outlined in PIANC’s ‘Working With Nature’ knowledge, spatial and temporal variability of the
position paper, which should be read in conjunction environment, anticipated impacts and statistically
with this report. power required. See Figure 2 and Section 7.1 for
more details on baseline monitoring.
Periods of high risk (e.g. cyclone/hurricane sea-
sons) and sensitive phases of the life cycles of cor- Predictive Numerical Modelling
als (such as spawning) should also be identified, Predictive numerical modelling of physical and
as well as areas designated for protection under ecological processes provides a key methodology
national or international legislation. Early consider- for quantitative assessment of indirect impacts to
ation during the initial planning phase of the project coral reefs, but requires good information, valid as-
can prevent or minimise impacts to corals, stream- sumptions and assessment by qualified experts.
line the approval process and minimise the require- Sediment properties, construction methodologies,
ment for time consuming and costly monitoring and physical processes and seasonal variability should
management programmes before, during and after all be adequately addressed by the model. Spa-
the project. See Section 6 for more details on tial and vertical resolution should be appropriate
key steps during planning, including a decision for the scale of plume generation and complexity
tree. of the flow. Quantitative performance criteria for
model calibration and validation against field mea-
Impact Assessment surements can help regulators assess the level of
A detailed environmental impact assessment (EIA) reliability achieved and improve stakeholder confi-
should be carried out to determine the potential dence in the results.
impacts of the project and recommend appropri-
ate monitoring, mitigation and management to An important input for reliable sediment plume mod-
minimise or avoid these impacts. In the absence elling is the amount of sediment spill to be used as
of local legislation and guidelines, well-established an input to the model, which is a function of the
international guidelines are available, including type of material, water depth, hydraulic conditions
World Bank Guidelines and the Equator Principles. and type of dredger or material placement method.
See Section 7 for more details on EIA. The best approach to determining the appropriate
amount of spill is via trial dredging. This may, in
Baseline Surveys many cases, not be possible at the EIA stage, re-
Obtaining relevant and accurate baseline data is quiring empirical formulations or experience from
one of the most critical components of the EIA. elsewhere to be relied on instead. See Section 7.2
The duration of baseline data should address the for more details on predictive modelling.
temporal scale of the project, with documentation
of seasonal variations critical for most dredging or Receptor Tolerance Limits
port construction projects. Selection of baseline Quantifiable tolerance limits are required in or-
monitoring locations should take into account the der to assess the impacts of dredging and port
project design and expected construction method- construction on corals and to provide a control
ology, secondary data, preliminary numerical mod- parameter which will allow subsequent indirect
elling results and stakeholder feedback. Monitoring monitoring (and modelling) data to be utilised
locations should be representative of the scale of in a management context. The baseline survey
the project, the environment and the expected im- campaign should be designed to provide as
pacts of the project. much relevant information as possible towards
setting preliminary (and, in the absence of ad-
Baseline surveys should document coral location, equate information, conservative) tolerance
cover and diversity, background turbidity and/or limits, which can then be refined as part of the
light levels, sedimentation rates, sediment prop- subsequent monitoring and management pro-
erties (e.g. grading, toxicity), shoreline processes gramme. See Section 7.3 for more details on
and physical processes (e.g. currents, waves, wa- establishing tolerance limits.

XIII PIANC Report 108

Figure 2: Key inputs and requirements for selection of baseline survey stations and methodologies

Impact Prediction dredged material depending on where the project

Due to the complexities in coral response to dredg- is being carried.
ing and port construction related impacts, it is essen-
tial that the modelling assessment is supplemented Preparing ToR for Construction
by a conservative, experience-based approach. Integration of the EIA results into the Terms of Ref-
erence (ToR) for construction is a critical step that
In determining the acceptable level of impact, a is often missed. Technical mitigation and manage-
range of factors should be considered, including ment measures recommended in the EIA should be
ecological criteria (e.g. representativeness, rarity incorporated (and budgeted) into the contractor’s
and resilience of corals in the impact area), socio- scope of work.
economic criteria (e.g. local significance, stake-
holder interests and needs) and administrative and Technical Mitigation Measures
legal criteria (e.g. conservation status, zonation). The following technical mitigation measures mini-
mise impacts from dredging and material place-
Permitting and Approvals ment:
The permitting and approvals processes for dredg-
ing and port construction near coral reefs can differ • Under-keel overflow and/or the ‘environmental
markedly from country to country, so the reader is valve’ (for trailer suction hopper dredgers)
advised to review the specific legislation and ap- • Restricted overflow
proval practices for the country in which the project • Production rate control (spill budget)
is being undertaken. International agreements such • Appropriate discharge of excess water from the
as the 1972 London Convention and 1996 London reclamation area; temporary settling basins
Protocol may also be relevant for ocean disposal of

PIANC Report 108 XIV

• Choice of equipment and avoiding leakage from be able to isolate and distinguish impacts of the
equipment project from other external (natural or human) im-
• Dredging accuracies and measuring accura- pacts.
• Temporarily relocating the dredger Review of Contractor’s Methodology
• Control of distance and time between spill gen- It is best practice to include the Environmental
erating operations Management Plan (EMP) as part of the tender
• Environmental windows: specifications for the Contractor. After award, the
o Seasonal basis (e.g. avoid coral spawning) Contractor’s detailed methodology (e.g. equipment
o Daily basis (minimise spill during periods of type and capacity, schedule, daily production rates,
tidal flow towards corals) etc.) should be subject to a detailed impact assess-
• Silt curtains deployed at receptor site or spill ment and the methodology and/or the EMP updat-
source (depending on local conditions) ed to ensure that environmental targets set for the
• Creating gentle (rather than steep) channel project will still be met. Mitigation measures (e.g.
slopes to promote recolonisation environmental windows, spill budget, environmen-
tal valve) should be explicitly incorporated into the
See Section 8.2 for more details on mitigation contractor’s operational documents.
EMP Baseline
Compensation Measures An EMP baseline, covering the principal environ-
In addition, where impacts to coral reefs cannot mental receptors (e.g. coral reefs) and existing
be avoided, the following compensation measures conditions (e.g. water quality, natural sedimentation
can be considered to offset to the loss of coral reef rates) is required to provide a measure of the pre-
habitat: project conditions at impact and control sites. Mon-
itoring should be undertaken 1-3 months prior to
• Larval production and release start of works, while utilising older data from the EIA
• Relocation of corals threatened by the project baseline as well in order to establish the seasonal
• Install hard substrates (e.g. stones and blocks) and statistical variability in the natural conditions.
in areas not required for berthing/manoeuvring
• Create stepped or gently sloping breakwaters Monitoring against the EMP baseline is then used
• Create uneven surfaces on structural elements to identify any change as the project progress-
and provide protrusions or terraces on vertical es and to provide post-project confirmation that
walls agreed impact criteria (e.g. for coral reefs) were not
• Place caissons in uneven alignments exceeded. In order to address management needs,
• Create flow channels between caissons to al- monitoring should be able to identify and respond to
low seawater exchange or use permeable block short-, medium- and long-term effects. The level of
structures instead of caissons environmental monitoring and management should
reflect the spatial area and duration of the works
See Section 8.3 for more details on compensation and level of impact predicted by the EIA.
EMP baseline survey components should address
Monitoring and Management light attenuation and/or turbidity, sedimentation,
Monitoring is required to confirm that a project is coral health, currents, waves, morphology, water
meeting the agreed level of impact and that the pre- quality and associated ecosystems (e.g. seagrass,
dictions of impacts during the EIA have been accu- mangroves). Number and location of monitoring
rate. Inclusion of an adaptive management process sites should consider:
allows dredging and port construction near coral
reefs to be managed so that maximum productivity • Predicted impact area (i.e. impact and control
can be maintained while still meeting environmen- sites)
tal protection criteria. The monitoring programme • Habitat variability (i.e. represent range of coral
must be designed to ensure that the monitoring will reef conditions)

XV PIANC Report 108

• Segregation of impacts (i.e. monitoring other clear segregation of the impacts arising from
potential sources of impact, e.g. other projects, component activities
river or terrestrial runoff.) • Tolerance limits (Section 7.3) are used to iden-
• Telecommunications coverage (for on-line sta- tify potential impacts before they occur, allowing
tions) implementation of management measures to
• Safety and accessibility avoid the impacts, rather than respond to them.
• Required statistical power Tolerance limits are updated based on monitor-
ing data collected as the works progress
See Section 9.1 for more details on the EMP • Results of on-line instrumentation at coral re-
baseline. ceptors and remote sensing are used to vali-
date spill budget and numerical models, as well
Adaptive Management as proxies for potential coral health impacts
Fixed monitoring stations cannot cover all poten-
tial impact areas, so they should be considered See Figure 3 and Sections 9.2 and 9.4 for more
one component of a wider adaptive monitoring and details on Feedback EMP and Adaptive Man-
management programme. Adaptive management agement.
ensures monitoring is targeted at environmental re-
ceptors and provides a tiered response to relevant Tiered Response
trigger values. However, many adaptive manage- A tiered response for dredging or port construction
ment approaches are still reactive, relying heavily typically comprises:
on coral health indicators (and/or water quality prox-
ies) as triggers, with the following disadvantages: • Addressing issues not directly affecting produc-
tion (e.g. sedimentation cell strategies, reloca-
• Delayed response: coral monitoring only de- tion of discharges)
tects an impact that has already occurred, does • Reducing production (usually at specific loca-
not allow for impact to prevented tions under particular tidal conditions)
• Statistical uncertainty: difficult to detect impacts • Restricting production (i.e. no production at spe-
at level required by most regulators cific locations under particular tidal conditions)
• Non-specific: inability to relate impacts to spe- • Changing work method (e.g. equipment change,
cific components of the works, or to segregate schedule change)
from natural variability, often leading to false ac-
tivation of tiered response Note that any tiered response that affects produc-
tion will have cost implications to the contractor and/
Feedback EMP or consequences to the time schedule of the proj-
Best practice is to adopt a proactive feedback man- ect. It is essential that the necessary provisions for
agement approach. The main advantages are: such tiered response are included in the construc-
tion contract and the project developer must also
• Spill budget control (Section 9.4.4) forms a first be committed to the economic and time schedule
level control of potential impacts. It allows seg- consequences. See Section 9.3 for more details on
regation and management of individual work tiered response.
components, avoiding over-response while en-
suring the tiered response targets those activi- Post-Project Monitoring
ties causing impacts Post-project monitoring is critical to ensure that pre-
• Predictive (numerical) models are used exten- dictions made at the EIA stage were accurate, that
sively to hindcast the location of the plumes the EMP was effective and to allow for continuous
from the construction operations (Section improvement for future projects. See Section 9.5
9.4.5), thereby providing a complete temporal for more details on post-project monitoring.
and spatial picture of potential impacts, filling
in the gaps between monitoring stations (both
instrumentation and coral health) and allowing

PIANC Report 108 XVI

PIANC Report 108
Figure 3: Feedback EMP approach adopted in Singapore
1. INTRODUCTION • Shipping (container traffic, bulk transport, etc.)
• Cruise industry
This guide describes dredging and port construc- • Fishing (traditional/recreational and commer-
tion around coral reefs and how unwanted envi- cial)
ronmental impacts on coral reefs from the project • Recreation (marinas and other recreational fa-
itself, the dredging and construction works and the cilities)
operation of the port can best be prevented, con-
trolled or mitigated. Here dredging is defined as the Dredging operations constitute an inseparable part
removal, transport and relocation of material from of most port construction projects (e.g. land recla-
the seabed while port construction is the provision mation for port facilities) and, in many cases, the
of safe navigation area and berthing facilities via subsequent maintenance of required manoeuvring
improvement of access channels and creation of and berthing depths.
harbour basins and quay space.
Dredging operations in the vicinity of coral reefs
The guide is intended for: government agencies, may also be required for other services to commu-
port authorities and developers, consultants, the nities, such as:
conservation sector, dredging related industries
and other stakeholders active in the marine and • Land reclamation for housing, industry, airports,
coastal sector. etc.
• Beach nourishment and sand mining
The present guideline is not intended to be ex- • Laying of pipelines and cables
haustive in terms of dredging and port construction
methodologies or associated impact assessment 1.2. Consequences of Dredging and Port
and management practices. It should be read in Construction near Coral Reefs
conjunction with relevant international literature and
other PIANC Guidelines, including, but not limited Without management, dredging and port construc-
to, EnviCom Report No. 100 ‘Dredging Manage- tion can threaten some of the world’s most produc-
ment Practices for the Environment – A Structured tive coastal ecosystems and the services they pro-
Selection Approach’. vide.

1.1. Why Dredging and Port Key Impacts of Dredging and Port
Construction near Coral Reefs? Construction on Coral Reefs

A third of the world’s population lives in coastal ar- • Direct loss of coral reef caused by the re-
eas, which constitute just 4 % of the global land moval or burial of reefs
area. Rapid development in these coastal areas • Lethal or sub-lethal stress to corals
has meant increased construction of coastal infra- caused by elevated turbidity and sedi-
structure, such as urban centres, ports, airports and mentation rates
tourist facilities. This coastal development pressure • Long-term changes in flushing and/or
has inevitably led to conflicting priorities between erosion/sedimentation patterns due to
coral reef conservation and economic growth in current changes
those parts of the world with extensive near-shore • Impacts may be immediate or long term
coral reefs. and may be temporary or permanent in
Every economically successful community requires
good transport infrastructure. With respect to the Dredging and port construction activities potentially
marine environment, basic infrastructure require- affect not only the site itself, but also surrounding
ments include ports and their access channels and areas, through a large number of impact vectors
associated facilities for: (e.g. Figure 1.1).

PIANC Report 108 1

Proper Management Critical
Dredging and port construction practices and
With proper management of the complex impact impacts:
vectors associated with dredging and port con- Bray, R.N. (ed.) (2008): “Environmental Aspects of
struction Dredging”, Taylor & Francis, 396 pp.

• Impacts to coral reefs can be avoided or Environmental impact assessment:

minimised World Bank (1999): “World Bank Operation Policy/
• Port construction and dredging activities Bank Procedures 4.01 – Environmental Assess-
can support sustainable economic devel- ment”.
IFC (2007): “Environmental, Health, and Safety
1.3. Recommended Reading Guidelines for Ports, Harbors, and Terminals”, Inter-
national Finance Corporation (World Bank Group).
For more detail on the key subjects related to this
guideline, the following texts are recommended. Environmental management of dredging and
port construction:
Corals: PIANC (2009): “Dredging Management Practices for
Birkeland, C. (ed.) (1996): “Life and Death of Coral the Environment - a structured selection approach”,
Reefs”, Chapman and Hall, 536 pp. PIANC EnviCom, Report 100.

Figure 1.1: Conceptual impacts of dredging and material relocation on the environment
[Elliot & Hemmingway, 2002]

2 PIANC Report 108

2.1. What is a Coral Reef?

Two main types of reef can be recognised: those

where the structure is created by the animals them-
selves (biogenic reefs) and those where animal
and plant communities grow on raised or protrud-
ing rock (non-biogenic reefs). Only a few inverte-
brate species are able to develop biogenic reefs.
Non-biogenic reefs can include vertical rock walls,
horizontal ledges, broken rocks and boulder fields.
This guide retains a focus on biogenic reefs, which
are referred to as coral reefs (Figure 2.1).

Coral reefs are marine ridges or mounds, formed

from the deposition of calcium carbonate by living
organisms, predominantly corals, but also by other
organisms, such as coralline algae and shellfish.

2.1.1. Where are Corals Found?

Coral reefs occur globally in two distinct marine

environments: deep, cold water (3-14°C) and shal-
low, warm water (21-30°C). Warm water coral reefs
form in the shallow, clear seas of the tropics with
an essential combination of low nutrient waters and
high levels of available sunlight and cover just 0.1%
of the ocean floor, which often overlaps with the op-
timal port locations (Figure 2.2).

Cold-water corals, have to date, been identified

in 41 countries at a prevailing water depth greater
than 39 m although their full extent is still not known.
As dredging and port construction activities gen-
erally occur at depths shallower than 20 m, shal-
low warm water reefs are the primary focus of this
guide. Some of the general principals documented
in this guide are also applicable to other sensitive Figure 2.1: Examples of coral reef areas
coastal habitats (e.g. mangroves, seagrass, kelp, (Middle & Bottom Photo:
cold-water coral) where no pre-existing guidelines © Commonwealth of Australia)
are available.
2.1.2. The Biology of Corals
What is a Coral Reef?
• On one scale, they are large, robust, long- Many corals are colonial. Each colony is formed
lived geological structures that have from numerous individual polyp animals measur-
withstood the forces of storms, climatic ing between 1 mm to 1 cm in diameter, each with
change, sea level change and predators a ring of six (or a multiple of six) tentacles around
• But the living elements that build these the mouth (see Figure 2.3). The colonies of polyps
structures are just a very thin veneer of function as a single organism, with individuals con-
delicate living tissue, which is highly sen- nected by a transport network, enabling them to
sitive to its surrounding environment share nutrients.

PIANC Report 108 3

Coral reef formation is primarily attributed to the of an individual colony and sexual reproduction to
colonial hard or stony corals: the Scleractinia. The produce a new colony. Different species or coral
Scleractinia characteristically lay down a calcium mature at different ages, but commonly between 4
carbonate skeleton, which over time collectively years (branching corals) and 8 years for the slower
forms the main structure of the coral reef. growing massive corals.

Corals have adapted to thrive in clear, nutrient-poor What is a Coral?

waters and rely on two feeding strategies, both of
which are required for sustained growth. Autotrophy • Corals are animals, belonging to the phy-
is where the symbiotic microscopic algae (zooxan- lum Cnidaria (which also includes jelly-
thellae) that live within the tissue of the coral pro- fish and anemones)
duce carbohydrates and oxygen during daylight; • Many species of coral have symbiotic re-
heterotrophy tends to occur in low light, or at night. lationships with algae, obtaining energy
The coral uses the stinging cells (nemocyts) on their from the algae (via photosynthesis) in ex-
tentacles and mucus to capture organic particles change for protection
and small planktonic organisms. • Many ‘individual’ corals are actually colo-
nies, formed from numerous small indi-
Corals have two reproductive mechanisms: asexu- vidual animals functioning as a single or-
al (division to produce a clone) is used for growth ganism

Figure 2.2: Comparison of global distribution of warm water,

shallow coral reefs with major ports

4 PIANC Report 108

Corals demonstrate two modes of sexual reproduc-
tion to produce a new colony:

a) Broadcast spawners: where male and female

gametes are released into the water column at
specific times governed by the lunar cycle and
day/night lengths (Figure 2.4)
b) Brooders: the male gametes fertilise the eggs
within the coral and once the planulae have
formed they are released into the water column

For both modes, once the juvenile has settled, the

coral remains stationary and growth starts through
asexual reproduction.

2.1.3.Structural Components of a Coral Reef

A coral reef is a product of living processes that con-

stantly evolve over time. It may take thousands of
years for a reef to develop, with some of the more
complex barrier reef systems and atolls taking up to
30 million years to fully form. Generally, four differ-
ent types of coral reef formation can be classified
according to their maturity and geographical location
Figure 2.3: The anatomy of a coral polyp (Table 2.1).

Figure 2.4: Coral spawning (Photo: © Commonwealth of Australia)

PIANC Report 108 5

Table 2.1: Stylised description of coral reef formations
2.1.4. Growth Forms of Corals Two examples are Montipora spp. and Acroporids.
Montipora spp. can take sub-massive, laminar, en-
Depending on the species and the environmental crusting or branching forms. It is possible for sub-
conditions, corals develop a variety of distinct growth stantially different growth forms to be seen within one
forms, including: branching to digitate (finger-like), species, or even within one colony. The Acroporids
foliose (plate-like), encrusting, massive (boulder- display the greatest variety of growth forms, and can
shaped), and mushroom shapes (Table 2.2). be divided into more than 35 groups classified ac-
cording to growth forms and corallite characteristics.
The different forms have different characteristics and The intertidal and sub-tidal communities of the Indo-
affect where the corals are found, how they react to Pacific reefs are dominated by Acropora species.
different stresses and how fast they grow. Massive or
boulder-type corals may only grow between 0.3 to 2 2.1.5. Other Coral Reef Organisms
cm per year, but the fastest and most fragile branch- Coral reefs support a highly diverse array of plant and
ing corals may grow as fast as 10 cm per year. animal species (Figure 2.5). Table 2.3 provides an
overview of the main groups. However, the remain-
Different growth forms impart different characteristics der of this report will focus on reef building corals, as
to the structure of the reef and also allow a basic these are the main group of organisms responsible
classification system based on the shape of a coral for the three-dimensional structure of the reef.
colony (Table 2.2). However, there are exceptions.
6 PIANC Report 108
Table 2.2: Growth and environmental tolerances of scleractinian corals.
Key L = Low; M = Medium; H = High; I = Intense;
S = Slow (~ 0.5 cm/100 yrs); F = Fast (~ 10 cm/year)
(Photos: © Commonwealth of Australia)

PIANC Report 108 7

Table 2.3: Overview of coral reef associated organisms

Figure 2.5: Examples of coral reef associated organisms

(Right: Photo © Commonwealth of Australia)

8 PIANC Report 108

2.2. Importance of Coral Reefs Why are Corals Important?
“Corals are beautiful living animals that are enjoyed Healthy coral reefs provide a rich array
by millions of snorkelers and divers world-wide, but of services including:
they are also of vital importance to the wider eco-
system and human economies” [Nellemann and • Food (especially protein)
Corcoran, 2006]. • Shoreline protection
• Supporting livelihoods of marginalised
There is a growing awareness that sustainable de- communities
velopment in coral reef areas must be underpin- • Tourism
ned by sound ecological management. Only through
such efforts will the estimated potential economic Unhealthy or degraded coral reefs can
value of the world’s coral reefs be realised. One es- be linked to:
timate puts the economic value of the world’s coral
reefs at $ 345 billion per year. In contrast, the cost of • Human diseases
damages and for restoration of coral reefs has been • Increased coastal vulnerability
estimated to be in the order of $ 1,000 per m2. • Decline in local standard of living
• Decline in tourism
Details of the importance of coral reef areas are pre-
sented in Table 2.4.

Figure 2.6: Examples of the variety of services provided by coral reefs.

Top left and right: tourism and game fishing near coral reefs (Photos © Commonwealth of Australia).
Bottom left and right: local fishing techniques near coral reefs in SE Asia

PIANC Report 108 9

Table 2.4: Significance of Coral Reefs: A description of the services that human society derives from
healthy and functioning coral reefs. (This is an illustrative list, and by no means exhaustive, based on
the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Framework (

10 PIANC Report 108

Table 2.4: Significance of Coral Reefs: A description of the services that human society derives from
healthy and functioning coral reefs. (This is an illustrative list, and by no means exhaustive, based on
the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Framework (

PIANC Report 108 11

3. DREDGING AND PORT Certain marine plants also make important contri-
butions to reef geology. Coralline red algae pro-
duce a dense, compact limestone, which forms a
hard, wave-resistant rock and gives the reef edge
3.1.Geotechnical Characteristics
a characteristic red-brown colour. These red algae
of Coral Reefs may grow over the surface of the more delicate cor-
als and loose sediments, cementing the mass into
Coral reef structures are highly porous, brittle and a more rigid and stronger structure. Halimeda, a
easily broken when in the fresh state, with a sur- calcareous green algae, does not form a solid rock
face composed of an infinite number of cells, pores, like red algae but instead produces large quanti-
sharp edges and rock filigree. ties of flakes composed of calcareous soft material,
which form fine-grained marine sediments.
After a coral polyp dies, the recess in which it lived
fills with water. Fine sand or mud will also accu- There are many forms and combinations of coral
mulate and, along with deposits of dissolved cal- rock and adequate soil and rock mechanics tests
cium carbonate, become cemented over time. This are essential prerequisites to construction activities
process consolidates and strengthens the rock as in these areas. In general, the softer forms of coral
it matures and is responsible for the inclusion of are found on the lagoon sides of reefs. The hardest
other minerals, such as nacre, chitin, calcite and coral rocks, comparable to soft limestone, occur on
aragonite, in limestone deposits. the windward or ocean side of a reef and are more
difficult to remove (Table 3.1).

Table 3.1: Representative estimates of coral rock and sediment properties on atoll and
volcanic island reefs [Schlapak and Herbich, 1978]

12 PIANC Report 108

Due to their geotechnical nature, limestone and
coral materials tend to break when dredged and/or Problems with Dredging Coral Rock
transported hydraulically. From the freshly broken
surface colloidal material will be released into the • Limestone and coral materials tend to
water, creating milky white ‘clouds’ (Figure 3.1). break into extremely fine particles when
dredged, creating milky white ‘clouds’ of
suspended sediments

• These ‘clouds’ of fine sediments can stay

in suspension for a long time, spreading
over a large area

• They result in significantly reduced light

penetration, even in low concentrations,
impacting corals over a wide area

• Therefore it is critical to avoid or mini-

mise dredging of coral rock
Figure 3.1: Example of extensive turbidity plume
that results from dredging of coral rock
3.2. Classification of Equipment
These sediment clouds are difficult to control, as
In each project, a combination of four main identi-
they can stay in suspension for prolonged periods
fiers will contribute to the choice on the most ap-
and thus spread over large areas under the action
propriate type of equipment to be used:
of currents, wind and waves. They are of major con-
cern due to the significant light reduction (turbidity)
• Volume and type of materials to be removed?
they cause in the marine environment, even in very
(hard, cohesive or non-cohesive materials)
low concentrations. Larger particles will settle in the
• Where and how are the materials to be
vicinity of the dredging area and may cover (bury) placed?
coral reef organisms to an extent that they cannot • What is the transport distance between the proj-
uncover themselves. ect location and the source/placement/disposal
It is, therefore, imperative to minimise the need for • What type of equipment will be most efficient
dredging coralline material and to exercise great considering restrictions in operation due to en-
care to execute the dredging works with extreme vironmental conditions and regulations?
accuracy, which requires detailed bathymetric and
geotechnical survey data at an early stage of the With every type of aquatic environment and type
project, preferably involving experienced and spe- of equipment, certain environmental factors have
cialised consultants/contractors due to the com- to be considered, including levels of turbidity gen-
plexities of operating in the coral reef environment erated, project duration, background levels of sus-
(Table 3.2). The need for detailed, high quality data pended sediment and contamination levels. In se-
is not always recognised, as these surveys often lecting the equipment, it is likewise important that
require an early financial engagement by the devel- all phases of construction are considered as an
oper. However, adequate survey data are essential integrated system.
to ensure an accurate and correct design and pric-
ing of the project. Ultimately, gaps in bathymetry In addition to being carried out in isolation, dredg-
and geotechnical data may cause significant cost ing is a key component of all port construction proj-
implications and/or delays to the whole project. ects and constitutes a major potential impact vector
when dredging and port construction projects are

PIANC Report 108 13

Table 3.2 Constraints and Consequences for Surveys in Coral Reef Areas
undertaken in proximity to coral reef areas. Due to
the relatively hard substrate and challenging physi- Cutter Suction Dredgers
cal environment encountered in coral reef areas
and the environmental concern associated with • Used to remove hard material and/or cre-
dredging, it is relevant to focus briefly on types of ate access channels in shallow areas
dredging equipment appropriate for use, sometimes
with limitations, in such areas. • Fine sediment plumes generated at the
cutter head and site of discharge
3.2.1. Cutter Suction Dredgers
• Minimum technical requirements for a
The cutter suction dredger (CSD), shown in Figure CSD working in a coral reef environment
3.2, is generally used for dredging harder materi- should be:
als, for access channels in shallow areas and/or for
transport of the materials over a limited distance. o Ensure that the pipelines used for
pumping the dredged materials are free
of leaks

o Ensure use of accurate and calibrated

positioning systems to prevent any un-
necessary over dredging

The main area of concern when using a CSD in a

coral reef environment is sediment plumes gener-
ated at the cutter head and sediment plumes gen-
erated at the site of discharge. Since the pumping
distance is limited, the CSD either has to pump ma-
terial onshore (if dredging near-shore), to a nearby
placement area, or into hopper barges (with turbidity
generated by the associated overflow). The sealing
of the hopper barges is a matter of concern. Care
should be taken to ensure that all barges are abso-
Figure 3.2: Cutter suction dredger lutely watertight prior to mobilising for the dredging
(graphic courtesy of Jan De Nul) operations and are kept in good condition through-
out the project.

14 PIANC Report 108

3.2.2. Trailing Suction Hopper Dredgers and to the frequency and duration of the dredger’s
presence in areas of concern. The turbidity created
The trailing suction hopper dredger (TSHD), shown by workboats should also not be underestimated.
Figure 3.3, is generally used for the dredging of
sand, silts and soft clays. These dredgers have
a cargo hold (the hopper) which allows transport
of the dredged materials over longer distances. A
TSHD is well suited for:

• Capital dredging projects, where sandy materi-

als are removed (e.g. to create navigation chan-
• Maintenance dredging works, where recent
sedimentation is removed (e.g. in navigation
• Land reclamation projects, where sand from
distant marine sources is used

Figure 3.4: Turbidity plume generated

by a trailing suction hopper dredger

Trailing Suction Hopper Dredgers

• Used to remove sandy and silty mate-

rial for capital or maintenance dredging
works, or to transport sand from distant
sources for reclamation projects

• Fine sediment plumes mainly gener-

ated from overflow, propeller wash and
intake bypass

• Minimum technical requirements for a

TSHD working in a coral reef environ-
ment should be:

o Enforce under-keel bypass for light

Figure 3.3: Trailing suction hopper dredger mixtures
(Top: graphic courtesy of Jan De Nul)
o If applicable, enforce under-keel
The main issue with a TSHD near a coral reef is overflowing and the use of an en-
the creation of turbid plumes (Figure 3.4). At the vironmental valve in the overflow
dredging site such plumes result from the overflow, duct
from turbulence caused by the ship’s propellers or
from the intake bypass (where unsuitable material o Ensure that hopper seals are water-
is discharged directly to the sea). tight

Turbulence caused by propeller wash is closely re-

lated to the available keel clearance of the dredger

PIANC Report 108 15

3.2.3. Mechanical Dredgers Mechanical Dredgers
There is a wide variety of mechanical dredgers. • Used to remove small areas of san-
Those most commonly used in coral reef areas
dy or silty sediment for either capi-
tal (e.g. sand key) or maintenance
• Grab dredger: consists of a crane mounted on a
pontoon or self-propelled hopper that operates • Fine sediment plumes released in
a wireline-controlled clamshell grab. pulses during the lift phase of each
• Bucket or Backhoe dredger: consists of a hy- cycle
draulic excavator mounted on a pontoon or self-
propelled hopper that operates a bucket • Much smaller fine sediment plumes
generated compared to CSD or
Mechanical dredgers may cause minimal distur- TSHD, but production rate also
bance and dilution of clays compared to hydraulic much lower, so not practical for
methods used by cutter dredgers and TSHD dredg- large dredging projects
ers, but may cause pulses of high turbidity as the
grab or bucket is hauled through the water, espe- • Minimum technical requirements
cially in loose silts and soft clays where a signifi- for a MD working in a coral reef en-
cant fraction of the load may be washed out (Figure vironment should be:
o Ensure that hopper seals are wa-
These pulses of high turbidity can be minimised tertight
or avoided by the use of a ‘closed’ grab dredger,
though these are only commonly used in the re- 3.3. Reclamation/Placement Techniques
moval of contaminated sediments.
3.3.1. Direct Placement

Direct placement can be used both for reclamation

and for offshore disposal of dredged material. At the
material placement site the generation of plumes is
a function of the placement method (direct or hy-
draulic), prevailing water depth, hydraulic condi-
tions and the turbulence caused by vessel propel-
lers. Figure 3.6 shows a typical plume generated by
direct placement from a TSHD.

Figure 3.5: Typical turbidity plume generated

during the lift phase from a grab dredger

Mechanical dredgers will normally discharge into a

hopper barge. As for the CSD, the sealing of the
hopper barges for grab dredging is a matter of con-
cern. Care should be taken to ensure that all barges
are absolutely watertight prior to mobilising for the
dredging operations and are kept in good condition
throughout the project.
Figure 3.6: Typical turbidity plume generated
from TSHD Direct Placement

16 PIANC Report 108

Direct placement generates a pulse of high turbid- charged, although direct discharge may be appro-
ity for a short duration, which is then dispersed ac- priate in certain circumstances. As the discharge is
cording to the prevailing currents. Choice of place- often continuous, choice of the discharge location
ment sites should therefore take the proximity of should take the proximity of corals into account.
corals into account.
Where sand is pumped, the resulting turbidity
3.3.2. Rainbowing is typically confined to a small area near the dis-
charge due to the low fines content in the super-
Rainbowing is a technique for spraying of dredged natant. Where silts and clays are pumped, turbid-
material from a TSHD to a receiving site by pump- ity and stability are more problematic. Clays, when
ing it with high speed through a nozzle over the pumped, will fluidise and therefore should not be
bow or the side of the dredger. The pumped ma- pumped into un-bunded areas on land or directly
terial forms an arc that resembles the shape of a onto the seafloor.
rainbow (Figure 3.7). It is commonly used once a
reclamation area has become too shallow for direct

Figure 3.8: A floating pipeline from a TSHD,

used to pump dredged material onshore
for reclamation
Figure 3.7: A TSHD using rainbowing to place
dredged material onshore Reclamation/Placement Methods
Rainbowing into a reclamation cell that is still below • Direct Placement results in a short-
the water line results in a much larger suspended term pulse of high turbidity. Choice of
sediment plume, compared to rainbowing onto a placement sites should therefore take
reclamation cell that is already above the water the proximity of corals into account
line. Rainbowing operations near coral reefs should
therefore avoid this where possible. • Rainbowing can result in a large sus-
pended sediment plume if discharged
3.3.3. Pumping Ashore into water rather than onto land. Rain-
bowing into water should therefore be
Pumping ashore can also be used to place dredged avoided near coral reefs
material from a TSHD onshore, though it is more
commonly used with a CSD. The dredged material • Pumping Ashore typically results in a
must be mixed with significant volumes of seawater continuous discharge, which is usually
in order to create a slurry suitable for pumping. managed via the use of sediment cells
and bunds to allow settlement of at least
Typically, the supernatant is controlled by the use some of the fines prior to discharge.
of bunds and sediment cells to enable settlement of Choice of discharge sites should take
solids and to improve water quality before it is dis- the proximity of corals into account

PIANC Report 108 17

4. TYPES OF IMPACTS project impacts is firmly rooted in Planning and
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).
• Process impacts are associated with the phys-
An overview of the types of impacts arising from
ical construction of the port, which may include
dredging, placement of dredged material and port
activities such as dredging, breakwater con-
construction on coral reefs is provided in Table 4.1.
struction and land reclamation. Key process im-
pacts include turbidity and sedimentation. The
For emphasis, these types of impact are divided
mitigation of process impacts is associated with
into two impact categories, based on the primary
effective management of the construction pro-
responsibility for mitigation: Project impacts and
cess (e.g. choice of equipment, operating poli-
Process impacts.
• Project impacts are associated with the deci-
It is important to recognise that the project propo-
sion to build a port at a specific location and the
nent has influence on both project (e.g. though de-
choice of the layout of the port to fulfil its func-
cisions on location and functionality requirements)
tional requirements (i.e. to accommodate the re-
and process impacts (e.g. through the specifications
quired classes of vessels and provide adequate
for construction), whilst the contractor only has in-
navigation space). Key project impacts include
fluence on process impacts (e.g. through choice of
direct loss of corals within the development
equipment and operating method).
footprint, and long term current changes affect-
ing flushing and morphology. The mitigation of

Table 4.1: Summary of the types of impact from dredging and port construction on coral reefs

18 PIANC Report 108

4.1. Project Impacts sity). Positive impacts may partially compensate for
impacts during construction.
Potential project impacts from dredging and port
construction on coral reefs comprise:
Project Impacts
4.1.1. Construction Phase Impacts
• Project Impacts result from the devel-
Construction phase project impacts are associated oper’s choice of project location and
with the physical removal or burial of corals and as- layout
sociated ecosystems where the reef lies within the
footprint of the development. These impacts are of- • Key Project Impacts include:
ten referred to as direct impacts.
o Physical removal and/or burial of
4.1.2. Post-Construction Phase corals during construction
o Long-term current changes, leading
Post-construction project impacts from dredging to reduced flushing and water
and port construction refer to those impacts that quality
continue for a long time after the dredging or con- o Long-term erosion or sedimen-
struction operations have been completed. Such im- tation due to current changes
pacts may include effects from modified bathymetry
and altered hydrodynamic conditions, long-lasting • Positive Project Impacts can also be
water quality changes and long-lasting after-effects achieved by ‘Working with Nature’
from re-suspension of fine sediments. (PIANC 2008):
o Providing new hard substrate for
Dredging and port construction (including land rec- coral development
lamation) may cause changes in hydrodynamic o Improved water quality due to bet-
conditions such as flow velocity, tidal currents, wa- ter flushing
ter levels, wave dynamics, exposure to wave en- o Greater range of microhabitats al-
ergy, residual current patterns, salt wedge intrusion lowing increased biodiversity
into a river mouth, or littoral drift in the shore zone. o Removal of contaminated
These hydrodynamic changes are usually the result sediments
of a modified bathymetry or a changed coastline.
• Negative Project Impacts are best be
Such changes to the hydrodynamic regime can mitigated during the planning and EIA
sometimes affect local water temperature dynam- stages of a development
ics, upwelling variability, and coral nutrient delivery
affecting trophic structure and may affect dispersal
of coral larvae (and other larvae), as well as their One of the most spectacular and well-document-
recruitment and settlement on the reef. Major hy- ed examples of positive impacts of port construc-
drodynamic changes can also have long-term ef- tion on corals is Naha Port at Okinawa in Japan,
fects on corals through changes in water quality where installation of artificial substrates (such as
and altered re-suspension-siltation cycles. breakwaters and wave-dissipating blocks) in an
area with sufficient supply of coral larvae and good
Although usually associated with adverse environ- water quality unintentionally helped to attract coral
mental impacts, dredging and port construction can recruits.
also result in positive project impacts. Examples of
beneficial effects include opportunities for habitat Widespread settlement of coral colonies, further
development (e.g. providing suitable hard substrate aided by coral transplantation trials in subsequent
for larval settlement) and improvement of ecological years, led to well-developed coral growth on the
quality (e.g. improvements of water quality through various port structures at Naha Port (and two other
better flushing, changes in water depths and cre- nearby ports at Okinawa) within approximately 10
ation of microhabitats, allowing for greater biodiver- years after construction (Figure 4.1).

PIANC Report 108 19

etc.), recurring need for maintenance dredging, and
other (port) maintenance work. Most of these are
outside the scope of the present guide, but refer-
ence is made to various other PIANC reports on
these subjects, as well as environmental man-
agement guidelines for ports and harbours near
sensitive habitats, guidelines for the control and
management of ship’s ballast water and local en-
vironmental, health, and safety guidelines for ports,
harbours and terminals.

4.2. Process Impacts

4.2.1. Construction Phase

Figure 4.1: Coral colonies on armour blocks Process impacts on coral reefs during the construc-
of Naha Port, Japan (1995) tion phase are typically dominated by sediment
plume impacts resulting from the release (spill) of
Similarly, observations have been reported of the fine sediments during dredging or material place-
unexpected development of a diverse coral com- ment.
munity (125 species) with 25-40 % live coral cover
on breakwaters in Taiwan, less than 30 years fol- Sediment plumes generated from dredging and
lowing their installation. port construction activities can result in:
In some cases, deepening of channels for naviga- • Increased turbidity (Figure 4.2), leading to:
tion has improved water exchange in the affected
area resulting in ecological improvements, although o Reduced light availability to corals
case studies demonstrating this for coral reef envi- o Abrasion of coral tissue
ronments are difficult to find. o Reduced larval survival
o Reduced coral polyp activity
Positive impacts on corals may also result from re- o Reduced reproductive rates
medial dredging in coral environments, such as re-
moval of contaminated sediment. • Increased sedimentation (Figure 4.2), leading
4.1.3. Operation Phase
o Smothering of coral polyps
Operational project impacts are caused by the use o Hindered attachment of coral larvae
of ‘new’ areas or facilities for infrastructural devel- o Increased susceptibility to coral pathogens
opments, port facilities, navigation channels, berth-
ing areas, etc. Such impacts are typically related to • Water quality changes, such as:
changes in human activities. These could include:
increased exposure to vessel wakes, increased o Reduced levels of dissolved oxygen
turbidity and sedimentation due to re-suspension o Release of nutrients and pollutants from
of fine deposits as a result of propeller wash; ef- (contaminated) sediments
fects from changes in land use such as increased
discharges, increased risk of spills and industrial Although the construction phase of a dredging op-
pollution, greater risk of introduction of harmful eration or port construction project is usually of a
aquatic organisms and pathogens through ballast temporary and relatively short-term nature, the sedi-
water discharge from ships, effects from increased ment plume impacts may be permanent or transient
tourism (ornamental trade, diver carrying capacity, in nature, depending on the severity of impact.

20 PIANC Report 108

Process Impacts

• Process Impacts result from the con-

tractor’s activities during the construc-
tion phase

• Key Process Impacts include:

o Increased turbidity (leading to

reduce light for corals, abrasion
of coral tissues and reduced
coral larvae survival)
o Increased sedimentation
(leading to smothering of coral
polyps, hindered attachment of
coral larvae and increased
susceptibility to coral pathogens)
o Water quality changes (reduced
oxygen levels, release of
contaminants from the seabed)
o Physical damage from
construction equipment

• Negative Process Impacts are best be

mitigated by effective environmental
management of the construction pro-

Figure 4.2:Turbidity (top) and sedimentation Depending on these factors, there can be a consid-
(bottom) from dredging erable spatial and temporal variation in sediment
effects. In some cases, the impact may be confined
The severity and spatial extent of sediment plume close to the work area, whilst in others the prevail-
impacts depend, to a large degree, on: ing currents may transport fine sediments over
large distances, with documented cases of impacts
• Proximity/location of the coral reef relative to the occurring > 70 km from the work site.
work site in relation to the prevailing currents
• Prevailing water depth, current and wave condi- The primary cause of increased turbidity associ-
tions in the area ated with dredging and port construction are dredg-
• Source strength at the work site, which is influ- ing and material placement, but operations such as
enced by the work method (e.g. choice of equip- placement of rubble and rock armour, sand com-
ment, production rate) paction and other marine construction work can
• Nature of the material forming the sediment also cause re-suspension of sediments, resulting in
plume (primarily grain size composition) increased levels of suspended solids and reduced
• Timing (e.g. in relation to coral spawning pe- light penetration to corals.
riods) duration and frequency of the sediment
plume effect at a given location Although sediment plume impacts are the most vis-
• Existing coral stress levels, which may affect the ible of process impacts, mechanical damage and
tolerance of individual corals to elevated turbid- other process impacts to corals may occur as a re-
ity and sedimentation sult of temporary structures and construction activi-
• Degree of contamination of the dredged material ties, such as anchoring and grounding, floating and

PIANC Report 108 21

submerged pipelines and ramps, contact of floating the ability of affected reefs to recover depends on a
equipment with the reef, the presence of temporary range of factors, including:
jetties (shading), blankets around jack-up platforms,
and the presence of construction vessels. • Ecological state or condition of the reef (degrad-
ed or pristine; dominated by algae, bio-eroders
Effects from activities related to the construction or reef-builders; degree of eutrophication; (over-)
phase may also include noise and vibration effects fishing; history of previous stress events)
(e.g. from blasting, pile driving, etc.), air pollution • Resilience of the reef (depending on species di-
and land-related effects, but these are beyond the versity; presence, loss and replacement of key-
scope of these guidelines, as they are not likely to stone species; spatial heterogeneity; presence
cause direct harm to reef-building corals. Some of refugia; connectivity to nearby unaffected
countries (e.g. Australia) apply strict quarantine reg- reefs)
ulations on the equipment brought to the construc- • Typical ambient conditions normally experi-
tion site to prevent impact on biodiversity through enced by the reef, determining its tolerance and
(accidental) introduction of exotic fouling organisms degree of adaptation
and invasive species.
Recent stressors (existing prior to the implemen-
Sediment Plume Impacts tation of a dredging operation or port construction
project), e.g. infestations of crown-of-thorns starfish,
• Process Impacts on coral reefs are typi- disease outbreaks, invasive species or bleaching
cally dominated by sediment plume im- events, can significantly affect the baseline condi-
pacts resulting from the release (spill) tions of a reef and thus its response to impacts (Fig-
of fine sediments during construction ure 5.1). Recovery from such stressors may take
• Scale of Sediment Plume Impact to cor- several years or decades. It is, therefore, important
als depends on: for project developers to have these issues clearly
documented and segregated to prevent being held
o Proximity of corals to work site liable for reef degradation that is in fact due to pre-
o Prevailing currents, waves and existing conditions from earlier stressors.
water depth in the area
o Rate and concentration of Factors related to climate change (such as seawa-
suspended sediment release ter temperature anomalies, increased incidence of
o Nature of suspended sediments storms and cyclones and sea level rise) and simul-
(grain sizes) taneous exposure to other forms of stress, such as
o Timing, duration and frequency extremely high or low salinities or short-term pollu-
of sediment plume release
tion events, as well as cumulative impacts on relat-
o Existing level of coral stress
ed ecosystems (e.g. mangroves, seagrass mead-
o Degree of sediment
ows), also affect the response of coral reefs to the
contamination (if any)
impacts of dredging and port construction.
• Sediment Plume Impacts may be con-
fined to the work area, or they may The risk and severity of impacts from dredging and
extend up to 70 km away. Numerical port construction-related activities on corals are
modelling is critical to determine the directly related to both the intensity and duration
potential spatial extent of impact (see of impacts causing stress (Figure 5.2). This graph
Section 7.2). shows the general relationship between the mag-
nitude of an increase in turbidity or sedimentation
above background levels (vertical axis), how long it
5. RESPONSE OF CORALS lasts (horizontal axis) and the onset of (sub-)lethal
TO IMPACTS effects on corals. Actual thresholds will vary by lo-
cation based on typical ambient conditions and the
The response of a coral reef to the impacts arising sensitivity of the dominant coral species.
from dredging and port construction activities and

22 PIANC Report 108

Frequent short-term exposures or chronic long-
term exposure will result in mortality for many coral
species. If moderate levels of impacts on a reef per-
sist for particularly long periods of time, the coral
reef may undergo changes in diversity, with more
sensitive coral species gradually being replaced by
more tolerant ones. This may result in an overall
reduction in the biodiversity of the reef.

Coral Responses to Impacts

• Severity of impacts directly related to

mag nitude, duration and frequency of

• Impacts may be:

o Sub-lethal (reduced growth rate,

bleaching, reduced reproduction)
o Lethal (mortality, change in
species composition)

• There are large differences in coral spe-

cies’ response to impacts, which may
be related to growth form:

Figure 5.1: Examples of existing stressors that o Branching corals (which grow
may affect coral response to dredging and port usually vertically) tend to be
construction. Top: Coral bleaching. sensitive to turbidity, but tolerant
Bottom: Crown of Thorns starfish to sedimentation
(Photos: © Commonwealth of Australia) o Plate corals (which usually grow
horizontally) tend to be tolerant
to turbidity, but sensitive to
o Some coral species are also able
to actively remove sedimentation
(e.g. via mucous production
or ciliary action)

Table 5.1 provides an overview of the response of

corals and coral communities to the various types
of impacts from dredging and port construction.

Figure 5.2: Conceptual relationship between Responses not only include direct mortality of cor-
the intensity and duration of a stress event als, but may also involve sub-lethal effects, such as:
and the risk of sub-lethal and lethal reduced growth, lower calcification rates and redu-
effects on corals. ced productivity, bleaching, increased susceptibility

PIANC Report 108 23

Table 5.1: Summary of the response of corals to various types of impact

to diseases, physical damage to coral tissue and are quite tolerant to sedimentation, while plating and
reef structures (breaking, abrasion), reduced re- tabular corals are generally tolerant to turbid condi-
generation from tissue damage, as well as effects tions but sensitive to high sedimentation rates.
on other reef-dwelling (non-coral) organisms.
Other theories to explain the large differences in
Overall, there are large differences in coral species’ sensitivity between different coral species have
response to impacts. One hypothesis to explain focused on the ability of some (but not all) cor-
these differences is that the sensitivity of corals — al species to actively reject sediments (through
at least in part — depends on the growth form and polyp inflation, mucus production, ciliary and ten-
orientation of coral colonies. Branching corals, for tacular action) and on the role of the size of the
example, tend to be more sensitive to turbidity but coral polyp/calice in determining coral sensitivity.

24 PIANC Report 108

The interaction of several physical factors further clude changes in thickness of the tissue layer, coral
complicates these relationships, including turbu- growth rates, photo-physiology of the algal symbi-
lence and exposure to wave action, morphologi- onts, as well as changes in coral cover, community
cal variability and adaptation within species, depth structure, density of bio-eroders and partial coral
distribution and the cumulative effects of extreme mortality.
temperatures and salinities.
Altered Re-suspension and Sedimentation
5.1.Responses to Project Impacts Long-lasting effects from repeated re-suspension
of fine sediments can affect corals through light at-
The response of corals to project impacts relate tenuation and siltation. The impacts are similar to
to the corals’ reaction to the layout and design of the process impacts during the construction phase
the development during the construction, post-con- (Section 5.2). Post-construction changes to sedi-
struction and the operational phase. mentation – re-suspension cycles on a reef can
cause increased light attenuation by suspended
5.1.1. Construction Phase Response sediment, eliminate recruitment sites, induce phys-
iological stress to individual corals and enhance
Direct Impacts sediment accumulation on (or even burial of) coral
The immediate response to burial and/or removal colonies.
of coral reef within the footprint of the project is the
death and permanent loss of coral colonies and as- Shading by Jetties and Port Buildings
sociated organisms, except when successfully re- Port structures and associated jetties can cause
located, or if the final substrate is suitable for coral shading of parts of a reef and thus reduce the amount
recruitment. of light available to the corals, causing localised im-
pacts. Responses of coral to such changes range
5.1.2. Post-Construction Phase from sub-lethal effects, tissue damage and partial
Project Responses mortality of individual corals to colony mortality and
shifts in community structure towards greater domi-
Hydrodynamic Changes nance of shade-tolerant coral species.
Coral polyps are passive filter feeders that depend
on exogenous current for food delivery and waste 5.1.3.Operational Phase Responses
disposal. Reduced flow velocity may result in food
deficiency, limiting growth and ultimately leading to Increased Pollution Discharges
coral mortality. Increased flow velocity can result in and Oil Spill
beneficial effects on coral metabolism, larvae dis- Increased discharges of pollutants, such as pe-
persal and local water quality. Increased exposure troleum products, pesticides and excess nutrients
to wave activity may help in the removal of depos- from the completed development during the opera-
ited sediment particles from coral colonies, while tional phase can affect corals. Increased nutrients
reduced wave exposure will have the opposite ef- in the water can lead to enhanced algal growth on
fect. Particularly high current-induced drag forces reefs, crowding out corals and significantly degrad-
can dislodge corals, interrupt their particle capture ing the ecosystem. Pesticides interfere with coral
activities and prevent successful settlement of new reproduction and growth. Sewage discharge and
coral recruits. runoff may also introduce pathogens into coral reef
systems, some of which have been associated with
Water Quality Changes coral diseases.
Long-lasting water quality changes, e.g. through
reduced flushing and increased water residence Stress responses shown by corals exposed to oil
times, will have adverse impacts on corals through include tissue death, impaired feeding response,
increased concentrations of nutrients and sus- impaired polyp retraction, impaired sediment clear-
pended organic matter and retention of pollutants. ance ability, increased mucus production, changes
Responses of corals to changed water quality in- in calcification rates, gonad damage, premature

PIANC Report 108 25

extrusion of planulae, impaired larval settlement, ing and port construction-related activities on corals
expulsion of zooxanthellae, changes in zooxanthel- are directly related to both intensity and duration of
lae primary production and muscle atrophy. exposure to increased turbidity and sedimentation
(Figure 5.3).
Vessel Impacts and Propeller Wash
Because coral reefs often grow in shallow water,
they are susceptible to a variety of direct impacts
from vessels, including anchoring impacts, as well
as damage from the propeller, hull, engine and keel
of both commercial and recreational vessels. Boat
wakes and propeller wash may locally increase sed-
imentation on corals, inducing stress responses.

Increased Tourism
Impacts from increased tourism may include physi-
cal damage to corals, over-exploitation of reef re-
sources, sewage discharge, nutrient enrichment,
hydrocarbon (petroleum) pollution, solid waste,
damage from increased boating, anchor damage,
localised damage from moorings, shading by pon-
toons, impact from anti-fouling paints, increased
risk of ship groundings, local damage to fragile cor-
als by divers and snorkelers, coral breakage and
trampling by reef walking and disturbance of reef-
associated wildlife. Many of these impacts are quite
localised, but can have irreversible consequences
on the corals, resulting in stress, tissue damage
and mortality.

Maintenance Dredging
Although classified as a project impact (as the re-
quirement for maintenance is a function of the proj-
ect design), coral reefs respond to the process im-
pacts associated with execution of the maintenance
dredging works. Maintenance dredging impacts are
thus similar to the process impacts described in
Section 5.2, although potentially at a reduced scale Figure 5.3: Examples of intensity-duration
depending on the quantum, frequency, sediment relationships for the effects of turbidity (top) and
characteristics and location of the maintenance sedimentation (bottom) on coral reefs at Pilbara,
dredging in relation to coral reefs. Western Australia
[Gilmour et al., 2006]
5.2. Responses to Process Impacts
Frequent short-term exposure or chronic long-term
The response of corals to process impacts relate exposure to high sedimentation or high turbidity
to the corals’ reaction to transient or permanent events results in mortality of many coral species.
impacts generated as a result of execution of the If moderate levels of increased turbidity and sedi-
construction works, including method and produc- mentation on a reef persist for particularly long pe-
tion rate. riods of time, the coral reef may undergo changes
in diversity, with the most sensitive coral species
The risk and severity of process impacts from dredg- gradually being replaced by more tolerant ones.

26 PIANC Report 108

Table 5.2 lists the response of corals to increasing
levels and durations of sedimentation and turbidity.

Table 5.2: Schematic cause-effect pathway for the response of corals and coral
communities to sedimentation and turbidity
[ Adapted from Gilmour et al., 2006]

PIANC Report 108 27

5.2.1. Turbidity growth rates has been demonstrated.

Light reduction is probably the most important of Normally there is a (site specific) correlation be-
all sediment-related effects of dredging on corals, tween turbidity and the concentration of Total Sus-
resulting in a decline in photosynthetic productivity. pended Solids (TSS). Tolerance limits of corals to
Such a decrease causes a subsequent drop in the suspended sediment concentrations reported in
nutrition, growth, reproduction, calcification rate and the literature range from less than 10 mg/l in reef
depth distribution of corals and may result in starva- areas not subject to stresses from human activities
tion of some coral species. Some tolerant species to 40 mg/l or even 165 mg/l in marginal reefs in tur-
can temporarily switch between autotrophy (growth bid near-shore environments (Table 5.4). This wide
through photosynthesis) and heterotrophy (growth range demonstrates that different coral species and
through filter-feeding) or adjust their respiratory de- corals in different geographic regions may respond
mands to maintain a positive energy balance in re- differently to increased suspended matter concen-
sponse to episodic turbidity stress events. trations.

Values for the minimum light requirements of corals

reported in the literature range from less than 1 % to
35 % (or even 60 %) of surface irradiance, depend-
ing on growth form, depth and region (Table 5.3).

Table 5.3: Critical thresholds of corals for light

availability (% of surface irradiance SI)

The period of time that corals can tolerate high tur-

bidity ranges from a few hours to several weeks, Table 5.4: Critical thresholds of corals for Total
depending on the species and the turbidity levels. Suspended Matter (mg/l)
Long-term (chronic) turbidity stress can shift the
species composition of reefs through the death of Field studies of coral distributions have indicated a
more light-demanding corals and the subsequent negative correlation between suspended sediment
replacement by more shade-tolerant ones. While loads and hard coral abundance. Coral communi-
certainly also related to a variety of other environ- ties are generally better developed, more diverse,
mental factors, the species diversity of corals and and have greater coral cover and rates of growth
reef-associated flora and fauna (including fish pop- when the sediment load in overlying waters is low.
ulations) tends to decrease sharply with increasing Coral cover and diversity are greatly reduced near
turbidity. Conversely, a distinct positive relationship sources of terrestrial sediment input and increase
between light availability (e.g. with depth) and coral with distance from river mouths.

28 PIANC Report 108

Turbidity also influences coral larvae. Laboratory more cohesive and bind nutrients better than sand.
and field experiments have shown significantly re- Therefore, a more active bacterial community is
duced fertilisation, larval survival and larval settle- likely to develop in silt-laden mucus sheets, caus-
ment (but not post-fertilisation embryonic develop- ing damage to the corals.
ment) in the coral ‘Acropora digitifera’ in response
to elevated concentrations of suspended sediment Heavy sedimentation is generally associated with
(50 and 100 mg/l). fewer coral species, less live coral cover, lower
coral growth rates, greater abundance of branch-
Turbidity effects on corals depend on the grain-size ing forms, reduced coral recruitment, decreased
of the suspended sediments, with fine particles calcification, decreased net productivity of corals
contributing mostly to light reduction, while coarser and slower rates of reef accretion. Tolerance of
particles may cause abrasion of coral tissue. corals to high sediment loads varies considerably
among species, with some corals being fairly resis-
5.2.2. Sedimentation tant to low light levels and/or sedimentation effects.
Several coral species have been shown to possess
Sedimentation on coral reefs may cause smother- the ability to temporarily switch between autotrophy
ing and burial of coral polyps. Since some degree and heterotrophy or to adjust their energy demands
of sedimentation also occurs under natural condi- in response to high sedimentation events.
tions, most corals can withstand a certain amount
of sedimentation. Many species have the ability to At the individual colony level, decreased light, abra-
remove sediment from their tissues, either passive- sion and increased energy expenditure in remov-
ly (through their growth form) or actively (through ing sediment can lead to growth inhibition and a
polyp inflation, ciliary or tentacular action, or by reduction in other metabolic processes. At the pop-
mucus production, as seen in Figure 5.4). This pro- ulation level, increased sedimentation may inhibit
cess, however, costs energy that could otherwise population recruitment, cause changes in relative
be used for growth. abundance of species, decrease live coral cover
and reduce abundance and diversity of corals and
other reef fauna, including fish. Literature values for
critical threshold levels for the response of corals to
sedimentation vary widely (Table 5.5).

Sediment removal efficiency varies considerably

among coral species and many species are size-
specific sediment rejectors. Branching corals ap-
pear very effective in passive rejection of sediment
because of their colony morphology, but may suffer
from reduced light levels. Massive and plating colo-
nies, on the other hand, are more likely to retain
sediment (Figure 5.5) because of their shape and a
lack of sediment rejection capabilities and thus are
viewed as having low to moderate tolerance.
Figure 5.4: Sediment removal through mucus
production Sedimentation also affects coral larvae. Higher
sedimentation rates (in the order of 300 mg/cm2/d)
High sedimentation rates associated with recla- have been found to significantly reduce the number
mation and dredging operations may depress cor- of larvae of the branching coral ‘Acropora millepora’
al growth and survival due to attenuation of light settling on upper surfaces of settlement plates, in-
available to symbiotic zooxanthellae and redirec- dicating that accumulation of sediment on upward-
tion of energy expenditures for clearance of settling facing surfaces greatly reduces the overall amount
sediments. Mud and silt-sized sediments have a of suitable substratum available for settlement.
more adverse impact than sand because they are Studies on the larval settlement rate of the coral

PIANC Report 108 29

‘Pocillopora damicornis’ found that sedimentation
at a level that only partially covers the substrate
and that is not directly harmful to adult coral colo-
nies could significantly reduce larval recruitment by
inhibiting settlement. Furthermore, sedimentation
mortality thresholds for settled coral recruits have
been found to be an order of magnitude lower than
those for larger colonies (loads of tens rather than
hundreds of mg/cm2).

An indication of the duration that different coral

species can tolerate high rates of sedimentation
was provided by field and laboratory experiments
in Florida and the Philippines (Table 5.6). Some of
the most tolerant coral species in the Caribbean
can survive complete burial with sediment for peri-
ods ranging from 7-15 days, whereas in the Philip-
pines, burial caused sub-lethal effects (bleaching)
and mortality of several coral species within 20-68

Table 5.5: Critical threshold of corals for

sedimentation (mg per cm2 per day)

5.2.3. Water Quality Impacts

In addition to generating turbidity, dredging and

material placement can also impact water quality
by releasing organic matter and contaminants from
the seabed into the water column. Organic matter
released into the water column during dredging can
Figure 5.5: Partial coverage of corals with result in localised oxygen depletion, elevated nutri-
sediment transported by plume and currents from ents and/or algal blooms, which can impact coral
nearby dredging works reefs in the vicinity. Contaminants (e.g. heavy met-
als, organic pollutants, etc.) will generally remain

30 PIANC Report 108

Table 5.6: Period of time that coral species can survive high sedimentation rates
adhered to sediment particles, but a portion may larger massive corals, sediment burial may cause
dissolve into the water column. Filter feeders (such bleaching and damaged patches, which, if larger
as corals) may suffer toxicological impacts from than about 2 cm in diameter, do not recover, but
both dissolved contaminants and contaminants ad- will be colonised by algae or sponges preventing
hered to sediment particles, depending on the bio- recovery of the coral.
availability of the contaminants.
Dredging operations at Phuket, Thailand caused
5.3. Potential for Recovery a 30 % reduction in live coral cover within one

Provided that environmental conditions return

to the pre-impact situation or reach a new equili- Coral Recovery from Impacts
brium that does not hamper recovery, time-scales
for natural recovery of coral reefs are in the order • The main Process impacts from dredg-
of a few years to several decades, depending on ing and port construction (turbidity and
the degree of damage, types of species affected sedimentation) stop once the project is
and potential for recruitment. Corals are often able completed
to recover from acute disturbances, but not from
chronic disturbance. Of 65 examples in which suf- • Provided that environmental condi-
ficient data exist to make a judgment, coral cover tions return to the pre-impact situation,
recovered in 69 % of cases after acute, short-term timescales for natural recovery of coral
disturbances, but only in 27 % of cases after chron- reefs are in the order of a few years to
ic, long-term disturbance. Recovery of corals from several decades
sub-lethal stress can be rapid (weeks to months),
while recovery from partial mortality takes several • Recovery times depend on:
years. Recovery from mass mortality is generally
slow and may take many years to decades, while in o Types of species affected
some cases, recovery has not occurred at all. o Scale of impact
o Recruitment potential
Recovery time of corals following experimental
short-term burial varied among coral species, rang- • Corals can generally recover from
ing from several weeks up to months, also depend- short-term acute disturbance, but not
ing on the duration of the sedimentation event. In from long-term chronic disturbance

PIANC Report 108 31

year from the start of dredging. After dredging had
ceased, the reef recovered rapidly with coral cover Working with Nature
values and diversity indices restored to former lev-
els approximately 22 months after dredging began. • A high level of strategic planning is crit-
In the lagoon of Kaneohe Bay (Hawaii), 80 % of the ical for marine and coastal projects to
coral communities died because of a combination optimise economic benefits while pro-
of dredging, increased sedimentation and sewage tecting marine ecosystems
discharge. Six years after discharge of sewage into
Kaneohe Bay ceased, dramatic recovery of corals • Early planning can identify and avoid
and a decrease in the growth of smothering algae potential impacts to corals
were reported.
• The benefits and recommended ap-
Increased sedimentation is sometimes accom- proach for early strategic planning to
panied by other stresses, prolonging or inhibiting avoid impacts are described in PIANC’s
recovery, making it difficult to generalise or make recent position paper ‘Working with
predictions about recovery. Coastal coral reefs ad- Nature’ (PIANC 2008), which should be
jacent to population centres often do not recover read in conjunction with this report.
from disturbances, in contrast to remote reefs in
relatively pristine environments, because chronic
human influences have degraded water and sub-
stratum quality, thereby inhibiting recovery. Recov- 6.2. Key Activities
ery of corals in the Seychelles from the impact of an
intense coral bleaching event was predicted to be Long-term planning and consideration of alterna-
substantially slower for ‘Acropora’ species – usu- tives are essential to addressing environmental and
ally the first to rapidly colonise new empty spaces other issues.
– due to recruitment limitation, because these spe-
cies were virtually eliminated throughout almost the The key activities that should be undertaken dur-
entire Indian Ocean. As a result, these species will ing the planning phase are outlined in Table 6.1 on
not be able to come back for many years or even page 51, while a decision tree outlining the key is-
decades. Poor water quality and excessive algal sues that should be considered by the project de-
growth in some areas further hampered recovery veloper during the early development stages of the
project concept is shown in Figure 6.1 on page 50.
even if coral larvae were available.
Common activities prior to development of EIA doc-
6.IMPACT MINIMISATION uments are scoping and/or risk assessment meet-
THROUGH PLANNING ings with all stakeholders to exchange information.
At the early planning meetings, there are always
6.1. Introduction gaps in available information and often differences
of opinion about relative importance of issues as-
For all marine and coastal projects a high level of sociated with dredging, material relocation and cor-
strategic planning should be encouraged in order to al will arise. Extensive planning and consultation,
achieve an optimal location of facilities while ensur- potentially over several years, may be required for
ing that key ecosystem processes are protected. obtaining the best environmental outcome and lo-
For dredging and port construction projects, the cation in relation to capital dredging, breakwater
need for thorough planning is even more acute due construction and reclamation works associated
to, amongst other issues, the sensitivity of coral with new port and marina locations, while several
reefs to indirect impacts resulting from remote con- months of consultation may be adequate for rou-
struction works, and the large time scales involved tine maintenance dredging and material relocation
in any eventual recovery of the ecosystem. operations.

32 PIANC Report 108

Figure 6.1: Decision tree for planning phase

PIANC Report 108 33

Table 6.1: Key activities to be undertaken during planning in relation to coral reefs

Common activities prior to development of EIA doc- range of indirect impacts, which may result from
uments are scoping and/or risk assessment meet- unplanned changes to regional coastal processes
ings with all stakeholders to exchange information. (current patterns, wave conditions, sediment trans-
At the early planning meetings, there are always port, shoreline stability, etc.).
gaps in available information and often differences
of opinion about relative importance of issues as- The balance between direct and indirect impacts
sociated with dredging, material relocation and cor- which results in optimum environmental perfor-
al will arise. Extensive planning and consultation, mance may often be unclear, requiring thorough
potentially over several years, may be required for assessment at the planning phase. For example,
obtaining the best environmental outcome and lo- accepting higher direct impacts (which may be par-
cation in relation to capital dredging, breakwater tially mitigated for via coral relocation and genera-
construction and reclamation works associated tion of new substrate) to prevent higher indirect
with new port and marina locations, while several impacts resulting from increased capital dredging
months of consultation may be adequate for rou- (which are difficult to mitigate) may, in certain cir-
tine maintenance dredging and material relocation cumstances, be the most environmentally sensitive
operations. option.

It goes without saying that assessment of alter- Once the basic location and layout are fixed, plan-
native locations and layouts that minimise the di- ning the timing of projects to prevent periods of
rect impact of a project’s footprint on coral reefs is high risk (such as cyclone season) and critical or
a key issue at the planning phase. However, due sensitive phases of the life cycle of corals (such as
to the sensitivity of coral reefs to indirect impacts, spawning) is generally accepted as best practice.
the choice of optimum location and layout must
also consider the potential for generation of a wide

34 PIANC Report 108

may have considerable influence on the resulting
Key Planning Phase Questions impacts (environmental, economic and socio-cul-
tural). Even for larger dredging, reclamation and
Key coral-specific issues to be ad- port construction projects (those lasting more than
dressed in planning phase include 1 year), scheduling those components of the work
that are assessed to constitute the greatest envi-
• Where are the sensitive habitats in rela- ronmental risk (e.g. capital dredging of material
tion to the project area? expected to result in high spill in areas with direct
• Is coral likely to be impacted by dredg- current paths to coral reefs) to prevent periods of
ing or material relocation? high risk or sensitive phases of the life cycle of cor-
• What are the species/genera -— how als, can generate a significant reduction in environ-
sensitive are they? mental impact. An example of best practice can be
• What is the expected ecological, socio- found in Singapore, where the reclamation work at
cultural and economic value of the cor- Terumbu Bayan was scheduled to avoid the 2006
als? coral spawning period.
• What are the physical processes and
Early identification of areas or species designated
existing environmental conditions in
for protection under national or international legis-
the area (e.g. currents, waves, littoral
lation that may be in the potential impact area of
transport, water quality, etc.)?
the project is particularly important, as there may
• What are the existing levels of stress/
be particular restrictions applied to work in such
impact on corals in the area?
• What are the key environmental win-
dows (e.g. coral spawning)?
Early consideration of these questions, during the
• What are the existing and planned fu- initial planning phase of the project, can prevent or
ture cultural/recreational uses of the minimise impacts to corals, streamline the EIA and
area? approval process and minimise the requirement for
• What other projects are planned or un- time consuming and costly monitoring and man-
der construction? agement programmes before, during and after the
• What are the relevant national and inter- project.
national legislative requirements (e.g.
London Convention and Protocol)?
• What are the options for alternative lo-
cations or alternative design/layout in
Baseline Surveys
order to prevent sensitive habitats?
• What are the options to minimise or Baseline surveys must address:
prevent adverse impacts?
• What is the likely impact area (based on • Spatial scale of the project (all key re-
first principles and/or preliminary mod- ceptors in potential impact area)
elling analysis)?
• Are the impacts likely to be temporary • Temporal scale of the project (natural
seasonal variability):
or permanent?
• What current or emerging technologies
o Full seasonal coverage (≥ 12
are available to minimise or prevent im-
months) for long-term projects
pacts and their cost benefit?
o Short-term projects may only
• What scale of EIA is required?
require a short baseline, as long
as expected seasonal conditions
during the project are covered
For smaller projects (those lasting less than 1
year), the timing of the works is a critical factor that

PIANC Report 108 35

7. IMPACT ASSESSMENT lines, well-established international guidelines are
available, including World Bank guidelines and the
An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is an Equator Principles. There are also independent or-
instrument to identify and assess the potential en- ganisations (e.g. Netherlands Commission for EIA)
vironmental impacts of a proposed project, evalu- that can provide advice and/or peer review of EIA
ate alternatives and design appropriate mitigation, studies. Even in the absence of local or national
management and monitoring measures. The pur- legislative requirement, it is best practice to con-
pose of the assessment is to ensure that decision- duct some form of EIA for all dredging and port con-
makers consider environmental impacts before de- struction activities at a level of detail appropriate to
ciding whether to proceed with new projects. There the likely duration and scale of impact of the proj-
is a global tendency that all stakeholders, including ect. This is especially important when the works are
NGOs are given an opportunity to comment on EIA around coral reefs. The basic EIA process, com-
studies and it is considered best practice to con- mon to all marine projects, is shown in Figure 7.1,
tinue this engagement throughout the EIA process while key coral-specific activities are described in
to ensure transparency. Table 7.1. The key drivers that determine the level
of detail required in an EIA for dredging or port con-
In addition to local and national legislation or guide- struction near a coral reef are shown in Figure 7.2.

Figure 7.1: Generic EIA process

36 PIANC Report 108

7.1.Baseline Data programme (e.g. one or more years) would require
a baseline survey that captures natural seasonal
One of the most critical components of the EIA pro- variations (e.g. 12-24 months), while for a short
cess is obtaining relevant and accurate baseline project (e.g. 1-3 months) capturing a snapshot of
data upon which to base the assessment. These the existing conditions can be sufficient, although
data may comprise both new survey data and ex- with areas with distinct seasonality, the baseline
isting data, though (especially for quantitative coral (even for short projects) should reflect the expected
survey data) it is important to ensure that existing seasonal conditions for the works.
data are both accurate and recent enough to be
used as a baseline. The key inputs and requirements for the selection of
baseline survey locations and methodologies, in re-
It is important to address the temporal scale of the lation to providing data to assess potential impacts
project when designing the baseline survey pro- on corals, are shown in Figure 7.3 on page 56.
gramme. A long-term dredging or port construction

Figure 7.2: Key drivers determining the level of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
required for dredging and port construction near coral reefs

PIANC Report 108 37

Table 7.1: Key Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) activities in relation to corals

These baseline survey data then provide a suit- stakeholders/regulators as impacts from the proj-
able benchmark upon which to quantify impacts in ect. The baseline survey data can also be used for
the EIA. They also can also be used as part of the assessment of local tolerance limits to light attenu-
baseline data for the monitoring phase (Chapter 9). ation and sedimentation. Commonly utilised moni-
A detailed baseline, capturing seasonal variations, toring techniques are listed in Table 7.2, together
provides security for the developer, in the event with notes on their limitations.
that natural variations are incorrectly perceived by

38 PIANC Report 108

Figure 7.3: Key inputs and requirements for selection of baseline survey stations and methodologies

Note that many of the most commonly utilised It is emphasised that decisions on monitoring loca-
monitoring techniques rely on diver surveys. SCU- tions and methodologies (including statistical de-
BA diving carries an intrinsic level of risk and div- sign of the monitoring programme) during the plan-
ing around coral reefs, often in areas with strong ning stage of the baseline surveys should take into
currents and sometimes low visibility, presents ad- account the monitoring requirements during the
ditional hazards to the diver. Divers should be ap- implementation phase, so that the baseline surveys
propriately trained and suitably experienced. Tech- provide a suitable basis for the EMP.
niques that minimise or prevent the need of divers
should also be considered. The frequency of baseline surveys will depend on
the pre-existing knowledge, spatial and temporal
When planning for baseline surveys, exact de- variability of the environment, the anticipated im-
tails of the project are often not yet known and the pacts and the confidence level required to detect
dredging or port construction contractor is often not statistically significant impacts. Longer baseline
appointed until after the EIA has been completed. periods and increased monitoring frequency is re-
It is therefore important to take a precautionary ap- quired for sensitive environments and for new ar-
proach, assuming the realistic worst-case level of eas where little previous information is available.
impact and planning survey locations and method- For well-known environments, shorter baseline
ologies accordingly. Use of preliminary sediment periods with lower monitoring frequencies may be
plume modelling may be appropriate to assist in the appropriate.
choice of survey locations. Once the EIA has been
completed, the project is approved and the final For long-term projects, consideration of broad
construction methodology is available, the monitor- scale changes (e.g. changes in climate, sea level,
ing locations and methodologies can be finalised sea surface temperature, etc.) should be included
as part of the EMP process. in the baseline assessment. For projects in areas
where other external factors (e.g. previous or other

PIANC Report 108 39

ongoing projects, upstream developments) may be assessment of the indirect impacts from dredging
affecting corals, the baseline assessment should and port construction on coral reefs, but requires
identify these and the impact assessment should good information, valid assumptions and assess-
take these existing levels of impact into account, in ment by qualified experts. Corals respond to the
the form of a cumulative impact assessment. sediment plumes released from dredging, as well
as to changes in hydrodynamic conditions (which
7.2. Predictive Modelling may in turn affect the water quality) that may result
from changes to the bathymetry. Therefore, the as-
Predictive modelling of physical and ecological pro- sessment should as a minimum carefully consider
cesses provides a key methodology for quantitative the following processes:

Table 7.2: Important issues to consider in relation to baseline surveys around coral reefs

40 PIANC Report 108

• Sediment and geotechnical parameters (relat- • Simulations adequately covering both repre-
ed to selection of equipment and spill charac- sentative and worst-case climatic conditions
teristics – particularly fall velocities/flocculation, and production rates and being sufficiently long
etc.) (typically 14-28 days) to ensure that key tidal
• Dredging operation (equipment/location/dura- effects are captured
tion/sailing speed/overflow/propeller wash, • Description of the spatial and temporal variabil-
etc.) ity of plume generation, e.g.:
• Physical processes (currents (tide/ocean),
waves, wind, seabed morphology and water o TSHD generate a moving source of spill in the
quality) dredging area. The turnaround time depends
• Seasonal variability/environmental windows on the sailing time between the dredging site
and material placement site
o Grab dredgers generate a stationary source
Predictive Modelling of spill, with periodic emissions during the lift
• Critical tool for accurate assessment
• Taking into account that the spill is composed of
of dredging and port construction im-
different sediment fractions with different char-
pacts on corals
acteristics, which also depends on, amongst
• Requires good information, valid as-
other issues, the anticipated dredging technique
sumptions and assessment by quali-
to be utilised
fied experts
• Conservative (but realistic) approach
The uncertainties of the model predictions should
should be adopted at the EIA stage
be quantified.
• Quantitative performance criteria
should be used for model calibration
The level at which the plume generation from dredg-
and validation against field measure-
ing and material placement operations is modelled
ments will depend on the level of accuracy required. For
example, a spill from a TSHD often carries on after
dredging stops. This and other sources of sediment
The accuracy of impact predictions depends on the suspension such as propeller wash may result in
temporal and spatial coverage and validity of input turbidity generated outside the development area.
data and the ability of the models (and modeller) to In sensitive areas where plume generation is close
simulate the key processes. The use of quantitative to coral reefs a high level of detail should be in-
performance criteria for model calibration and vali- cluded in the modelling.
dation against field measurements can help regu-
lators assess the level of reliability achieved and An important feature with respect to reliable spill
improve stakeholder confidence in the results. modelling is the amount of spill to be used as an
input to the model, which is a function of the type of
In terms of sediment plume modelling associated material, water depth, hydraulic conditions and type
with dredging and material placement, some impor- of dredger or material placement method. The best
tant model features must be addressed in the as- approach to determining the appropriate amount of
sessment. They include, but are not limited to: spill is via trial dredging. This may, in many cases,
not be possible at the EIA stage and resort must
• Parameterisation of coral tolerances to turbidity be made to empirical formulations and/or previous
and sedimentation experience from similar projects either locally or in
• Spatial resolution of the model in the potential similar locations.
impact area appropriate for the scale of plume
generation and complexity of the flow Due to the complexities in coral response to dredg-
• Vertical resolution dependent on the three- ing and port construction related impacts, it is essen-
dimensional nature of the flow in the potential tial that the modelling assessment is supplemented
impact area by an experience-based approach, drawing on:

PIANC Report 108 41

• expertise and experience with similar scale The EIA baseline survey campaign should thus be
projects in similar proximity to coral reefs and formulated in a manner that provides as much rel-
similar met-ocean environments evant information as possible towards setting pre-
• local expertise and experience across multiple liminary (and, in the absence of adequate informa-
disciplines and locations in relation to coral reefs tion, conservative) threshold limits, which can then
• assessment and analysis of trends and sensi- be refined as part of the subsequent monitoring
tivities in baseline data and management programme. This may include
the necessity to undertake destructive testing such
Often, only limited project information is available as shading and sedimentation tests.
during the EIA, so a conservative, but realistic, risk-
based approach should be adopted. Best practice would determine threshold levels for
turbidity, light attenuation and sedimentation and
In particular, the timing and equipment to be used tie these into overall coral reef health expressed as
is typically not confirmed at the EIA stage. In order either coral or non-coral bio-indicators. The present
be conservative, a range of timings and production best practice does not, however, provide a quantita-
rates should therefore be assessed. tive approach for assessing impacts at the species
level, nor impacts on coral reef health indicators
7.3. Establishing Threshold Levels other than overall coral cover, although qualitative
judgement on the relative level of response as a
The subject of coral reef tolerances to environmen- function of growth form may be made.
tal loadings is extremely complex. Still, if a dredg-
ing or port construction project is planned in the In terms of suspended sediments, effective thresh-
proximity of a coral reef, it is essential that some old limits shall take into account both the magni-
form of quantifiable tolerance limits is established, tude and duration of the loading. Most coral reefs
in order to provide an indication of potential impacts are adapted to short periods of high loading which
at the EIA stage and to provide a control parameter, can occur naturally during storm events, such that
which will allow for subsequent indirect monitoring thresholds (in terms of management of dredging
(and modelling) data to be utilised in a manage- operations, which are often characterised by rela-
ment context. tively short duration plumes of high concentration)
should never be set as absolute values (e.g. 10
Coral Tolerance Limits mg/l), but should also look at the duration of the
loading (e.g. should not exceed 10 mg/l for more
• Establishing coral tolerance limits (for than 10 % of the time). Unfortunately, much of the
turbidity, light attenuation and sedi- published data on tolerance limits provides only
mentation) is complex, but critical for single absolute values (e.g. Table 5.3 and 5.4).
the impact assessment
• Tolerance limits should be based on A well-validated set of tolerance limits from Sin-
available site specific data, supple- gapore, which includes duration, are presented in
mented by relevant literature values Tables 7.3 and 7.4. It is noted that tolerance limits
• Baseline surveys should be formulated are site specific and the example provided is reflec-
to provide as much relevant data as tive of the relatively high background turbidity and
possible sedimentation rates, shallow nature of the coral
• Tolerance limits should take into ac- reefs and the prevailing strong currents found in
count both the magnitude and the dura- Singapore.
tion of impact (e.g. Tables 7.3 and 7.4)
• Tolerance limits will be preliminary 7.4. Impact Assessment Criteria
(and therefore conservative) at the EIA
stage and should be refined as part of The assessment of impacts to corals from dredg-
the subsequent monitoring and man- ing and port construction has traditionally been
agement programme during the course qualitative in nature, based on the experience of
of the project (see Section 9.4.2). the assessor, documented impacts from previous

42 PIANC Report 108

projects and various assumptions regarding the approach to impact assessment. In some cases,
construction methodology and the response of cor- predictions regarding the percent loss of corals are
als to the impacts. More recently, the use of nu- made and used as management targets. Broad
merical models, in association with site specific categories of impact, such as those listed in Table
tolerance limits has allowed a more quantitative 7.5, can also be used.

Table 7.3: Impact severity matrix for suspended sediment (SS) impact in Singapore on corals

Table 7.4: Impact severity matrix for sedimentation impact on corals in Singapore

Table 7.5: Typical impact assessment categories for dredging and port construction impacts on corals

PIANC Report 108 43

markedly from country to country, so the reader is
Acceptable Level of Impact advised to review the specific legislation and ap-
proval practices for the country in which the project
Based on a range of factors: is being undertaken.

• Ecological criteria, such as: Many countries are signatories to the London Con-
vention (‘Convention on the Prevention of Marine
o Representativeness — are the Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter’,
coral species and communities 1972) and/or the London Protocol (‘1996 Protocol
in the potential impact area well to the Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pol-
represented in other parts of the lution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter’,
country or region? 1972), which are international agreements that
o Rarity — are any of the coral govern the disposal of wastes in the marine envi-
species (or other associated ronment, including dredged material.
species) rare or endangered?
o Resilience — what is the pre- Annex 2 of the London Protocol describes the pro-
project level of impact and stress cess that signatory countries should follow to as-
on the corals? sess proposals for ocean disposal of dredged ma-
o Ecological response to terials.
cumulative effects?
Parties to the London Convention are required to
• Socio-economic criteria, such as: assess applications for ocean disposal of dredged
material based on both the ‘precautionary principle’
o Local significance — what is the and the ‘polluter pays principle’ and to control ocean
cultural and economic disposal via permits and permit conditions. One of
significance of the coral? the issues taken into account in these assessments
o Stakeholder needs? is the proximity and potential impact to corals.
• Administrative and legislative criteria,
7.6. Preparation of Terms of
such as:
Reference for Construction
o Conservation status — has the
reef area been designated or The step that often seems to be missing in the tran-
proposed for protection (local/ sition from environmental impact assessment be-
regional/international?) fore the start of a project to environmental manage-
o Zonation — has the reef been ment during the project is the integration of the EIA
designated for a particular pur- results into the Terms of Reference for the construc-
pose (e.g. fisheries, recreation)? tion. A best practice approach to the management of
dredging and port construction activities near sen-
sitive environments, such as coral reefs demands
It is currently very difficult to assess the quantity that all participants in the project are aligned and
of biodiversity that can be lost before changing the committed to achieving the environmental manage-
function of an ecosystem and therefore the services ment targets for the project. Various technical mea-
provided by that ecosystem. Recognising that de- sures can be employed by the dredging contractor
spite this uncertainty, management targets and lev- to prevent or mitigate potential impacts, but these
els of ‘acceptable impact’ must still be set, it is rec- must be allowed for at the tender stage.
ommended that a conservative approach is taken.
Some of the key measures are the selection of
7.5. Permitting/Approvals equipment, design and scheduling of the construc-
tion works and the setting of production rates for
The permitting and approvals processes for dredg- dredging and reclamation activities. If the EIA has
ing and port construction near coral reefs can differ found that there are potential impacts associated
with the project, then it is crucial that technical

44 PIANC Report 108

mitigation measures are developed in consultation time or at regular intervals during the works.
with the developer and the dredging contractor, so
that they can be incorporated (and budgeted) into the Mitigation and compensation measures can be in-
dredging contractor’s scope of work for the project. troduced at various stages of the project, some ex-
amples are shown in Table 8.1 and 8.2.
Construction Tender Input

• EIA results and mitigation measures
to avoid or minimise impacts to corals
should be integrated into the construc-
tion tender

• Mitigation measures should be opti-

mised with the contractor’s input to en-
sure alignment

8.1. Overview of Prevention,
Mitigation and Compensation

The preferred approach is to avoid impacts to coral

reefs. Measures to this effect should be identified
as early as possible by planning the project in such
a way that nearby coral reefs will not be affected,
either by the footprint of the construction, indirect Table 8.1: Examples of mitigation and
impacts during construction, or by the use of the compensation measures associated with dredging
completed development. The benefits and rec- and land reclamation
ommended approach for early strategic planning
to avoid impacts are described in Section 6 and
PIANC’s recent position paper ‘Working with Nature’,
which should be read in conjunction with this report.

Where impacts to the coral reef cannot be avoided,

a number of mitigation techniques and management
tools have been developed to mitigate both the ef-
fects of the dredging and construction works and
the subsequent, long-term impacts to coral reefs.

The mitigation techniques used in a coral reef en-

vironment are mainly technical measures aimed at
reducing the sediment release and thus reducing
turbidity and sedimentation (Table 8.1).

Management tools range from simple techniques

(such as working within strict ‘environmental win-
dows’) to management of the dredging and con-
struction works using sophisticated impact predic-
tion models, based on mathematical modelling of Table 8.2: Examples of mitigation and
the environment and calibrated with various field compensation measures associated
data (currents, water quality, etc.) sampled in real- with breakwaters

PIANC Report 108 45

The nature and extent of compensation required vation volume
can be assessed using a variety of techniques such • Dredged material handling technology
as environmental valuation and habitat equivalency
analysis. However, for dredging and port construction around
coral reefs, the choice of equipment must also care-
fully consider issues such as spill release rates and
Mitigation and Compensation spill characteristics for the specific bed material to
be excavated.
• Where impacts to the coral reef cannot
be prevented, a number of mitigation 8.2.2. Prevention of Leakage from Equipment
techniques are available
The contractor should ensure that there is no leak-
• Most aim to reduce the sediment re- age in the marine equipment including, but not nec-
lease and thus reduce turbidity and essarily limited to, pipelines and hopper seals. Wear
sedimentation and tear and the frequent handling and transport
of the pipelines make them particularly sensitive to
• If mitigation cannot reduce impacts to leakages during hydraulic placement of dredged
an acceptable level compensation mea- materials.
sures may be required to offset the im-
pacts 8.2.3. Dredging Accuracies and
Measuring Accuracies
• However, compensation should not be
seen as a substitute for prevention or A developer will wish to accommodate a certain
mitigation, but as a supplement to best maximum vessel size in his port, which will require
practice prevention and mitigation a minimum water depth to be created. The dredg-
ing contractor — in order to guarantee this mini-
mum water depth — will aim to achieve a certain
8.2. Best Practice Examples of Technical ‘over-depth’. The extra volume removed to achieve
Mitigation Measures this over-depth can significantly contribute to the
total dredge amount. The only way to minimise this
The choice of mitigation measures depends on lo- over-dredging is to increase measuring accuracy
cal conditions, as well as the type and scale of the and to increase the execution accuracy, although
project. Best practice mitigation measures primar- this comes with potentially higher costs.
ily aim to reduce the sediment release, but the fi-
nal choice of mitigation measure should be based 8.2.4. Minimisation and Control
on a thorough cost benefit assessment as part of of Sediment Spill
the EIA. Refer to PIANC EnviCom Report No. 100
(PIANC 2009) for more details on mitigation mea- Control of the loss of dredged material to the marine
sures for dredging. environment (referred to as sediment spill) is one
of the key mitigation options available for dredging
8.2.1. Choice of Equipment and port construction works. The type of control will
vary depending on the type of activity, but typically
The contractor’s choice of equipment normally con- involves either controlling the production rate (e.g.
siders aspects such as: reducing the number of trips or the pumping rate,
dredging with only one suction head rather than
• Volume-handling capacity (which influences the two, using a smaller dredger, etc.), or controlling
duration of the operation) the spill from the dredger (e.g. via a ‘green valve’
• Excavation depth range (which can influence as per Section 8.2.6, restricted overflow require-
the ratio between excavation volume and af- ments as per Section 8.2.10, or use of a ‘closed’
fected bed area) grab dredge).
• Accurate shaping and delineation of the exca-

46 PIANC Report 108

Both options have merits and the preferred location consider environmental windows where work is re-
should be established by performance modelling stricted under certain conditions. This may be the
and cost benefit analysis, considering the preven- direction of the tide, or it may be to prevent sensitive
tion of turbidity impact as well as prevention of loca- periods, such as a coral spawning season and peri-
lised water quality impacts from reduced flushing. ods of the year with high risk of external stress (e.g.
bleaching due to increased sea surface tempera-
In some cases, silt curtains deployed at the envi- tures or fresh water influx). The use of environmen-
ronmental receptor may reduce turbidity impacts tal windows is normally associated with the concept
where the material being dredged is principally fine of spill budget and adaptive management, as it often
sediments and where currents and wave action do requires a high level of assessment and information
not preclude their deployment. In those cases where to establish environmental windows, which is only
deployment at the coral reef location is considered, available via the EMP, once work commences.
care must be taken to prevent physical damage to a
coral reef from the anchors and/or grounding of the 8.2.10. Restricted Overflow
silt curtain. Due to the characteristics of coral reefs,
often in high current and wave environments, de- In certain sensitive areas, under certain seabed
ployment of silt curtains at these receptors is rarely characteristics and/or in the presence of contami-
a viable option. nated sediments, restriction (or prevention) of
overflow may be required to prevent impacts to a
Where it is not practical to deploy silt screens at the range of environmental receptors including coral
receptor site and a need for sediment plume control reefs. The decision to restrict or prevent overflow
has been identified, silt screens may be deployed will have significant impacts on productivity (and
around the work site to minimise egress of sediment therefore cost). The resulting negative impacts
spill. Similar to deployment at the receptor site, the (propeller wash, increased CO2 footprint, etc.) from
viability of deployment of silt screens around the the increased number of trips required to move the
work area will be controlled by the prevailing physi- required volume should be considered in the cost -
cal environment. In the work area, additional con- benefit assessment.
siderations, such as the need for contractor access
to the worksite, may further restrict the viability of 8.2.11. Controlling Discharge of Excess
silt screens. Water from the Reclamation Area

A further option is to place the silt screen as a skirt Wherever practicable, land reclamations in the vi-
around the dredger. This is most practical for me- cinity of coral reefs should take place in closed rec-
chanical dredging operations, but as with other silt lamation areas. This means that each reclamation
screens, there will be various restrictions on their area should be bunded at the earliest opportunity, to
viability and effectiveness. minimise the release of fines to the marine environ-
ment, or direct them away from sensitive receptor
Under certain extraordinary circumstances, fixed sites. This should be recognised by the designers,
structures such as sheet pile walls can be used in- as a higher content of fines in the reclaimed materi-
stead of silt screens for closing off smaller sensitive als has an effect on the initial load bearing capacity
areas in areas with higher currents. Such sheet pile of the reclaimed areas. The practicality of bunding
walls are expensive and often not practical in areas is site-dependent and may prove uneconomic for
with a hard seabed (where coral reefs commonly deep water reclamations associated with major port
are found). developments.

Other forms of barriers, such as air screens, are Normally, the bunded reclamation area is divided
expensive, but may be applicable on a case to case into a number of sedimentation cells, which will act
basis. as a silt trap, reducing the silt content in the ex-
cess water discharging from the final sequence of
8.2.9. Environmental Windows sedimentation cells into the marine environment.
An extension to this concept is to provide an ad-
Dependent on site conditions it may be relevant to ditional exterior stilling basin with a long retention

48 PIANC Report 108

time. Deposited fine material in this exterior stilling portant genera for coral reef restoration. Research
basin will not affect the geotechnical characteristics into larval production and release has therefore
of the reclamation and the fines can be removed in focused mainly on branching ‘Acropora’ species.
a controlled manner at the conclusion of the works. However, it is critical that the final choice of coral
In a limestone or coral environment, with their char- species for any larval production and release pro-
acteristic risk for colloidal behaviour of the sus- gramme must be appropriate to the specific loca-
pended particles, this may require very large stilling tion, taking local biodiversity and uniqueness (or
basins. endemism) into account.

Further improvement to the performance of the stil- The procedure for larval production and release is
ling basin can be achieved by maintaining a high as follows:
water level in the bunded area, thereby reducing
flow velocities and allowing submerged discharge a. Sampling of eggs and embryos from the sea or
from the final sedimentation cell system. The use spawning induction in tank
of flocculating chemicals to increase settling rates b. Maintenance and culture
should only be considered where reliable local eco- c. Mass production of larvae and transportation to
toxicology information is available to assess their release
consequence to the coral reefs. d. Inducement of settlement and metamorphosis
and introduction of larvae to substrate
Although bunding can be considered best practice e. Culture of polyps on substrate and subsequent
to minimise spills, the spill from other placement transplantation of juvenile corals.
methods (e.g. direct dumping and rainbow) can
be controlled. Non-bunded reclamation is possible
even close to coral reef areas, if effectively man-
aged by appropriate application of the reclamation
method and spill budget control. Certain types of
non-bunded placement (e.g. rainbow placement
into deep water) should be avoided due to relatively
high spill rates compared to other placement meth-

8.2.12. Profiling Channel Slopes

The introduction of new water depths to an area as

a result of channel dredging through hard substrate,
may in certain circumstances promote coral growth
Figure 8.2: Coral colonies on the edge of a
and diversity due to a wider range of light and hy-
channel. Ishigaki Port, Okinawa, Japan, 2002
draulic conditions. Figure 8.2 shows an example of
high coral cover and diversity along the boundary 8.3.2. Transplantation
of such a dredged channel. The relationships be-
tween coral coverage and depth and coral cover- Transplantation projects should be developed tak-
age and slope degree are shown in Figure 8.3. The ing full advantage of local and international experi-
coral cover is found to be significantly higher on a ence utilising well-planned methods (e.g. for fixing)
flatter slope. supported by long-term observations of the trans-
plantation sites including (but not necessarily lim-
8.3. Best Practice Examples of ited to) substrate, water quality and hydraulic con-
Compensation Measures ditions.

8.3.1. Larval Production and Release Transplantation of Juvenile Corals

Three methods of obtaining juvenile corals for
As the growth rate of branching ‘Acropora’ species transplantation have been researched:
is relatively high, they are considered to be an im-

PIANC Report 108 49

1. Collect juvenile corals from natural, high density • Transportation and fixation methods
coral areas • Choice of place and substrate
2. Use coral settlement devices (Figure 8.4, made • Preferable season
of ceramic and contained in a frame for easier
handling - frame is set on the seabed in areas 8.3.3. Installation of Stable Substrate
expected to gather coral larvae)
3. Culture juvenile coral on substrate Construction of breakwaters at Naha Port, Japan,
commenced in 1974. Around ten years later, sub-
Juvenile corals are generally ready for transplanta- stantial coral was found growing on wave-dissipat-
tion about one year after settlement. ing concrete blocks along the breakwaters. The
blocks were placed as shown in Figure 8.5. Figure
8.6 shows how coral communities have grown on
the blocks after their installation in 1976. The same
phenomenon was observed in Taiwan in 2006. Re-
cruitment on new substrate is clearly dependent on
the presence of a suitable supply of coralline larvae
for recruitment and/or transplantation of existing

Figure 8.3: Relationship between coral coverage,

bed slope and water depth

Transplantation of Adult Colonies

or Coral Fragments
The issues to consider in planning adult colony
transplantation are: Figure 8.4: Juvenile coral on
settlement devices
• Identification of suitable adult colonies (top: about 3 months; bottom: about 20 months)
• Sampling of fragments from donor coral

50 PIANC Report 108

tion of coral larvae settlement as well as its growth.
Based on the results, Okinawa General Bureau
launched the ‘eco-block’ projects since 1999, where
the surfaces of blocks are processed unevenly with
various shapes and patterns (Figure 8.7). Levels
of roughness were classified into four levels, i.e.,
non-processed, 2 mm depth, 5 mm depth and 10
mm depth.

Figure 8.5: Typical cross-section of breakwater

Figure 8.7: Eco-blocks

Monitoring surveys have been carried out at fixed

stations over a period of six years after the blocks
were installed. The results are shown in Figures 8.8
and 8.9. It is obvious that coral coverage on the
processed surfaces is higher than that on the non-
processed surfaces and the rougher the surface,
the faster the growth. Similar experience is avail-
able from Hirara Port in Japan.

Figure 8.6: Coral growth on wave-dissipating

blocks, Naha Port, Japan.
top: 1980 (4 years after installation);
bottom: 1987 (11 years after installation)

8.3.4. Use of Textured Surfaces

To facilitate coral settlement on the structure, wave-

dissipating blocks with textured surfaces have been
Figure 8.8: Coral growth rate on eco-blocks at
tested since 1990. The results showed the effec-
depth 2 m, from 1999-2005
tiveness of such processing in terms of the promo-

PIANC Report 108 51

Figure 8.9: Coral growth on eco-blocks at depth 2 m:
right, after installation (1999); middle, two years later (2001); left, four years later (2003)
8.3.5. Allowing Space between
Breakwater Caissons

Figures 8.10 and 8.11 show the coral growth around

a gap between the caissons at the port-side of the
breakwater at Naha Port, Japan. It is observed that
coral colonies around the gap are in good condi-
tion, while those distant from the crevice are few.
This shows the importance of water circulation for
the healthy growth of coral.

Figure 8.10: Coral around a gap between
Monitoring is required to confirm that a project is
the caissons
meeting the agreed level of impact and that the
predictions of impacts during the EIA have been
accurate. Inclusion of an adaptive management
process allows dredging and port construction
near coral reefs to be managed so that maximum
productivity can be maintained while still meeting
environmental protection criteria. To develop an ef-
fective environmental monitoring and management
programme, it is necessary to identify the environ-
mental receptors in the potential impact area (e.g.
corals), and the impacting processes that may af-
fect each receptor. This is based on the EIA. The
monitoring programme must be designed to ensure
that the monitoring will be able to isolate and dis-
tinguish impacts of the project from other external
(natural or human) impacts.

The methodology for monitoring and management

of a project is laid down in an Environmental Man-
agement Plan (EMP). In terms of dredging and ma-
terial relocation, where the benefits of adaptive en-
Figure 8.11: Relation between coral amount
vironmental management are most significant, the
(coverage and height) and distance from water channel

52 PIANC Report 108

contractor’s implementation plan is referred to in the assumptions are used for the assessment. Once
present guide as a dredging operations plan (DOP). the layout and methodology are finalised, the EIA
should be reviewed to ensure that all of the poten-
Draft EMP and DOP documents are prepared at the tial impacts from the final layout and methodology
end of the EIA process. Best practice is for these still fall within the ‘environmental envelope’ of the
draft documents to form part of the tender specifi- EIA. This can be done in the form of a revision of
cations for the contractor. After appointment of the the EIA, but it is often more practical and useful to
contractor, finalisation of the contractor’s method- undertake the reassessment as part of the prepara-
ology and implementation plan for conducting the tion for implementing the EMP.
project (including vessel specifications, schedule,
production rates, etc.), the EMP is updated by the 9.1. Establishing the Environmental
EMP consultant in consultation with the dredging Management Plan Baseline
contractor on behalf of the developer.
An EMP baseline, covering the principal environ-
Best practice methodology requires that relevant mental receptors (e.g. coral reefs) and existing
measures developed in the EMP to achieve the envi- conditions (e.g. water quality, natural sedimenta-
ronmental protection criteria set for the project (e.g. tion rates) is required to provide a measure of the
environmental windows) are explicitly incorporated pre-project conditions at impact and control sites.
into the DOP by the dredging contractor, to ensure Monitoring against the EMP baseline is then used
their implementation. (The DOP addresses issues to identify any change as the project progress-
other than environmental management. For the es, and to provide post-project confirmation that
purpose of the present guide, however, reference agreed impact criteria (e.g. for coral reefs) were not
to the DOP covers only its environmental issues). exceeded. In order to address management needs,
monitoring should be able to identify and respond
Table 9.1 presents the key components of the EMP, to short-, medium- and long-term effects.
while Table 9.2 compares the scope of the EMP
and the DOP. It is recognised that the manage- While the EMP baseline should incorporate the EIA
ment requirements vary according to the scale of baseline survey data, recent (previous 1-3 months)
the project and the potential impacts. Table 9.3 sug- baseline survey data are essential to capture any
gests a possible linkage between potential impact external (natural or human) impacts (especially rel-
and level of management that may be appropriate evant for corals) in the period subsequent to the
for projects around coral reefs. EIA baseline surveys. The EMP baseline should in-
corporate sufficient data to establish the seasonal
Preparing the EMP and statistical variability in the natural conditions.

• As part of the EIA, a Draft Environmen- 9.1.1. Indicators

tal Management Plan (EMP) should be
prepared, and incorporated into the Selection of an appropriate monitoring method
construction tender documents should consider, as a minimum:
• Once the contractor is appointed and
project layout, methodology and timing • Feasibility and applicability of proven methods
are finalised, review to ensure the proj- • Cost-benefit analysis
ect still falls within the ‘environmental • Whether to monitor environmental receptors
envelope’ of the EIA (i.e. coral) directly or indirectly (e.g. via water
• As there is usually a gap between the quality or other indicator organisms)
EIA and the start of work, additional
9.1.2. Common Baseline Survey
surveys are usually required to estab-
Components with respect to Corals
lish the EMP baseline

There is usually a gap between the completion

Light Attenuation/Turbidity Monitoring
There are currently many different methods by which
of the EIA and the commencement of the project.
suspended sediment, turbidity and light attenua-
At the EIA stage, the design and methodology of
tion measurements can be carried out (Table 9.4).
the project are usually uncertain, so conservative

PIANC Report 108 53

Table 9.1: Key components and timing of Environmental Management Plan activities

54 PIANC Report 108

Table 9.2: Comparison of Dredging Operation Plan and Environmental Management Plan

Table 9.3: Predicted level of impact and suggested level of management

PIANC Report 108 55

Table 9.4: Different units and methods used to measure turbidity, suspended
sediment and sedimentation

56 PIANC Report 108

Sedimentation rates are usually measured using
Key Coral Monitoring Components sediment traps (Figure 9.2), which vary greatly in
construction and dimensions from study to study.
• Turbidity and/or light attenuation As a result, few sedimentation studies are quan-
titatively comparable. Importantly, in high-energy
• Sedimentation environments (e.g. coral reefs), sediment traps
only measure initial settlement of suspended sedi-
• Coral Health (e.g. live hard coral cover, ments, rather than net accumulation of sediments
growth rate, photosynthetic efficiency) in a particular place over time (because initial set-
tled sediment may subsequently be partially or fully
• Water Quality (dissolved oxygen, re-suspended).
temperature, nutrients, etc.)

• Met-ocean (currents, waves)

Due to recent technological advances, surveys of

suspended sediments may be carried out using
both optical (Figure 9.1) and acoustic measure-
ments. This allows results to be obtained ‘in situ’,
via a turbidity surrogate. However there are con-
siderable limitations to the reliability of results. Fre-
quent calibration is required using suspended sedi-
ment samples from the area being measured.

Turbidity is commonly used as a proxy to light at-

tenuation, although such comparisons are subject
to uncertainty relating to, amongst other factors,
particle size distribution and water depth. Light at-
tenuation can also be measured directly.

Light measurements are required both at the sur-

face and near the seabed for effective data cap-
ture, which makes such monitoring more complex
than measurements of turbidity.

Sedimentation Monitoring
It has long been recognised that sedimentation Figure 9.1: Optical backscatter turbidity
plays a key role in the distribution of coral com- sensor in steel cage mounted
munities and coral reefs. Sedimentation rate de- above reef slope
pends on the physical structure of the suspended
particles (especially settling velocity and floccula- For example, low sedimentation rates are possible
tion tendency), the physical properties of seawater in very turbid areas where coastal currents or wave
(especially salinity, which affects the flocculation action keep the suspended matter in suspension.
tendency) and the hydrodynamics of the area (e.g. Thus, while the corals are being influenced by low
current and wave-induced turbulence). Note that it light levels and perhaps physical abrasion, the sed-
is often assumed that high turbidity is directly re- imentation data (derived from sediment traps) may
lated to sedimentation, which is not necessarily the well indicate higher sedimentation stress than is
case. actually occurring at the site.

PIANC Report 108 57

consider (as relevant from case to case) the follow-
ing issues, particularly in relation to port construc-
tion where long-term changes in physical process-
es may occur:

• Current and wave conditions

• Morphology (seabed levels)
• Other water quality parameters (such as tem-
perature and nutrients, if changes in flow pat-
terns are expected)
• Associated ecosystems (e.g. seagrass and

9.1.3. Layout of Monitoring Stations

The selection of the number and positioning of

monitoring stations should consider the following:

• Predicted impact area (monitoring shall include

stations in impact areas representative of the
range of anticipated impacts plus control areas
outside the impact area)
• Type of environment (monitoring shall include
Figure 9.2: Sedimentation monitoring station stations representative of the range of coral reef
quality/characteristics in the potential impact
Coral Health Monitoring area)
A wide range of bio-indicators have been used to • Parallel sources of impact (e.g. other projects in
monitor coral health around the world. They can the vicinity, river or terrestrial run-off, etc.)
generally be divided into those that directly mea- • Transmission possibilities for on-line stations
sure the health of corals (Table 9.5) and those that • Safety and accessibility
measure the health of other components of the cor- • Required statistical significance
al reef (Table 9.6).
It is noted that it is best practice to monitor baseline
The choice of indicators is site-dependent. The conditions over a wider area (more stations) than
key issue is that the variables chosen should re- may be required (initially) for the regular monitoring
flect those indicators which respond rapidly and in of the works. This ensures baseline data is avail-
a quantifiable manner, to the types of stress that able to allow extension of the EMP if required as
may result from the dredging and port construction a result of changes to the project or as a result of
impacts. Best practice monitoring of reef habitats in unexpected impacts.
relation to the management of marine construction
works should include the assessment of at least, Where possible, it is important to select appropri-
live hard coral cover plus two other coral bio-indi- ate reference sites, so that external impacts (either
cators (Table 9.5) and at least one non-coral bio- natural, such as cyclones or bleaching events, or
indicator (Table 9.6). human, such as other projects, industrial discharg-
es, etc.) can be distinguished and separated from
Other Baseline Survey Components project-related impacts.
Although turbidity, sedimentation and coral health
are the three key parameters, it is important to also

58 PIANC Report 108

Table 9.5: Examples of Coral Bio-Indicators used to Monitor Coral Health

PIANC Report 108 59

Table 9.6: Examples of Non-Coral Bio-Indicators used to Monitor Coral Health

60 PIANC Report 108

This provides vital protection for the developer (and the problems of a static monitoring approach to en-
the contractor) in the event of major impacts that vironmental management.
may be incorrectly attributed to the project, which
can result in significant legal, financial or reputation-
al consequences. In the case of coral reefs, for the
comparison to be valid, the reference sites need to
be outside the reach of the impacting process while
still as close as possible and they must resemble
the impact area with respect to water depth, coral
cover and composition, water currents, turbidity,
waves and possibly other aspects.

It is important to appreciate that monitoring of coral

reef health, turbidity, sedimentation and other en-
vironmental indicators can never cover all poten-
tial receptors and thus cannot provide a complete
temporal and spatial picture of the impacts result-
ing from the works. If the plume does not cross a
turbidity sensor it is not captured. Consequently,
best practice dictates that, although fixed monitor-
ing is required for defining the baseline, it shall only
be considered one component of a wider adaptive Figure 9.3: The adaptive management process
monitoring and management programme.

9.2. Adaptive Management Strategies Adaptive Management

Historically, marine construction works have been • Ensures monitoring is targeted at the
managed in a static manner based upon single trig- environmental receptors
ger values. Statements like “the concentration shall
not exceed 10 mg/l” have been, and in some areas • Provides tiered responses to relevant
still are, common where developers appreciate a trigger values
need to place environmental limits, but do not have
the required knowledge, or more importantly do not • Is encountered in two forms, reactive
appreciate the benefit of an adaptive management and proactive:
o Proactive or Feedback
Taking a static monitoring limit for TSS of 10 mg/l management is recommended as
as an example raises two key questions: the best practice approach to
managing and minimising
• Where is the 10 mg/l measured? If the plume impacts from dredging and port
does not cross the coral reef then it is of no con- construction on corals
sequence to the corals?
• If the 10 mg/l is exceeded what is the response?
And with what justification? What is the response Reactive Management
of the coral reef to the loading – is it a sub-lethal Monitoring programmes that rely heavily on coral
stress from which the coral may recover, or will health indicators tend to be reactive, with the tiered
it result in mortality? response based on measured impact on the coral
reef. Although adaptive (in the context of provid-
To address the limitations of static monitoring, ing a tiered response), the reactive nature of the
adaptive management strategies (Figure 9.3) have management leads to potential problems in terms
been developed specifically aimed at addressing of coral reef management:

PIANC Report 108 61

• The intervals for coral monitoring (normally agement of marine works in the proximity of sensi-
months but at best weeks) allow for impacts tive habitats is providing a link between the EMP
to occur that exceed the agreed level between and DOP in a format that the contractors can imple-
monitoring campaigns, as impacts on coral ment, control and monitor. The DOP should also
health can develop in the space of days provide a tiered response in a manner that ensures
• Being applicable only where the acceptable loss that the environmental targets are met, but without
> 0 % (and greater than the uncertainty in the overreacting. In particular, it is important that the
measurements which is typically much greater response is targeted at those aspects of the con-
than 0 %) struction that cause the impact rather than a gen-
• Inability to segregate impacts from various com- eral response across all aspects of the work. Such
ponents of the works, such that the tiered re- targeted response is most effectively managed
sponse may be inappropriate through the use of feedback EMP.
• Uncertain ability to provide timely management
response The strategies that can be adopted in tiered re-
sponse follow the mitigating measures described in
Proactive or Feedback Management Chapter 8.
Appreciating the limitations of reactive manage-
ment , there has been a move since the mid-1990’s The tiered response would typically follow a pro-
in Europe and mid-2000’s in Asia towards a fully gression, such as:
proactive approach to environmental management
of marine construction in sensitive environments, • Address issues not directly affecting production
based on feedback principles. The primary differ- (e.g. sedimentation cell control strategies). For
ence between proactive and reactive management larger projects with greater flexibility this may
are: include relocating discharge locations
• Introduce production limitations (e.g. 10 % re-
• Spill budget control is used to form a first lev- duction) at specific locations under particular
el control of potential impacts. This provides hydrodynamic (normally tidal flow direction)
a means to segregate and thus manage indi- conditions
vidual components of the work thereby avoiding • Introduce production restrictions (e.g. no pro-
over response, whilst ensuring that the tiered duction) at specific locations under particular
response targets those activities causing the hydrodynamic (normally tidal flow direction)
most impact conditions, or limitations for longer periods
• Results from online instrumentation (at coral • Require a change in work method (e.g. change in
reef receptors) are used as indirect indicators of equipment, change in schedule of construction)
potential coral health impacts based upon toler-
ance limits, which are updated as coral health It should be remembered that any tiered response
monitoring data are collected as the works prog- that affects production will have cost implications
ress (the so-called feedback loop) to the contractor and/or consequences to the time
• Predictive (numerical) models are used exten- schedule of the project. It is essential that the nec-
sively to hindcast the location of the plumes essary provisions for such tiered response are in-
from the construction operations, thereby pro- cluded in the construction contract. It goes without
viding a complete temporal and spatial picture saying that the project developer must also be com-
of potential impacts, filling in the gaps between mitted to the economic and time schedule conse-
monitoring stations (both instrumentation and quences.
coral health) and allowing clear segregation of
the impacts arising from component activities. 9.4. Components of Feedback Monitoring
Once again, impacts are based upon tolerance and Management Plan
limits, which are updated as coral health moni-
toring data are collected as the works progress. The key components of the feedback monitoring
and management plan are:
9.3. Tiered Response
• Control Monitoring
A key component of effective environmental man- • Habitat Monitoring

62 PIANC Report 108

• Spill Budget Real-time control monitoring forms an important
• Spill Hindcast Modelling component of the feedback monitoring plan, as it
• Compliance Monitoring and Reporting provides a method to respond within 1-2 days (if
the nature of the exceedance is confirmed to war-
These are described in more detail in the following rant an immediate response).
Recently the use of satellite imagery (e.g. Figure
9.4.1. Control Monitoring
9.4) has become possible as a control mechanism
Control monitoring normally refers to monitoring of for larger projects, where there is risk of significant
physical and chemical parameters, such as: plume excursion from dredging and material relo-
cation. This technique is reasonably cost effective
• Turbidity for larger impact areas and the results accessible
• Currents for non-specialists.
• Water quality
Constraints such as resolution, weather, response
Best practice would indicate that such measure- time, cost and the fact that satellite images reflect
ments should provide real-time information via te- surface conditions and not the bottom-layer im-
lemetry, in order to provide an initial level of envi- pact, presently limit the use of remote sensing to a
ronmental control. supporting, but nevertheless important monitoring
As the measurements are indirect (in relation to
coral reef response) care must be taken in terms of 9.4.2. Habitat Monitoring and
setting trigger values for control monitoring param- the Feedback Loop
eters. These should include:
Habitat monitoring refers to the repeated monitor-
• Statistical analysis of baseline data to establish ing of marine habitats during the works. The applied
a description of ‘no change’ at a certain confi- indicators normally reflect the components of the
dence level baseline survey and often with a reduced number
• Assessment of tolerance limits for the environ- of stations, although the number of stations may be
mental receptor, which may be updated via the increased during the works.
feedback loop to be added to the ‘no change’
limit The frequency of habitat monitoring depends on:
• Use of control stations outside the potential im-
pact area to establish non-project related varia- • Predicted impacts levels (temporal and spatial)
tions in background conditions • Accessibility (e.g. tide and wave limitations)
• Time scale for response (for corals this could be
Care should be taken in not overreacting to ex- somewhere around 14 days)
ceedance of compliance monitoring trigger values • Balance between obtaining monitoring informa-
as these represent not only an indirect measure- tion and risk of physical damage to the reef as a
ment of coral reef impact, but also reflect only a lim- result of the monitoring.
ited number of locations subjected to both project
and non project-related forcing. A typical response For larger projects or those reactive EMP’s reliant
structure to exceedance of control trigger values on coral monitoring, coral reef habitat monitoring
would be: should be sequenced so that some habitat informa-
tion is received from the impact area on a fortnightly
• Ascertain whether the exceedance is related to basis, whilst the time scale for all monitoring sta-
equipment malfunction (e.g. bio-fouling) or is a tions to be repeated may be in the order of months
‘real’ event (preferably not more than 3 months). Where spe-
• Ascertain whether the exceedance is project- cific impacts are expected during particular periods
related or a result of external factors (typically of construction activity, or during sensitive sea-
via compliance monitoring and hindcast model- sons, the frequency of habitat monitoring may be
ling) increased.

PIANC Report 108 63

Figure 9.4: Use of satellite imagery to monitor sediment plumes during dredging
at Hay Point, Queensland, Australia.
Left: Baseline; middle: Unprocessed satellite image; right: Processed satellite
image quantifying turbidity. (Photos: © Commonwealth of Australia)

As well as providing a direct control against envi- lar basis as works progress (e.g. due to shifts in
ronmental targets, the habitat monitoring provides operating area, protection afforded by earlier com-
key information for the feedback loop where spill ponents of the construction, or changes in material
budgets and DOP control mechanisms are updat- characteristics). The spill budget should distinguish
ed. between the various key components of the works
(e.g. dredging and material placement) and loca-
To allow such feedback, analysis of habitat re- tions, so that the tiered response strategies can be
sponse must include data on turbidity and sedimen- targeted at the relevant activities.
tation at the monitoring site and information on the
contribution to turbidity and sedimentation arising
from the works via hindcast modelling. This allows Spill Budget
tolerance limits to be refined and thus the DOP to
be updated as the works progress. Without such • Maximum amount of spill for a given
supporting information, the habitat monitoring can project (or stage of a project) that en-
only be used in a reactive manner and the benefit sures that the environmental objectives
of the EMP to the project (and future projects) is (in terms of coral health) will be met
greatly reduced.
• Determined by sediment plume model-
9.4.3. Spill Budget ling, updated regularly based on actual
works completed and monitoring re-
A key component of Feedback EMP is the concept sults
of spill budget. The spill budget is the maximum
amount of spill that can be released into the envi- • Highly flexible management approach,
ronment while still ensuring that the environmental allows segregation of impacts from dif-
objectives (in terms of coral health) will be met. ferent components of the work, from
adjacent projects and from natural
Typically, the spill budget is defined via sediment events
plume forecast modelling. It is updated on a regu-

64 PIANC Report 108

9.4.4. Spill Hindcast Modelling Key to the application of the spill hindcast results
is the tolerance limits of the coral reefs to the tur-
Direct monitoring of all environmental receptors bidity (often expressed as light attenuation at the
(coral reefs in the present context) is never practi- bed) and sedimentation predicted by the hindcast
cal. At best, only a small fraction of coral reef in the models. This shall be continuously refined through
potential impact area can be monitored and then the course of the EMP, based upon the results of
only on an infrequent basis. It is thus possible for the habitat monitoring compared to the model pre-
impacts to be missed or for impacts to develop be- dicted turbidity and sedimentation.
tween surveys.
9.4.5. Compliance Monitoring and Reporting
For coral reef environments the use of spill hind-
cast modelling (Figure 9.5) is a critical component Compliance monitoring and reporting confirms that
of feedback EMP, providing the necessary temporal the contractor is complying with the environmental
and spatial information required to manage the cor- requirements of the DOP.
al reef environment as a whole, rather than those
isolated stations where monitoring is undertaken. In the context of feedback management, compli-
Best practice spill hindcast modelling will address ance monitoring refers to spill budget control, which
all project sources of spill both within and outside may be across multiple time scales to reflect the
the work area. It will be executed daily, reflecting different temporal scales in the sensitivities of the
the specifics of the daily production and hydraulic coral reef receptors.
(tide and wave) conditions and will include regular
updating of bathymetry (and thus hydraulic condi- Depending on the nature of the activity, spill budget
tions) through the course of the works. As the EMP control may be undertaken either by direct mea-
includes control monitoring (turbidity and currents) surement of spill at the source (e.g. in the over-
and compliance (spill) monitoring, daily validation flow of a TSHD), measurements in the receiving
of the spill hindcast model allows continuous refine- waters (where best practice would dictate the use
ment through the course of the EMP. of acoustic backscatter to measure sediment flux),
and/or via empirical methods (based on sediment
flux measurements) which relate production to spill,
considering prevailing material properties, water
depth and hydrodynamic conditions.

In practice, a combination of all three methods is

required for all but the simplest projects that involve
only one or two dredgers and where effective 24
hour monitoring of sediment flux from the work area
may be possible.

For effective environmental management, the re-

porting (and response) time for compliance moni-
toring should be as short as possible, with a best
practice target of less than 48 hours for complex

A case study showing the application of the Feed-

back EMP approach in Singapore is presented on
Figure 9.5: Example of hindcast model output the next page.

PIANC Report 108 65

9.5. Post-Project Monitoring non-compliance events, in the event of external
impacts, or in response to stakeholder require-
Post-project monitoring is an essential component ments.
of any EMP to ensure that the predictions made at
the EIA stage were accurate, that the EMP was ef- 9.7. Data, Information and Publication
fective and to provide an avenue for improvement
of the environmental performance of future projects. EMPs generate a substantial amount of data and
The key activities undertaken as part of post project knowledge, which can form a reliable basis for im-
monitoring are described in Table 9.7. proving the environmental performance of future
9.6. Management Responsibilities
For coral reefs, where little is presently known about
An effective EMP requires a clear allocation of man- tolerances, response and recovery, it is important
agement responsibilities. In particular, there should that the data and knowledge from EMPs in coral
be transparency in the EMP via appointment of an reef areas is disseminated in a manner that can
independent consultant responsible for the execu- benefit coral reef management. This can include:
tion of the EMP. The EMP consultant’s responsi-
bilities relate to the monitoring and management • Provision of coral monitoring data to national
of the environment and reporting the contractor’s data bases (standardisation of variables and
compliance with the environmental components of format are important)
the DOP. • Scientific publication of tolerances, response
and recovery data
The dredging contractor is responsible for execu-
tion of the construction works. In relation to the Unfortunately, to date, most EMP data in coral reef
environment the contractors responsibilities are areas remain confidential. In the long term, such
set out in the DOP and refer to operational criteria data protection policies will only serve to increase
under the control of the contractor such as compli- the gap between project developers and stake-
ance with spill budget and tiered response actions holders in coral reef areas, whilst proactive dis-
in the event that impact targets are exceeded. semination of information can demonstrate that,
given effective environmental management of the
The project developer forms the interface between works, it is possible to undertake marine construc-
the EMP consultant and the contractor, as the con- tion in the proximity of coral reefs within appropri-
tractor’s environmental responsibilities (as speci- ate (and, where required, strict) environmental
fied in the DOP) are covered by the construction targets.
contract. The project developer is also overall re-
sponsible towards the authorities for compliance
with the environmental criteria set out in the project
environmental approvals.

EMP response is normally managed via an Envi-

ronmental Management Committee. Typically , a
working EMC, comprising the project developer,
contractor and EMP consultant is constituted to
deal with the day to day EMP compliance and
response, whilst a wider EMC, comprising the
EMC core members, relevant agencies and other
stakeholders, may meet in response to significant

66 PIANC Report 108

Case Study: Feedback Monitoring and Management in Singapore
Due to the confined nature of Singapore wa- that developers and contractors are not exposed
ters and presence of a large number of patch to unwarranted claims concerning environmen-
reefs, dredging and port construction activities tal degradation as the Feedback EMP approach
often take place in close proximity to coral reefs. allows full segregation of project impacts from
Recognising the value of these marine habitats, other third party disturbances.
Singapore has established strict Environmental
Quality Objectives (EQO) for marine construc- The performance of the Feedback EMP in terms
tion activities. In order to document compliance of meeting EQOs has been verified by habitat
with these EQO’s, proactive Feedback EMPs monitoring, which are also used to confirm ad-
are required for marine construction activities in opted tolerance limits for corals.
close proximity to key environmental receptors.
The Feedback EMP approach has been success-
The feedback mechanism allows for updating of fully adopted for the environmental management
the spill budget limits, response limits and toler- of dredging and port construction projects in oth-
ance limits, based on the results of control moni- er parts of SE Asia including Bintulu and Kota
toring and habitat monitoring. To ensure the ac- Kinabalu, Malaysia and previously mentioned
curacy of the entire system, the performance is Bali Turtle Island, Indonesia. The Feedback ap-
confirmed on a daily basis via compliance moni- proach has also been successfully applied in Eu-
toring of sediment spill. rope, including for the Øresund Link construction
and the Fehmarn Belt (bridge linking Denmark
The Feedback EMP approach adopted in Sin- and Germany) construction, which is currently
gapore is summarised in Figure 9.6. The re- underway. The Feedback EMP techniques are
sponsiveness of the system allows unexpected thus becoming accepted internationally as best
impacts to be mitigated prior to them becoming practice methodologies, particularly for dredging
a serious threat to the environment. Importantly, and port construction near coral reefs.
the level of documentation provided ensures

Figure 9.6: Feedback EMP approach adopted in Singapore

PIANC Report 108 67

Table 9.7: Key activities to be undertaken after substantial completion of work

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72 PIANC Report 108


This report represents a significant and highly ben-

eficial collaboration between UNEP and industry
partners. It was recognised at the outset that the
report is intended to inform a diverse range of user
groups, including government agencies, port au-
thorities and developers, consultants, the conser-
vation sector, dredging related industries, and other
stakeholders active in the marine and coastal sec-

The Working Group recognised the challenges of

achieving such a broad outcome, whilst keeping
the Working Group a manageable size and built in a
process of stakeholder consultation and an external
review process to ensure this aim was achieved:

Stakeholder Consultation: Working Group mem-

bers utilised existing meetings and symposia to
convene the stakeholders. The sessions enabled
the Working Group to present the work and hold
open discussions to inform the structure and con-
tent to ensure that the final report would reflect the
needs of the different groups. Four main consulta-
tions were held during the early drafting phase:

• Dredging and Port Construction Contractors

(August 2006)
• Coral reef interest groups including managers
and government representatives from coral re-
gions (ITMEMS3, October 2006)
• Civil and Environmental Consultants (January
• Port Authorities (January 2007)

The format of the consultations varied. However the

intention was to present the draft and to workshop
the structure and format to reflect and balance the
needs of the different groups.

Review Process: On completion of the full draft,

the report was circulated to a selection of external
parties for review. The intention was to identify re-
viewers from tropical and island states, as well as
those with global experience across the intended
target groups. 20 sets of comments were received,
17 from reviewers external to PIANC (see Table
A.1), and three from within PIANC EnviCom.

Table A.1: List of Reviewers and their Affiliations

PIANC Report 108 73

74 PIANC Report 108
PIANC Report 108 75
Front cover: Top left: coral reef in Manado, Indonesia.
Photo courtesy of Mr. Eugene Goh
Bottom right: Photo shows dredging (dredger work-
ing in the mid-field) outside of an operational port
(complete with a vessel being manoeuvred by tugs
in the foreground, with associated turbidity from
propeller wash) at Townsville, in NE Australia, with
Magnetic Island (with extensive coral reefs) in the
Photo courtesy of Great Barrier Reef Marine Park
Authority, © Commonwealth of Australia.

PIANC Secrétariat Général

Boulevard du Roi Albert II 20, B 3
B-1000 Bruxelles
VAT BE 408-287-945

ISBN 978-2-87223-177-5
EAN 9782872231775


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