006382-0065 - Hfg719-Personal Project Report-1

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The Beauty of Sleep

A book about the importance of Sleep in a person’s life

Global Context: Identities and Relationships

Word Count: 3398

Table of Contents
INVESTIGATION……………………………………………………………………... (3-5)

What Inspired this Project? Why it’s Personal? 3

Goal 3
Global Context 3
Why was this Project Challenging for me? 3
Prior and Subject Specific Learning 4
Research and Exploration Skills 4

PLANNING……………………………………………………………………………. (5-6)

Creating the Criteria and Specification 5

Action Plan 5
Self- Management 5
Time Management 6

TAKING ACTION……………………………………………………………………. (6-8)

Product’s Relation to the Goal 6

Product’s Relation to the Global Context 6
Product’s Relation to the Criteria 7
Development of Thinking Skills 7
Development of Social and Communication Skills 7

REFLECTION………………………………………………………………………… (8-9)

What I Learnt From this Project? 8

Success of the Product 9
Knowledge About the Topic of Sleep 9
My understanding of the Global Context 9
Development as an IB Learner 9

Appendix……………………………………………………………………………….. (11-20)
Bibliography…………………………………………………………………………… (21)


What Inspired the Project? Why is it Personal?

My Personal Project is to create awareness about the crucial role sleep plays in one’s mental and
physical well-being. I have always been fascinated by sleep, and believe in its beneficial quality.
I love to sleep and believe that it is a source of rejuvenation.
Many people associate sleeping with laziness, but it has been proven that sleep is therapeutic and
promotes healthy development. Another aspect that adds to this project is my desire to be a
published author, which is why I wanted to publish my research as a book.
My goal was to understand the wonder and mechanism of sleep. I wanted to educate people about
the benefits of sleep and tackle sleep-related myths. Sleep is directly connected to a person’s
development. To collect information and make connections, I analyzed various studies and articles
about sleep. These articles formed my secondary research. For my primary research, I consulted
people about their opinions on sleep through surveys and interviews. I then compiled the
information and encapsulated it into the book that I wrote. I had aimed to publish my book through
a publisher, but one publisher advised me that this might be a very ambitious task. Eventually, I
self-published the book. I also published it as an e-book through Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP).
(Appendix O)
My goal is to understand the mechanism of sleep, its benefits and sleep related myths and
compile all my research as a book and publish it so that my research can reach to the wider

Global Context
The global context that I chose for my project was- “Identities and Relationships- Physical,
psychological and social development, transitions, health and well-being, lifestyle choices.”
I chose this global context after brainstorming the various directions in which this project can be
taken. (Appendix A)
A person’s sleep cycle is based on their lifestyle. Sleep affects both physical and psychological
development. It alters affects their social development and their health and well-being. This builds
not just the person’s identity, but also defines their interactions with others. Based on these factors
I was sure that this global context would help me look at the major aspects of a person’s life that
are affected by sleep.

Why was This Project Challenging for Me?

The topic I had chosen is something that different people would have their own perspectives on.
Sleep is a topic that is often misunderstood and isn’t given ample attention. Some believe that sleep
eats up time that could be spent working. For my final product to be able to effectively convey my
message about the benefits of sleep, it should convey almost all the different perspectives and
prove that sleep is beneficial and must not be neglected. To be able to do so, not only must my
research and information be relevant, but the language in which I wrote the book should also appeal

and be comprehensible for the readers. Since I did not have any specific prior knowledge, other
than my personal experiences, about sleep, I had to do substantial secondary research to be able to
write my book. It was important for me to collect the correct information so that I could spread
awareness effectively. This research needed ample time and I had to be careful about how I would
compile this information to appeal to the reader. Additionally, I have never written a book earlier.
It required a different set of skills. It required consistency, out of the box thinking, time-
management and determination. Hence, it was challenging

Prior and Subject Specific Learning

Prior knowledge- I have been reading books about sleep. I have been always fascinated about what
goes in the brain and reading different authors point of view on this. This provided me a strong
base to begin with my project.
My MYP Learning has provided me with a base to develop my thought process. My project
required two main skills, research skills and good writing skills. I have acquired research skills by
executing various projects for all my IB subjects. History, Product Design and Digital Design have
defined my research skills. The other main skill for the project, writing skills, is required to present
my research in an easy yet engaging manner. My language and literature MYP subject have
developed my writing skills. Each criterion of English has provided me with technical writing
skills required for my personal project.

Research and Exploration Skills

To begin writing and creating my product, I first conducted research to get a base to build my
product. My research provided the data and statistics that proved that sleep encouraged
development and is beneficial for the individual. I was able to add personal opinions and
experiences of individuals to the data collected.
I also conducted secondary research. I analyzed various studies and articles about the effects of
sleep deprivation and how lack of sleep affects the wellbeing of a person. One of the most helpful
secondary sources was Ariana Huffington’s book, The Sleep Revolution. (Appendix B). The book
talks about the current sleep crisis caused due to ‘workaholism’ and other sleep related problems
that we face today. I did an OPVL analysis of the research. (Appendix C)
My primary research related to personal opinions and experiences. (Appendix D). I conducted
two surveys through Google forms. The responses were divided into categories for different
The first surveyed different sleep patterns. I asked about the amount of sleep they were getting and
whether they believed it was enough. This was necessary to find the average time a person slept,
and whether they thought this was adequate. The other had questions based on their different
perceptions about sleep. One important question was how much sleep they believed was sufficient
for a person. The majority responded with 6-8 hours.
I also interviewed three persons of different ages and lifestyles on sleep related issues. Their varied
experiences with sleep helped me to formulate and set examples for my readers. (Appendix E)

For developing my writing skills, I spoke to Divya Dubey, a journalist turned publisher. She
advised me on various aspects of writing and publishing (Appendix F). She also spoke of the
challenges first time authors, especially of non-fiction, face. I also took advice from Priyadarshini
Bhattacharya, an assistant professor at Delhi University. She guided me about the writing process,
especially for a non-fiction a topic like mine which relies on a lot of facts and figures. She told me
how writing a non-fiction book is often more challenging than fictional writing, since one must
stick to facts as they are. I met her during the summer holidays in 2018, but she encouraged me to
consult her, so I often took her advice regarding my writing.

Creating the Criteria and Specifications
The criteria had to be developed to plan the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the book. This
included both the content and the final form the book would take. I created it to have a rough
idea of the specifications of my final product (Appendix G). These specifications defined
different aspects of my product such as the language and the book’s aesthetic appeal, research
about sleep, myths related to sleep etc. I identified the areas I had to work on and how each
aspect of the product needed to be created.

Action Plan
The personal project cannot be done overnight. I had to take several steps to complete different
aspects of the product. To be able to manage all my tasks, I created an action plan along with a
timeline (Appendix I). This included tasks for my personal project. To effectively balance it with
regular schoolwork, I had to make constant edits in my timelines. The timeline that I created met
the deadlines set by the school and my supervisor for each individual criterion. I maintained my
process journal methodically to avoid any setbacks. I also made daily to-do lists. Often when I
could not complete all the tasks, I had to rework the job list.
The writing and execution of the book took the most time. Writing was sometimes a hard task,
when the creative process did not come naturally. If I faced days when I couldn’t write, I
motivated myself with positive thoughts. I edited the soft copy twice before I was satisfied with
the final version to send it for printing.
Initially, my plan was to conduct research, compile it and publish it as a book. While I was
looking into the method of publication, I contacted a publisher, Divya Dubey, to learn more
about how I could publish my book and what steps must I take (Appendix J). In her response she
said that a book like mine would not attract publishers and getting it published would be
difficult. I eventually decided that I would get the book printed myself from a printer. While
exploring more publishing methods, I found out about Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) that
allows you to publish on Kindle for free. Thus, besides printed copies, I published my book as an
e-book through KDP (Appendix O), as I realized that Kindle would have a much larger reach
and audience than a physical copy.

Self- Management skills

Self-management meant making sure that I was committed to my work and not distracted by my
phone or other pursuits. I played mind games with myself—promising to treat myself with screen-
time only after fulfilling certain tasks. When I didn’t feel motivated to work, I took breaks where

I either slept or read a book for refreshing my mind. I discovered that I had a capacity for focusing
which I had not thought possible. My outcomes at times did not meet the set goals, but I persevered.
I learnt to be patient and overcome disappointment. My biggest challenge was the timelines. Often,
I would face several other deadlines and had to pay more attention to the project to finish it faster.
The real challenge was to use my time wisely, to meet multiple deadlines.
My planning in my process journal helped me organize my work. (Appendix F)
There were times when I felt disheartened about my work, but my passion for my subject
encouraged me to keep reading and researching. One positive quality that I was able to harness
was my proactiveness. I like to complete my work before schedule and feel upset if I lag in my
work. I made it a point to prioritize my work before social commitments. I practice yoga, and
that helped me maintain a sense of calm and improve my concentration. In fact, I mention the
benefit of yoga in my book too.
A major support in my self-management was the encouragement of my supervisor. She was
always there to support me and she encouraged me while at the same time ensuring that the
various deadlines were met. I incorporated her feedback each time we had a meeting.

Time Management
The entire project spanned several months. It was important for me to be able to balance my work
because also had to meet deadlines for my academic assignments. I tried my best to allocate a fixed
time for my personal project every day, but at times this was difficult. To overcome this, I made
to-do lists where I arranged my tasks in order of priority, importance and submission dates. Based
on that, some of my tasks often carried over to the next day.
For the project, the timeline that I created was based on the timelines that the teacher had set for
us (Appendix J).
Since I had my work defined, I was usually able to stick to my time-lines. But I do feel that my
time-management could have been better. This has been a learning process which will prepare
me to better plan future projects.

Product’s Relation to the Goal
My goal was to essentially research and educate people about the benefits of sleep. To do so I
decided to write a book as I believe it would be an effective way to convey information. My final
product, which is the book titled The Beauty of Sleep, compiles all the relevant information that I
collected from both my primary and secondary research. The book highlights the importance of
sleep in a person’s development. It explains common myths and ideas associated with sleep and
provides the reader with easy solutions to common sleep-related problems. I am very proud of my
work and I believe it is directly related to my goal and my criteria set for myself.

Product’s Relation to the Global Context

Sleep is an important component of personal wellness. Good sleep develops and nourishes the
body and makes one energized and alert. My book warns the reader against the hazards of sleeping
poorly. It also highlights a range of ways in which one can adopt small, yet simple changes in
one’s lifestyle which can lead to a more balanced and holistic way of life.

The global context I am working with is “Identities and Relationships”. In my view, the book
satisfies the global context’s aim to improve the physical, mental and social health of the
individual. Lack of adequate sleep leaves the individual physically and emotionally drained. A
person is unable to interact in a healthy manner with people around her. A better sleep cycle will
contribute to development of interpersonal relationships with one’s social groups- whether it is
one’s peers, family or academic/ professional colleagues. This global context and its related
inquiry questions have provided a scope to my work. GC helped me to choose my primary and
secondary research sources. I was able to filter the information as I kept the GC checklist in my
Product’s Relation to the Criteria
To measure how well I executed my project I had created some criteria based on which I graded
each aspect of my work. I used these criteria to evaluate my final product. I think the overall
execution of the product was done the way that I had originally planned. The expectations I had
from the functions and aesthetic aspects of the product were met correctly. Since I had to self-
publish my book, it did not meet my desired cost plan. However, I also published it as an e-book
on Kindle which helped increase the accessibility of the product. (Appendix K)

ATL Skills Developed While Creating the Product

Thinking Skills
My creativity was put to test in compiling all the information gathered through my research. It was
easy to compile information, yet the hard work lay in making it interesting and presentable to the
reader. One way of doing this was to use simple yet effective language. Another way of attracting
the reader to the book was to give interesting titles to the chapters.
Creative thinking skills also came into play in designing the cover for the book. I used my skills
at Photoshop to design the cover. I attempted to create a simple, yet attractive cover to achieve the
desired look.
Active use of thinking skills was also necessary in the analysis of the survey results. I studied and
drew conclusions from the feedback of the survey-participants. This formed the basic premise of
the book. Applying the theory, I read, to the practical examples from my surveys and interviews
required the application of all my technical and analytical skills.
Communication Skills
I read various articles and studies from different sources to collect information, build an
understanding and draw conclusions. I then organized all this information to make it
understandable for the readers. My reading and ability to assimilate information was developed
through the project.
Social Skills

My surveys and interviews enhanced my social skills. I took responsibility for my work by strictly
following my timelines and preparing citations. My listening skills were enhanced in my
interactions with my interviewees.

Development of Social and Communication Skills

During my research interviews, it was important for me to ask the right questions so that the
answers that I was recording would add value to my book.
In my attempt to get a publisher, I also spoke to many people associated with the publishing and
print industry. This helped with my social skills because I had to interact with many people whom
I had never met. I also wrote several emails to people who I thought would be able to advise me.
(Appendix F)
Another aspect of communication which I gained from was the social interactions with others, as
well as discussing my views on the subject. The confidence of speaking with people I do not know
closely was something I acquired by doing this project.

Evaluation of the Product-
I evaluated my product against my criteria (appendix K and L). I have given myself total score of
39 out of 48 which I consider as very good score. I have My final product was available as both, a
hard copy and on Kindle. I sold five e-books and three hard copies. The overall feedback that I got
for the book was good (Appendix L, M, N, O). I talked to readers of different ages to ask them
whether they felt that the book was effective in conveying the message. The older readers believed
that this was an important topic to spread awareness about and could be elaborated more. The
younger readers, while finding the book interesting, thought that the analysis of the research was
To convey the message to its fullest, my book had to appeal to a large audience, and this could be
done only through communication skills. I believe that I have greatly enhanced my ability to
communicate and comprehend others by the end of this project.

Knowledge about the Topic of Sleep

Before this project, with my personal experience and cursory reading from the internet, I knew
that lack of sleep led to negative effects like irritability, impaired cognitive reactions or changes
in physical appearance. This project has highlighted the harms of sleep deprivation along with the
many benefits of sleep that I did not know of earlier. Through my own research, I have gained
better knowledge about the subject.

My understanding of the Global Context

This was the first time I had investigated the global context, “Identities and Relationships-
Physical, psychological and social development, transitions, health and well-being, lifestyle
choices”, with such detail. I have learnt the how this global context can be interpreted diversely

and believe that it would help me further in other situations in which I can relate to it. My study
has helped me understand the important role of mental and physical well-being in an individual’s
interactions with their peers. Lack of sleep can cause changes in behavioral patterns in people. On
the other hand, enough sleep ensures that individuals lead happy lives and adapt and adjust better.
Thus, not only does sleep play a part in shaping our identity, but also shapes our interactions with
our peers.

Development as an IB Learner
My project made me use diverse skills to complete the tasks correctly and efficiently. For my
preliminary research, I researched various articles and books to collect information and form a
conclusion. This enhanced my skills as an inquirer.
Through the research I have done, I have learnt more about sleep and how it affects a person along
with their surroundings. This enhanced my knowledge about the topic.
I first analyzed the information collected from my research and then methodically displayed and
put forward my message through the book—that sleep is a very important aspect to our lives. This
enhanced my skills as a thinker.
For this product to appeal to a large audience and convey the message of the benefits of sleep, I
had to write in a style that would appeal to people from various age groups. I believe that after this
project my communication skills—written and verbal—have developed and I am able to explain
my thoughts and ideas with better clarity. This enhanced my skills as a communicator.
In the process of writing the book, I reflected upon other people’s opinions about my research
topic. These opinions and ideas were collected from various internet articles and two surveys I
conducted. I also reflected on my knowledge of the topic and how it has developed. The project
was executed alongside my normal school work. This helped me enhance my skill of balancing
my work and time.

Process Journal Extracts:
Appendix A Appendix B:
Brainstorming topics to explore for the product:

Appendix C:
OPVL of Both Primary and Secondary Sources:
Type Origin Purpose Value Limitations
Despite having a large
Displays the
number of respondents
To collect information and different point of
Survey- Created on the from all age groups,
data from individuals about views and
Sleep 10th of June by there may not be a 100%
what they think about sleep perspectives of
perceptions me. representation of all
and what it means to them. many different
ages/ people with sleep
Displays the Despite having a large
To collect information and
different sleeping number of respondents
data from individuals about
Survey- Created on the patterns people from all age groups,
their sleeping patterns to
Sleep 10th of June by have and why they there may not be a 100%
compare and evaluate the
patterns me. have patterns based representation of all
difference in the sleeping
on their different ages/ people with sleep
patterns of different people.
activities. problems.

These interviews
gave me an insight
These were three of the
on the individual The interviews discuss
I interviewed individuals with sleep
experience with the specific problems of
1st and 3rd ones problems who I identified
sleep deprivation of these sleep deprived
face to face and from the previous surveys. I
three people across individuals. While I am
the 2nd interviewed them because
Interviews all ages. It also treating them as
interview was their problems seemed more
gave me an insight representational of their
conducted as an acute and to get an insight
on their level of age groups, this may not
email into their individual
awareness towards be the case in a few
interaction. experience with sleep
their problem and responses.
their methods of
Type Origin Purpose Value Limitations
Author: Arianna
Huffington To inform people about how our
Name: The Sleep lives our changing with our
The book mostly
Revolution: Transforming addiction to screens and technology Has many real life
speaks specifically
Book Your Life, One Night at a and how sleep deprivation is a examples and research to
about American
Time. massive and worldwide learn from
Published: London, phenomenon. Also talks about the
Penguin Random House, science aspect of sleep.
To inform people about how our
Research Briefs lives our changing with our Shows that sleep
It does not talk
"Don’t Hit Snooze On addiction to screens and technology deprivation is such a big
Online about both the
Sleep Tech: How and how sleep deprivation is a problem that new
article advantages and
Companies Are Reshaping massive and worldwide technology is being disadvantages.
The Sleep Economy" phenomenon. Also talks about the created to counter it
science aspect of sleep.

Shows how many people

Health Care India To display the growing problem of Does not specify
Online suffer from disorders and
"The growing cases of sleep disorders in India through why these disorders
article how many seek help and
sleep disorders in India" statistics occur.
who to contact

Sleep and the Body Mass scientific proof an

Index and Overweight This study was conducted to evidence that sleep does
Online The representative
Status of Children and determine whether the sleep pattern have an effect on the
article/ sample of children
Adolescents of a child affected their BMI, and if BMI of a child and that
study were all American.
Emily K. Snell, Emma K. it did, how. sleep is necessary during
Adam, and Greg J. D the childhood years.

Appendix D:
Survey readings

Appendix E:

Appendix F:
Contacting a publisher for advice

Appendix G:
Specifications for product:
Aesthetics My final product is a book. Of course I would like my book to have an
aesthetically pleasing appearance. I will try my best to ensure that good quality
paper and printing are used. I also plan to design the cover myself and have a title
which attracts the reader to pick up the book. I would like the book to have easy
readability. It should give information in an interesting manner and not make the
reader feel bored.

Cost Ideally, there would be no monetary cost on me. This would be achieved if I get
the book published through a publisher who would pay for all the publishing

Audience The book is aimed at everyone, but I hope to especially target teenagers as they
are my peer group.

Resources I intend to use surveys and personal interviews as my primary source, I also am
consulting some books which will help me to chalk out my ideas.

Function The book will bring about awareness about sleep and its benefits to the readers.

Size The book will be of 90-100 pages. The pages of the book would be A5 sized.

Appendix H:
Success Criteria:
Specification 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8

Aesthetics The cover is not The cover is decent and The cover is The cover is aesthetically pleasing
aesthetically the paper and printing somewhat to look at and has very good
pleasing at all. The is also of okay quality. appealing. The quality printing and paper.
paper and printing Typography isn’t too paper and Good and legible typography.
is of bad quality. good. printing are of
The text is not good quality and
legible properly. the text is

Cost The book is not The book is self No monetary Production cost- No monetary cost
published at all. It published. cost on me if I on me. This would be achieved if I
is made available Estimated publishing manage to get an get the book published through a
and is shared as a cost if the book is self agent to get the publisher who would pay for all
PDF file. published- Rs 200 per book published the publishing costs.
copy. and they take the
money from the

Audience Appeals to nobody Appeals to a very small Appeals to the Appeals to everyone.
group of people. majority of the

Resources Used no primary Used one primary Used 2 primary Used a variable and reliable
research and very source and consulting sources and 6-7 primary (at least 3) and secondary
little secondary only 4-5 secondary secondary sources (8-10).
research (1-2 sources. sources.

Function Little or no Awareness is created; The book The book achieves 3 clear goals:
awareness is however the reader elaborated on the 1. Creates strong awareness in the
developed in the does not engage with benefits of sleep reader about the benefits of sleep.
reader upon the book. by not only 2. Alerts the reader to the dangers
reading the book. enumerating the of less sleep.
benefits but also 3. Helps the reader to recognize
clearly outlining shortcomings in their own sleep
the hazards of patterns and benefit from the
less sleep. guidelines set in chapter 7 of the
book about good sleep.

Size The paper size has to be A5.

Has 15 or less Has 20-40 pages. Has 50-80 pages. Has 90-100 pages.
Appendix I:
Overall Timeline of the Project:

Appendix J:
To Do List:

Appendix K:
Evaluation of the Product Based on the Created Specifications:
Aspect Specification Evaluation

Aesthetics My final product is a book, of course I would like my The paper used is of good quality. The ink
book to have an aesthetically pleasing appearance. I hasn’t bled and it isn’t too flimsy. The cover
will try my best to ensure that good quality paper and of the book is appealing and has a connect to
printing are used. I also plan to design the cover myself the topic. The cover shows a dreamcatcher
and have a title which attracts the reader to pick up the and has the name of the book written in an
book. I would like the book to have easy readability. It attractive font.

should give information in an interesting manner and
not make the reader feel bored.

Cost Ideally, there would be no monetary cost on me. This The book will be published in both hard and
would be achieved if I get the book published through a soft copy. The soft copy is through Kindle e-
publisher who would pay for all the publishing costs. book publishing which would be free. For the
hard copy, I would be self-publishing it and
this would cost me around 6-7 thousand
rupees for a limited number of copies.

Audience The book is aimed at everyone, but I hope to especially I received positive feedback from my friends
target teenagers as they are my peer group. and others who read the book. The book’s
Kindle version was appreciated by at least
three people who I do not know personally, so
I think that is an indication that people could
identify with it.

Resources I intend to use surveys and personal interviews as my Two surveys and three interviews were
primary source, I also am consulting some books which conducted for the primary research. Various
will help me to chalk out my ideas. online articles were consulted as well as two
books for the secondary research.

Function The book will bring about awareness about sleep and The book does talk about the benefits of sleep
its benefits to the readers. and the negative effects that sleep deprivation
has on the human body.

Size The book will be of 90-100 pages. The pages of the The book will be printed on A5 sized paper,
book would be A5 sized. however the number of pages is no more than

Grading Based on the Rubric/ Criteria that was Created (Appendix H):
Specification Grade and Description
Aesthetics 7
The cover is aesthetically pleasing to look at and has very good quality printing and paper. Good
and legible typography.
Cost 4
The book is self-published.
Estimated publishing cost if the book is self-published- Rs 200 per copy.
Audience 8
Appeals to everyone
Resources 8
Used a variable and reliable primary (at least 3) and secondary sources (8-10).
Function 7
The book achieves 3 clear goals:
1. Creates strong awareness in the reader about the benefits of sleep.
2. Alerts the reader to the dangers of less sleep.

3. Helps the reader to recognize shortcomings in their own sleep patterns and benefit from the
guidelines set in chapter 7 of the book about good sleep.
Size 5
Has 50-80 pages.
Appendix L:
Feedback from People at the Exhibition:
1. Great work with research! Loved the in-depth explanation
2. A very unique idea. So thrilled to see the work that you put in!
3. Loved the topic and I think everyone would relate to this.
4. The Beauty of Sleep will surely be interesting. it has been nicely explained and I intend
to buy a copy.
5. Really important subject for today's world... with nearly 90% of people running zombie
like on sleep deprivation.
Appendix M:

Appendix N: Peer Feedback

Appendix O:
My Book on Amazon (https://www.amazon.in/dp/B07KDCS9YF/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-

Feedback on Amazon:

Appendix P:
Exhibition board that explained the project to people:

Appendix Q:
Pamphlets I gave out at the exhibition so that even if no copies
of the book were sold, the message would still spread:


a) “Next Generation of LED Lighting Could Help Improve Human Sleep Cycles.” National
Heart Lung and Blood Institute, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 23 Jan.
2017, www.nhlbi.nih.gov/news/2017/next-generation-led-lighting-could-help-improve-
b) “Sleep Deprivation and Deficiency - Why Is Sleep Important?” National Heart Lung and
Blood Institute, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
c) “Why Sleep Is Important.” Monitor on Psychology, American Psychological Association,
d) Cappuccio, Francesco P, and Michelle A Miller. “Is Prolonged Lack of Sleep Associated
with Obesity? Possibly, and It Could Have Other Effects on Long Term Ill Health.” BMJ:
British Medical Journal, vol. 342, no. 7809, 2011, pp. 1217–1218. JSTOR, JSTOR,
e) Dahl, Ronald E. “The Consequences of Insufficient Sleep for Adolescents: Links between
Sleep and Emotional Regulation.” The Phi Delta Kappan, vol. 80, no. 5, 1999, pp. 354–
359. JSTOR, JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/20439447.
f) Emily K. Snell, et al. “Sleep and the Body Mass Index and Overweight Status of Children
and Adolescents.” Child Development, vol. 78, no. 1, 2007, pp. 309–323. JSTOR, JSTOR,
g) Harvard Health Publishing. “Importance of Sleep : Six Reasons Not to Scrimp on Sleep -
Harvard Health.” Harvard Health Blog, Jan. 2006,
h) Huffington, Arianna. The Sleep Revolution: Transforming Your Life, One Night at a
Time. London: Penguin Random House, 2017.
i) O' Sullivan, Chris. “The Importance of Sleep.” Mental Health Foundation, 14 Oct. 2016,
j) SANDERS, LAURA. “Sleep Strengthens Brain Connections.” Science News, vol. 186, no.
1, 2014, pp. 8–9. JSTOR, JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/24366234.
k) Site designed and developed by bka interactive ltd, Auckland, New Zealand
(www.bka.co.nz). “Why Sleep Is Important | Health Navigator NZ.” Health Navigator
New Zealand, 11 Dec. 2017, www.healthnavigator.org.nz/healthy-living/sleep/why-sleep-
l) Venkateswaran, Vikram. “The Growing Cases of Sleep Disorders in India.” Healthcare
India, 3 May 2017, healthcare-in-india.net/public-health-2/the-growing-cases-of-sleep-


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