P600 BOOTCAMP DAY 1 - Marvelous Chairman

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When you challenge yourself you begin to change. Change is a sign of growth.

GROW - God Rewards Our Work

How to set the real expectations - it’s going to be a challenge. You’re going to
hit SL on some trades. Some people you DM will block you. Your family and friends
might join you.
I want you to understand it’s not going to be a walk in the park.


1. MAKE THE DECISION - write it down. The bible says write it down make it
plain. He who sees it runs it. Out is sight means out of mind. He who sees it, we
run to it. It’s a reason we have eyes infront of us. God didn’t give us eyes in the
back of our head to go backwards. When we see it we’re gonna run to it. You must
read it, feel it, taste it, smell it. But for all that it’s gotta be written down.
GOAL - Go Out and Live. Put a date on the goal. Put a time stamp on it. Everything
in life has a deadline. At one point our physical body will leave this world. Your
goals need to have a deadline, you don’t want to have goals that procrastinate. Put
some urgency behind it.

2. Understand WHY? Why do you want to go platinum 600? What is an extra

$600 gonna do for you? What about the lives you’re going to impact and why do you
want it? If your why isn’t 5 levels deep it’s not a strong why. WHY - WILL HELP
YOU. When the journey to p600 becomes challenging, remind yourself of your WHY
because it will help you! Hold yourself accountable through your why. ‘I know when
I go ch100 I can take care of my whole family’

3. EXECUTE - if you’re coming into this business to build with no

knowledge of trading you’re going p600 on a foundation of sand. You want to build
your foundation on solid rock not sand. *IM ACADEMY - underhand that knowledge is
power. Get into your academy and understand the basics of trading - hfx / frx. This
should be done in 48 hours. You need to bills your belief and raise your
confidence. How can you go p600 when you don’t even know what you’re offering.
Before you can build residuals you need to build your knowledge. You have to go
through each video 3 times. The first time you listen, the second time you take
notes the third time you confirm.

Go to IM.Center go to academies

God - My people are destroyed from the lack of knowledge. So you can’t go get
residuals with no knowledge. If you can’t teach your team the basic of trading your
team are going to quit. We got to be able to give them some type of guidance. We
have to.
Not that you’ve got some type of knowledge you’ve just raised your belief and
knowledge. Now when you talk to someone you’re talking to them bcoz you want to
impact them. Not to make money off them. You need to learn and be knowledgable
about what you’re offering.

Now we’ve raised the belief, and the confidence. You need to hop on 1 Go Live
session. Get that experience of knowing what it’s like to trade with a live trader.
Understand the experience of trading with the millionaire. If you’re trading frx -
Abel Melendez, if you’re trading hfx - Milly Millz
We got to have experience in it. Gain some experience on a strategy. Look at it,
learn about it because when yogi bring those people in you want to teach them a
strategy they can depend on. You can’t sell someone something you have no knowledge

80% of builders that try to build know nothing about trading. I don’t want you to
be a recruiter. I want you to be a builder. They know what they’re offering and
that they’re impacting based off of the skill set. A builder will build an empire a
recruiter will build a trailer.

You’re becoming a new person. You know more about forex and hfx. You know the best
trade times.

Facebook / IG - go ahead and fix those pages. Delete the old pictures and posts. Be
professional. Now you’ve sorted your page out drop the - ‘what is forex’ video.

5. MASTER PS3 - Pique interest - what do you say to people to pique their
interest? ‘You got a min to talk, out of all the money you’ve made in the last 12
months how much money has that money made you? ‘Are you open minded to make more
money creating multiple sources of income for yourself or are satisfied with how
much money you’re currently making?’

4 Step Invite - this is for the warm market!

1. break the ice - call up the person. hey how you doing, how’s family, how’s

2. Be in a hurry - hey look I got to jump on a team cool but I’m just reaching out
to you to tell you about an opportunity I got introduced to but what are you doing
tonight at 8pm? - you don’t want to give the person the opportunity to ask you any
questions about the business.

3. Add value and give a compliment - look I just partnered up with a group of
successful investors and I’m reaching out to you because you’re someone who’s
always been a hustler and business savvy, you’re hard working you’re a go getter
it’ll be perfect for you. You’ll be free at 8 right?

4. Exclusivity and schedule them - look bro I only have one spot left to be on the
call tonight can I count on you to be there tonight or I’ll give your spot to
someone else.

‘Hey I love your page you have amazing content what is it that you do?’ They’ll
tell you what they do and then they’ll ask you what you do. Or say - ‘you work at
——you most love it there. You must be making a lot of money there’ they’ll say - I
simply help people quit their jobs , how to accomplish their goals, how to have the
time and freedom to go out there and accomplish what they really want.

2. Show the plan - 2 ways to show the plan- as a matter of fact you said
you want more information. Do you have 30 mins right now? I’m actually launching
some of my new members right now in the meantime I want you to watch this 30 min
video, Watch the video gather the info and write down any questions you have for
me. I’ll call you in about 40 mins. Is that okay? The video will do the talking for
If there’s a prospect call coming up you can put them on there - your goal is to
put people that are more qualified to break the info infront of your prospects.

VIDEO BRITTANY AND MALCOLM - https://youtu.be/jwV6t1dBrPI

HFX Video - https://youtu.be/DgUlvQ60cgs

After they’ve watched the video / opp call - ‘hey sana what did you like best?’ I
liked the go live service. - agree with them - ‘yeah that was the reason Why I
joined too . I love it’ - now this is where you get a 3 way call in -

Step 2 - EDIFICATION - hey let me introduce you to one of my mentors

Edification - edify the presenter

I want to introduce you to my mentor Neno. he puts people before profits. He’s one
of the hardest working people that I know. He’s helping over 800+ people around the
world, and is a top trader too.

Send nenos Instagram profile to them. Then plug them onto nenos opportunity call -
details are in his telegram keys to success chat

Speak highly of someone. You don’t even need to know them.

The invite and edification leads to PS3 - peak interest, show the plan, 3 way call!
You don’t need to know anything else. The business is very simple.

How do you peak interest? Find creative ways to get people interested in what you
do. Then you invite them to show them the plan.

3 way call -

Hey Chris thank you so much for plugging into the call earlier today. My mentors
really busy but I managed to get 5 mins of his time, I’ve actually got him on the
other line. I want to connect you guys because I really think you’d kill it in this
business and I told my mentor about you. He’s excited to talk to you.

Edify the mentor - Hey Chris this is my mentor neno he was the one on the
presentation, I managed to get five mins of his time he’s the top leader in New
York, he’s impacted over 500 families around the world. He puts people before
profits and he always makes sure his team are good.

Edify then prospect - hey Neno this is Chris, Chris is my college friend he’s
always had a vision of a being successful. He’s driven and is so hard working. And
he is someone who I take serious.

Then mute yourself. Let the mentor do the work.



READ / LISTEN TO - GO PRO BY ERIC WORRE - https://soundcloud.com/teamketchup-1/7-


RECORDING WILL BE DROPPED ON YOUTUBE - https://instagram.com/marvelouschairman?


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